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Abstract and Figures

In this paper, we address the enigma of the memory engram, the physical trace of memory in terms of its composition, processes, and location. A neurochemical approach assumes that neural processes hinge on the same terms used to describe the biochemical functioning of other biological tissues and organs. We define a biochemical process, a tripartite mechanism involving the interactions of neurons with their neural extracellular matrix, trace metals, and neurotransmitters as the basis of a biochemical memory engram. The latter inextricably link physiological responses, including sensations with affective states, such as emotions.
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Published online: June 30, 2019
J o u r n a l o f I n t e g r a t i v e N e u r o s c i e n c e
J. Integr. Neurosci. 2019 vol. 18(2), 181–185
©2019 Marx and Gilon Published by IMR Press. All rights reserved.
Short communication
The tripartite mechanism as the basis for a biochemical
memory engram
Gerard Marx1and Chaim Gilon2,∗
1MX Biotech Ltd., Jerusalem 95744, Israel
2Institute of Chemistry, Hebrew University, Jerusalem 91904, Israel
*Correspondence: (Chaim Gilon)
DOI: 10.31083/j.jin.2019.02.6101
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license(
In this paper, we address the enigma of the memory en-
gram, the physical trace of memory in terms of its composi-
tion, processes, and location. A neurochemical approach
assumes that neural processes hinge on the same terms
used to describe the biochemical functioning of other bio-
logical tissues and organs. We define a biochemical pro-
cess, a tripartite mechanism involving the interactions of
neurons with their neural extracellular matrix, trace met-
als, and neurotransmitters as the basis of a biochemical
memory engram. The latter inextricably link physiological
responses, including sensations with affective states, such
as emotions.
Cognitive information; affective biochemistry; trace metals; neuro-
transmitters; extracellular matrix; memory engram; emotive memory
1. Introduction
The notion that the basis for memory was due to physical
changes in the brain, was first proposed by Semon (1900), who
also coined the term “engram” to refer to the physical trace of
memory. However, subsequent generations of neuroscientists
have not succeeded in localizing the trace in the brain: the “en-
gram” seems to be distributed throughout the brain (see Lashley,
Contemporary views on the mechanisms of memory and what
the engram means have proposed that dendritic spines represent
the basic unit for memory storage, or suggested that memory re-
trieval involved gene expression leading to protein synthesis and
structural modifications of the synapse, or the idea that increased
electrodynamic signaling at the synapses was key to the emergence
of memory and learning, while retaining the engram at the level
of cell morphology (cell ensembles, spines, synapses) (Poo et al.,
Similarly, others hypothesized that clusters of stationary, lo-
cal and permanent electrical pulses are the signatures of endur-
ing memories which are imprinted through nonsynaptic plasticity
(Cacha et al.,2017). None considered molecular scaled processes
or chemo-dynamic signaling.
2. Tripartite mechanism of memory
Neuroscientists from the time of Cajal and Hebb enunciated
a theory of “synaptic plasticity” where the basis of learning and
memory was ascribed to the increased number and functionality
of neural synaptic connections (Kandel et al.,2012;Mishkin and
Appenzeller,1987;Squire and Kandel,2008). In modern clinical
medicine and neural biology, it is generally accepted that neural
mental processes are based on chemical processes (Brady et al.,
2011). But what are the details?
In a series of papers, Marx and Gilon (2012,2013) suggested a
biochemical tripartite mechanism whereby neurons could encode
the cognitive information incoming from the senses, into a chem-
ical code that serves as a basis for the molecular basis of memory.
They outlined the concept and graphic representation of the tri-
partite mechanism describing chemical reactions involved in var-
ious processes that underlie the tripartite mechanism. It specifies
that the neurons interact with the surrounding neural extracellular
matrix (nECM) with dopants (trace metals and neurotransmitters
(NTs) to generate a biochemical neural code as “cognitive units of
information” (cuinfo) within the nECM.
Hebb (1949) enunciated a theory of “synaptic plasticity” as the
basis of learning and memory, ascribed to the increased number
and functionality of neural synaptic contacts, a “reverberating cir-
cuit” which is still popular among neuroscientists (Kandel et al.,
2012,2014). Subsequently, Hebb’s was accused of seven “sins”;
failing to address many issues critical to modeling neural mem-
ory (Arshavsky,2006). To redeem these “sins”, we offered the
tripartite mechanism whereby cuinfo (the neural “memory mate-
rial”) are encoded as metal-centered complexes within the nECM,
around the neurons. .
Marx and Gilon (2014) described combinatorially diverse en-
coding options (multinary) with > 10 trace metals and > 90 neu-
rotransmitters (NTs) for “flavoring” cuinfo with emotive tags used
for retrieval. We pointed out that the NTs are a class of molecules
synthesized and secreted by neurons that elicit emotive reactions,
concomitant with physiologic responses (i.e., entangled). Thus,
NTs can be considered as the molecular embodiments of “sensa-
tions” recalled as “emotions”.
Marx and Gilon (2016) described a physiologically credible
code for emotions psychic states (emotions) as well as physiologic
responses (e.g., sensation). Both are encoded with biomodulators
(neurotransmitters) which can bind to metal-centered cuinfo, lit-
Figure 1. Chemo-graphic representations of the reaction of an nECM
binding site for a metal cation, an "address". The binding of a NTs to
the metal-centered cuinfo confers an emotive context (Adapted from
Marx and Gilon,2016).
erally embodying “emotional memory”. The evolution of a brain
operating in emotive and logical modes of memory, suggests a
“phase” diagram. It starts with the (emotive) signaling of feel-
ings with biomodulator molecules. Logic emerges as a new talent,
coincident with the evolution of skull size, brain capacity, neu-
ral signaling modalities and molecular complexity (Tosches et al.,
2018). Thus, the tripartite mechanism permits a chemical perspec-
tive on the evolution of “logical” and “emotive” modes of neural
memory. As well, the proposed tripartite mechanism describes a
chemical code for affective states that is not linguistic but presents
the molecular correlates of the epigenetic “engram” (Cacha et al.,
2017) that render the neural synapse operative for the function of
We expect that the molecular-scale encoding/decoding process
must be faster than the rate of neural firing (<100 ms) (see Ta-
ble 1). Also, the rates of macromolecule elongation or translation
are too slow to account for the speed of memory acquisition or
recall. Clearly, the rates of protein synthesis and DNA/RNA elon-
gation are too slow to serve as effectors of neural memory, which
must be faster than 0.1 sec, at least for short term memory. Thus,
structural modifications of the synapse do not account for short-
term memory formation. By contrast, metal complexation reac-
tions and the binding of NTs are fast reactions and do not require
high energy (Brady et al.,2011).
The neuron is suspended in a web of nECM. It instigates the
formation of metal-centered complexes within the nECM, which
are equivalent to cuinfo (This is because cuinfo has already been
defined), represented as chemo-graphic icons (see Fig. 1). This is
a very rapid process that requires little energy (see Table 1). For
the purposes of our brief report, we merge all cellular entities (as-
trocytes, glia as well as neurons) under the umbrella term of “neu-
ron”. Admittedly, astrocytes and glia cells are important for proper
neural functioning. But their synaptic contacts must be considered
in light of the fact that most neural dendrites do not make synaptic
contact with other neurons, but establish non-synaptic signaling
(ephaptic) contacts through the nECM (Arellano et al.,2007;Vizi
et al.,2010;Vizi,2013).
Table 1. Kinetics of various neural processes.
Process Time scale
Protein chain synthesis 101sec per amino acid
RNA elongation 102sec per base
DNA elongation 103sec per base
Neural firing rate 102sec
Neuro-electric impulse 1-100 m/sec
Neural GPCR receptor diffusion 101to 103
Ca+2diffusion in nECM 2.3 ×106cm2/s
Molecular binding events 107sec
Protein turnover (replacement) 3 months
Mosaic diffusion over neural surface 101to 103
Ionic memory chip byte encoding 107sec
3. The neural extracellular matrix
Unlike depictions in most textbooks, neurons are not “naked”.
They are surrounded by a web of hydrated glycosaminoglycans
(GAGs) termed neural extracellular matrix (nECM) comprised
of a mix of polysaccharides (chondroitin, hyaluronates heparans,
GAGs) admixed with accessory proteins (i.e. tenascins, colla-
gen) (Bogoch, 1968; Cserr, 1986; Iwata and Carlson, 1993;
Kamali and Nicholson, 2013; Schmitt et al., 1969). Thus, the
neuron is not “naked”, but clothed in a filigree of GAGs. The
intimate con-tacts of the extended neural surface with the nECM
permits signal recognition between the neuron and the nECM
(Katchalski, 1992). It should be noted that the nECM is much
less prone to biodegra-dation than proteins and protected from
such decay (Golgolla et al., 2009). For example, the backbone
of DNA is comprised of a protected polysaccharide (poly-
deoxyribose) which lasts a life-time.
More than ten trace metal cations are dispersed within the gross
brain tissue as well as within the individual neurons to mM levels
(Becker et al., 2005; Becker, 2010; Popescu et al., 2009). Most
metals were found within the neuron, particularly the nucleus.
They are also present in the nECM, at levels ranging from 106
to 109 M. Trace metals cations are transported into the neurons
via metallothioneins (Fischer and Davie, 1998; Kägi and Schäf-
fer, 1988; Suzuki et al., 1993). In the nucleus, they participate
in the processing of DNA into RNA into proteins which also in-
volves tubulins (Watson et al., 2013). In the neuron’s cytoplasm,
they are involved in cell metabolism. They are also loaded into
vesicles for eventual release. To the extent that intracellular met-
als are collected into vesicles to be expelled into the extracellular
nECM, both metal pools can be considered to work in combina-
tion with the nECM. As well the chemistry of the nECM (many
anionic pockets) predisposes it to react with metal cations. In ef-
fect, the neuron employs the nECM as a matrix wherein it can use
metal cations and NTs to encode cognitive information, by ejecting
vesicles containing metal cations and NTs, to form cuinfo.
Monovalent metals form short-lived, unstable complexes. Di-
valent and polyvalent metals form complexes that are inherently
more stable. For example, we provide chemo-graphic represen-
tations of cuinfo undergoing “tagging” and crosslinking reac-
tions, essential for indexing cuinfo for organized storage and re-
trieval. Monovalent metals form relatively unstable nECM com-
182 Marx and Gilon
plexes (might be associated with short term memory); whereas
polyvalent metals are generally more stable (might be associated
with long term memory). Metal complexes of “memory units” are
much more stable than any achieved by H-bonds in an aqueous en-
vironment. Thus, the suggestion that H-bonding encode memory
(Amtul and Rahman, 2016) is not appropriate. The entire neural
net is immersed in an aqueous environment. Indeed, hydrogen
bonds are involved in establishing the structures of proteins and
DNA. But hydrogen bonding for polysaccharides in an aqueous
system is too labile to serve as a coding system. Also, hydrogen
bonding is bereft of emotional content. It is like the binary code
locked in 2-D materiality.
The terms "neurotransmitter" and "biomodulator" are often
used interchangeably. But they are in fact distinct classes of signal-
ing molecules (Reith, 2002; Roshchina, 2010). The original bacte-
ria signaling modulators comprise the nine modulators including
biogenic amines and amino acids, with molecular weights smaller
than 200 Daltons. Neuropeptides, which were employed by later
evolved neural creatures, are generally heavier than 200 Daltons
and may act directly in synaptic as well as non-synaptic signaling.
They can also operate as switches which turn on or off signals in-
stigated by the original bacterial biomodulators (Roshchina, 2010).
It is an established fact that NTs inextricably link (entangle) phys-
iologic responses (e.g., sensations) with affective states, termed
“emotions” (Mesulam, 1998).
The mature neuron is surrounded by nECM during its develop-
ment. To “write”, the stimulated neuron containing dopants ejects
into the already existing surrounding nECM (Budnik et al., 2016;
Davis and Muller, 2015; Kay et al., 2006; van Niel et al., 2018). The
neuron thereby forms sets of metal-centered complexes within the
surrounding nECM, therein rapidly encoding cuinfo (see Fig. 2).
To the extent that the cuinfo is physical (chemical complexes), they
Figure 2. The neuron is surrounded by nECM (GAG lattice not shown)
which serves as a neurochemical "library" wherein units of encoded
memories are stored as cuinfo. The colored boxes representing the
individual cuinfo described in Figure 1, are not to scale, as they are of
molecular dimension (i.e. 10 nm) compared to the 10-100
m scale
of the neuron and its parts. The different colors indicate complexes
with different combinations of NTs and metal cations.
embody the “engram”, the physical trace of memory first hypothe-
sized by Semon (Kim et al.,2018;Lashley,1950;Santoro and Fran-
kland,2014;Schacter,2011;Semon,1923). The epigenetic cuinfo
(engrams) of memory (Cacha et al.,2017) are distributed over the
whole brain as a guiding template. While there may be specific
cells involved in encoding and retrieving the engrams (Roy et al.,
2016), the tripartite mechanism posits that the physical traces of
the engram are distributed in the nECM around the neurons (see
Fig. 2).
To “read” or decode the cuinfo, the neuron employs at 3 types of
“sensors”, aggregates of proteins (i.e. mosaics embedded within
its membrane, examples being GPCR mosaics, K2P channels and
acetylcholine receptors (AcCholR)), all which number many thou-
sands per neuron (Corringer et al.,2012;Juliano and Haskill,
1993;Katchalski,1992;Lobmaier et al.,2001;Zhang et al.,2012).
They perform as mobile chemo-dynamic sensors (reported diffu-
sion: 101to 103
m2/sec) (Choquet and Triller,2013;Triller
and Choquet,2005), which transform the chemical code of cuinfo
around individual neurons, into neural signals (Roy et al.,2016),
ultimately processed by the neural net and experienced as coherent
emotive memory. The neural code which forms memory is insti-
gated by the signal input of cognitive information from each of the
senses, with each input encoded by a tripartite mechanism. The
neural net integrates (consolidates) all the tripartite units to gen-
erate a composite mental pattern manifested as comprehensible,
emotive memory.
4. Discussion
Earlier attempts have been made to locate the engram in a brain
structure concluding that the engram is not localized, but dis-
tributed throughout the brain (Lashley,1950). Others identified
groups of cells termed “engram neurons”, as their electrical fir-
ing correlated with recall. Some considered “resonating circuits”
as the basis of the engram. That is, neural synaptic contacts are
“strengthened” when a signal continues to impact them. These cir-
cuit provides stronger and stronger resonant signals as time pass.
All these are predicated on a model of exclusive synaptic signal-
ing between neurons, to which objections have been raised (Ar-
shavsky,2006). In particular, it ignores the non-synaptic (ephap-
tic, volume transmission) signaling that is also a feature of neural
communication (Agnati et al.,2004;Vargova and Sykova,2014;
Vizi et al.,2010;Vizi,2013).
The concept of “resonance” is of interest to chemists as it re-
lates the idea that in some molecules the electrons are not located at
a specific bond (i.e. conjugated double bonds) but can be “delocal-
ized” (smeared out). The “resonance” phenomenon is not limited
only to molecules with conjugated double bonds (e.g. benzene)
but also to electron-rich ligands (e.g. acetate, sulfate, etc) and
their metal complexes. These form the addresses in the nECM,
which attract and bind the trace metal cations much like proteins
and other electron-rich substrates do ( c f., Lehninger,2008;Eom
and Song,2019). As applied to the tripartite mechanism, “res-
onance” or “de-localization” means that the individual cuinfo is
located in the nECM near a neuron (see Fig. 2), but that the re-
lated set of cuinfo constituting memory, are distributed in differ-
ent anatomic compartments of the brain (Huk and Hart,2019). The
neural circuit consolidates these into a comprehensible pattern, ex-
Volume 18, Number 2, 2019 183
perienced as memory. Thus, the engram is both local and “delo-
calized”. That is, the basic memory units (cuinfo) are pixels that
make up the pattern of memory are located near a specific neuron
(see Fig. 2). But the set of cuinfo which make up the totality of
the memory pattern is stored in different anatomic compartments
of the brain. Thus, excising one particular region may not result
in total memory loss or identify a specific locale where it is stored
(see Lashley,1950;Poznanski et al.,2019;Pribram and Meade,
Trace metals are quite reactive in terms of binding to electron-
rich sites in proteins and GAGs and are critical for the activities of
enzymes (Eom and Song,2019). When released into the nECM,
the metal cations interact with the electron-rich sites and help
bind NTs to form relatively stable metal complexes (i.e. cuinfo),
much like their complexation with enzymes (Warshel and Levitt,
1976). Some polyvalent metal complexes could also engage in re-
dox (Fenton) reactions, with attendant covalent modifications in-
volving new condensation or cross-linking reactions that further
increase stability. For example, metals with multiple oxidation
states (Al, Co, Cu, Fe , Mn), can engage in Fenton reactions to
generate reactive hydroxyl (OH.) radicals (Kim et al.,2007;Ward-
man and Candeias,1996). In turn, these oxidize and modify (tag
and cross-link) the cuinfo. Thus, such reactions greatly enlarge
the encoding repertoire available to the neuron and affect the con-
tent and stability of the derived cuinfo (Das et al.,2015;Marx and
5. Concluding remark
We have identified NTs as the elicitors of physiologic responses
entangled with emotive states, as the basis for a biochemical mem-
ory engram. In short, the tripartite mechanism provides a physio-
logically credible rationale for the phenomenon of emotive mem-
ory, consonant with the morphology of the neuron and the mate-
rials available to it.
We appreciate Randy Gallistel’s remarks, which drew our at-
tention to “memory” as the proper focus of our speculations. We
also thank a reviewer for suggesting improvements and additional
Conflict of interest
GM is a founder of MX Biotech Ltd., with the commercial goal
to develop new “memory materials”.
Notwithstanding, the ideas forwarded here are scientifically
genuine and presented in good faith, without commercial cloud-
ing of the concepts expressed therein.
Submitted: February 12, 2019
Accepted: June 10, 2019
Published: June 30, 2019
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Volume 18, Number 2, 2019 185
... Вызывает некоторое сомнение возможность объяснения всех механизмов возникновения реакций с точки зрения данной концепции. Так, использование полиграфологами термина «следы памяти (энграмма)» [26], заимствовано из области зоологии и биологии [28] и традиционно измеряется с помощью оптогенетических и гемогенетических методов. Допустимо ли говорить об оценке «энграммы» путем регистрации вегетативных реакций? ...
... Соловьева, сформированный образ не хранится в неизменном виде, он всегда претерпевает динамические изменения. Исследования показали, что сохранение образа предмета в памяти связано с выделением и подчеркиванием его наиболее существенных признаков при исчезновении его индивидуальных особенностей [28]. Учитывая вышеизложенное, предполагается, что теория целенаправленного тестирования памяти обладает недостаточной объяснительной силой. ...
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The problem of determining the constructive validity of the methodology for the mental and physical polygraph testing is currently particularly pressing due to the increased number of such testing procedures in various fields of social life. The possibility of labeling of mental and physical polygraph testing as one of evidence-based methods in investigative and judicial practice partly depends on defining a theoretical model that would be in line with the core scientific foundations and wouldn't contradict experimental data. In this review we are talking about possibility of considering a separate psychic process as an object of mental and physical testing. Criticisms have been cited for the earlier models of interpreting the psychological responses in individuals examined during a polygraph test. We look at the mechanism for the occurrence of physiological reactions during polygraph testing from the standpoint of the theory of functional systems proposed by Pyotr Anokhin. It is assumed that the systemic approach will set the right direction for defining a theoretical grounding of this methodology.
... The plasticity of synaptic connections has not been the only mechanism envisioned for changes in cell assemblies over time. One example proposed a tripartite mechanism involving the interactions of neurons with their neural extracellular matrix, trace metals, and neurotransmitters as the basis for a biochemical memory engram (Marx & Gilon, 2019). Decades ago, Galambos (1961) proposed that glial cells could act to organize neuronal circuitry. ...
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Cognitive science today increasingly is coming under the influence of embodied, embedded, extended, and enactive perspectives, superimposed on the more traditional cybernetic, computational assumptions of classical cognitive research. Neuroscience has contributed to a greatly enhanced understanding of brain function within the constraints of the traditional cognitive science approach, but interpretations of many of its findings can be enriched by the newer alternative perspectives. Here, we note in particular how these frameworks highlight the cognitive requirements of an animal situated within its particular environment, how the coevolution of an organism's biology and ecology shape its cognitive characteristics, and how the cognitive realm extends beyond the brain of the perceiving animal. We argue that these insights of the embodied cognition paradigm reveal the central role that “place” plays in the cognitive landscape and that cognitive scientists and philosophers alike can gain from paying heed to the importance of a concept of place. We conclude with a discussion of how this concept can be applied with respect to cognitive function, species comparisons, ecologically relevant experimental designs, and how the “hard problem” of consciousness might be approached, among its other implications.
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) was described more than a century ago. However, there are still no effective approaches to its treatment, which may suggest that the search for the cure is not being conducted in the most productive direction. AD begins as selective impairments of declarative memory with no deficits in other cognitive functions. Therefore, understanding of the AD pathogenesis has to include the understanding of this selectivity. Currently, the main efforts aimed at prevention and treatment of AD are based on the dominating hypothesis for the AD pathogenesis: the amyloid hypothesis. But this hypothesis does not explain selective memory impairments since β-amyloid accumulates extracellularly and should be toxic to all types of cerebral neurons, not only to “memory engram neurons.” To explain selective memory impairment, I propose the autoimmune hypothesis of AD, based on the analysis of risk factors for AD and molecular mechanisms of memory formation. Memory formation is associated with epigenetic modifications of chromatin in memory engram neurons and, therefore, might be accompanied by the expression of memory-specific proteins recognized by the adaptive immune system as “non-self” antigens. Normally, the brain is protected by the blood-brain barrier (BBB). All risk factors for AD provoke BBB disruptions, possibly leading to an autoimmune reaction against memory engram neurons. This reaction would make them selectively sensitive to tauopathy. If this hypothesis is confirmed, the strategies for AD prevention and treatment would be radically changed.
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The actual title pretty well explains it: "An Essay Proposing the Elemental Units of Behavior and Culture – What they do, how they do it, how they evolved, and perhaps even What They Are – in 10 pages". It includes analysis of an experiment in observational learning and a discussion of how human observational learning may have evolved during the Lower Paleolithic.
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Emotions are the anchoring experiences on which psychology is aimed. The challenge of neuroscientists is to clarify how neural nets generate mental states, such as emotive memory. To that end, Atkinson- hiffin (AS) (1950) proposed mathematical algorithms and formulae to describe memory. Our critique of their approach is based on 3 issues: Evolution, Physiology and Emotions. What is missing in the AS mathematical model is a physiologically relevant process for encoding emotive memory. “Meta-physics” is the branch of philosophy that examines the fundamental nature of reality i.e. the relationship between energy and matter. ”Meta-chemistry” (“Psycho-chemistry”) could be considered to be the branch of chemistry that deals with mental states emerging from neuro- chemical processes. However, what does “Meta-mathematics” imply? Does mathematics delve into matters of Mind as well as Logic? Neuro-math? Neither the metrics of physics nor the mathematics of Atkinson-Shiffin can credibly characterize the process of recalling Emotive states. Only chemistry can pierce the veil of neurophysiology. For example, emotive states can be instigated by chemical entities, such as “neurotransmitters” (NTs) and recreational drugs. In consideration of this, we propose a biochemical tripartite mechanism involving neurons interacting with their surrounding extracellular matrix (nECM) which serve as “memory material”. Incoming perceptions are encoded with trace metals + neurotransmitters (NTs) ejected by neurons, to form metal-centered cognitive units of information (cuinfo) from which memory is consolidated. The NTs can be considered the effectors and encoders of emotive mental states achieved by the neural net. Regarding the Atkinson-Shiffin approach, we opine: Emotions exceed the grasp of mathematics.
Writing involves the transformation of ideas, emotions and sounds into graphic form. Ideagrams help clarify complex ideas and can be considered to be forms of stored memory. The emergence of chemistry from alchemy involved the adaptation of graphic notations to comprehend the invisible atomic and molecular structures of complex matter, and to spread and store that knowledge. This culminated in the molecular representations of chemical reactions and chemical compounds such as natural products, sugars, polymers, proteins and metal complexes. We review the development of textual and graphic notations of chemical structures from circa‐1700 to now. We present a Timeline that graphically summarizes the salient stages in the evolution of chemical notations (“chemography”) from alchemy, leading to modern “psycho‐chemistry”. The Timeline correlates the emergence of new chemical notations with crucial technological inventions.
Identifying mechanisms underlying neurons ability to process information including acquisition, storage, and retrieval plays an important role in the understanding of the different types of memory, pathogenesis of many neurological diseases affecting memory and therapeutic target discovery. However, the traditional understanding of the mechanisms of memory associated with the electrical signals having a unique combination of frequency and amplitude does not answer the question how the memories can survive for life-long periods of time, while exposed to synaptic noise. Recent evidence suggests that, apart from neuronal circuits, a diversity of the molecular memory (MM) carriers, are essential for memory performance. The molecular model of memory (MMM) is proposed, according to which each item of incoming information (the elementary memory item - eMI) is encoded by both circuitries, with the unique for a given MI electrical parameters, and also the MM carriers, unique by its molecular composition. While operating as the carriers of incoming information, the MMs, are functioning within the neuron plasma membrane. Inactive (latent) initially, during acquisition each of the eMIs is activated to become a virtual copy of some real fact or events bygone. This activation is accompanied by the considerable remodeling of the MM molecule associated with the resonance effect.
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The idea that neural signaling is the basis of mental processes has a long history. We graphically summarize salient developments in the neurobiology of signaling, as a Timeline. In particular, we review the “tripartite mechanism” of neural memory, which centers on the interactions between a neuron with its surrounding extracellular matrix (nECM) doped with metals and neurotransmitters (NTs). Essentially, the neuron employs the nECM as its “memory material”, wherein it uses dopants to encode cognitive units of information (termed “cuinfo”). The NTs, which elicit bodily reactions (feelings), also encode past feelings as emotions, which “color” mental states in real-time and in memory. In the interest of developing experimental tests of the tripartite mechanism, impedance glass electrodes were covalently coated with an exemplar NT (oxytocin) or a sulfated tetra-saccharide analog of the nECM, were constructed and tested. The two types of coated, neuro-mimetic electrodes, termed “neulectrodes”, were capable of detecting metals, such as Hg+2, Pb+2, Cd+2, Cu+2, and Zn+2 with very high selectivity and sensitivity. The “neulectrodes” demonstrated that the chemodynamic interactions of metal cations with NTs or nECM-saccharide analogues can translate into electrodynamic signals. They experimentally validate the concept of the tripartite mechanism that underlies the chemo-electric encoding of neural memory.
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The physicality of subjectivity is explained through a theoretical conceptualization of guidance waves informing meaning in negentropically entangled non-electrolytic brain regions. Subjectivity manifests its influence at the microscopic scale of matter originating from de Broglie ‘hidden’ thermodynamics as action of guidance waves. The preconscious experienceability of subjectivity is associated with a nested hierarchy of microprocesses, which are actualized as a continuum of patterns of discrete atomic microfeels (or “qualia”). The mechanism is suggested to be through negentropic entanglement of hierarchical thermodynamic transfer of information as thermo-qubits originating from nonpolarized regions of actin-binding proteinaceous structures of nonsynaptic spines. The resultant continuous stream of intrinsic information entails a negentropic action (or experiential flow of thermo-quantum internal energy that results in a negentropic force) which is encoded through the non-zero real component of the mean approximation of the negentropic force as a ‘consciousness code.’ Consciousness consisting of two major subprocesses: (1) preconscious experienceability and (2) conscious experience. Both are encapsulated by nonreductive physicalism and panexperiential materialism. The subprocess (1) governing “subjectivity” carries many microprocesses leading to the actualization of discrete atomic microfeels by the ‘consciousness code’. These atomic microfeels constitute internal energy that results in the transfer intrinsic information in terms of thermo-qubits. These thermo-qubits are realized as thermal entropy and sensed by subprocess (2) governing “self-awareness” in conscious experience.
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In previous studies, memory storage was localized to engram cells distributed across the brain. While these studies have provided an individual cellular profile of engram cells, their synaptic connectivity, or whether they follow Hebbian mechanisms, remains uncertain. Therefore, our recent study investigated whether synapses between engram cells exhibit selectively enhanced structural and functional properties following memory formation. This was accomplished using a newly developed technique called "dual-eGRASP". We found that the number and size of spines on CA1 engram cells that receive inputs from CA3 engram cells were larger than at other synapses. We further observed that this enhanced connectivity correlated with induced memory strength. CA3 engram synapses exhibited increased release probability, while CA1 engram synapses produced enhanced postsynaptic responses. CA3 engram to CA1 engram projections showed strong occlusion of long-term potentiation. We demonstrated that the synaptic connectivity of CA3 to CA1 engram cells was strengthened following memory formation. Our results suggest that Hebbian plasticity occurs during memory formation among engram cells at the synapse level.
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Support for the memory index theory The link between contextual memory representations and locations or routes represented by hippocampal place cells during exploration remains unknown. Tanaka et al. examined spatial firing properties of neurons in hippocampal area CA1 on the basis of whether they had recently expressed the immediate-early activity-induced gene c-Fos in response to a novel context. The c-Fos–positive neurons displayed a more on-off firing pattern than the c-Fos–negative cells during context discrimination. In a contextual recognition paradigm, these results support the index theory of hippocampal function over a cognitive mapping theory. Science , this issue p. 392
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Evolution of the brain Just how related are reptilian and mammalian brains? Tosches et al. used single-cell transcriptomics to study turtle, lizard, mouse, and human brain samples. They assessed how the mammalian six-layered cortex might be derived from the reptilian three-layered cortex. Despite a lack of correspondence between layers, mammalian astrocytes and adult neural stem cells shared evolutionary origins. General classes of interneuron types were represented across the evolutionary span, although subtypes were species-specific. Pieces of the much-folded mammalian hippocampus were represented as adjacent fields in the reptile brains. Science , this issue p. 881
Metal coordination with proteinaceous ligands has greatly expanded the chemical toolbox of proteins and their biological roles. The structure and function of natural metalloproteins have been determined according to the physicochemical properties of metal ions bound to the active sites. Concurrently, amino acid sequences are optimized for metal coordination geometry and/or dedicated action of metal ions in proteinaceous environments. In some occasions, however, natural enzymes exhibit promiscuous reactivity with more than one designated metal ion, under in vitro and/or in vivo conditions. In this review, we discuss selected examples of metalloenzymes that bind various first-row, mid- to late-transition metal ions for their native catalytic activities. From these examples, we suggest that environmental, inorganic, and biochemical factors, such as bioavailability, native organism, cellular compartment, reaction mechanism, binding affinity, protein sequence, and structure, might be responsible for determining metal selectivity or promiscuity. The current work proposes how natural metalloproteins might have emerged and adapted for specific metal incorporation under the given circumstances and may provide insights into the design and engineering of de novo metalloproteins.
Large-scale neuronal recordings reveal that brainwide activity is linked to behavior
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license ( The physicality of subjectivity is explained through a theoretical conceptualization of guidance waves informing meaning in negentropically entangled non-electrolytic brain regions. Subjectivity manifests its influence at the microscopic scale of matter originating from de Broglie 'hidden' thermodynamics as action of guidance waves. The preconscious experienceability of subjectivity is associated with a nested hierarchy of microprocesses, which are actualized as a continuum of patterns of discrete atomic microfeels (or "qualia"). The mechanism is suggested to be through negentropic entanglement of hierarchical thermodynamic transfer of information as thermo-qubits originating from nonpolarized regions of actin-binding proteinaceous structures of nonsynaptic spines. The resultant continuous stream of intrinsic information entails a negentropic action (or experiential flow of thermo-quantum internal energy that results in a negentropic force) which is encoded through the non-zero real component of the mean approximation of the negentropic force as a 'consciousness code.' Consciousness consisting of two major sub-processes: (1) preconscious experienceability and (2) conscious experience. Both are encapsulated by nonreductive physicalism and panexperiential materialism. The subprocess (1) governing "subjectivity" carries many microprocesses leading to the actualization of discrete atomic microfeels by the 'consciousness code'. These atomic microfeels constitute internal energy that results in the transfer intrinsic information in terms of thermo-qubits. These thermo-qubits are realized as thermal entropy and sensed by subprocess (2) governing "self-awareness" in conscious experience.
Memories are stored in synapses Memory formation is thought to change the strength of synaptic connections between neurons. However, direct measurements between neurons that participate in a learning process are difficult to obtain. Choi et al. developed the “dual-eGRASP” technique to identify synaptic connections between hippocampal CA3 and CA1 pyramidal cells. This method could label two different sets of synapses so that their convergence on the same dendrites would be quantified. After contextual fear conditioning in mice, the number and size of spines were increased on CA1 engram cells receiving input from CA3 engram cells. Science , this issue p. 430
Extracellular vesicles are a heterogeneous group of cell-derived membranous structures comprising exosomes and microvesicles, which originate from the endosomal system or which are shed from the plasma membrane, respectively. They are present in biological fluids and are involved in multiple physiological and pathological processes. Extracellular vesicles are now considered as an additional mechanism for intercellular communication, allowing cells to exchange proteins, lipids and genetic material. Knowledge of the cellular processes that govern extracellular vesicle biology is essential to shed light on the physiological and pathological functions of these vesicles as well as on clinical applications involving their use and/or analysis. However, in this expanding field, much remains unknown regarding the origin, biogenesis, secretion, targeting and fate of these vesicles.