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Complex spatial prepositions from Latin to Castilian



From among the various processes that form prepositions in the history from Latin to Castilian, the investigation concentrates on the formation of prepositional adverbs like Spanish delante (de) ‘in front (of)’. There are two mechanisms for their formation: (a) An adverb or a preposition is preceded by a superordinate simple local preposition which initially specifies a local relation, but ends up as a reinforcing expansion of its base; and (b) an adverb is converted into a preposition by a following functional preposition which serves as a relationalizer. In case #a, the syntactic structure is often destroyed by univerbation, and the resulting reinforced preposition is lexicalized. In case #b, the alternation between adverb and relationalized preposition is regular and bidirectional, so that the combination of adverb and relationalizer is normally not univerbated. The exception desde is given some attention. As a result, the formation of prepositions of this structure is, at the outset, not a matter of word formation, and such complex prepositions are therefore not compound prepositions, but instead lexicalized univerbations.
Christiani Lehmanni inedita, publicanda, publicata
Complex spatial prepositions from Latin to Castilian
huius textus situs retis mundialis
dies manuscripti postremum modificati
occasio orationis habitae
Workshop on Emergence and Evolution of Complex
Adpositions in European Languages at the 49
Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, 31/08 –
03/09/2016, Naples
volumen publicationem continens
Revue Romane 54/1
annus publicationis
Complex spatial prepositions from Latin to Castilian
Christian Lehmann
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1 Basic concepts
1.1 Case relators
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1.3 Prepositional adverbs
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2 Prehistory of Romance prepositions
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3 Preposition and case government
( (( (- $  $
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5 Formation of prepositional adverbs
5.1 Optional complements
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29 (((
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$(   29 $ #$(   ( #$  (
:2+9F *$$#
5.2 Relationalization
*$  $      (           W  #$    (
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$((. #$$((.
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  $((. #$ # $  
$()=(-(&$<<A92 *$
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6 Superordinate prepositions
6.1 Prepositional adverb from simple preposition plus prepositional
6.1.1 Semantosyntactic motivation
0 (& ( #()  @ 
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*$ $ ( (W#$ 
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 29
*$    )  $      W    $    #((    (( superordinate
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... The opposition between canonical and non-canonical SAs, as introduced in the Introduction to this volume, partially matches the distinction between so-called "primary" and "secondary" prepositions (see, among others, Lehmann 2002a, 2019, Zwarts 1997, Fleischer 2002, Hopper and Traugott 2003, Šarić 1999, Bučar 2009, Hill 2012, Dragićević 2012. The two oppositions match only partially because all complex prepositions should also be considered as secondary ones, and it is not certain that all canonical simple adpositions fit into the category of primary adpositions (see Schema 1, § 5). ...
... And given that orthographic norms are conservative, one can be relatively sure that an adjustment of the norm is a reaction to a change that occurred earlier in the history of the language. Variation of this kind can be observed extensively in the writing of complex prepositions as it appears, e.g., in documents of Late and Vulgar Latin (Lehmann 2019). Thus, the undated Latin inscription from ancient times in E36 below has ab ante 'from the front', while the Itala (~300) has abante, the word which is now Italian avanti 'forward' and French avant 'before'. ...
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Univerbation is the syntagmatic condensation of a sequence of words recurrent in discourse into one word, as when the Spanish combination a tras (to back) becomes atrás ‘behind’. It affects both lexemes and grammatical formatives. Unlike processes of word formation, including conversion of a syntactic construction into a word, as in forget-me-not, and compounding, as in Spanish lavaplatos ‘dishwasher’, univerbation is a spontaneous process. There are two main types of univerbation: Phrasal univerbation downgrades a phrase to a word, as when Latin terrae motus ‘earth’s movement’ becomes Spanish terremoto ‘earthquake’. Transgressive univerbation coalesces a string of words which do not form a syntagma into a word, as when French par ce que becomes parce que. A set of univerbations may share structural features and may therefore evolve into a pattern of compounding. Thus, blackbird originated by univerbation, but may now provide a pattern of compounding. As a consequence, univerbation and compounding are not always easily distinguishable. The discussion uses empirical evidence adduced in earlier work, mostly from Romance and Germanic languages. Its aim is not to present novel phenomena but to provide a theoretical background for the phenomenology and improve on available analyses. Keywords: univerbation, chunking, compounding, lexicalization, collocation, word
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El español hablado en América suele usar los adverbiales que combinan las dos preposiciones de y a según el tipo equivocarse de a feo. El análisis diacrónico de los corpus CDH y CORDIAM no permite identificar el origen de este tipo de adverbiales, ya que se trata de un fenómeno que surgió durante el siglo xix como reflejo del habla oral ya establecida. La técnica de la reconstrucción diacrónica a partir de la variación observable en las lenguas románicas conduce a un hecho de diacronía “lateral”: la coincidenciadel uso americano con el de la lengua rumana. Ello admite afirmar que hubo una diacronía oral que se remonta al latín hablado.
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Cabécar (Chibchan, Costa Rica) es rígidamente una lengua de ramificación a la izquierda en los niveles sintácticos inferiores, incluyendo postposiciones en lugar de preposiciones. Todas las funciones de una FN, excepto el absolutivo, están marcadas por una postposición. Mientras que las postposiciones gramaticales no son analizables, las más concretas, que se unen a participantes periféricos, adverbiales locales, temporales y de modo, pueden ser primitivas o complejas. Casi todas estas últimas se basan en sustantivos relacionales. Las postposiciones concretas pueden dividirse provechosamente en orientadas al evento y orientadas al participante; estas últimas marcan su complemento como predicado secundario sobre un actante del verbo. Las postposiciones primitivas se evalúan en cuanto a su grado de gramaticalización según un conjunto de criterios. Como resultado, se acercan a los sufijos de caso, pero no alcanzan este objetivo.
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The word is a significative unit of a language system. As such, it fulfills functions of cognition and communication, but is also subject to structural constraints. Criteria for the classification of words are based on both of these spheres. In the hierarchy of grammatical complexity, the word occupies a position between the phrase and the morpheme. It may consist of significative elements, but its composition is more subject to potentially arbitrary rules of grammar than the composition of higher-level units. The principal operations of cognition and communication constituting complex significative units are the propositional operations of reference, predication and modification. A higher-level operation is eased to the extent that the lower-level units which provide the operands are categorized. In this perspective, word classes are prior categorizations preparing or incorporating propositional operations. Propositional operations are executed at all complexity levels. A given operation may be executed at one level in some languages, but at another level in other languages. Given the position of the word in the grammatical complexity hierarchy, relevant alternatives include the classification of roots, stems and phrases. Given the theoretical position of propositional operations, they provide a basis on which to conceive word classes as interlingual categories, i.e. categories that may show up in individual languages. This is, at the same time, the basis on which word-class systems of different languages may be compared. While major word classes have a relatively straightforward foundation in the universal propositional operations and therefore tend to be similar across languages, minor word classes are specified inside a language system with respect to major ones and are increasingly subject to language-specific structural constraints. Accordingly, languages differ more in their conformation.
Conference Paper
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Postpositions of Cabecar (Chibchan, Costa Rica) are classified by functional and structural criteria, and their degree of grammaticalization is determined by a set of structural criteria.
Some complex prepositions (CPs) have long stories of grammaticalization behind them. In Portuguese, such is the case of the CPs that have started from simple elements such as ante or trás . In the present paper, I will observe the changes that have given rise to present-day Pt diante de , perante , atrás de , detrás de , among other complex formations. It will be seen that spatial signaling (place or direction) plays an important role on the development of these prepositions, but that a tendency to neutralization of semantic differences may lead more recent forms to convey meanings already expressed by older forms, which in turn may spur the emergence of even more complex formations ( de diante de , por detrás de , …). Increased complexity, however, seems to bring redundancy with it, a fact that calls for a satisfactory explanation. The complexification process is accompanied by context extension, from spatial to the temporal, and from these to more abstract realms (cause, condition, circumstance, …). As is to be expected from prepositions that are frequently used, they compete with other units, with which they may at first be in a complementary relation, but whose affinities in distribution and meaning may cause their replacement in the long run ( diante de versus em face de , face a ). Finally, another important phenomenon concerning these formations is their capacity to expand beyond their category, giving rise to morphologically related nouns and verbs.
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In constructions of the type extremum agmen, in summo colle, the adjective (summus) designates a spatial region of the reference object (collis). The use of an adjective in this function is strongly characteristic of Latin. Other languages employ relational nouns such as top, adpositions such as on, adverbs such as above and even verbs such as enter. Every language possesses more than one word class for this function. Typological differences result from the choice of a basic category and the construction of a system on its basis. The peculiarity of Latin consists in its recourse to a modifying strategy where most languages use governing strategies. This is why the mere designation of the spatial region itself (top), which in most languages is at the base of the system, in Latin only results from the application of a series of derivational processes (pars summa).
This book presents research on grammaticalization, the process by which lexical items acquire grammatical function, grammatical items get additional functions, and grammars are created. Scholars from around the world introduce and discuss the core theoretical and methodological bases of grammaticalization, report on work in the field, and point to promising directions for new research. They represent every relevant theoretical perspective and approach. Research on grammaticalization and its role in linguistic change encompasses work on languages from every major linguistic family. Its results offer insights for all theoretical frameworks, including generative, construction, and cognitive grammar, and relates to work in fields such as phonology, sociolinguistics, and language acquisition. The book provides a full, critical assessment of every aspect of this research. It is divided into five parts, of which the first two are devoted to theory and method, the third and fourth to work in linguistic domains, classes, and categories, and the fifth to case studies of grammaticalization in a range of languages.
In addition to monomorphemic, and often monosyllabic, prepositions like French à, de, en, Gallo-Romance languages have a variety of items which have developed from original multi-word sequences. This chapter begins by examining the etymological sources and diachronic processes involved, dividing the items so formed into two distinct classes of complex prepositions (e.g. Occitan a dich de ‘by virtue of’) and compound prepositions (e.g. French avant ‘before’). It goes on to compare the different types of analysis that have been proposed for these items, concentrating in particular on the approach of nanosyntax and arguing against the syntactico-centric take on linguistic analysis that such an approach implies.