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Abstract and Figures

The rapid growth of mobile devices in recent years has led to the rapid progress of mobile computing. However, this has exposed certain limitations, that have first been addressed by mobile cloud computing. Once Internet of Things devices have started being put online, a new step in the evolution of mobile networks was taken through the addition of edge and fog computing, where small nodes at the edge of network take up some of the load on the cloud backend. Nevertheless, even this model has shown some limitations, which is why in this paper we address the problem of offloading data and computations from a mobile device to the cloud, to fog nodes, or to other mobile devices in the vicinity. The novelty of our proposal is the addition of a layer composed exclusively of mobile devices that collaborate in an opportunistic fashion, as a first resort when needing some computations to be offloaded. Through a thorough analysis using the MobEmu mobile network simulator, we show that our solution is able to reduce total computation time by as much as 19%, decrease the cloud usage with up to 40%, and reduce battery consumption with more than 6%.
Content may be subject to copyright.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2929683, IEEE Access
Date of publication xxxx 00, 0000, date of current version xxxx 00, 0000.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.DOI
Data and Task Offloading in
Collaborative Mobile Fog-Based
AL ˘
1Faculty of Automatic Control and Computers, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania (e-mails: {radu.ciobanu, ciprian.dobre}
2Beia Consult International, Romania (e-mails: {mihaela.balanescu, george}
Corresponding author: Radu-Ioan Ciobanu (e-mail:
This research is supported by NETIO project Tel-MonAer (53/05.09.2016, cod SMIS2014+ 105976).
ABSTRACT The rapid growth of mobile devices in recent years has led to the rapid progress of mobile
computing. However, this has exposed certain limitations, that have first been addressed by mobile cloud
computing. Once Internet of Things devices have started being put online, a new step in the evolution of
mobile networks was taken through the addition of edge and fog computing, where small nodes at the
edge of network take up some of the load on the cloud backend. Nevertheless, even this model has shown
some limitations, which is why in this paper we address the problem of offloading data and computations
from a mobile device to the cloud, to fog nodes, or to other mobile devices in the vicinity. The novelty
of our proposal is the addition of a layer composed exclusively of mobile devices that collaborate in
an opportunistic fashion, as a first resort when needing some computations to be offloaded. Through a
thorough analysis using the MobEmu mobile network simulator, we show that our solution is able to reduce
total computation time by as much as 19%, decrease the cloud usage with up to 40%, and reduce battery
consumption with more than 6%.
INDEX TERMS 4G mobile communication, Clouds, Collaborative work, Edge computing, Mobile nodes,
Peer-to-peer computing, Social computing, Wireless communication.
MOBILE devices are becoming our everyday compan-
ions, and, whether they are smartphones or wear-
ables, they represent an essential part of our life. This has
led to the rapid progress of mobile computing, which has
become a very important aspect in the development of IT,
as well as commerce and other domains. However, despite
the increasing usage of mobile computing, exploiting its
full potential is difficult due to its inherent problems such
as resource scarcity, frequent disconnections, and mobility.
The appearance of cloud computing has represented a huge
opportunity for the development of mobile services.
With the development of the cloud computing concept,
mobile cloud computing (MCC) has been introduced as a
potential technology for mobile services [1]. It can address
these problems by executing mobile applications on resource
providers external to the mobile device. More commonly,
the term mobile cloud computing assumes running an ap-
plication on a remote resource-rich server, while the mo-
bile device acts like a thin client connecting to the server
through Wi-Fi or 3G/4G. Some examples of this type are
Facebook’s location-aware services, Twitter for mobile, and
mobile weather widgets.
Due to the fact that the consumer and enterprise market for
mobile applications is set to reach $188.9 billion by 20201,
there is a lot of interest in designing efficient methods of man-
aging mobile networks. Thus, in time, other methods have
been developed starting from the mobile cloud computing
concept in order to improve the usage and performance of
the mobile network and all its devices by increasing speed,
while at the same time reducing latency and costs.
Mobile edge computing (MEC) proposes moving re-
sources (both computing and storage) at the base stations of
cellular networks [2]. The purpose is to lower the mobile core
VOLUME 4, 2016 1
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2929683, IEEE Access
Radu-Ioan Ciobanu et al.: Data and Task Offloading in Collaborative Mobile Fog-Based Networks
usage and to reduce latency, which have increased due to the
high amount of data traffic required by many mobile applica-
tions that rely on data and services hosted remotely. To match
these increasing demands, operators need to enhance and
upgrade the capacities of existing network resources contin-
uously. Moreover, they are forced to integrate new technolo-
gies (such as LTE Advanced) into their infrastructure in order
to provide a good quality of experience for users, since they
can provide higher bandwidth capacities and lower latency.
However, improving existing resources and integrating new
technologies may add significant operational costs, which is
why mobile edge computing is considered a technology that
is suitable for addressing this issue in certain scenarios. It
aims to reduce network load by shifting computations from
the cloud to the edge of the network.
Fog computing extends cloud computing by providing
virtualized resources and engaged location-based services to
the edge of the mobile networks so as to better serve mobile
traffic [3]. The major difference between cloud computing
and fog computing is the support of location awareness. The
cloud “resides” in a centralized place and serves as a cen-
tralized global portal of information, whereas fog computing
extends the cloud to reside at the user’s premises and is dedi-
cated to localized service applications. The idea of fog com-
puting is to place lightweight cloud-like facilities in the prox-
imity of mobile users. The fog can therefore serve mobile
users with a direct short-fat connection as compared to the
long-thin mobile cloud connection. The main advantages of
fog computing are enhancing service quality to mobile users
and improving the network efficiency (by avoiding the back-
and-forth traffic between cloud and mobile users). However,
while bringing certain advantages such as low latency, energy
saving and context awareness [4], several challenges in fog
systems still need to be addressed, including creating human-
driven distributed systems, ensuring security and privacy, as
well as scalability [5].
Mobile crowd sensing (MCS) presents a new sensing
paradigm based on the power of mobile devices [6]. The
sheer number of user-companioned devices (including mo-
bile phones, wearable devices, and smart vehicles) and their
inherent mobility enable a new and fast-growing sensing
paradigm: the ability to acquire local knowledge through
sensor-enhanced mobile devices (location, noise level, traffic
conditions, etc.) and the possibility to share this knowledge
with devices in proximity. The information collected on
the ground and with the support of the cloud where data
processing takes place make MCS a versatile platform that
can often replace static sensing infrastructures. A formal
definition of MCS specifies that it is a new sensing paradigm
that empowers ordinary citizens to contribute data sensed or
generated from their mobile devices, which is then aggre-
gated and fused in the cloud for crowd intelligence extraction
and people-centric service delivery.
All these components combine together into the paradigm
of Drop Computing [7], which assumes that mobile nodes
can offload data and computations to the cloud, to fog de-
vices, and also to other neighboring nodes through close-
range protocols. Such a network requires a set of new and
improved offloading solutions, that are able to adapt to con-
ditions and select one or more of the available offloading
methods. Thus, our contributions in this paper are as follows.
We first present the Drop Computing paradigm and place it
in the context of cloud, fog and mobile computing. We then
present novel data and computation offloading solutions for
Drop Computing-based networks, that are able to increase
user QoE (quality of experience), reduce costs for application
and service developers, and decrease the rate of battery
consumption. Through thorough and valid experimentation
on synthetic and real-life scenarios, we are able to show
that our proposed mechanisms are indeed able to improve
upon the aforementioned metrics. Furthermore, we discuss
the potential of Drop Computing and its compatibility with
new and future communication technologies, and present
some real-life use cases.
The rest of this article is structured as follows. In Sec-
tion II, we discuss related work in the area of mobile offload-
ing, and then we present solutions similar to our proposal,
highlighting their drawbacks and showing how our solution
attempts to address them. Then, Section III contains details
about our proposed techniques for offloading in various sce-
narios, while Section IV offers a thorough analysis of the
proposed mechanisms. Finally, in Section V we draw some
conclusions and present future work.
The cellular industry has experienced a large growth in the
past few years, especially in terms of data traffic, which,
already surpassing voice traffic, is continuously increasing
by an order of magnitude every year [8]. This is creating
challenges for the existing cellular networks, which brings
the need of mobile data offloading. This refers to the delivery
of data meant initially for mobile cellular networks onto
other interfaces, through the use of complementary network
technologies, with the purpose of alleviating congestion and
making better use of available network resources. The goal
is to maintain a certain level of quality of service for users,
while reducing the cost and impact of medium and large-
scale services on the mobile network. It is predicted that
mobile offloading will become a top industry segment very
soon, as traffic on mobile networks continues to rapidly grow.
The main reason for advancing mobile offloading is the
increase in data traffic on cellular networks, which is causing
congestion and affecting user experience. This increase can
be attributed to several factors [9]. Firstly, the increase in
number of high-end devices like smartphones or tablets has
led to a spike in traffic (e.g., a smartphone can generate
up to 35 times more traffic than a basic feature phone).
Another important factor is the increase of average traffic per
the devices themselves, which happened mainly because the
network speeds have increased, while batteries have become
more powerful. Thirdly, the increase in mobile video content
has also led to congestion, because it has much higher bit
2VOLUME 4, 2016
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2929683, IEEE Access
Radu-Ioan Ciobanu et al.: Data and Task Offloading in Collaborative Mobile Fog-Based Networks
rates than other content types. Furthermore, large screen sizes
and mobile video optimization also contribute to the growth
of video traffic. As a fourth factor, we should mention the
availability of mobile broadband services at low prices and
speeds similar to those of fixed broadband.
Data offloading over Wi-Fi has caught traction in recent
years, due to the ubiquitousness of wireless access points.
There are considered to be two types of data offloading
over Wi-Fi [9]: on-the-spot and delayed. On-the-spot of-
floading refers to using spontaneous connectivity to Wi-Fi
and transferring data on the spot; when users move out
of the Wi-Fi coverage, they discontinue the offloading and
all the unfinished transfers are transmitted through cellular
networks. Most of the smartphones which give priority to Wi-
Fi over the cellular interface in data transmissions can be ex-
pected to currently achieve on-the-spot offloading. In delayed
offloading, each data transfer is associated with a deadline
and, as users come in and out of Wi-Fi coverage areas, they
repeatedly resume data transfer until the transfer is complete.
If the data transfer does not finish within its deadline, cellular
networks finally complete it. Most smartphones with Wi-Fi
are already performing on-the-spot offloading by default, but
delayed offloading is relatively new. Its notion is very close
to that of delay-tolerant networks where applications can
tolerate some amount of delays. It is true that users want the
data immediately, but network carriers can provide monetary
incentives for users to transfer with longer deadlines.
A recent approach to offloading mobile data traffic using
opportunistic communications has been proposed [8]. Most
of the information delivered over mobile networks comes
from content service providers and may include multimedia
newspapers, small computer games, weather reports, and so
on. The service providers can benefit from the delay-tolerant
nature of such applications and may deliver the information
only to a small group of users (target users). The target users
can further disseminate the information to subscribed users
when their mobile phones are in proximity and can com-
municate opportunistically using Wi-Fi or Bluetooth tech-
nology. Apart from these two technologies, device-to-device
(D2D) communication using cellular resources can also be
employed for such opportunistic communication. Such an
offloading approach is attractive as there is little or no mone-
tary cost associated with it. However, it is challenging due
to a number of factors such as the heterogeneity of data
traffic from service providers (varying in delay and content
size), varied user demands and preferences for data traffic,
incentives for target users, and battery and storage constraints
of mobile devices.
Several frameworks for offloading data in mobile networks
have been proposed recently, but they have several important
limitations that we aim to address with our solution. Firstly,
Huerta-Canepa and Lee propose an offloading framework
where static identical devices are able to work together at
parts of a series of common tasks [10]. However, the fact
that the nodes are not mobile, they are all the same, and they
can only communicate directly when in range (and not over
multiple hops) are some downsides of this solution that are
solved by the offloading mechanisms proposed in Section III.
A solution that also employs the cloud as an alternative
to device-to-device communication is mCloud [11], but it
has the drawback that it expects mobile network carriers
to offer incentives for participation. Furthermore, it has the
same limitation as all the other solutions, namely that it does
not allow the mobile nodes to communicate opportunistically.
A framework also called mCloud [12] further introduces the
third dimension of offloading, composed of edge devices.
In mCloud, node are thus able to offload over Wi-Fi, Wi-Fi
Direct (but again in a single-hop fashion), Bluetooth and 3G,
and the interface selection is performed using a multi-criteria
optimization approach that considers several context param-
eters such as battery consumption or resource availability.
Verbelen et al. introduce the notion of cloudlets [13],
which are groups of nodes located in the same network that
can collaborate to help with computations (either for a node
inside the cloudlet, or even for an external device). There are
elastic cloudlets built specifically in datacenters, and ad-hoc
cloudlets that get created when multiple devices that need to
offload tasks are connected to the same network at the same
time. The main drawback of this solution is that there needs
to be a central service that is aware at all times of all the
cloudlets and their locations, which defeats the purpose of
decentralization. Furthermore, this would be even harder to
implement if we took into account the fact that mobile nodes
move around a lot and thus change their cloudlet membership
very often.
In this section, we first present the Drop Computing paradigm
that our offloading mechanisms are implemented and tested
on, and then we propose our solutions for various scenarios.
The data and computation solution that we present here
is based on the Drop Computing paradigm [7], [14], as
shown in Figure 1. The main idea of Drop Computing is
the introduction of an additional crowd computing layer
below the classic fog/edge model, where mobile nodes can
collaborate between each other without the need for access
to the infrastructure. At this layer, the interactions between
nodes are guided by social connections, which add a new and
interesting dimension to distributed computing. Basically,
this bottom layer is an opportunistic network [15] governed
by the store-carry-and-forward paradigm.
Opportunistic networks (ONs) are a natural evolution of
mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs), where most (or some-
times all) of the nodes are mobile wireless devices. In the
case of ONs, routing information is not stored, due to the
volatile nature of the links between nodes. ON nodes have
no knowledge of the network when they join it, they are only
aware of other nodes that they come in close contact with,
depending on the radius of their communication mechanism
(e.g., Wi-Fi Direct, Bluetooth, NFC, etc.). Secondly, the
VOLUME 4, 2016 3
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2929683, IEEE Access
Radu-Ioan Ciobanu et al.: Data and Task Offloading in Collaborative Mobile Fog-Based Networks
FIGURE 1: The Drop Computing paradigm.
existence of a path between two devices is not guaranteed,
since the topology is unknown (even if it would be known,
a node can exit the local network anytime it wants to, or go
idle for an undefined period of time.)
In such circumstances, traditional TCP/IP protocols or any
other legacy Internet routing approach based on topological
information will fail to accomplish the network needs. ONs
address this issue through a store-carry-forward approach in
which a node that wants to relay a message will store it
and carry it around the network until the destination node is
reached, or another node with a high chance of encountering
the recipient is found. In this case, the message will be
passed from the sender to the intermediate node, which now
becomes the new sender.
However, opportunistic networks by themselves still have
several unresolved challenges, which is why Drop Comput-
ing employs them only as a first layer in the communication
process. The first challenge, and one of the greatest problems
that must be tackled when developing routing algorithms for
opportunistic networks, is the high degree of unreliability:
not having to rely on any topology means that the routing
will somehow have to constantly adapt to the new changes in
topology, and also determine the best routes.
Secondly, since contacts between nodes are hardly pre-
dictable in real life (due to the complexities of human mo-
bility patterns), some form of opportunistic decisioning must
be taken in order to maximize the rate of messages reaching
their destinations. Ideally, in order to correctly select the next
hop, the future state and behavior of the network must be
known, but this is not the case for ONs.
Another type of concern addresses the storage limitations
that most of the existing hand-held smart device have: this
directly impacts the number of messages one node can store.
The bigger the storage space is, the more transient messages
can exist in the network at a given time. If a node’s message
buffer gets full, it cannot receive any other messages unless
some of the existing ones are dropped. This can eventually
lead to the congestion of the network, in which case the
network simply “freezes” and a waiting interval has to pass
in order for the overwhelmed nodes to drop some of the
Given the fact that the majority of mobile devices run
using a limited amount of battery available, and that net-
work operations are known for being power-demanding, the
routing algorithms have to take into consideration the short
amount of time in which data transfers should take place and
the protocol being used: typically, Bluetooth is considered
to be a low-power, low-energy protocol, whereas Wi-Fi or
broadband technology such as 3G and 4G are much more
Two other issues are privacy and security, which are un-
avoidable as the data being sent make their way through-
out the network with the help of stranger nodes acting as
forwarders. To prevent then from being tempered with, en-
cryption methods must be employed that must assure both
the integrity and the secrecy of the content being sent. Each
routing algorithm designed for an opportunistic network must
address those issues in order to provide a sustainable commu-
nication channel between parties.
In the case of Drop Computing, these issues are addressed
by only employing the opportunistic network as part of a
layered architecture. On top of this crowd-based computing,
Figure 1 shows that there is also a component for server-
based computing. This is where the fog and edge nodes are
located, which can be employed by Drop Computing nodes
when in range and when the nearby nodes cannot help with
a request in a satisfying fashion. The fog and edge nodes are
generally static devices that are located at the edge of the
network, and that are used to alleviate the load on the cloud
backend, and to increase response times for the requests due
to their positioning closer to the devices being served.
If the edge and fog devices are not sufficient, then the
cloud is employed. Thus, it can be observed that the Drop
Computing paradigm has several levels of data and computa-
tion offloading: the ad-hoc opportunistic network composed
of other nearby devices, the fog and edge nodes, and the
cloud itself. It is in this context that we propose a solution
for oflloading in the next section.
On top of the Drop Computing paradigm presented in the
previous section, we now propose offloading mechanisms
that aim to improve the quality of experience (QoE) for
users, the costs for developers, as well as battery consump-
tion (which is of the utmost importance when dealing with
mobile networks composed of battery-powered devices). In
this paper, we focus on task computation as an offloadable
action, but the solutions we propose can be easily mapped
onto the offloading of data.
In [7], we introduced the Drop Computing paradigm and
proposed a simple offloading model that only takes into
account the cloud and other mobile devices located in close
proximity. In [14], we extended this solution by adding fog
nodes and presenting a more complex offloading mechanism
and highlighting its advantages. In this paper, we take this
one step further, by proposing a unified offloading solution
4VOLUME 4, 2016
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2929683, IEEE Access
Radu-Ioan Ciobanu et al.: Data and Task Offloading in Collaborative Mobile Fog-Based Networks
for Drop Computing that takes into consideration all levels
of the architecture presented in Section III-A and thoroughly
analyzing it in various scenarios.
As previously seen, there are three kinds of entities in Drop
Computing: mobile devices, fog nodes, and the cloud. This
leads to four scenarios of offloading, and in the remainder of
this section we propose a method for each of them:
device-to-device (D2D) only - there are only mobile
nodes in the network, so they can either compute the
tasks themselves, or spread them in the opportunistic
network composed of neighboring nodes
cloud only - mobile devices do not communicate with
each other, they can only compute the tasks themselves
or employ the cloud when they consider this necessary
(assuming unlimited resources in the cloud)
D2D and cloud - in this scenario, mobile nodes can
compute the tasks themselves or offload them oppor-
tunistically to other devices or to the cloud
D2D, cloud and fog - in addition to the previous sce-
nario, fog nodes are added here, which are located at the
edge of the network, between the opportunistic layer and
the cloud backend.
1) D2D only offloading
This type of offloading is very similar to the basic idea of
opportunistic routing or dissemination, where a source node
sends a message that needs to reach a particular destination
or a set of interested nodes. However, when dealing with task
offloading, the communication needs to be bi-directional.
First, the node that generates a task (its owner) needs to
move it towards a good executor. Then, after the task is
computed, it needs to make its way back to the owner, not
necessarily on the same path (especially taking into account
the fact that nodes in an opportunistic network are extremely
mobile and thus do not spend much time in the same place).
Another difference from opportunistic networks is the next
hop selection criteria. In ON routing, the destination of a
message is known in advance, so nodes that are encountered
are analyzed based on their suitability of delivering the mes-
sage closer to the destination (as shown by popular solutions
such as BUBBLE Rap [16], PROPHET [17], ONSIDE [18],
ML-SOR [19], RANK [20], dLife [21], SPRINT [22], etc.).
For ON dissemination, next hops are selected based on the
tags of a message and of the interests of the encountered
nodes (well-known proposals include ContentPlace [23], So-
cialCast [24], SANE [25], ONSIDE [26], etc.). In the D2D
offloading case, when a task needs to be computed, devices
are selected based on their resources and load, so different
heuristics need to be employed. Once a task is computed, the
logic of bringing it back to the owner behaves exactly like
opportunistic routing (with a destination known in advance),
so well-known algorithms can be employed for this stage.
Our proposed mechanism for offloading through D2D is
presented in Algorithm 1. There are two main functions
that need to be implemented for all four proposed solutions:
onDataExchange and onTick. The former method is called
Helper function Purpose
areBalanced(node1, node2) checks if the two nodes have
their tasks balanced
areSociallyConnected(node1, node2) checks if the two nodes are
socially connected
balance(node1, node2, drop)
balances the tasks of the two
nodes; if the third parameter
is true, then the nodes will
not keep the tasks that they
send each other
canCompute(node, task)
checks whether the node can
compute the task in the
current time tick
compute(node, task)
the node computes as much
of the task as it can in this
time tick
getContacts(node1, node2)
returns the number of
contacts between the two
getExecuted(node) returns the list of executed
tasks carried by the node
getOwner(task) returns the owner of the task
returns the list of
non-executed tasks carried
by the node
hasExpired(task) checks if the current task
has expired
hasFinished(task) checks if the current task
has finished being computed
isFogNode(node) checks if the current node is
a fog node
markAsSolved(node, task) marks the task as solved at
the node
send(task, node1, node2) sends the task from the first
to the second node
sendToCloud(task) sends the task to be executed
in the cloud
TABLE 1: Helper functions for the offloading mechanisms.
whenever two nodes encounter and start a data exchange
(from the standpoint of a node Aencountering a node B),
whereas the latter is called on every clock tick. The onTick
function is straightforward, as shown at lines 1-12 in Algo-
rithm 1: each node simply computes as many tasks as it can
from its list. This may include not only tasks that belong
to the current node, but also tasks that other devices have
offloaded. Whenever a task is completed, if it belongs to
the current node then it is marked as solved and sent to the
application level, otherwise it is put into a list of computed
tasks, so it can then be delivered to its owner node.
When two nodes Aand Bmeet, the first step is to ex-
change information about completed tasks. If a completed
task from node Abelongs to B, then a data exchange is
performed, so Bnow knows that its task was completed,
although not necessarily by A(lines 16-18). If a completed
task’s owner is not node B, then Bwill only get the in-
formation about the completed task from Aif it is socially
connected (on a network like Facebook, for example) with
the task’s owner (this is seen in lines 19-21 of Algorithm 1).
After exchanging information about completed tasks, the
nodes decide which set of tasks each of them keeps to
compute or further move in the network. By comparing the
tasks that each of the two nodes carry, this is an attempt to
VOLUME 4, 2016 5
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2929683, IEEE Access
Radu-Ioan Ciobanu et al.: Data and Task Offloading in Collaborative Mobile Fog-Based Networks
Algorithm 1 D2D only offloading mechanism (helper func-
tions are presented in Table 1).
1: procedure ONTICK(A)
2: for all tasks t in getTasks(A) do
3: if canCompute(A, t) then
4: compute(A, t)
5: if hasFinished(t) and getOwner(t) =Athen
6: markAsSolved(A, t)
7: end if
8: else
9: return
10: end if
11: end for
12: end procedure
14: procedure ONDATAEXCHANGE(A, B)
15: for all tasks t in getExecuted(B) do
16: if getOwner(t) =Athen
17: send(t, B, A)
18: markAsSolved(A, t)
19: else if areSociallyConnected(A, getOwner(t)) then
20: send(t, B, A)
21: end if
22: end for
24: if getContacts(A, B) 2then
25: familiar =true
26: else
27: familiar =false
28: end if
30: if ¬areBalanced(A, B) then
31: balance(A, B, familiar)
32: end if
33: end procedure
solve the following optimization problem (where Aand B
are the nodes, N.t is the set of uncomputed tasks carried by a
node N,N.cptu is the number of cycles per time unit that a
node Ncan perform, while T.c is the dimension of a task in
minimize |X
T.c ×A.cptu X
T.c ×B.cptu|
subject to A.t B.t =
This is a bound constrained optimization problem that
should balance the computation load on the two nodes by
minimizing the difference between the total computation
durations of the tasks carried by the two nodes, calculated
as the product between the number of cycles per task and
the duration of a cycle per node. In Algorithm 1, this step
is performed by the balance method as seen at line 31 (the
areBalanced method invoked at line 30 simply checks if the
difference between the loads on the two devices is higher
than a given threshold). After the minimization problem is
solved, the nodes exchange the necessary tasks between each
other, in order to remain with the most optimal task set. For
solving the problem, the balance function employs a greedy
approach: node Aselects the task that takes the longest for it
Algorithm 2 Cloud only offloading mechanism (helper func-
tions are presented in Table 1).
1: procedure ONTICK(A)
2: for all tasks t in getTasks(A) do
3: if canCompute(A, t) then
4: compute(A, t)
5: if hasFinished(t) then
6: markAsSolved(A, t)
7: end if
8: else
9: break
10: end if
11: end for
13: for all tasks t in getTasks(A) do
14: if hasExpired(t) then
15: sendToCloud(t)
16: end if
17: end for
18: end procedure
to compute, then Bchooses one or multiple tasks that take a
similar amount of time, and so on.
When node Atransfers a task to node B, it has two options.
It can either keep the task even after transfer (in which case
it can work on computing it in the future or pass it along to
other nodes) or it can delete it (and then only node Bdecides
what to do with the task). In order to make this decision, we
analyze the familiarity between the two encountering nodes,
as seen at lines 24-28 of Algorithm 1. Thus, if there have
been at least two contacts between Aand Bin the last time
window, then the familiar variable is set to true and the
sending node does not keep the task. This happens because
we consider that, when two nodes are familiar, there is an
inherent trust in each other. Furthermore, this may also mean
that, since Aand Bmeet often, they will both encounter a
similar set of neighbors.
2) Cloud only offloading
The second type of offloading is when devices do not com-
municate with each other opportunistically, but they only
have access to the cloud. This is actually the classic case of
mobile cloud computing [1], so our proposal for this scenario,
as shown in Algorithm 2, is relatively straightforward. More
specifically, the first part (lines 2-11) is very similar to the one
for D2D offloading from Algorithm 1 (the only difference is
that, for this case, a node can only compute tasks that belong
to itself, so it simply marks them as finished and sends them
to the application level upon execution). Whenever a task
expires, the cloud is employed to help with the computations.
Expiration times depend on the size of the task and the com-
putation expectancy of the user of the particular application
that is using the offloading mechanisms (generally in terms
of quality of experience).
6VOLUME 4, 2016
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Radu-Ioan Ciobanu et al.: Data and Task Offloading in Collaborative Mobile Fog-Based Networks
Algorithm 3 D2D and cloud offloading mechanism (helper
functions are presented in Table 1).
1: procedure ONTICK(A)
2: for all tasks t in getTasks(A) do
3: if canCompute(A, t) then
4: compute(A, t)
5: if hasFinished(t) and getOwner(t) =Athen
6: markAsSolved(A, t)
7: end if
8: else
9: break
10: end if
11: end for
13: for all tasks t in getTasks(A) do
14: if hasExpired(t) then
15: sendToCloud(t)
16: end if
17: end for
18: end procedure
20: procedure ONDATAEXCHANGE(A, B)
21: for all tasks t in getExecuted(B) do
22: if getOwner(t) =Athen
23: send(t, B, A)
24: markAsSolved(A, t)
25: else if areSociallyConnected(A, getOwner(t)) then
26: send(t, B, A)
27: end if
28: end for
30: if getContacts(A, B) 2then
31: familiar =true
32: else
33: familiar =false
34: end if
36: if ¬areBalanced(A, B) then
37: balance(A, B, familiar)
38: end if
39: end procedure
3) D2D and cloud offloading
The D2D and cloud offloading mechanism presented in Al-
gorithm 3 is basically a combination of the D2D and cloud
only solutions shown in Algorithms 1 and 2. More specifi-
cally, nodes compute the tasks they have in their lists upon
each tick (lines 2-11) and send them to the application layer
or store them to be disseminated to other nodes. Upon a D2D
contact, the nodes first exchange information about executed
tasks (lines 21-28), and then attempt to balance their tasks (as
shown at lines 30-38 in Algorithm 3). The advantage of this
solution over the two versions presented in Sections III-B1
and III-B2 is that more tasks will be computed because they
are sent to the cloud when they expire, but at the same time
the costs for the developers will be lower, because the cloud
will not be used as much as in the cloud-based solution.
4) D2D, cloud and fog offloading
When adding fog nodes into the network, the logic needs to
be changed in order to account for and take advantage of
Algorithm 4 D2D, cloud and fog offloading mechanism
(helper functions are presented in Table 1).
1: procedure ONTICK(A)
2: for all tasks t in getTasks(A) do
3: if canCompute(A, t) then
4: compute(A, t)
5: if hasFinished(t) and getOwner(t) =Athen
6: markAsSolved(A, t)
7: end if
8: else
9: break
10: end if
11: end for
13: for all tasks t in getTasks(A) do
14: if hasExpired(t) then
15: sendToCloud(t)
16: end if
17: end for
18: end procedure
20: procedure ONDATAEXCHANGE(A, B)
21: for all tasks t in getExecuted(B) do
22: if getOwner(t) =Athen
23: send(t, B, A)
24: markAsSolved(A, t)
25: else if areSociallyConnected(A, getOwner(t)) then
26: if isFogNode(A) then
27: send(t, B, A)
28: end if
29: end if
30: end for
32: if getContacts(A, B) 2then
33: familiar =true
34: else
35: familiar =false
36: end if
38: if ¬areBalanced(A, B) and ¬isFogNode(B) then
39: balance(A, B, familiar)
40: else if isFogNode(B) then
41: for all tasks t in getTasks(A) do
42: if canCompute(B, t) then
43: send(t, A, B)
44: compute(B, t)
45: send(t, B, A)
46: if hasFinished(t) and getOwner(t) =Athen
47: markAsSolved(A, t)
48: end if
49: else
50: break
51: end if
52: end for
53: end if
54: end procedure
these devices. Our proposal is shown in Algorithm 4, and it
can be observed that the behavior of the onTick method is the
same as for the D2D and cloud approach: devices compute
themselves as many tasks as they can at each tick, and they
offload to the cloud all the tasks that expire upon a tick.
The first different approach of this solution occurs when
VOLUME 4, 2016 7
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Radu-Ioan Ciobanu et al.: Data and Task Offloading in Collaborative Mobile Fog-Based Networks
exchanging executed tasks. In this case, if a mobile node
encounters a fog device, it sends its entire list of executed
tasks. This happens because fog nodes have larger storage
space and they are placed in locations where they have many
contacts with other devices, which increases the chance of an
executed task to find its owner. This is shown at lines 26-28
of Algorithm 4.
There is also a special case regarding tasks that have
not been fully computed yet, as observed at lines 40-53 of
Algorithm 4. In this situation, a mobile node will pick one
task from its list, offload it to the fog node, wait for the
executed task, and then repeat this action until the two nodes
are no longer in contact or all of the mobile device’s tasks
are executed. Upon the execution of each task, the mobile
node sends it to the application level or stores it for future
delivery, depending on the case. If the mobile node is not
the task’s owner, the fog node also keeps the result in its
list of executed tasks, in order to improve the task result
delivery. By employing the fog devices, mobile nodes take
full advantage of their higher computing power whenever
they are in range.
In this section, we present a thorough analysis of the behavior
of the offloading mechanism proposed in Section III. We start
by describing the various scenarios that we simulated and the
way they are implemented, and then we analyze the results
obtained by our solution, highlighting its advantages and the
places where it can be improved.
This section addresses the experimental setup of our simu-
lations. We first describe the MobEmu framework that was
used for all our tests, and then go into detail regarding each
scenario and the behavior of all entities involved (mobile
nodes, fog devices, the cloud, etc.).
1) MobEmu
MobEmu [27] is an open-source mobile network simulator2
that can replay a mobility trace or a synthetic mobile node
interaction model and allow the users to implement their own
logic on top of these interactions. It started out as a tool
for testing opportunistic network routing and dissemination
behavior on large-scale scenarios (having implementations
for solutions such as Epidemic [28], Spray-and-Wait [29],
BUBBLE Rap [16], Interest Spaces [30], etc.), but it has
evolved to allow for the existence of a cloud backend, edge
and fog devices, and other specialized network entities that
need to be simulated in various mobile network-related sce-
Although other opportunistic network simulators existed at
the time MobEmu was created (such as ONE [31], DTN23,
2Its code is freely available under MIT license at
or OMNet++4), they had several disadvantages, such as lack
of support for opportunistic dissemination, community de-
tection, social connections, context data, etc., which is the
reason that MobEmu was implemented.
It has a very intuitive interface, where a Node class is
used to simulate a network entity, and two methods need
to be implemented to guide the behavior of a mobile node:
onTick (called at every clock tick of the simulation) and
onDataExchange (called when two nodes are in contact
and start communicating). Aside from this, each node has
several additional components that can be attached, such
as Battery (to simulate battery consumption, as detailed
in Section IV-A5), Network (for network transfer behavior
using various close-range protocols), Community (for node
community grouping), etc.
2) Traces
For testing the solution proposed in Section III, we used one
real-life mobility trace collected in an office environment
(where the number of mobile nodes and their interactions
are fixed and cannot be controlled in the simulation) and
the HCMM mobility model [23], which simulates device
contacts based on approximations of the human behavior
(and which allows for a high control on the number of
nodes in the simulation and their grouping, the size of the
simulation area, the number of contacts, etc.).
The real-life trace (entitled “UPB 2015”) was collected for
a period of several weeks in an office in Bucharest, but for the
experiments we perform here, we selected a sample obtained
in a 7-hour interval of a single day (since it is a working
environment where the same employees work and interact,
the trace is very similar on a daily basis). For collection, we
employed the HYCCUPS Tracer [32], which is an Android
application that collects information about the behavior of a
mobile device, including battery consumption, CPU behavior
(frequencies, hotplugging, sleep states, etc.), memory man-
agement, user activity, and also contacts between nodes. For
contact tracing, HYCCUPS uses the AllJoyn framework5to
detect interactions over Wi-Fi access points and Bluetooth.
On the other hand, the Home-Cell Mobility Model
(HCMM) is a synthetic model that generates user interactions
that try to mimic real-life contacts between humans carrying
mobile devices, by following the caveman model [33]. The
advantage of HCMM is that it allows us to configure the
behavior of the mobile network through various parameters,
as shown in Table 2.
As shown in Section III, our solution assumes that there
are also fog devices in the network, which can alleviate some
of the load placed on mobile devices or the cloud. For this
reason, support for such devices was needed in MobEmu.
For HCMM, we simply added the desired number of static
fog nodes in the simulation, and generated contacts whenever
8VOLUME 4, 2016
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2929683, IEEE Access
Radu-Ioan Ciobanu et al.: Data and Task Offloading in Collaborative Mobile Fog-Based Networks
Parameter UPB 2015 HCMM
Environment Office Synthetic
Number of mobile nodes 6 40
Number of static fog nodes 2 2 or 4 or 10
Contacts 361 1624 or 25412
Duration 7 hours 15 hours
Node speed N/A 1.25 - 1.5 m/s
Simulation grid dimensions N/A 400x400 m
Node transmission radius N/A 10 m (Bluetooth)
Number of communities N/A 1 or 4
Number of traveler nodes N/A 1 per community
TABLE 2: Testing scenarios in MobEmu. For UPB 2015, the
parameters marked with “N/A” cannot be controlled when
running the trace.
mobile devices were in range, which allowed us to vary the
number of fog nodes. It can be seen in Table 2 that, for our
experiments, we tested with 2, 4 and 10 static fog nodes.
On the other hand, since UPB 2015 is a real-life trace and
we wanted to test with real data, we placed two static nodes
in locations at our faculty (in a large amphitheater and in a
laboratory) and configured their Wi-Fi interfaces in monitor
mode and listened for Wi-Fi beacons from other devices in
range [14]. We then mapped the most seen nodes to the 6
nodes in the UPB 2015 trace (choosing the 7-hour interval
with the most contacts) and ran our experiments this way.
3) Testing Scenarios
In order to highlight the advantages brought forth by our
proposed solution, we devised several scenarios. Firstly, we
test a scenario where there is only device-to-device com-
munication. In this situation, if a node needs to compute a
task, it can either perform this computation itself, or it can
request help from other nodes in the network when they are in
range. Requests for computations can be forwarded between
the nodes in a multi-hop opportunistic fashion, so a task may
end up being solved by a node that is never in contact with the
task’s owner. In this situation, the difficulty lies in correctly
choosing which node to forward the task to, and then which
node to use as a relay for the result of task, in order for it to
make its way back to its original owner.
For the second scenario, we assume that nodes do not
communicate with other devices, but they have access to
the cloud (so this is the classic mobile cloud computing
scenario). In this case, they can either compute the tasks
themselves or they can employ the cloud backend for help.
The third scenario sees the mobile nodes able to commu-
nicate with each other (D2D), while also having access to the
cloud, which means that they need to carefully decide when
to request help from their neighbors (e.g., when the other
devices in range have the necessary capabilities and they are
predicted to be encountered again shortly) and when to go to
the cloud.
Finally, the fourth test case is the complete scenario that
the solution we presented in Section III attempts to address,
namely when nodes can compute the tasks themselves, ask
for help from neighbors, go to the fog devices when in range,
or compute the tasks in the cloud.
We execute these four scenarios for the two traces pre-
sented in Section IV-A2, in order to see how our solution
behaves for different environments. Furthermore, we run our
solution on two versions of the HCMM scenario. In the first
version, the 40 nodes are grouped into 4 communities, which
means that nodes inside a community will tend to encounter
each other a lot, whereas interactions between nodes from
different communities are rarer. In this scenario, each com-
munity also has a traveler node, which moves through the
other communities with a higher probability than regular
nodes, acting thus as an inter-community connection. Aside
from this scenario, we also test with all nodes in a single
large community, which increases the contact duration of any
two nodes while decreasing the overall number of contacts
(since the two devices spend more time together and move
apart rarer), thus potentially making the D2D-only case more
4) Measured Metrics
For each scenario, we measure several metrics that we con-
sider to be important in deciding whether the solution we
propose is suitable. The first metric is computation duration,
which is the time passed between the moment a task is
generated and the moment that its owner has the result (that
was either computed locally, on another mobile or fog node,
or in the cloud). This metric is closely related to a user’s
quality of experience, since the quicker a task is solved, the
more satisfied the user is. Then, the second metric is the cloud
usage time, which needs to be improved from the standpoint
of the entity that offers the mobile service. For example, if we
are talking about a mobile application where CPU-intensive
tasks are offloaded to the cloud, a large number of such
offloads leads to higher costs for the application developers.
Ideally, a good solution should be able to minimize both
the computation duration and the cloud usage time, thus
satisfying the users and application developers alike. We
also compute the usage time per device (i.e., when the node
itself is performing computations), as well as the fog node
computation time, in order to see how often these nodes are
Another important metric when talking about networks
composed of mobile devices is the battery consumption. For
this reason, in our experiments we measure how much battery
is consumed overall by a mobile device (as a percentage of
the fully-charged battery), but also how much is consumed
for each of a device’s actions (i.e., exchanging data with
other devices, with the fog nodes, or with the cloud, and
computing tasks). In Section IV-A5, we discuss the battery
model employed in our experiments.
5) Battery Model
Several battery models for embedded systems have been pro-
posed over the years, including kinetic, stochastic or Markov
process-based models [34]. However, MobEmu currently
opts for a more simpler model, but one that we believe
VOLUME 4, 2016 9
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10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2929683, IEEE Access
Radu-Ioan Ciobanu et al.: Data and Task Offloading in Collaborative Mobile Fog-Based Networks
Consumer Multiplier value
D2D data transfer 1.65
Fog node data transfer 2.87
Cloud data transfer 5.74
Task computation 2.70
TABLE 3: Battery consumption multipliers used for testing
in MobEmu.
is closer to reality if configured correctly. More precisely,
for each type of device that MobEmu is able to simulate,
we have used real-life data (generally collected from GSM
Arena6) to estimate the lifetime of a mobile device when used
normally (i.e., when no data transfers and task computations
are performed). Based on the current trace’s sample time, the
initial battery is set so that, at each clock tick, it decreases
linearly by one unit, and the time it takes for the battery level
to get from maximum value to zero is equal to the battery
lifetime as indicated by GSM Arena information.
Then, for each type of action that is bound to consume
more battery (transferring data and computing tasks), we
apply a multiplier, so that, for example, while a task is being
computed, the battery will decrease by the value of the mul-
tiplier (instead of one unit) per time tick. If there are several
battery-consuming actions being performed simultaneously
at one point (for example, a device is sending some tasks to
the cloud, while at the same time computing other tasks), the
battery multipliers are added, so both actions contribute to
the consumption of battery.
In order to select the battery consumption multiplier values
(which are presented in Table 3), we performed several
experiments on multiple mobile devices (a Samsung Galaxy
S7, an iPhone 5S and a Google Pixel) where we observed
how much lower a device’s lifetime is when transferring data
on Wi-Fi (for fog node communication), 4G (for cloud com-
munication) and on Bluetooth (for D2D communication),
and also when running a task that keeps one core in 100%
usage. The values obtained for the three devices we tested
were relatively similar, so we approximated them as shown
in Table 3. We should mention that, when performing the
battery experiments that led to these values, we took into
account the fact that, when smartphones keep their CPUs
in high frequencies for longer periods of time, they tend to
overheat and end up consuming even more power, so we
allowed for cool-down intervals between short periods of
running tasks or transferring data.
6) Tasks
In order to analyze our proposed solution in multiple sce-
narios, we also varied the kinds of tasks that a node needs to
execute. Consequently, there are three types of computational
tasks in our experiments: small (1 Mcycle), medium (1000
Mcycles) and large (10000 Mcycles). Every time a node
remains out of tasks to execute, it generates a new set.
Tasks are organized into task groups, which pertain to the
Device Mcycle duration Full charge duration
iPhone 5S 0.769 ms 44 h
Samsung Galaxy S7 0.535 ms 59 h
Fog 0.200 ms N/A
TABLE 4: Mobile and fog device characteristics.
same application, actually representing one computation that
is split into multiple offloadable components. A task group
consists of between 1 and 20 tasks of each type. For all our
experiments (as presented in Section IV-A3), we limit the
total number of tasks per scenario to 60000.
Each individual task from a task group has an expiration
time. If no result arrived for that task (from a mobile or a fog
node) before the expiration time, then the task is sent to the
cloud for computing, so that it does not delay the application
and affect the user’s experience. This is why, when offloading
a task to another node, the proposed offloading solution needs
to take into account the time left prior to the task’s expiration,
in order to correctly decide where it is worth to offload the
task or if it is not better to compute it in the cloud. For small
tasks, the expiration time is 1 millisecond, while for medium
and large tasks it is one second and ten seconds, respectively.
When tasks are executed in the cloud, we assume that there
is an unlimited number of single-core virtual machines that
have 3.3 GHz CPUs. When executing tasks on mobile nodes,
we only use one core for task computation, in order to not
affect the QoE of the owner of the mobile device. When
offloading a task, all its data need to be transferred. In our
experiments, we assume that all tasks (regardless of type)
have 5 MB.
7) Mobile Devices
MobEmu is able to simulate several types of mobile de-
vices (smartphones, in this case), having support for LG
G5, HTC One M9, iPhone 5S, iPhone 6S, Samsung Galaxy
S4, Samsung Galaxy S5, Samsung Galaxy S6, and Samsung
Galaxy S7. A device is characterized by its battery lifetime
and the duration of computing a megacycle on one CPU
(information obtained from GSM Arena), as we assume that
transfer speeds are given by the protocols employed, and not
necessarily by the hardware.
For all our experiments in this article, we test with half
of the devices being iPhone 5S and the other half Samsung
Galaxy S7. We chose this combination because there is a
relatively significant advantage regarding CPU power for
the Samsung device, and we wanted to see what effect this
disparity has on our solution. The parameters for the two
types of devices, along with the fog nodes, can be observed
in Table 4. Regarding the fog nodes, we assumed that they
are static nodes always connected to a power outlet (thus no
battery limitations), which can perform task computations on
four cores simultaneously.
This section presents the results obtained when running
experiments on the scenarios described in Section IV-A.
10 VOLUME 4, 2016
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10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2929683, IEEE Access
Radu-Ioan Ciobanu et al.: Data and Task Offloading in Collaborative Mobile Fog-Based Networks
We begin by analyzing the behavior of our solution on the
HCMM model when the nodes are grouped into four social
communities, then we only set one community for the same
environment, and finally we show the results obtained on the
UPB 2015 mobility trace. All tests in this section have been
performed 5 times each, with average values being shown in
the charts.
1) HCMM Results (Four Communities)
Figure 2 shows the computation duration and cloud usage
time for the case when the 40 nodes in the HCMM simu-
lation are split evenly into four communities. Firstly, it can
be observed that, for the D2D-only case, the computation
duration is much higher than for all the other three scenarios.
This is caused by the fact that nodes in this scenario do
not have access to a cloud backend, so all computations
must be performed by themselves or by the other devices in
range. This means that, when a task expires, there is no other
backup option as is the case for the other tests. Furthermore,
because this is an environment where nodes are split into
communities, only nodes from the same community can be
good offloaders for a task, because there is a low chance that
nodes from different communities encounter each other (so
the number of potential devices to offload to is a quarter of
the network). Moreover, the D2D case is the only situation
where less than the maximum number of tasks is not reached.
As we specified in Section IV-A6, we limit the total number
of tasks per scenario to 60000, but in the case of D2D-only
offloading, only 45782 tasks end up being computed. This
shows that having a cloud backend can drastically improve
the computation, but this is done at the cost of renting cloud
resources by the application or service providers.
Figure 2 also shows that the solution we propose in Sec-
tion III is able to reduce both computation time (by at least
19.42%) and cloud usage time (with more than 40.24%)
when compared to the classic mobile cloud computing case
(i.e., when nodes can only offload their computations to the
cloud or perform them themselves). This means that the users
are more satisfied (since their computations are performed
faster, leading to a better QoE), and the application providers
are able to lower their deployment costs in the cloud. It can
also be seen that adding two fog nodes further improves the
computation duration (by 1.11%) and cloud usage (by 7.8%)
when compared to the D2D and cloud scenario. It should also
be mentioned that, for all four situations, the mobile devices
were used continually (computing tasks for themselves or for
other nodes, or transferring data), while the fog nodes were
used for a total of 0.54 hours.
Figure 2 shows that adding two fog nodes improves both
metrics analyzed, but not by much, because there are not
many contacts with them, which leads to few opportunities
to employ them. Furthermore, even if a node encounters a
fog device quickly, it might not get a chance to encounter
it again and get the result of a task back before the task
expires. For this reason, we tested with more fog nodes, and
the results are shown in Figure 3. It can be seen that, while
Computation duration Cloud usage time
Time (hours)
D2D only Cloud only
D2D and cloud D2D, cloud and fog
FIGURE 2: Computation duration and cloud usage time for
the HCMM scenario with four communities.
Computation duration Cloud usage time
Time (hours)
No fog nodes
2 fog nodes
4 fog nodes
10 fog nodes
FIGURE 3: The influence of the number of fog computing
nodes on computation duration and cloud usage time for the
HCMM scenario with four communities.
the computation duration is indeed reduced, the benefits are
not that high. There is only an improvement of 0.7% when
employing ten fog nodes instead of four. This is most likely
caused by the fact that the mobile network in this scenario is
extremely dynamic, so mobile devices do not meet the static
fog nodes very often, and even then the contact durations are
low, which caps the amount of data that can be exchanged.
In terms of cloud usage time, the benefits are slightly better
(3.8%), but the values are still small, which leads us to draw
the conclusion that the number of specialized fog nodes does
not have to be too high when compared to the number of
nodes in the network, since other mobile devices themselves
can take some of the load. For this particular test case, 2
fog nodes (i.e., 5% of the total number of network nodes)
is sufficient for a good QoE and reduced deployment costs.
Furthermore, fog nodes are also more expensive than simply
using the regular mobile nodes, so keeping a low number in
this network is an advantage.
For the four cases presented in Figure 2, we also measured
the average battery consumption per mobile device type,
assuming that each node starts the experiments with a full
charge. The results are shown in Figure 4, where it can
VOLUME 4, 2016 11
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2929683, IEEE Access
Radu-Ioan Ciobanu et al.: Data and Task Offloading in Collaborative Mobile Fog-Based Networks
iPhone 5S Samsung Galaxy S7
Battery consumption (%)
Mobile device type
D2D only
Cloud only
D2D and cloud
D2D, cloud and fog
FIGURE 4: Average battery consumption per mobile device
type for the HCMM scenario with four communities.
be observed that our proposed offloading solution (with or
without fog nodes) is able to reduce the battery consumption
when compared to the D2D-only and classic mobile cloud
computing cases. For the Samsung Galaxy S7 devices (which
in average consume about 25% less battery than the iPhone
5S nodes), our proposed solution decreases battery depletion
by 5.4%, whereas for the iPhone 5S nodes our solution
brings a reduction of about 6.5%. The numbers may not
be that significant in and of themselves, but they should be
put into perspective. Namely, our offloading solution is able
to reduce computation time (i.e., improve user QoE) and
decrease cloud usage (i.e., lower the costs for the developers),
while at the same time consuming less battery for the mobile
devices, which is an important metric for smartphone users7.
As another interesting aspect to mention, Figure 4 shows
that a mobile device consumes the same amount of power
regardless whether there are fog nodes in the network or not.
We wanted to delve deeper into battery consumption,
so we extracted the distribution of power consumption per
activity in each scenario for the two types of devices, as
shown in Figures 5 and 6. The four activities considered
are D2D communication (over Bluetooth), device-to-cloud
(D2C) communication (using 4G), device-to-fog node (D2F)
communication (with Wi-Fi), and task computation. The two
sets of charts show that, for all scenarios excluding the cloud-
only case, the most battery is consumed by a mobile device
when computing tasks (either for its own benefit, or for
other nodes in the network). For the mobile cloud computing
scenario (shown in Figures 5b and 6b), a node only computes
a task until it expires and then sends it to the cloud. Thus,
nodes that tend to generate more tasks need to contact the
cloud more often (since they cannot deal with all the tasks
themselves, and there is no other entity that can help), leading
to the behavior shown in Figures 5b and 6b (for both types of
devices, 98.5% of the battery consumption belongs to cloud
why-battery- life-should-be-the-new-smartphone-battleground/.
For the D2D-only case, while devices compute continu-
ously as long as there are tasks available, the majority of
battery consumption is caused by computation on the nodes,
as shown in Figures 5a and 6a (94.75% for the iPhones
and 95.72% for the Samsung nodes). This happens because
nodes communicate in a probabilistic fashion in this scenario,
based on heuristics and context information, so the same task
needs to be sent on multiple paths in order to find a node
that is willing and capable of computing it, thus ending up
potentially being computed multiple times in the network.
When allowing mobile devices to use both the cloud
and other nodes (fog or mobile), the distribution of battery
consumption is skewed less towards computation, as seen
in Figures 5c, 5d, 6c, and 6d. This happens because the
nodes try to look for the better option for each task, which
might mean using other nodes or the cloud. For the D2D
and cloud case, iPhone 5S devices spend 10% of their battery
on D2D communication and 16.98% on data exchanges with
the cloud. When also adding fog nodes, although the data
exchanges with them only consume 0.05% for iPhone 5S
devices, their introduction in the network has other effects.
More specifically, Figure 5d shows that more battery is
consumed by D2D communication (17.49%), as the amount
of computations performed on a device decreases (with the
value being 65.54%). This happens because the results of
the tasks computed by the fog devices need to make their
way back to their owners, so the nodes need to work harder
in ensuring that they are spread optimally in order to reach
their owners. Figure 6d shows that similar behavior is also
exhibited by the Samsung Galaxy S7 devices, albeit with
less D2D usage (since the nodes are more powerful than the
iPhones and can compute their own tasks quicker).
2) HCMM Results (One Community)
We have seen in the previous section that the scenario where
nodes are only able to communicate using close-range proto-
cols has very high values for the total computation duration,
which is caused by the fact that nodes from different commu-
nities encounter each other rarer, so only nodes in the same
community can help each other. Furthermore, nodes in this
scenario tend to have lower contact durations, so a smaller
amount of tasks can be exchanged upon a contact. For this
reason, in this section we test our solution on a version of this
scenario where all nodes are part of the same community. As
shown in Table 2, this leads to a smaller number of contacts
(1624 as opposed to 25412), but their durations are higher.
The first effect of having a single community can be
observed in Figure 7, namely that the total computation
duration for the D2D case is drastically decreased in com-
parison to the scenario with four communities (from 152.15
to 54.88 hours). Furthermore, the number of tasks that can
be computed in this scenario is improved by 26%, ending
up very close to the maximum 60000 tasks per simulation.
For the other three test cases, the values obtained are similar
to the results achieved when testing with four communities:
the computation duration is decreased when offloading can
12 VOLUME 4, 2016
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2929683, IEEE Access
Radu-Ioan Ciobanu et al.: Data and Task Offloading in Collaborative Mobile Fog-Based Networks
D2D D2F D2C Computation
(a) D2D only
D2D D2F D2C Computation
(b) Cloud only
D2D D2F D2C Computation
(c) D2D and cloud
D2D D2F D2C Computation
(d) D2D, cloud and fog
FIGURE 5: Distribution of battery consumption per activity
for the HCMM scenario with four communities (iPhone 5S
D2D D2F D2C Computation
(a) D2D only
D2D D2F D2C Computation
(b) Cloud only
D2D D2F D2C Computation
(c) D2D and cloud
D2D D2F D2C Computation
(d) D2D, cloud and fog
FIGURE 6: Distribution of battery consumption per activity
for the HCMM scenario with four communities (Samsung
Galaxy S7 devices).
be performed in the cloud or on other nodes (fog or mobile),
while the cloud usage time is also reduced when compared to
the classic mobile cloud computing scenario. When compar-
ing Figure 7 with Figure 2, it can be seen that the computation
duration for the one-community scenario is slightly higher
than when running with four communities, while the cloud
usage time is decreased. This is most likely cause by the fact
that, because devices spend more time in contact with each
Computation duration Cloud usage time
Time (hours)
D2D only
Cloud only
D2D and cloud
D2D, cloud and fog
FIGURE 7: Computation duration and cloud usage time for
the HCMM scenario with one community.
iPhone 5S Samsung Galaxy S7
Battery consumption (%)
Mobile device type
D2D only
Cloud only
D2D and cloud
D2D, cloud and fog
FIGURE 8: Average battery consumption per mobile device
type for the HCMM scenario with one community.
other, they have the tendency to help each other more often,
thus reducing the number of accesses to the cloud (and in the
process slightly increasing the overall computation duration).
We measured average battery consumption per mobile de-
vice type for this scenario as well, as shown in Figure 8. The
results show that allowing devices to offload tasks to each
other and to fog nodes helps decrease battery consumption
by as much as 6.5%. However, what is most important to
note when comparing Figure 4 to Figure 8 is that, when the
mobile nodes are in the same community and they only have
D2D connectivity, they not only compute 26% more tasks 2.7
times faster, but they also consume less power in the process
(for iPhone 5S devices, the power reduction is 3.6%, whereas
for the Samsung Galaxy S7 nodes it is 2.3%).
We also computed the distribution of battery consumption
per activity, as shown in Figures 9 and 10. What stands out
from these charts at first glance is that, in the scenarios where
D2D communication is possible, the battery consumption is
barely affected by it. For the D2D-only case, only 0.1% of
the energy consumption is caused by close-range commu-
nication, for both iPhone and Samsung devices. When also
allowing cloud offloading, only 0.4% of the power consump-
tion of iPhone nodes and 0.2% of the energy consumption
VOLUME 4, 2016 13
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2929683, IEEE Access
Radu-Ioan Ciobanu et al.: Data and Task Offloading in Collaborative Mobile Fog-Based Networks
D2D D2F D2C Computation
(a) D2D only
D2D D2F D2C Computation
(b) Cloud only
D2D D2F D2C Computation
(c) D2D and cloud
D2D D2F D2C Computation
(d) D2D, cloud and fog
FIGURE 9: Distribution of battery consumption per activity
for the HCMM scenario with one community (iPhone 5S
of Samsung devices is prompted by D2D data exchanges.
Finally, less than 0.01% of battery drain is given by D2D
communication when also adding fog nodes (in this case,
data exchanges with the fog nodes also barely affect the
battery consumption). This highlights the fact that, if there
is a single large community, a node has an equal chance of
encountering any other node, which means the results of a
task computation offloaded to a given node make their way
much easier towards the task’s owner. Thus, instead of, for
example, a task result going through seven hops between the
device that computes the task and the owner, it might only
pass through one or two nodes, which drastically decreases
the number of D2D transfers in the network and consequently
the battery consumption caused by these transfers.
3) UPB 2015 Results
For the next set of results, we ran our experiments on the
real-life UPB 2015 trace, collected in an office environment
from six participants. The results for computation duration
and cloud usage are shown in Figure 11, and it can be ob-
served that, similarly to the HCMM scenarios, our proposed
solution is able to reduce the computation duration and cloud
usage at the same time, when compared to the mobile cloud
computing and D2D-only cases. More specifically, the D2D
and cloud scenario brings an improvement of 38.29% (i.e.,
7.59 hours) in terms of computation time over the D2D-
only case, and of 21.35% (i.e., 3.32 hours) over the classic
mobile cloud computing scenario. When measured against
the latter scenario, our D2D and cloud solution is able to also
decrease the total cloud usage time by 7.2 hours, which is
the equivalent of a 40% improvement. When adding the two
fog nodes, the computation duration and cloud usage time
D2D D2F D2C Computation
(a) D2D only
D2D D2F D2C Computation
(b) Cloud only
D2D D2F D2C Computation
(c) D2D and cloud
D2D D2F D2C Computation
(d) D2D, cloud and fog
FIGURE 10: Distribution of battery consumption per activity
for the HCMM scenario with one community (Samsung
Galaxy S7 devices).
Computation duration Cloud usage time
Time (hours)
D2D only Cloud only
D2D and cloud D2D, cloud and fog
FIGURE 11: Computation duration and cloud usage time for
the UPB 2015 scenario.
are also slightly improved. Unfortunately, in this scenario
we could not control the number of fog devices because we
used real data, but the conclusions obtained when analyzing
Figure 3 showed that one fog node per twenty mobile devices
was sufficient. In the UPB 2012 scenario, there are two fog
nodes for six nodes, so we consider this to be an appropriate
value, and the results to be valid.
Because the number of nodes and the simulation duration
are lower for the UPB 2015 scenario than for the HCMM
tests, the maximum number of tasks (set to 60000) cannot
be achieved by any test case. Table 5 shows how many tasks
can be computed by all the nodes in each scenario. It can
be observed that the D2D-only test case has by far the worst
behavior, managing to compute less than half of the number
of tasks that the other scenarios do. This is caused by the
low number of contacts and devices in this trace, which do
14 VOLUME 4, 2016
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2929683, IEEE Access
Radu-Ioan Ciobanu et al.: Data and Task Offloading in Collaborative Mobile Fog-Based Networks
Test case Compute tasks
D2D only 15041
Cloud only 33315
D2D and cloud 32098
D2D, cloud and fog 32170
TABLE 5: Total number of tasks computed in the mobile
network for the UPB 2015 scenario.
iPhone 5S Samsung Galaxy S7
Battery consumption (%)
Mobile device type
D2D only
Cloud only
D2D and cloud
D2D, cloud and fog
FIGURE 12: Average battery consumption per mobile device
type for the UPB 2015 scenario.
not offer many chances of offloading tasks to nodes that
are free to compute them. The three scenarios that imply
using the cloud all obtain similar values, with the cloud-only
implementation having the best results. However, the benefit
of computing an extra 1216 tasks might not counter-balance
the additional 7.2 hours of cloud time, but this is something
that should be decided by the developers offering the mobile
service, based on its purpose and behavior.
We have seen in Table 5 that the cloud-based scenario sees
the most tasks computed during the experiment duration, but
Figure 12 shows that this has a very high negative effect
on battery consumption, regardless of the device type. For
iPhone 5S nodes, the energy consumption is increased by
27% when compared to the case when offloading can also be
performed on nodes, while for the Samsung Galaxy S7 nodes
28% more battery is consumed by the nodes. It can also be
observed that the battery consumption is approximately the
same for all the other three scenarios.
Finally, Figures 13 and 14 show that the distribution of
battery consumption per activity is similar to the one specific
to the one-community HCMM scenario (as seen in Figures 9
and 10). Namely, close-range communication between de-
vices does not consume a lot of battery, while most of the
energy consumption is caused by task computations on the
4) Comparison
We also compare the proposed Drop Computing offloading
solution to mCloud [12] and present and analyze the results in
this section. We chose mCloud because it takes into account
all the types of offloading supported by Drop Computing and
can thus better highlight the advantages brought by our solu-
D2D D2F D2C Computation
(a) D2D only
D2D D2F D2C Computation
(b) Cloud only
D2D D2F D2C Computation
(c) D2D and cloud
D2D D2F D2C Computation
(d) D2D, cloud and fog
FIGURE 13: Distribution of battery consumption per activity
for the UPB 2015 scenario (iPhone 5S devices).
D2D D2F D2C Computation
(a) D2D only
D2D D2F D2C Computation
(b) Cloud only
D2D D2F D2C Computation
(c) D2D and cloud
D2D D2F D2C Computation
(d) D2D, cloud and fog
FIGURE 14: Distribution of battery consumption per activity
for the UPB 2015 scenario (Samsung Galaxy S7 devices).
tion. For this reason, we implemented mCloud in MobEmu
based on its description in [12]. In short, mCloud uses a cost
model in order to be able to decide, at any step, which is the
most suitable interface for offloading a task (or if the task
should be computed locally). The general cost model is a
weighted function of the task execution time and the energy
consumption, with particular forms of the function depending
on the interface being analyzed. When multiple interfaces
are available at the same time, TOPSIS [35] (Technique for
Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution) is applied
VOLUME 4, 2016 15
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2929683, IEEE Access
Radu-Ioan Ciobanu et al.: Data and Task Offloading in Collaborative Mobile Fog-Based Networks
Computation duration Cloud usage time
Time (hours)
Drop Computing mCl oud
FIGURE 15: Computation duration and cloud usage time
comparison (UPB 2015).
to select the channel that the task will be offloaded on. The
weights that we employ for the cost function in our analysis
are the ones proposed in [12]. Furthermore, as presented in
Section III-B, we assume that nodes communicate with the
cloud using 4G, with the fog devices using Wi-Fi, and with
each other using Bluetooth.
The computation duration and cloud usage time of Drop
Computing and mCloud on the UPB 2015 trace (on the
same scenario described in Section IV-A) are presented in
Figure 15. It can be observed that the computation duration
is 1.5 hours lower when employing Drop Computing, which
amounts to an improvement of 10.9%. However, mCloud is
able to reduce the overall cloud usage time with more than
3 hours (i.e., a decrease of about 30%). This happens be-
cause, based on the cost function proposed in citeZhou2016,
mCloud tends to favor offloading to fog or mobile devices, as
opposed to the cloud. However, the results that we obtained
also show that, while 32170 tasks are solved during a Drop
Computing run, mCloud only manages 29929, which is a
7% decrease. Furthermore, we also show the average battery
consumption per mobile device type in Figure 16 and it can
be observed that less battery is used by Drop Computing on
both iPhone and Samsung nodes (with reductions of 0.3%
and 3.3%, respectively).
The results presented in this section show that the Drop Com-
puting paradigm can be employed to successfully improve
various metrics in a cloud-backed mobile network, ranging
from task computation speed to costs or battery consumption.
By intelligently offloading to neighboring mobile devices,
fog nodes, or the cloud, overall communication parameters
can be improved. Depending on the type of mobile network
that the multi-layered Drop Computing architecture is de-
ployed in, various metrics can be emphasized as opposed
to others. For example, if the application-level requirement
is that the task computation duration should be low, then
the cloud can be employed more often, leading to lower
execution times but to a higher usage of the cloud backend.
iPhone 5S Samsung Galaxy S7
Battery consumption (%)
Mobile device type
Drop Computing mCloud
FIGURE 16: Average battery consumption per mobile device
type comparison (UPB 2015).
This in turn leads to higher costs for the application devel-
opers or maintainers, which is why these metrics should be
balanced properly. On the other hand, if the desire is that
battery consumption is reduced as much as possible with-
out particular regard to computation speed, then close-range
offloading is preferred due to a lower energy consumption.
New technologies such as LoRa, NB-IoT or 5G will only
improve Drop Computing, because they can easily slot into
one or multiple layers (e.g., LoRa and NB-IoT are useful at
the bottom levels, whereas 5G will be able to participate in
every layer).
These are all factors that generally need to be balanced
by the developers of applications on top of Drop Computing,
but in the future we envision a dynamic method of weighting
these metrics based on the shape and behavior of the network
at each step, through automatic adaptation. However, this is
not a trivial task, since there are a lot of types of applications
that can benefit from Drop Computing.
As shown in [36], both mobile and Internet of Things
(IoT) applications can easily be deployed on top of Drop
Computing. On the mobile side, applications that are used
in crowded areas (like stadiums or concert halls) can greatly
gain from using Drop Computing, because it can take the load
from Wi-Fi access points or broadband cell towers and spread
it across nearby mobile devices at the bottom layer of the
Drop Computing architecture. Since such an environment has
a high concentration of nodes, the obtained latencies are able
to remain low. Furthermore, any kind of mobile application
that has large computations and can benefit from having
them split into smaller tasks is suitable for Drop Computing,
since our proposed solution implements the entire offloading
logic. Finally, in disaster situations where the fixed infras-
tructure cannot be utilized, the opportunistic layer of Drop
Computing would be able to continue on ferrying data from
one node to another. When talking about IoT applications,
an interesting use case would be an ambient assisted living
(AAL) facility, where the patients and the staff have various
kinds of body sensors (even from their smartphones), which
can interact with other sensors located in the facility (such as
16 VOLUME 4, 2016
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2929683, IEEE Access
Radu-Ioan Ciobanu et al.: Data and Task Offloading in Collaborative Mobile Fog-Based Networks
cameras, motion sensors, thermometers, etc.), thus reducing
the need for connecting everything to a single infrastructure
and instead using Drop Computing to perform sensor-to-
sensor communication towards a server or a gateway.
In this paper, we tackled the problem of mobile data offload-
ing in Drop Computing, by proposing solutions for moving
data and computations from a mobile device to the cloud, to
fog nodes, or to other mobile devices. Through simulations
on real-life traces and synthetic scenarios, we showed that the
Drop Computing paradigm, which assumes a crowd comput-
ing layer below the fog nodes, is suitable for restricted mobile
networks. More specifically, we proved that our solution can
decrease total computation time (translated to user QoE),
cloud usage (i.e., the cost incurred by the service providers
or application developers), and battery consumption (which
is a very important metric in mobile networks). We also
discussed the potential of Drop Computing in various kinds
of scenarios, analyzing its suitability for a variety of use
We are currently working on an implementation of Drop
Computing on Android and iPhone, and in the future we plan
to perform similar experiments on actual mobile devices.
Until then, we also want to improve the behavior of our
solutions, especially when adding fog nodes.
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2929683, IEEE Access
Radu-Ioan Ciobanu et al.: Data and Task Offloading in Collaborative Mobile Fog-Based Networks
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RADU-IOAN CIOBANU is a lecturer and re-
searcher at the Computer Science department of
the Faculty of Automatic Control and Computers
at University Politehnica of Bucharest. He ob-
tained his B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. (Summa Cum
Laude) from the same faculty in 2010, 2012 and
2016, respectively. He has worked in the area
of mobile devices for more than 8 years, having
experience in both startups (VirtualMetrix) as well
as corporations (Luxoft).
His research interests include pervasive and mobile networks, DTNs,
opportunistic networks, cloud computing, etc. His research has led to the
publishing of numerous papers and articles at important scientific journals
(such as Pervasive and Mobile Computing, Journal of Network and Com-
puter Applications, Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Tech-
nologies, Ad Hoc Networks) and conferences (IEEE GLOBECOM, ICC,
IM, WoWMoM, etc.). During his still young career, he has been involved in
several national and international research projects in the area of mobile and
cloud computing, as well as IoT and Ambient Assisted Living.
CIPRIAN DOBRE (Professor, PhD., Habil.)
leads the MobyLab “Laboratory on Pervasive
Products and Services” at University Politehnica
of Bucharest. He has scientific and scholarly con-
tributions on Data Science, Mobile and Ubiquitous
Computing, Mobile and Urban Smart Technolo-
gies, Internet of Things, Monitoring, Wireless Net-
works, Modeling / Simulation. He was awarded
a PhD scholarship from California Institute of
Technology (Caltech, USA), and another one from
Oracle. He received the Award “Gheorghe Cartianu" of the Romanian
Science Academy, and the IBM Faculty Award. His results received two
CENIC Awards, and five Best Paper Awards, and were published in articles
in major international peer-reviewed journal and well-established interna-
tional conferences and workshops. He currently coordinates the project
“Clinically-validated INtegrated Support for Assistive Care and Lifestyle
Improvement: the Human Link” (vINCI, AAL2017-63-vINCI).
GEORGE SUCIU (Dr. Eng. Ec.) is a senior
scientific researcher 3rd degree, with more than
15 years of experience in R&D projects. He grad-
uated from the Faculty of Electronics, Telecom-
munications and Information Technology at the
University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, where
he received also his M.Sc. He holds a PhD in cloud
communications from the same university. Also,
he holds a MBA in Informatics Project Manage-
ment and IPR from the Faculty of Cybernetics,
Statistics and Economic Informatics of the Academy of Economic Studies
Bucharest, and currently, his post-doc research work is focused on the
field of cloud communications, blockchain, big data and IoT/M2M. George
has experience as coordinator and WP leader for over 30 R&D projects
(FP7, H2020, Eureka / Eurostars, etc.) and is involved currently in over 10
international and 5 national projects. He is the author or co-author of over
150 journal articles and scientific papers presented at various international
conferences, holding over 5 patents. He is R&D and Innovation Manager at
BEIA Consult International since 2008, having previously worked as ICT
Solutions Manager since 1998.
18 VOLUME 4, 2016
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2929683, IEEE Access
Radu-Ioan Ciobanu et al.: Data and Task Offloading in Collaborative Mobile Fog-Based Networks
AL ˘
ANESCU (Dr. Eng. Mat.) is a
senior researcher with over 20 years experience in
the field of data analysis, environmental impact as-
sessment, technological process modeling, climate
change and environmental risk management. She
is a mathematician with an M.D. in applied statis-
tics and optimization method from University of
Bucharest, Romania and earned in 2005 the PhD
in engineering from the University Politehnica of
Bucharest, Romania. She is author of 3 books,
published over 25 articles in ISI and BDI journals, 30 in proceedings and
conference volumes, over 10 technical review reports for United Nation
Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and hold 1 patent.
Also, she was project manager and team member of 9 national grants and 5
international projects within last 5 years. Beside the research activities she
provides support for national authorities (Ministry of Environment, National
Environmental Protection Agency) for the reporting under various EU legal
requirements and international agreements and offer technical consultancy
for industrial units.
VOLUME 4, 2016 19
... Our main goal is to implement and evaluate the Drop Computing paradigm as a framework for physical devices. Besides following already established algorithms presented in Drop Computing related papers [1], [10], we also want to implement the following requirements: 1) a mobile device will be able to offload computation to another mobile device; 2) mobile devices should be able to store, carry, and forward the received packets; 3) mobile devices should be able to solve computation requests within the limits of available resources; 4) mobile devices should be able to offload computation to the cloud; 5) a mobile device must be identifiable in the network. ...
... The work necessary for a task is defined as the complexity (received from the Offloading Layer) divided by the device's CPU frequency. For this balance, we use a variation of the balancing algorithm from [10]. Instead of each device sending a task and waiting for a response before sending more, the algorithm uses the tasks information received with the peer information packet for predicting what tasks the other device will send. ...
... Chen et al. [38] proposed a D2D crowd framework in which network edge devices use networkassisted D2D collaboration to share computing and communication resources so as to reduce energy consumption. To reduce the task computing time and energy consumption, Ciobanu et al. [39] proposed transferring data and computing from mobile devices to the cloud, fog nodes, or other mobile devices. Chen et al. [40] proposed considering social relationships as an essential factor for collaborative computation offloading and taking the minimum weight of a perfect bipartite graph as the decision-making method of multitask computation offloading. ...
... Therefore, the dataset was expanded following the distribution law of the original data. The dataset used was based on the upb-hyccups2012 [39], [46] dataset from a social tracking experiment conducted at Politehnica University, which recorded the interactions between the experiment participants and showed that their social relationships are based on their Facebook profiles. The dataset social relationship network is presented in Fig. 5. ...
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With increasing computation-intensive tasks of various applications running on mobile devices, the limitation of computing resources and battery capacity on mobile devices makes it impossible to meet the users’ Quality of Service (QoS). Fortunately, with the emergence of mobile edge computing (MEC), mobile devices can offload tasks to edge servers to efficiently solve the above problems. However, meeting the users’ QoS requirements with the help of deployed MEC facilities is still challenging since mobile users’ service demands vary depending on their dynamic location. In addition, increasing the number of edge servers to meet the requirements of applications would burden the initial investment and maintenance fee accordingly. In this case, using idle resources from nearby mobiles may become an effective solution. Most of the existing works do not consider the mobility of devices and users’ willingness to share. Therefore, in this paper, we propose the mobile device selection algorithms (MDSA), in which the social relationship, location correlation, and mobile activity of mobile devices were considered in the selection of target mobile devices, providing device-to-device offloading. In addition, we propose the joint social-aware and mobility-aware computation offloading algorithm (JSMCO) based on the improved Kuhn–Munkres (KM) algorithm to obtain a resource allocation strategy that minimizes the energy consumption while satisfying the minimum latency condition. The proposed algorithms have been verified to reduce the offloading success rate and decrease the users’ time and energy consumption in extended real datasets.
... Some scholars use D2D collaboration to implement collaborative edge computing. Ciobanu et al. [21] propose a computational offloading solution that can improve user QoE, reduce application and service developers' cost, and reduce battery consumption. In [3], the D2D is utilized to offload tasks to other smart devices for collaborative execution. ...
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With the continuous progress of edge computing technology and the development of the Internet of Things technology, scenarios such as smart transportation, smart home, and smart medical care enable people to enjoy the smart era’s convenience. Simultaneously, with the addition of many smart devices, a large number of tasks are submitted to the edge server, making the edge server unable to meet the needs of completing tasks submitted by the smart device. Besides, if the task is submitted to the remote cloud data center, it increases the user’s additional delay and cost. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the task offloading strategy and resource allocation scheme to solve these problems. This paper first proposes a new task offloading mechanism and then proposes a two‐stage Stackelberg game model to solve each participant’s interaction problem in the task offloading mechanism and ensure the maximization of their respective interests. Finally, a theoretical analysis proves the equilibrium of the two‐stage Stackelberg game. Experiments are used to prove the effectiveness of the proposed mechanism. Comparative experimental results show that the proposed model can achieve better results regarding delay and energy consumption.
... Drop computing [9] is a novel paradigm that addresses the limitations of mobile cloud computing by proposing a multilayered architectural solution. Basically, it combines opportunistic networks in the first place enabling the ad-hoc communication between nearby mobile devices, with edge and fog nodes and further cloud in order to offload data and the complex compute-intensive tasks [8] [6]. As this research work is at its early stages, the potential issues such as data corruption are gradually addressed [7]. ...
This paper is our survey toward a general understanding of the requirements for handling large volumes of heterogeneous data, and moreover, presents an overview of the employed computing techniques and technologies necessary for analyzing and processing those datasets. As of our attempt to picture how the data heterogeneity meets the systems heterogeneity, we summarize the identified key issues for multiple dimensions, including data, processing, workload, and infrastructure.
... Another example extends disentangled representation learning models by an information theoretic formulation for image classification and retrieval problems in computer vision [39]. Potential contemporary use cases can further extend to mobile cloud computing applications [6], as well as end-to-end deep learning models for communication systems with efficient mutual information based encoding [13]. ...
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Feature ranking and selection is a widely used approach in various applications of supervised dimensionality reduction in discriminative machine learning. Nevertheless there exists significant evidence on feature ranking and selection algorithms based on any criterion leading to potentially sub-optimal solutions for class separability. In that regard, we introduce emerging information theoretic feature transformation protocols as an end-to-end neural network training approach. We present a dimensionality reduction network (MMINet) training procedure based on the stochastic estimate of the mutual information gradient. The network projects high-dimensional features onto an output feature space where lower dimensional representations of features carry maximum mutual information with their associated class labels. Furthermore, we formulate the training objective to be estimated non-parametrically with no distributional assumptions. We experimentally evaluate our method with applications to high-dimensional biological data sets, and relate it to conventional feature selection algorithms to form a special case of our approach.
... Block reordering is another method used in [24] to reduce the amount of communication required in Strassen's algorithm. Reducing the communication traffic has also been used to speed up applications in large scale distributed systems such as mobile networks [25]. ...
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IoT is one of the most prolific origins of data that is collected from sensory inputs. IoT devices are characterized by low computational power, thus motivating the computation offloading scheme, a promising technique that mitigates energy performance issues in limited power devices. Instead of offloading to fog or cloud, a new research track is emerging where devices unload their computational needs to vehicles roaming around, and this particular type of offloading is called vehicular fog offloading. In this paper, we propose the use of vehicles as Mobile Computing Nodes (MCNs) roaming around within an area to offer computational services to IoT devices. Assigning tasks to an appropriate MCN by an IoT device that wishes to offload specific communication tasks to it will be formulated based on the quality of the communication channel and on the time needed to offload the computation request. Specifically, the vehicle which will serve as an MCN must be within the range of the requesting fixed IoT device and offer suitable SINR and the estimated duration of connection values, while taking into consideration its mobility. Another challenge would be delivering the results back to the IoT device or another party, knowing that the vehicles will not be stationary. The performance results show that the proposed system represents a promising solution by offering computation offloading services and delivering the results within acceptable times, regardless of where the vehicle might be when it wants to return the results.
Feature ranking and selection is a widely used approach in various applications of supervised dimensionality reduction in discriminative machine learning. Nevertheless there exists significant evidence on feature ranking and selection algorithms based on any criterion leading to potentially sub-optimal solutions for class separability. In that regard, we introduce emerging information theoretic feature transformation protocols as an end-to-end neural network training approach. We present a dimensionality reduction network (MMINet) training procedure based on the stochastic estimate of the mutual information gradient. The network projects high-dimensional features onto an output feature space where lower dimensional representations of features carry maximum mutual information with their associated class labels. Furthermore, we formulate the training objective to be estimated non-parametrically with no distributional assumptions. We experimentally evaluate our method with applications to high-dimensional biological data sets, and relate it to conventional feature selection algorithms to form a special case of our approach.
The edge computing paradigm is featured by the ability to off-load computing tasks from mobile devices to edge clouds and provide high cost-efficient computing resources, storage and network services closer to the edge. A key question for workflow scheduling in the edge computing environment is how to guarantee user-perceived quality of services when the supporting edge services and resources are with unstable, time-variant, and fluctuant performance. In this work, we study the workflow scheduling problem in the multi-user edge computing environment and propose a Deep-Q-Network (DQN) -based multi-workflow scheduling approach which is capable of handling time-varying performance of edge services. To validate our proposed approach, we conduct a simulative case study and compare ours with other existing methods. Results clearly demonstrate that our proposed method beats its peers in terms of convergence speed and workflow completion time.
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Drop Computing is a network paradigm that aims to address the issues of the mobile cloud computing model, which has started to show limitations especially since the advent of the Internet of Things and the increase in the number of connected devices. In Drop Computing, nodes are able to offload data and computations to the cloud, to edge devices, or to the social-based opportunistic network composed of other nodes located nearby. In this work, we focus on the lowest layer of Drop Computing, where mobile nodes offload tasks and data to and from each other through close-range protocols, based on their social connections. In such a scenario, where data can circulate in the mobile network on multiple paths (and through multiple other devices), consistency issues may appear due to data corruption or malicious intent. Since there is no central entity that can control the way information is spread and its correctness, alternative methods need to be employed. In this paper, we propose several mechanisms for ensuring data consistency in Drop Computing, ranging from a rating system to careful analysis of the data received. Through thorough experimentation, we show that our proposed solution is able to maximize the amount of correct (i.e., uncorrupted) data exchanged in the network, with percentages as high as 100%.
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Driven by the visions of Internet of Things and 5G communications, recent years have seen a paradigm shift in mobile computing, from the centralized Mobile Cloud Computing towards Mobile Edge Computing (MEC). The main feature of MEC is to push mobile computing, network control and storage to the network edges (e.g., base stations and access points) so as to enable computation-intensive and latency-critical applications at the resource-limited mobile devices. MEC promises dramatic reduction in latency and mobile energy consumption, tackling the key challenges for materializing 5G vision. The promised gains of MEC have motivated extensive efforts in both academia and industry on developing the technology. A main thrust of MEC research is to seamlessly merge the two disciplines of wireless communications and mobile computing, resulting in a wide-range of new designs ranging from techniques for computation offloading to network architectures. This paper provides a comprehensive survey of the state-of-the-art MEC research with a focus on joint radio-and-computational resource management. We also discuss a set of issues, challenges and future research directions for MEC research, including MEC system deployment, cache-enabled MEC, mobility management for MEC, green MEC, as well as privacy-aware MEC. Advancements in these directions will facilitate the transformation of MEC from theory to practice. Finally, we introduce recent standardization efforts on MEC as well as some typical MEC application scenarios.
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Mobile cloud computing (MCC) has become a significant paradigm for bringing the benefits of cloud computing to mobile devices' proximity. Service availability along with performance enhancement and energy efficiency are primary targets in MCC. This paper proposes a code offloading framework, called mCloud, which consists of mobile devices, nearby cloudlets and public cloud services, to improve the performance and availability of the MCC services. The effect of the mobile device context (e.g. network conditions) on offloading decisions is studied by proposing a context-aware offloading decision algorithm aiming to provide code offloading decisions at runtime on selecting wireless medium and appropriate cloud resources for offloading. We also investigate failure detection and recovery policies for our mCloud system. We explain in details the design and implementation of the mCloud prototype framework. We conduct real experiments on the implemented system to evaluate the performance of the algorithm. Results indicate the system and embedded decision algorithm are able to provide decisions on selecting wireless medium and cloud resources based on different context of the mobile devices, and achieve significant reduction on makespan and energy, with the improved service availability when compared with existing offloading schemes.
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In many aspects of human activity, there has been a continuous struggle between the forces of centralization and decentralization. Computing exhibits the same phenomenon; we have gone from mainframes to PCs and local networks in the past, and over the last decade we have seen a centralization and consolidation of services and applications in data centers and clouds. We position that a new shift is necessary. Technological advances such as powerful dedicated connection boxes deployed in most homes, high capacity mobile end-user devices and powerful wireless networks, along with growing user concerns about trust, privacy, and autonomy requires taking the control of computing applications, data, and services away from some central nodes (the "core") to the other logical extreme (the "edge") of the Internet. We also position that this development can help blurring the boundary between man and machine, and embrace social computing in which humans are part of the computation and decision making loop, resulting in a human-centered system design. We refer to this vision of human-centered edge-device based computing as Edge-centric Computing. We elaborate in this position paper on this vision and present the research challenges associated with its implementation.
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Existing social-aware routing protocols for pocket switched networks make use of the information about the social structure of the network deduced by state information of nodes (e.g., history of past encounters) to optimize routing. Although these approaches are shown to have superior performance to social-oblivious, stateless routing protocols (BinarySW, Epidemic), the improvement comes at the cost of considerable storage overhead required on the nodes. In this paper we present SANE, the first routing mechanism that combines the advantages of both social-aware and stateless approaches. SANE is based on the observation—that we validate on a real-world trace—that individuals with similar interests tend to meet more often. In SANE, individuals (network members) are characterized by their interest profile, a compact representation of their interests. By implementing a simple routing rule based on interest profile similarity, SANE is free of network state information, thus overcoming the storage capacity problem with existing social-aware approaches. Through thorough experiments, we show the superiority of SANE over existing approaches, both stateful, social-aware and stateless, social-oblivious. We discuss the statelessness of our approach in the Supplementary File of this manuscript. Our interest-based approach easily enables innovative networking services, such as interest-casting. An interest-casting protocol is also introduced in this paper, and evaluated through experiments based on both real-world and synthetic mobility traces.
Opportunistic networks (ONs) are an extension of mobile ad hoc networks where nodes are generally human-carried mobile devices like smartphones and tablets, which do not have a global view of the network. They only possess knowledge from the nodes they encounter, so well-defined paths between a source and a destination do not necessarily exist. There are plenty of real-life uses for ONs, including, but not limited to, disaster management, smart cities, floating content, advertising, crowd management, context-aware platforms, distributed social networks, or data offloading and mobile cloud computing. In order to implement and test a routing or dissemination solution for opportunistic networks, simulators are employed. They have the benefit of allowing developers to analyze and tweak their solutions with reduced costs, before deploying them in a working environment. For this reason, in this chapter we present MobEmu, an opportunistic network simulator which can be used to evaluate a user-created routing or dissemination algorithm on a desired mobility trace or synthetic model.
Mobile applications nowadays generally consist of a frontend component running on the device, and a backend component running on the cloud that performs the larger computations. However, this usage model leads to high costs for developing the application (since a cloud infrastructure that should scale to the number of users must be maintained), and to a potentially bad user experience (if the latency is high or the users employ mobile broadband they pay for). Thus, we introduce the Drop Computing paradigm, which proposes the concept of decentralized computing over multilayered networks, combining cloud and wireless technologies over a social crowd formed between mobile and edge devices. Mobile devices and people interconnect to form ad-hoc dynamic collaborations to support the equivalent of a crowd-based edge multilayered cloud of clouds, where the capabilities of any mobile device are extended beyond the local technology barriers, to accommodate external resources available in the crowd of other devices. Thus, instead of every data or computation request going directly to the cloud, Drop Computing employs the mobile crowd formed of devices in close proximity for quicker and more efficient access. Devices in the mobile crowd are leveraged for requesting already downloaded data or performing computations, and the cloud acts as the second (or even third) option. We present a proof-of-concept implementation of Drop Computing and show, through simulations, that it is feasible for real-life usage, since it is able to drastically reduce costs while not affecting or even improving the user experience.
In opportunistic networks, the nodes usually exploit a contact opportunity to perform hop-by-hop routing, since an end-to-end path between the source node and destination node may not exist. Most social-based routing protocols use social information extracted from real-world encounter networks to select an appropriate message relay. A protocol based on encounter history, however, takes time to build up a knowledge database from which to take routing decisions. An opportunistic routing protocol which extracts social information from multiple social networks, can be an alternative approach to avoid suboptimal paths due to partial information on encounters. While contact information changes constantly and it takes time to identify strong social ties, online social network ties remain rather stable and can be used to augment available partial contact information. In this paper, we propose a novel opportunistic routing approach, called ML-SOR (Multi-layer Social Network based Routing), which extracts social network information from multiple social contexts. To select an effective forwarding node, ML-SOR measures the forwarding capability of a node when compared to an encountered node in terms of node centrality, tie strength and link prediction. These metrics are computed by ML-SOR on different social network layers. Trace driven simulations show that ML-SOR, when compared to other schemes, is able to deliver messages with high probability while keeping overhead ratio very small.
Mobile crowd sensing is a new paradigm that takes advantage of pervasive mobile devices to efficiently collect data, enabling numerous largescale applications. Human involvement is one of the most important features, and human mobility offers unprecedented opportunities for both sensing coverage and data transmission. In this article, we investigate the opportunistic characteristics of human mobility from the perspectives of both sensing and transmission, and discuss how to exploit these opportunities to collect data efficiently and effectively. We also outline various open issues brought by human involvement in this emerging research area.