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Complicações de uma rara doença: dermatomiosite


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Caso de dermatomiosite com comorbidades características como disfagia, dispneia, alterações cutâneas e perda de força motora. Paciente do sexo feminino com o diagnóstico de dermatomiosite há 10 meses é internada para tratar pneumonia intersticial inespecífica, identificada após como consequência de uma infecção causada por Klebsiella pneumoniae. A dermatomiosite é uma condição rara com incidência de dois a sete novos casos por milhão. É uma doença inflamatória inespecífica com características sistêmicas e autoimunes, que acomete primariamente o sistema musculoesquelético e cutâneo, sendo altamente mórbida para os pacientes por seu caráter debilitante. O objetivo deste trabalho é ressaltar as principais características da doença, como epidemiologia, sintomatologia, consequências e tratamento.
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... Such dysfunctions tend to affect aspects of the individual's physical and mental health. An example is what happens in patients with dermatomyositis who can manifest dysphagia, dyspnea, loss of motor strength 3 and a lower volume of oxygen than healthy individuals. 4 In addition, these patients may be at increased risk of cancer. ...
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Background: Diffuse Connective Tissue Diseases (DCTD) are autoimmune diseases that can cause comorbidities, influencing physical and psychological aspects and increase stress. The latter may also be related to the practice of physical activity (PPA). Although evidence shows that it can contribute to patients' health, the level of PPA can decrease after the diagnosis. Aims: to evaluate the basic emotions, perceived stress (PS) and PPA levels of patients with DCTD. Methods: This is a field study. Methods and material: random approach of 55 participants. We used a clinical and sociodemographic profile form, for the verification of emotions, a picture with emojis of the basic emotions, the PSS-14 and the IPAQ-Brief. Statistical analysis used: dada were analysed with Mann-Whitney U and Kruskal-Wallis tests; with 5% of significance. Results: The average age was 49.1 ± 12.9, mostly female (58.7%). High PS was reported by 54.5%; emotions such as joy (38.2%) and anxiety/fear (25.5%], as well as sadness (7.3%), were reported. About 87.3% were classified as having insufficient levels of PPA. Female patients (U=137.0; p<0.05) and insufficient PPA levels (U=86.5%; p<0.05) had higher PS scores, as well as those feeling sadness (X2 =19.0; p<0.05). Conclusions: The results point to the need for care with the emotional domain of these patients and suggest studies that analyze the impact of implementing PPA for this population.
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Os tumores malignos primários de tuba uterina são os menos frequentes do aparelho genital feminino, correspondendo de 0,1 a 0,5% do total desses tumores. O pico de incidência é em torno dos 60 anos. Devem-se aplicar critérios muito rigorosos para considerar uma lesão neoplásica primária da tuba, pois a proximidade da mucosa endometrial e do ovário dificulta o diagnóstico. O primeiro caso é de uma paciente de 44 anos de idade que se submeteu à laparatomia por apresentar um tumor pélvico. Identificou-se uma massa na tuba uterina direita, realizando-se histerectomia total com salpingectomia direita, ooforectomia esquerda, preservando-se o ovário direito. O histopatológico demonstrou adenocarcinoma pouco diferenciado na tuba direita, bem como a presença de dois focos metastáticos no ovário esquerdo. Iniciou-se quimioterapia adjuvante. Após seis ciclos, notaram-se lesões pélvica e para-aórtica, além de lesão de cúpula vaginal. A paciente submeteu-se à ooforectomia direita e linfonodectomia pélvica e para-aórtica, não havendo doença neoplásica no estudo histológico dos espécimes. O segundo caso é de uma paciente de 63 anos de idade com uma lesão cística em anexo uterino esquerdo e mista em anexo direito. Submeteu-se a uma cirurgia sendo realizada salpingooforectomia bilateral. Ao histopatológico, evidenciou-se adenocarcinoma de tuba moderadamente diferenciado em tuba direita. Após esse diagnóstico, fez-se histerectomia e omentectomia, que não apresentaram doença no histopatológico. Ambas as pacientes encontram-se bem e sem evidência de doença neoplásica em atividade, 40 e 72 meses após a primeira cirurgia, respectivamente.
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Background: Medical student wellness has emerged as an important issue in medical education. The purpose of the present study was to obtain a comprehensive assessment of substance use, psychological distress, and help-seeking among male and female medical students in order to identify targets for continued intervention efforts. Methods: Medical students from all 9 medical schools in the State of Florida were invited via email and/or announcements to complete an anonymous online questionnaire assessing their well-being. Of 5,053 matriculating medical students, 1,137 (57.1% female) responded to the questionnaire. Descriptive statistics, t-tests, and chi-square analyses were computed using SPSS v. 20. Results: Over 70% of students acknowledged binge drinking, with men reporting higher frequency than women (X(2) = 13.90, p = .003), and 22.7% (n = 201) reported marijuana use during medical school, with higher rates (X(2) = 9.50, p = .02) among men (27.0%; n = 99) than women (18.9%, n = 93). A significant minority of students reported nonmedical use of prescription stimulants and prescription opioids. In addition, 3.3% of male students (n = 12) compared to 0.6% of female students (n = 3) reported problematic drug use. Further, almost 2/3 of respondents reported decreased psychological health since beginning medical school, with women noting greater reductions (X(2) = 12.39, p = .05) and higher levels of stress (X(2) = 16.30, p = .003). Over 10% of students (n = 102) endorsed "thoughts of committing suicide" during medical school, and 70.1% felt they would benefit from mental healthcare (79.3% of women vs. 59.6% of men; X(2) = 41.94, p < .001), though only 39.8% accessed help. Conclusions: Despite efforts to address medical student wellness, students continue to report concerning levels of psychological distress, suicidal ideation, and substance use. More work is needed to effectively address medical student mental health and well-being.
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The aim of this study was to assess cognitive functioning in a sample of 12 alcohol-dependent and 12 cocaine-dependent inpatients in a treatment facility center for substance dependence. The following instruments were used for the neuropsychological assessment: WAIS-III subtests (Digit Span, Arithmetic, Sequence of Letters and Numbers); COWAT; Trail Making Test; Stroop Task; and Frontal Assessment Battery. Overall, alcohol-dependent subjects exhibit a poorer performance than cocaine-dependent subjects on the neuropsychological measures. Significant differences between-groups were found for the Stroop Task and Trail Making Test (Part B), suggesting deficits in attention, executive functions, and inhibitory control among alcohol-dependent subjects. When compared with normative data, participants (alcohol- and cocaine-dependent) had below-average scores on the neuropsychological measures.
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OBJECTIVE: To endoscopically assess the upper digestive tract of adult patients with newly diagnosed dermatomyositis; to correlate possible changes in the gastrointestinal tract with demographic, clinical and laboratory features in this population. METHOD: A cross-sectional study evaluating 65 newly diagnosed dermatomyositis cases from 2004 to 2015 was carried out. We excluded patients with clinically amyopathic dermatomyositis, overlap dermatomyositis, polymyositis, liver diseases, prior gastric surgery, upper gastrointestinal tract symptoms (except for upper dysphagia), systemic infections, alcohol consumption and smoking. RESULTS: Mean age of patients was 44.9 years, with disease duration of four months. Endoscopic findings were observed in 70.8% of patients. (1) Esophageal disease/gastric distress was documented in 18.5% of patients: erosive distal esophagitis (16.9%) and non-erosive distal esophagitis distal (1.5%); (2) gastric distress in 63.1% of cases: antral gastritis (42.3%) and pangastritis (27.8%); (3) duodenal involvement in 15.4% of patients: bulbar duodenitis (10.9%) and duodenal ulcers (7.7%). There were no neoplasic lesions. On multivariate analysis, erosive distal esophagitis was less associated with older patients. Males had a higher prevalence of erosive gastritis. Enanthematous pangastritis was less associated with lesions with "V-neck" sign lesions. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides the first estimates of the prevalence of high endoscopic findings in adult patients with newly diagnosed dermatomyositis. The results may be relevant to guide conduct in digestive disorders with upper digestive endoscopy, and point to the need for pharmacological prevention of digestive tract lesions in these patients. Further studies are needed to validate this data and evaluate patients with dyspeptic symptoms.
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To verify social inequalities in hospital admissions due to respiratory diseases in Salvador, Bahia State, Brazil, 2001-2007, an ecological study was conducted with information zones as the units of analysis. Information zones were stratified according to living conditions and analyzed by Poisson regression. Spatial distribution of hospitalization rates due to respiratory diseases ranged from 3.3 to 80.5/10,000. Asthma, pneumonia, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) showed heterogeneous spatial patterns, in which strata with the worst living conditions showed higher hospitalizations rates. The hospitalization rate for respiratory diseases was 2.4 times higher in zones with very low living conditions as compared to the wealthiest zone. There was a reduction in inequalities in hospital admissions for pneumonia and an increase for asthma and COPD. The sharp social gradient supports the hypothesis that socioeconomic factors are determinants of hospitalizations for respiratory diseases.
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RESUMO Introdução: Siliconoma é o termo utilizado para caracterizar uma reação semelhante a um corpo estranho no organismo humano causada pelo uso do silicone. Objetivo: Este relato tem como objetivo descrever a evolução clíni-ca de 45 anos de um siliconoma de mama, incluindo a descrição de procedimentos cirúrgicos e farmacoterapêuticos realizados na paciente. Métodos: Foi realizado um relato de um caso clinico de uma mulher que foi submetida ao implante de silicone industrial nos seios, com finalidade estética, mediante procedimento médico, no ano de 1965. Os dados foram obtidos nas consultas médica e de enfermagem, complementados com dados do prontuário da paciente, disponível na versão impressa e eletrônica. A paciente foi atendida em uma clínica de cirurgia plástica do Hospital Regional da Asa Norte, Brasília, Distrito Federal, Brasil. Resultados: A paciente teve a piora clínica levando a uma internação prolongada. Devido ao alto grau de acometimento do tecido, não foi possível a reconstrução mamária. Contudo ao final do período a equipe obteve resultados satisfatórios quando a paciente esteve sob os cuidados de uma equipe multidisciplinar e realizou a adesão ao tratamento de an-timicrobianos, debridamentos e curativos, possibilitando a recuperação de sua saúde e a preservação da vida. Conclusão: O silicone não é uma substância inerte e, em especial, na forma líquida, quando administrado diretamente no tecido humano pode migrar para diferentes órgãos, com consequências deletérias. A inserção de silicone, mesmo na forma próteses contendo esta substância em gel, aprovada pelo Food and Drug Administration, requer vigilância médica periódica para a detecção de complicações em estágios iniciais. Palavras-chave: Siliconoma; Mama; 45 anos de evolução.
OBJECTIVE: to analyse motorcycle accident (MA) mortality trends from 1998 to 2009 in Pernambuco according to gender anddevelopment areas (DA). METHODS: ecological time series study of Pernambuco state residentMA deaths recorded between 1998 and 2009. Polynomial regression models were used, with statistical significance set at 5%, to analyse AIA mortality coefficient trends. RESULTS: 3,110 MA deaths and average MA mortality coefficient of 2.81/100,000 inhabitants. Excess male mortality was found in the entire time series studied. Mortality showed an average annual increase trend of 0.3 deaths per 100,000 inhab. (p=0.001). Average annual increase was higher in males and in the Araripe, Meridional and Pajeú hinterland DAs. CONCLUSION: given the growing trend of MA mortality, wide-ranging and multi-sectoral intervention implementation is recommended to respond to this problem.
As a result of the scale-up of wider prevention efforts, increased HIV testing and increased access to more potent combination antiretroviral therapy treatment, great progress has been made in stabilizing the global AIDS epidemic resulting in fewer new infections, better health outcomes and fewer AIDS-related deaths. Children however have lagged behind adults in access to HIV care and treatment resulting in new HIV infections among infants, children and youth, incomplete access to treatment and ongoing mortality. Further scale-up of prevention of mother-to-child transmission efforts, increasing access to lifesaving antiretroviral medications, addressing the complex psychosocial and medical needs of children, adolescents, and young adults infected with HIV and preventing new infections in adolescents and young adults remain critical steps in reaching the goal of an AIDS-free generation.