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Architectural Patterns for Secure IoT Orchestrations
Konstantinos Fysarakis∗, George Spanoudakis∗, Nikolaos Petroulakis†, Othonas Soultatos†,
Arne Br¨
oring‡and Tobias Marktscheffel§
∗Sphynx Technology Solutions AG, Zug, Switzerland, †Institute of Computer Science,
Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas, Iraklio, Greece, ‡Siemens AG, Corporate Technology
, Munich, Germany, §University of Passau, Passau, Germany
Abstract—The vast amount of connected devices on the
Internet of Things (IoT) creates an enormous potential for
new applications, by leveraging synergies arising through the
convergence of consumer, business and industrial Internet, and
creating open, global networks connecting people, data, and
“things”. In this context, the SEMIoTICS project aims to develop
a pattern-driven framework, built upon existing IoT platforms,
to enable and guarantee secure and dependable actuation and
semi-autonomic behaviour in IoT/Industrial IoT applications. To
achieve this, patterns are used to encode proven dependencies
between the security, privacy, dependability and interoperability
(SPDI) properties of individual smart objects and corresponding
properties of orchestrations (composition) involving them. This
paper sketches this approach followed by SEMIoTICS, whereby
the SPDI patterns are used to generate IoT orchestrations with
proven SPDI properties at design time, while at runtime these
properties are monitored in real-time, across system layers,
triggering adaptations to return the deployed orchestration to
the desired SPDI state, when needed.
Index Terms—security modeling; pattern-based engineering;
internet of things;
The introduction of massive numbers of interconnected
smart devices in the IoT era creates significant potential in
various domains, such as industrial and healthcare environ-
ments [1] [2]. Nevertheless, early adopters are faced with
numerous challenges [3] stemming from the intricacies of
the IoT environment, such as their dynamicity, scalability,
and heterogeneity, as well as the end-to-end security, privacy
and Quality of Service (QoS) requirements of each of these
applications domains.
Motivated by the above, project SEMIoTICS
( aims to enable and
guarantee secure and dependable actuation and semi-
autonomic behaviour in IoT/IIoT applications, through a
pattern-driven approach. Patterns are re-usable solutions
to common problems and building blocks to architectures.
The work presented herein focuses on the development of
patterns for orchestration of smart objects and IoT platform
enablers in IoT applications with guaranteed security, privacy,
dependability and interoperability (SPDI) properties. The
achievement of this objective is based on developing patterns
defining generic ways for integrating and orchestrating
different types of smart objects and components that can
guarantee specific SPDI properties, henceforth referred to as
SPDI patterns. This guarantee is based on verification of the
individual properties, via testing or monitoring evidence, a
certificate, and/or formal verification, as appropriate for the
type of properties and the components orchestrated by the
Figure 1. High-level view of typical SEMIoTICS deployment
This paper is organised as follows: Section II presents the
concept and the key building blocks of the proposed pattern-
driven IoT service orchestration solution; Section III provides
an example of the use of the solution to guarantee integrity in
the context of a wind park IIoT use case; Section IV presents
related works in the key expertise domains involved, and;
Section V features the concluding remarks and pointers to
future work.
Considering the dynamicity, scalability and heterogeneity
of IoT and IIoT ecosystems , as well as the ever-present need
for end-to-end security guarantees, the SEMIoTICS pattern-
driven approach offers a holistic approach covering the Se-
curity, Privacy, Dependability and Interoperability properties
of IoT/IIoT systems. The pattern framework is designed to
cover said properties from both the service orchestration
and actual cyber-physical deployment perspectives. The latter
spans the backend/cloud systems as well as the services and
applications running there, the field layer of a typical IoT/IIoT
deployment where sensors and actuators reside, as well as the
Software Defined Networks (SDN) interconnecting the two
(see Figure 1). Moreover, SPDI patterns are leveraged to cover
both vertical composition of smart objects at different layers
in the implementation stack of IoT applications – including
sensors/actuators, network, infrastructure, IoT platform and
IoT application components – and horizontal composition of
smart objects that appear at any of these layers, as necessary.
The SPDI guarantees are achieved through the verification
of the corresponding properties, which takes place both at
design time, to verify global and/or local level orchestrations
for desired properties based on a model, as well as on run time,
to verify based on registries and the monitoring conditions
(e.g., that monitoring conditions required by patterns are
satisfied). The verification process can also trigger adaptations,
that should by definition guarantee the pursued properties.
To provide a usable solution tailored to the intricacies of
IoT/IIoT environments, the pattern components are augmented
with service orchestration definition capabilities, as well as
real-time monitoring and adaptation mechanisms. The key
building blocks of the provided solution are detailed in the
subsections below.
A. SPDI Property Verification
Pattern-based encoding enables the verification that smart
object orchestrations satisfy certain SPDI properties, and the
generation (and adaptation) of orchestrations in ways that are
guaranteed to satisfy required SPDI properties.
In more detail, machine interpretable SPDI patterns support:
(i) the composition structure of the IoT applications and
platform components; (ii) the end-to-end SPDI properties guar-
anteed by the pattern; (iii) the smart object/component level
SPDI properties required for the end-to-end SPDI properties
to hold; (iv) conditions about pattern components that need
to be monitored at runtime to ensure; (v) end-to-end SPDI
properties; and (vi) ways of adapting and/or replacing individ-
ual IoT application smart objects/components that instantiate
the pattern if it becomes necessary at runtime (e.g., when
some components become unavailable). e Patterns cover all
SPDI properties, including the six core property types, namely
Security (S), broken down to Confidentiality, Integrity and
Availability, as well as Privacy (P), Dependability (D) and
Interoperability (I). Moreover, all three data states are consid-
ered, i.e. Data-in-transit, Data-at-rest, and Data-in-processing,
as well as two cases of IoT platform connectivity, namely
within the SEMIoTICS platform and across IoT platforms;
the latter to support SEMIoTICS interactions with other IoT
To enable the above, the SEMIoTICS Pattern Language
is under development, which: (i) provides constructs for
expressing/encoding dependencies between SPDI properties
at the component and at the composition/orchestration level;
(ii) is structural and does not prescribe exactly how the
functions should be executed nor, e.g., how the ports ensure
communication; (iii) it supports the static verification of SPDI
properties; (iv) it is automatically processable by the SEMI-
oTICS framework so that IoT applications can be adapted at
Patterns expressed in this language will enable the pattern-
based management process followed in SEMIoTICS, whereby
patterns will be leveraged to encode proven dependencies
between security, privacy, dependability and interoperability
(SPDI) properties of components and corresponding properties
of compositions involving them. The conjunction of the latter
properties is known/proven to entail end-to-end properties.
The encoding of such dependencies between orchestration and
component level SPDI properties enables the following during
the design time of an IoT orchestration and at runtime during
the execution of an IoT orchestration: (i) The verification
at design time that an orchestration satisfies certain SPDI
properties; (ii) The runtime adaptation of orchestrations in
ways that are guaranteed to satisfy required SPDI properties at
the orchestration level. The latter adaptations may take three
forms: (1) to replace particular components of an orchestration,
(2) to change the structure of an orchestration, and (3) a
combination of (1) and (2).
In the work presented herein SPDI patterns cover the
different and heterogeneous orchestration models required for
IoT and IIoT applications, including message-driven, event-
driven and data-driven models [4].
B. Recipes for IoT Orchestrations
When new devices are added to an IoT/IIoT environment,
they need to be connected physically, and the software on
the centralized controller needs to be re-parameterized and
reconfigured. Manually designing composite services is time-
consuming and error-prone, but also unfeasible when consid-
ering the scale of IoT deployments.
Therefore, when designing the composition of services and
devices, the Recipes approach is followed to separate the
design of an IoT service composition from its implemen-
tation [5]. Recipes are used to define an abstract template
of an application, allowing multiple instantiations and reuse,
easy configuration of applications and automated discovery of
matching devices. A semi-automated service composition and
instantiation tool is provided, in order to assist the user in
creating the composition of placeholders for actual services
and devices. Later, these placeholders are replaced with actual
services and devices based on suggestions provided by the
system using semantic reasoning.
In more detail, Recipes define templates for compositions of
Ingredients and their interactions. Ingredients are placeholders
for devices and services that process and transform data. Inter-
actions describe the dataflow between these ingredients. The
Recipe model is a light-weight semantic model that describes
ingredients and interactions semantically. An ingredient of a
Recipe specifies the requirements that should be fulfilled by
concrete devices/services in order to create an application. An
Interaction between the ingredients is defined by creating a
dataflow between them. That is, by connecting the output data
of one ingredient with the input data of another ingredient.
Figure 2. Example of Recipe Definition
In addition to this, an interaction also specifies an operation
that needs to be performed to access the ingredient’s data or
function. A draft of the user interface for the specification of
Recipes is depicted in Figure 2.
Previous works on Recipes are exploited in this regard,
featuring a script-based centralized orchestrator approach [5],
as well as an extension of this approach enabling the dis-
tributed execution of instantiated Recipes as choreographies
[6]. Moreover, the integration of Recipes with SPDI patterns
allows for design-time definition of desired SPDI properties
for the IoT orchestrations, as well as the real-time monitoring
of said properties at runtime, triggering adaptations, if needed.
C. Runtime Monitoring & Adaptation
Ensuring that IoT applications are secure at runtime is a
challenging task due to the complexity and heterogeneity of
the sensing, communication and computational infrastructures
involved, the changing IoT threat landscape, and the plethora
of non-interoperable monitors operating at different layers.
Nevertheless, monitoring the operation of smart objects and
IoT applications at runtime is necessary for: (i) ascertaining
that conditions, which are necessary for the preservation of
the SPDI properties required of them are preserved, and (ii)
maintaining an awareness of their operational context that can
aid the selection of appropriate adaptation actions for them
when the need arises. Existing IoT application enabling plat-
forms offer comprehensive monitoring capabilities, however
these offer either standard built-in checks or platform specific
languages for defining different checks of specific types (e.g.,
intrusion or performance checks). Hence, checks realizable in
one IoT platform are difficult to be ported to other platforms
when dynamic adaptations in the smart objects and structures
of IoT applications (e.g., addition and departure of smart
devices) occur.
Therefore, SPDI-driven runtime monitoring and adaptations
must be enabled by seamless, extensible and adaptive monitor-
ing. This can be achieved through a monitoring management
layer for: (a) instantiating the parametric monitoring condi-
tions of SPDI patterns into concrete monitoring conditions
regarding the particular smart objects that instantiate a pattern;
(b) checking the monitorability of such conditions across dif-
ferent IoT platforms and creating optimal monitoring strategies
for this purpose; (c) configuring automatically the monitors
of IoT enabling platforms as required for different monitoring
strategies; (d) fusing the results of different monitors (possibly
in different platforms) as necessary for the checks; and (e)
seamlessly adapting the monitoring strategies and monitoring
configurations of different IoT enabling platforms following
changes in IoT applications and smart objects to enable
continuous uninterrupted monitoring.
As an application example, let us consider an IIoT deploy-
ment at a wind park [7], where Data captured by an IIoT
sensor on a Wind Turbine triggers, after analytics, a change in
an actuator’s state (e.g., to avoid possible wind turbine failure).
We further assume that the overarching goal of the system
owners is to have verifiable end-to-end integrity throughout
this process. This scenario is visualized in Figure 3, while
the interaction steps involved in this process are: (i) Sensor
P1captures and transmits data to IIoT Gateway; (ii) Gateway
P2performs analytics on data; (iii) Gateway P2transmits
processed data to backend through the SDN network; (iv)
Backend system P3performs enhanced analytics on received
data; (v) Actionable output is sent from Backend isntance P3
to the Gateway P2; (vi) Relevant data/processing results stored
in Cloud Data Store P4(e.g., to data historian application,
for auditing purposes); (vii) Gateway P2transmits trigger
command to actuator P5.
As depicted in the right side of Figure 3, the end-to-end
integrity property can be broken down into individual integrity
properties, covering different data states, to be pursued at
Figure 3. End-to-end Integrity in Wind Park scenario
design time and monitored/verified at runtime. To simplify
the example, and without loss of generality, we assume that
the connections between sensors, actuators and the Gateway,
as well as the ones between the Backend and the Cloud
services, are protected by secure communication protocols
with integrity provisions, and thus we do not examine the
corresponding properties. A high level definition of the in-
tegrity properties of interesting, using the notation for inputs
and outputs shown in the figure, is as follows:
•Data Integrity in-transformation:
1) Out(P2) = F(Out(P1))
2) Out(P3) = F(In(P3))
3) In(P5) = F(In(P2))
4) In(P4) = F(In(P3) ∧Out(P3))
•Data Integrity in-transit:
5) In(P3) = Out(P2)
6) In(P2) = Out(P3)
•Data Integrity at-rest:
7) Out(P4, t0) = In(P4, t)
•End-to-end Data Integrity:
8) In(P5) = F(Out(P1))
The above covers integrity in all data transformations that
happen at the Gateway P2(properties #1, #3) and the Backend
P3(properties #2, #4), as well as the exchange of information
between Gateway and Backend through the SDN communi-
cation infrastructure (properties #5 and #6). Moreover, data
integrity at rest is covered (property #7), where we assume
that a record of the input and output of the Backend system is
stored in a private cloud data store P4at time tfor auditing
purposes, and this is retrieved by another application at time t0.
Finally, the end-to-end property is also defined for the whole
process (property #8), which only holds if all the individual
properties defined above (with the exception of property #7,
which refers to future interactions) also hold.
In terms of verification of the individual properties, these
can be based on testing or monitoring evidence, a certificate
that a component may hold, or formal verification, as appropri-
ate for the type of properties and the smart objects/components
involved. Some hypothetical cases for each of the properties
will be presented here, aiming to cover diverse types of
For data integrity in transformation taking place at the
Gateway (component P2, properties #1 and #4), we assume
that it comes with a static certificate by the manufacturer, for
the properties carried out internally. An interface should be
declared, where the validity of the certificate can be verified.
In contrast, in the case of transformations taking place at
the backend (component P3, property #2 and #3), we assume
that the IIoT Backend instance has a dynamic certificate,
which is verified at runtime by monitoring internal processes.
To achieve this, data integrity must be monitored internally
at all compute nodes participating in the computation, and
these nodes must have event emission capabilities, therefore
the application code will have to be decorated to enable
this (e.g., with internal hash checks in critical parts of the
internal program functions). An example of such a monitoring
condition that could be evaluated internally could be:
-Happens(writes(n1, M 1), t1,[t1, t1]) ∧
HoldsAt(Hash(M1, h1), t1)
-Happens(reads(n2, M 1), t2,[t1, t2]) ∧
HoldsAt(Hash(M1, h2), t2)
→h2 = h1
In the above, n1is the data being stored in memory position
M1at t1, with a hash of h1, and n2is the data being read
from the same memory position at t2. So, if the two hashes,
h1and h2pass the match check, then the integrity property
holds within the processing functions.
In the case of the integrity in transit property at the SDN
network (properties #5 and #6), we can apply a sequential
integrity in-transit pattern that applies to serial communication
between 3 entities, (C1, C2, C 3). Therefore, serial commu-
nication C1→C2→C3has integrity, when: C1has
integrity; C1→C2communication has integrity; C2→C3
communication has integrity.
Then, the individual properties a,b, and ccan be verified
independently, using one of the methods defined above. It
should be noted that this sequential pattern can be applied
to serial communications across layers (e.g., communication
from edge, to SDN and backend, as in the scenario here), as
well as within layers (e.g., within the SDN layer, to verify
properties in exchanges between the SDN Controller and
network switches under its control).
In addition to the above, a simple monitoring-based veri-
fication rule can be defined for the integrity of data at rest
(property #7), where a hash is calculated when data is stored
and when it is retrieved, checking that the two hashes match
(to verify integrity). This monitoring could be implemented
through an external monitoring agent, or within the data
store application, in cases where access to the source code
is available.
Finally, as an example of a potential adaptation that could be
triggered in this scenario we can consider the communication
within SDN which, when verifying properties #5 and #6, is
decomposed to a serial communication such as V N F 1→
vSwitch1→V N F 2. Then, when applying Sequential In-
tegrity Pattern (as previously presented), vSwitch1is found
not to satisfy the integrity requirement (e.g., its certificate has
expired). This could trigger an adaptation action at the SDN
Controller (where the SDN pattern engine resides) to reroute
traffic within the SDN network to skip vSwitch1and use
vSwitch2instead, which has a valid certificate. The resulting
serial communication V N F 1→vSwitch2→V N F 2would
satisfy the integrity property, and consequently the end-to-end
integrity property (assuming all other integrity property checks
verified as true), returning the system to the desired state.
Property Verification: The pattern-driven approach of
SEMIoTICS follows the “security-by-design” concept, which
aims to guarantee system-wide security properties by virtue of
the design of the involved systems and their subsystems. This
is leveraged to provide orchestration-level SPDI guarantees,
while encompassing all involved components and entities
which are composed to create the orchestrations (e.g., physical
devices and software). A key capability required in security-
by-design is the ability to verify the desired security properties
as part of the design process. A typical way to achieve
this is using model-based techniques [8], [9], [10], whereby
software component and service compositions are modelled
using formal languages and the required security properties are
expressed as properties on the model [11]. The satisfiability of
the required properties is based on model checking [12], [13].
Other approaches focus on software service workflows using
business process modelling languages (e.g., Sec-MoSC [14]).
Pino et al. [15] use secure service orchestration (SSO) patterns
to support the design of service workflows with required
security properties, leveraging pattern-based analysis to verify
security properties. This avoids full model checking that is
computationally expensive and non-scalable to larger systems,
such as the IoT. Moreover, some model-based approaches
(e.g., [15]) support the transformation of security requirements
to code for automated checking of the required properties,
both at design and at runtime. The SEMIoTICS pattern-driven
framework’s operation is inspired from similar pattern-based
approaches used in service-oriented systems [4], [16], cyber-
physical systems [17], and networks [18], [19], covering more
aspects in addition to Security, and also providing guarantees
and verification capabilities that span both the service orches-
tration and deployment perspectives, as detailed in Section II
Service Composition: There have been attempts to fully
automate the generation of service compositions based on
some user defined request or goal. For example [20] present
a service composition system that enables the goal-driven
configuration of smart environments based on semantic meta-
data and reasoning. Such fully automated approaches are still
facing challenges. The key difficulty lies in the unambiguous
semantic description of the goal and states that lead to the
goal, which is challenging when dealing with more complex
environments, where a lot of devices can interact in a lot of
ways and each has a lot of possible states. In such environ-
ments semantic models become complex, and reasoners turn
to be inefficient when solving goals over them. Due to these
challenges, a semi-automated approach that supports users in
creating service compositions, rather than to fully automate the
process, seems to be the most promising direction. Previous
work has been done in this direction, such as [21], where
optimal service compositions are automatically computed with
support of composition templates. Commercially successful
systems such as “If This Then That” (at use sim-
ple composition techniques similar to the Recipe concept,
but create and execute centralized orchestrations instead of
decentralized choreographies [22]. The IFTTT platform lacks
systematic engineering support leading to widely duplicated
recipes [23]. Node-RED is another tool that follows a similar
approach, through a browser-based editor that makes it easy
to wire hardware devices, APIs and online services, thereby
creating application flows (specified in JSON). In this work
a semi-automated approach is followed for the definition of
IoT service compositions, via the integration of dependability
patterns (in addition to security, privacy and interoperability),
as detailed above, based on previous work on Recipes [5], [6].
Runtime Monitoring & Adaptation: There is a plethora of
different types of monitors that may operate at different levels;
e.g., at the network level there are Network Management
Systems (NMS) and Security Information and Event Manage-
ment (SIEM) [24]. Computational infrastructures include their
own monitors of different types and with varying topologies
(e.g., on host systems or virtual machines). Typically, these
monitors focus on performance monitoring (e.g., [25]) or mon-
itor incidents and performance at the hypervisor level (e.g.,
[26]). This segmented landscape makes it difficult to obtain
an integrated and holistic run-time picture of IoT applications’
security due to the lack of information sharing and correlation
among the different types of monitoring data that they pro-
duce. System adaptation has also been studied extensively in
the context of service-based and agent-based systems, where
availability of components, functionality, and operational and
context conditions change frequently. Depending on the type
of the adaptation actions supported, existing approaches can
be distinguished into those which modify the behaviour of
the systems (e.g., [27]) and those that alter the compositional
structure of the system and/or the partner services involved in
it (e.g., [28]). Fewer approaches support the adaptation in ways
that can preserve and/or restore security (e.g., [29]). The run-
time monitoring and adaptation mechanisms adopted herein
are inspired from a more comprehensive approach supporting
the runtime adaptation of service compositions in ways that
can guarantee desired security properties, as described in [4]
and [30]. These also align with the pattern-driven IoT service
orchestration pursued by SEMIoTICS, as they leverage secure
service orchestration (SSO) patterns, specifying primitive ways
of composing services that guarantee the satisfaction of spe-
cific security properties (e.g., confidentiality).
This paper presented the SEMIoTICS framework’s approach
towards the development of patterns for orchestration of smart
objects and IoT platform enablers in IoT applications with
guaranteed security, privacy, dependability and interoperability
Following the finalisation of the framework’s architecture,
the definition of the pattern language and the development
of a first set of SPDI patterns, future work will focus
on the development of concrete mechanisms for automated
translation from application-level IoT recipes into executable
SPDI pattern configurations, the automated reasoning based
on said patterns, as well as their monitoring of those at
runtime, through the implementation of the corresponding
pattern engine components at all layers of the SEMIoTICS
framework. Moreover, an extended evaluation path will be
pursued, comprising of analytical assessments, followed by
simulations of network and applications, as well as final
experiments in real-world testbeds in the areas of industrial
networks and healthcare.
This work has received funding from the European Union’s
Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant
agreement No. 780315 (SEMIoTICS).
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