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Poza girl power: dziewczyński opór, kontrpubliczności i prawo do miasta



Polityczny potencjał siły dziewczyńskości nie tkwi w sile jednostki, ale w dostrzeżeniu wspólności i wielości dziewczyńskich doświadczeń. Odrzucenie postawy heroicznej i wyjście poza indywidualistyczny paradygmat girl power pozwalają na uwidocznienie różnych, nierzadko sprzecznych ze sobą narracji i reprezentacji składających się na współczesne dziewczyństwo, co z kolei pozwala nie tylko na identyfikację kompleksowych mechanizmów wykluczenia, ale też wytworzenie inkluzywnych taktyk i strategii oporu wobec nich. W oparciu o literaturę feministyczną oraz przykłady dziewczyńskiego oporu z kultury popularnej staram się pokazać, w jaki sposób dziewczyny, dokonując interwencji w miejscach zakodowanych jako męskie, łamią kody kulturowe, płciowe, rasowe i klasowe, stawiają opór, przechwytują narracje o sobie samych i egzekwują swoje prawo do miasta. Choć niektóre z omawianych przeze mnie gestów, taktyk i strategii mogą się wydawać zbyt łagodne, żeby mieć siłę polityczną, proponuję, że właśnie tym niepozornym formom wyrażania oporu warto się bliżej przyjrzeć, stosując w ich analizie kategorię kontrpubliczności i upłciowionego prawa do miasta.
Praktyka Teoretyczna
Numer 2(32)/2019
ISSN 2081-8130
DOI: 10.14746/prt.2019.2.3
Abstrakt:         
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z             
do miasta.
Słowa kluczowe:       ,
heroizm, girl power
Praktyka Teoretyczna 2(32)/2019
Na przest          
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czy Opowieściach na dobranoc dla młodych buntowniczek Eleny Favilli i Franceski Cavallo (2017)
         wczyny
z   
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Jak wskazuje Ewa Majewska w Kontrpublicznościach ludowych i feministycznych (2018),
historie pojedynczych k        
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   
       
i     (2018, 81-83)   
w przypadku spopularyzowanych przez hashtag 
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        
       
z         
girl power w jej skomercjalizowanej, zindywidualizowanej i odpolitycznionej wersji.
Agata Lisiak: Poza girl power
       
       girl power 
na         
 
        girl power    
         
        
           
 wo do miasta.
            
         
i teoretyczek miasta ( Marcuse 2009; Mayer 2009; Purcell 2002)   
jak          
              
zasadach (Solnit 2016). Kluczowe w dyskusji na temat politycznego 
  
Girl power
Girl power       riot grrrls   
Zjednoczonych we wczesnych latach 90. Do najbardziej znanych przedstawicielek tego ruchu
    Huggy Bear, Bratmobile,
Heavens to Betsy czy Sleater-    
z riot grrrl           
The      riot grrrl     
         
(Marcus 2010).
Praktyka Teoretyczna 2(32)/2019
Ruch riot grrrl 
         
z          
         
      
       
grrrls           
         
          
h zasadach (Baumgardner i Richards 2000;
       
i 
     riot grrrl  
na          
      riot grrrls 
          
w tekstach swoich piose        
od        riot grrrl   
            riot grrrl   
    riot
grrrl a w zasadzie praktycznie natychmiastowa popularyzacja girl power 
         
girl bandów z lat
             
wany do kilku uproszczonych cech typ dziewczyny 
        riot grrrls 
        
    girl power   
w  riot grrrl 
Agata Lisiak: Poza girl power
echwycenie i utowarowienie.
 riot
grrrls           
       na obrazach powielanych w zinach.
         
riot grrrl
           
to       
     riot grrrl   
           riot
grrrl talk
showach 
 riot grrrls     
         
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  riot grrrl    
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riot grrrl
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      -kali Brown wspomina
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grrrl            
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od 
          
nie  iwej dziewczyny aktywnie przyczynia
        
          
Praktyka Teoretyczna 2(32)/2019
         
        
     
Dziewczyny a prawo do miasta
   Space, Place and Gender (1994) marksistowska geografka feministyczna
            
         
do               
           
            
             
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            
 
 
miejsca (sense of place
             
i rozumian
         yczna, Tovi
         
do   right to the gendered city     
do            
     
Agata Lisiak: Poza girl power
     
inwazji miej
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ko          
Dziewczyny wychodzą ze swoich pokojów
i 
   The Julie Ruin        
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wypowiedzenia          
         
          
te 
na polityczny sens girl power      
             
             
         
 autorki.
Praktyka Teoretyczna 2(32)/2019
         
           
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To 
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metrem ze stacji Assata Shakur na Harlemie do stacji Serena Williams w Queens, albo
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Agata Lisiak: Poza girl power
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Praktyka Teoretyczna 2(32)/2019
          
          
         
dokonuje interwencji w przestrzeni publicznej: na festiwalach muzycznych i artystycznych,
na           
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Agata Lisiak: Poza girl power
i     wybiega na now
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          
Ich    
           
w 
Praktyka Teoretyczna 2(32)/2019
Dziewczyński opór a opór podporządkowanych innych
           
     moje
przyja jak i ja sama mamy bez liku historii o nieproszonych
            rzystanku,
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            
        
 
              
Ruch #metoo, zainicjowany w 2006 roku w Stanach Zjednoczonych przez
        
aktorki w 2017 roku 
        
            
przemocy seksualnej wobec 
         
        
problemu dyskryminacji seksualnej kobiet. Lokalne wersje hashtagu #metoo 
w Polsce,         
  
seksualnego i kwestii zgody na seks.
        
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      
z            
Agata Lisiak: Poza girl power
znana 
           
          
     
         
do jednego gestu odczytywanego jako heroiczny i buntowniczy.
          
           
        
        
Tishani Doshi (2018) i pisarka Arund       
z          
       
Girls are coming out of the woods  
tych ze zmarginalizowanych grup (Roy 2012).
owite w peleryny i kaptury,
i bezmiar blizn zebranych
na hektarach przedwczesnej trawy i w miejskich
Praktyka Teoretyczna 2(32)/2019
     
 
i            i na sile
         
         
  [       (2018, 72).
        
Zakończenie: odheroizowana siła dziewczyn
  eowane przez girl power   
do    
, jak bohaterowie.
          
       
i i
           
         
czy seksualnym.
         
          
         
          k proponuje
          
i 
Agata Lisiak: Poza girl power
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Agata Lisiak: Poza girl power
Agata Lisiak 
          
          Feminist Review; City; Gender, Place and
Culture i WidokumigART.
Migration Studies
Bard College Berlin
13156 Berlin
CYTOWANIE: Praktyka Teoretyczna 2(32): 47-63
DOI: 10.14746/prt.2019.2.3
AUTHOR: Agata Lisiak
TITLE: Beyond girl power: girl resistance, counterpublics, and the right to the city.
ABSTRACT:            
    
          mes
contradictory narrations and representations of contemporary girlhood. This non-heroic
approach to girlhood reveals not only the intricate workings of exclusion mechanisms, but
also the various inclusive tactics and resistance strategies at work. Engaging with the concepts
of counterpublics, the gendered right to the city, and feminist theory more broadly, I look
interventions in urban places usually coded as masculine can subvert cultural, gender, racial,
and class codes, reappropriate narrations about themselves, and execute their right to the city.
Even if some of the gestures and tactics I discuss in the paper may seem too mild to have any
political power, I propose that it is exactly such unassuming forms of resistance that promise
real change and deserve our urgent attention.
KEYWORDS: girlhood, resistance, right to the city, feminism, counterpublics, heroism, girl
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The aim of the article is to analyze refraction in selected herstory publications for children, presenting the biographies of famous female figures. The subject of reflection is: Stories for Kids Who Dare to Be Different: True Tales of Amazing People Who Stood Up and Stood Out by Ben Brooks, Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls: 100 Tales of Extraordinary Women vol. I and vol. II by Elena Favilli and Francesca Cavallo, Fantastically Great Women Who Changed the World and Fantastically Great Women Who Made History by Kate Pankhurst. The aim of this type of literature is to introduce unknown or less known historical female figures and to create new role models for children. However, the article points out that the authors of the discussed publications not only create too one-sided, simplified images of the heroines, ignoring their difficulties, mistakes and related controversies, but also often neglect other, private aspects of their lives in favor of talking about their careers and striving for power and wealth. In addition, in the books discussed there is an underutilization or only partial use of the potential hidden in the complicated and sometimes only partially recognized biographies of women. The writers selectively treat the biographies of ambiguous or controversial characters.
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The aim of the article is to trace the influence of folklore and Celtic mythology in YA fantasy prose and to examine how they are incorporated in selected works, such as Juliet Marillier’s The Sevenwaters Trilogy (1999–2001), Maggie Stiefvater’s The Raven Cycle (2012–2016) and her novel The Scorpio Races (2011), Melissa Marr’s series Wicked Lovely (2007–2011), Rebecca Ross’s novel A River Enchanted (2022), and the universes created by Cassandra Clare in her cycles The Mortal Instruments (2007–2014) and The Dark Artifices (2016–2018), and by Sarah J. Maas in her series Throne of Glass (2012–2018), A Court of Thorns and Roses (2015–2021), and Crescent City (2020–2024). The focus of the analysis is primarily on the depiction of the fairy, the most popular character from Celtic folklore in pop culture, and to a lesser extent, other aspects of beliefs and customs from this cultural sphere. The authoress points out that while not all writers have fully used their potential, these motifs offer an interesting and inspiring array of meanings and symbols. They serve as a diverse and alternative resource for authors seeking to craft new narratives that exploit mythologies and beliefs of (not only) European pre-Christian communities and address themes that remain relevant today.
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Introduction is available here (in PL): This book offers a discussion of the early „Solidarność” movement (1980 – 81) and the feminist Black Protests in Poland (2016-2018) as mobilizations of great intellectual impact, inspiring the contemporary debates concerning the public sphere and counterpublics, which seem to have reached an impass. Crisis or even failure of the public sphere are fundamental elements of current political discussions led in Poland and globally. Most of these exclamations however do not account for those groups and subjectivities fundamental for the possibilities of contemporary revival of the public sphere's theory and practice, for the making of the public debate, for the practice of contestation, resistance, and social change, namely: women and popular classes. The classic theories of the public sphere thus requires a transformation, this project argues for an inclusion of the structural mechanisms of marginalization and dissimulation of the political agency of women and the workers in the general definition of the public sphere. The subaltern subjects are always captured in the process of political exclusion and political mobilization, in which they gain and lose visibility, in a process of catachresis so aptly depicted by Gayatri Spivak. This book allows capturing their political agency without erasing the contradictions of the making of subaltern agency, it therefore combines Spivak's critique of the hegemonic public without subscribing to the supposed impossibility of the subaltern speech. It expands the concepts of counterpublics, in the versions offered by Alexander Kluge and Oscar Negt (Proletarian counterpublics, see: 1988) and Nancy Fraser (feminist and subaltern counterpublics, 1991). The book's closing chapter offers a perspective of the “weak resistance”, a socialist feminist response to the hegemonic, heroic and masculine visions of political agency. The non-hegemonic, weak agency is that making history in the shadows and margins, excluded from the classical political theory as practiced in Europe. The agency of the oppressed, marginalized and excluded, was at the core of Walter Benjamin's idea of “weak messianism”. In my book I argue that such is the agency of the counterpublics, making the political and the history in the context of productive and reproductive labour, and thus undermining the public/private divide. The examples of conterpublics and resistance discussed in the book come from a semi-peripheral country (see: Wallerstein 1976), one involved in colonizing and being colonized, one exploring the contradictions of capitalism in all its forms. Speaking from outside the global centre has the advantage of perhaps seeing a bit more (hooks, 1984), although I believe that similar argument could be built in many other places of the world.
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Artykuł podejmuje feministyczną dyskusję z obficie ostatnio analizowaną kategorią prekariatu. Wskazując słabości koncepcji takich autorów i autorek, jak Kathi Weeks, Guy Standing, Jan Sowa czy Antonio Negri, staram się przywrócić kategorii prekariatu charakterystyczną dlań różnorodność. Jest ona, jak dowodzę, konieczna do tego, by emancypacyjne działania były w ogóle możliwe, by tytułowa „dziewczyna” nie funkcjonowała wyłącznie jako neoliberalna ikona konformistycznej konsumpcji.
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The notion of postfeminism has become one of the most important in the lexicon of feminist cultural an alysis. Yet there is little agreement about what postfeminism is. This article argues that postfeminism is best understood as a distinctive sensibility, made up of a number of interrelated themes. These include the notion that femininity is a bodily property; the shift from objectification to subjectification; an emphasis upon self-surveillance, monitoring and self-discipline; a focus on individualism, choice and empowerment; the dominance of a makeover paradigm; and a resurgence of ideas about natural sexual difference. Each of these is explored in some detail, with examples from contemporary Anglo-American media. It is precisely the patterned articulation of these ideas that constitutes a postfeminist sensibility. The article concludes with a discussion of the connection between this sensibility and contemporary neoliberalism.
The right to the city is becoming, in theory and in practice, a widespread, effective formulation of a set of demands to be actively thought through and pursued. But whose right, what right and to what city? Each question is examined in turn, first in the historical context of 1968 in which Henri Lefebvre first popularized the phrase, then in its meaning for the guidance of action. The conclusion suggests that exposing, proposing and politicizing the key issues can move us closer to implementing this right.
In order to explain the traction, which the right to the city slogan currently enjoys within urban resistance movements and beyond, this paper contextualizes its emergence in the shifting framework of postwar political-economic regimes and then traces and compares the different versions of this motto, which has become a defining feature of urban struggles not just in the Euro-American core, but around the world—though with different meanings. It distinguishes a radical Lefebvrian version from more depoliticized versions as widely used in the global NGO context, problematizing the latter for limiting the participatory demand to inclusion within the existing system. The conclusion opens up the question of the implications of the current crisis for the right to the city movement.