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Over the last decade, Esports, defined as a form of organized video game competition, has emerged as a global phenomenon. The professional players who compete in Esports, namely, Eathletes, share many similarities with their traditional athlete counterparts. However, in sharp contrast to traditional athletes, there is a paucity of research investigating the factors that influence the performance of Eathletes. This gap in the literature is problematic because Eathletes are unable to make informed and empirically supported decisions about their performance management, unlike traditional athletes. Sleep is an important factor that influences athletic performance in traditional sports, particularly those that require a high level of cognitive demand. Research is yet to examine whether sleep also plays an important function in optimal performance and success of Eathletes in Esports. Accordingly, the aim of this opinion piece is to review the broader sleep and sports medicine literature and provide theoretically grounded suggestions as to how existing findings may apply to Eathletes competing professionally in Esports. Overall, it appears that Eathlete performance may be vulnerable to the deleterious effects of sleep restriction. Furthermore, Eathletes are likely at risk of sleep disturbances due to the unique situations and conditions that characterize Esports.
Sleep and performance in Eathletes: For the win!
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Sleep and performance in Eathletes: For the win!
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Sleep and Performance in Esports
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 -&;  ;;
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* "&
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---- &
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67<)"&;-& 
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 6<<"7<!
B&& 
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 D
C "- "
Potential Risk Factors for Sleep Disturbances in Eathletes
C  -
B-- 67<
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BB  -;"-
Caffeine use<B;B6:7 -"
657<,  
 "DABA
 -C <'  " BBD
 "- / +"
&-B "6?;17<
) D  "-- 
& <
Air travel< -&  
- ;B &67<
*" -&&- 
68;27<# B
 "&-B B<' 
 C B""
AC -""67<
 A<
Pre-competition and competition nights. *;"
/-#67 &  
"<)B"- "
-  &"
"&"<*C &B-&;
  & -
; - D"<"-
 - D-";
  -<
Evening use of light emitting devices.& 
 & ;&B
C "&""67<*
"  
67<,B& BA
-& - B<
 -"
& &<
Sleep disorders.  
"C "C "67<)&
 "6<<'-B-"
&" -""-"
" " 
<) "-B
&6:7 - <
Performance enhancing substances. '-"*"
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<' *&
 "657<,D
& B&" -
<$& - "
   -6?7<
Conclusions and Future Research Directions
)C 
& B"- &
& <*&
B"   &
- <"
"D& - 
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- <, 
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1. BA<21-<0>>BA<>>;
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2. )")G<Raising the stakes: E-sports and the professionalization of computer
3. #HHH,G<) 
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... Research consistently demonstrates that lack of sleep leads to decreased reaction time, slower processing speed, and impaired visual motor performance. In essence, poor sleep quality can impose considerable limitations on athletes in today's competitive world [7]. Despite this knowledge, many athletes still grapple with insufficient sleep, which, in turn, can impact their mental health and psychological skills during training and competition [8]. ...
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Background: Football players, in their pursuit of optimal physical and mental performance, frequently employ various recovery techniques. Among these, sleep emerges as a consistently highlighted and crucial element in athletes’ physical and cognitive performance. Aim: This study aimed to investigate the correlation between sleep quality and mental toughness (MT), while concurrently exploring the relationship between MT and different football positions. Materials and Methods: A total of 473 Iranian football players, comprising 287 males and 186 females, were selected through a simple random sampling method by completing two questionnaires that assessed their sleep quality (PSQI) and MT (SMTQ-14). Results: The findings showed that athletes with higher subjective sleep quality and longer sleep duration demonstrated high levels of MT. Moreover, defenders and attackers exhibited the highest levels of MT compared to other playing positions. Notably, male football players reported higher sleep quality and MT compared to their female counterparts. Conclusion: This study focused on the relationship between sleep quality and MT among football players. The study revealed that both male and female football players with better sleep quality and longer sleep duration had higher MT, with males scoring higher overall. Moreover, defenders regardless of gender, exhibited the strongest MT.
... In a recent study by , the authors proposed that action performance metrics (which include reaction time) directly contribute to outcome performance (e.g., winning or losing). Although this study related to Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, given that many esports games are fast paced, reaction time likely plays an important role across games (Bonnar et al., 2019). Hence, the PVT appears suitable for esports sleep research. ...
The overall aim of the present study was to examine the daily patterns and relationships between sleep behavior, anxiety, mood (i.e., depression symptoms) and cognitive performance (i.e., reaction time) in esports athletes competing in an Oceanic Rocket League Championship Series regional event. Sixteen participants completed a daily sleep diary, evening anxiety measure, and an afternoon mood measure and cognitive performance task. Measures were taken (i) pre-competition), (ii) across the competition days, and (iii) post-competition. We found that participants’ lights out time was earliest across the competition nights. Sleep onset latency gradually lengthened pre-competition and across the competition nights, eventually exceeding normal limits. Wake after sleep onset was longest across the competition nights but remained within normal limits. Wake-up time was earliest at the start of the competition period but consistently late on most other days. Total sleep time was generally adequate but mildly reduced the night before the first day of competition. There was no significant relationship between anxiety and subsequent sleep, nor a relationship between total sleep time and next day mood or cognitive performance. Future research should investigate whether these findings generalize to esports athletes from other games, at higher levels of competition, and different start times.
... Hoy en día, deporte o no, los e-sports se comportan a nivel social, económico y político como un deporte. De hecho, como si se tratase de un deporte convencional, comienza a haber literatura científi ca acerca de cómo aumentar el rendimiento en las competiciones, estudiándose la suplementación con cafeína (Sainz et al., 2020) o cómo les afecta la falta de sueño (Bonnar et al., 2019). En este sentido, convendría señalar algunas defi niciones alternativas de deporte, como la de Deporte 4.0, que busca hacer referencia a una evolución en cuanto a la práctica, desarrollo, concepción y organización del deporte que ha tenido lugar en las últimas décadas, implicando cambios tanto cuantitativos como cualitativos, es decir, nuevos deportes y cómo se viven estos. ...
La sociología es una ciencia que tiene como propósito hacer pensar sobre la realidad social, analizarla críticamente, visualizar ésta desde una mirada holística, global y, a la vez, singular, que cambia a lo largo del tiempo y que es heterogénea. Pero esta mirada no es un fin en sí mismo. Los datos sociológicos son de vital importancia, porque nos ayudan a ubicar la realidad social y denunciar o criticar situaciones de injusticia social y favorecer el diseño de políticas públicas. Esa visión holística de la vida social nos permite reconocer la influencia recíproca entre los pilares de la socialización (familia, sistema educativo, sistema político, economía y religión) y el deporte, los valores y actitudes que lo caracterizan, los hábitos y comportamientos deportivos, la desigual distribución de esta práctica entre hombres y mujeres, jóvenes y mayores, clases populares y clases altas, grupos étnicos y personas de distinta orientación sexual y todo ello según diferentes épocas y lugares. En este volumen se recogen las contribuciones de un nutrido grupo de especialistas que abordan cuestiones de interés social como la perspectiva de género en el deporte, las violencias sexuales, la violencia sobre menores, la edad, la clase social y la diversidad sexual, las identidades y emociones en el deporte, la gestión de conflictos, el tratamiento informativo, los usos de los espacios públicos y los nuevos deportes alternativos, la emergencia del deporte en el medio natural y su contribución al desarrollo rural, su papel en la intervención social y la irrupción de las nuevas tecnologías digitales. Todo ello con el propósito de enriquecer el conocimiento del fenómeno deportivo, tanto en las aulas universitarias como en el ámbito científico y en el de la opinión pública.
... Regarding personal variables, sleep, nutrition, or psychological state, have been the most studied in the competition environment. Thus, previous research have shown that the performance of the players was diminished by sleep disturbances that affect the rest of the players, being furthermore likely to present sleep disorders due to the unique situations and conditions that characterize them (12) and that although esports players maintain a regular sleep pattern, most do not reach the minimum recommended sleep guidelines, with the best performing players being those who slept more, spent more time in deep sleep and less time in light sleep, showed lower non-REM respiration rates per minute, and earlier sleep offset (8); that nutrition and supplementation also seemed relevant, with performance being higher when nutrition was adequate, but more scientific evidence is needed to corroborate this (9); and that the psychological state of players seemed to influence competitive performance (6), and was also related to changes in certain physiological parameters such as heart rate (13). ...
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Introduction Esports have experienced tremendous growth in recent years. In the scientific field, previous research has shown the determining role of psychology in competitive performance, but little is known about the factors that may be more determinant. In addition, in the amateur field, where fun and enjoyment are the most important factors, it has been observed that players can see their psychological state altered due to different factors, but it is not known if the outcome of the game (win or lose) can be influential. For this reason, the aim of the present investigation was to analyze changes in players' mood between three consecutive games as a function of the outcome of each game. Methods A total of 14 amateur players participated in the research, all of them with previous experience and being regular League of Legends players. The participants completed the POMS questionnaire before the start of each game and the outcome of each game was recorded at the end. Results The results showed that no significant pre-game differences were found in any of the games, regardless of winning or losing. Significant differences were found in the pre-game mood between the first and second game, according to the outcome of the first game, and between the second and third game, according to the outcome of the second game. Between the first and second games, there was a significant increase in depression (p = 0.038) and anger (p = 0.003) when the first game was lost; and between the second and third games, there was a decrease in tension (p = 0.003) and anger (p = 0.022) when the second game was won. In addition, it should be noted that fatigue increased significantly after each game, regardless of the outcome, and with respect to the change in mood, this was more noticeable when the first game was lost and the second was won, as significant changes were observed in tension (p = 0.028), depression (p = 0.030) and anger (p = 0.006). Conclusion Pre-match mood does not influence post-match performance, but mood changes do occur between successive matches depending on the outcome of the match.
... particularly susceptible to sleep deprivation, characterized by habitually short sleep (<7 hr/night) and poor sleep quality (e.g., sleep fragmentation), which can lead to impaired sports performance (Bonnar et al., 2019) such as slower reaction times, reduced endurance performance, and reduced motor performance (Lastella et al., 2014;Thun et al., 2015). ...
Research has shown that elite athletes frequently experience both insufficient and poor-quality sleep. In the present study, we examined the effectiveness of a sleep optimization intervention comprised of mindfulness and sleep hygiene on insomnia severity, symptoms of anxiety, stress, and emotion dysregulation among football players with sleep complaints. Sixty male football players with sleep complaints (mean age = 29.31, SD = 3.8) were randomly assigned to the active control condition (wellness program) or the sleep optimization intervention program (mindfulness plus sleep hygiene). All participants filled out questionnaires on insomnia severity, anxiety, perceived stress, and emotion dysregulation. Three data assessments were made: one at the start of the intervention (baseline), one at the end of the intervention 8 weeks later (posttest), and one 4 weeks after the posttest (follow-up). The severity of insomnia, anxiety, stress, and emotion dysregulation decreased over time in the sleep optimization group from baseline to posttest and at the follow-up. According to the present results, a sleep optimization intervention reduced insomnia, anxiety, stress symptoms, and emotion dysregulation in football players with sleep complaints.
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Purpose It is presumed by many that acute sleep loss results in degraded in-game esports (competitive, organized video game play) performance. However, this has not been experimentally investigated to date. The objective of the current experiment was to elucidate whether ~29hrs of total sleep deprivation impacts in-game performance for the popular esport Rocket League. Patients and Methods Twenty skill-matched pairs (N = 40 total) were recruited. Within each pair, one participant was assigned to an intervention group (TSD), while the other was assigned to a control group (CON). Two test sessions occurred; one while both participants were rested (baseline), and the other while the CON participant was rested but the TSD participant was sleep deprived (experimental). Results Following total sleep deprivation, TSD participants reported higher Karolinska Sleepiness Scale-measured subjective sleepiness and lower subjective alertness and motivation, as well as worsened PVT response speed and ~5 times greater PVT lapse incidence, and worsened response speed on a two-choice categorization task. However, overall in-game Rocket League performance did not worsen due to total sleep deprivation. Exploratory analyses of performance indicators suggest a potential shift toward a simpler and safer strategy following sleep deprivation. Conclusion Following a bout of ~29hrs total sleep deprivation, overall in-game Rocket League performance remained unaffected. This presents as a promising finding given the high potential for acute pre-competition sleep disturbance in esports, though habitual sleep remains a concern for esport athletes.
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На кіберспортсменів діє низка загрозливих чинників. На тлі зростання популярності кіберспорту серед здобувачів вищої освіти дедалі більш актуальним стає питання щодо впливу кіберспорту на їхнє здоров’я. Мета дослідження – дослідити негативні чинники та перевірити вплив кіберспорту на здоров’я здобувачів вищої освіти. Результати. У дослідженні прийняло участь 46 студентів – здобувачів вищої освіти Національного університету фізичного виховання і спорту, з яких 27 займаються кіберспортом. Установлено, що попри відсутність статистично значущих відмінностей (p>0.05), під впливом занять кіберспортом у студентів простежується тенденція до порушень опорно-рухового апарату, посилення скелетно-м’язових болів, погіршення зору. Під впливом кіберспортивної діяльності статистично значуще (p<0.05) посилюється ризик виникнення психоемоційних проблем. Доведено, що найбільш небезпечними чинниками негативного впливу на здоров’я кіберспортсменів є постійна взаємодія з монітором, тривале перебування в статичній позі сидячи за комп’ютером, порушення ергономічно- оптимальної пози користувача ПК, а також порушення балансу між заняттями кіберспортивною та іншими видами діяльності, що спричиняє виникнення психоемоційних розладів. Виявлено, що існують статистично значущі (p<0.05) відмінності між частотою випадків, коли кіберспортсмени характеризуються пасивним способом життя або менше часу приділяють заняттям оздоровчо-рекреаційною руховою активністю порівняно зі студентами, які не займаються кіберспортом. Висновки. Знижений рівень рухової активності у здобувачів вищої освіти, які займаються кіберспортом, може посилювати дію негативних чинників.
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Recent work demonstrates that those who regularly play action video games (AVGs) consistently outperform non‐gamer (NG) controls on tests of various cognitive abilities. AVGs place high demands on several cognitive functions and are often engaged with for long periods of time (e.g., over 2 h), predisposing players to experiencing cognitive fatigue. The detrimental effects of cognitive fatigue have been widely studied in various contexts where accurate performance is crucial, including aviation, military, and sport. Even though AVG players may be prone to experiencing cognitive fatigue, this topic has received little research attention to date. In this study, we compared the effect of a cognitively fatiguing task on the subsequent cognitive performance of action video game players and NG control participants. Our results indicated AVGs showed superior spatial working memory and complex attention abilities while showing no difference from NGs on simple attention performance. Additionally, we found that our cognitive fatigue and control interventions did not differentially affect the cognitive performance of AVGs and NGs in this study. This pre‐registered study provides evidence that AVGs show superior cognitive abilities in comparison to a non‐gaming population, but do not appear more resilient to cognitive fatigue.
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Over the past decade, the number of studies on cognitive performance in esports has increased in line with its popularity. Cognitive functions like task switching, information processing, attention, and memory have been identified as an integral part of cognitive performance. In parallel, different types of training, ranging from physical to a combination of cognitive and motor tasks, have emerged as promising strategies to improve cognitive function and thus performance of esports players. However, only acute high-intensity interval training was studied in esports players and exclusively in recreational players. Due to the lack of specialized training programs for esports coaches, the small number of professional esports players and the relative youth of professional esports practice, there is a large gap in the literature regarding cognitive performance training methods to improve the cognitive performance of professional esports players. Based on these results, the present invited commentary encourages further studies to be conducted among professional esports players. Indeed, research perspectives are necessary to develop training protocols and optimal training schedules to improve professional esports players’ performance. In addition, this commentary supports the collaboration between academic and professional esports organizations. Finally, we provide recommendations to allow a win-win condition for both researchers and professional esports players in the future.
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Purpose of review: This article reviews the neurobehavioral deficits resulting from sleep loss in adults, various countermeasures to mitigate these effects, and biomarkers to identify individual differences in neurobehavioral responses. Recent findings: Total sleep deprivation and chronic sleep restriction increase the homeostatic sleep drive and diminish waking neurobehavioral functioning, producing deficits in attention, memory and cognitive speed, increases in sleepiness and fatigue, and unstable wakefulness. Recovery sleep, extension of sleep, and use of caffeine and/or naps are all effective countermeasures to mitigate these responses. Candidate gene and various "omics" approaches have identified biomarkers that may predict such responses. Sleep loss is increasingly prevalent and produces reliable, differential neurobehavioral deficits across individuals. Recent research has identified biomarkers to predict these responses, though future work is warranted, such that precise determination of who will develop neurobehavioral decrements from sleep loss will be possible.
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In healthy male top athletes several functions were measured after either a westbound flight over six time-zones (WEST: Frankfurt-Atlanta; n = 13) or an eastbound flight over eight time-zones (EAST: Munich-Osaka; n = 6). Under either condition the athletes performed two standardized exercise training units in the morning and in the afternoon within 24 h, investigations were done as controls in Germany and on day 1, 4, 6, and 11, after arrival. The primary aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of time-zone transitions on the 24h profiles of blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR) using an ambulatory BP device (SpaceLabs 90207), for up to 11 d after arrival at the destination. As additional parameters, we studied jet-lag symptoms, training performance, and training coordination by using visual analog scales. Finally, oral temperature and grip strength were measured, and saliva samples were analyzed for cortisol and melatonin. The study showed that all functions were disturbed on the first day after arrival at the destination, jet-lag symptoms remained until day 5-6 after WEST and day 7 after EAST, training performance was worst within the first 4 d after WEST. In accordance with earlier reports, cortisol, melatonin, body temperature, and grip strength were affected in their 24h profiles and additionally modified by the training units. Surprisingly, BP and HR were not only affected on the first day but also the time-zone transition led to an increase in BP after WEST and a decrease in BP after EAST. However, the training units seemed to influence the BP profile more than the time-zone transitions. HR rhythm was affected by both time-zone transitions and exercise. It is concluded that not only jet-lag symptoms but also alterations in physiological functions should be considered to occur in highly competitive athletes due to time-zone transition and, therefore, an appropriate time of reentrainment is recommended.