The Warsaw Uprising, on account of its tragedy and heroism still be one of the most important event in polish history. Moreover it is results of many debates, which focus on answer a question about uprising’s vadility. This reflection accompany polish revolts in 19th century: battle or not battle? The aim of this master’s dissertation is demonstrate romantic and positivistic traditions in debate about The Warsaw Uprising. In Author’s opinion these traditions determinate perception of history in Poland nad impact on political culture.
Dissertation begins describes romantic, positivistic in Poland and polish historiography from 19th century and disputes over uprisings in 1831 and 1864. Second chapter whole focuses on historians’ opinion on The Warsaw Uprising and points out breakthrough in 1989, when most of historians changed their believe. Next Author, based on qualitative content analysis describes perception of The Warsaw Uprising in domestic and foreign press, with special regard to periodicals published by the most important polish emigartion's centers. In the last part Author reflects on role of Uprising in public space, forms of its memorialisation, mainly in The Warsaw Rising Museum. The research process confirmed Author’s hypothesis that indicates special role and topicality of romantic tradition.