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Proc. of the 3rd Joint SIGHUM Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, Humanities and Literature, pp. 71–75
Minneapolis, MN, USA, June 7, 2019. c
2019 Association for Computational Linguistics
Revisiting NMT for Normalization of Early English Letters
Mika H¨
ainen, Tanja S¨
aily, Jack Rueter, J¨
org Tiedemann and Eetu M¨
Department of Digital Humanities
University of Helsinki
This paper studies the use of NMT (neural ma-
chine translation) as a normalization method
for an early English letter corpus. The corpus
has previously been normalized so that only
less frequent deviant forms are left out with-
out normalization. This paper discusses dif-
ferent methods for improving the normaliza-
tion of these deviant forms by using differ-
ent approaches. Adding features to the train-
ing data is found to be unhelpful, but using a
lexicographical resource to filter the top can-
didates produced by the NMT model together
with lemmatization improves results.
1 Introduction
Natural language processing of historical data is
not a trivial task. A great deal of NLP tools and
resources work out of the box with modern data,
whereas they can be of little use with historical
data. Lack of a written standard in the early days,
and the fact that the language has changed over
the centuries require addressing in order to achieve
higher-level NLP tasks.
The end goal of our project is to iden-
tify neologisms and study their spread in the
CEEC (Corpora of Early English Correspondence)
(Nevalainen et al.,1998–2006), a letter corpus
consisting of texts starting from the 15th century
ranging all the way to the 19th century. In order to
achieve a higher recall in neologisms, the corpus
needs to be normalized to present-day spelling.
A regular-expression based study of neologisms
aily et al.,In press) in the same corpus suggested
the use of the Oxford English Dictionary (OED,
n.d.) as a viable way of detecting neologism can-
didates. Words occurring in the corpus before the
earliest attestation in the OED would thus be con-
sidered potential neologism candidates. However,
in order to achieve this, the words in the corpus
need to be mappable to the OED, in other words,
normalized to their modern spelling. As we are
dealing with historical data, the fact that a neolo-
gism exists in the OED is a way of ensuring that
the new word has become established in the lan-
A previous study in automatic normaliza-
tion of the CEEC comparing different methods
ainen et al.,2018) suggested NMT (neural
machine translation) as the single most effective
method. This discovery is the motivation for us
to continue this work and focus only on the NMT
approach, expanding on what was proposed in the
earlier work by using different training and post-
processing methods.
In this paper, we will present different NMT
models and evaluate their effectiveness in normal-
izing the CEEC. As a result of the previous study,
all the easily normalizable historical forms have
been filtered out and we will focus solely on the
historical spellings that are difficult to normalize
with existing methods.
2 Related Work
Using character level machine translation for nor-
malization of historical text is not a new idea. Re-
search in this vein has existed already before the
dawn of neural machine translation (NMT), during
the era of statistical machine translation (SMT).
Pettersson et al. (2013) present an SMT ap-
proach for normalizing historical text as part of
a pipeline where NLP tools for the modern vari-
ant of the language are then used to do tagging
and parsing. The normalization is conducted on a
character level. They do alignment of the parallel
data on both word and character level.
SMT has also been used in normalization of
contemporary dialectal language to the standard-
ized normative form (Samardzic et al.,2015).
They test normalization with word-by-word trans-
lation and character level SMT. The character level
SMT improves the normalization of unseen and
ambiguous words.
Korchagina (2017) proposes an NMT based
normalization for medieval German. It is sup-
posedly one of the first attempts to use NMT for
historical normalization. The study reports NMT
outperforming the existing rule-based and SMT
A recent study by Tang et al. (2018) compared
different NMT models for historical text normal-
ization in five different languages. They report that
NMT outperforms SMT in four of the five lan-
guages. In terms of performance, vanilla RNNs
are comparable to LSTMs and GRUs, and also
the difference between attention and no attention
is small.
3 The Corpus
We use the CEEC as our corpus. It consists of
written letters from the 15th all the way to the 19th
century. The letters have been digitized by hand by
editors who have wanted to maintain the linguis-
tic form as close to the original as possible. This
means that while our data is free of OCR errors,
words are spelled in their historical forms.
The corpus has been annotated with social
metadata. This means that for each author in the
corpus we can get various kinds of social infor-
mation such as the rank and gender of the author,
time of birth and death and so on. The corpus also
records additional information on a per letter ba-
sis, such as the year the letter was written, the rela-
tionship between the sender and the recipient, and
so on.
4 The NMT Approach
We use OpenNMT1(Klein et al.,2017) to train the
NMT models discussed in this paper. The models
are trained on a character level. This means that
the model is supplied with parallel lists of histori-
cal spellings and their modern counterparts, where
the words have been split into individual charac-
ters separated by white spaces.
The training is done for pairs of words, i.e. the
normalization is to be conducted without a con-
text. The NMT model would then treat individual
characters as though they were words in a sentence
and ”translate” them into the corresponding mod-
ernized spelling.
1Version 0.2.1 of opennmt-py
4.1 The Parallel Data
We use different sources of historical-modern En-
glish parallel data. These include the normalized
words from the CEEC, the historical forms pro-
vided in the OED and the historical lemmas in
the Middle English Dictionary (MED,n.d.) that
have been linked to the OED lemmas with modern
spelling. This parallel data of 183505 words is the
same as compiled and used in H¨
ainen et al.
For testing the accuracy of the models we pre-
pare by hand gold standards by taking sets of 100
words of the previously non-normalized words
in the CEEC. The accuracy is tested as an ex-
act match to the gold standard. We prepare one
generic test set and four century specific test sets
of the 15th, 16th, 17th and 18th century words.
Each of these five gold-annotated test sets con-
sists of 100 words normalized by a linguist knowl-
edgeable in historical English. The reason why we
choose to prepare our own gold standard is that we
are interested in the applicability of our approach
in the study of the CEEC corpus as a step in our
neologism identification pipeline.
4.2 Different NMT models
The previous work (H¨
ainen et al.,2018) on
the normalization of the CEEC corpus used the
default settings of OpenNMT. This means that
the encoder is a simple recurrent neural network
(RNN), there are two layers both in the encoder
and the decoder and the attention model is the
general global attention presented by Luong et al.
In this section we train the model with different
parameters to see their effect on the accuracy of
the model. The accuracy is evaluated and reported
over a concatenated test set of all the five different
gold standards.
At first, we change one parameter at a time and
compare the results to the default settings. We try
two different encoder types, bi-directional recur-
rent neural networks (BRNNs) and mean, which
is an encoder applying mean pooling. BRNN uses
two independent encoders to encode the sequence
reversed and without reversal. The default RNN,
in contrast, only encodes the sequence normally
without reversing it.
In addition to the default attention model, we
also try out the MLP (multi-layer perceptron)
model proposed by Bahdanau et al. (2014). We
change the number of layers used by the encoder
and decoder and run the training with four and six
layers for both encoding and decoding.
default mlp mean brnn 4
acc. 35.6% 36.6% 13% 39.8% 37.2% 36.6%
Table 1: Accuracy of each method
Table 1shows the accuracy of the model trained
with the different parameters. BRNNs seem to
produce the best results, while the MLP attention
model and additional layers can be beneficial over
the default attention and number of layers. Next,
we will try out different combinations with the
BRNN encoder to see whether we can increase the
overall accuracy.
brnn brnn
+4 layers
+4 layers
acc. 39.8% 36% 35.8% 38.2%
Table 2: Accuracy of BRNN models
We can see in Table 2that the BRNN with the
default attention and the default number of lay-
ers works better than the other combinations. This
means that for our future models, we will pick the
BRNN encoder with default settings.
4.3 Additional Information
The previous study (H¨
ainen et al.,2018)
showed that using information about the centuries
of the historical forms in training the NMT and
SMT models was not beneficial. However, there
might still be other additional information that
could potentially boost the performance of the
NMT model. In this part, we show the results of
models trained with different additional data.
In addition to the century, the CEEC comes with
social metadata on both the letters and the authors.
We use the sender ID, sender rank, relationship
code and recipient rank as additional information
for the model. The sender ID is used to uniquely
identify different senders in the CEEC, the ranks
indicate the person’s social status at the time of the
letter (such as nobility or upper gentry) and the re-
lationship code indicates whether the sender and
recipient were friends, had a formal relationship
and so on.
The social information is included in the paral-
lel data in such a way that for each historical form,
15th 16th 17th 18th generic
eSpeak IPA
with graphemes 22% 25% 31% 14% 20%
eSpeak IPA 43% 35% 52% 20% 36%
Metaphone 22% 23% 25% 12% 23%
Bigram 16% 9% 11% 3% 9%
No feature 45% 35% 48% 25% 42%
Table 3: Results with additional information
the social metadata is added if the form has ap-
peared in the CEEC. If the form has not appeared
in the CEEC, generic placeholders are added in-
stead of real values. The metadata is appended as
a list separated by white spaces to the beginning of
each historical form.
When reading the historical letters, what is
helpful for a human reader in understanding the
historical forms is reading them out loud. Because
of this discovery, we add pronunciation informa-
tion to the parallel data. We add an estimation of
pronunciation to the beginning of each historical
form as an individual token. This estimation is
done by the Metaphone algorithm (Philips,1990).
Metaphone produces an approximation of the pro-
nunciation of a word, not an exact phonetic rep-
resentation, which could be useful for the NMT
In addition to the Metaphone approximation,
we use eSpeak NG2to produce an IPA transcrip-
tion of the historical forms. For the transcription,
we use British English as the language variant, as
the letters in our corpus are mainly from different
parts of England. We use the transcription to train
two different models, one where the transcription
is appended character by character to the begin-
ning of the historical form, and another where we
substitute the transcription for the historical form.
The final alteration in the training data we try
in this section is that instead of providing more
information, we try to train the model with char-
acter bigrams rather than the unigrams used in all
the other models.
The results for the different approaches dis-
cussed in this section are shown in Table 3. As we
can see, only the eSpeak produced IPA, when it no
longer includes the original written form, comes
close to using the character unigrams from the par-
allel data. Training with just the IPA transcrip-
tion outperforms the character approach only in
the 17th century.
4.4 Picking Normalization Candidate
Looking at the results of the NMT model, we can
see that more often than not, when the normal-
ization is not correct, the resulting word form is
not a word of the English language. Therefore,
it makes sense to explore whether the model can
reach a correct normalization if instead of consid-
ering the best normalization candidate produced
by the NMT model, we look at multiple top candi-
During the translation step, we make the NMT
model output 10 best candidates. We go through
these candidates starting from the best one and
compare them against the OED. If the produced
modern form exists in the OED or exists in the
OED after lemmatization with Spacy (Honnibal
and Montani,2017)3, we pick the form as the final
normalization. In other words, we use a dictionary
to pick the best normalization candidate that exists
in the English language.
15th 16th 17th 18th generic
+Lemma 49% 42% 51% 19% 43%
Lemma 45% 35% 48% 25% 42%
Table 4: Results with picking the best candidate with
Table 4shows the results when we pick the first
candidate that is found in the OED and when we
only use the top candidate for the BRNN model.
We can see improvement on all the test sets except
for the 18th century.
15th 16th 17th 18th generic
+Lemma 69% 78% 71% 50% 61%
Lemma 61% 67% 63% 45% 53%
Table 5: Results with OED and lemmatization
If we lemmatize both the input of the NMT
model and the correct modernized form in the gold
standard with Spacy before the evaluation, we can
assess the overall accuracy of OED mapping with
the normalization strategies. The results shown in
Table 5indicate a performance boost in the map-
ping task, however this type of normalization does
not match the actual inflectional forms. Neverthe-
less, in our case, lemmatization is possible as we
3With model en core web md
are ultimately interested in mapping words to the
OED rather than their exact form in a sentence.
5 Conclusions
Improving the NMT model for normalization is
a difficult task. A different sequence-to-sequence
model can improve the results to a degree, but the
gains are not big. Adding more features, no mat-
ter how useful they might sound intuitively, does
not add any performance boost. At least that is the
case for the corpus used in this study, as the great
deal of social variety and the time-span of multiple
centuries represented in the CEEC are reflected in
the non-standard spelling.
Using a lexicographical resource and a good
lemmatizer, as simplistic as they are, are a good
way to improve the normalization results. How-
ever, as getting even more performance gains for
the NMT model seems tricky, probably the best di-
rection for the future is to improve on the method
for picking the contextually most suitable nor-
malization out of the results of multiple differ-
ent normalization methods as originally explored
in H¨
ainen et al. (2018). Thus, the small im-
provement of this paper can be brought back to the
original setting as one of the normalization meth-
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