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Aerodynamically Interacting Vertical-Axis Wind Turbines: Performance Enhancement and Three-Dimensional Flow


Abstract and Figures

This study examined three-dimensional, volumetric mean velocity fields and corresponding performance measurements for an isolated vertical-axis wind turbine (VAWT) and for co- and counter-rotating pairs of VAWTs with varying incident wind direction and turbine spacings. The purpose was to identify turbine configurations and flow mechanisms that can improve the power densities of VAWT arrays in wind farms. All experiments were conducted at a Reynolds number of R e D = 7.3 × 10 4 . In the paired arrays, performance enhancement was observed for both the upstream and downstream turbines. Increases in downstream turbine performance correlate with bluff–body accelerations around the upstream turbine, which increase the incident freestream velocity on the downstream turbine in certain positions. Decreases in downstream turbine performance are determined by its position in the upstream turbine’s wake. Changes in upstream turbine performance are related to variations in the surrounding flow field due to the presence of the downstream rotor. For the most robust array configuration studied, an average 14% increase in array performance over approximately a 50° range of wind direction was observed. Additionally, three-dimensional vortex interactions behind pairs of VAWT were observed that can replenish momentum in the wake by advection rather than turbulent diffusion. These effects and their implications for wind-farm design are discussed.
Normalized performance of (a) Turbine 1 and (b) Turbine 2 versus adjusted array angle (φ * ) for turbine spacings of 1.25 D, 1.5 D, 2 D, and 3 D in a clockwise, co-rotating array. Error bands represent plus or minus one standard deviation from the mean measurement. Similar to the s = 1.25 D array cases, the wake regime (−40 • φ * 30 • ) is characterized by strong gradients in the normalized performance of the downstream turbine. Notably, the strength of these gradients increases with increased array spacing. The effect of the wake also decays with increased array spacing. Additionally, for all spacings, the upstream turbine performance is similar to its performance in isolation. In the second regime (φ * 30 • ), a broad enhancement is observed for both turbines. In this region, the maximum enhancement occurs for the closest array spacing and decays uniformly with increased array spacing. This decay is more rapid for the upstream turbine than the downstream turbine. In the third regime (φ * −40 • ), downstream turbine performance enhancement is observed in a limited range of φ * values, i.e., the downstream turbine quickly reaches a peak enhancement before decaying back toward its isolated performance as φ * → −90 • . In this regime, the maximum peak enhancement of the downstream turbine is observed for an array spacing of s = 1.5 D. Notably, within the resolution of adjusted array angles measured (φ * ± 10 • ), these peak performances occur at the same cross-stream coordinate (y/D) with a median location at y = −1.29 D for the co-rotating cases. This coordinate corresponds with the enhancement region observed downstream of an isolated VAWT in Figure 6. For the upstream turbine, this regime in φ * is characterized by relatively level performance. To understand how the flow field around the pair of turbines corresponds to these changes in performance, a representative array angle of φ * = 50 • was selected, at which varying degrees of performance enhancement were observed for all combinations of turbine rotation directions. An intermediate spacing of s = 1.5 D was chosen to maximize the observed performance enhancement while still allowing the accelerated flow region between the two turbines to be fully resolved.
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Aerodynamically Interacting Vertical-Axis Wind
Turbines: Performance Enhancement and
Three-Dimensional Flow
Ian D. Brownstein 1, Nathaniel J. Wei 1and John O. Dabiri 2,*
1Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA
2Mechanical Engineering and Civil & Environmental Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford,
CA 94305, USA
Received: 14 June 2019; Accepted: 15 July 2019; Published: 16 July 2019
This study examined three-dimensional, volumetric mean velocity fields and corresponding
performance measurements for an isolated vertical-axis wind turbine (VAWT) and for co- and
counter-rotating pairs of VAWTs with varying incident wind direction and turbine spacings.
The purpose was to identify turbine configurations and flow mechanisms that can improve the
power densities of VAWT arrays in wind farms. All experiments were conducted at a Reynolds
number of
. In the paired arrays, performance enhancement was observed for both
the upstream and downstream turbines. Increases in downstream turbine performance correlate with
bluff–body accelerations around the upstream turbine, which increase the incident freestream velocity
on the downstream turbine in certain positions. Decreases in downstream turbine performance are
determined by its position in the upstream turbine’s wake. Changes in upstream turbine performance
are related to variations in the surrounding flow field due to the presence of the downstream rotor.
For the most robust array configuration studied, an average 14% increase in array performance over
approximately a 50
range of wind direction was observed. Additionally, three-dimensional vortex
interactions behind pairs of VAWT were observed that can replenish momentum in the wake by
advection rather than turbulent diffusion. These effects and their implications for wind-farm design
are discussed.
Keywords: 3D-PTV; aerodynamics; VAWT; vortex interactions; wind energy
1. Introduction
There is growing interest in the potential for vertical-axis wind turbine (VAWT) arrays to produce
higher footprint energy densities than traditional horizontal-axis wind turbine (HAWT) arrays [
In field demonstrations, small VAWT arrays have achieved 24 W/m
of output at 10 m/s wind
speeds [
], compared to 3 W/m
measured in state-of-the-art horizontal-axis wind farms in similar
. This VAWT array performance was achieved without optimizing for power generation,
suggesting an opportunity for even further improvement with optimization across parameters such as
incident wind direction, turbine spacing, and rotational orientation.
Prior investigations have focused on the mechanisms that result in higher power densities in
VAWT arrays [
]. Field studies have shown that wake recovery behind VAWTs can occur in
as few as 4–6 turbine diameters [
] versus 15–20
behind a HAWT [
]. The spatial extent of this
recovery can be reduced by increasing the solidity [
] or tip-speed ratio [
] of the turbine. This rapid
recovery has been hypothesized to be due to an induced mean vertical flow in the wake of the turbine.
This mean-flow effect has been observed in the wake of an isolated turbine [
] and in an array of
Energies 2019,12, 2724; doi:10.3390/en12142724
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analogous rotating cylinders [
], which have been shown to have similar flow features to VAWTs
(cf. [
]). Turbulent vertical mixing from above the array can also contribute to wake recovery,
as observed in the wake of a single turbine in wind tunnel experiments [
] as well as in turbine
arrays in both fieldwork [
] and simulations [
]. This turbulence-flux effect is well-documented in the
literature (e.g., [
]), while the effects of an induced mean flow have not been extensively characterized.
In addition to the induced vertical flow phenomena hypothesized to be responsible for the rapid
wake recovery behind VAWTs, a growing body of work has demonstrated flow phenomena which
result in synergistic interactions between turbines. Numerical simulations focusing on linear arrays of
turbines perpendicular to the freestream have demonstrated that the average array performance is
higher for turbines in both co- and counter-rotating configurations than in isolation [
]. Further
improvements in array performance have been observed in numerical [
], experimental [
and field studies [
] of turbines that are angled with respect to the incident freestream. Expanding
this concept to larger arrays of turbines, experimental studies of turbine triplets [
] and numerical
simulations of larger arrays [
] have demonstrated that these effects can be compounded to form
larger arrays with higher average performance than turbines in isolation. Notably, these beneficial
effects are highly sensitive to wind direction, particularly when downstream turbines operate in the
wake of upstream turbines [
]. Wake effects can be stronger than the potential enhancements, thus it is
imperative to develop a fundamental understanding of the flow physics governing these competing
effects when designing an array for environments with variable wind direction.
The majority of previous flow field measurements around VAWTs have been limited to planar
techniques [
]. A study by Caridi et al.
investigated the tip vortices shed by single
blades of a VAWT in three dimensions using time-resolved tomographic PIV, but the small field
of view meant that properties of the overall flow field around the turbine were not measured.
The only three-dimensional laboratory measurements around an entire VAWT were performed by
Ryan et al. [31]
. This work measured the three-dimensional, volumetric velocity measurements around
a single VAWT using magnetic resonance velocimetry (MRV) at
ν∼ O(
, where
is the mean freestream flow speed,
is the rotor diameter, and
is the kinematic viscosity. Other
three-dimensional VAWT flow field investigations have been numerical studies [
]. This work has
demonstrated the three-dimensional and asymmetric nature of the flow around VAWT, motivating
the use of three-dimensional measurement techniques in the present work to study the interactions
between multiple rotors.
The primary objective of this study was to characterize the aerodynamic interactions between pairs
of VAWTs through both time-averaged, three-dimensional, three-component velocity measurements
and turbine performance measurements. Specifically, this study considered three principal array design
parameters for a paired turbine array: the wind direction, the spacing between the turbines, and relative
rotational orientation of the turbines (i.e., co- or counter-rotating). To enable controlled studies of these
three parameters, other design features such as the turbine solidity, aspect ratio, and loading were held
constant. The results of this parametric study will allow aerodynamic considerations to more directly
inform the arrangement of VAWTs in wind farms for optimal power generation.
The remainder of this work is organized as follows. Section 2describes the experimental
methods used, including the procedure for measuring turbine performance and three-dimensional,
three-component velocity fields. Section 3describes the results of performance and flow-field
experiments on an isolated turbine and a turbine pair. Section 4relates the turbine performance
measurements to the measured three-dimensional flow fields and discusses the implications of this
work for wind farm optimization. Section 5summarizes the contributions of this work.
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2. Experimental Methods
2.1. Facility and Wind Turbines
Experiments were conducted in an open-circuit, subsonic wind tunnel. The test section geometry is
sketched in Figure 1a,b. The flow in this tunnel was provided by a 4
4 grid of fans
(Phoenix 4025200)
located at the tunnel inlet. The test section has a cross section measuring 2.06 m in width by 1.97 m in
height, and it is 4.88 m in length. Two commercially available VAWTs
(Aleko WGV15)
were studied
in this facility. Each turbine comprised a 5-bladed rotor that rotated a 3-phase AC permanent magnet
generator. The 5-blade configuration, although not necessarily optimal for efficient power generation,
was chosen to parallel the turbines currently installed at the Field Laboratory for Optimized Wind
Energy (FLOWE) (cf. [
]). The rotors were modified to have a diameter
of 0.20 m. The blades had
a constant NACA 6415 airfoil shape with the pressure side of the airfoil oriented to the outside of the
rotor, chord length
of 0.045 m, pitch angle
, and span
of 0.31 m. This corresponds
to an aspect ratio
of 1.55 and a stationary turbine solidity
of 0.36. The total height
of each turbine, including the tower mounted below the rotor, was 0.898 m. Both turbines could
be oriented to rotate clockwise or counter-clockwise, as viewed from above, by reversing the blade
orientations. The maximum blockage ratio in this facility, based on the total frontal projected area of
both turbine rotors, was 3.1%.
Figure 1.
) Side-view and (
) top view of the wind tunnel test section with the two turbine array
shown. In both views. the filled black rectangles represent the fan grid and the dashed black rectangles
represent the maximum extent of the particle tracking measurement domain. The red dots illustrate
the configuration of the seven-camera setup above the wind tunnel. All cameras were installed at
the same height above the tunnel, and were oriented such that the turbine pair was in the center of
the frame. (
) Illustration of the two turbine array geometry and the coordinate system used in the
wind tunnel. Turbine 1
was defined as the upstream turbine and is located at a fixed position at
Z) = (
0, 0, 0
. Turbine 2
is the downstream turbine and could be located at angles
respect to the freestream
and turbine spacings
within 1.25
Both turbines could be oriented to rotate either clockwise or counter-clockwise.
The mean freestream speed
measured in the particle tracking measurement domain,
illustrated in Figure 1a,b, was 5.6
0.3 m/s, resulting in a Reynolds number based on the turbine
of approximately 7.3
. At this freestream speed, the two turbines freely rotated at
rotational rates
0.06 rev/s and
0.09 rev/s. This free-spinning case (i.e.,
no load) was used for all experiments and corresponds to a tip-speed ratio
for the turbines
0.05 and
0.04. This tip-speed ratio was defined for all experiments using
the free-stream flow velocity in the wind tunnel (
), which, being a far-field measurement, is a more
reliable metric for comparisons than the flow conditions immediately upstream of each turbine. This
tip-speed ratio matches the optimal tip-speed ratio for the full-scale 2-kW VAWTs at the FLOWE field
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site, a result shown both in field data and in laboratory experiments at full dynamic similarity [
]. Such
low tip-speed ratios are characteristic of turbines with relatively high solidities (e.g., [
]), since the
optimal tip-speed ratio for VAWT operation decreases with increasing solidity
. The application
of the results shown in this paper to turbines with lower solidity (e.g., [
]) is discussed in more detail
in Section 4.
To study the interactions between the two turbines in different incident wind directions,
the turbines were oriented in a polar coordinate system defined by the turbine center-to-center spacing
and the array angle
with respect to the freestream. The origin of this coordinate system was
located in the center of the upstream turbine rotor. This array geometry is illustrated in Figure 1c.
The upstream turbine was defined as Turbine 1
and was at a fixed position of 2.81 m
from the test section inlet and in the center of the tunnel width (i.e., 5.15
from the sides of the
tunnel). The downstream turbine, Turbine 2
, was positioned within
and at
turbine spacings within 1.25
. Therefore, for all of the arrays studied, the closest blade on
the downstream turbine was always 1.65 Dfrom the tunnel walls.
2.2. Performance Measurements
To quantify the performance of each turbine, the voltage between each pair of the three phases
of the turbine generator was collected using a data acquisition device
(NI USB-6210)
. The measured
voltage was reduced using a 2:1 voltage divider to keep the signal within the range of the acquisition
device rated input. The induction generator used with the turbines was operated within its linear
regime, such that higher rotation rates produced proportionally higher induced currents and thus
proportionally higher torque [
]. Thus, the generator rotational rate was used as a surrogate for
turbine performance since it is proportional to the peak-to-peak voltage measured and the energy
extracted by the turbine. This method was shown by Brownstein et al.
to correlate with power
measurements with an
value of 0.99, and was used in these experiments to provide a lower-noise
measure of performance than the power measurements. The net aerodynamic torque generated by
the turbines was only resisted by the bearing friction. While this is not a power-producing regime,
the operation regime of net zero torque was shown by Araya and Dabiri
to be physically relevant
for studying the flow around VAWTs.
Data were collected by moving the turbines into position, followed by a 90-s period for the turbine
rotational rates to reach steady state. Three 10-s time-histories of the performance measurement were
subsequently recorded at 5 kHz, with a 20-s temporal spacing between sequential measurements. Each
turbine position was measured two or more times, resulting in a minimum of six time-histories of the
performance measurement per array configuration tested.
Turbine performance measurements were collected for the turbine pair in co-rotating and
counter-rotating configurations. For the co-rotating array, data were collected at turbines spacings of
, 1.5
, 2
, and 3
. The turbines were oriented to rotate clockwise when viewed from above.
For the counter-rotating array, data were collected only at a turbine spacing of 1.25
, because this
spacing corresponded to significant performance enhancement due to aerodynamic interactions
between the VAWT pair. Two mirror-symmetric cases were measured with the upstream turbine being
clockwise or counter-clockwise oriented when viewed from above. Due to the geometric symmetry of
these two configurations, these cases are identical with respect to the adjusted array angle,
where χis an indicator function to designate the orientation of a turbine:
χ(1 clockwise rotating (CW)
1 counter-clockwise rotating (CCW)(1)
For all experiments, data were collected in 10
increments within
. For comparison
to the paired turbine performance measurements, data were also collected with the individual turbines
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in the same positions as in the array, but with the other turbine removed. This allowed for normalization
of the turbine performances in the paired configurations as described by:
isol ated,i(s,φ,χi)(2)
is the rotational rate of turbine
in a given array configuration;
isol ated,i
is the rotational
rate of turbine
at a given position without the other turbine present;
is the normalized
rotational rate of turbine
in a given array configuration; and
= 1 or 2, corresponding to Turbine 1 or
2. This normalization removed the effects of small spatial variations in the incident wind speed so
that comparisons could be made between the performances of the various array configurations. This
normalization also removes potential for wall effects from the data in the cases where the downstream
turbine is closest to the wind tunnel walls.
2.3. Flow Velocity Measurements
2.3.1. Tracking Technique and Data Collection
To quantify the flow field around the turbines, three-dimensional particle tracking velocimetry
(3D-PTV) was used. Since this study sought to characterize the entire flow field around two VAWTs,
resolving dynamic-stall effects on individual blades, which are generally confined to a region relatively
close to the blade surface, was not possible (cf. [
]). Since the amplitudes of the angle-of-attack
variations were high and the corresponding reduced frequency was relatively low (
given the turbine’s low tip-speed ratio, dynamic-stall effects were expected to appear as bluff–body
separation events that would not change much under the conditions explored in this study [
]. The use
of time-averaged 3D-PTV data served to emphasize general trends in flow–momentum distribution
and wake geometry between different test cases over unsteady effects.
Neutrally buoyant helium filled soap bubbles (HFSB) measuring
1 mm in diameter (Sage
Action Model 5) were released at the tunnel inlet and illuminated by two ellipsoidal lights (Source
Four Jr., 575 W halogen bulb). The bubbles were recorded using seven hardware-synchronized cameras
(Adimec N-5A100) positioned above the wind tunnel. The cameras were arranged in a cross pattern
above the tunnel, as shown in Figure 1b. Their positions and the maximum extent of their mutual
field of view, which was centered around the pair of turbines, are also depicted schematically in
the figure. The relative positions and orientations of the cameras were calibrated using the protocol
developed by Theriault et al.
. For flow measurements, images were captured at a resolution
of 1440
1440 pixels and at 250 Hz. Particles were identified in each image using a thresholding
technique after masking the rotor. The identified particle positions in each image plane were translated
into three-dimensional space using epipolar geometry [
]. Particles were only triangulated into
three-dimensional space when they appeared on at least three cameras. This reduced the number of
ghost particles created in the three-dimensional reconstruction [
], so that the final velocity fields
would be free from spurious vectors. These three-dimensional positions were translated into particle
trajectories and differentiated numerically to obtain velocities using a multi-frame predictive tracking
method [
]. Time-averaged mean velocity fields were then calculated by averaging the flow in
voxels measuring (2 cm)
. This voxel size was chosen to balance the resolution in the time-averaged
velocity and vorticity fields reported in this study and the uncertainty associated with low vector
counts. For this resolution, the distribution of the number of vectors per voxel from the freestream
measurement is shown in Figure 2a. Bootstrapping methods described by Efron
were used on the
voxel with the largest number of vectors to estimate the variability in voxel time-averaged means for
which less data are collected. This was done by taking 2000 re-samplings of the data and calculating
the standard deviation of means from the re-sampled data (
). The resulting standard deviations
are plotted in Figure 2b. These figures show that a majority of voxels contained ten or more vectors,
enough to produce a stable average as indicated by
. To limit voxels that represent the influence of
Energies 2019,12, 2724 6 of 23
instantaneous fluctuations, voxels containing fewer than three velocity measurements were excluded
from the final vector fields. Vorticity fields were then calculated by numerically differentiating the
time-averaged velocity field using a five-point stencil. The smoothing inherent in the time-averaging
procedure was sufficient to resolve vortical structures upon spatial differentiation of the velocity field,
despite the higher noise levels in the vorticity fields.
Figure 2
Figure 6
Figure 8
Figure 2.
) Distribution of number of vectors per (2 cm)
voxel in the freestream measurement with
an empty test section. (
) Standard deviation of the means of
calculated from 2000 re-samplings of
data (
) versus the number of vectors used in the re-sampling. Data are from the voxel with the
most vectors in the freestream measurement.
Using this setup, three-dimensional velocity measurements were collected for the freestream
flow, a single turbine, and for turbine pairs. These data were recorded over eight- or ten-minute
measurement periods, resulting in approximately 4000–5000 turbine rotations. For the single turbine,
data were collected for both clockwise and counter-clockwise orientations. Due to the symmetry
between these experiments and the offset measurement domain, the results were combined into a
single dataset with a larger effective measurement domain. For the turbine pairs, a single turbine
spacing and array angle were studied (
) for all four combinations of rotational
configurations (i.e., clockwise co-rotating, counter-clockwise co-rotating, reverse doublet, and doublet).
According to conventions established in the wind-turbine literature (e.g., [
]), the rotational
configuration is defined to be a doublet when the blades between the rotors are advancing upstream
and a reverse doublet when the blades between the rotors are retreating downstream. These cases
were isolated because they lay in the
regime where significant performance enhancement was
observed, so that the flow mechanisms responsible for these enhancements could be identified.
In addition to the three-dimensional measurements, vertically aggregated (i.e., along the blade
span (
)) two-dimensional particle trajectories were obtained for the same turbine configurations
for which three-dimensional data were collected. For these measurements, the illumination was
constrained to within
to minimize three-dimensional effects. These data were collected
with the camera centered above the turbines recording at 250 Hz for one minute. Particle trajectories
were then visualized by making a composite image such that each pixel value is the maximum value
at that pixel location measured over the recording. Because these images showed individual particle
tracks up to the edge of the swept area of the turbine, they were used to show qualitatively where the
flow separated from the turbine profile.
2.3.2. Characterization of Wind Tunnel
The HFSB tracers were used in this study due to their ability to provide optical flow measurements
in large measurement domains in a wind tunnel [
]. In previous studies, HFSBs have been
identified as valid tracers for measuring quantitative flow features as long as they are neutrally
buoyant [
]. In this study, the HFSB were restricted to being neutrally buoyant using a filter
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which removes lighter and heavier than air tracers from the flow. The Stokes number, i.e., the ratio
of the particle response time to a characteristic time scale of the flow (
), was calculated to
quantify how faithfully the HFSBs used in this study follow the flow. The particle response time of
each bubble was calculated using the relation for a small sphere reported by Crowe et al.
, where
0.0036 s. In this relation,
is the density of the bubble,
is the diameter of the bubble,
is the dynamic viscosity of air. Since mean flow fields will be investigated in this study, the time
scale of the flow is estimated as the ratio between the dominant scales in the flow, i.e., the turbine
diameter (
) and freestream velocity (
). This results in
0.036 s. This corresponds
to the threshold
0.1 below which Tropea et al.
noted that flow tracking accuracy errors are
typically below 1%.
To characterize the wind tunnel freestream, 3D-PTV measurements were recorded with an empty
test section. Three profiles of the normalized streamwise velocity are plotted in Figure 3. The observed
standard deviations correspond to the turbulence intensity in the tunnel,
0.01. These profiles
were used to determine the maximum extent of the particle tracking domain based on where the flow
was sufficiently uniform. Additionally, the discontinuities at the edges of the domain are caused by
relatively fewer vectors passing through the edges of the domain defined by the cameras’ mutual field
of view.
Figure 3.
Profiles of the normalized streamwise velocity averaged in both time and two spatial
dimensions (
). Dashed lines indicate the maximum extent of the measurement domain used
in particle tracking.
3. Results
3.1. Performance Adjustments in Paired Turbine Arrays
In this section, the performance characteristics of paired turbines are demonstrated. This is
followed by a more detailed investigation of the flow-field features responsible for the performance
trends identified from these experiments. An extended discussion of the results presented in these
subsections follows as Section 4.
3.1.1. Performance Dependence on Relative Turbine Orientation
The normalized performances of both turbines in co-rotating and counter-rotating arrays for the
smallest turbine spacing tested,
, are plotted in Figure 4versus
. These results demonstrate
that the performance of both turbines exhibits three distinct regimes in
, based on the location of the
downstream turbine relative to the wake of the upstream turbine.
The first regime
, where the downstream turbine lies within the region of
reduced flow speed behind the upstream turbine, is characterized by strong gradients in the normalized
performance of the downstream turbine. Thus, we call this the wake regime. The performance of
Energies 2019,12, 2724 8 of 23
the downstream turbine decays far below its isolated performance until it is completely arrested at
in both the co- and counter-rotating arrays. In contrast to the downstream
turbine, the upstream turbine performance in this regime is relatively level around its performance in
isolation. A qualitatively similar result has been shown in 2D numerical simulations using a simplified
momentum-source model to represent the turbine pair [22].
In the second regime
, both the upstream and downstream turbines rotate at or above
their performance in isolation. The measured enhancement is most significant for both turbines in the
co-rotating configuration. The results in this regime exhibit similar trends to 2D simulations of a pair
of co- and counter-rotating three-bladed VAWTs (
) [
] and an array of three Savonius-type
turbines (φ=60) [5].
Figure 4.
Normalized performance of (
) Turbine 1 and (
) Turbine 2 versus adjusted array angle (
for a turbine spacing of
. Error bands represent plus or minus one standard deviation from
the mean measurement.
In the third regime
, the upstream turbine performance drops below that of its
performance in isolation. In the co-rotating case, this drop is less significant than in the counter-rotating
case. In contrast to the upstream turbine, the downstream turbine performance has a strong peak at
φ=50in the counter-rotating case and φ=80in the co-rotating case.
These data indicate that the orientation of each turbine plays a role in the performance of the other
turbine. Significantly, not only does the upstream turbine orientation affect the performance of the
downstream turbine, which as been observed in previous work [
]; however, the downstream
turbine orientation also affects the performance of the upstream turbine.
Of note, the upstream and downstream turbine performance at
not identical in the co-rotating case, as would be expected on the basis of geometric similarity. This
asymmetry was attributable to the corresponding mild asymmetry in the tunnel freestream flow
presented in Figure 3.
3.1.2. Performance Dependence on Turbine Spacing
The normalized performance of both turbines at four turbine spacings,
, 1.5
, 2
and 3
, versus
are plotted in Figure 5for the co-rotating array. As in the results presented for the
smallest turbine spacing in the previous section, the performance of both turbines is approximately
broken into the same three regimes in φ.
Energies 2019,12, 2724 9 of 23
Figure 5.
Normalized performance of (
) Turbine 1 and (
) Turbine 2 versus adjusted array angle
for turbine spacings of 1.25
, 1.5
, 2
, and 3
in a clockwise, co-rotating array. Error bands
represent plus or minus one standard deviation from the mean measurement.
Similar to the
array cases, the wake regime
is characterized by
strong gradients in the normalized performance of the downstream turbine. Notably, the strength
of these gradients increases with increased array spacing. The effect of the wake also decays with
increased array spacing. Additionally, for all spacings, the upstream turbine performance is similar to
its performance in isolation.
In the second regime
, a broad enhancement is observed for both turbines. In this region,
the maximum enhancement occurs for the closest array spacing and decays uniformly with increased
array spacing. This decay is more rapid for the upstream turbine than the downstream turbine.
In the third regime
, downstream turbine performance enhancement is observed
in a limited range of
values, i.e., the downstream turbine quickly reaches a peak enhancement
before decaying back toward its isolated performance as
φ→ −
. In this regime, the maximum
peak enhancement of the downstream turbine is observed for an array spacing of
. Notably,
within the resolution of adjusted array angles measured
, these peak performances occur at
the same cross-stream coordinate
with a median location at
for the co-rotating cases.
This coordinate corresponds with the enhancement region observed downstream of an isolated VAWT
in Figure 6. For the upstream turbine, this regime in
is characterized by relatively level performance.
To understand how the flow field around the pair of turbines corresponds to these changes
in performance, a representative array angle of
was selected, at which varying degrees
of performance enhancement were observed for all combinations of turbine rotation directions.
An intermediate spacing of
was chosen to maximize the observed performance enhancement
while still allowing the accelerated flow region between the two turbines to be fully resolved.
3.2. Flow Features of an Isolated Turbine
3.2.1. Velocity Field around an Isolated Turbine
Before paired-turbine interactions were studied, flow patterns around an isolated VAWT were
recorded in the wind tunnel to serve as a baseline. A qualitative quasi-two-dimensional view of
the flow around a single VAWT is depicted in Figure 7. This image shows blade span-aggregated
particle trajectories around the mid-span of a clockwise rotating turbine. Particle tracks bending
around the rotor demonstrate flow acceleration around the turbine. Additionally, the slow moving
(i.e., bright) trajectories downstream of the turbine illustrate the turbulent wake behind the rotor.
The wake is slightly deflected as it extends downstream due to the rotation of the turbine. The cyan
dots shown on the rotor represent points at which the flow visibly “detaches” from the rotor, serving
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as an approximate indicator of the radial extent of the wake region. This idea is developed further in
the context of the turbine pair.
A quantitative view of this flow is provided in Figure 6, which shows three cross-sections of
the normalized streamwise velocity (
) around a clockwise rotating VAWT. These three views
together demonstrate the spatial extent of both the wake behind the turbine as well as the regions of
accelerated flow around the turbine. In Figure 6a, it is observed that the spatial extent of the accelerated
is asymmetric. On the side of the rotor where the blades are passing downstream
0), the accelerated flow region is broad and persists throughout the field of view laterally
away from the rotor and the wake boundary. On the other side of the rotor, where the blades are
advancing upstream toward the tunnel inlet (
0), the spatial extent of the accelerated flow
is limited and extends
laterally from the wake boundary and downstream of the rotor center
0). Additionally, this view quantifies the observation made in Figure 7that the wake is
deflected. In the center of this deflected wake, a reverse flow region, which extends from the rotor is
observed. Similar reverse flow regions have been observed in previous studies of VAWTs [
In Figure 6b, it is observed that the accelerated flow region surrounds the entire wake region.
Additionally, this plane highlights the deflection of the wake, as it is not centered on the projection of
the turbine. Figure 6c provides another view of the wake recovery and the acceleration of the flow
above the rotor. A relatively fast recovery of the tower wake is also observed.
Figure 2
Figure 6
Figure 8
Figure 6.
Contours of the normalized time-averaged streamwise velocity (
) around a clockwise
rotating VAWT at the planes: (
0; (
1; and (
0. The grey and black contour
levels denote
0 and
1, respectively. The dashed black lines denote the projection of
the turbine on the plane. The overlaid vectors denote the in-plane velocity. Vectors are shown at 25% of
the recorded resolution for visual clarity. The direction of the VAWT rotation is denoted by the blue
arrow. The empty regions in the immediate vicinity of the turbine represent zones in which particles
were not able to be tracked in multiple camera views.
Energies 2019,12, 2724 11 of 23
Figure 7.
Particle trajectories of neutrally buoyant HFSB tracers around a clockwise rotating VAWT.
Particle trajectories are only visualized between
0.18. The rotor projected on the image is in
an arbitrary orientation and the white circle denotes the boundaries of its rotation. The direction of the
rotor rotation is denoted by the blue arrow. The cyan dots denote the position where the trajectories
“detach” from the rotor.
3.2.2. Vortical Structures Downstream of an Isolated Turbine
Isosurfaces of the streamwise vorticity (
) around a clockwise and counter-clockwise rotating
VAWT can be seen in Figure 8. The isosurface value of
represents the vorticity expected to be
shed based on the dynamic characteristics of the turbine (cf. [
]). These structures extend from
the top and bottom of the rotors and propagate downstream. Similar structures were observed by
Ryan et al.
, who demonstrated that at a higher tip-speed ratio the strength of these structures
increases. This study adds to previous work by observing that these structures are symmetric in
their streamwise spatial extent when sufficiently far from any tunnel boundaries. Additionally,
the differences in Figure 8a,b demonstrate that the rotational orientation of these structures are
dependent on the rotational orientation of the turbine. While data were not collected directly adjacent
to the rotor, the sign of the vorticity in these wake structures suggests that they originate from the
vorticity imparted to the flow by the spinning rotor. As this vorticity extends beyond the rotor it is bent
by the flow and aligns with the direction of the freestream. This linked U-shaped vortical structure is
illustrated by the grey vortex lines and rotational arrows drawn on Figure 8.
Energies 2019,12, 2724 12 of 23
Figure 2
Figure 6
Figure 8
Figure 8.
Three-dimensional isosurfaces of the time-averaged streamwise vorticity for
around (
) clockwise and (
) counter-clockwise rotating VAWT. Positive vorticity is depicted as red
and negative vorticity as blue. The transparent cylinders represent the maximum extent of the rotor
and the turbine tower. The direction of the VAWT rotation is denoted by the grey arrows in the center
of the rotors. The grey curve represents the hypothesized connecting vortex line between the turbine
and the counter-rotating isosurfaces.
A comparison with vortical structures observed in the case of a finite wall-mounted cylinder
provides some helpful context to these results. Analogies between VAWTs and rotating cylinders
were explored by Araya et al.
and Craig et al.
, but they did not capture the full 3D flow field.
A short cylinder mounted to a wall sheds counter-rotating tip vortices from its top surface that are
directed downstream of the cylinder [
]. Although the VAWT is neither solid nor wall-mounted,
one would still expect the same kind of tip vortices to form. The velocity induced by the rotation of
the turbine on the downstream side feeds one of these vortices and interferes with the other, which
is why only one vortex line is visible in the data. Since the lower end of the VAWT is not fixed to a
wall, the presence of a corresponding structure with opposite sign emanating from the underside of
the turbine is expected. Since these structures are typically thin and stretched by the freestream flow
above them (e.g., [
]), it makes sense that they would not be cleanly visualized given the nature of
the 3D-PTV experiment. Lastly, the induced velocity of the rotating turbine accounts for the spanwise
shift of these structures in relation to their reported locations in the wall-mounted cylinder literature.
Figure 9show isosurfaces of the transverse vorticity (
) and vertical vorticity (
) around
a clockwise rotating turbine. Together, the counter-rotating structures found in these vorticity
components form a single coherent ringed vortical structure, which is positioned within the wake
boundary (
1). This structure is a manifestation of fast-moving fluid outside the wake being
pulled inward as the wake recovers. Unlike the streamwise vorticity, the orientation of this coherent
vortical structure is insensitive to the rotational orientation of the turbine. The structure is similar to
the so-called arch vortex observed behind finite wall-mounted cylinders [
]. This structure stems
from bluff–body separation behind the cylinder, and thus its sign invariance relative to the rotation of
the VAWT is expected.
Energies 2019,12, 2724 13 of 23
Figure 9
Figure 11
Figure 12
Figure 9.
Three-dimensional isosurfaces of the time-averaged (
) transverse vorticity (
) and
) vertical vorticity (
) for
around a clockwise rotating VAWT. Positive vorticity
is depicted as red and negative vorticity as blue. The transparent cylinders represent the maximum
extent of the rotor and the turbine tower. The blue arrows on top of the rotors denote the direction
of the turbine rotation. These structures roughly correspond to bluff–body wake structures shed by a
finite wall-mounted cylinder.
3.3. Flow Features of a Pair Turbines
3.3.1. Velocity Fields around a Pair of Turbines
Once the baseline flow conditions around an isolated turbine were established, the flow fields
around a pair of VAWTs could be characterized. Blade span-aggregated particle trajectories of the flow
around four configurations of VAWT pairs are presented in Figure 10 in order to show schematically
the differences in flow topology. It is observed in all four cases that the flow between the rotors is
significantly modified when compared to the upstream turbine in isolation (i.e., in Figure 7). In the
clockwise co-rotating case, Figure 10a, a coherent jet-like structure is formed which propagates
downstream at an
angle from the line between the rotor centers. A less prominent form of
this jet-like structure is formed for the reverse doublet and doublet arrays, Figure 10c,d. In these cases,
the deflection of the jet is less pronounced.
In addition to the flow between the rotors being modified, the shape of the wakes behind the
individual rotors is modified by the presence of the second rotor. This can be visualized near the
rotors by the location where the particle trajectories “detach” from the rotor. While the concept of flow
separation for a porous rotating body is not a precisely defined concept, the points of detachment are
defined here as the locations where the trajectories turn away from the rotor. In Figure 10, these points
are marked by the cyan dots for the upstream turbines and the magenta dots for the downstream
turbines. The locations of these detachments are discussed further in Section 4.1.2.
Energies 2019,12, 2724 14 of 23
Figure 10.
Particle trajectories of neutrally buoyant HFSB tracers around four turbine pairs at a turbine
spacing of
and an array angle of
. The four turbine configurations represented are:
) clockwise co-rotating; (
) counter-clockwise co-rotating; (
) reverse doublet; and (
) doublet arrays.
Particle trajectories are only visualized between
0.18. The rotor projected on the image is in
an arbitrary orientation and the white circle denotes the boundaries of its rotation. The direction of the
rotor rotation is denoted by the blue (clockwise) and red (counter-clockwise) arrows. The cyan and
magenta dots denote the position where the trajectories “detach” from the upstream and downstream
rotors, respectively.
To quantify these flow modifications in more detail, cross-sections of the flow through the rotor
mid-spans (
0), derived from the measured time-averaged three-dimensional flow field around
these turbine configurations, are shown in Figure 11. These contours provide a more precise method of
evaluating the flow features identified in the spanwise aggregated particle trajectory views in Figure 10.
The jet-like features observed in the particle trajectory images are also observed in these contour plots.
These structures transport high momentum fluid into the wake of the turbine pair. Notably, in the
reverse doublet array (Figure 11c), the flow is accelerated to values of
1 between the rotors.
Additionally, it is observed that the flow incoming to the rotors in the clockwise co-rotating case is
accelerated by the turbine pair before passing through the downstream turbine and a portion of the
upstream turbine. In the cases where the upstream turbine is counter-clockwise rotating, accelerated
regions are only observed toward the outer lateral edges of the array.
In addition to transport of high momentum fluid through the array, Figure 11 demonstrates
significant wake suppression or enhancement due to the turbine interactions. In all of the array
configurations measured, the wake of the upstream turbine is suppressed such that there is no
significant reverse flow region. This type of suppression is also observed for the downstream turbine
in the counter-clockwise co-rotating case (Figure 11b). For the other cases, a significant reverse-flow
region is present. In the clockwise co-rotating and doublet arrays (Figure 11a,d), this reverse-flow
region is significantly larger than it would be if the downstream turbine were operating in isolation.
The presence of the reverse-flow region appears to depend primarily on the flow accelerations from the
upstream turbine—namely, the acceleration of flow on the side of the turbine rotating with the wind,
and the deceleration of flow on the side of the turbine rotating into the wind. These properties dictate
Energies 2019,12, 2724 15 of 23
the distribution of flow momentum around the rotors. This suggests that the marked performance
enhancement observed for this case is associated with the redirection of momentum in the vicinity of
the turbines.
Figure 9
Figure 11
Figure 12
Figure 11.
Contours of the normalized time-averaged streamwise velocity (
) around: (
) clockwise
co-rotating; (
) counter-clockwise co-rotating; (
) reverse doublet; and (
) doublet arrays at the plane
0. The arrays have a turbine spacing of
and are at an array angle of
. The grey
and black contour levels denote
0 and
1, respectively. The dashed black lines denote
the projection of the turbine on the plane. The overlaid vectors denote the in-plane velocity. Vectors
are shown at 25% of the recorded resolution for visual clarity. The direction the individual VAWT
rotations are denoted by the blue (clockwise) and red (counter-clockwise) arrows. As in Figure 6,
the empty regions around the turbines correspond to locations where particles could not be tracked in
multiple cameras.
3.3.2. Vortical Structures Downstream of a Pair of Turbines
Isosurfaces of the streamwise vorticity (
) around the four paired turbine configurations are
shown in Figure 12. As in the single turbine cases (Figure 8), these structures primarily extend from
the top and bottom of the rotor and propagate downstream. Due to this preferential alignment and the
complex nature of these structures, the views in Figure 12 are oriented facing upstream from behind the
turbines for ease of discussion. While the streamwise vortical structures are less coherent in the paired
arrays than in the isolated turbine cases, the dominant rotational sense of the structures compared
to that of the VAWT that they propagate from is consistent with the single turbine observations.
Specifically, for the co-rotating cases, the top and bottom of the turbine pair are primarily populated
with streamwise vorticity of a single sign. In the counter-rotating cases, the turbines are shedding
streamwise vorticity with opposite rotational orientation of the neighboring turbine. These structures
interact to either pull fluid into the wake of the two turbine system or repel fluid outward. This is
quantified in Figure 13, which shows transects of the normalized vertical velocity (
) between the
rotors and downstream of the array. Specifically, in Figure 13c, it is noted that momentum is pulled
into the reverse doublet array wake from above and below the rotor. In contrast, Figure 13d shows
momentum is pulled out of the doublet array wake in both directions. In both cases, the sign change
in the vertical velocity occurs around the rotor center (
0). These effects have not been captured
in previous numerical or experimental work, which have generally only studied flow features in two
dimensions (e.g., [4,5,8,22,23]).
Energies 2019,12, 2724 16 of 23
Figure 9
Figure 11
Figure 12
Figure 12.
Three-dimensional isosurfaces of the time-averaged streamwise vorticity at the value
around: (
) clockwise co-rotating; (
) counter-clockwise co-rotating; (
) reverse doublet;
and (
) doublet arrays. The arrays have a turbine spacing of
and are at an array angle of
. Positive vorticity is red and negative vorticity is blue. The transparent cylinders represent the
maximum extent of the rotor and the turbine tower.
Figure 13
Figure 13.
Vertical transects of the normalized time-averaged vertical velocity (
) at
downstream and laterally between the rotors (
0.57). Data are shown for: (
) clockwise
co-rotating; (
) counter-clockwise co-rotating; (
) reverse doublet; and (
) doublet arrays. The arrays
have a turbine spacing of
and are at an array angle of
. The dashed black lines
denote the top and bottom of the rotors in the array. The transects were smoothed using a five-point
moving average.
Energies 2019,12, 2724 17 of 23
4. Discussion
4.1. Relating Performance Variations and Flow Measurements
In this section, the results presented in the previous section are further discussed, in order to show
that performance enhancements in a pair of VAWTs are due to changes in the mean flow field around
both the upstream and downstream turbines.
4.1.1. Downstream Turbine Performance
As hypothesized by Araya et al.
and Brownstein et al.
, the flow and performance
measurements in this study suggest that the performance enhancement of the downstream turbine in a
turbine pair is primarily governed by flow accelerations around the upstream turbine. This has already
been shown in the previous section (cf. Figure 11), where the flow accelerations from the upstream
turbine visibly affected the flow field encountered by the downstream turbine. This effect is further
demonstrated in Figure 14, which shows the normalized velocity magnitude (
) around an isolated
clockwise rotating VAWT and the normalized performance of the downstream turbine in a clockwise
co-rotating array at the same locations. A comparison of these data suggests that accelerations of the
flow passing around the upstream turbine are the primary source of downstream turbine enhancement.
Relatively fine features, such as the maximum performance enhancement for
occurring at a
turbine spacing of
, are replicated between these independent measurements. Furthermore,
when the downstream turbine is in the wake of the upstream turbine, the shape of the downstream
turbine performance decay
(norm,2 <
has a similar shape to the skewed wake behind an isolated
VAWT. The similar trends in these data illustrate the strong correlation between these measurements.
Figure 14.
) Normalized time-averaged velocity magnitude (
) around an isolated clockwise
rotating VAWT at the turbine mid-span (
0) and at the same positions were the downstream
turbine is located in the adjacent figure. The single black error bar represents plus or minus one
average standard deviation of the measurements plotted. (
) (Replotted from Figure 5b) Normalized
performance of Turbine 2 versus adjusted array angle
for turbine spacings of 1.25
, 1.5
, 2
and 3
in a clockwise, co-rotating array. Error bands represent plus or minus one standard deviation
from the mean measurement.
4.1.2. Upstream Turbine Performance
Previous works have addressed the average array enhancement that occurs when turbines are
aligned perpendicular to the freestream
] and at other array angles [
]. In these
numerical studies, it has been observed that the performance enhancement is due to modifications in
the angle of attack on the blades caused by the influence of the adjacent rotor. These changes increase
the torque produced by the rotor blades, increasing the turbine performance.
Energies 2019,12, 2724 18 of 23
The flow measurements in this study cannot be used to quantify angle of attack or incident flow
speed changes on the blades of the rotors due to the lack of resolution of the data at the blade surfaces.
However, the near-rotor resolution in the spanwise aggregated particle trajectory images in Figures 7
and 10 can be used to define a surrogate for the modifications in these parameters. In the wake region
of the rotor, the flow speeds are too low for significant torque to be produced by the rotor blades.
Therefore, the range of azimuthal positions where the flow is “attached” to the rotor (
) can be used as
a rough surrogate for the percentage of the rotor where useful torque is produced. In Figure 10 these
points are marked by the cyan dots for the upstream turbines and the magenta dots for the downstream
turbines. Using these measurements, the values of
for both turbines in the array can be normalized
by the range of attached azimuthal positions for the isolated turbine (
Θisol ated
) to give a normalized
metric which can be used to approximate the changes in a rotor’s net torque production (Θnorm).
Figure 15 shows this metric plotted against the normalized performance of the turbines in the
four configurations of turbine pairs for which spanwise aggregated particle trajectory images were
taken. Of note, the error bars in
represent plus or minus 10
in the identification of the range
of azimuthal positions where the flow is attached to account any ambiguity in selecting this range.
This trend demonstrates a relationship between the percentage change in where useful torque can be
produced and the normalized performance of the turbine. Hence, the influence of the downstream
turbine on the upstream one can be conceptualized as a modification to the azimuthal extent where
the flow around the blades of the upstream turbine can produce useful torque.
Figure 15.
Range of azimuthal positions where the flow is attached to the turbine normalized by the
range in azimuthal positions for an isolated turbine (
) versus the normalized performance of
both the upstream turbines (circles) and downstream turbines (squares) (
) in four turbine pair
configurations. In all four arrays, the turbine spacing was
and the array angle was
Vertical error bands represent plus or minus one standard deviation from the mean measurement.
Horizontal error bands represent plus or minus 10
in the identification of the range of azimuthal
positions where the flow is attached.
4.2. Implications for Wind Farm Performance
The time-averaged flow measurements in this report demonstrate significant turbine interactions
in paired arrays of VAWTs. These interactions have significant implications for both the power output
of the turbine pair and for additional downstream turbines in a larger array. In the context of a larger
array, the near-wake suppression and enhancement observed directly behind the turbines will affect the
energy available for extraction by turbines further downstream. Additionally, the streamwise vortex
interactions which occur downstream of the turbine pair can be utilized to hasten wake recovery by
exciting mean vertical flow of momentum into the wake from above and below the turbines. From this
Energies 2019,12, 2724 19 of 23
perspective, the reverse-doublet configuration is well suited for entraining momentum from above the
array and therefore increasing the energy available within the wake to turbines downstream of the
VAWT pair.
Because of the sensitivity of VAWT dynamics to the tip-speed ratio, it is important to consider
how the effects shown in this study may be modified at higher tip-speed ratios. The strength of
the streamwise vortical structures responsible for momentum replenishment in the wake appears to
scale proportionally with tip-speed ratio (cf. [
]). The effect is thus a consequence of the turbine’s
dynamics, and not the details of the rotor geometry. The streamwise vortices and associated induced
flow accelerations identified in this study are therefore expected to be even stronger in turbines
operating at higher tip-speed ratios, such as the turbine presented by Möllerström et al. [
], despite
the lower solidity of these turbines. Lower-solidity turbines will, however, likely exhibit decreases
in the strengths of the bluff–body vortex structures shed from the individual turbines, which would
decrease these structures’ contributions to turbulent entrainment of momentum into the wake. Higher
aspect ratios would imply that the momentum replenishment of the streamwise vortices would be
confined to a proportionally smaller percentage of the total wake area. The wake recovery due to the
mechanisms isolated in this study for turbines of higher aspect ratios would therefore likely be slower
than that of the turbines used in these experiments; however, the mechanisms are still expected to
be significant factors in the replenishment of momentum into the wake. Future studies could more
quantitatively determine the precise momentum-entrainment properties of VAWT arrays as functions
of solidity, tip-speed ratio, and aspect ratio.
Other considerations related to turbine efficiency, sensitivity to wind direction, and fatigue loading
will also be important to consider. For example, power production will be a function of the annual
variation in the site wind magnitude and directions. To maximize power output at a site where the
wind direction is variable, an array that outputs near-maximum power over the observed range of
wind directions is needed. As shown previously in Figure 5, the performance of the co-rotating pair of
turbines exhibits the desired robust performance enhancement over large ranges of array angles. At its
peak, this case results in an average of 14% increase in array performance between 40
at the closest spacing measured. This region persists for all spacings measured, with a decreasing
average enhancement for larger turbine spacings. Therefore, the co-rotating configuration would be
well-suited for wind farms based on a well-spaced unit cell layout where the wind direction is variable.
5. Conclusions
The conclusions of this work are outlined as follows: (1) Performance enhancement was measured
for both the upstream and downstream turbines in paired configurations of VAWTs. While previous
studies have observed performance enhancement for the downstream turbine, upstream turbine
enhancement was observed here for the first time. (2) The turbine spacings and incident wind
directions which result in increased performance for the downstream turbine were demonstrated to be
spatially correlated with bluff–body accelerations around the upstream turbine. These accelerations
increase the incident freestream velocity on appropriately positioned downstream turbines. (3) For the
upstream turbine, changes in performance are related to modifications to the surrounding flow field
due to the presence of the downstream rotor. (4) Three-dimensional velocity measurements revealed
streamwise vortical structures shed by the rotors, which induce mean wake replenishment from above
and below the rotor.
The data demonstrate regions of increased performance for both the upstream and downstream
turbines, which can be used to increase the performance of VAWT arrays using a turbine pair as a unit
cell in the design. While these relations were found using a surrogate for the torque produced by the
upstream and downstream rotor, future work may seek to relate changes in performance to changes in
the induced angle of attack and resultant freestream on the upstream turbine blades. Measurements of
the induced angle of attack would be particularly useful in characterizing the effects of dynamic stall
on the flow-field properties, especially across a range of tip-speed ratios.
Energies 2019,12, 2724 20 of 23
The streamwise vortical structures identified in this study can also be incorporated in the design
of large wind farms with more optimal wake-recovery characteristics. If large arrays of VAWTs are
designed with these structures in mind, the replenishment of lost momentum in the wakes of turbines
deep within the array could be facilitated so that these turbines are able to extract more energy from
the flow. These observations highlight the role of vortex dynamics in the near wakes of VAWT arrays,
and should be taken into account in the optimization of wind farms for maximum power density.
Although this study focused on modifying array parameters for a fixed turbine design, it
is important to acknowledge that turbine design parameters could also affect this optimization.
The turbine solidity, tip-speed ratio, aspect ratio, Reynolds number, and loading conditions all affect
both the individual efficiency of the turbines in isolation and the strength of turbine interactions. Future
work will quantify these dependencies and validate the assumptions used to model the performance
of the upstream turbine.
Author Contributions:
Conceptualization, I.D.B. and J.O.D.; methodology, I.D.B. and J.O.D.; software, I.D.B.,
N.J.W. and J.O.D.; experiments, I.D.B.; data analysis, I.D.B., N.J.W., and J.O.D.; writing, I.D.B., N.J.W. and J.O.D.;
and funding acquisition, I.D.B. and J.O.D.
The authors gratefully acknowledge funding from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation through
Grant No. 2645 and the Stanford University TomKat Center for Energy Sustainability.
The authors would like to thank Jen Cardona for her work in setting up and characterizing
the wind tunnel and camera system used in these experiments.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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... This is further magnified by the use of blade pitching schemes, which rely mainly on the modification of these vortical structures, leading to heavy 3D wake phenomena (De Tavernier et al. (2020)). The literature on experimental 3D-resolved wakes of VAWTs in wind tunnel settings is limited (Brownstein et al. (2019); Caridi et al. (2016); Ryan et al. (2016); van der Hoek et al. (2024)) and is not available for 90 rotors using the aforementioned wake control strategy. Further, the experimental demonstration with a 3D resolved flowfield of the potential of blade pitch towards wake re-energization in a farm setting has not been investigated to date. ...
... Further, the experimental demonstration with a 3D resolved flowfield of the potential of blade pitch towards wake re-energization in a farm setting has not been investigated to date. The work of Brownstein et al. (2019) yielded 3D flowfield measurements for a set of two turbines closely spaced to highlight the benefits of high-density VAWT arrangements but was limited to a wake measurement domain up to 3D. wind farm made of VAWTs with and without wake control strategies in a standard grid arrangement. The results from this study provide a basis for ongoing and future numerical model validation. ...
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The present study extends the idea of the VAWT "vortex generator mode" for wake recovery on a wind farm scale, working towards the concept of "regenerative wind farming", where upstream turbines entrain vertical momentum for those downstream. An experimental wind tunnel demonstration of the "regenerative wind farming" concept for an array of nine H-type VAWTs arranged in a 3x3 grid layout is performed. Volumetric particle tracking velocimetry measures the wake within the simulated wind farm while using two "vortex generator modes" achieved through fixed blade pitch. The results demonstrate the strong dependence of the wake topology of a VAWT on the streamwise vorticity system, which can be effectively modified by pitching the blades and subsequently changing the load distribution of the different quadrants of a VAWT. An increase in momentum entrainment in the wake is observed for both "vortex generator modes" of operation, highlighting the potential towards the goal of "regenerative wind farming." The derived available power within the farm increases by factors of 6.4 and 2.1 for the pitch-in and -out cases compared to the baseline case, respectively, considering potential rotors directly in line with those upwind.
... It was found that the optimum value of wind direction angle is 75 • . Brownstein et al. [47] showed that the power coefficient of both turbines can increase in a staggered layout. Dabiri et al. [48] and Giorgetti et al. [49] found that counter-down configuration is more efficient than counter-up configuration for twin-VAWTs in parallel layout. ...
... This approach has led to reporting conflicting optimal combinations of twin-VAWT design variables for enhancing its aerodynamic efficiency. In previous studies where the wind direction angle was taken into account as a variable, some studies [43][44][45] found that a parallel configuration resulted in enhanced performance, while others [46,47] supported the staggered configuration. On the other hand, earlier studies carried out considering the variable rotational direction of twin-VAWT rotors [48][49][50][51][52][53] reported that counter-up configuration yields enhanced power performance, whereas, some were in favor of counter-down and co-rotating configurations. ...
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Twin Vertical Axis Wind Turbines (VAWTs) appear to be the potential candidates for enhancing the power density of wind farms. Earlier twin-VAWT studies were mainly focused on carrying out the parametric study of one or two twin-VAWT variables together while treating the other variables as fixed. Since twin-VAWT variables strongly influence each other, therefore, this approach led to reporting conflicting optimal combinations of twin-VAWT variables for optimizing its power performance. Furthermore, previous studies considered higher rotor solidities, which is not desirable from a power generation perspective and it also reduces turbine lifespan. Using L16 (4^5) Taguchi orthogonal array along with a modified superposition model, this research optimized the power performance of twin-VAWT considering together, solidity ratio , pitch angle, wind direction angle , turbine spacing ratio (S/D) and rotational direction of the rotor as design variables. Unsteady CFD was employed to ascertain the power performance of orthogonal array designs followed by the orthogonal analysis for the optimum tip-speed ratios (TSRs) and power coefficients. Based upon the relative impact of the design variables on the mean optimum TSR, the variables were ranked as: ( ) > ( ) > ( ) > ( ) and (S/D). On the other hand, a different trend for the relative impact of the design variables on the power performance was found: ( ) > ( ) > ( ) > ( ) > (S/D). The orthogonal analysis optimum twin-VAWT configuration showed a positive synergistic interaction at TSRs 2.5 and negative synergistic interaction at TSRs 2.5 in comparison to its standalone counterpart. Moreover, the orthogonal analysis’s optimum twin-VAWT underperformed by 4.7% when compared with the best orthogonal array design at their respective optimum TSRs, indicating a sub-optimal design resulting from Taguchi orthogonal analysis. The incapability of orthogonal analysis to include the interaction effects among variables resulted in the sub-optimal twin-VAWT design. Linear graph method highlighted the presence of strong interaction effects among the design variables. For five design variables with four levels each (4^5), a full factorial Design of Experiments (DoE) of 1024 cases was constructed to include the interaction effects. Signal-to-noise ratios of full factorial DoE cases were predicted by the modified superposition model. The highest predicted signal-to-noise ratio among 1024 cases identified the best orthogonal array design as the actual optimum twin-VAWT configuration. The increase in power efficiency of twin-VAWT in comparison to its standalone counterpart was observed as the TSR was increased with the maximum power enhancement by 23% at TSR 4.25. Furthermore, the optimal twin-VAWT configuration exhibited an optimal TSR of 3.5, contrasting with the standalone VAWT's optimal TSR of 3.0. This shift extended the power performance envelope of the optimum twin-VAWT, allowing for energy extraction across a broader range of TSR values. The undertaken study highlights the prospects of twin-VAWTs for increasing the farm power density.
... Examples include the Savonius turbines, the Darrieus turbines with curved blades, the straight-bladed Darrieus turbines, and the helical-bladed Darrieus turbines [21,33]. Among them, the straight-bladed Darrieus-type VAWTs have been studied and utilized more than other types [8,15,17,18,[22][23][24]26,27,29], likely due to the simpleness of its design for easy manufacturing. A number of laboratory [8,15,17,22] and field [7,18,37] experiments as well as numerical simulations [24,[38][39][40][41][42] of straight-bladed VAWTs have helped advance our knowledge on both the fundamental characteristics of the turbine wakes and the dynamic interactions of the VAWTs with atmospheric boundary layer turbulence if deployed in the field. ...
... To isolate the effect of blade geometry from other potential factors that may affect the VAWT wake characteristics, in the present LES study a turbulent inflow condition with uniform mean velocity is used. Similar uniform mean inflow conditions have been used in prior studies of VAWTs in both laboratory experiments [8,15,17,20,22,23,27] and numerical simulations [24,38,40]. Particularly, in this study the inflow condition consists of a uniform mean velocity and a homogeneous isotropic turbulence (HIT) velocity fluctuation field. ...
Turbulent wake flows behind helical- and straight-bladed vertical axis wind turbines (VAWTs) rotating at low tip speed ratios (TSRs) are studied numerically. The turbulent flows are simulated using the large-eddy simulation (LES) model, and the rotating turbine blades are modeled using the actuator line method. The helical VAWT has identical key parameters as the straight VAWT except for the 135∘ helical twist of the blades over the 0.3m vertical span. A set of LES runs are performed for two TSRs, 0.6 and 0.4, and the results are reported and analyzed. At these low TSRs, the wake behind the straight-bladed VAWT exhibits two-dimensional dominant flow motions (in the horizontal plane perpendicular to the straight blades) in the near-wake region that cause considerable spanwise expansion of the wake as it extends downstream. In contrast, the helical-bladed VAWT generates highly three-dimensional (3D) wake flow structures and upward/downward mean flow motions within the wake that cause the wake to expand mainly in the vertical direction. Turbulence statistical analyses also show that the 3D wake flow features induced by the helical blades accelerate the wake transition to turbulence and enhance the small-scale turbulent dissipation (as shown by the subgrid-scale turbulent dissipation in the LES), which leads to a more rapid decay of the wake turbulence intensity than that in the straight-bladed VAWT case at the same TSR. Compared with the straight-bladed VAWT, the helical-bladed VAWT also exhibits much smaller temporal variations for the torque and power coefficients during the rotation cycle, which can be beneficial for wind power generation.
... 8,10 Among different VAWT types, the straight-bladed Darrieus-type VAWTs (hereinafter referred to as the straight-bladed VAWTs) have gained popularity due to the simplicity for designing and manufacturing and, thus, have been also studied more in research. 9,[11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19] The helical-bladed VAWTs, which can be regarded as a variant version of the straight-bladed VAWTs with twisted blades, have also drawn increasing attention in recent years. [19][20][21][22][23][24] Recent experimental 19 and numerical 24 studies have shown that changing the blade geometry from straight to helical can induce additional mean vertical motion in the VAWT wake flow, which can cause noticeable impact to the turbulence statistics and kinetic energy entrainment that affect the wake speed recovery. ...
... On the other hand, field experiments of finite-size VAWT arrays can characterize flow phenomena based on realistic conditions but face challenges for measuring the array-scale flow field information. While measurement techniques such as three-dimensional (3D) particle-tracking velocimetry (PTV) 18,19 can obtain detailed flow field information within a limited measurement window, it is challenging to extend the measurement to the array scale. To obtain field data at array scale, Kinzel et al. 7 used a measurement system with seven three-component ultrasonic anemometers (Campbell Scientific CSAT3) mounted on a 10 m meteorological tower (Aluma-Towers Inc.) to measure the flow velocity at 11 different positions along the center of a VAWT array. ...
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Effects of helical-shaped blades on the flow characteristics and power production of finite-length wind farms composed of vertical-axis wind turbines (VAWTs) are studied numerically using large-eddy simulation (LES). Two helical-bladed VAWTs (with opposite blade twist angles) are studied against one straight-bladed VAWT in different array configurations with coarse, intermediate, and tight spacings. Statistical analysis of the LES data shows that the helical-bladed VAWTs can improve the mean power production in the fully developed region of the array by about 4.94%–7.33% compared with the corresponding straight-bladed VAWT cases. The helical-bladed VAWTs also cover the azimuth angle more smoothly during the rotation, resulting in about 47.6%–60.1% reduction in the temporal fluctuation of the VAWT power output. Using the helical-bladed VAWTs also reduces the fatigue load on the structure by significantly reducing the spanwise bending moment (relative to the bottom base), which may improve the longevity of the VAWT system to reduce the long-term maintenance cost.
... Sin embargo, esto ha planteado desafíos adicionales debido a los obstáculos presentes en entornos urbanos, como edificios, árboles y otros elementos que generan un flujo de aire turbulento y pueden afectar el rendimiento del aerogenerador. En respuesta a estos desafíos, se han llevado a cabo investigaciones para optimizar la captación del recurso eólico en entornos urbanos y mejorar la eficiencia de los aerogeneradores [4][5]. Recientemente se han investigado distintos dispositivos de hipersustentación para generar una inducción del flujo del viento y; de esta manera, se pueda aprovechar los vientos a bajas velocidades [6][7][8]. ...
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Resumen En los últimos años, se busca implementar la tecnología de aerogeneradores de baja potencia en entornos urbanos o para sistemas de generación distribuida. Uno de los principales retos de este tipo de dispositivos es la poca disponibilidad del recurso eólico, debido a los efectos de la capa límite atmosférica y los obstáculos. Existen distintos dispositivos de hipersustentación que permiten controlar el flujo del aire y que, de alguna manera, se puedan aprovechar los viento a bajas velocidades. Los actuadores de plasma de descarga de barrera dieléctrica (DBD), por ejemplo, han demostrado ser una tecnología prometedora para el arranque del aerogenerador cuando la velocidad del viento es baja. Estos actuadores utilizan descargas eléctricas para crear plasma, que luego puede utilizarse para generar una fuerza sobre una superficie cercana. Cuando instalan sobre las palas de los aerogeneradores, los actuadores de plasma DBD pueden crear una capa límite laminar en la superficie de la pala, lo que puede ayudar a aumentar la sustentación y reducir la resistencia. Esto puede mejorar el rendimiento de la turbina, sobre todo a bajas velocidades del viento. Además de mejorar el rendimiento de la turbina, los actuadores de plasma DBD tienen otras ventajas. Por ejemplo, su instalación y funcionamiento son relativamente sencillos y no requieren piezas móviles, lo que aumenta la habilidad de la turbina. También tienen un coste relativamente bajo, lo que los convierte en una solución rentable para aerogeneradores de baja potencia. Sin embargo, el uso de actuadores de plasma DBD en turbinas eólicas también plantea algunos problemas. Uno de los principales retos es que los actuadores requieren una fuente de alimentación de alto voltaje, que puede ser difícil de proporcionar en una ubicación remota. Además, el rendimiento de los actuadores puede verse afectado por factores ambientales como la temperatura y la humedad. 1. Introducción El uso de energías renovables ha experimentado un notable crecimiento en la última década, impulsado por la necesidad de abordar la crisis climática y el aumento de la demanda energética a nivel mundial. En los países desarrollados, donde tradicionalmente se ha dependido en gran medida de los combustibles fósiles, se han implementado políticas para aumentar la contribución de las energías renovables en la matriz energética. Esto ha generado un aumento significativo en la investigación científica en el campo de las energías alternativas en todo el mundo [1].
... Entrainment of above-farm momentum can be done with simple design changes like static pitch offset [11]. These effects, including beneficial interference [12], give promise for farm densification. For offshore wind turbines, the lower center of gravity, easy drivetrain access, and fewer active components offer advantages if these designs are placed on floating platforms in deep water [13]. ...
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While previous studies investigating critical vertical-axis wind turbine (VAWT) design load cases have focused on large and relatively flexible Darrieus designs, the bulk of current commercial products seeking certification fall in the relatively small, stiff, H-type configuration. Understanding the critical design load case impacts for both fatigue and ultimate failure for this size and type of VAWT is imperative for certification and to help break the cycle of historical VAWT failures. A reevaluation of each of the design load cases specified in IEC 61400-1 using the Offshore Wind ENergy Simulator (OWENS) validated aero-servo-elastic software is conducted for both fatigue and ultimate failure contributions. Several design load cases previously thought negligible may have high enough fatigue damage rates for H-VAWTs to warrant more careful consideration; these cases include parked, extreme wind shear, and direction change with gust. Additionally, full operation stop-start-stop cycles, which historically have not been a part of the standards, may contribute fatigue damage similar to other normal design load cases. In light of these potentially critical conditions, and the sizes of many of the current H-VAWT designs falling in the IEC 61400-2 small wind turbine standard, the standard may need to be expanded to enable design success of certified H-VAWT systems.
... Wind Harvest International (WHI) is developing a 70 kW straight-bladed VAWT designed to complement existing wind farms by occupying the "understory". It can also be installed in rows to capitalize on the proven performance augmentation effect [1,2]. A prototype, version 3.1, has been installed and instrumented at the UL test site in Texas to validate the predicted structural behavior of the turbine. ...
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This paper describes a project for predicting and measuring the structural response of a 70 kW vertical axis wind turbine (VAWT), while offering insights for optimizing efficiency and ensuring longevity. We employ the traditional frequency response approach and model the turbine behavior using its stationary modal shapes. Results for three key sensor locations – lower central mast bending, upper blade flapwise bending, and central horizontal arm out-of-plane bending – reveal that the codes accurately predict the critical resonance and capture the dominant harmonic amplitudes. In addition, it is shown how a statistical treatment of the steady state solution can lead to predictions of the fatigue cycle distribution enabling accurate life predictions. The program demonstrates the potential to significantly improve the design and operation of VAWT using simple, steady state, simulation codes for capturing VAWT aerodynamics. The model demonstrates sufficient accuracy while offering computational efficiency compared to more complex models.
... However, the turbulent wakes formed by the initial row reduce approximately 40% of the power output of the downstream rotors (Hansen et al., 2021). VAWTs can potentially fix this problem because previous studies (Brownstein et al., 2019;Dabiri, 2011) demonstrated that when integrated into wind farms, this kind of turbine reveals the opposite trend, and improvements in downstream rotors have been observed. In addition, because there are fewer moving components with low maintenance costs, they are easier to install, and, unlike HAWTs, they may be deployed at locations with adaptable flow conditions (i.e., variable wind direction). ...
Renewable energy is a solution to displace non-renewable energy resources with the wind turbine being one of the prominent the renewable energy sources. Research on wind turbines still ongoing to be advanced. The Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines (HAWTs) are more widely utilized for electricity production, Vertical Axis Wind Turbines (VAWTs) offer distinct advantages not found in HAWTs. However, VAWT has several benefits that are not present in HAWT, so research on VAWT must continue with the aim that VAWT can be developed into a commercial power generator. This paper is a form of Darrieus VAWT research development. The demonstration of Numerical Simulink Method can be found here to evaluate the performance of Wind Turbine such as the values of power coefficient, angular velocity, and torque. The input parameters are a symmetrical airfoil with 15% thickness, a radius of 0.5 m, a height of 1 m, and a chord length of 0.2 m. Numerical analysis using the Novelty Simulink Model is carried out so that engineers or scientists can evaluate VAWT performance under various conditions for further research. This paper also presents a graph depicting a relationship between all output parameters with wind speeds starting from 1 m/s until 12 m/s. According to the study's outcome, these have a relation with increasing wind speed. Moreover, this research provides evidence that the VAWT can work properly at low wind speeds (less than 12 m/s).
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This paper summarizes and introduces all vertical axis wind turbine (VAWT) projects where 100 kW or larger turbines have been installed. The basis for the review is both existing literature and personal correspondence with people once involved in the different developments. By citing the most relevant work for each project, the paper will also work as an information hub, making information on these projects more accessible. Since the 1970s, there have been several VAWT projects with installed turbines of significant size, either as attempts to commercialize VAWTs, or as university led research projects, or as a combination of the two. Most have involved Darrieus turbines built in North America during the 1980s. However, H-rotors, which have always been a favored concept in Europe, have seen a revival during the 2010s. The reason VAWTs have never fully challenged the success of the horizontal axis wind turbine (HAWT) is too broad a question to answer here. However, the reasons some VAWT projects have failed are addressed in this paper. Besides the fact that many of the prototypes had terminal failures, most of the installed medium or largescale VAWTs have to some extent had problems with metal fatigue and durability. Additionally, a lack of longterm interest from governmental or private funders, as well as the introduction of reliable HAWTs, was a recurring theme from those involved in VAWT development, regarding the reason VAWTs so far have failed to succeed.
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The current study systematically analyzes the impact of solidity (σ) and number of blades (n) on the aerodynamic performance of 2-, 3- and 4-bladed Darrieus H-type vertical axis wind turbines (VAWTs). Solidity varies within the wide range of 0.09 – 0.36. A large number of operational parameters, i.e., tip speed ratio (λ), Reynolds number (Re), turbulence intensity and reduced frequency (K) are investigated to provide a deeper insight into the impact of σ and n on the dynamic loads on blades, the turbine performance and the wake. High-fidelity unsteady Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (URANS) simulations, extensively validated with experiments, are employed. The results show that the turbine optimal tip speed ratio (λopt) is invariant to a newly-introduced parameter ‘σλ^3’, regardless of the turbine geometrical and operational characteristics. In addition, a new correlation is derived to estimate λopt as a function of σ, which can also be employed to predict the optimal σ for a turbine with a given λ. It is also found that: (i) for constant-speed urban VAWTs, which due to the low mean wind speed in the urban environment, frequently operate at moderate to high λ, a relatively-low σ is optimal; (ii) an optimal VAWT is a moderately-high-solidity variable-speed rotor maintaining a relatively-low λ, where due to the large blade chord length the resulting Re and K are favorably high; (iii) within the turbine optimal operational range, turbine power coefficient (CP) is almost independent of n. The present findings support the optimal aerodynamic design of small- to large-scale VAWTs.
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Vertical-axis wind turbines (VAWTs) are the subject of renewed interest due to the potential for higher power generation per unit land used, as well as their lower center of mass (the generator is at the bottom of tower), which renders them favorable for offshore deployment. However, VAWT farms have hardly been studied. In this paper, using a previously tested actuator line model in a large eddy simulation code, we investigate the transport of the mean kinetic energy (MKE) that replenishes the power in the farm. The primary sources of MKE are (1) the initial advective streamwise influx through the frontal area and (2) the vertical planform influx through the top and bottom interfaces of the farm. The results show that, for realistic finite-size farms, the planform MKE transport is a loss term over the first six rows: in this initial zone the mean flow adjusts by slowing down, and an upward mean advection develops that results in an efflux loss of MKE from the farm volume. The power extracted from farms is thus mainly from the frontal advection over the first few rows. When the initial streamwise advective flux is exhausted, the planform regeneration of MKE from above the wind farm becomes the dominant source; it is primarily affected by turbulent-mean interaction. This regeneration continues to adjust until rows 8 to 10 in our setups, beyond which a fully developed flow (similar to an infinite wind farm) can be observed. In the fully developed region, actual mechanical power generation by the turbines is about one third of replenishment. A primary conclusion is that more irregular farms designs should be studied, while the current literature continues to focus on the very classic layouts.
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Vertical-axis wind turbines (VAWTs) are being reconsidered as a complementary technology to the more widely used horizontal-axis wind turbines (HAWTs) due to their unique suitability for offshore deployments. In addition, field experiments have confirmed that vertical-axis wind turbines can interact synergistically to enhance the total power production when placed in close proximity. Here, we use an actuator line model in a large-eddy simulation to test novel VAWT farm configurations that exploit these synergistic interactions. We first design clusters with three turbines each that preserve the omni-directionality of vertical-axis wind turbines, and optimize the distance between the clustered turbines. We then configure farms based on clusters, rather than individual turbines. The simulations confirm that vertical-axis wind turbines have a positive influence on each other when packed in well-designed clusters: such configurations increase the power generation of a single turbine by about 10 percent. In addition, the cluster designs allow for closer turbine spacing resulting in about three times the number of turbines for a given land area compared to conventional configurations. Therefore, both the turbine and wind-farm efficiencies are improved, leading to a significant increase in the density of power production per unit land area.
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Vertical Axis Wind Turbines have yet to see wide-spread use as a means of harvesting the kinetic energy of the wind. This may be due in part to the difficulty in modeling the relatively complex flow field and hence performance of these units. Additionally, similar to Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines, VAWTs are difficult to properly test in a conventional wind tunnel. Typically Reynolds numbers cannot be matched or the turbine geometry must be altered, limiting the applicability of the results. Presented in the following is a set of experiments in a specialized, high-pressure wind tunnel used to achieve high Reynolds numbers with a small-scale model. The performance change of this model is investigated at two different solidities and over nearly a decade of Reynolds numbers (based on diameter: 600, 000 ≤ ReD ≤ 5 × 10⁶). The non- dimensional power coefficient displays behavior consistent with Reynolds number invariance, regardless of solidity. In addition, the change in performance as this limit is approached also shows no direct dependence on the solidity for the VAWT geometry used in this study. The results of this work have direct application for modeling and simulation efforts concerning the performance of new VAWT designs.
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A 100-W helical-blade vertical-axis wind turbine was designed, manufactured, and tested in a wind tunnel. A relatively low tip-speed ratio of 1.1 was targeted for usage in an urban environment at a rated wind speed of 9 m/s and a rotational speed of 170 rpm. The basic dimensions were determined through a momentum-based design method according to the IEC 61400-2 protocol. The power output was estimated by a mathematical model that takes into account the aerodynamic performance of the NACA0018 blade shape. The lift and drag of the blade with respect to the angle of attack during rotation were calculated using 2D computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation to take into account stall region. The average power output calculated by the model was 108.34 W, which satisfies the target output of 100 W. The manufactured wind turbine was tested in a large closed-circuit wind tunnel, and the power outputs were measured for given wind speeds. At the design condition, the measured power output was 114.7 W, which is 5.9% higher than that of the mathematical model. This result validates the proposed design method and power estimation by the mathematical model.
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Laboratory experiments were performed on a geometrically scaled vertical-axis wind turbine model over an unprecedented range of Reynolds numbers, including and exceeding those of the full-scale turbine. The study was performed in the high-pressure environment of the Princeton High Reynolds number Test Facility (HRTF). Utilizing highly compressed air as the working fluid enabled extremely high Reynolds numbers while still maintaining dynamic similarity by matching the tip speed ratio (defined as the ratio of tip velocity to free stream, \unicode[STIX]{x1D706}=\unicode[STIX]{x1D714}R/U ) and Mach number (defined at the turbine tip, Ma=\unicode[STIX]{x1D714}R/a ). Preliminary comparisons are made with measurements from the full-scale field turbine. Peak power for both the field data and experiments resides around \unicode[STIX]{x1D706}=1 . In addition, a systematic investigation of trends with Reynolds number was performed in the laboratory, which revealed details about the asymptotic behaviour. It was shown that the parameter that characterizes invariance in the power coefficient was the Reynolds number based on blade chord conditions ( RecRe_{c} ). The power coefficient reaches its asymptotic value when Rec>1.5×106Re_{c}>1.5\times 10^{6} , which is higher than what the field turbine experiences. The asymptotic power curve is found, which is invariant to further increases in Reynolds number.
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The wake structure of a vertical-axis wind turbine (VAWT) is strongly dependent on the tip-speed ratio, λ\lambda, or the tangential speed of the turbine blade relative to the incoming wind speed. The geometry of a turbine can influence λ\lambda, but the precise relationship among VAWT geometric parameters and VAWT wake characteristics remains unknown. To investigate this relationship, we present the results of an experiment to characterize the wakes of three VAWTs that are geometrically similar except for the ratio of the turbine diameter (D), to blade chord (c), which was chosen to be D/c=D/c = 3, 6, and 9. For a fixed freestream Reynolds number based on the blade chord of Rec=1.6×103Re_c = 1.6\times 10^3, both two-component particle image velocimetry (PIV) and single-component hot-wire anemometer measurements are taken at the horizontal mid-plane in the wake of each turbine. PIV measurements are ensemble averaged in time and phase averaged with each rotation of the turbine. Hot-wire measurement points are selected to coincide with the edge of the shear layer of each turbine wake, as deduced from the PIV data, which allows for an analysis of the frequency content of the wake due to vortex shedding by the turbine.
A computational study is presented on the wake features of a Vertical Axis Wind Turbine (VAWT), with a particular focus on the way stall phenomena lead to the formation of large coherent structures. In our earlier work (Int. J. Heat Fluid Flow 61: 75–84, 2016) numerical results were compared with experiments carried out in similar conditions. The operation of VAWTs is characterized by the generation of large vortices, especially at low Tip Speed Ratios (TSRs), corresponding to larger angles of attack. In the present study the use of a Large Eddy Simulation (LES) approach, coupled with an immersed-boundary (IB) formulation, allowed the solution of such coherent structures, which were found to affect substantially the flow within the rotor and downstream of the turbine. Two values of TSR are investigated here, in order to discuss its influence on the wake structure. Lower TSRs are associated to boundary layer separation closer to the leading edge of the blades and larger rollers, during both upwind and downwind stall. Upwind stall affects more substantially wake properties, producing larger structures populating the leeward side of the overall wake.