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Semantic query languages for knowledge-based web services in a construction context


Abstract and Figures

Since the early 2000s, different frameworks were set up to enable web-based collaboration in building projects. Unfortunately, none of these initiatives was granted a long life. Recently, however, the use of web technologies in the building industry has been gaining momentum again, considered some promising technologies for reaching a more interoperable BIM practice. Specifically, this relates to (1) Linked Data and Semantic Web technologies, and (2) cloud-based applications. In order to combine these into a network of interlinked applications and datastores, an agreed-upon mechanism for automatic communication and data retrieval needs to be used. Apart from the W3C standard SPARQL, often considered too high a threshold for developers to implement, there are some recent GraphQL-based solutions that simplify the querying process and its implementation into web services. In this paper, we review two recent open source technologies based on GraphQL, that enable to query Linked Data on the web: GraphQL-LD and HyperGraphQL.
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Extended Abstract - Semantic query languages for knowledge-based web
services in a construction context
Jeroen Werbroucka,b, Madhumitha Senthilvela, Jakob Beetza, Pierre Bourreauc, Léon van Berlod
a RWTH Aachen University, Germany
b Ghent University, Belgium
c Institut pour la Transition Energétique Nobatek/Inef4, France
d Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research TNO, the Netherlands
1. Introduction
Building Information Modelling (BIM) has proven itself an extremely valuable asset for the
construction industry, in terms of design, planning, rule checking and collaboration. However,
a lot of fragmentation persists; each of the many stakeholders involved in a project has different
methods and different software tools that need to exchange information. Conversion to standard
exchange formats such as the Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) enables such cross-domain
communication only partly.
Over recent years, the use of web technologies in the building industry has been gaining
momentum, considered promising mechanisms for reaching a more interoperable BIM practice.
Specifically, this relates to (1) cloud-based applications, and (2) Linked Data and Semantic
Web technologies. Cloud-based initiatives for streamlining collaboration in building projects
have known a long history. Spanning nearly two decades, they go from the (discontinued)
frameworks in the early 2000s IMSvr (Hietanen, 2002) and BLIS/SABLE (BLIS-project, 2002;
Kiviniemi et al., 2005) to the more recent and popular model server BIMserver (Beetz et al.,
2010), and the recently introduced concept of “BIM bots” (van Berlo, n.d.). These projects are
all based on collaboration and exchange through IFC. However, IFC only spans certain
disciplines and offers limited interoperability with domains that are not covered in the schema.
Such interoperability can be provided by adopting Linked Data technologies.
The idea that the application of Linked Data concepts could seriously enhance interoperability
and collaboration has been documented multiple times already (Beetz et al., 2005; Pauwels et
al., 2017; Pauwels and Terkaj, 2016; Rasmussen et al., 2017), and several research projects are
currently working on making Linked Data-based BIM more mature. With the use of the Linked
Data standard RDF (Resource Description Framework)1, it is possible to construct dedicated
vocabularies for each related sub-discipline, connected with one another in a neutral format and
without information loss. An additional advantage of such Linked Data vocabularies over
traditional, monolithic, domain-specific information models such as IFC is their modularity,
which increases the flexibility to address domain specific and local challenges.
In order to combine both topics, the threshold for developing Linked Data applications needs
to be lowered (Verborgh, 2018). Web applications need to communicate in an efficient way, to
enable the interoperability and automation potential given by these technologies. The W3C
standard for creating, querying and updating Linked Data databases is SPARQL2. SPARQL
has proven to be a very powerful querying language, but it is also known to be cumbersome
1, W3C
2, W3C
and a threshold for developers that do not have a lot of experience with Linked Data triples. To
overcome these issues, initiatives such as GraphQL-LD (Taelman et al., 2018) and
HypergraphQL3 rely on the API querying language GraphQL4, but extend it with Linked Data
querying functionality, so it is possible to fetch the necessary data from the distributed RDF
building model. The advantage of these initiatives is that no real Linked Data knowledge is
needed to develop a service that makes nevertheless use of its core principles: GraphQL is
flexible and clearly structured, designed to build client applications, their data requirements and
interactions; the query response being structured according to the widely used JSON-format.
2. Methodology
In this paper, we investigate the use of existing open-source GraphQL-based solutions for
querying the semantic web; HyperGraphQL and GraphQL-LD. Firstly, an overview is given
about some past and present frameworks for cloud-based collaboration in construction, based
on IFC. Then, recent developments regarding Linked Data for the building industry are
outlined, followed by a brief discussion on Semantic Web query languages. A comparison is
made between the solutions proposed by HyerGraphQL and GraphQL, according to different
criteria, with a focus on schema versus schemaless deployment, the use of intermediary servers,
type querying and the need for updating functionality. Whenever deemed relevant, example use
cases are implemented for clarification and comparison.
3. Outcomes
This comparison results in a table that compares the discussed GraphQL approaches with one
another and with SPARQL. Because different use cases are possible, the application of a query
language can differ depending on scenario: communication between web-applications and
databases is different from retrieving information from fixed datasets. Because GraphQL-LD
uses a serverless and schemaless deployment, it is considered more flexible to implement in
web applications. However, for querying specific datasets for specific data patterns,
HyperGraphQL offers a good way of exposing certain data and hide other. The outcomes of
this comparison will serve as an input for further development of Linked Data based solutions
for collaboration in building projects, to come a step closer to the use of interoperable web-
tools in practice.
4. Acknowledgements
The authors would like to acknowledge the support by both the BIM4REN project, which has
received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program
under grant agreement No 820773 and the UGent Special Research Fund (BOF).
Beetz, J., van Berlo, L., de Laat, R., van den Helm, P., 2010. BIMserver. org–An open source
IFC model server, in: Proceedings of the CIP W78 Conference. p. 8.
3, Semantic Integration Ltd.
4, Facebook Inc.
Beetz, J., Van Leeuwen, J.P., De Vries, B., 2005. An ontology web language notation of the
industry foundation classes, in: Proceedings of the 22nd CIB W78 Conference on
Information Technology in Construction. Technical University of Dresden, p. 670.
BLIS-project, 2002. BLIS Building Lifecycle Interoperable Software. URL http://www.blis-
Hietanen, J., 2002. BLIS review: IMSvr. BLIS.
Kiviniemi, A., Fischer, M., Bazjanac, V., 2005. Integration of multiple product models: Ifc
model servers as a potential solution, in: Proc. of the 22nd CIB-W78 Conference on
Information Technology in Construction.
Pauwels, P., Terkaj, W., 2016. EXPRESS to OWL for construction industry: Towards a
recommendable and usable ifcOWL ontology. Automation in Construction 63, 100–
Pauwels, P., Zhang, S., Lee, Y.-C., 2017. Semantic Web Technologies in AEC Industry: A
Literature Overview. Automation in Construction 73, 145–165.
Rasmussen, M., Pauwels, P., Lefrançois, M., Schneider, G.F., Hviid, C., Karlshøj, J., 2017.
Recent Changes in the Building Topology Ontology, in: LDAC2017-5th Linked Data
in Architecture and Construction Workshop.
Taelman, R., Vander Sande, M., Verborgh, R., 2018. GraphQL-LD: Linked Data Querying with
GraphQL, in: ISWC2018, the 17th International Semantic Web Conference.
van Berlo, L., n.d. - Automate your work with BIM Bots. URL
Verborgh, R., 2018. Designing a Linked Data Developer Experience. URL
Semantic query languages for knowledge-based web services in a
construction context
Jeroen Werbroucka,b, Madhumitha Senthilvela, Jakob Beetza, Pierre Bourreauc, Léon van Berlod
a RWTH Aachen University, Germany
b Ghent University, Belgium
c Institut pour la Transition Energétique Nobatek/Inef4, France
d Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research TNO, the Netherlands
Abstract. Since the early 2000s, different frameworks were set up to enable web-based
collaboration in building projects. Unfortunately, none of these initiatives was granted a long life.
Recently, however, the use of web technologies in the building industry has been gaining momentum
again, considered some promising technologies for reaching a more interoperable BIM practice.
Specifically, this relates to (1) Linked Data and Semantic Web technologies, and (2) cloud-based
applications. In order to combine these into a network of interlinked applications and datastores, an
agreed-upon mechanism for automatic communication and data retrieval needs to be used. Apart
from the W3C standard SPARQL, often considered too high a threshold for developers to
implement, there are some recent GraphQL-based solutions that simplify the querying process and
its implementation into web services. In this paper, we review two recent open source technologies
based on GraphQL, that enable to query Linked Data on the web: GraphQL-LD and HyperGraphQL.
1. Introduction
Building Information Modelling (BIM) has proven itself an extremely valuable asset for the
construction industry. However, a lot of fragmentation persists, due to the large number of
stakeholders in a typical construction project, each one relying on specialized software
packages that often use proprietary formats. This fragmentation makes it difficult to exploit the
full potential of digitisation in the building industry. To improve interoperability, the Industry
Foundation Classes (IFC)1 are the international standard for exchange of construction-related
data. However, because the IFC schema includes an enormous amount of classes and properties,
software vendors almost never implement it completely; obviously, in most cases only the
subsets that are relevant to the tool’s purpose are considered. Additionally, the conversion
process from native formats to IFC files is seldom watertight, making the ideal scenario of
lossless information flow very difficult, if not impossible to achieve (Kiviniemi et al., 2005;
Shafiq et al., 2018). Interoperability and interdisciplinarity become even more complicated
when dealing with disciplines that are not taken into account in the IFC schema. These are
mainly areas that relate to parts of the Building Life Cycle (BLC) that are not directly involved
with construction itself, e.g. heritage conservation, Facility Management and implementation
of GIS data (Geographic Information Systems).
To tackle at least some of these challenges, there have been a number of initiatives to make the
construction industry more web-based, using web technologies for improved collaboration and
interdisciplinary crossovers. Specifically, this relates to (1) the use of cloud-based,
interconnected services (Afsari et al., 2016; Beetz et al., 2010b; Kiviniemi et al., 2005) and (2)
the use of Semantic Web technologies based on the Resource Description Framework (RDF)2
(Beetz et al., 2005; Pauwels et al., 2017). Instead of ‘monolithic’ software suites that claim to
encompass the entire BLC, cloud-based, service-oriented BIM applications dedicated to a
single purpose are considered much more agile, since their modularity allows easy extension
and custom chaining of tools. Recently, this service-oriented concept was re-introduced as
‘BIM bots’ (van Berlo, n.d.). As demonstrated by the recent Solid (Social Linked Data)
framework (Mansour et al., 2016), these topics are tightly connected and do not only apply to
the building industry, but to virtually all disciplines that are concerned with data exchange.
The combination of improvements in web infrastructure with current web technologies and
their implementations for the building industry might provide the right receipt for the setup of
a Linked Data-based descendant of the earlier frameworks such as IMSvr (Hietanen, 2002)
BLIS/SABLE (BLIS-project, 2002; Kiviniemi et al., 2005) or the BIMserver (Beetz et al.,
2010b). As in these frameworks, the most appropriate service for a specific task could be chosen
out of a network of interconnected online tools. The main difference would be, however, that
in this context the service fetches the data by requesting it from the distributed RDF building
model rather than from an IFC file on a central server. Such approach is being actively pushed
in the web community by initiatives such as Solid (Mansour et al., 2016) and OSLC (OASIS
Open Project, n.d.). This way, not only BIM data from within the framework’s software pool
can be integrated, but also the immense stack of open data on the web, including non-BIM
related information about geology, weather data, historic data etc.
For such a network of connected web services and data pods to exchange information efficiently
and unambiguously, they need to make use of international standards. Therefore, an essential
part for a successful set up of a Linked Data-based network of BLC-oriented services is to
identify possible solutions for data exchange. A starting point is the W3C standard for querying
Linked Data, SPARQL (SPARQL Protocol and RDF Query Language)3. However, SPARQL
is often considered too high a threshold for software developers (Taelman et al., 2018b;
Verborgh, 2018). Recently, a number of initiatives were launched for making Linked Data
querying more accessible, by extending the GraphQL query language (Facebook Inc., 2016) to
encompass Linked Data as well (Taelman et al., 2019): proprietary solutions such as Stardog
and TopBraid, and open source technologies such as HyperGraphQL (Semantic Integration
Ltd., n.d.) and GraphQL-LD (Taelman et al., 2018b). In this paper, we discuss the main
differences between HyperGraphQL and GraphQL-LD, as these are open source solutions.
In the following sections, we first review existing concepts for cloud-based collaboration in
construction projects, based on IFC (Section 2.1). This is followed by a brief introduction to
Linked Data (Section 2.2), after which some characteristics of semantic web query languages
are discussed (Section 2.3). Finally, they are compared according to multiple criteria, illustrated
by some exemplary queries on a Linked Building Project (Section 3).
2. Related Work
2.1 IFC Model Servers
In the past, numerous methods have been explored for facilitating a collaborative platform for
working with shared IFC models. File-based exchange between stakeholders gave rise to
2, W3C, accessed 25/03/2019
3, W3C, visited 15/12/2018
numerous problems including failure to handle IFC complexity and facilitate flexible data
access. To combat these challenges, one of the potential solutions suggested was the use of
Model Servers. Model Servers act as a database with a set of server applications that provide
multi-user database management and also allow the use of IFC as the underlying database
structure. A Model Server environment offers considerable advantages over file-based
exchanges. For example, they provide flexibility for a multi-disciplinary management,
scalability for larger projects, and more (Jørgensen et al., 2008).
Some notable initiatives in Model Server development are the BLIS/SABLE project, IMSvr,
BIMServer, and BIMSie. SABLE aimed at increasing the interoperability application through
semantic model sharing using SOAP. (BLIS-project, 2002). Its outputs were distinct domain
specific APIs which handle the information exchange required by client applications for the
respective domains. These relate to the BLIS views (Kiviniemi et al., 2005). On the other hand,
in the IMSvr project, a combination of relational databases based on the IFC EXPRESS schema
and a XML SOAP API was developed to expose server functionality. These initiatives were
aimed at the entire organisation of BIM workflows through web technologies. However, real-
world datasets proved much too complex and large for the web-technologies that were used
back in the days; these were not able to extract and process multiple partial models for different
construction-related tasks, with high computational demands, and requiring quick access to
different data sources that contain disparate data. While these initiatives are now discontinued,
the experiences gained in the projects and the results were constructive in developing future
practices such as MVDs and IDM, which now form some of the basic concepts of IFC.
Two more recent Model Server developments, BIMServer and BIMSie, are currently being
adopted by a wider community. BIMServer is based on a flexible model based layers including
the model schema defined in ISO 10303 EXPRESS which in turn is used to generate a Meta
Object Facility (MOF) described as an XML Metadata Interchange (XMI) model. Beyond these
layers, BIMServer also facilitates user operations for management of data. Querying and
filtering of data, user management and access rights are some of the possible operations in the
current implementation (Beetz et al., 2010a). The BIMSie project furthered the BIMServer
project through standardisation of a web services API for online BIM services. Such API
standardisation enables machine-to-machine exchange of BIM data and stimulates innovation
towards broader implementation of BIM bots. BIMSie is as protocol independent as possible
and supports JSON and SOAP (van Berlo, 2013).
With the years, distributed, service-oriented architectures became more mature, allowing to
establish chains of processes that connect different services over the globe. These chains of
connected tools rely on advances in network technologies, which allow data exchange to take
place at an unseen rate. At the same time, more and more sectors are adopting semantic web
technologies (Berners-Lee et al., 2001), which allow to link individual statements (data at the
smallest possible scale) with one another over the web. This happens in a way that this data can
be uniquely identified all over the world, by both humans and digital actors, based on RDF.
2.2 Linked Data and the Building Industry
In the Linked Data technology stack, information is represented through the use of so-called
triples, which resemble basic sentences with a subject, a verb (predicate) and an object. Each
of these tree is denoted with a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), which gives it a unique and
universal context within the world wide web. This way, a data item can be referred to even if it
is not stored on the same server, and can in turn refer to other data somewhere on the web, thus
actively contributing to a global graph of Linked Data. Furthermore, domain models can be
developed with rules and taxonomies for certain disciplines. When distributed data makes use
of such domain models (‘ontologies’ or ‘vocabularies’), the ‘semantic’ in Semantic Web starts
to make sense.
The idea that the application of Linked Data concepts could seriously enhance interoperability
and collaboration in the AECO Industry (Architecture, Engineering, Construction, Operation)
has been documented multiple times by now (Beetz et al., 2005; Pauwels et al., 2017; Pauwels
and Terkaj, 2016; Rasmussen et al., 2017). With the use of Linked Data, it is possible to
construct vocabularies for each related sub-discipline, connected with one another in a neutral
format. This allows applications that are concerned with different aspects of the built
environment to connect and exchange information without information loss. Furthermore, since
vocabularies contain the information to interpret the data in a semantic way, automatic
reasoning and rule checking comes within reach (Pauwels et al., 2017). With this in mind,
several research projects are currently working on making Linked Data-based BIM more
mature. The setup of a Linked Data-based version of IFC was first proposed in (Beetz et al.,
2005) and has resulted in a buildingSMART-approved version ifcOWL (Pauwels and Terkaj,
2016). However, as ifcOWL covers the entire EXPRESS schema, it is a very large schema and
therefore not flexible to deal with topics that are not covered in the IFC standard. The W3C
Linked Building Data Working Group therefore targets the development of more modular
vocabularies that each address a specific building-related topic (Rasmussen et al., 2017). The
main advantage of such modular Linked Data vocabularies over traditional, monolithic,
domain-specific information models such as the IFCs is their modularity, which increases the
flexibility to address domain specific and local challenges.
2.3 Semantic Web Query Languages
As mentioned in Section 1, the W3C standard for creating, querying and updating Linked Data
databases is SPARQL. SPARQL has proven to be a very powerful querying language, but it is
also known to be cumbersome and a threshold for developers that have limited experience with
Linked Data. To overcome these issues, initiatives such as GraphQL-LD and HypergraphQL
rely on the API querying language GraphQL, but extend it with Linked Data querying
functionality, making it possible to fetch the necessary data from the distributed RDF datasets
by formulating simple GraphQL queries. The advantage of these initiatives is that no real
Linked Data knowledge is needed to develop a service that makes nevertheless use of its core
principles: GraphQL is flexible and clearly structured, designed to build client applications,
data requirements and interactions.
‘Plain’ GraphQL is both a query language and a specification. It focuses on minimising and
optimising data loads over the web, by connecting to a GraphQL API. Essential within
GraphQL is a schema that describes types, their attributes (fields) and the relationships of those
fields to other types or datatypes. In this perspective, the reference to graphs becomes obvious:
there are nodes (the types) and edges (the fields) that point to other nodes. Note that the data
structuring only happens in the schema, and therefore lacks the uniqueness of data and
relationships in Linked Data graphs. Nevertheless, this structure allows to describe data in a
linked and coherent way, and to query, update (mutate) and delete information.
As for developers, GraphQL as a query language is much more widely adopted than SPARQL.
This is explained by the fact that the semantic web service stack is still quite small compared
to services that use non-RDF databases, and that the learning curve for semantic web
technologies such as SPARQL is still quite steep (Verborgh, 2018). In GraphQL, querying
happens in a more straightforward and ‘cleaner’ way: essentially, both GraphQL queries and
their results are ‘tree-like’ queries, which make them easier to understand compared to
SPARQL, which aims to query full graphs with a universal context. A comparison between a
GraphQL query and a similar SPARQL query (with context) is given in table 1.
Table 1: GraphQL and SPARQL query
architect {
friends {
PREFIX ex: <>
PREFIX foaf: <>
SELECT ?name ?friendname
WHERE {?person a ex:architect .
?person foaf:name ?name .
?person foaf:knows ?friend .
?friend. foaf:name ?friendname .}
While there is essentially no relationship between GraphQL and SPARQL, a GraphQL query
might be extended by some dictionary that relates the used concepts to a universal
identification. This is exactly what happens in the semantic web extensions to GraphQL that
will be discussed and compared in the next section: GraphQL-LD and HyperGraphQL.
3. Comparison
In this section, GraphQL-LD and HyperGraphQL are compared according to multiple criteria:
x Schema use
x Updating functionality
x Intermediary servers
x Federated querying
x Type querying
x Reverse querying
Whenever relevant, construction-related queries are used as illustrations. The sample dataset is
a Linked Building Data (LBD) model of the CAAD chair at RWTH Aachen. This dataset was
previously prepared for Linked Data queries by converting the original IFC file to its LBD
equivalent, using the main LBD vocabularies BOT (Rasmussen et al., 2017), BuildingElement
and PROPS. This conversion was done using the IFCtoLBD4 converter (Bonduel et al., 2018).
3.1 GraphQL Schema
Semantic meaning in GraphQL is limited to the schema that is used. However, when extended
with a mapping that relates the necessary definitions to a universal context, it can be used to
also query RDF graphs. HyperGraphQL and GraphQL-LD implement this context differently.
The HyperGraphQL approach is closely related to the original GraphQL specifications. As with
GraphQL, HyperGraphQL uses a schema that determines which data can be queried and which
cannot. Each type and relationship in the schema is mapped to a URI that extends it to a
universal context. Further on, both the type itself and its fields need to point to a specific service
that needs to be queried.
4, accessed 30/03/19
In contrast with HyperGraphQL, GraphQL-LD does not require a schema to be defined. In fact,
it uses only the syntax of GraphQL to provide a streamlined querying experience, but ‘under
the hood’, this query is translated to a SPARQL query, making use of a JSON context that maps
the GraphQL definitions to URIs. The outcome of this GraphQL-to-SPARQL translation5 is
then used to perform a ‘classic’ SPARQL query. Results are presented in a tree-like structure6,
similar to a GraphQL response.
Both approaches have their benefits and disadvantages. Using a schema, HyperGraphQL
provides a formal mechanism of projecting RDF data via a ‘GraphQL lens’, thereby affecting
how clients can access certain data. On the one hand, this allows for fine-grained mapping of
definitions to the services that are queried. On the other hand, this introduces some rigidness in
the schema definition, as at the moment a class can only be mapped to one service7. The
decision to only use a JSON-LD context and no schema enables a more flexible approach and
allows to query the endpoint as a SPARQL query would, without restrictions on which data can
be queried and which cannot. This means it also does not support (nor does it need) GraphQL
schema introspection, which allows to see what kind of queries are supported: as all exposed
data can be queried with GraphQL-LD, such introspection feature is superfluous.
3.2 Updating
Updating databases with GraphQL happens with so-called mutations. These allow to create,
update and delete data. Similarly, SPARQL defines INSERT and DELETE; combining the two
can be regarded as updating. This being said, at the moment of writing, neither GraphQL-LD
nor HyperGraphQL supports mutations. When imagining a network of connected, interacting
tools and online datastores owned by different stakeholders, updating is an essential prerequisite
for enabling automatic communication. For now, regarding updating graph data on the web,
developers are limited to either SPARQL queries or software libraries that hide SPARQL’s
complexity, offering simple functionality to manipulate data (e.g. rdflib, rdflib.js, LDflex).
3.3 Intermediaries
As mentioned in Section 3.1, the setup of HyperGraphQL requires the setup of an intermediary
server, combining the provided schema and the Linked Data services defined in the
configuration file to expose a GraphQL endpoint. The parameters for this intermediary service
are given by a configuration file that points to the schema, the server port to use and the
information required to identify the right services (graphs). Consequentially, when one needs
to change the services to be queried, a new configuration file should be made, the schema types
should be changed to point towards the new service, and one should run a new server.
GraphQL-LD, in contrast with the above approach, works serverless; as it is part of the
Comunica framework (Taelman et al., 2018a), it can be embedded right into the application
code or executed independently via the command line. This is quite an advantage in terms of
ease-of-use for developers, and offers more flexibility for querying multiple services.
3.4 Data Federation
Both approaches allow to query multiple services. The main difference is that in
HyperGraphQL, these services need to be defined in a configuration file before setting up the
5, accessed 28/03/19
6, accessed 28/03/19
7, accessed 30/03/19
intermediary server, while GraphQL-LD adds them dynamically before it carries out the query.
Due to this implementation in Comunica, GraphQL-LD also allows to query graph data on the
web that is not exposed through a SPARQL endpoint, such as regular Turtle graphs that are
stored as documents. On the other hand, HyperGraphQL provides the functionality to query
other, remote HyperGraphQL services on the web.
3.5 Querying by Type
An advantage of HyperGraphQL’s usage of a schema, is that it automatically detects what can
be queried as a type, and what is a property. This is then used by the intermediary server to
automatically append to each type a ‘GET’ and a ‘GET_BY_ID’ extension, allowing to query
items respectively by type (Fig. 1) or by URI (Fig. 2). A disadvantage is that a type should be
stated explicitly in the graph, which is not always the case. For example, it cannot derive the
results for INST:Storey1 bot:hasSpace INST:Space1, when in the graph it is not explicitly stated
that INST:Space1 a bot:Space.
Figure 1: HyperGraphQL query to retrieve all instances of bot:Storey, by using Storey_GET.
The introspection schema can be expanded in the GraphiQL interface.
Figure 2: HyperGraphQL query to retrieve the instances of bot:Space of one specific instance
of bot:Storey, by using Storey_GET_BY_ID.
Another point is that, as far as we know, it is currently not possible to map relationships to more
than one schema type: for example, if the field ‘hasSpace’ is mapped to the type Space, we
cannot make it apply to something which is an instance of type Kitchen, although this might be
a subtype of Space. During the setup of our HyperGraphQL schema, any attempts to construct
a GraphQL UNION type to solve this, failed. In RDF, on the contrary, a resource can be an
instance of bot:Space and dogont:Kitchen at the same time. Since GraphQL-LD is in fact a
translation of a GraphQL query to SPARQL, such multiple type assignments are no real issue.
GraphQL-LD is mainly focused on predicates, i.e. on querying by the relationships between
nodes. Therefore, when querying for specific classes, a workaround is needed. The user should
then include a ‘_’ argument in the query and define ‘a’ in the context, referring to ‘rdf:type’.
The corresponding query is then a(_:Storey). As an illustration, in Table 2, we define a more
complex query for GraphQL-LD, that searches for the first 10 furniture elements of simple type
“Stuhl (2): Stuhl (CIP-Pool)”, and the bot:Space where this chair is located. The query contains
limitation, type querying and value querying. Some tricks are necessary to get the URI of the
furniture as well, since the translation from GraphQL-LD to SPARQL only takes the fields
without curly braces as SPARQL variables. This results in a somewhat cumbersome ‘double’
query for ‘containsElement’. This query has no equivalent in HyperGraphQL, since a ‘reverse’
context is used for backwards querying.
Table 2: Full GraphQL-LD query example
{ "Element": "",
"Furniture": "",
"containsElement": "",
"containedInZone": {"@reverse": ""},
"simpleType": "",
"a": "",
"simpleName": "" }
{ containsElement
containsElement (first:10) {
simpleType(_:"Stuhl (2): Stuhl (CIP-Pool)")
containedInZone{ simpleName }
SELECT ?containsElement ?containsElement_containedInZone_simpleName
WHERE { ?b1 bot:containsElement ?containsElement.
?b1 bot:containsElement ?containsElement.
?containsElement a furn:Furniture;
props:type_simple "Stuhl (2): Stuhl (CIP-Pool)".
?containsElement_containedInZone bot:containsElement ?containsElement;
props:nom_simple ?containsElement_containedInZone_simpleName.
} LIMIT 10 }
[ 0:{"containsElement":[
2:{...} ]
The queries in Fig. 1, 2 and Table 2 also show that both approaches allow to define arguments
in a query. While in HyperGraphQL, this might be used to specify the subject of the query itself
(by the GET_BY_ID extension), GraphQL-LD is currently limited to relationships with objects.
3.6 Other
GraphQL-LD supports the use of an ‘@reverse’ keyword in the JSON context (see Table 2).
Practically, this means it allows to query both relationships ‘hasSpace’ and ‘spaceOf. This
functionality enables ‘backwards querying’, although the results will still be shown as a tree.
Note that this does not mean any reasoning is used to determine an ‘InverseOf’ relationship;
this is supposed to be handled at the side of the SPARQL endpoint.
Similarities between both approaches are, amongs others, the functionality to specify limit and
offset arguments, to set variables, to include aliases and set (inline) fragments.
3.7 Summary
In the above section, some large and small differences between two GraphQL-based approaches
for querying linked data on the web were laid out. Table 3 shows the differences and similarities
according to various parameters. SPARQL is also added to the comparison as a reference.
Table 3: Comparing different approaches for querying Linked Data on the Web
Both approaches have their application domain: using HyperGraphQL, querying fixed datasets
(e.g. or local multi-models) becomes more user friendly and uniform with a subset
predefined set of types and fields. Therefore, we consider it mainly suitable for the setup of
fixed endpoints to retrieve data from large, open databases.
On the other hand, GraphQL-LD seems to be more flexible regarding switching between
endpoints, because of its serverless end schemaless deployment. If the goal is to simplify the
development of Linked Data-based applications, the implementation of GraphQL-LD certainly
takes less time and is more straightforward.
Because both initiatives have started rather recently, we hope the developers continue to work
on their refinement, possibly implementing the option for applications to change the distributed
datasets they communicate with, using a simple ‘mutation’.
4. Conclusion
In this paper, an overview was given to some past and current frameworks for cloud-based
collaboration in the AECO industry. Considering the upcoming of Linked Data and
advancement in network technologies, the basic concepts of these early projects could be re-
implemented in a Semantic Web based framework. Different solutions for communication
between the services in such a framework and the distributed data these services use, were
presented and compared. In context of a Linked Data based ecosystem, and in terms of a
straightforward implementation, GraphQL-LD seems the most flexible choice.
Determining how tools within a framework can communicate is the first step in the development
of a testing environment that consists of multiple modular services. The next steps will be the
categorisation of such tools, by configuring a Linked Data ‘use case ontology’, that allows to
express multiple steps within a certain use case, and link at the same time the exchange
requirements and data validation shapes (e.g. using mvdXML or SHACL) to the different
modules. With this in mind, we hope to come one step closer to a web-based, interdisciplinary
and interoperable building industry.
Updating graphs
Schema and Introspection
Yes (+ introspection)
Intermediary server
Federated service querying
Reverse querying (O-P-S)
5. Acknowledgements
The authors would like to acknowledge the support by both the BIM4REN project, which has
received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program
under grant agreement No 820773 and the UGent Special Research Fund (BOF).
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... It can be both used for data querying and as an API querying language. A general overview on the main differences between HyperGraphQL and GraphQL-LD for application in cloud-based collaboration networks for the building industry is given in [16]. With respect to cloud-based applications, [16] conclude that GraphQL-LD is a more flexible approach, due to its server-and schemaless deployment. ...
... A general overview on the main differences between HyperGraphQL and GraphQL-LD for application in cloud-based collaboration networks for the building industry is given in [16]. With respect to cloud-based applications, [16] conclude that GraphQL-LD is a more flexible approach, due to its server-and schemaless deployment. In this paper, we investigate the potential of both Hy-perGraphQL and GraphQL when querying a fixed, local dataset. ...
... In this paper, we investigate the potential of both Hy-perGraphQL and GraphQL when querying a fixed, local dataset. The discussed use case differs from the one in [16] in that it does not focus on cloud-based services, but on querying the available information in a link set container, namely ICDD, as a dump file of the available project information. Using ICDD, the ontologies that are used within a container are known, and most data can be queried through a single endpoint. ...
Conference Paper
Full-text available
Linked Data in the construction industry is a topic gaining serious interest over the last years. However, this interest remains largely academic and has not sparked much adoption of web technologies in the field. To nourish adoption of Linked Data in practice, access to the data has to be made more easy. SPARQL, the recommended RDF query language, has proven very powerful for retrieving and updating RDF datasets. However, due to its verbosity and complexity, it is often considered a threshold for developers to implement in their tools. In this paper, we compare SPARQL with Linked Data querying languages that extend the GraphQL syntax, in context of querying building datasets: HyperGraphQL and GraphQL-LD. Since it went open source in 2015, GraphQL has been adopted by a large community of developers , partly due to its elegance and conciseness. As a use case, the queries are performed on an RDF-based multi-model that relies on the recent ISO standard ICDD (ISO 21597). ICDD interlinks information on a sub-document identifier level, based on OWL. It is aimed at the industry in that it adds a layer of Linked Data to documentation formats that are still widely used in practice: IFC, spreadsheets, imagery etc. Therefore, it is considered a tuned use case for comparing these different RDF query languages.
... It can be both used for data querying and as an API querying language. A general overview on the main differences between HyperGraphQL and GraphQL-LD for application in cloud-based collaboration networks for the building industry is given in [16]. With respect to cloud-based applications, [16] conclude that GraphQL-LD is a more flexible approach, due to its server-and schemaless deployment. ...
... A general overview on the main differences between HyperGraphQL and GraphQL-LD for application in cloud-based collaboration networks for the building industry is given in [16]. With respect to cloud-based applications, [16] conclude that GraphQL-LD is a more flexible approach, due to its server-and schemaless deployment. In this paper, we investigate the potential of both Hy-perGraphQL and GraphQL when querying a fixed, local dataset. ...
... In this paper, we investigate the potential of both Hy-perGraphQL and GraphQL when querying a fixed, local dataset. The discussed use case differs from the one in [16] in that it does not focus on cloud-based services, but on querying the available information in a link set container, namely ICDD, as a dump file of the available project information. Using ICDD, the ontologies that are used within a container are known, and most data can be queried through a single endpoint. ...
Conference Paper
Full-text available
Linked Data in the construction industry is a topic gaining serious interest over the last years. However, this interest remains largely academic and has not sparked much adoption of web technologies in the field. To nourish adoption of Linked Data in practice, access to the data has to be made more easy. SPARQL, the recommended RDF query language, has proven very powerful for retrieving and updating RDF datasets. However, due to its verbosity and complexity, it is often considered a threshold for developers to implement in their tools. In this paper, we compare SPARQL with Linked Data querying languages that extend the GraphQL syntax, in context of querying building datasets: HyperGraphQL and GraphQL-LD. Since it went open source in 2015, GraphQL has been adopted by a large community of developers , partly due to its elegance and conciseness. As a use case, the queries are performed on an RDF-based multi-model that relies on the recent ISO standard ICDD (ISO 21597). ICDD interlinks information on a sub-document identifier level, based on OWL. It is aimed at the industry in that it adds a layer of Linked Data to documentation formats that are still widely used in practice: IFC, spreadsheets, imagery etc. Therefore, it is considered a tuned use case for comparing these different RDF query languages.
... GraphQL uses a strong type system to specify an API's capabilities. The GraphQL Schema defines how a client can access data, the types and fields that can be queried or modified, and the organization of data sent over the Internet [40]. The Schema is designed to match the data structure in the Neo4j database as closely as possible. ...
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The development of smart city applications often encounters a variety of challenges. These include the need to address complex requirements such as integrating diverse data sources and incorporating geographical data that reflect the physical urban environment. Platforms designed for smart cities hold a pivotal position in materializing these applications, given that they offer a suite of high-level services, which can be repurposed by developers. Although a variety of platforms are available to aid the creation of smart city applications, most fail to couple their services with geographical data, do not offer the ability to execute semantic queries on the available data, and possess restrictions that could impede the development process. This paper introduces SEDIA, a platform for developing smart applications based on diverse data sources, including geographical information, to support a semantically enriched data model for effective data analysis and integration. It also discusses the efficacy of SEDIA in a proof-of-concept smart city application related to air quality monitoring. The platform utilizes ontology classes and properties to semantically annotate collected data, and the Neo4j graph database facilitates the recognition of patterns and relationships within the data. This research also offers empirical data demonstrating the performance evaluation of SEDIA. These contributions collectively advance our understanding of semantically enriched data integration within the realm of smart city applications.
... As a matter of experimental methods, there are two main directions: using Structured Query Language (SQL) 13,[37][38][39] or Semantic Query Languages. 40 There are advances in both directions, but it looks like the semantic approach is the more forward-looking one. The use of Shapes Constraint Language (SHACL) is suggested by the authors and other researchers as well. ...
This article discusses a BIM Quality Control Ecosystem that is based on Requirement Linked Data in order to create a framework where automated BIM compliance checking methods can be widely used. The meaning of requirements is analyzed in a building project context as a basis for data flow analysis: what are the main types of requirements, how they are handled, and what sources they originate from. A literature review has been conducted to find the present development directions in quality checking, besides a market research on present, already widely used solutions. With the conclusions of these research and modern data management theory, the principles of a holistic approach have been defined for quality checking in the Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry. A comparative analysis has been made on current BIM compliance checking solutions according to our review principles. Based on current practice and ongoing research, a state-of-the-art BIM quality control ecosystem is proposed that is open, enables automation, promotes interoperability, and leaves the data governing responsibility at the sources of the requirements. In order to facilitate the flow of requirement and quality data, we propose a model for requirements as Linked Data and provide example for quality checking using Shapes Constraint Language (SHACL). As a result, an opportunity is given for better quality and cheaper BIM design methods to be implemented in the industry.
... HyperGraphQL n used an intermediary service to use a GraphQL interface for querying and serving linked data on the Web. For the in-depth comparison between GraphQL-LD and Hyper-GraphQL, we refer the reader to [21]. ...
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In the last decade, REST has become the most common approach to provide web services, yet it was not originally designed to handle typical modern applications (e.g. mobile apps). GraphQL was proposed to reduce the number of queries and data exchanged in comparison with REST. Since its release in 2015, it has gained momentum as an alternative approach to REST. However, generating and maintaining GraphQL resolvers is not a simple task. First, a domain expert has to analyze a dataset, design the corresponding GraphQL schema and map the dataset to the schema. Then, a software engineer (e.g. GraphQL developer) implements the corresponding GraphQL resolvers in a specific programming language. In this paper, we present an approach to exploit the information from mappings rules (relation between target and source schema) and generate a GraphQL server. These mapping rules construct a virtual knowledge graph which is accessed by the generated GraphQL resolvers. These resolvers translate the input GraphQL queries into the queries supported by the underlying dataset. Domain experts or software developers may benefit from our approach: a domain expert does not need to involve software developers to implement the resolvers, and software developers can generate the initial version of the resolvers to be implemented. We implemented our approach in the Morph-GraphQL framework and evaluated it using the LinGBM benchmark.
This paper presents a minimalistic reasoning algorithm to solve imprecise instance retrieval in fuzzy ontologies with application to querying Building Information Models (BIMs)—a knowledge representation formalism used in the construction industry. Our proposal is based on a novel lossless reduction of fuzzy to crisp reasoning tasks, which can be processed by any Description Logics reasoner. We implemented the minimalistic reasoning algorithm and performed an empirical evaluation of its performance in several tasks: interoperation with classical reasoners (Hermit and TrOWL), initialization time (comparing TrOWL and a SPARQL engine), and use of different data structures (hash tables, databases, and programming interfaces). We show that our software can efficiently solve very expressive queries not available nowadays in regular or semantic BIMs tools.
Conference Paper
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Several methods for creating building-related Linked Data graphs exist. This paper focuses on the conversion of IFC Building Information Models (BIM) to RDF Abox graphs using the emerging W3C Linked Building Data (LBD) modular ontologies: BOT (building topology), PRODUCT (classification of building elements) and PROPS (building-related properties). The existing IFC-to-RDF converter tool, converts IFC into ifcOWL-based Abox graphs which are rather complex and difficult to implement in software applications. The IFC-to-LBD converter presented, is necessary to transform IFC building models into RDF Abox graphs structured according the new LBD ontologies. An output graph contains the relevant information of the IFC building model related to building topology, building elements classification and building-related properties. Additionally, the graph structure becomes more concise (minimum 83 % less triples) and significantly easier to query compared to the output of the ifcOWL-based IFC-to-RDF converter.
Conference Paper
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In the architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) industry model-based data exchange methods are mainly based on manual file transfer, data conversion, and data-merge. File-based Building Information Model (BIM) data exchange is either in vendor specific file formats or neutral format using Industry Foundation Classes (IFC). IFC Model View Definitions (MVDs) proposed by the US National BIM Standard can assist cross-platform BIM data exchange. Since BIM applications are steadily moving to the Cloud, the study of Cloud-based BIM data transmission techniques become significant. The main objective of this paper is to investigate how building data transmission can be managed in current Cloud-BIM applications and what challenges exist in the current systems. Therefore, in this study, methodologies for Cloud-BIM data integration are investigated. Features of each technique is specified. The strengths and weaknesses of current systems are indicated with regard to data transmission requirements for Cloud-based BIM applications. In addition, the study investigates the challenges to cross-platform BIM data transfer in making multiple Cloud-BIM applications interoperate. The challenges in current data transmission approaches highlight the need for an effective network-based BIM data exchange to address a collaborative BIM work flow in the Cloud.
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An increasing number of information management and information exchange applications in construction industry is relying on semantic web technologies or tools from the Linked Open Data (LOD) domain to support data interoperability, flexible data exchange, distributed data management and the development of reusable tools. These goals tend to be overlapped with the purposes of the Industry Foundation Classes (IFC), which is a standard for the construction industry defined through an EXPRESS schema. A connecting point between semantic web technologies and the IFC standard would be represented by an agreed Web Ontology Language (OWL) ontology for IFC (termed ifcOWL) that allows to (1) keep on using the well-established IFC standard for representing construction data, (2) exploit the enablers of semantic web technologies in terms of data distribution, extensibility of the data model, querying, and reasoning, and (3) re-use general purpose software implementations for data storage, consistency checking and knowledge inference. Therefore, in this paper we will look into existing efforts in obtaining an ifcOWL ontology from the EXPRESS schemas of IFC and analyse which features would be required in a usable and recommendable ifcOWL ontology. In making this analysis, we present our implementations of an EXPRESS-to-OWL converter and the key features of the resulting ifcOWL ontology.
Conference Paper
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: In this paper we describe and discuss an OWL notation of IFCs, its advantages over generic XML schema representation, its various fields of possible application, and our implementation of it in a multi-agent framework
Conference Paper
Solid is a decentralized platform for social Web applications. In the Solid platform, users' data is managed independently of the applications that create and consume this data. Each user stores their data in a Web-accessible personal online datastore (or pod). Each user can have one or more pods from different pod providers, and can easily switch between providers. Applications access data in users' pods using well defined protocols, and a decentralized authentication and access control mechanism guarantees the privacy of the data. In this decentralized architecture, applications can operate on users' data wherever it is stored. Users control access to their data, and have the option to switch between applications at any time. We will demonstrate the utility of Solid and how it is experienced from the point of view of end users and application developers. For this, we will use a set of Solid servers and multiple Web applications that use these servers. We believe that experience with a concrete platform such as Solid is highly valuable in truly appreciating the power of a decentralized social Web.
Integration of multiple product models: IFC model servers as a potential solution
  • A Kiviniemi
  • M Fischer
  • V Bazjanac
Kiviniemi, A., Fischer, M., Bazjanac, V., 2005. Integration of multiple product models: IFC model servers as a potential solution, in: Proc. of the 22nd CIB-W78 Conference on Information Technology in Construction.
Semantic web technologies in AEC industry: A literature overview
  • P Pauwels
  • S Zhang
  • Y.-C Lee
Pauwels, P., Zhang, S., Lee, Y.-C., 2017. Semantic web technologies in AEC industry: A literature overview. Autom. Constr. 73, 145-165.
GraphQL-LD: Linked Data Querying with GraphQL
  • R Taelman
  • M Vander Sande
  • R Verborgh
Taelman, R., Vander Sande, M., Verborgh, R., 2018. GraphQL-LD: Linked Data Querying with GraphQL, in: ISWC2018, the 17th International Semantic Web Conference.
Designing a Linked Data Developer Experience
  • R Verborgh
Verborgh, R., 2018. Designing a Linked Data Developer Experience. URL
Towards an Open Building Information Model Server
  • J Beetz
  • R De Laat
  • L Van Berlo
  • P Helm
  • Van Den
Beetz, J., de Laat, R., van Berlo, L., Helm, P. van den, 2010a. Towards an Open Building Information Model Server, in: Proc. of the 10th International Conference on Design & Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning.