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Anaerobic Digestion of Food Waste with Unconventional Co-Substrates for Stable Biogas Production at High Organic Loading Rates


Abstract and Figures

Anaerobic digestion (AD) is widely considered a more sustainable food waste management method than conventional technologies, such as landfilling and incineration. To improve economic performance while maintaining AD system stability at commercial scale, food waste is often co-digested with animal manure, but there is increasing interest in food waste-only digestion. We investigated the stability of anaerobic digestion with mixed cafeteria food waste (CFW) as the main substrate, combined in a semi-continuous mode with acid whey, waste bread, waste energy drinks, and soiled paper napkins as co-substrates. During digestion of CFW without any co-substrates, the maximum specific methane yield (SMY) was 363 mL gVS−1d−1 at organic loading rate (OLR) of 2.8 gVSL−1d−1, and reactor failure occurred at OLR of 3.5 gVSL−1d−1. Cosubstrates of acid whey, waste energy drinks, and waste bread resulted in maximum SMY of 455, 453, and 479 mL gVS−1d−1, respectively, and it was possible to achieve stable digestion at OLR as high as 4.4 gVSL−1d−1. These results offer a potential approach to high organic loading rate digestion of food waste without using animal manure. Process optimization for the use of unconventional cosubstrates may help enable deployment of anaerobic digesters for food waste management in urban and institutional applications and enable increased diversion of food waste from landfills in heavily populated regions.
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Sustainability 2019, 11, 3875; doi:10.3390/su11143875
Anaerobic Digestion of Food Waste with
Unconventional Co-Substrates for Stable Biogas
Production at High Organic Loading Rates
Swati Hegde
and Thomas A. Trabold
The Water Center, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19147, USA
Golisano Institute for Sustainability, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY 14623, USA
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +1-585-475-4696
Received: 23 June 2019; Accepted: 9 July 2019; Published: 16 July 2019
Abstract: Anaerobic digestion (AD) is widely considered a more sustainable food waste
management method than conventional technologies, such as landfilling and incineration. To
improve economic performance while maintaining AD system stability at commercial scale, food
waste is often co-digested with animal manure, but there is increasing interest in food waste-only
digestion. We investigated the stability of anaerobic digestion with mixed cafeteria food waste
(CFW) as the main substrate, combined in a semi-continuous mode with acid whey, waste bread,
waste energy drinks, and soiled paper napkins as co-substrates. During digestion of CFW without
any co-substrates, the maximum specific methane yield (SMY) was 363 mL gVS
at organic
loading rate (OLR) of 2.8 gVSL
, and reactor failure occurred at OLR of 3.5 gVSL
. Co-
substrates of acid whey, waste energy drinks, and waste bread resulted in maximum SMY of 455,
453, and 479 mL gVS
, respectively, and it was possible to achieve stable digestion at OLR as
high as 4.4 gVSL
. These results offer a potential approach to high organic loading rate digestion
of food waste without using animal manure. Process optimization for the use of unconventional co-
substrates may help enable deployment of anaerobic digesters for food waste management in urban
and institutional applications and enable increased diversion of food waste from landfills in heavily
populated regions.
Keywords: food waste; co-digestion; biogas; specific methane yield; organic loading rate; process
1. Introduction
Residential, institutional, and industrial sectors generate large volumes of food waste
throughout the year. Though some fraction is productively utilized, most of the generated food waste
is landfilled. In the United States, a few regions have moved towards legislation that bans sending
food waste to landfills, and it is expected that this practice will decline as it is the most inefficient use
of the material and does not adequately utilize its embodied energy and water content. Anaerobic
digestion is currently the most efficient commercial-scale use of food waste, as the end products are
nutrient-rich digestate and biofuel that can be converted to electrical or thermal energy. Food waste
not only provides an inexpensive substrate for anaerobic digestion but also significantly improves
biogas production relative to systems that convert manure or sewage sludge alone [1]. However, a
relatively small fraction of anaerobic digester plants worldwide co-digest food waste with manure,
sewage sludge, or lignocellulosic biomass. Most digesters in the US are farm-based and digest dairy
manure and agricultural residues. While food waste is co-digested in small amounts with manure,
there is a need for major developments in achieving food waste-only digestion to accommodate
Sustainability 2019, 11, 3875 2 of 15
increasing rates of landfill diversion. There are certain challenges associated with food waste-only
digestion because, without any co-substrates, process instability can result from insufficient trace
elements that regulate enzyme reactions. Therefore, the conventional practice has been to digest food
waste, at a relatively low fraction, with primary substrates of animal manure or sewage sludge. Use
of co-substrates in anaerobic digestion of food waste helps to maintain process stability, either by
balancing the carbon-to-nitrogen ratio or by providing trace minerals and buffering action. Table 1
provides a sample of the literature exploring various co-substrates used in food waste digestion. The
majority of the studies have used animal manure and sludge as the co-substrates, except for a few
studies, which involved rice straw [2], fats, organic fraction of the municipal solid waste [3], and fats,
oils, and grease (FOG; [4]). It is essential to explore newer co-substrates as food waste generation
continues to rise, and existing digesters that co-digest food waste with manure cannot handle all the
additional waste generated.
There are two classes of methane-forming bacteria: acetoclastic and hydrogenotrophic
methanogens [5]. Food waste is rich in nitrogen, generally attributed to the presence of proteins.
Therefore, food waste digestion often leads to ammonia formation, which is toxic to acetoclastic
methanogens [6]. While hydrogenotrophic methanogens continue to produce methane, food waste
lacks certain trace elements that lead to the accumulation of volatile fatty acids. Therefore, ammonia
formation and volatile acid accumulation are the major process challenges in food waste digestion
that can be addressed by ammonia stripping or trace element supplementation. There are several
efforts at laboratory and pilot scale for in situ removal of ammonia using side-stream gas stripping
[7], gas mixing [8], ultrasonication [9], microwave irradiation [10], and other physical and chemical
methods [11]. Trace element and mineral supplementation has also been proposed by various
researchers and organizations as an alternative approach to achieving a stable process ([6,12–14]). A
recent review study on the stability issues in food waste digestion recommended a need for intensive
process monitoring and microbial management to address instability issues associated with food
waste digestion [15]. In another review focusing on anaerobic digestion of food waste, none of the
research studies reviewed used a secondary food waste stream as a co-substrate in food scrap
digestion [16].
Table 1. Literature studies of food waste digestion with various co-substrates (NR: not reported; NA:
not applicable).
Food Waste Type Co-
[gVSL1d1] Operation Mode
[mL gVS1d1]
[d] Reference
Cafeteria food
waste (CFW)
5 2.5
Semi-continuous with only FW
fed on day 1 and 2, CM fed on
day 3; the sequence repeated
NA 508 50 [17]
CFW CM 1 15
Semi-continuous with once a
day feeding and discharge 2 317 NR [18]
kitchen waste Biowaste NR 10.9
Semi-continuous with two
times a day feeding, five days a
NR 420 7 [19]
CFW Sewage
sludge 5 1 Batch 0.5 494 21 [20]
CFW Rice straw 1 5 Batch 5 392 NR [2]
Vegetable waste none 75 1.4 Semi-continuous with once a
day feeding and discharge NA 250 25 [21]
Greasy food
processing waste
sludge 0.5 2
Semi-continuous with once a
day feeding and discharge 1 633 20 [22]
Organic fraction
of MSW
Fats, oils,
and grease 5 4
Semi-continuous with once a
day feeding and discharge 6.7 318 16 [4]
OLR: organic loading rate; FW: food waste; SMY: specific methane yield; HRT: hydraulic retention time.
Anaerobic digestion (AD) is a viable method for the conversion of food waste and other organic
materials into methane-rich biogas. However, when applied at high organic loading rates, using only
food waste as feedstock can lead to an unstable process. The methods recommended in the previous
studies mentioned above, such as ammonia stripping and trace element supplementation, have been
Sustainability 2019, 11, 3875 3 of 15
proven effective in achieving process stability, but they add significantly to process cost by requiring
additional infrastructure or chemicals. The present study evaluated non-manure based co-digestion
of mixed cafeteria food waste (CFW) without the addition of any trace nutrients or recovery methods.
The co-digestion of CFW with other food sector waste materials, including acid whey (AW), waste
energy drinks (ED), wasted bread (WB), and paper napkins (PN), was studied to evaluate stability
issues in food waste digestion. In addition, the digestion of CFW without using any co-substrate and
cow manure as a co-substrate were studied as controls. This research focused on understanding the
process stability issues with food waste digestion through analysis of various parameters and
improving the process using non-manure-based co-substrates. Supplementing CFW regularly with
other food sector wastes with consistent composition was thought to improve process stability during
CFW digestion. The safe range of operating parameters is also recommended based on the results
obtained in this study. Use of unconventional co-substrates offers a potential advantage in situations
where it is not practical to haul digestate long distances for field spreading, for example,
decentralized digesters at universities, hospitals, or food processing plants. Facilitating “food waste
only” systems is also important in diverting a higher volume of food waste from landfills.
2. Materials and Methods
The term “reactor” is used to denote the experimental setup used in this study, whereas the term
“digester” is used in a real-world sense to emphasize the practical importance of this research.
Cafeteria food waste” refers to mixed pre- and post-consumer waste from the university dining halls
and “food waste” is a generic term that relates to both CFW and food processing waste. The term
“food waste-only digestion” is used to emphasize the importance of unconventional (non-manure)
substrates originating from the food sector to produce energy using anaerobic digestion. The co-
digestion mixes used in each reactor are listed in Table 2.
Table 2. Co-substrates used in each reactor, with cafeteria food waste (CFW) as the primary
Reactor Co-Substrate Abbreviation
R1 None -
R2 Acid whey AW
R3 Energy drink ED
R4 Waste bread WB
R5 Paper napkins PN
R6 Cow manure CM
2.1. Food Waste and Co-Substrate Characterization
The substrates utilized in this study were analyzed for physical and chemical characteristics.
Physical parameters measured in our laboratory included pH, total solids (TS), and volatile solids
(VS). A third-party laboratory analyzed the samples for all the other parameters listed in Tables 3,4,5.
The pH of the substrates was recorded using a Seven Compact pH meter (Mettler Toledo, Columbus,
OH, USA). The TS and VS were analyzed according to standard Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) method 1684 [23]. The chemical oxygen demand (COD) was examined for each substrate using
a standard COD analyzer (Hach DR 3900, Loveland, CO, USA; Method 8000).
Sustainability 2019, 11, 3875 4 of 15
Table 3. Characteristics of cafeteria food waste (CFW) estimated as an average of several samples
from different batches. Standard deviations provided for n >2.
Characteristics of CFW
Physical and Chemical Properties, n = 6
pH 4.2 ± 0.3
TS % 23.8 ± 2.9
VS/TS % 90.9 ± 2.4
VS % 22.9 ± 1.2
COD g/L 197 ± 42
Ash % 1.8 ± 0.8
Calorific value, kJ/kg (n = 2) 23,098
Macronutrients, n = 4
Crude protein (CP) % 13.3 ± 10
Available protein % 13 ± 9.9
Soluble protein % of CP 53 ± 4.2
Lignin % 0.7 ± 0.9
Starch % 10.5 ± 8.5
Simple Sugars % 7.5 ± 4
Crude fat % 13.4 ± 11
Minerals, n = 4
Calcium, ppm 1225 ± 1014
Potassium, ppm 5950 ± 4088
Magnesium, ppm 425 ± 263
Phosphorous, ppm 1900 ± 1449
Sodium, ppm 4013 ± 2984
Iron, ppm 23 ± 17
Zinc, ppm 12.8 ± 8.4
Copper, ppm 2.7 ± 1.5
Manganese, ppm 6.5 ± 4.7
Molybdenum, ppm ND
Sulfur, ppm 1525 ± 1187
Chlorine ion, ppm 7125 ± 5227
Elemental composition, n = 2
Carbon % 52.4
Hydrogen % 7.4
Nitrogen % 3.3
Oxygen % 30.6
ND: not detected. TS: total solids; VS: volatile solids; COD: chemical oxygen demand.
Sustainability 2019, 11, 3875 5 of 15
Table 4. Physical and chemical properties and elemental composition of co-substrates. Standard
deviations provided for n >2.
Physical and Chemical
Properties, n = 3 AW ED WB PN CM
pH 4.2 ± 0.2 3.3 ± 0 NM NM 6.8 ± 0.5
TS % 2.9 ± 0.1 0.7 ± 0.1 95.6 ± 0.7 94.5 ± 3.5 10.3 ± 1.4
VS/TS % 73.3 ± 0.2 80.2 ± 5.0 89.4 ± 2.9 86 ± 6.9 83.5 ± 0.8
VS % 2.1 ± 0.1 0.6 ± 0.1 85.4 ± 2.3 81.4 ± 9.4 8.6 ± 1.2
COD g/L 43 ± 4.0 11 ± 0.1 1167 ± 97 1176 ± 142 97 ± 6.0
Ash % 4.2 ± 0.2 0.2 ± 0 10.2 ± 2.8 13.1 ± 5.9 1.7 ± 0.3
Elemental composition (single measurements)
Carbon % 1.5 0.5 45.2 44.8 54.8
Hydrogen % 11.2 10.8 6.6 6.1 NM
Nitrogen % 0.5 0.5 2.2 0.3 3.6
Oxygen % NM NM 42.6 47 NM
Sulfur, ppm 30 1000 1700 300 2600
Phosphorus, ppm 875 1 1854 29 3000
NM: not measured. AW: acid whey; ED: energy drinks; WB: wasted bread; PN: paper napkins; CM:
cow manure; TS: total solids; VS: volatile solids; COD: chemical oxygen demand.
Table 5. Composition of selected co-substrates.
Mineral Composition of Selected Co-Substrates
Minerals AW WB CM
Calcium, ppm 1000 ± 282 1100 2340
Potassium, ppm 125 ± 35 2300 2190
Magnesium, ppm 100 ± 0 400 670
Sodium, ppm 290 ± 85 7300 395
Iron, ppm ND 76 163
Zinc, ppm 3.5 10 188
Copper, ppm ND 2 72
Manganese, ppm ND 7 205
Molybdenum, ppm ND ND 2.6
Chlorine ion, ppm ND ND 620
ND: not detected. AW: acid whey; WB: wasted bread; CM: cow manure.
2.2. Inoculum and Substrates
The inoculum used in the experiments was obtained as effluent from a running digester that co-
digests industrial food waste with cow manure. As the effluent contains certain unused nutrients, it
is necessary to pre-incubate the inoculum under anaerobic conditions to minimize the amount of
biogas produced by these available nutrients during the experiment. The pre-incubation stage helps
to deplete the residual biodegradable organic material in the effluent. The effluent was incubated for
7 days at 370C to obtain a degassed inoculum. After the pre-incubation step, the inoculum was
analyzed for TS, VS, and pH. The primary substrate used in this study was mixed cafeteria food waste
(CFW) obtained from one of the university dining halls and contained approximately 50% by weight
of both pre- and post-consumer wastes. Table S1 shows the fraction of principal components in CFW.
The mixed CFW was weighed and ground using a blender (Vitamix) to a particle size sufficiently
small to pass through a 2 mm sieve. The co-substrates studied in this work were acid whey (AW),
waste energy drinks (ED), waste bread (WB), paper napkins (PN), and cow manure (CM). Acid whey
was obtained from a local cheese manufacturer and stored in several small vials at 40C to avoid
repeated thawing. A local digester provided the energy drink cartons; this digester co-digests large
Sustainability 2019, 11, 3875 6 of 15
volume of caffeinated drinks with cow manure and vegetable waste. The packaged food and drinks
contribute to a significant amount of the food sector waste processed by digesters in upstate New
York. Week-old store-bought white bread was used to simulate the waste bread. The bread was cut
into small pieces and dried at 750C for 6 h and powdered for long-term storage. Paper napkins used
in this study were unsoiled Tork H1 ® white paper towels. Paper towels were milled to 2–4 mm
particle size before using in experiments. Cow manure was obtained from a local farm-based digester
and stored in several small containers in the refrigerator. Vegetable waste (VW), in an independent
experiment (Supplementary Information), was prepared by grinding only pre-consumer vegetable
waste from the cafeteria.
2.3. Reactor Start-Up
A total of 6 reactors were used in this study, each with 2.2 L total volume and 1.8 L working
volume. Six reactors were used in a standard configuration as provided by Bioprocess Control (Lund,
Sweden), and connected to the Automated Methane Potential Test System (AMPTSII). The AMPTSII
system continuously measures biomethane production and is designed to work in a semi-continuous
mode, with manual feeding at discrete time intervals. During the start-up, the reactors were filled
with 1.8 L of pre-incubated inoculum. The reactors were then purged with nitrogen gas to create
anaerobic conditions before start-up. All the reactor outlets were connected to the AMPTSII detector
system. A gas sampling T-valve with a self-closing septum was connected between each reactor outlet
and detector to obtain biogas samples for daily compositional analysis. The volume of biogas
withdrawn for sample analysis was not included in the calculation of total daily biogas production.
A 30-day hydraulic retention time (HRT) was maintained for all experiments, and the influent and
effluent flow rates were adjusted manually at 60 mL d1. All the reactors were incubated at 37 ± 2°C
in a water bath incubator. The digester contents were mixed using a built-in stirrer shaft rotating at
160 rpm with 10 s ‘ON’ and 50 s ‘OFF’ cycles. During the first 14 days of the start-up phase, all the
reactors were fed with CFW at an organic loading rate (OLR) of 0.5 gVSL1d1. On the 15th day, the
OLR was increased to 1.4 gVSL1d1 and maintained at this level until 45 days had elapsed. The
experiments conducted to test the effect of OLR started after the 45-day start-up phase. The HRT was
kept constant throughout the experiment period. As the feeding and the effluent withdrawal were
carried out manually, exact volumes of the feed and effluent were recorded. The reactor working
volumes were accordingly calculated on a daily basis, to account for any error in feeding and
withdrawal of reactor contents.
2.4. Semi-Continuous Anaerobic Digestion Experiments
The OLR ranged from 1.4 gVSL1d1 to 5.5 gVSL1d1 after the start-up phase described above. In
the first reactor (R1), the ground CFW was diluted with tap water to attain the required OLR. The pH
and mineral composition of tap water were not accounted for in calculating the feed composition. In
the second reactor (R2) containing CFW:AW mix, acid whey was used instead of water; however, VS
content of AW was adjusted for calculating OLR. The third reactor (R3) contained a mixture of CFW
and energy drink (ED). As the ED contains negligible VS, it was directly used to dilute the CFW to
the required OLR instead of water. The substrates and co-substrates used in each reactor are
summarized in Table 2. The CFW-to-co-substrate ratios for WB (R4), PN (R5), and CM (R6) were
chosen based on a pre-optimization study, conducted soon after the start-up phase. In this pre-
optimization work, all the reactors were maintained at 1.4 gVSL1d1, and different combinations of
test mixtures were studied for biogas production for 15 days. Based on these results, CFW co-
digestion with 10 ± 2% WB, 70% CM, and 5–8% PN by weight were selected to investigate the further
effect of increasing OLR; see Table S2 in Supplementary Materials. The reactors were fed every 24 h
according to the experimental design presented in Table S3. These experiments continued for
approximately 100 days, including the time required for recovery of the CFW-only reactor after
failure. Slight variations in daily HRTs due to sample preparation error are reported in Table S4 of
the Supplementary Materials.
Sustainability 2019, 11, 3875 7 of 15
3. Results
Some of the parameters of interest for growth and product formation are pH, volatile fatty acid
(VFA) concentration, alkalinity, VFA-to-alkalinity ratio, dissolved ammonium concentration, daily
biogas production, daily methane, carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide composition of biogas, and
specific methane yield. These parameters were measured on a regular basis and discussed in this
3.1. Food Waste Characteristics
Although different CFW samples were obtained from the same source, considerable variation in
the properties was observed, as indicated in Table 3. The pH of the mixed CFW used in this study
only affected the reactor pH by 0.2 to 0.3 units immediately after feeding. However, the variation can
be significant when digesting in a large-scale digester with continuous feeding cycles. As
methanogens are very sensitive to changing environments, it is necessary to maintain a balance
between substrates and co-substrates. Therefore, if the main feedstock for biogas production does not
possess homogeneous composition, a co-substrate with consistent properties must always be used.
Various physical and chemical properties of CFW and other co-substrates are summarized in Table
4; Table 5. The digestate characteristics were determined only at OLR of 2.8 gVSL1d1 and provided
in Table S5 in the Supplementary Materials.
3.2. Process Monitoring
Figure 1a shows the average pH of each reactor at different OLRs. In R1, the daily pH dropped
to 6.2 on the seventh day from an initial pH of 7.3 at OLR of 4.4 gVSL1d1. The pH drop caused reactor
failure and led to an excessive CO2 fraction in the produced biogas. The reactors with acid whey
(AW), waste bread (WB), energy drink (ED), and cow manure (CM) as co-substrates maintained the
daily pH between 7.3 and 7.5 throughout the experimental duration. There were no major issues with
process stability with these co-substrates. With paper napkins as the co-substrate (R5), the reactor pH
varied between 6.8 and 7.3 at different OLRs. However, pH variation was minimal at each OLR,
indicating a steady process. If the pH drops below 6.8, it is advised to reduce the OLR as lower pH
values correspond to VFA accumulation and imply the reactor is undersized for a given OLR.
Analyzed at discrete time intervals, the pH of all the digesters reduced by 0.2 to 0.3 units immediately
after feeding, and recovered within 2 h.
At OLR of 4.4 gVSL1d1, R1 reached a total VFA concentration of 3375 mg (CH3COOH) L1 on the
7th day, where the reactor produced less than half of the daily methane, leading to reactor failure.
Therefore, the OLR of the CFW reactor was reduced to 3.5 gVSL1d1 for further experiments after an
initial pH adjustment; however, a high average VFA concentration of 2288 mg (CH3COOH) L1 at this
OLR indicated reactor overload. Therefore, it is recommended to keep the OLR between 1.4 and 2.8
gVSL1d1 to anaerobically digest the CFW without any co-substrates. The other reactors (R2—R6)
maintained an acceptable VFA concentration at 4.4 gVSL1d1, ranging between 508 and 818 mg
(CH3COOH) L1. When the OLR was increased further to 5.5 gVSL1d1, only R2 had a VFA
concentration lower than 600 gVSL1d1, whereas all the other reactors had VFAs ranging between
1087 and 1307 mg (CH3COOH) L1. These results (Figure 1b) indicate that acid whey may be a viable
non-manure substrate to co-digest CFW at high OLR where it is not convenient to haul manure, for
example, in institutional applications, such as hospitals and universities.
The average alkalinity levels of each reactor are shown in Figure 1c for different OLRs. When R1
failed to produce methane at higher OLR, it had an alkalinity of 2488 mg CaCO3 L1. At lower OLRs,
the alkalinity ranged between 3700 and 4200 mg CaCO3 L1, which is lower than that observed in
manure digesters; however, there were no observed instability issues. For other digesters with food
waste co-substrates, the alkalinity levels ranged between 4324 and 7307 mg CaCO3 L1. At alkalinity
levels above 6500 mg CaCO3 L1, the reactors did not perform well concerning methane production
even though there was no observed reactor failure. The average variation in alkalinity is shown in
Figure 1c. Methane production did not increase significantly in R2 and R3 and reduced in R4, R5, and
Sustainability 2019, 11, 3875 8 of 15
R6. It is important to maintain an acceptable VFA to alkalinity ratio (V/A) during digester operation,
with municipal digesters typically operating at a V/A ratio below 0.3 (Aquafix, The CFW reactor had a V/A of
one when it failed. In R4 and R5, the methane production rate was reduced when V/A reached a value
of 0.3. The other reactors R2, R3, and R6 always maintained an acceptable V/A. Average ammoniacal
nitrogen (NH3-N) concentration throughout the experimental duration varied from 368 to 1132 mg
L1 in all the reactors, as shown in Figure 1d. Ammoniacal nitrogen levels did not change significantly
in any reactor, even at higher OLRs, and remained relatively stable throughout the experimental
period. In a review article [24], it was reported that a broad range of ammoniacal nitrogen
concentrations is inhibitory, ranging from 1700 mg L1 to 15,000 mg L1. Methanogens can acclimate
to increasing ammonia concentration with time. Therefore, it was difficult to recommend a safe
operating zone for ammonia during biogas production.
Figure 1. Average observed values of (a) pH; (b) total volatile acids [mgCH3COOH L1]; (c) alkalinity
[mg CaCO3 L1]; (d) ammoniacal nitrogen [mg NH3-N L1]. Co-substrates: R1—none; R2—AW (acid
whey); R3—ED (energy drinks); R4—WB (wasted bread); R5—PN (paper napkins); R6—CM (cow
The average daily biogas production rate and methane, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen sulfide
composition of biogas are shown in Figure 2a through 2d. In R1, the average methane level reached
a high of 62% at 2.8 gVSL1d-1 but was reduced to 44% at 4.4 gVSL1d1, indicating a need to stop
feeding and let the reactor stabilize for several days to attain a normal methane production level. In
R2, the methane level reached as high as 71% at 4.4 gVSL1d1 with a daily average of 66%, and this
reactor maintained greater than 62% average methane concentration throughout the measurement
period. With energy drink (ED) as co-substrate in R3, the biogas contained a high concentration of
H2S, even though it showed higher methane levels of 60 to 66%. With ED as co-substrate, the H2S
concentration was greater than 2000 ppm for the first two OLRs and reduced to 1194 ppm at 5.5
gVSL1d1. The average daily H2S concentrations ranged from 78 to 83 ppm for R2, 82 to 326 ppm for
R4, 91 to 391 for R5, and 139 to 810 ppm for R6 within the safe operating OLR region. The H2S levels
of R2, R4, and R5 were significantly lower than R6.
Sustainability 2019, 11, 3875 9 of 15
Figure 2. Biogas properties: (a) average daily biogas production rate; (b) methane fraction; (c) CO2
fraction; (d) H2S concentration [ppm]. Co-substrates: R1—none; R2—AW (acid whey); R3—ED
(energy drinks); R4—WB (wasted bread); R5—PN (paper napkins); R6—CM (cow manure). For R3,
the H2S concentration reached a detection limit of 2000 ppm of the instrument.
Figure 3a shows the average methane production rate, and Figure 3b depicts the specific
methane yields (SMYs) of different reactors at each given OLR. In CFW digestion without any co-
substrates, observed SMY was 352 ± 46 mL gVS1d1 at 1.4 gVSL1d1 and 363±28 mL gVS1d1 at 2.8
gVSL1d1 with all the other process parameters within the acceptable range. Therefore, if CFW has to
be digested alone, it is recommended to keep the OLR below 2.8 gVSL1d1, preferably between 1.5
and 2.0 gVSL1d1. However, it was possible to digest food waste at high OLRs using the previously
identified unconventional co-substrates. For example, with paper napkins as the co-substrate (R5), a
maximum SMY of 381 ± 30 mL gVS1d1 was observed at 2.8 gVSL1d1. The reactors R2, R3, R4, and
R6 showed maximum SMYs of 455 ± 31, 453 ± 20, 479 ± 29, and 372 ± 41 mL gVS1d1, respectively, at
OLR of 4.4 gVSL1d1 with all other process parameters within acceptable ranges. Acid whey, energy
drinks, and waste bread were the most efficient co-substrates with higher methane yield and lower
VFA levels. The SMYs of all the reactors reduced significantly at 5.5 gVSL1d1 compared to lower
OLRs, indicating reactor overload. A higher SMY from all the co-digestion mixtures compared to
CFW indicated a synergistic relationship between CFW and co-substrates. Reactors R2, R3, and R4
showed a higher observed SMY compared to R6, where cow manure was the co-substrate.
Sustainability 2019, 11, 3875 10 of 15
Figure 3. (a) Daily average methane production rate [mL d
]; (b) Specific methane yield (SMY) [mL
]. Co-substrates: R1—none; R2—AW (acid whey); R3—ED (energy drinks); R4—WB (wasted
bread); R5—PN (paper napkins); R6—CM (cow manure).
Biogas productivity is an indicator of process stability and must be monitored on a regular basis.
Reactors R2, R3, and R4 showed increasing productivities with increasing OLR up to 4.4 gVSL
(Figure 4a), and productivity either reduced or remained the same at a loading of 5.5 gVSL
all reactors except R2 and R6. No further increase in productivity indicates the onset of reactor
overload and implies that the OLR should be reduced to maintain stable operation. The productivity
in R1 did not increase further after an OLR of 2.8 gVSL
, and the productivity decreased in R5 at
the highest OLR tested. Therefore, it is suggested that OLRs be kept below 4.4 gVSL
when acid
whey, bread, and energy drinks are used as co-substrates with CFW, below 2.8 gVSL
when co-
digesting CFW with cow manure and paper napkins, and between 1.4 and 2.0 when digesting CFW
alone. The degradability or percent degradation signifies waste management efficiency because it is
directly proportional to the amount of food waste converted into biogas. All the reactors had a lower
biodegradability at the highest OLR, as indicated in Figure 4b. A significant improvement in
biodegradation from 1.4 to 2.8 gVSL
was observed in all the reactors. However, at 4.4 gVSL
only R2, R3, and R4 had higher COD removal. The COD removal reduced in all the reactors at 5.5
except for R5.
Figure 4. Parameters indicative of process efficiency: (a) biogas productivity expressed as the volume
of biogas produced per unit volume of the reactor per day; (b) average fractional COD (chemical
oxygen demand) degradation at each OLR (organic loading rate). Co-substrates: R1—none; R2—AW
(acid whey); R3—ED (energy drinks); R4—WB (wasted bread); R5—PN (paper napkins); R6—CM
(cow manure).
4. Discussion
Anaerobic digestion involves a synergistic metabolism between different classes of microbes:
hydrolyzing bacteria, acetogens, acidogens, and methanogens. These microbial communities differ
Sustainability 2019, 11, 3875 11 of 15
significantly in their morphology, optimum conditions for growth and product formation, and
sensitivity to changing microenvironments. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor different process
parameters to maintain a healthy balance between microbial populations and achieve a steady
The nutrient composition of the substrates directly affects microbial growth and biogas
production. The pH of the substrate supports faster acclimatization of the microbial population to
changing environments and solubilizes certain nutrients for easy uptake by microbes. Maximum
biogas production was observed when the pH of the food waste was 7.0, with a significant reduction
in biogas production at pH of 5.0 and 9.0 under batch conditions [25]. The carbohydrates, lipids, and
proteins contribute to maintaining a healthy carbon-to-nitrogen ratio (C/N). Proteins act as a nitrogen
source upon degradation into ammonia. A high level of proteins in the substrate, for example, from
meat products, corresponds to lower C/N and leads to process instabilities by producing excessive
The daily pH of the anaerobic digester is known to impact digester performance by affecting the
mass transfer rate. In a substrate containing a high concentration of ammoniacal nitrogen, pH affects
the ratio of free ammonia (NH3) to the ionized form of ammonia (NH4+) [24]. As the pH increases,
ammonia toxicity increases due to the increase in free ammonia. Methanogens are susceptible to
higher concentrations of ammonia and, therefore, they consume VFAs at a slower rate. Slower VFA
consumption leads to their accumulation and creates a low pH environment in the digester.
Therefore, if acetogens outnumber the methanogens, pH will drop, which can inhibit methanogens,
and ultimately lead to digester failure. A balanced metabolism of acetogens and methanogens helps
in maintaining the pH of a digester within the optimum range. A pH of 6.8–7.5 for a healthy
population of methanogens [26] has been suggested in earlier literature studies for manure and co-
digestion. Even though pH cannot be a single parameter that determines digester stability, for food
waste-only digestion, it is recommended to maintain a pH of 7.2–7.8 based on the observations in this
study. The pH drop was observed to be much faster below a level of 7.2 in food waste digestion.
Though pH is not an early indicator of process instability, it is important to maintain a constant
digester pH and, hence, VFA levels at all times. Maintaining lower concentrations of VFAs helps both
in attaining higher methane production and better waste conversion efficiency. Because of the
inhibitory effects of volatile fatty acids, it is required to monitor the VFA concentration in the digester
on a regular basis. Consistently elevated levels of VFAs indicate digester overload and can ultimately
lead to digester failure. Researchers have studied different strategies to decrease the negative effect
of VFAs, including co-digestion, the addition of certain metal ions like Ca2+ [27], and reagents that
increase alkalinity [28]. Another approach suggests that a discontinuous feeding profile can avoid
VFA accumulation in the digester [29]. While the existing literature is ambiguous on acceptable levels
of VFA, a total VFA concentration of below 800 mg (CH3COOH) L1 at all times would be
recommended in this study to maintain optimum digester operation. In the event that VFA levels rise
above the recommended value, the temperature of the reactor must be reduced by 3–50C, the feeding
must be stopped (or OLR appropriately reduced) for a few days until the pH becomes normal, or the
pH should be adjusted to 7.2 with a base additive, such as sodium hydroxide.
Alkalinity levels lower than the optimum indicate VFA accumulation and can be maintained by
using an appropriate co-substrate that has the natural buffering ability or by using external agents
like calcium carbonate or sodium bicarbonate. The use of waste materials like egg shells and lime
mud from pulp and paper processing has been proposed for maintaining digester alkalinity [28]. In
a manure-only digester maintained at pH = 7.4, normal alkalinity levels were observed to be 5500 mg
CaCO3L1 to maintain stable operation [30]. As manure-only digesters are known to run stably for a
long time, this value can also serve as a basis for average required alkalinity levels in food waste-only
digestion. Alkalinity also affects the digestate characteristics by changing the phosphorus (struvite)
removal efficiency [31].
Ammoniacal nitrogen refers to the nitrogen from free ammonia (NH3), and ammonium ions
(NH4+) in the digester are the end products of protein, amino acid, and urea degradation. Ammoniacal
nitrogen levels did not change significantly in any reactor, even at higher OLRs, and remained
Sustainability 2019, 11, 3875 12 of 15
relatively stable throughout the experimental period. In a review article by Chen et al. [24], it was
reported that ammoniacal nitrogen concentrations are inhibitory in the range of 1700 to 15,000 mg
L1. Methanogens have a capability to acclimatize to increasing ammonia concentration with time.
Therefore, it was difficult to recommend a safe operating zone for ammonia during biogas production
in the current experimental campaign. Free ammonia is known to affect methanogenic activity by
inhibiting the methane-producing enzymes or by diffusing into the microbial cells, causing proton
imbalance or potassium deficiency [32]. Liu et al. [31] observed that NH4+-N concentration of 1000
mg L1 or higher was inhibitory in anaerobic digestion of municipal solid waste leachate using an
expanded granular sludge anaerobic reactor [33]. These authors also achieved a higher COD removal
efficiency by maintaining the NH4+-N concentrations below 500 mg L1. A lower concentration of
NH4+ or free ammonia is beneficial to anaerobic digestion, as these compounds serve as a nitrogen
source for microbes. Inhibition effects of ammoniacal nitrogen depend on the type of substrate, the
presence of other metal ions [34], and process conditions like temperature and pH.
Biogas production is by far the most important parameter to monitor in anaerobic digestion.
Measuring the biogas production daily helps to identify any stability issues arising during the
process. Biogas contains two main components, methane and carbon dioxide, with small amounts of
hydrogen sulfide (H2S), ammonia, nitrogen, and hydrogen. In a well-controlled digester, the methane
percentage of biogas varies between 55% and 65%. In a continuously fed digester at steady-state,
daily biogas composition should remain constant over time. Methane content below 55%, or CO2
content above 35–40%, indicates VFA accumulation and inhibition in the activity of methanogens.
Methane, which is a result of volatile solids destruction, is the final product of the anaerobic digestion
pathway, suggesting that higher methane production indicates better waste processing efficiency of
the digester.
In addition to methane, it is necessary to monitor the H2S concentration of biogas. Though
sulfides help in maintaining the alkalinity similar to ammonia, higher sulfide concentrations are toxic
to methanogenic bacteria. Also, higher H2S concentration in biogas demands additional
infrastructure for purification before its use. The higher H2S levels with an energy drink as the co-
substrate may be attributed to the presence of taurine. Taurine, or 2-aminoethanesulfonic acid, acts
as a source of sulfur for anaerobic bacteria. These microbes dissimilate taurine to produce sulfite,
which is a nutrient source. The microbes then carry out sulfite respiration through sulfate reductase
enzyme, and sulfides are excreted out of the cells [35]. Sulfide, excreted as hydrogen sulfide gas,
makes a major component of biogas. The energy drink also contains caffeine, which is a well-known
stimulant of biogas production [36]. Therefore, it is important to characterize the feedstocks for the
presence of specific substrates that may cause unusual problems even after being stimulatory to
biogas production. In the current work, daily average biogas production was higher with acid whey
and waste bread compared to cow manure as a co-substrate. Therefore, acid whey and waste bread
can make better co-substrates than cow manure for CFW digestion.
Specific methane yield is the volume of the methane produced per gram of volatile solids added
per day. The SMY relates to the extent of biodegradability of each substrate. Babaee and Shayegan
[21] investigated the effect of OLR on vegetable waste digestion in a scale reactor operating at steady-
state. They suggested an OLR of 1.4 gVSL1d1 as the design criterion, with a SMY of 250 mL gVS1
d1. This paper also recommended an OLR of 1.4 gVSL1d1 for vegetable waste digested in semi-
continuous mode, as elevated VFA concentration was observed at higher OLR. Vegetable waste had
a SMY of 198 ± 48 mL gVS1d1 when mixed continuously, and 350 ± 90 mL gVS1d1 with intermittent
mixing in an independent experiment (not included in the graphs; see Supplementary Materials Table
S6). Specific methane yield is dependent on waste composition and process conditions. An OLR limit
of 1.5 gVSL1d1 was suggested in a previous study for mixed food waste digestion without any co-
substrates, yielding a SMY of 371 mL gVS1d1 [37]. Food waste digestion at considerably high OLR
of up to 5.6 gVSL1d1 was achieved using special strategies like thermophilic digestion [37] and lipid
removal [38].
5. Conclusions
Sustainability 2019, 11, 3875 13 of 15
Use of unconventional co-substrates helped enhance anaerobic digestion of food waste at high
organic loading rates. These co-substrates generally resulted in increased daily methane production,
higher methane fraction in biogas, improved waste degradation, and process stability. Pure CFW
digestion is challenging at higher organic loading rates, and process instabilities are often observed;
however, it is possible to digest CFW if OLR is consistently kept lower. Our results show that, during
pure CFW digestion, a high level of volatile acid accumulation occurs, indicating poor degradation.
Digesting CFW at low OLRs will need a considerably larger volume of the digester than conventional
substrates for the same OLR, increasing the upfront capital cost.
In summary, it may not be practical to build “food waste only” digesters to enable higher OLR.
This study sh owed tha t, when C FW is mixed w ith wide ly avail able was tes like acid whey, caffeinat ed
energy drinks, waste bread, paper napkins, and conventional co-substrates, such as cow manure, the
digestion process can be stabilized and lead to higher biogas yield and biodegradability. In addition,
co-digesting food waste with bread, acid whey, and paper napkins has been shown to reduce
hydrogen sulfide emissions and ammoniacal nitrogen in the digester. Because of the synergistic effect
offered by the co-substrates, the primary feedstock (i.e., CFW or mixed food waste) is utilized more
efficiently, leading to increased biodegradability. It is, therefore, recommended that CFW be co-
digested with more homogenous substrates that do not frequently change in their composition to
achieve a long-term steady-state process. Co-digestion has a beneficial impact in reducing the design
volumes of reactors, making provisions for treating large amounts of food waste. It is important to
note that commercial-scale digesters may process more than two food sector waste materials at the
same time, in which case, the interaction between these wastes may vary. Because the reported
experiments were carried out in semi-continuous mode with once daily feeding, at higher organic
loading rates, there is a possibility of nutrient shock soon after the feeding, which could have affected
some of the measured parameters like total volatile acids. Such an effect may be less likely in a
continuous digester with multiple feeding cycles per day. The substrates used in this work are
generated in large amounts in New York State, but the use of other potential co-substrates like waste
cooking oil, grease trap waste, and fruit and vegetable processing wastewater need further
evaluation. Co-digestion would be expected to have beneficial impacts on reducing digester volume
and water footprint of anaerobic digestion processes while increasing food waste management
throughput and renewable electricity production. The co-substrates suggested through this study
may help in the deployment of decentralized digesters in settings where it is not practical to haul
manure, for example, in institutional or commercial installations, such as hospitals, universities, or
large grocery stores.
Supplementary Materials: The following are available online at, Figure S1: Sample
kinetics of cafeteria food waste (CFW) digestion, Table S1: Components of mixed cafeteria food waste (CFW),
Table S2: Optimization to choose the ratio of CFW to co-substrates, Table S3: Experimental design for feeding
CFW and co-substrates at different OLRs, Table S4: Observed hydraulic retention times at different OLRs, Table
S5: Digestate characteristics at OLR = 2.8 gVSL1d1, Table S6: Process monitoring during digestion of mixed
cafeteria food waste (CFW) and vegetable waste (VW) with continuous mixing.
Author Contributions: All the experiments were designed and performed by SH with guidance from TT, and
both authors contributed to preparing this manuscript.
Funding: Provided by the New York State Pollution Prevention Institute (NYSP2I) through a grant from the
NYS Department of Environmental Conservation, which also provided a Graduate Research Assistantship for
S. Hegde. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed are those of the authors and do
not necessarily reflect the views of the Department of Environmental Conservation.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest. The sponsors had no role in the design,
execution, interpretation, or writing of the study.
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... El contenido de metano por debajo del 55% o contenidos superiores al 35-40% de CO 2 , indican acumulación de Ácidos Grasos Volátiles (AGV) e inhibición de la actividad de las bacterias metanógenas. El metano es el resultado de la destrucción de sólidos volátiles y es el producto final de la vía de digestión anaeróbica [12]. E l p roceso más impo r tante a nivel mundial para la generación de biogás es conocido como digestión anaeróbica, la cual corresponde a una tecnología probada para la recuperación de residuos en forma de energía, biofertilizantes y otros subproductos útiles y valiosos [13]. ...
... Por su parte compuestos como los carbohidratos, lípidos y proteínas aportan al sostenimiento de una relación Carbono -Nitrógeno (C/N) estable, gracias a que las proteínas actúan como fuente de nitrógeno al degradarse en amoníaco. No obstante, altos contenidos proteicos en los sustratos de fe r mentación pueden p roduci r re l a c i o n e s C/ N b a j a s , g e n e ra n d o inestabilidad debido a la producción excesiva de amoníaco, estas situaciones suelen presentarse cuando se emplean como cosustratos de origen cárnicos [12]. ...
... Otros de los aspectos fundamentales para el establecimiento de un sistema de d igestión anae róbico ef iciente mencionados son [12]: ...
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En el desarrollo de nuevas tecnologías sostenibles, la producción de biomasa a través del lactosuero obtenido en la transformación de derivados lácteos como materia prima, se presenta como alternativa de bajo costo. En el artículo se desarrolla una revisión bibliográfica detallada, desde el proceso de producción del lactosuero hasta la propuesta para la implementación de un sistema de cogeneración de energía térmica y eléctrica útil. En la primera sección del documento se introduce al lector en el proceso bioquímico e industrial de tratamiento de productos lácteos, en las secciones intermedias se describe el proceso de generación de corriente eléctrica mediante la propuesta fundada en el proyecto de investigación PS362020-2 de la Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia – UNAD en alianza con la Alcaldía del municipio de Sopó en Cundinamarca, donde se plantea una visión del impacto ambiental esperado en el caso de usar lactosuero como materia prima. Finalmente, en la discusión y conclusiones se menciona el proceso como una alternativa para la generación de energía viable y resiliente, capaz de abrir un mercado en torno al aprovechamiento sostenible en el sector de lácteos.
... The daily levels of the operational pH are crucial to the stability of the AD process, as they significantly affect both microbial activity and growth [51,70]. Typically, the desired pH range for the AD process is between 6,8 and 7,2 [71]. ...
... The VFAs are intermediates in the elaboration of methane, and they contribute to the improvement of the conversion efficiency of the substrate. However, at concentrations exceeding 800 mg/L, VFAs become components that have an inhibitory effect on the growth of methanogens [70,74].The variations in VFAs production are illustrated in Figure (13c). In the first days of the simulation, the concentration of VFAs increased significantly, rising to a value of around 111 mg/L. ...
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Anaerobic digestion (AD) is one of the most extensively accepted processes for organic waste cleanup, and production of both bioenergy and organic fertilizer. Numerous mathematical models have been conceived for modeling the anaerobic process. In this study, a new modified dynamic mathematical model for the simulation of the biochemical and physicochemical processes involved in the AD process for biogas production was proposed. The model was validated, and a sensitivity analysis based on the OAT approach (one-at-a-time) was carried out as a screening technique to identify the most sensitive parameters. The model was developed by updating the bio-chemical framework and including more details concerning the physico-chemical process. The fraction XP was incorporated into the model as a particulate inert product arising from biomass decay (inoculum). New components were included to distinguish between the substrate and inoculum, and a surface-based kinetics was used to model the substrate disintegration. Additionally, the sulfate reduction process and hydrogen sulfide production have been included. The model was validated using data extracted from the literature. The model's ability to generate accurate predictions was testified using statistical metrics. The model exhibited excellent performance in forecasting the parameters related to the biogas process, with measurements falling within a reasonable error margin. The relative absolute error (rAE) and root mean square error (RMSE) were both less than 5 %, indicating a high ability of the current model in comparison with the literature. Additionally, the scatter index (SI) was below 10 %, and the Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency (NES) approached one, which affirms the model's accuracy and reliability. Finally, the model was applied to investigate the performances of the AD of food waste (FW). The findings of this study support the robustness of the developed model and its applicability as a virtual platform to evaluate the efficiency of the AD treatment and to forecast biogas production and its quality, CO2 emission, and energy potential across various organic solid waste types.
... This waste is primarily destined for landfills or for incineration, composting, or use as food for animal nutrition [55]. According to Hegde and Trabold [56], anaerobic digestion of food waste has been demonstrated as a more sustainable alternative compared to its disposal in landfills and incinerators. However, mono-digestion of food waste can lead to reactor instability [57]. ...
... In this context, anaerobic co-digestion of food waste with animal manure can contribute to maintaining process stability, either by balancing the C/N ratio or by providing conditions for greater stability in pH and microorganism growth [56]. ...
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The study aimed to evaluate and compare the co-digestion of swine wastewater (SW) and other co-substrates: grass residue (GR), food waste (FW), and poultry litter (PL). The comparisons were performed using the biochemical methane potential (BMP) test. The maximum accumulated methane (CH4) production was submitted to a joint analysis of variance. Tukey’s test (α = 0.05) was used to compare the results of the treatments, and Dunnett’s test (α = 0.05) was used to compare the ratios (100:0, 75:25, 50:50, 25:75, and 0:100) (based on volatile solids—VS). In addition, both the synergistic effect and kinetic adjustment of some models were evaluated. The results indicated that the co-digestion of all substrates (GR, FW, and PL) with SW improved the methane production yield in comparison with mono-digestion (GR, FW, and PL). A positive synergistic effect was observed for the FW:SW (25:75 and 75:25). According to both Tukey’s and Dunnett’s tests (α = 0.05), the FW:SW ratio of 25:75 did not show statistical difference compared with the mono-digestion (SW), which exhibited the largest CH4 production. Among the models evaluated, the modified Gompertz function presented the best fit. For the co-digestion treatments, the ratio of FW:SW of 25:75 exhibited the most promising potential for integrated management, demonstrating the best synergistic effect among the substrates. In this context, methane production from co-digestion equalled that of mono-digestion, while enabling integrated residue management.
... Due to the high water content and perishable nature of VW, its use as a single substrate for AD often leads to the accumulation of VFAs, which can cause acidification of the fermentation system [7]. Hegde [8] and Alvarez [9] have reported that relying solely on VW as a substrate for AD results in VFA buildup, lowering the system's pH and ultimately causing the failure of the digestion process. Previous research [10][11][12] has indicated that the OLR of VW should be limited to 3.5 g (VS)/L·d to prevent acidification during AD. ...
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When vegetable waste (VW) is used as a sole substrate for anaerobic digestion (AD), the rapid accumulation of volatile fatty acids (VFAs) can impede interspecies electron transfer (IET), resulting in a relatively low biogas production rate. In this study, Chinese cabbage and cabbage were selected as the VW substrates, and four continuous stirred tank reactors (CSTRs) were employed. Different concentrations of biochar-loaded nano-Fe3O4(Fe3O4@BC) (100 mg/L, 200 mg/L, 300 mg/L) were added, and the organic loading rate (OLR) was gradually increased during the AD process. The changes in biogas production rate, VFAs, and microbial community structure in the fermentation tanks were analyzed to identify the optimal dosage of Fe3O4@BC and the maximum OLR. The results indicated that at the maximum OLR of 3.715 g (VS)/L·d, the addition of 200 mg/L of Fe3O4@BC most effectively promoted an increase in the biogas production rate and reduced the accumulation of VFAs compared to the other treatments. Under these conditions, the biogas production rate reached 0.658 L/g (VS). Furthermore, the addition of Fe3O4@BC enhanced both the diversity and abundance of bacteria and archaea. At the genus level, the abundance of Christensenellaceae_R-7_group, Sphaerochaeta, and the archaeal genus Thermovirga was notably increased.
... Among these parameters, pH is particularly important, as it can influence the microbiota generated in anaerobic digestion (AD). The highest methane production has been observed at a neutral Imbalances in anaerobic digestion systems can lead to failures at various process stages, ultimately affecting methane production, as observed by Jeganathan et al. [22] and Hegde and Trabold [23]. They noted a 57% and 50% decrease in methane production, respectively, when operating a reactor treating food waste under high organic loads. ...
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Precise control of operational parameters in anaerobic digestion reactors is crucial to avoid imbalances that could affect biomethane production and alterations in the microbiota. Restoring the methanogenic microbiota after a failure is essential for recovering methane production, yet no published strategies exist for this recovery. In this study, we restored the methanogenic microbiota in an anaerobic SBR reactor that operates with both biofilm and suspended biomass simultaneously, aiming to treat tequila vinasses. Four strategies were evaluated for restoring the methanogenic microbiota: reducing the initial vinasse concentration, increasing the reaction time (RT), adjusting the carbon/nitrogen (C/N) ratio, and progressively increasing the initial vinasse concentration. Among these, adjusting the C/N ratio emerged as a critical parameter for restoring organic matter removal efficiency and reestablishing methanogenic microbiota. The operational conditions under which the methanogenic activity and microbiota were restored were as follows: Operating the A-SBR with an initial vinasse concentration of 60%, an RT of 168 h, a pH of 6.9 ± 0.2, a temperature of 35 ± 2 °C, and a C/N ratio adjusted to 100/1.9 resulted in stable COD removal efficiency of 93 ± 3% over a year and a high percentage of methanogenic microorganisms in both the suspended microbiota (69%) and biofilm (52%). The normalized methane production (0.332 NL CH4/g CODr) approached the theoretical maximum value (0.35 L CH4/g CODr) after restoring the population and methanogenic activity within the reactor.
... Microbial colonization and deterioration can be facilitated by increased surface area and porosity. • Co-Substrates and Nutrients: Biodegradation rates can be influenced by the availability of co-substrates and nutrients in the environment, which can impact microbial growth and activity (28). In composting facilities, the addition of nutrientrich substrates or composting chemicals may promote polymer decomposition. ...
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The environmental impact of conventional plastics has spurred the development of biodegradable, recyclable, and renewable polymers as sustainable alternatives. Biodegradable, recyclable, and renewable polymers are developing as viable alternatives to standard petroleum-based plastics due to their environmental benefits and sustainability. These polymers can be manufactured using renewable sources such as plants and microbes, reducing reliance on fossil fuels and minimizing plastic pollution. Biodegradable polymers offer end-of-life solutions through composting or natural breakdown, reducing plastic pollution. Recyclable biopolymers can be processed into new products, minimizing waste. Renewably sourced polymers utilize biomass, a natural resource, to lessen dependence on fossil fuels. These polymers, derived from renewable resources such as plant-based materials, agricultural by-products, and microbial fermentation, offer several advantages over conventional plastics, including reduced environmental impact, decreased dependence on fossil fuels, and enhanced end-of-life options.
... pH Condition pH, in particular, has a profound impact on the solubility of compounds such as organic compounds, simple sugars, carbohydrates, lipid, and proteins that are crucial for microalgae growth. Hegde and Trabold [92] recommended maintaining a pH range of 6.8-7.5 for food waste, noting higher biogas production at pH 7. Most of the research also aligned with this pH range for other bioproducts such as oil yield for fatty acid production and paramylon production. For example, a study by Tardiolo et al. [43] demonstrated that neutralizing the pH to 7 after acid hydrolysis of orange peel waste significantly enhanced biomass and oil yield when cultivating the marine microalgae Nannochloropsis oculate, resulting in biomass yield of 450 mg/L and oil yield of 28%. ...
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The increasing global population has led to a significant accumulation of food waste. It is important to focus on reducing food waste instead of disposal methods like landfilling and incineration, which have severe environmental impacts. Upcycling food waste has emerged as an effective strategy for repurposing discarded food into higher-value products. However, concerns about food safety and public acceptance of products directly produced from food waste persist. Consequently, there is growing interest in utilizing food waste rich in moisture and biodegradable organic compounds as a potential medium for cultivating microalgae. This review article examines the utilization of food waste as a culture medium for microalgae cultivation and the methods for treating food waste to enhance its nutrient content. Additionally, it discusses the influence of nutrients such as carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus on microalgae growth and external factors such as pH and light intensity. The article also addresses the innovation of the food supply chain from environmental, social, and economic perspective, along with food safety and public acceptability concerns. Furthermore, it explores the legislative issues surrounding products derived from food waste and the end use of microalgae biomass produced from food waste. Overall, this review provides insight into the potential of microalgae cultivation using food waste, serving as a platform towards the realization of a circular bioeconomy.
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There is a need for research into clean alternative energy sources to meet future energy requirements. Renewable natural gas (RNG) can assist in fulfilling a growing projected demand for natural gas in a sustainable manner. This study focuses on a techno‐economic analysis (TEA) and a life cycle assessment (LCA) for the co‐digestion of manure with pretreated prairie biomass. This process offers higher biogas yields and an additional co‐product, hydroxycinnamic acid (HCA), to decrease the minimum fuel selling price (MFSP) of RNG. The plant produces between 524 000 GJ year⁻¹ and 1 176 000 GJ year⁻¹ of RNG in the five modeled scenarios. The MFSP of RNG for scenarios where biomass pretreatment occurs is estimated to be between 15.87GJ1and15.87 GJ⁻¹ and 18.94 GJ⁻¹. The MFSP for the scenario where no pretreatment occurs is estimated to be $21.21 GJ⁻¹. The global warming potential results range from −7.30 kg CO2e GJ⁻¹ to 21.59 kg CO2e GJ⁻¹. Sensitivity and uncertainty analyses are also completed.
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Biomethane is a non-renewable energy source that can be produced through the decomposition of biomass. Biomethane has comparable properties to natural gas and, thus, can be transported and stored in the available facilities and infrastructure. Currently, anaerobic digestion (AD) is one of the most favourable techniques that can be used to recover biomethane, as it is a simple and low-cost technology. Protein-rich food waste (PRFW) is one of the food waste compositions that is produced abundantly, and pond sludge (PS) is made of organic materials that enter the ponds, and sink to the bottom, and decompose. Both are claimed to contain high carbon values. Therefore, this study was carried out to determine the physical and biological properties of both substrates and identify the biomethane recovery value through single and mixed digestion. The AD process was performed at mesophilic conditions 35 o C (±1) and a pH range of 6.8 to 7.2 for 30 days. The TS values for PRFW and PS were 34.16% (± 0.08) and 40.23% (± 0.06), respectively. While the VS values for PRFW and PS were 88.56% (± 0.04) and 84.30% (± 0.06), respectively. Both substrates also show the availability of facultative anaerobic bacteria (FAB). Hence, this shows the suitability of both substrates to undergo the AD process. Results for biomethane recovery found that mixing digestion between PRFW and PS recovered the highest amount of biomethane with 120.3 mL (±0.05), and the optimum time for digestion was on day 18. While single digestion of PS and PRFW recovered biomethane with 95.0 mL (±0.12) and 79.3 mL (±0.21) on day 21 respectively. The better synergistic effect within FAB in mixing substrates eventually influences the highest biomethane removal from the substrate in a short period of time. Moreover, this study also provides information on new strategies for recovering biomethane.
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This paper presents experimental results regarding anaerobic co-digestion of the organic fraction of municipal solid waste and fruit and vegetable waste in order to establish the efficiency of a 2 m³ volume pilot plant in terms of biogas and methane yield and stability of the process. The research study presents the feasibility of developing anaerobic digestion as an effective method for municipal solid waste management. The experiments were conducted in mesophilic conditions (35 °C). Domestic waste water was used as inoculum. The results showed that the inoculum presence, temperature, and pH control, were essential in order to improve biogas production and its composition. Using liquid inoculum, the CH4 percentage in the biogas oscillated between 44% and 51%, and the biogas production from 0.504 and 0.6 m³/day. Compared to domestic waste water, animal manure increased the CH4 concentration in biogas (up to 63%), while the daily biogas production increased by 26% and varied from 0.693 to 0.786 m³. The cumulative biogas production at the end of the experiments were 11.7 m³ and 15.89 M3, respectively. Using inoculum and co-digestion, the plant startup time was significantly reduced, the total solids content decreased from 22.7% to 19.8%, while the volatile solids decreased from 37.6% to 31.2%.
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The anaerobic digestion of substrates with high ammonia content has always been a bottleneck in the methanisation process of biomasses. Since microbial communities in anaerobic digesters are sensitive to free ammonia at certain conditions, the digestion of nitrogen-rich substrates such as livestock wastes may result in inhibition/toxicity eventually leading to process failures, unless appropriate engineering precautions are taken. There are many different options reported in literature to remove ammonia from anaerobic digesters to achieve a safe and stable process so that along with high methane yields, a good quality of effluents can also be obtained. Conventional techniques to remove ammonia include physical/chemical methods, immobilization and adaptation of microorganisms, while novel methods include ultrasonication, microwave, hollow fiber membranes and microbial fuel cell applications. This paper discusses conventional and novel methods of ammonia removal from anaerobic digesters using nitrogen-rich substrates, with particular focus on recent literature available about this topic.
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Previous studies have suggested the use of digester biogas mixing systems for in situ ammonia removal from anaerobic digestates. The feasibility of this was tested at moderate and complete gas mixing rates at mesophilic and thermophilic temperatures in a 75-L digester. Experimental results showed that at gas mixing rates typical of full-scale commercial digesters the reduction in TAN concentrations would be insufficient to allow stable acetoclastic methanogenesis in mesophilic conditions, or to prevent total inhibition of methanogenic activity in thermophilic food waste digestion. Simulation based on batch column stripping experiments at 55 ⁰C at gas violent flow rates of 0.032 m3 m-2 min-1 indicated that ammonia concentrations could be reduced below inhibitory values in thermophilic food waste digestion for organic loading rates of up to 6 kg VS m-3 day-1. These mixing rates are far in excess of those used in full-scale gas-mixed digesters and may not be operationally or commercially feasible.
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This study investigated the effect of organic loading rate (OLR) on anaerobic digestion (AD) of food waste under mesophilic and thermophilic conditions. Results showed that the performance of AD system was distinctly influenced by temperature and OLR in terms of biogas production, intermediate metabolism, and degradation performance. The optimal OLR under thermophilic condition was 2.5 g VS/L/d with methane yield (MY) of 541 mL/g-VSadded. In addition, the optimal OLR under mesophilic condition was 1.5 g VS/L/d with a MY of 371 mL/g-VSadded. In the same OLR, the MY under thermophilic condition was 33%–49% higher than that under mesophilic condition. Under thermophilic condition, steady methane production and degradation efficiency were achieved with considerably high OLR of 7.5 g VS/L/d. Under mesophilic condition, stability was obtained only when the OLR was controlled below 2.5 g VS/L/d. Results also revealed that food waste is a highly desirable substrate with a high bearing OLR under thermophilic condition of biogas production.
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Background: Conventional corn dry-grind ethanol production process requires exogenous alpha and glucoamylases enzymes to breakdown starch into glucose, which is fermented to ethanol by yeast. This study evaluates the potential use of new genetically engineered corn and yeast, which can eliminate or minimize the use of these external enzymes, improve the economics and process efficiencies, and simplify the process. An approach of in situ ethanol removal during fermentation was also investigated for its potential to improve the efficiency of high-solid fermentation, which can significantly reduce the downstream ethanol and co-product recovery cost. Results: The fermentation of amylase corn (producing endogenous α-amylase) using conventional yeast and no addition of exogenous α-amylase resulted in ethanol concentration of 4.1 % higher compared to control treatment (conventional corn using exogenous α-amylase). Conventional corn processed with exogenous α-amylase and superior yeast (producing glucoamylase or GA) with no exogenous glucoamylase addition resulted in ethanol concentration similar to control treatment (conventional yeast with exogenous glucoamylase addition). Combination of amylase corn and superior yeast required only 25 % of recommended glucoamylase dose to complete fermentation and achieve ethanol concentration and yield similar to control treatment (conventional corn with exogenous α-amylase, conventional yeast with exogenous glucoamylase). Use of superior yeast with 50 % GA addition resulted in similar increases in yield for conventional or amylase corn of approximately 7 % compared to that of control treatment.Combination of amylase corn, superior yeast, and in situ ethanol removal resulted in a process that allowed complete fermentation of 40 % slurry solids with only 50 % of exogenous GA enzyme requirements and 64.6 % higher ethanol yield compared to that of conventional process. Conclusions: Use of amylase corn and superior yeast in the dry-grind processing industry can reduce the total external enzyme usage by more than 80 %, and combining their use with in situ removal of ethanol during fermentation allows efficient high-solid fermentation.
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The aim of this study was to assess the effects of the codigestion of food manufacturing and processing wastes (FW) with sewage sludge (SS), that is, municipal wastewater treatment plant primary sludge and waste activated sludge. Bench scale mesophilic anaerobic reactors were fed intermittently with varying ratio of SS and FW and operated at a hydraulic retention time of 20 days and organic loading of 2.0 kg TS/m 3 ·d. The specific biogas production (SBP) increased by 25% to 50% with the addition of 1%–5% FW to SS which is significantly higher than the SBP from SS of 284 ± 9.7 m L N / g VS added. Although the TS, VS, and tCOD removal slightly increased, the biogas yield and methane content improved significantly and no inhibitory effects were observed as indicated by the stable pH throughout the experiment. Metal screening of the digestate suggested the biosolids meet the guidelines for use as a soil conditioner. Batch biochemical methane potential tests at different ratios of SS : FW were used to determine the optimum ratio using surface model analysis. The results showed that up to 47-48% FW can be codigested with SS. Overall these results confirm that codigestion has great potential in improving the methane yield of SS.
The disposal of large amounts of food waste has caused significant environmental pollution and financial costs globally. Compared with traditional disposal methods (i.e., landfilling, incineration, and composting), anaerobic digestion (AD) is a promising technology for food waste management, but has not yet been fully applied due to a few technical and social challenges. This paper summarizes the quantity, composition, and methane potential of various types of food waste. Recent research on different strategies to enhance AD of food waste, including co-digestion, addition of micronutrients, control of foaming, and process design, is discussed. It is envisaged that AD of food waste could be combined with an existing AD facility or be integrated with the production of value-added products to reduce costs and increase revenue. Further understanding of the fundamental biological and physicochemical processes in AD is required to improve the technology.
Food waste (FW) is rich in biomass energy, and increasing numbers of national programs are being established to recover energy from FW using anaerobic digestion (AD). However process instability is a common operational issue for AD of FW. Process monitoring and control as well as microbial management can be used to control instability and increase the energy conversion efficiency of anaerobic digesters. Here, we review research progress related to these methods and identify existing limitations to efficient AD; recommendations for future research are also discussed. Process monitoring and control are suitable for evaluating the current operational status of digesters, whereas microbial management can facilitate early diagnosis and process optimization. Optimizing and combining these two methods are necessary to improve AD efficiency.
Anaerobic digestion of commercial food waste is a promising alternative to landfilling commercial food waste. This study characterized 11 types of commercial food wastes and 12 co-digestion blends. Bio-methane potential, biodegradable fraction, and apparent first-order hydrolysis rate coefficients were reported based upon biochemical methane potential (BMP) assays. Food waste bio-methane potentials ranged from 165 to 496 mL CH4/g VS. Substrates high in lipids or readily degradable carbohydrates showed the highest methane production. Average bio-methane potential observed for co-digested substrates was -5% to +20% that of the bio-methane potential of the individual substrates weighted by VS content. Apparent hydrolysis rate coefficients ranged from 0.19d(-1) to 0.65d(-1). Co-digested substrates showed an accelerated apparent hydrolysis rate relative to the weighted average of individual substrate rates. These results provide a database of key bio-digestion parameters to advance modeling and utilization of commercial food waste in anaerobic digestion.