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User Experience Evaluation of Intelligent Tunnel Digital
Monitoring Interface Based on Cognitive Psychology
Lei Wu 1﹡[0000-0002-3821-9839], Yao Su1, Juan Li2, Lijun Mou1, Yue Sun1,Yekai Wei1,
Huai Cao1,3, Chong Feng3
1 School of Mechanical Science and Engineering, Huazhong University of Science &Technol-
ogy, Wuhan, China
2Department of Art and Design, Wuhan Huaxia University of Technology,Wuhan, China
3Guangdong HUST Industrial Technology Research Institute, Dongguan, China
Abstract. This paper report on two experimental studies on digital monitoring
interface to measure the user experience in intelligent tunnel monitoring system.
Based on cognitive psychology theory, we conducted two experimental evalua-
tion studies. The study 1 was using questionnaire method to explore and survey
the end users. The study 2 was a comparative research study which were under-
going 7-point Likert user experience questionnaire. The prototypes of the study
2 were designed based on the study 1. Through the study 1 and study 2, we found
that the target user needs of the digital monitoring interface were: (1) the interac-
tion mode guided by logic of behaviors is more suitable for the design of tunnel
data monitoring system; (2) professional background differences have lower sig-
nificance on system availability; (3) data visualization should be different in dif-
ferent application scenarios. The research results can help us to deeper understand
the design of digital monitoring interface in the related working scenarios.
Keywords: Digital monitoring interface, Cognitive psychology, User experi-
ence, Experimental evaluation, Interaction logic
1 Introduction
At present, the complex digital management system with the core of “internet of eve-
rything”, “digitalization” and “user experience” has set off a new round of production
revolution [1-3]. The " cyber-physical system" is an important carrier of this revolution.
The cyber-physical systems have changed the way that humans manage the physical
environment [4]. It is an intelligent control and management system that integrates
computers and physical devices. In the era of traditional industrial development, com-
puter-based digital interactive systems exist as analog control tools [5]. However, in the
era of Industry 4.0, the digital physics system which is composed of computers, com-
munication and control technologies can work together more reliably and efficiently
[6] . The tunnel data monitoring system is a typical complex information physics sys-
tem. As a system in the exploration and discovery stage, it is necessary to exquisitely
design the demand characteristics, interaction characteristics and interface visualization
2 Study1 - User Survey
2.1 Introduction
The tunnel data monitoring system is managed by the municipal operation and mainte-
nance supervision department. The system mainly includes an operating system and a
display system. Most of the operators are highly educated computer professionals and
the age is generally younger. At the same time, the target group of the large-screen
display function of the tunnel monitoring system is the inspectors.
2.2 Questionnaire Survey
Before designing the questionnaire, the author conducted interviews and investigations
on the operation mode of the Guanggu Intelligent Tunnel Monitoring Platform of the
Wuhan-Guangzhou Urban Construction Investment Development Group and the basic
information and working conditions of the platform operators. The author learned the
following points in the interview:
1.This system has been functioning as an iterative power;
2.The user's need for consistency in processing tasks is urgent;
3.The monitoring system has extremely high requirements for emergency handling;
4.The various visual expressions of the system are unreasonable.
Fig. 1. The questionnaire design of tunnel data monitoring system
Based on the above understanding, the staff of the data engineer and software engi-
neer positions were selected as the experimental subjects for questionnaire survey. The
subjects' selection requirements were: having a bachelor's degree or above, being en-
gaged in or about to engage in data or background system related work. Finally, 37
valid questionnaires were received.
There are mainly four modules in the questionnaire design of tunnel data monitoring
system: 1. basic information 2. suggestions about the product 3.the visual preference 4.
operating habits. The specific content of the questionnaire is shown in the figure 1.
2.3 Date Analysis
Among the 37 valid questionnaires, there were 26 men, accounting for 70.27% of the
total number of participants. In terms of educational level, there are 22 undergraduates,
accounting for 59.46% of the total number of students. The rest are all bachelor's degree
or above, generally high level of knowledge practitioners, the practitioners are gener-
ally high levels practitioners, and the subject is still undergraduates. 27 out of 37 people
who participated in the survey were exposed to the data monitoring background system
for more than 5 hours every day, accounting for 72.97% of the total number, and prac-
titioners face computer work time at work is generally longer.
Table 1. Cross-analysis data sheet for years of work and outstanding problems
Fig. 2. Cross-sectional analysis of working years and outstanding problems
As shown in figure 2 and table 1 that the problem points due to the difference in the
working years are also different. The requirements of the interaction logic decrease with
the increase of the working years; the requirements for the data presentation mode in-
crease with the increase of the working years; the working years Longer people pay
less attention to the loading time of data; in the problem of data classification, there is
a “high-low-high” U-shaped curve; obviously, the problem of finding the desired data
is more handy with the increase of working years; the requirements of information level
problems have not changed much, but the trend is that the longer the working years, the
smaller the problem; The inconsistency of task operation is the most prominent prob-
lem. the change is V-shaped, which is reduced from the initial 100% to 57% and then
to 86% at the beginning of the year. Finally, at work for 3 years and above, up to 92%
of the human eye. The design in this area is problematic.
From the above data cross-analysis results, we have found that some of the problems
are caused by the short working years, so we filter and screen the problems. In design,
we should focus on the most prominent issues, such as “inconsistent task operations”,
and we will seriously consider the problem of “inaccurate data presentation” and “com-
plex data classification”.
3 Study2 – Experimental Evaluation
3.1 The Service Blueprint Analysis
Fig. 3. The service blueprint of tunnel monitoring management system
The advantages of the service blueprint are intuitive, easy to communicate, and easy to
understand [7]. The system is divided into five levels, namely data acquisition layer,
data conversion layer, data storage layer, data application layer and data access layer;
users are divided into IT personnel, internal users (operators) and external users (in-
spectors). The chart reveals different information that can be accessed and the physical
evidence in the operation for analysis. Through the service blueprint, the differences of
responsibility between different users are clarified, which facilitates the information
boundary of the system for different users and also provides the information they need
for different users to avoid data confusion. As shown in figure 3.
3.2 Experimental Design
The subjects of this study were 10 undergraduate or postgraduate students in the de-
partment of industrial design and 10 graduate students in the department of computer
science from Huazhong university of science and technology.
Fig. 4. experimental materials of A&B interface
Fig. 5. Interactive prototype based on logic of behaviors
The experimental independent variables are: experimental materials and user back-
ground. Among them, the experimental materials independent variable is the System
design based on logic of things and logic of behaviors (If “reasonable organizational
behavior is used as the basis for decision making” as “logic of behaviors”, then “the
basis for decision-making that emphasizes the rational allocation of the property's own
attributes” can be called “logic of things” [8]), as show in figure 4 and figure 5. The
background of the user is divided into two directions, namely the computer background
and the design background. The experimental dependent variable is the user experience
score, and the five user experience evaluation indicators specified in ISO9241-11 are
The experimental task was designed to perform two typical tasks at work: handling
hazard alerts and navigating the inner workings of a tunnel, as detailed below:(1) Find
the fault light, output the fault problem, and handle the dangerous alarm task. (2)
Browse inside a tunnel and record problem information. And the experimental evalua-
tion questionnaire adopts the 5E user experience questionnaire (1-7 rating and 7 is very
satisfied) [4]. The design of the questionnaire is divided into two parts, which are basic
questions and user experience respectively.
3.3 Data Analysis
The results of the questionnaire were analyzed by SPSS statistical analysis using de-
scriptive analysis and correlation analysis, the specific experimental results were ob-
tained as follows:
Fig. 6. Comparison of the average scores of experiences of different background users on im-
proved system
From the scores of various experience indicators as show in figure 5, it can be seen
that the user experience of different professional backgrounds is very close, but the
design background of the subject is more strict on the user experience. The improved
system was highly evaluated on “easy to learn” and “error tolerant” that is proved that
in this survey, different information channels are given for different user types, and the
behavioral line of the operation task is used as interactive logic to suit the background
of system design.
Table 2. The correlation analysis
As show in table 2 that correlation analysis is used to study the correlation between
the fault-tolerant ability of attraction efficiency and the lack of professional differenti-
ation, pearson correlation coefficient is used to indicate the strength and weakness of
the correlation. The specific analysis shows that: the correlation values between the
effectiveness and efficiency of attractiveness were -0.388, -0.344, -0.224, -0.134, both
close to 0, and the P value was >0.05, It shows that there is a significant negative cor-
relation between majors and ease of learning. According to the statistical data, the com-
puter background is easier to learn the system.
3.4 Conclusion
Through quantitative evaluation of user experience and through correlation analysis
using SPSS, the conclusion is drawn as follows:
(1) The independent background of the subject's background has little influence on
the user experience. Therefore, designers should pay attention to the commonality of
people's cognition to guide the design of information physics system.
(2) According to the survey, the user experience of the tunnel monitoring manage-
ment system designed with interaction base on logic of behaviors is better than interac-
tion base on logic of things. The results of this survey provide a reference for the similar
cyber-physical systems design.
4 Results and Discussion
Due to the rapid development of the Internet of Things and smart cities, our demand
for information management systems has also changed dramatically. The first change
is reflected in “visual usability”, and the proper expression and information guidance
of a large amount of data is particularly important. Secondly, the interactive character-
istics of data information should be more concerned. The choice about logic of things
and logic of behaviors has different effects on the use of the system. The ease of use of
the digital interactive interface and the efficiency of processing each task can also
greatly enhance the user experience of the system. The design of an excellent physical
information system urgently requires an interactive experience, cognitive psychology,
and visual visualization to be put on the agenda.
In summary, through the design survey, it is found that the overall design of the data
monitoring and management system of the cyber-physical system should be based on
the effective communication of information and the high consistency of the main oper-
ational tasks. From the perspective of researching a mental model that meets user ex-
pectations, we can develop products with clear logical relationships and satisfying us-
At the end, some content of this article can be extended. First of all, the subjects
were only in the high-knowledge group throughout the survey, it has not been explored
for a wider population. Secondly, the collection of experimental materials and experi-
mental data is not obtained in the real use of the scene, and the user behavior is greatly
affected by the scene, emotion, etc., which may have an impact on the experimental
results. Finally, with the development of big data, the exploration of data application
products must be forward, it is hoped that through sufficient practice exploration and
induction and can obtain design rules that can be widely used.
Acknowledgments. The research financial supports from the Natural Science Youth
Foundation of Hubei Province (Project No: 2017CFB276), Hubei Provincial Teaching
Research Project (Project No: 2017055), Hubei Provincial Department of Education
Humanities and Social Sciences Project (Project No: 18G002), Program of Introduction
of Entrepreneurial Talents in Dongguan.
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