Conference Paper

Low-Cost Transformerless Grid-Tie Inverter For Photovoltaic System

  • Priazovskyi State Technical University
  • Priazovskiy state technical university, Mariupol, Ukraine
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... Конфигурация силовой части преобразователя позволяет также обеспечить режим синхронной работы с сетью, т.е. выполнять функции инвертора связи с сетью альтернативных источников электроэнергии, например, солнечных панелей [11][12][13][14][15][16]. При этом меняется алгоритм управления -инвертор работает с обратной связью по мгновенному току сети и имитирует по отношению к сети отрицательное активное сопротивление. ...
Представлено схемное решение и описание работы двунаправленного DC-AC преоб-разователя с трансформаторной изоляцией. В основе схемы лежат принципы, применяе-мые в резонансных LLC преобразователях и двойных активных мостах (DAB, Dual ActiveBridge), но в предлагаемой конструкции используется биполярное построение инвертора состороны переменного напряжения, а также совмещенное частотное и широтно-импульсное управление. Это дает возможность реализовать ряд функций в одном преоб-разователе, используя небольшое число коммутаций в силовой цепи. Так, возможна работав режиме источника бесперебойного питания (преобразование постоянного напряженияАКБ в переменное 220 В 50 Гц); инвертора связи с сетью альтернативных источников(солнечных панелей); зарядного устройства (работающего как от сети, так и от солнеч-ных панелей); сварочного инвертора для полуавтоматической сварки (причем сварку мож-но осуществлять как от сети, так и от АКБ); стабилизатора переменного напряжения;преобразователя постоянного напряжения (для «прикуривания» АКБ с разными напряже-ниями или степенью заряженности). Устройство с перечисленным набором функций мо-жет найти применение, например, в полевых условиях – для организации электропитанияразличных нагрузок, зарядки аккумуляторов, а также проведения мелких сварочных работ. Схемное решение преобразователя позволяет при применении соответствующих алгорит-мов управления работать с близким к единице коэффициентом мощности на стороне пе-ременного напряжения. Это дает возможность обеспечить работу в «слабой» сети – отавтономного генератора, при большой длине сетевого шнура и т.д.
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The article provides the analysis of the structures of broadband hot rolling mills that confirmed the relevance of the use of induction heating of the pre-roll edges before the finishing mills in order to reduce the chilling end-effect. Adaptation to the production conditions of wide ultrafine sheets and strips of finite-difference recurrence mathematical model of temperature field variation allowed to develop recommendations for designing of slot inductors for reheating the edges of pre-rolled strips, taking into account the chilling end-effect of the edges, heating modes to achieve the required temperature distribution before rolling in the finishing mill groups. Calculations show that the temperature gradient across the strip width is from 30 to 150 Celsius degrees, depends on the time interval between the end of the rough rolling and the beginning of the deformation of the metal in the finishing mill. Special design of slot inductors makes possible to eliminate a temperature gradient.
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A new approach to expanding the suppression band and reducing the power losses in a parallel active filter by incorporating an additional corrective linear link into its structure, taking into account a delay in the interface filter, and minimizing the switching frequency of inverter power keys is developed. An algorithm of controlling the corrective link that allows increasing the performance of AF and improving the suppression of higher harmonics is proposed.
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This paper presents a new family of high efficiency DC/AC grid-tied inverter with a wide variation of input DC voltage. It is a kind of “Boost in Boost, Buck in Buck” inverter, meaning that only one power stage works at the high frequency to achieve the minimum switching loss. Furthermore, the minimum filtering inductance in the power loop is achieved to reduce the conduction power loss whether in “Boost” or “Buck” mode. In theory, it can achieve higher efficiency than other inverters under the same condition of input DC voltage. The principle of operation is fully illustrated through the analysis on the equivalent circuits of a “three-level” single-phase inverter. Simulations show it has good control performance.
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This report describes the various methods and circuits that have been developed to detect an islanding condition for photovoltaic applications and presents three methods that have been developed to test those methods and circuits. Passive methods for detecting an islanding condition basically monitor parameters such as voltage and frequency and/or their characteristics and cause the inverter to cease converting power when there is sufficient transition from normal specified conditions. Active methods for detecting the island introduce deliberate changes or disturbances to the connected circuit and then monitor the response to determine if the utility grid with its stable frequency, voltage and impedance is still connected. If the small perturbation is able to affect the parameters of the load connection within prescribed requirements, the active circuit causes the inverter to cease power conversion and delivery of power to the loads. The methods not resident in the inverter are generally controlled by the utility or have communications between the inverter and the utility to affect an inverter shut down when necessary. This report also describes several test methods that may be used for determining whether the anti-islanding method is effective. The test circuits and methodologies used in the U.S. have been chosen to limit the number of tests by measuring the reaction of a single or small number of inverters under a set of consensus-based worst-case conditions.
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Multilevel voltage source inverters synthesize the AC output terminal voltage from several levels of voltages, stepped waveforms can be produced, which approach the reference waveform with low harmonic distortion, thus reducing filter requirements. The need of several sources on the DC side of the converter makes multilevel technology attractive for photovoltaic and fuel cells applications. For low-power grid connected applications a single phase converter can be used and it is possible to remove the transformer in the inverter in order to reduce losses, costs and size. Galvanic connection of the grid and the DC sources in transformerless systems can introduce additional leakage currents due to the earth capacitance. This currents increase conducted and radiated electromagnetic emissions, harmonics injected in the utility grid and looses. Amplitude and spectrum of leakage current depends not only on converter topology, it depends also on switching strategy and resonant circuit formed by the ground capacitance, the converter, the AC filter and the grid. In this paper several topologies are analyzed and compared focusing on leakage current potential
Power electronics, which is a rapidly growing area in terms of research and applications, uses modern electronics technology to convert electric power from one form to another, such as ac-dc, dc-dc, dc-ac, and ac-ac with a variable output magnitude and frequency. Power electronics has many applications in our every day life such as air-conditioners, electric cars, sub-way trains, motor drives, renewable energy sources and power supplies for computers. This book covers all aspects of switching devices, converter circuit topologies, control techniques, analytical methods and some examples of their applications.
Three dual-mode boost-buck-derived inverters with smooth transition between modes have been proposed: 1) boost-full bridge inverter; 2) boost-H5 inverter; 3) boost-dual buck inverter. For the same topologies, in conventional control method, the first stage is needed to boost input voltage to a constant high voltage, and the second stage is for sinusoidal inverting. However, in the proposed three inverters, either buck or boost mode works at a single time, thus, only one switch works at a high switching frequency. In this way, a lot switching loss can be reduced, and moreover, since the voltage across the middle capacitor is smaller than the conventional constant high voltage, the further switching loss mitigation is possible. In order to achieve smooth transition between the two modes, a double-carrier-based sinusoidal pulse width modulation (SPWM) is proposed. Other than this, three advanced modulation methods are proposed: 1) double-carrier with different frequencies; 2) double-carrier with different magnitudes; and 3) double-carrier with different frequencies and magnitudes. Following that, the loss distribution in every component is provided and the California Energy Commission efficiency of these inverters under different input voltage conditions is compared. Finally, the experimental results show the dual-mode double-carrier-based SPWM inverter can improve the efficiency by 2% than the traditional constant dc bus voltage solutions.
Utility-interconnected Photovoltaic (PV) systems are quickly becoming a mainstay in today's energy portfolio and will conceivably achieve a level of penetration where operation and performance of these devices is likely to influence the operation of area electric power systems (EPS). To achieve this, PV systems need to harvest all available energy from the solar resource, channel this energy and convert it to usable power, and provide a high level of performance and interoperability all while maintaining a level of confidence and reliability that fulfill the vested interest in PV technology. High penetration of PV systems is realized through two distinctly different approaches; a high number of small residential PV systems at a given locality, or the more influential approach of a centralized PV power station, where a multi-megawatt PV installation is comprised by numerous commercial-sized inverters. This report is focused on the interaction of multiple residential utility-interconnected PV systems connected to a single distribution transformer. Four residential inverters have been connected to a point of common coupling (PCC) along with a single RLC load that will absorb the real power and provide a resonant tank circuit tuned to 60 Hz to be used for evaluating loss of utility. Determination of the interoperability in a high penetration configuration will be evaluated in a laboratory setting at Sandia National Laboratories' Distributed Energy Technologies Laboratory. The evaluations will focus on power quality, start up/shutdown routines, utility compatibility, and loss of utility functions. The direct current (dc) source will be provided by a Programmable Photovoltaic simulator that is designed to provide dc power with settable irradiance and module temperature conditions. An alternating current (ac) utility simulator will provide the necessary anomalies on the ac line to investigate the responses of the inverters under test.
In this paper, a single-phase grid-connected transformerless photovoltaic inverter for residential application is presented. The inverter is derived from a boost cascaded with a buck converter along with a line frequency unfolding circuit. Due to its novel operating modes, high efficiency can be achieved because there is only one switch operating at high frequency at a time, and the converter allows the use of power MOSFET and ultrafast reverse recovery diode. It also features a robust structure because the phase leg does not have a shoot-through issue. This paper begins with theoretical analysis and modeling of this boost–buck converter-based inverter. And the model indicates that small boost inductance will lead to an increase in the resonant pole frequency and a decrease in the peak of Q, which results in easier control and greater stability. Thus, interleaved multiple phases structure is proposed to have small equivalent inductance; meanwhile, the ripple can be decreased, and the inductor size can be reduced as well. A two-phase interleaved inverter is then designed accordingly. Finally, the simulation and experiment results are shown to verify the concept and the tested efficiency under 1-kW power condition is up to 98.5%.
Conference Paper
Distributed generators (DG), such as photovoltaic cells, are low cost, highly reliable and have electronic interfaces and reduced emissions. Even with the mentioned benefits, there are technical limits on the degree to which DG can be connected. One of these technical concerns is the islanding phenomenon. In utility practice at the present time, accidental islanding is an undesirable mode of operation and is not permitted. Therefore, islanding must be detected and the islanded DG units must be disconnected from the rest of the system. This paper presents a survey of the islanding detection methods for grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) systems.
Conference Paper
Intentional islanding describes the condition in which a microgrid, which consists of a load and a distributed generation (DG) system, is isolated from the remainder of the utility system. In this situation, it is important for the microgrid to continue to provide adequate power to the load. Under normal operation, each DG inverter system in the microgrid usually works in constant current (or constant power) control mode in order to provide a pre-set power to the main grid. When the microgrid is cut off from the main grid, each DG inverter system must detect this islanding situation and switch to a voltage control mode. In this mode, the microgrid will provide a constant voltage to the local load. This paper describes a control strategy to implement intentional islanding operation of microgrids. The described method proposes two control algorithms, one for grid-connected operation and the other for intentional islanding operation.
Conference Paper
Several inverter configurations have been proposed in literature to achieve fuel-cell power conversion at significantly lower cost, which is one of the most critical constrains to make such alternative energy systems viable. A single-stage isolated dc/ac Cuk inverter would potentially be a better alternative with reduced system complexity, costs, improved reliability, and high efficiency because it achieves direct dc/ac power conversion using only four main switches. Simple drive circuit (owing to all low-side power devices), possibility for integrated magnetics, and less turns ratio requirement for transformer lead to a low-cost, high-power-density energy-conversion system. This paper investigates the possibility of using and performance of this inverter for low power (< 3 kW) fuel-cell applications. The operational principle for isolated dc/ac Cuk inverter, which has not appeared in the literature, is presented. Key design issues of a 1 kW prototype for the application are addressed. In order to achieve higher efficiency, the turns ratio of the transformer needs to be selected to achieve a trade off between output voltage distortion and duty ratio range. Switching losses due to the leakage of the transformer and high reverse current during device turn off can be reduced by implementing active lossless clamp circuit, which has been presented in this paper.
A new concept in the design of switched-mode power conversion circuitry is presented. Because of its extreme simplicity, flexibility, and efficiency, it has the potential to replace some conventional electrical power processing methods currently in use. A thorough discussion of the background, development, and operation of the Ćuk converter and several of its extensions is included. The coupled-inductor technique further improves efficiency and reduces size and weight. The basic converter and its extensions to two-quadrant and four-quadrant operation are attractive for many applications, i.e., solar (dc) to utility line (ac) power conversion, variable speed dc or ac motor drives, switching power supplies, uninterruptible power supplies, and many others.
Gefahrdungspotenzial transformatorloser wechselrichter – fakten und geruchte
  • H Schmidt
  • B Burger
  • C Siedle
H. Schmidt, B. Burger, and C. Siedle, "Gefahrdungspotenzial transformatorloser wechselrichter -fakten und geruchte", in Proc. Symposium Photovoltaische Sonnenenergie, 2003, pp. 89-98.
Leakage current part 1
  • Consultants Eisner Safety
Eisner Safety Consultants
  • Eisner Safety Consultants
Eisner Safety Consultants, "Leakage current part 1," Eisner Safety Consultants, 2002. [Online].