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„Przeklnie rozum tysiąckroć Powstanie, serce ujrzy tysiąckroć je w glorii”. Pozytywistyczne i romantyczne tradycje w debatach i sporach nad powstaniem warszawskim



The Warsaw Uprising, on account of its tragedy and heroism still be one of the most important event in polish history. Moreover it is results of many debates, which focus on answer a question about uprising’s vadility. This reflection accompany polish revolts in 19th century: battle or not battle? The aim of this master’s dissertation is demonstrate romantic and positivistic traditions in debate about The Warsaw Uprising. In Author’s opinion these traditions determinate perception of history in Poland nad impact on political culture. Dissertation begins describes romantic, positivistic in Poland and polish historiography from 19th century and disputes over uprisings in 1831 and 1864. Second chapter whole focuses on historians’ opinion on The Warsaw Uprising and points out breakthrough in 1989, when most of historians changed their believe. Next Author, based on qualitative content analysis describes perception of The Warsaw Uprising in domestic and foreign press, with special regard to periodicals published by the most important polish emigartion's centers. In the last part Author reflects on role of Uprising in public space, forms of its memorialisation, mainly in The Warsaw Rising Museum. The research process confirmed Author’s hypothesis that indicates special role and topicality of romantic tradition.
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The author discusses the institutionalization of the memory of the Warsaw Uprising as a process activated among other things due to its Museum opened in 2004. She presents how the museum contributes to the shaping of collective memory. She draws her conclusions from an analysis of programmatic and statute documents collected in the museum’s archives. On this basis she describes the mission and message of the Museum, with a special focus on the interpretation given to the Warsaw Uprising by the authors of the museum’s concept. She also presents how the contents to which they give preference are “translated” into the museum’s visual language as well as the architectural-visual plan of its permanent exhibition.
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Communist Propaganda Relating to the Home Army in 1943–1955More is known about the image of the Home Army in wartime and post–war communist propaganda from publicistics and a priori theses dealing with simple declarations about anti– AK attitudes and the falsification of history than from strictly scientific studies. Publications that would depict the creation and fluctuation of this image in collective memory are also lacking. It is thus worth drawing attention to a definition of the research theme as such. During the period in question the communists did not make a considerable distinction between AK, WiN (Freedom and Independence), NSZ (National Armed Forces) and other pro–independence organisations, on the one hand, and actual gangs of armed bandits who after the war acted the guise of the Underground, on the other hand.The image of the AK in post–war propaganda was a continuation of the accusatory stance devised by the PPR (Polish Workers’ Party) already in 1943, i.e. at the time of the German occupation. After the war equally negative slogans about AK responsibility for the „sanacja” government and defeat at the time of the September 1939 campaign, wartime passivity, affiliation with fascism, nationalism, and fratricide were furthered with accusations of murdering democrats, banditry, and collaboration with anti–Polish agents in the West.It is essential to indicate the changing perspective. During the so–called amnesty period the impact of anti–AK propaganda was diminished in order to encourage the conspirators to come out into the open. Soon, however, the campaign regained its previous state. The next stage proved even more important; note that at the end of the 1940s and especially during the early 1950s the communists changed their strategy and acknowledged the necessity of deploying a totally different method, i.e. remaining silent. The Home Army became mentioned in the media increasingly rarely and in time the attacks launched against it ceased almost entirely. They reappeared sporadically, e.g. upon the occasion of anniversaries of the Warsaw Uprising, which entailed the functioning of a division into „good” soldiers and „bad” commanders, with General Tadeusz „Bór” Komorowski as the symbolic archenemy.This is not to say that the attitude towards the Home Army actually changed. Pro–independence soldiers were imprisoned, investigated or remained unemployed. The new method aimed at a different target: the relegation of the existence of the underground army from collective memory and its replacement with communist formations. The ultimate goal was probably the creation of an image of communists monopolising the armed struggle and of small fascist bandits groups, which hindered armed struggle and which, for all practical purposes, were not even worthy of recollection.
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