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This paper empirically examines the impact of bank specific characteristics in determining the Islamic banking profitability in Bangladesh. Research period covers 2010–2017. Research method is a panel analysis. Fixed effects model is applied based on the Hausman test. The study takes return on assets (ROA) as the proxy of profitability. Company specific explanatory variables for the study are bank size, capital-to-risk assets (CRAR), investment-to-deposit (liquidity), non-performing investment (NPI), and cost-to-income. The study finds 4 out of 5 variables statistically significant. However, liquidity slightly misses the significance level. We have found CRAR and cost-to-income are negatively correlated, and liquidity is positively correlated to bank profitability as our expectation. On the other hand, estimation shows a negative correlation between bank size and profitability. Moreover, NPI is found to be positively correlated to ROA because Islamic banking industry’s very low percentage of non-performing investment (3.3%) could not inversely affect the profitability.
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... The results are presented as a percentage, which is formulated by dividing total shareholders' equity by total assets of the company, and it represents the value of assets on which shareholders have a residual claim in case of the liquidation. Hassan and Ahmed (2019) found that the variable does not have a strong impact on bank performances in countries with different levels of income. On the other hand, Hassan and Ahmed (2019) stated that the variable is highly significant and positively related to ROA both conventional and Islamic banks; therefore, this indicator has insignificant impact to the CE and PE. ...
... Hassan and Ahmed (2019) found that the variable does not have a strong impact on bank performances in countries with different levels of income. On the other hand, Hassan and Ahmed (2019) stated that the variable is highly significant and positively related to ROA both conventional and Islamic banks; therefore, this indicator has insignificant impact to the CE and PE. However, in case of the significant drop in the ratio, it might indicate a problem in the CE or PE as they are part of the equities retained earnings. ...
... Likewise, AAIR is the annual pricing rate raising of the goods and services, in which consequently lead to fall in purchasing power of the product (General dictionary). Hassan and Ahmed (2019) declared that the rate of inflation does not seem to have a significant effect on the bank's CE/PE. Due to inflation which was largely moderate in their sample countries between 2004 to 2010, Mghaieth and Khanchel (2015) established the rate of inflation as unrelated to CE. Bas on Sanusi and Meyer (2017), on their study on the relationship between the inflation and the financial development of the financial institutions of the South Africa during the year 2016 to 2017, have concluded that, the verbal's between the inflation and the financial development are bound together for the long run of the business and there is significant impact by the inflation to the financial development and performance of the business due to the strong correlation of these two variables (Sanusi, Meyer, and Ślusarczyk, 2017). ...
... Unless this condition is met, the hypothesis will be rejected. Specifically, Hassan and Ahmed (2019). ...
This study aims to investigate the impact of bank-specific internal factors on the profitability of the banks. The study, which employed an explanatory research technique, used secondary data from major sample merger commercial banks' annual reports for fiscal years 2014 to 2022. The population consists of 20 scheduled banks, with a sample of five merged banks selected purposefully. Bank size, liquidity ratio, dividend payout ratio, capital adequacy ratio and non-performing loans ratio are the five independent variables that the study uses to analyze the association between Return on asset, the dependent variable. The study used descriptive statistics, multiple regression models, and MS Excel for data analysis. The findings indicate that both BS and NPLR have a noteworthy detrimental impact on ROA, whereas LR has a considerable beneficial effect. However, the results revealed no statistical significance for CAR and DPR. The study concludes that among the internal factors analyzed, LR is the most influential factor on bank profitability. These findings provide valuable insights for regulators, bank management, and other stakeholders, highlighting areas for potential performance improvement. The inclusion of macroeconomic aspects with the potential to impact the profitability of Nepalese banks should be further examined.
... External factors like GDP also play a role, with inflation impacting positively but overall GDP showing a negative correlation with profitability. In Indonesia, Hassan and Ahmed (2019) examined Islamic bank profitability in Bangladesh focusing on bank-specific characteristics. Their research, spanning from 2010 to 2017, offers further insights into how internal factors can influence profitability in different contexts. ...
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Purpose: This study examines the internal factors that are influencing profitability in Pakistani Islamic banks during the period 2016-2021. Design/Methodology/Approach: The analysis utilizes panel data regression models to address potential estimation bias. Findings: The study covers key Pakistani Islamic bank financial performance criteria. Internal factors significantly affect ROE and EPS. Gearing and capital ratios enhance ROE/EPS. Due to increased capitalization and leverage, Islamic banks' capital management is vital to profitability. ROE and NIM models are affected by deposits. Deposit funding drives Islamic bank profitability and interest income. In the NIM model, liquidity and NPL ratios affect ROE and EPS significantly. Asset quality and liquidity management effect interest income, not profits. Bank size does affect ROE and EPS models, which is notable in the findings. Islamic financial institutions can prioritize specialization and efficiency over expansion. These numbers indicate Pakistani Islamic banks' finances. Capitalization, leverage control, and deposit mobilization are key to financial success, while risk management ensures stability and profitability during economic downturns. Implications/Originality/Value: The detailed investigation shows Pakistan's Islamic banking profitability. Deposit management, capital structure, and asset quality impact profitability. Capitalization and leverage improve earnings, therefore financial management matters. Deposit management is vital to profitability since it affects performance. Recession-sensitive Islamic banks show resiliency. NPA mitigation and liquidity management affect net interest margin, as a key driver. This research offers valuable insights for internal management strategies and regulatory frameworks aimed at enhancing the stability and growth of Islamic banking in the region.
... Dolgun & Mirakhor (2021) showed that there is a direct and positive relationship between liquidity and profitability indicators studied. Also, Hassan & Ahmed (2019) illustrated that the liquidity ratio has a positive effect on the profitability of Islamic banks in Bangladesh, represented by the ROA. ...
This study investigated the impact of some investment fund ratios in Islamic banks operating in Syria, represented by both the financing-to-deposits ratio FDR and the resource investment ratio IRR, in addition to the liquidity ratio, on the profitability of these banks, represented by ROA and ROE. In addition, this study aimed to identify the reality of the financial performance of Syrian Islamic banks according to these indicators and clarify the extent to which there are significant differences between them. This was done during the period from 2010 to 2022, based on the annual financial statements published in the annual financial reports issued by the banks under study. The study found that there were significant differences in the performance of the Syrian Islamic banks studied regarding indicators of fund investment. While the performance of these banks was similar in terms of indicators of profitability and liquidity, there were no significant differences between any of them. The study also concluded that there is a positive and significant effect of FDR and IRR on ROE overall, compared to the absence of any significant effect of these two indicators on ROA. There is no significant effect of the liquidity ratio on ROA or ROE overall.
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This study utilizes firm-specific and macroeconomic data, including the number of internet users proxied as fintech, as well as ESG variables, to empirically examine the impact on the profitability and non-performing loans (NPLs) of Islamic and traditional banks in developing countries with a focus on Islamic financing. This study aimed to ascertain if our findings aligned with the New Empirical Industrial Organization (NEIO) and Tripple Bottom Line/Quadruple Bottom Line (TBL/QBL) paradigms. We collected data from more than 600 financial institutions, including both Islamic and conventional banks, from 2005 to 2022. This study complements the literature by examining a wide range of years and banks in QISMUT + 3 countries, as well as investigating the impact of the number of internet users as proxied by fintech variable and ESG variables both on NPLs and profitability indicators in both Islamic and conventional banks in Islamic finance-oriented countries. In terms of persistence, traditional banks are superior to Islamic banks, and banks with sufficient capital are more competitive and efficient in generating profits. Islamic banks (IB) outperformed conventional banks (CB) during the global financial crisis; however, CB outperformed IB in terms of credit risk management. IBs compete more effectively than CBs do because they provide unique Sharia-compliant financial products. Furthermore, the ESG and fintech proxies play a significant role in determining bank asset quality and financial performance. The results are expected to improve the understanding of Islamic banking by bankers, investors, academics, and policymakers, as well as help in policy development for the banking industry in these countries.
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The opportunity presented by modern living allows us to celebrate the many exquisite and distinctive religious traditions and to bring to light the many advantages that their preservation offers to society. Commercial banks were founded in a framework distinct from the Islamic context, with distinct foundational ideals and paradigms. As a result, most Muslims have not largely accepted those banks. In Oman, where the banking system transformed from regular public banking services to Islamic banking services to meet the demands and requirements of the Sharia complaint system where interest is not utilized as guided by Islamic economics. Hence, the focus of this research is on the halal earnings of Islamic banks. The primary goals of this study are to empirically investigate and assess the elements influencing the halal profits of Islamic banks in Oman while emphasizing significant data about banking performance that can aid decision- and policy-makers in the banking sector. The research subject was covered by secondary data, where the financial statements for Bank Nizwa and Al-Izz Bank for the five years from 2017 to 2021 were received from the Muscat Stock Exchange. In addition to using quantitative research to determine the relationships, this study was undertaken to investigate the halal profit of Islamic banks. Halal profit guarantees that the bank's earnings are obtained ethically and legally, in accordance with the standards and principles held by its clients. Halal profit also boosts clients' trust in Islamic banks. The discussion in the paper is anticipated to serve as a road map for a future initiative to elevate Islamic banking through an unwavering focus on innovation and the desire to provide excellence in everything banks do, including the creation and provision of a wide array of integrated products and services that are perfectly in line with Sharia principles.
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Abstract Islamic Banking in Pakistan has been continuously growing since 2001 and currently, five full fledge Islamic Banks are working. This study has investigated the inside factors which effect Islamic Banks’ profitability. These internal factors include Capital Adequacy Ratio, Deposit ratio, operating expense with total assets ratio, Size, and Debt to Equity Ratio, and were taken as Independent variables this study, whereas profitability return on asset was taken as a dependent variable. This study has covered the period of 2015-2020 and data was gathered from financial reports of Islamic Banks, previous studies which were conducted in Pakistan did not cover up to 2020 and mostly covered both internal and external factors but in this research, we have emphasized on internal factors exclusively. Panel Data was analyzed with step-by-step statistical techniques like POLS, BRUESCH-PAGAN TEST, RANDOM EFFECT, and HAUSMAN TEST and finally, Fixed Effect Model was applied through EViewsversion-11. According to the investigated results of this study, two independent variables capital adequacy and operating expense ratio had a positive and major influence on return on assets (Dependent Variable).Hence null hypothesis of these variables was rejected and concluded that only the capital adequacy ratio and operating expenses with total assets ratio positively affected Islamic banking profitability.
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The purpose of this research paper is to analyze the effectiveness of the economic factors affecting Islamic and commercial banks during the Egyptian financial crisis from 2003 to 2019. A sample was taken from eleven banks registered in the Egyptian financial market, and the data were collected on an annual basis. The variables are as follows: return on assets (ROA); return on equity (ROE); reinvestment rate; size; nonperforming loans; operating leverage; loan growth; inflation rate; GDP; and deposit growth. Several statistical methods were used, such as a normality test, descriptive statistics, a t-test, and a group unit root. A panel data analysis was also applied to compare data from Islamic and commercial banks. The data revealed a negative relationship between the type of bank and ROA and ROE as well as a positive relationshipbetween the global financial crisis and the banks’ ROE and ROE.
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The paper assessed whether the bank-specific factors (internal) and economic (external factors) determine the financial performance of Jaiz bank Nigeria as an Islamic bank. Secondary data from the bank’s financial statements and world banks Development indicators were extracted for the period of 8 years (2011 to 2018). After description analysis, OLS regression was utilized to determine the effect of independent variables (GDP, Inflation, Interest, capital adequacy, credit risk, deposit ratio, and cost efficiency) have on the dependent variables (ROA, ROE, and ROI) financial performance. It was established that; GDP as an external factor has a significant positive association with financial performance, cost efficiency was discovered to have a weak positive relationship with the financial performance, while inflation rate, interest rate, capital adequacy, deposit ratio, and credit risk were found to have no significant effect on the bank’s financial performance. It was recommended that; Islamic banks need to give more consideration to the economic factors in their policies and programs as they may influence their profitability. More studies are also needed to compare the determinants of Islamic banks with that of Money Deposit Banks.
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Due to significant contribution of commercial banks in the economic progress of Pakistan, this research has been carried out to analyse the possible effect of different relevant factors on the profitability of commercial banks in the country. Profitability is measured by return on assets (ROA). Using pooled regression analysis on yearly data collected from the annual reports for a panel of 14 commercial banks for eight years from 2007 to 2014, it was found that equity to assets, debts to assets, deposits to assets, bank size and assets management have a significant influence on the commercial banks profitability in Pakistan.
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This study examines the effect of bank specific factors of profitability in Sri Lankan domestic commercial banks.This study conducted with a complete panel data and utilized the sample frame annual reports of the domestic commercial banks in Sri Lanka. A regression analysis is built on a strongly balanced panel data set including 60 observations of 12 Sri Lankan domestic commercial banks over the period 2011-2015.Bank size, Capital, Deposits, and Liquidity have been identified as independent variables and Profitability as the dependent variable. This research used Return on assets to identify the profitability, logarithm of total assets - size, equity ratio- capital, deposit ratiodeposit, liquidity ratio- liquidity. Regression model were analyzed by using STATA Statistical Software Package.Regression findings reveal that size (0.001), capital ratio (0.000) and deposit ratio (0.027) are significant bank specific determinants of bank profitability in Sri Lanka. There is a positive relationship between those factors and bank profitability. Liquidity (0.188) is an insignificant determinant and it has a negative relationship.In view of these findings, some recommendations may be functional for bank regulatory authorities to sustain strength and stability of the banking sector. The results provide the effect of bank specific factors on Sri Lankan domestic commercial banks. This paper intends to fill a gap in the existing literature by improving an understanding of bank profitability in Sri Lanka. Index Terms- Bank Profitability, Capital, Deposits, Liquidity, Profitability, Size
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The issues regarding measuring and managing bank performance are always on the agenda due to the critically important role of banks in the national economies of new member states of the European Union. The goal of the given study is to explore drivers of bank profitability in Latvia and Lithuania. Research period covers 2008–2014. Performance of the banking sector is proxied by profitability ratios. The set of explanatory factors involves financial and non-financial measures. The core research method is a multiple regression analysis. Data processing is performed in SPSS environment. The paper contributes to the scope of knowledge regarding bank performance drivers and the research results provide the basis for the future studies in the related field.
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationship between bank-specific characteristics and profitability in European banking sector to find the role of internal factors in achieving high profitability. Design/methodology/approach A regression analysis is built on an unbalanced panel data set comprising 175 observations of 35 top European banks over the period 2009-2013. To this end, the empirical data are collected from Bankscope and a comprehensive set of internal characteristics is examined. Findings All the determinant variables included in the model have statistically significant impacts on European banks’ profitability. However, the effects are not uniform across profitability measures. Regression findings reveal that size and capital ratio are significant company-level determinants of bank profitability in Europe, while higher loan loss provisions result in lower profitability levels. Findings also suggest that banks with higher deposits and loans ratio tend to be more profitable but the effects on profitability are statistically insignificant in some cases. Practical implications This study has considerable policy implications, as the performance of the European banking sector depends on its efficiency, profitability and competitiveness. In view of these findings, some suggestions may be functional for bank regulatory authorities to intensify and sustain robustness and stability of the banking sector. Originality/value The results provide interesting insights into the characteristics and practices of profitable banks in Europe. Few econometric studies have empirically explored the determinants of bank profitability in Europe so far, even though similar studies have been conducted in several developed countries. Therefore, this paper tries to close an important gap in the existing literature improving the understanding of bank profitability in Europe.
In Pakistan, the banking performance is influenced by deregulation, financial modernization and technological improvement. Financial sector is the back bone of the sustainable economic growth. So it is very important to assess the negative shocks in order to maintain the financial stability in Pakistan. This study is conducted to find out the main determinants of banks profitability considering the bank specific variables. The analysis has been conducted on 16 banks on the basis of availability of data over the period 2000 to 2010. This paper uses fixed effect model and random effect model to examine the impacts of net interest margin, profit to asset ratio, bank size, loan growth, non-interest earning, overhead expenses, taxation, insider lending, operating expenses, non-performing loans, return on asset ratio and deposit to asset ratio. The empirical results show a strong association between some banks specific variables and their profitability. The variables of deposit to asset ratio, deposit to loans ratio, loans to asset ratio, loan growth, non-performing loans, net interest margin, tax, non-interest income and return on asset are the main determinates of banks profitability in our analysis. Furthermore, the banks are divided into two groups according to their market capitalization i.e. large and small banks. LNG is significant at 1% with positive value (3.56734) indicating that with loan growth, the bank's capacity to earn more in the market enhances. In case of small banks, the variable of loan growth is insignificant. Hence, the non-performing loans are seriously reducing the profitability of banks in small banks.