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Abstract and Figures

Computational Thinking (CT) is being infused into curricula in a variety of core K-12 STEM courses. As these topics are being introduced to students without prior programming experience and are potentially taught by instructors unfamiliar with programming and CT, appropriate lesson design might help support both students and teachers. "Use-Modify-Create" (UMC), a CT lesson progression, has students ease into CT topics by first "Using" a given artifact, "Modifying" an existing one, and then eventually "Creating" new ones. While studies have presented lessons adopting and adapting this progression and advocating for its use, few have focused on evaluating UMC's pedagogical effectiveness and claims. We present a comparison study between two CT lesson progressions for middle school science classes. Students participated in a 4-day activity focused on developing an agent-based simulation in a block-based programming environment. While some classrooms had students develop code on days 2-4, others used a scaffolded lesson plan modeled after the UMC framework. Through analyzing student's exit tickets, classroom observations, and teacher interviews, we illustrate differences in perception of assignment difficulty from both the students and teachers, as well as student perception of artifact "ownership" between conditions.
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Use, Modify, Create: Comparing Computational Thinking
Lesson Progressions for STEM Classes
Nicholas Lytle
Veronica Cateté
Danielle Boulden
NC State University
Raleigh, North Carolina
Yihuan Dong
Jennifer Houchins
Alexandra Milliken
Amy Isvik
NC State University
Raleigh, North Carolina
Dolly Bounajim
Eric Wiebe
Tiany Barnes
NC State University
Raleigh, North Carolina
Computational Thinking (CT) is being infused into curricula in
a variety of core K-12 STEM courses. As these topics are being
introduced to students without prior programming experience and
are potentially taught by instructors unfamiliar with programming
and CT, appropriate lesson design might help support both students
and teachers. “Use-Modify-Create" (UMC), a CT lesson progression,
has students ease into CT topics by rst “Using" a given artifact,
“Modifying" an existing one, and then eventually “Creating" new
ones. While studies have presented lessons adopting and adapting
this progression and advocating for its use, few have focused on
evaluating UMC’s pedagogical eectiveness and claims. We present
a comparison study between two CT lesson progressions for middle
school science classes. Students participated in a 4-day activity
focused on developing an agent-based simulation in a block-based
programming environment. While some classrooms had students
develop code on days 2-4, others used a scaolded lesson plan
modeled after the UMC framework. Through analyzing student’s
exit tickets, classroom observations, and teacher interviews, we
illustrate dierences in perception of assignment diculty from
both the students and teachers, as well as student perception of
artifact “ownership" between conditions.
Social and professional topics Computational thinking
K-12 education;
Use-Modify-Create, Computational Thinking, Lesson Design
ACM Reference Format:
Nicholas Lytle, Veronica Cateté, Danielle Boulden, Yihuan Dong, Jennifer
Houchins, Alexandra Milliken, Amy Isvik, Dolly Bounajim, Eric Wiebe,
and Tiany Barnes. 2019. Use, Modify, Create: Comparing Computational
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ITiCSE ’19, July 15–17, 2019, Aberdeen, Scotland Uk
©2019 Association for Computing Machinery.
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-6301-3/19/07.. .$15.00
Thinking Lesson Progressions for STEM Classes. In Innovation and Tech-
nology in Computer Science Education (ITiCSE ’19), July 15–17, 2019, Ab-
erdeen, Scotland Uk. ACM, New York, NY, USA, Article , 7 pages. https:
It is becoming increasingly necessary for every child to have ex-
perience with 21st-century Computational Thinking (CT) skills
]. However, these skills have typically been taught within elec-
tive Computer Science classes or outside of school activities [
To reach all students, CT must be integrated into required K-12
courses, such as science and math. This CT integration will pose
several challenges. First, lessons must not only focus on key CT
concepts but must also include and integrate domain knowledge,
though research demonstrates that CT topics can be integrated
without detracting from the learning of the core domain material
]. Further, these activities must be designed with the understand-
ing that they may be the rst introduction to programming or CT
for many students and teachers. Successful integration depends
on equipped and capable teachers, though many do not have the
prerequisite background required to teach CT or computer science
]. Professional development can give teachers experience with
CT skills [
], however, to reach all students, we must de-
velop solutions that can be readily adopted by both experienced
and inexperienced teachers and that can improve student learning
in both CT and course content.
This study compares two separate design implementations of a
4-day computing infused science lesson across multiple classrooms.
One condition received a lesson including 3 days of coding while
the other received a scaolded curriculum modeled after Lee’s Use-
Modify-Create (UMC) [
]. Through our quasi-experimental design,
we aim to investigate how UMC sequencing impacts:
1. Student-perceived diculty of the lesson.
2. Student-perceived ownership of the used and developed programs.
3. Teacher-perceived diculty of the lesson and ability to teach it.
As demand increases for incorporating computing into core K-12
subjects, so does the need for classroom activities that are tailored
for non-computing focused teachers and students. Through adding
computing activities directly into a STEM course, teachers gain
improved mastery of their discipline when using new instructional
approaches [
]. However, reporting suggests that teachers lose
Session 7A: Secondary School
ITiCSE ’19, July 15-17, 2019, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK
much of the control they traditionally have over the learning pro-
cess and may become uncomfortable when students pose and solve
open-ended integrated STEM and Computing problems [
]. For
teachers to support these students engaging in self-directed collab-
orative processes, they require an ability to diagnose diculties
and give hints, rather than supply solutions.
A prior case study by Cateté et al. [
] on infusing CT into sci-
ence classrooms highlights how teachers were hesitant to lead
new programming activities, and were afraid of misguiding stu-
dents, even with professional development and classroom support.
These concerns are also identied in a 2017 report for UK teachers
facing computing infusion [
]. The most common challenges men-
tioned included subject knowledge, dierentiation, lack of time,
approaches to teaching topics, students’ understanding, and ability
to problem solve. This report also lists successful teacher strate-
gies towards teaching computing such as unplugged activities[
computational thinking, contextual learning, and scaolding of
programming tasks. In order to improve the incorporation of com-
puting into science classrooms, we attempt to utilize the above
ndings to create more supportive materials for both teachers and
students facing computing.
One such approach to improving CT acquisition with reduced
cognitive stress comes in the form of curricular materials that fol-
low a scaolded intensity of interaction. Research by Lee et al,
suggests that using a Use-Modify-Create (UMC) learning progres-
sion can promote the acquisition and development of CT while also
limiting the anxiety from activities that teachers may have previ-
ously perceived to be “too hard" for students [
]. In the rst
, students inspect code and run existing models acting
as “consumers of someone else’s creation[
]." In transitioning to
phase, students go from solely using existing code to
changing the code to suit their intended desires as designers. This
act of modifying also brings about a change in perceived ownership
as students move toward viewing the code as their own. In the nal
, students end up in a state where they have created
a completely new model, having full ownership of the design and
agency over its development[16].
Lee promoted UMC not only as a lesson scaolding framework,
but also a way to create this sense of “ownership" in learners. It has
been argued that in order to realize the full benet of CT, students
must develop a sense of ownership over the models underlying
the CT concepts being taught [
]. During creation, the nal step
of UMC, students increase engagement in learning and perceived
agency of their learning, which is associated with behavioral, emo-
tional, and cognitive engagement [
]. UMC allows students to take
increasing ownership of the learning by giving them progressively
more complex tasks. This increased ownership empowers students
to investigate CT and underlying assumptions behind the tasks.
Researchers have used UMC as a basis for a number of CT and CT-
infused activities across the K-8 curriculum [
]. Werner et
al. employed UMC in the creation of an elective game programming
course [
], nding that students demonstrated understanding of
several CT and CS concepts through developing games. Further-
more, Grizioti et al. developed a game-specic adaptation in which
players rst play then modify/x a “half-baked" version of the game,
and then create a new version [
]. Sentance and Waite extend UMC
in their PRIMM (Predict, Run, Investigate, Modify, Make) model for
teaching text-based programming[
]. Initial workshops suggest
that teachers are willing to adopt this model, but like Werner and
Grizioti, this work is situated in a pure CS context.
We believe the UMC framework can extend into core domains,
alleviating the burden of learning to program while simultaneously
learning domain material. This will allow students to ease into the
activity, become familiar with the programming environment, and
explore how smaller changes aect the code. We assume these same
benets extend to teachers who also might not be familiar with
coding and would welcome scaolded lessons. We nally posit that
as students go from users to creators in the Use-Modify-Create
lessons, their sense of ownership of the project will increase to
match that of students who participate in lessons where they always
create code from scratch. We test out these assumptions using an
A/B study across multiple classrooms as described in the section
below. If these hypotheses are supported, these benets can reduce
teachers’ fears of being CT novices as well as students’ frustration
with the diculty of learning to program, potentially increasing
adoption of materials developed using the UMC progression.
3.1 Context
The study took place in two separate middle schools (School 1,
School 2) in the mid-atlantic United States. The classrooms were all
6th grade (age 11-12) science classrooms taught by one of 4 teachers
(1 from School 1, 3 from School 2). None of the teachers had experi-
ence instructing programing lessons. Each teacher was responsible
for multiple class periods with dierent students. Teachers in School
2 had 5 class periods each while the teacher in School 1 taught 2
class periods. Each period averaged 20 - 30 unique students. A total
of 394 students participated in the study, but we only analyze data
from the 160 consenting students who provided data for every day.
Demographic information for these students is reported in Table 1.
Chi-Square tests show no signicant dierences in gender or race
between the two populations.
Table 1: Gender and race/ethnicity by condition.
Gender Female 42.1% 41.5% 41.9%
Male 47.4% 55.4% 50.6%
Black 19.0% 13.9% 16.9%
Caucasian 26.3% 26.2% 26.3%
Hispanic 15.8% 18.5% 16.9%
Asian 14.7% 15.4% 15.0%
Multi-racial 3.2% 3.1% 3.1%
N/A 21.1% 23.1% 21.9%
We further surveyed students on their previous programming
experiences. Responses are shown in Table 2 ranging from Never
to Daily. Chi-Square tests show no signicant dierences in prior
programming experience between the two populations. In an open
response follow up to question 1, many students reporting "Rare"
Session 7A: Secondary School
ITiCSE ’19, July 15-17, 2019, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK
or "Occasional" described participating in an Hour of Code activ-
ity [
]. Those marking "Frequent" or "Daily" report being in a
computing club or technology elective course.
Table 2: Participants’ computing background self-ratings.
Never Rare Occasional Frequent Daily
Q1 Previous participation in computing activities
UMC 7.4% 9.5% 54.7% 11.6% 6.3%
Control 6.2% 15.4% 47.7% 20.0% 7.7%
Q2 Previous experience writing a computer program
UMC 15.8% 21.1% 41.1% 7.4% 4.2%
Control 13.8% 23.1% 40.0% 15.4% 4.6%
3.2 Curriculum
The activity was designed to be a 4-day, CT lesson. Though teach-
ers were trained on the material, on programming days, a research
team member taught the rst period as part of a “Faded Instruc-
tor Scaolding Model" designed to help teachers understand the
curriculum from a student’s perspective. Each programming day
took place within the Cellular environment [
], an extension of
the block-based programming language Snap! [
] that provides
a good method for agent-based modeling and has been used in
similar initiatives with infusing CT into STEM curriculum [4].
For use in the 6th grade science classroom, the topic of “Food
Webs" was chosen. In thefood web curriculum, students learn about
how energy is transferred from producers to primary and secondary
consumers. The computing-infused activity let students explore
the transfer of energy in a simplied food web developed using the
block-based programming environment, Cellular [
]. We describe
each daily segment of the activity below, and a breakdown by
condition is visualized in Figure 1. The Use-Modify-Create (UMC)
version was adapted from a previous version of the food web activity
used in classrooms which acts as our control lesson in this study.
Figure 1: Programming methods for Food Web agents
(plants, bunnies, foxes) by day and condition
Day 1
- Both conditions completed an “Unplugged" activity [
] in
which students reviewed denitions and components of a Food Web
(e.g. primary and secondary consumer, how energy is transferred
through the system, etc.). This ended with completing a worksheet
lead by the instructor where students described the behavior of
agents in the model through pseudo-code. This was done to prepare
students for developing these ideas within the programming model.
Day 2
- Day 2’s focus was the “Plant" agent (the producer), which
would grow based on the solar energy given by the “Sun" (code
provided for both conditions). For the control condition, students
had to develop code for the Plant to be able to transition between
stages of its life cycle using the amount of ‘Solar Energy’ received
over time. This was represented in code as sequential conditionals,
checking both the plant’s current state and energy before transi-
tioning into the next state. The students in the UMC condition had
plant code provided and instead inspected and read through the
working code in order to become familiar with the dierent condi-
tions. The instructor led students in exploration by changing the
initial input (the solar energy intensity), the cuto conditions (how
much energy is needed to transition) and the amount of energy lost
through transitioning. Students then used a worksheet to record
how those changes aected the speed in which owers changed
Day 3
- Day 3’s focus was the “Bunny" agent (the model’s pri-
mary consumer). Control condition students wrote code to add the
new agent to their working model. Meanwhile, the UMC condition
had Bunny code provided at the outset. However, the given bunny
behavior did not conform with their idea of the actual model (e.g.
bunnies never ate when they got low on energy, owers transi-
tioned to an incorrect state after being eaten etc.). Thus, students
during this class period modied the existing code in order to make
it conform to the existing ideas they had discussed on Day 1’s activ-
ity of how the model should behave. This is similar to the activity
found in prior studies of xing the "half-baked microworld"[13].
Day 4
- The agent focus for the nal lesson was on this model’s
secondary consumer, the “Fox". Both conditions had to develop
the entire Fox code (in a sense, creating a new model with this
additional agent) and update the “Bunny" code to react to the new
agent and implement the desired nal behavior in their model.
Once complete, as shown in Figure 2, students were tasked with
changing some functionality in their code and comparing how their
new simulations behaved dierently from their previous one.
Figure 2: Food Web in Cellular showing how plant, bunny,
and fox agents appear on the grid at one time step.
Although each programming day builds on previous topics, stu-
dents begin with the same starter code for their condition to reduce
eects from student absences or incompletion from a prior day. The
topic of Food Webs and the sequencing of our curriculum aords
the exploration of our research questions for a number of reasons.
First, as a life science topic found in common core guidelines, Food
Web is an exemplar STEM lesson that could be taught throughout
Session 7A: Secondary School
ITiCSE ’19, July 15-17, 2019, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK
the United States. Second, as the topic of Food Web focuses on the
interaction between dierent actors in an environment, it lends
itself nicely to a computing task focused on developing an agent-
based model or simulation like prior UMC-developed lessons [
Finally, as we use a multi-day assignment, we can segment each
programming day to be on a single Food Web actor, allowing us to
frame the UMC conditions’ activity to match each phase of UMC.
3.3 Data Collection
Evaluation of the initiative was recorded through a number of data
collection methods. For every period, at least one research team
member was present taking observation notes, focusing on the
students’ interactions within the environment as well as how the
teacher was teaching the lesson. After the conclusion of each day’s
activity, students took an end-of-activity “Exit Ticket" in which
they answered a series of questions about the activity. In order to
study student-perceived diculty, we asked students to rate the
diculty of the days’ activity on a 1-5 Likert scale (Very Easy to
Very Dicult). For student-perceived ownership, two questions
were included that addressed the ability to express one’s ideas and
the belief the code was their own creation. These questions were
on a 7-point Likert scale from Strongly Agree to Strongly Disagree.
For teacher-perceived diculty, we rst analyzed classroom ob-
servations that focused on the teacher’s ability to teach the lesson.
Additionally, a member of the research team conducted interviews
using a semi-structured interview protocol with each of the partici-
pating teachers at the conclusion of the lesson sequence. The proto-
col consisted of questions targeted to elicit general teacher feedback
about each of the days of the lesson sequence and their impact on
students (e.g., What are the strengths of the lesson? Weaknesses?)
Interviews lasted approximately twenty to thirty minutes and were
audio recorded and transcribed for analysis. A constant comparison
analysis [
] of the interview transcripts provided insights on the
teachers’ perceptions of the lessons from a pedagogical standpoint,
comparing teacher interviews within groups and between groups.
4.1 Student-perceived diculty
Each day, students completed the exit ticket question “Please use
the [scale of 1 to 5 (Very Easy to Very Dicult)] to rate how dicult
or easy the lesson was today." The daily average values for students
in each condition are given in Table 3. A Friedman Test, similar to a
parametric repeated measures ANOVA but for non-parametric data
], was performed in order to determine if there were dierences
found in the average values for each of the days. For the Use-Modify-
Create (UMC) condition, no signicant dierence was found among
the four days
598. However, for the control
019 showing signicance. Therefore, a
post-hoc Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test, a non-parametric equivalent
to a paired T-Test [
], was performed between each of the pairwise
groups. No signicant dierences were found between days 1 and
3, 1 and 4, nor 3 and 4. However, for each pairwise comparison with
day 2, a signicant dierence was found (1-2:
003; and 2-4:
004). An additional
Mann Whitney U Test, a non-parametric test similar to an unpaired
], was performed between groups for each of the 4 days
to determine dierences in diculty responses between conditions
for the same day. No signicant dierences were found in the
comparisons between conditions for Days 1 (
3 (
79), or 4 (
84). However,
comparing Day 2 (the rst coding day) between the two conditions
found a signicant dierence with UMC being signicantly easier
This dierence in diculty is backed by classroom observations.
Researchers found that in the UMC classrooms, students were often
able to nish their designated tasks more quickly, especially on
the third day where the UMC group modied a bunny while the
control group coded one from scratch. This time dierence means
that the UMC group had additional time to add elements or engage
in teacher-led discussions about connections to class topics. Further,
researchers found in some control condition classrooms (especially
on Day 2 and to some degree Day 3) that students had diculty
nishing the task. As a result, teachers in the control group on Day
2 either forged ahead leaving many students behind, or slowed the
lesson so all students could keep up, but were unable to complete
the full lesson to add owers. During the follow-up interviews,
teachers in the control condition commented on the need for more
scaolding, while teachers in the UMC condition did not express
this concern. Teachers in the UMC condition indicated that the
progression of the curriculum served as an eective scaold for stu-
dents’ conceptual understanding of the programming environment
that better prepares them for creating their own program models.
One of the teachers articulates this below:
“ day [two], when we were on the computer. You really
understand the beginning part. And then day [three] it builds a
little bit more and you’re building the code. You’re playing with
it. And day [four] is really copying the bunny code, just tweaking
it a tiny bit. So at that point they’ve done so much with it already.
They’ve got it. I mean, they were playing with all kinds of things."
4.2 Student-perceived ownership
Two questions were added to the coding day exit tickets (Days 2,
3, and 4) to address student-perceived ownership. These were: “To
what extent do you agree with the following statement: I was able
to express my ideas in the model today" and “To what extent do you
agree with the following statement: The code I ended the lesson
with is my own creation" both on a scale from 1 (Strongly Agree)
to 7 (Strongly Disagree). The average values for these answers
are shown in Table 3. A Friedman Test was performed in order to
determine if there were dierences found in the average values
for each of the days. No signicant dierence was found among
the three days for ‘expressing ideas’ for both the control group,
989 and for the UMC group
565. However, in performing Mann Whitney U Tests between the 2
groups, signicant dierences were found in Days 3 (
03) and 4 (
04) though not for Day 2 (
21). For the statement “The code I ended the lesson with
is my own creation", a Friedman Test nds no signicant dierence
in the control condition answers:
755. However, for
the UMC condition, the Friedman Test found a signicant dierence
among the three:
008. A follow-up pairwise
Wilcoxon-Signed Rank Test was performed between each of the
Session 7A: Secondary School
ITiCSE ’19, July 15-17, 2019, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK
Table 3: Reporting of Average and Standard Deviation for student responses to Exit Ticket questions.
Use-Modify-Create Condition (N=95) Control Condition (N=65)
Likert Questions Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4
Rate how dicult or easy the
lesson was today: (Very Easy) 1 -
5 (Very Dicult).
“I was able to express my ideas
in the model today." (Strongly
Agree) 1 - 7 (Strongly Disagree)
N/A χ=2.89
σ=1.54 N/A χ=3.13
“The code I ended the lesson
with is my own creation." (Strongly
Agree) 1 - 7 (Strongly Disagree)
N/A χ=3.54
σ=1.72 N/A χ=3.39
days and while no signicant dierence was found between Days
3 and 4 (
38), signicant dierences were found
between Days 2 and 3 (
001) and Days 2 and 4
006) within the UMC group. Additional Mann-
Whitney U Tests were performed between the two conditions. While
no dierence was found between Day 2 (
8) or
Day 4 (
07) between the conditions, signicant
dierences were found between the Day 3 (
responses between groups.
While not as direct as the student-perceived diculty dierences,
there were key classroom observational dierences between the
conditions that corroborate the ndings from the exit tickets. First,
as stated before, students in the UMC condition were often able to
nish tasks faster and were therefore able to explore more within
the code, and add their own additional features. It is possible that
adding their own touches after the guided part of the lesson led to
an increased sense of artifact ‘ownership’. Second, researchers ob-
served (and teachers commented during follow-up interviews) that
students in the UMC condition seemed more engaged in the activity,
but it was actually dicult to keep students engaged in the control
condition. This disconnect with the material and the monotony of
the tasks in the control condition might have contributed to the
students’ sense that the code was not their own.
4.3 Teacher-perceptions
Teacher interview transcripts were analyzed using a constant com-
parative method [
] that entailed searching for themes amongst
the teachers within each condition and then comparing data from
the teachers across the two conditions. Results reected the di-
culties that teachers in the control group faced. The two teachers
implementing the coding-intensive control version of the curricu-
lum expressed concerns that their students needed more scaolding
to complete the lessons and concerns about their students’ daily
engagement. When asked about potential improvements to the
curriculum, both teachers suggested giving students more time
to “explore" and “play" with the code prior to creating their own
programs. UMC provides this opportunity for students. As one of
the teachers in UMC condition explains, “the kids [during the ‘use’
day] were understanding the coding; they were understanding why
it was changing and they were starting to play around with some of
that as well." Additionally, results from teacher interviews demon-
strated that teachers in the control condition perceived a decrease
in student engagement each day. Teachers themselves suggested
changing the approach each day, e.g. “I got a lot of comments that
they were bored with it because it was the same thing day after day.
So I can’t really think of it right now, but if there is, like some kind
of way to mix it up and still have the same information, but maybe
have them do it in a dierent way." Our data and teacher interviews
suggest that approaching coding through a variety of tasks, as the
UMC approach does, can improve student engagement. It is also
possible that the structured UMC sequence makes the Create day
more purposeful and engaging for students. One teacher explains
her students’ reactions to the Create day, “They’re like ‘day three
was very fun’. They really got a chance to understand how the
whole thing is connected."
The teacher interviews also corroborated that a UMC sequence
oers benets to teachers, as it supports their learning and con-
dence with the materials. One of the teachers revealed to us that,
researcher support “wasn’t needed the last day because I knew it.
At this point I was like, ‘I’m comfortable. I know where you’re
going with this.’" Both of the teachers in the code creation sequence
commented that the lessons were “exhausting," as one teacher de-
scribed that implementing the lessons entailed “standing in front of
a room and talking and basically having you being the rst person
[they’re] gonna ask questions to for ve hours."
The ndings above are supported by observations of teachers
working through the curriculum. Like the teacher above noted,
researchers observed that teachers gained condence in teaching
the lessons in both conditions, but this was more marked for UMC
teachers. The two UMC teachers, in addition to following the guided
material provided to them, were able to add new tasks to class
periods where time was still available, and led students in guided
discussions about the connections between the CT concepts and the
scientic concepts modeled within the environment. As previously
discussed, teachers in the control condition had diculty engaging
and keeping all students on task as observed by the researchers,
and often needed to pause (especially on Days 2 and 3) to check
which task they needed to be doing or what the code was supposed
to look like. While this was also observed with one teacher of the
UMC condition, this behavior was occurring later in the assignment
sequence (on Days 3 and 4) and not to the same frequency.
Session 7A: Secondary School
ITiCSE ’19, July 15-17, 2019, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK
For student-perceived diculty,
students perceived the intro-
duction to coding on Day 2 as signicantly harder in the
control group than any other day
. While there was the same
procedure for each of the coding days in this condition (i.e. stu-
dents had to create an agent on each day) having to do this for
the rst time might have been dicult without prior knowledge
or experience in the environment. Days 1, 3, and 4 having similar
reported levels of perceived diculty, suggests that while the Day
2 activity was harder, getting through it and understanding the
procedure prepared students for the Day 3 and 4 coding activities.
No diculty spike, however, was found in the sequence for the
UMC condition. The benets of this sequence can be explained
using James Paul Gee’s principles of good learning [
]. It could
be that rst “using" the new Cellular environment was “pleasantly
frustrating" – challenging but perceived to be easily done, and then
modifying it and then creating a new agent results in “well-ordered
problems" that allow students to develop mastery [
]. In contrast,
Day 2 for the control condition combined the need to learn the new
environment while also learning the basics of programming and
how they work within the environment, potentially increasing the
cognitive load of the students [
], which could result in a higher
perceived diculty on Day 2.
Two questions were assessed to measure student perceived own-
ership of the models each day. While there are dierences between
conditions for the question regarding expression of ideas, the most
pronounced dierences between days and conditions is found for
the question on whether the code was their “own creation". While
the dierence was not signicant, the average value for the re-
sponse was higher in Day 2 of the UMC condition, indicating that
UMC students did not feel as much ownership over the nal code
as students in the control condition. This was expected, as Day
2 represents the “Use" day where students changed parameters
and input variables, but did not create any new code. It is only on
Day 3, where students in UMC were “Modifying" existing Bunny
code, that there is a dierence in perceived ownership between
groups. We were somewhat surprised that students in the UMC
condition felt signicantly more ownership of their code, since they
made fewer programmatic changes (code adds, deletes, edits) than
the control group. It could be that the framing of the activity as
modifying existing code to make it perform the ‘correct’ behaviors
played into this mindset. In addition, the large number of program
edits needed in the control condition may have made more creative
activities, such as augmenting the model behavior, blend in with
more mechanical changes, like dragging in pre-specied blocks. In
some cases, these creative activities may not have even occurred,
since teachers struggled to help students complete the Day 3 and
Day 4 activities in the control group. The strengthening of arti-
fact ownership in the UMC condition that began on Day 3 carried
into Day 4, with the
UMC group agreeing signicantly more
than the control group that their nal code was their own,
despite both conditions doing the exact same task.
In addition to student reported data, reections from teachers
also suggest that they would benet from and prefer the UMC
Condition. Teacher expertise is in supporting student learning, and
their perceptions conrm that a strict code creation approach is not
as eective for their classrooms. Since many teachers are novices
to programming and CT, and their courses are focused on other
topics, it is not realistic to expect disciplinary K-12 teachers to be
able to support such an intensive coding approach to integrating
CT. The UMC model helps teachers gradually learn how programs
represent their disciplinary knowledge, enabling them to make
those connections just in time with students. As stated by teachers,
having time to be able to “explore" the environment by rst reading
and understanding code, then performing minor edits, and nally
being ready to add independent features, gives both students and
teachers an easier progression of tasks. This means that teachers
can adopt integrated CT curricula more readily, letting them learn
CT and programming along with their students.
In this paper, we present results from an A/B study of Use-Modify-
Create (UMC) versus a control group implementation of a CT-
infused Food Web activity. With student reports corroborated by
classroom observations and teacher interviews, we were able to
conrm previous research results showing that UMC sequencing
provides students a natural progression to learn computational
thinking within a science course, while giving students more own-
ership over the artifacts they create. We also found that teachers
using our UMC curriculum felt it was easy to teach, and that it pro-
moted student engagement and exploration, while teachers using
a code-intensive control curriculum desired more scaolding and
features to improve student engagement.
Limitations of this work include potential population bias, in-
structor eects, and our interpretation of the UMC model. Partici-
pants are from two middle schools where many students have prior
exposure to learning computing. This population bias could have
improved students’ ability to go through the curriculum and the
ease in which they learned and experienced the topics. However, as
the daily diculty ratings are discussed in relative terms, we assume
that a middle school with less access to CT and computing educa-
tion would show even greater dierences in perceived diculty
between the UMC and control conditions. It is not clear how more
or less programming experience would impact student ownership
ratings. Four teachers participated in the study, with two leading
instruction in each condition. As such, there is no way for us to
separate instructor eects from the curricular content/sequencing.
Though Kruskal-Wallis Tests [
] and Mann-Whitney U Tests nd
no signicant dierence in student perceived diculty by teacher
group, it is still possible that instructors played a role in the student
perception of diculty and ownership. Finally, while Lee’s original
paper on the UMC model dened “Creation" as students making
their own designs [
], we interpret it specically to mean that
students should develop all of their own code for an agent. In future
studies, we hope to design activities that facilitate more open-ended
student exploration and creativity.
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science
Foundation under grant number 1742351. Any opinions, ndings,
and conclusions expressed in this material are those of the authors
and do not necessarily reect the views of the NSF.
Session 7A: Secondary School
ITiCSE ’19, July 15-17, 2019, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK
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Jane Margolis. 2010. Stuck in the shallow end: Education, race, and computing.
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Session 7A: Secondary School
ITiCSE ’19, July 15-17, 2019, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK
... Results pertaining to pedagogical practices highlight the widespread use of constructivist methods, occasionally in conjunction with objectivist ideas. The "Use-Modify-Create" cycle (Lee, 2011;Lytle, 2019), which is frequently used to advance the learning of computing ideas and activities, also suggests this combination and can be applied to ML education. Following this cycle, students learn basic concepts by utilising an existing machine learning artefact, examining it, remixing and altering it, and finally building their own machine learning models. ...
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Our daily activities nowadays involved machine learning (ML) more and more and because of this, it's critical to offer ML in higher institutions, empowering students to become aware of consumers and developers of clever solutions. However, as machine learning is generally restricted to higher education, few are known about how to effectively instruct students. Thus, we examine research on teaching ML in higher institutions in terms of content, pedagogy, and technology in this comprehensive literature review. Data are source looking at published English-language articles that can be accessed online through reputable computing-related digital libraries and databases like IEEE Xplore, ACM Digital Library, ScienceDirect, SpringerLink, Web of Science, Wiley, and ERIC. Artefact that presents results covering ML concepts in high institutions published within the last ten years were taken into consideration. The findings demonstrate that students could comprehend and use fundamental machine learning principles, algorithms, and tasks. Active problem-or project-based hands-on learning approaches were the focus of pedagogical tactics that successfully engaged students and showed beneficial learning benefits. Students were assisted in creating ML models in an efficient manner by both text-based and visual programming environments. However, the findings also noted that more thorough assessments of ML instruction are required.
... The principle of UMC, which stands for Use-Modify-Create, is often associated with computational thinking, especially in the context of learning to program, modeling, or working with software [9], making it more suitable for machine learning where models and similar components play a crucial role. In contrast, for example PRIMM [14] places a stronger focus on programming. ...
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The topics of Artificial intelligence (AI) and especially Machine Learning (ML) are increasingly making their way into educational curricula. To facilitate the access for students, a variety of platforms, visual tools, and digital games are already being used to introduce ML concepts and strengthen the understanding of how AI works. We take a look at didactic principles that are employed for teaching computer science, define criteria, and, based on those, evaluate a selection of prominent existing platforms, tools, and games. Additionally, we criticize the approach of portraying ML mostly as a black-box and the resulting missing focus on creating an understanding of data, algorithms, and models that come with it. To tackle this issue, we present a concept that covers intermodal transfer, computational and explanatory thinking, ICE-T, as an extension of known didactic principles. With our multi-faceted concept, we believe that planners of learning units, creators of learning platforms and educators can improve on teaching ML.
... First, students read domain specific sources, summarize them, and find common/different properties of data (abstraction), secondly students observe the model behaviours in the form of simulations to explore the deep domain specific problems such as effect of environmental factors on disease spread or ion transport across a cell membrane and then modify or create their own models. Model-based learning is usually combined with Use-Modify-Create approach and students build CT and content knowledge by using, modifying, and creating code in the models (Lee et al., 2011;Lytle et al., 2019;Malyn-Smith et al., 2018, pp. 182-186;Musaeus & Musaeus, 2019). ...
... We are, however, interested in computing-specific pedagogies, i.e., methods which have been developed in computing education contexts and can be applied (almost) only there. Examples of such methods include pair programming [36,37], Parsons problems [21,25], computer science unplugged [1,7] or Use-Modify-Create [52]. We are not aware of any comprehensive list of computing-specific pedagogies. ...
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Computing education widely applies general learning theories and pedagogical practices. However, computing also includes specific disciplinary knowledge and skills, e.g., programming and software development methods, for which there has been a long history of development and application of specific pedagogical practices. In recent years, there has also been substantial interest in developing computing-specific theoretical models, which seek to describe and explain the complex interactions within teaching and learning computing in various contexts. In this paper, we explore connections between computing-specific pedagogies and theoretical models as reported in the literature. Our goal is to enrich computing education research and practice by illustrating how explicit use of field-specific theories and pedagogies can further the whole field. We have collected a list of computing-specific pedagogical practices and theoretical models from a literature search, identifying source papers where they have been first introduced or well described. We then searched for papers in the ACM digital library that cite source papers from each list, and analyzed the type of interaction between the model and pedagogy in each paper. We developed a categorization of how theoretical models and pedagogies have supported or discounted each other, have been used together in empirical studies or used to build new artefacts. Our results showed that pair programming and parsons problems have had the most interactions with theoretical models in the explored papers, and we present findings of the analysis of these interactions.
... Findings related to the pedagogical strategies point out the predominant adoption of constructivist approaches sometimes in combination with objectivist principles. Such a combination is also proposed by the "Use-Modify-Create" cycle (Lee, 2014;Lytle, 2019) commonly used for the progression of learning computing concepts and practices, which can also be adopted for ML education. Following this cycle, students first learn basic concepts "using" and analyzing a given ML artifact, then "remixing/ modifying" an existing one, until eventually "creating" their own ML models. ...
... The sequencing of designing an algorithm and then debugging code also helped our teachers see how CT can help solve a real-world STEM problem. Providing teachers with opportunities to use and modify starter code to build confidence (Lytle et al., 2019) made this design challenge more accessible by allowing for iterative CT. Both MEAs supported teachers in seeing how modeling could make CT more accessible to their students. ...
Model‐eliciting activities (MEAs) challenge students to interpret a problem and collaboratively create solutions using the engineering design process. This Innovation to Practice article describes how science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) teacher educators can use MEAs to build elementary teachers' understanding of computational thinking (CT). Our Countdown Timer MEA is aligned with Grade 2 mathematics and computer science standards. We discuss how this MEA created opportunities for teachers in an online graduate STEM education course to engage as learners in unplugged and plugged CT activities. Teachers used algorithmic design and debugging to model a digital display and to create block‐based code for a recess countdown timer. Teachers' reflections on how their learning experiences were different than those offered in step‐by‐step CT lessons allowed teachers to envision how MEAs can promote important CT dispositions of persistence in open‐ended problem solving and tolerance for ambiguity. By aligning MEA design and facilitation with the phases of the engineering design process, teacher educators can use modeling to engage elementary teachers in facets of CT that are transferable to the elementary STEM classroom.
Computational thinking (CT) is a problem-solving methodology that involves breaking down complex problems into smaller, more manageable parts and draws upon principles used in computer science and programming. Problem-solving is an important skill in scientific reasoning, so it is crucial for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) learning in K-12. While CT in STEM context is an understudied area of research, the main question is how to integrate CT rather than why to integrate it in STEM context. Therefore, this chapter, firstly, discusses how CT and STEM are related and support each other as both concepts involve modeling, reasoning, and problem-solving. Secondly, this chapter provides ways to integrate CT in STEM context to promote students learning. For the second aim, the reviewing related research shows that there are three main approaches for integration of CT in K-12 education: (1) introducing programming activities that are separate from content learning, (2) connecting CT with content learning by utilizing problem-solving scenarios to describe, compare, and test predictions about systems, and (3) providing students with insights into how STEM professionals apply CT. In this chapter, I also discuss the advantages and limitations of each of these approaches in supporting CT in STEM context. Regardless of these approaches, the chapter also explains: (a) instructional strategies including problem-based learning, experiential learning and game-based learning, (b) plugged and unplugged instructional tools including Scratch, Lego, card sorting and Robotics and (c) assessments that can be used in STEM context to promote CT skill. Lastly, as the success of any innovation in education depends on how teachers apply it in classrooms, the chapter discusses the requirements that STEM teachers need to possess to successfully integrate CT in STEM instruction.
Conference Paper
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The transition from education to the labor market, through the choices of tertiary education institutions, is an important stage in the life of young people. Problem-solving skills, rooted in mathematics education are a basic component of young people's career readiness. In the digital age of the 21st century, how could educators support students in developing employability skills? Can digital tools support the design of strategies for a smooth and safe transition from education to the labor market? This paper presents a case study of the implementation of the Educational Game Choico (Choices with Consequences), as a digital tool for integrating computational thinking in the educational process. By simulating roles as co-designers in learning technologies, students actively participate in building knowledge and developing problem-solving skills and strategies that will support them in the career decision-making process. Under the framework of digital transformation of education, in terms of the development of employment skills, we consider that good teaching practices, such as this one, could be integrated into innovation centers, for strengthening the digital potential of education and modernization of vocational education and training.
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There is a growing need to present all students with an opportunity to learn computer science and computational thinking (CT) skills during their primary and secondary education. Traditionally, these opportunities are available outside of the core curriculum as stand-alone courses often taken by those with preparatory privilege. Researchers have identified the need to integrate CT into core classes to provide equitable access to these critical skills. We have worked in a research-practice partnership with two magnet middle schools focused on digital sciences to develop and implement computational thinking into life sciences classes. In this report, we present initial lessons learned while conducting our design-based implementation research on integrating computational thinking into middle school science classes. These case studies suggest that several factors including teacher engagement, teacher attitudes, student prior experience with CS/CT, and curriculum design can all impact student engagement in integrated science-CT lessons.
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In this paper, we explore the possible contribution of game modification (or modding) process to the development of Computational Thinking skills by discussing the design of ChoiCo (Choices with Consequences), an online digital environment for game creation and modding. ChoiCo integrates three different affordances for designing its games: a map-based (GIS) game scene, a simplified database and block-based programming editors. We also present a pilot study in which Junior High School students used ChoiCo for creating mods of a given digital game, based on a three-step modding scenario.
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Computing is being introduced into the curriculum in many countries. Teachers’ perspectives enable us to discover what challenges this presents, and also the strategies teachers claim to be using successfully in teaching the subject across primary and secondary education. The study described in this paper was carried out in the UK in 2014 where teachers were preparing for the mandatory inclusion of Computing into the curriculum. A survey was conducted of over 300 teachers who were currently teaching Computing to elicit their perspectives on challenges and strategies. From the analysis of the data, extrinsic and intrinsic challenges were identified for both teachers and students. In addition, a variety of pedagogical strategies were recommended by teachers from their own practice. In categorising approaches taken by teaching to support students five key themes emerged: unplugged type activities, contextualisation of tasks, collaborative learning, developing computational thinking, and scaffolding programming tasks. Further investigation could support whether these strategies can alleviate the challenges of teaching and learning of Computing for students and teachers. In particular developing student resilience in Computing is seen as a challenge while not many strategies are suggested. The results of this study will be useful for teachers who are new to the teaching of Computing.
Conference Paper
One way to increase access to education on computing is to integrate computational thinking (CT) into K12 disciplinary courses. However, this challenges teachers to both learn CT and decide how to best integrate CT into their classes. In this position paper, we present PRADA, an acronym for Pattern Recognition, Abstraction, Decomposition, and Algorithms, as a practical and understandable way of introducing the core ideas of CT to non-computing teachers. We piloted the PRADA model in two, separate, week-long professional development workshops designed for in-service middle and high school teachers and found that the PRADA model supported teachers in making connections between CT and their current course material. Initial findings, which emerged from the analysis of teacher-created learning materials, survey responses, and focus group interviews, indicate that the PRADA model supported core content teachers in successfully infusing CT into their existing curricula and increased their self-efficacy in CT integration.
Conference Paper
Many teachers are able to recognise that students can find programming difficult -- it is not as easy for teachers to know how to help struggling students to gain confidence and a secure understanding of programming concepts. This is particularly acute where the curriculum requires the teaching of text-based programming from age 11. In this paper we describe an approach to teaching programming we call PRIMM -- Predict-Run-Investigate-Modify-Make. This builds on three areas of research: the Use-Modify-Create methodology, levels of abstraction used in programming, and tracing and code comprehension research. The PRIMM approach has been trialled with teachers new to programming and is now being implemented in a pilot study in secondary schools.
This is a nonparametric test procedure for the analysis of matched-pair data, based on differences, or for a single sample. The null hypothesis is that the differences, or individual observations in the single-sample case, have a distribution centered about zero. The absolute values are ranked. The test statistic is the sum of the ranks for either the positive or the negative values. Examples and details, including large-sample properties, are given. Keywords: nonparametric; distribution-free; ranks; absolute differences; large samples; ARE; censored
Conference Paper
Computer Science Principles (CSP) will become an Advanced Placement course during the 2016-17 school year, and there is an immediate need to train new teachers to be leaders in computing classrooms. From 2012-2015, the Beauty and Joy of Computing team offered professional development (PD) to 133 teachers, resulting in 89 BJC CSP courses taught in high schools. Our data show that the PD improved teachers' confidence in our four core content categories and met its primary goal of training teachers in equitable, inquiry-based instruction. In this paper, we present the evolution of the BJC PD, its challenges and lessons that we learned while continually adapting to teachers' needs and contexts.