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Management of agrarian production structures in the conditions of globalization processes

  • Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical Oil and Gas University

Abstract and Figures

One of the basic challenges what lies prior to explorers working on the border of economic and agrarian sciences is a skillful incorporation the aspects of the globalization and Europeanisation into the main problems of their research. It seem reasonable to suppose that nowadays a continuous increase in products quality as well as a special care about the natural environment become the necessary conditions for economical successes of enterprises in a suitably long period. Thus, the monogpraph Management of agrarian production structures in the conditions of globalization processes is devoted to finding solutions of effective adaptations to the challenges of the environment in the conditions of globalization. The present publication was prepared in the form of monograph and its individual chapters were written by prominent specialists in the field representing all leading university research groups in Ukraine and Skudai-Johor in Malaysia. For the purpose of this monograph 11 chapters were divided into the following four areas:-Theoretic-methodological approaches to management in the agrarian sphere;-Modern conceptions of development of agricultural production;-The role of marketing in management by manufacturing structures of the agroindu-strial sector;-Main directions of implementation of innovation-investment activities of enterprises. This publication serves the inspiring stating material for a further scientific research as well as for some applicable solutions in this area.
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This article delves into the utilization of contemporary research methodologies to assess the potential of agricultural production. Throughout the study, the relevance of investigating methodological approaches to determining the production potential of agricultural enterprises is established, emphasizing the need for further research. The generalized concept of "methodology" and its application for precise evaluation of the production potential of agricultural enterprises are defined. Various methodological research types applied for accurate assessment are identified, along with a comprehensive justification for the practicality of employing methodology for precision in evaluating production potential. The research methods for determining the production potential of agricultural enterprises are detailed, highlighting that the most accurate analysis combines quantitative data collection with qualitative insights from agronomists and experienced agricultural producers. This approach ensures a reliable assessment of achievable production levels under optimal management conditions. The article specifies the methods, factors, and their objectives that can be used when applying economic, agronomic, and statistical methodologies for the precise assessment of the production potential of agricultural enterprises.
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The main purpose of this article is to comprehensively explore the definition of value, its dissemination in enterprise management processes and the formation of a step-by-step view of providing value aspects for the company that will manifest to all internal and external stakeholders. The study found that in today’s changing environment, under the influence of Industry 4.0, an enterprise seeking to maintain competitive positions in the market and to have sustainable development needs to implement value aspects in the processes of managing its business activities. It is determined that a value-oriented approach to management involves identifying and reconciling key values of a company, recognized and perceived by its stakeholders (investors or creditors, employees, buyers (consumers), suppliers, government institutions, society). It is substantiated that the introduction of management in this direction should be understood as a qualitatively new state of strategic management of the corporation threefold purpose of which is: harmonization and maintenance of balance of individual values of employees, which are transformed into corporate values, which are perceived and adhered to by all members of the enterprise; consistent maximization of the value of the organization and creation of the value of the product that it offers on the market; effective management of the increased complexity and greater uncertainty and risks associated with organizing engagement with all stakeholders to succeed. Formed proposals of the authors can be implemented on a continuous basis, which will lead to constant updating and improvement of the operational activity of enterprises. The paper presents the stages of creating value aspects in the processes of enterprise management, which have four components. And itself: the birth, expansion, accumulation and implementation. Each stage forms the main components that underlie the next. Thus, compliance with all components creates the creation of a valuable product or service for the external stakeholders (such as the consumer, the environment, society). The factors of the main employees of the company involved in the processes of enterprise management (namely: directors of the enterprise and managers of various units) that provide value aspects of management are also highlighted.
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There are reasons presence of national models of Corporate Social Responsibility in the article; we systematic criteria of comparative analysis of national models of Corporate Social Responsibility in the USA, Europe, Russia. We have identified features of models of Corporate Social Responsibility in Asia and Russia.
The article examines the features of integration processes in the agro-industrial complex of the Russian Federation at various stages of agricultural policy. The main models of integration and cooperative associations in the Soviet period and in the period of market reforms are analyzed. The forms of integration in modern Russia and the reasons for the insufficient development of cooperative forms are determined. The directions of improving the mechanisms for the development of cooperation and integration are proposed.
In this article I demonstrate that consumers not only consume, but the work-like tasks they perform while consuming constitute an increasingly important part of production. To theoretically explore the labor of consumers, I introduce the term consumptive labor and three ideal types of consumptive laborers: (1) consumer as quasi-employee, (2) consumer as quasi-supervisor, and (3) consumer as quasi-marketer/advertiser. Those espousing a management perspective argue that the use of consumers in the labor process improves customer service. Alternatively, using a labor process perspective, I demonstrate that organizations use consumptive labor to maximize the production of surplus value from paid employees and tighten control over the labor process. Although consumptive labor may yield benefits for consumers and especially business organizations, it also raises cause for concern. When organizations use consumers as quasi-employees, they may reduce the employment of service workers. By using consumers as quasi-supervisors, organizations may reduce supervisory employment and/or increase levels of stress in the work environment. When using consumers as quasi-marketers and advertisers, organizations perpetuate an excessively materialistic culture that values brands, products, and services over the well-being and needs of people.
The competitive potential of the company -the basis of ensuring its competitive advantage. Coll. Science. pr
  • I M Fedonin
  • I M Repina
  • O I Oleksyuk
  • R D Miller
  • D J Sprmgate
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Evaluation of competitive potential of economic entities and methods of assessment
  • A V Pozhuev
Pozhuev, A. V. (2010). Evaluation of competitive potential of economic entities and methods of assessment. Visn. Khmelnytsky nat. university, 5 (2), 198-202.