
Hearing the Voice of the Child: Current Practice in Family Courts in Germany

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German family courts have a long‐standing tradition of hearing the child's voice when proceedings affect the child. This article aims to provide an overview of the German procedural rules. The current role and practice of child hearings in family courts and the direct effects on the child are discussed in detail. The perceived benefits, challenges, and pitfalls are deliberated from the viewpoint of the psychological expert. Hearing the voice of the child in person is increasingly viewed as beneficial to the proceedings if the judges and other professionals involved possess the necessary qualifications and competence. Child hearings are a well established and researched practice in German family courts. Judges consider hearing the child helpful and quintessential for their decision. The benefits outweigh the risks of stress for the child. Child hearings require training and competence.

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Children's participation in legal proceedings affecting them personally has been gaining importance. So far, a primary research concern has been how children experience their participation in court proceedings. However, little is known about the child's voice itself: Are children able to clearly express their wishes, and if so, what do they say in child protection cases? In this study, we extracted information about children's statements from court file data of 220 child protection cases in Germany. We found 182 children were asked about their wishes. The majority of the statements found came either from reports of the guardians ad litem or from judicial records of the child hearings. Using content analysis, three main aspects of the statements were extracted: wishes concerning main place of residence, wishes about whom to have or not contact with, and children granting decision‐making authority to someone else. Children's main focus was on their parents, but others (e.g., relatives and foster care providers) were also mentioned. Intercoder agreement was substantial. Making sure that child hearings are as informative as possible is in the child's best interest. Therefore, the categories developed herein might help professionals to ask questions more precisely relevant to the child.
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Bei möglichen Straftaten gegen die körperliche und sexuelle Integrität von Kindern stellt deren Aussage meist das einzige Beweismittel dar. Die sorgfältige Erhebung und Dokumentation der Erstaussage und etwaiger weiterer Befragungen ist in diesen Fällen von entscheidender Bedeutung für den Verlauf und den Ausgang des Verfahrens. Kinder, die möglicherweise von Straftaten betroffen sind, benötigen hochqualifizierte Befragungspersonen, die ihnen die bestmögliche Aussageleistung ermöglichen und damit sicherstellen, dass im Rahmen des Strafverfahrens mit größtmöglicher Sicherheit adäquate Entscheidungen getroffen werden. Diese Handreichung richtet sich insbesondere an Personen, die in der Schweiz sowie in Österreich und Deutschland mit der praktischen Durchführung der Erstbefragung von Kindern betraut sind, welche berichten, Opfer oder Zeugin bzw. Zeuge einer strafbaren Handlung geworden zu sein. Im Anschluss an einen ländervergleichenden Überblick zu besonderen Verfahrensbedingungen, die in der Schweiz, in Österreich und in Deutschland für minderjährige Geschädigte gelten, werden zunächst die besondere Situation von Kindern in Strafverfahren und Entlastungsmöglichkeiten unter Berücksichtigung der rechtlichen Situation in den Blick genommen. Anschließend folgt eine Beschreibung aussagerelevanter Kompetenzen und Aspekte, die unter Bezug auf entwicklungs- und aussagepsychologische sowie entwicklungspsychopathologische Forschungsbefunde und hinsichtlich ihrer Bedeutung für die Erstbefragung erörtert werden. In diesem Teil werden jeweils auch konkrete Tipps für die Gestaltung der Befragung gegeben. Den Abschluss bildet vor dem Hintergrund der aktuellen Diskussion über einheitliche Mindeststandards und grenzüberschreitende Schutzanordnungen innerhalb Europas ein Plädoyer für wissenschaftlich fundierte, verbindlichere Befragungsstandards.
According to German family law, in family court proceedings that deal with custody or access rights, family judges are obligated to personally hear the child if the feelings, ties, or will of the child are significant for the decision. In a research study commissioned by the Federal Ministry of Justice, a nationwide representative survey of all judges compiled their personal information and their attitudes and expectations as well as various parameters regarding the concrete practice of hearing children. Also, with a very complex methodological design, over 50 children and their parents were studied one week in advance of the hearing, directly before and after the hearing, and four weeks following the hearing. The results of the study are presented, particularly those pertaining to the burden and relief for the children and the expectations of judges. The practical experiences of family judges in personally hearing children are included as well.
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