ArticlePDF AvailableLiterature Review

Necrotizing Mucormycosis of Wounds Following Combat Injuries, Natural Disasters, Burns, and Other Trauma

  • Weill Cornell Medicine of Cornell University and New York Presbyterian Hospital
  • Weill Cornell Medicine of Cornell University

Abstract and Figures

Necrotizing mucormycosis is a devastating complication of wounds incurred in the setting of military (combat) injuries, natural disasters, burns, or other civilian trauma. Apophysomyces species, Saksenaea species and Lichtheimia (formerly Absidia) species, although uncommon as causes of sinopulmonary mucormycosis, are relatively frequent agents of trauma-related mucormycosis. The pathogenesis of these infections likely involves a complex interaction among organism, impaired innate host defenses, and biofilms related to traumatically implanted foreign materials. Effective management depends upon timely diagnosis, thorough surgical debridement, and early initiation of antifungal therapy.
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Journal of
Necrotizing Mucormycosis of Wounds Following
Combat Injuries, Natural Disasters, Burns, and
Other Trauma
Thomas J. Walsh 1,*, Duane R. Hospenthal 2, Vidmantas Petraitis 3and
Dimitrios P. Kontoyiannis 4
1Departments of Medicine, Pediatrics, and Microbiology & Immunology, Weill Cornell Medicine of Cornell
University and New York Presbyterian Hospital, New York, NY 10065, USA
2Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine, University of Texas Health Science Center at
San Antonio, San Antonio, TX 78229, USA
3Departments of Medicine, Weill Cornell Medicine of Cornell University, New York, NY 10065, USA
4Division of Internal Medicine, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston,
TX 77030, USA
*Correspondence:; Tel.: +1-212-746-6320; Fax: +1-212-746-8852
Received: 1 April 2019; Accepted: 1 July 2019; Published: 4 July 2019
Necrotizing mucormycosis is a devastating complication of wounds incurred in the setting
of military (combat) injuries, natural disasters, burns, or other civilian trauma. Apophysomyces
species, Saksenaea species and Lichtheimia (formerly Absidia) species, although uncommon as causes
of sinopulmonary mucormycosis, are relatively frequent agents of trauma-related mucormycosis.
The pathogenesis of these infections likely involves a complex interaction among organism, impaired
innate host defenses, and biofilms related to traumatically implanted foreign materials. Eective
management depends upon timely diagnosis, thorough surgical debridement, and early initiation of
antifungal therapy.
Keywords: mucormycosis; antifungal therapy
1. Introduction
Fungi of the order Mucorales are increasingly recognized as important causes of necrotizing
wound infections in the setting of military (combat) injuries, burns, natural disaster-related, and
other civilian trauma [
]. As the literature on these infections is widely distributed into journals
across various disciplines, as well as lay press publications, we summarize herein the microbiology,
pathogenesis, epidemiology, diagnosis, and treatment of wound-associated mucormycosis.
2. Microbiology
While Rhizopus arrhizus is the most commonly reported cause of pulmonary, sino-orbital,
rhinocerebral, and disseminated mucormycosis, less commonly recognized species of Mucorales
are reported worldwide in associated with trauma-related disease. Apophysomyces species, Saksenaea
species and Lichtheimia (formerly Absidia)corymbifera, albeit uncommon causes of mucormycosis, are
relatively frequently reported agents of trauma-related infections (Table 1) [4,812].
J. Fungi 2019,5, 57; doi:10.3390/jof5030057
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Table 1. Necrotizing Mucormycosis involving Wounds.
Reference Cause of Injury Number of
Patients Organisms Recovered (n) Location
Warkentien et al. 2015 [8] Combat-related injury 29 Mucor spp. (15), Saksenaea
vasiformis (5), Rhizopus spp. (1) Afghanistan
Paolino et al. 2012 [13] Combat-related injury 2 Mucor sp. (1), Absidia sp. (1) Afghanistan
Warkentien et al. 2012 [9] Combat-related injury 16 Mucor spp. (9), Saksenaea
vasiformis (6), Apophysomyces spp. (2) Afghanistan
Neblett Fanfair et al.
2011 [10]Tornado, 2011 13 Apophysomyces trapeziformis Joplin, Missouri
Maegele et al. 2006 [11] Tsunami, 2004 1 Apophysomyces elegans Southeast Asia
Andresen et al. 2005 [14] Tsunami, 2004 1 Apophysomyces elegans Sri Lanka
Snell et al. 2007 [12] Tsunami, 2004 1 Apophysomyces elegans Thailand
Kyriopoulos et al. 2015 [
Burn injuries and soft
tissue automotive
6Rhizopus spp. (3), Rhizomucor spp. (3) Greece
Schaal et al. 2015 [16] Burn injuries 9 NS France
Christiaens et al. 2005 [17] Burn injuries 7 Absidia (currently Lichtheimia)
corymbifera Belgium
Lelievre et al. 2014 [7]
Civilian industrial,
agricultural, and
automotive injuries
16 Apophysomyces elegans complex,
Saksenaea vasiformis France
Kordy et al. 2004 [18] Automotive injury 1 Apophysomyces elegans Saudi Arabia
NS: not specified.
3. Pathogenesis
The pathogenesis of mucormycosis wound infections associated with trauma has not been well
characterized. Unlike the cutaneous and deep soft tissue infections that occur with mucormycosis
in immunocompromised patients, preponderance of patients sustaining traumatic mucormycosis
in the setting of military conflict, burns, and civilian trauma, such as that associated with natural
disasters and motor vehicle accidents, are immunocompetent. In the immunocompromised patient,
the absence of neutrophils, or immunoregulatory dysfunction, or diabetes mellitus clearly increased
the risk of locally invasive infection associated with incidental inoculation in skin and deep soft
tissue. By comparison, other host and microbiological variables are likely active in the pathogenesis
of infection in the immunocompetent patient. Both local and systemic immune impairment may be
active in the unique settings of trauma in the previously immunocompetent patient (Figure 1).
Leliefeld and colleagues [
] discuss in detail the impact of trauma-associated immunodysregulation
and impaired function of neutrophils. Among the multiple mechanisms of trauma-related immune
paralysis of neutrophils are impaired chemotaxis, dysfunctional pH control of phagolysosomes,
and autocrine or paracrine serine proteolytic cleavage by neutrophil-derived serine proteases and
downregulation of immune receptors (CXCR1, CXCR2, IL-2r, IL-6r, and complement receptors, including
C5a). Other mechanisms associated with trauma-associated immune paralysis include downregulation
of the neutrophil inflammatory response to microbial pathogens by host-tissue derived molecules with
damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPS), such as ATP, uric acid, heat shock proteins, and
mitochondrial DNA, as well as release of functionally impaired circulating neutrophil populations
and suppression of adaptive immunity. Gupta et al. also describe a Th1/Th2 dysimmunoregulation
in patients with post-traumatic sepsis, wherein culture supernatant of T cells demonstrated elevated
levels of IL-4, IL-10, and TGF-
and low levels of IL-2and IFN-
]. These patients also had a T-cell
immunophenotype of elevated T-regulatory cells and decreased Th17 cells. This immunodysregulation
of Th1/Th2 and Treg/Th17 may further contribute to the net immunosuppression of patients sustaining
trauma-associated mucormycosis.
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Figure 1. Pathogenesis of Wound Related Mucormycosis.
Leliefeld and colleagues [19] discuss in detail the impact of trauma-associated
immunodysregulation and impaired function of neutrophils. Among the multiple mechanisms of
trauma-related immune paralysis of neutrophils are impaired chemotaxis, dysfunctional pH control
of phagolysosomes, and autocrine or paracrine serine proteolytic cleavage by neutrophil-derived
serine proteases and downregulation of immune receptors (CXCR1, CXCR2, IL-2r, IL-6r, and
complement receptors, including C5a). Other mechanisms associated with trauma-associated
immune paralysis include downregulation of the neutrophil inflammatory response to microbial
pathogens by host-tissue derived molecules with damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPS),
such as ATP, uric acid, heat shock proteins, and mitochondrial DNA, as well as release of functionally
impaired circulating neutrophil populations and suppression of adaptive immunity. Gupta et al also
describe a Th1/Th2 dysimmunoregulation in patients with post-traumatic sepsis, wherein culture
supernatant of T cells demonstrated elevated levels of IL-4, IL-10, and TGF- and low levels of IL-
2and IFN- [20]. These patients also had a T-cell immunophenotype of elevated T-regulatory cells
and decreased Th17 cells. This immunodysregulation of Th1/Th2 and Treg/Th17 may further
contribute to the net immunosuppression of patients sustaining trauma-associated mucormycosis.
We hypothesize that in the setting of military injuries, civilian trauma, or wounds sustained in
natural disaster, that there is a sequence of events that would include (1) direct injury to soft tissue
resulting in local necrosis, as well as impaired blood flow to damaged tissue, (2) traumatic inoculation
of foreign material, including soil, rocks, glass, and wood, contaminated with soil-borne Mucorales
forming a nidus for possible biofilm formation, (3) establishment of local infection by the Mucorales
fungus in deep tissue, and (4) possible synergistic interaction with bacteria and other fungi to
establish a necrotizing infection. Since tissue has been injured, either simultaneously or previously
from traumatic injury and impaired host inflammatory cells are unable to eradicate the organism, a
local infection is able to be established and become self-propagating as hyphal elements further
destroy local tissue, prevent capillary influx of white blood cells, and allow further proliferation of
Therapeutic intervention follows from this pathogenesis in that successful management would
include thorough and meticulous debridement of necrotic tissue, removal of foreign material, as well
as antifungal therapy.
Figure 1. Pathogenesis of Wound Related Mucormycosis.
We hypothesize that in the setting of military injuries, civilian trauma, or wounds sustained in
natural disaster, that there is a sequence of events that would include (1) direct injury to soft tissue
resulting in local necrosis, as well as impaired blood flow to damaged tissue, (2) traumatic inoculation
of foreign material, including soil, rocks, glass, and wood, contaminated with soil-borne Mucorales
forming a nidus for possible biofilm formation, (3) establishment of local infection by the Mucorales
fungus in deep tissue, and (4) possible synergistic interaction with bacteria and other fungi to establish a
necrotizing infection. Since tissue has been injured, either simultaneously or previously from traumatic
injury and impaired host inflammatory cells are unable to eradicate the organism, a local infection is
able to be established and become self-propagating as hyphal elements further destroy local tissue,
prevent capillary influx of white blood cells, and allow further proliferation of organism.
Therapeutic intervention follows from this pathogenesis in that successful management would
include thorough and meticulous debridement of necrotic tissue, removal of foreign material, as well
as antifungal therapy.
4. Epidemiology
4.1. Mucormycosis Following Combat-Related Injury
Combat-associated wounds complicated by invasive fungal infections (IFIs) are associated with
serious morbidity and excess mortality [
]. Early observations suggested that combat wound fungal
infections are more dicult to manage and had worse prognosis in comparison to non-fungal
combat-related injuries [
]. In order to better understand the role of military trauma-related invasive
fungal infections, particularly mucormycosis, several studies have examined the epidemiology, risk
factors, outcome, and management of combat-associated mycoses, including those caused by the
Mucorales. These include a series of studies of US military personnel who sustained serious injury in
Afghanistan [9,21].
Warkentien et al. of the Infectious Disease Clinical Research Program (IDCRP) Trauma Infectious
Disease Outcomes Study (TIDOS) group from the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center,
Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, San Antonio Military Medical Center, and
Landstuhl Regional Medical Center (Landstuhl, Germany) recently reviewed the impact of Mucorales
J. Fungi 2019,5, 57 4 of 11
and other invasive mould pathogens on clinical outcomes of polymicrobial traumatic wound
infections [
]. The investigators initially reported 37 cases of IFI in combat-related wounds using a
classification of proven (culture +histological evidence of angioinvasion, (n=20)), probable (culture +
nonvascular tissue invasion (n=4)), and possible (positive fungal culture without histopathological
documentation (n=13)). The data were collected from records of US military personnel who served in
Afghanistan. The following epidemiological and possible risk factors were common to most patients
with IFI: Blast injury during foot patrol, injury occurring in southern Afghanistan, lower extremity
amputation, and receipt of large volume blood transfusions [
]. Among the mould isolates,
Mucorales were cultured in 16 cases, Aspergillus spp. in 16, and Fusarium spp. in 9. Reflecting the soil
and environmental contamination of severely injured wounds, cultures yielded multiple species of
moulds in 10 (28%) of these cases. The median age of the patients with IFIs was 22.9 years and 100% were
male. All of the IFIs were associated with injuries sustained from blast injury. Traumatic amputations
of the lower extremity above or through the knee were the most common type of initial wounds.
These investigators then compared the potential dierences in microbiological features and clinical
outcomes between wounds classified as IFIs (n=82) and as case-matched control non-IFIs (n=136).
The authors further evaluated the eect of the type of mould on clinical outcome [
]. IFIs were
predominantly secondary to fungi of the order Mucorales (35%), Aspergillus spp. (29%), and Fusarium
spp. (21%). Among the 29 wound IFIs caused by Mucorales, the most common genera were Mucor
spp. (n=15 (52%), Saksenaea vasiformis (n=5 (17%)),and Rhizopus spp (n=1 (3%)). The other species
of Mucorales were apparently not cultured or identified to species and may have been diagnosed
histologically as mucormycosis.
Wounds infected with a species of the Mucorales required longer median time for wound-closure
in comparison to those infected with a non-Mucorales fungal pathogen (17 days vs. 13 days (p<0.01)).
The study also found that the median time to wound-closure was significantly longer (p<0.001) for
IFIs (16 days) than that for the control non-IFIs with or without skin and soft tissue infections (12 and
9 days, respectively). IFI wounds were managed principally by delayed primary closure, full-thickness
skin graft, or split-thickness skin graft. Surgical amputations and revisions were more frequently
performed in IFI wounds (n=63 (77%)) than in non-IFI wounds (n=71 (52%)). Median duration
of antifungal therapy for mucormycosis was 31 days (IQR, 22–44 days). Given the broad range of
fungal pathogens causing these infections, when IFI was clinically or microbiologically suspected,
a combination of liposomal amphotericin B and voriconazole was empirically initiated for broad
antifungal spectrum, pending definitive identification. That voriconazole is added empirically may
contribute to the selection of increased virulence of isolates of Mucorales [26].
Rodriguez et al. [
] reinforced these principles of broad-spectrum combination therapy, with
liposomal amphotericin B and voriconazole pending microbiological diagnosis, that was used in
management of blast-related wounds suspected of having IFI during Operation Enduring Freedom
in Afghanistan. Post-operative local wound management included frequent debridement of necrotic
tissue, 0.025% Dakin’s solution-soaked kerlix dressing, and instillation vacuum dressings.
4.2. Mucormycosis Following Natural Disasters
Mucormycosis of deep soft tissues have occurred in victims with severe injuries caused by
tornadoes, hurricanes, tsunamis, and floods [
]. The organisms are inoculated following
penetrating injuries from wind or water borne debris that is driven into deep soft tissues, including
muscle, fascia, tendon, and bone.
On 22 May 2011, a catastrophic EF-5 (enhanced Fujito scale; 200 MPH +) rated multiple vortex
tornado devastated the community of Joplin, Missouri, USA, resulting in 13 tornado victims with serious
necrotizing cutaneous mucormycosis caused by Apophysomyces trapeziformis following lacerations and
penetrating injury from airborne material, including soil, gravel, wood, and glass [
]. Apophysomyces
trapeziformis was definitely identified by sequencing each isolate in the D1–D2 region of the gene
encoding 28S rRNA. Eleven patients suered at least one fracture, 9 sustained blunt trauma, and 5
J. Fungi 2019,5, 57 5 of 11
had penetrating injury. Multivariate analysis found that necrotizing cutaneous mucormycosis was
associated with penetrating injury and increased numbers of wounds.
Five of these patients died. Apophysomyces spp. are well described as causes of trauma-related
musculoskeletal mucormycosis in immunocompetent hosts. However, Apophysomyces trapeziformis had
seldom been reported as an etiological agent. Whole-genome sequencing typing (WGST), which was
conducted on four isolates, demonstrated that these four isolates were separate individual strains.
Additional WGST analysis was conducted by Etienne and colleagues from the Centers for Diseases
Control (CDC) on 17 outbreak isolates and three control strains of Apophysomyces trapeziformis, as
well as two control isolates of Apophysomyces variabilis [
]. While three clusters of genotypically
related or identical isolates were discovered, multiple distinct isolates were also identified among
the infecting organisms. The isolates from Joplin were more closely related to each other than to the
control isolates, suggesting a local geographic lineage. However, there was no relation between the
isolates or genotypic cluster and location within the Joplin area. Given the extensive disruption of
soil by the massive tornado system, one could expect that elucidation of any such genotypic and local
geographic relationship would be confounded by the wide dispersal of organisms.
The devastating Indian Ocean tsunami of December 26, 2004, that killed more than 200,000 estimated
victims with yet another estimated 40,000 seriously wounded patients [
], inflicted infectious
wound complications, including trauma-associated mucormycosis, on multiple victims in Thailand, India,
Sri Lanka, and other countries. These infections ranged from multifocal cutaneous mucormycosis to
mucormycotic necrotizing fasciitis. Patients were described as having multiple large flap lacerations
measuring as large as 60 cm in greatest diameter, particularly of the lower extremities. Among these
patients, Maegele et al. reported two cases of a lethal combined infection of mucormycosis and Fusarium
spp. Apophysomyces elegans was recovered from one patient. Aspergillus fumigatus was also recovered
from one of two patients who later died. Other invasive fungal infections complicating this massive
tsunami included Cladophialophora bantiana soft tissue infection, Scedosporium apiospermum brain abscess,
and Aspergillus fumigatus brain abscess. In addition to these organisms, water-borne bacterial co-infection,
including those caused by Aeromonas hydrophila and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, may have also contributed to
the pathogenesis of these infections.
Among other cases of mucormycosis associated with natural disasters, Patiño et al. reported the
development of 8 cases of necrotizing soft tissue infection caused by Mucorales fungi following the
cataclysmic volcanic eruption of Armero, Colombia in 1985 that resulted in more than 23,000 deaths and
4500 wounded, where burns sustained from lava, pyroclastic flows, and other fires may have allowed
for inoculation from environmental pathogens [
]. Within the same issue, Patiño and colleagues
underscore the importance of assessing necrotizing fasciitis as a syndromic clinical entity caused by
many dierent pathogens, including Mucorales fungi. Emphasizing the importance of mucormycosis
in this tragic setting, among the 38 patients with necrotizing soft tissue infection observed by Patiño
and colleagues, 8 had mucormycosis. While overall mortality in patients with necrotizing fasciitis was
47.7%, it was 80% in those with mucormycosis. The authors emphasize the importance of assessing for
the presence of these organisms in necrotizing soft tissue infection associated with natural disaster.
4.3. Mucormycosis Following Burn Injuries
Mucormycosis of burn wounds has been known for more than one-half century to be associated
with a high mortality and severe morbidity. Devauchelle et al. recently reviewed the epidemiology
of mucormycosis in burn patients [
]. They identified 7 case series, 3 outbreaks and 25 case reports
containing infected patients. Mortality in this review ranged from 29–100%. Kyriopoulos and
colleagues from Athens, Greece reported six cases of trauma-associated mucormycosis with review of
literature. Among these newly reported patients, severe thermal burns were present in 3 [
]. The other
three patients suered severe soft tissue trauma due to trac vehicular accidents. Total body surface
area of burns ranged from 45–71%. Rhizopus and Rhizomucor species were recovered in all patients.
Bacterial co-infection with Staphylococcus aureus,Pseudomonas aeruginosa,Stenotrophomonas maltophilia,
J. Fungi 2019,5, 57 6 of 11
Acinetobacter baumannii, and Proteus mirabilis was identified. The authors observed that the frequency
of mucormycosis in their center from 2005 to 2014 among 477 adult patients was 0.63%, which they
further noted was consistent with that of Schaal et al., who reported an incidence of 0.5% in a French
military burn center [
]. Use of contaminated bandages in the burn unit was the reason for an
outbreak of Absidia corymbifera infection in 2005, according to Christiaens et al. [
]. Kyriopoulos et al.
describe that their treatment protocol for suspected mould infections of burn wounds stipulates rapid
diagnosis and extensive surgical debridement accompanied by amphotericin B in treatment of cases of
mucormycosis [16].
4.4. Mucormycosis Following Civilian Industrial, Agricultural, and Automotive Injuries
In addition to military (combat) injuries, burns, and natural disasters injuries as predisposing
factors for necrotizing mucormycosis, injuries associated with civilian industrial, agricultural, and
automotive/vehicular accidents also pose a threat for these serious infections. Lelievre, representing
the French Mycosis Study Group, published a study of posttraumatic mucormycosis [
]. Cases of
posttraumatic mucormycosis were identified and reviewed from the database of the nationwide French
study known as “RetroZygo” [
]. The RetroZygo study included 101 cases of proven and probable
mucormycosis. Among these cases were 16 with posttraumatic mucormycosis.
Posttraumatic mucormycosis in these patients was seldom associated with underlying diseases
(e.g., diabetes or malignancy) in comparison to other forms of mucormycosis. The preponderance of
cutaneous mucormycosis occurred in posttraumatic mucormycosis (87%) vs. other forms of mucormycosis
(7%). As these infections were localized to the skin and soft tissue and occurred in a trauma-related clinical
setting, an early diagnosis was readily established. Among the causes of mucormycosis, Apophysomyces
elegans complex and Saksenaea vasiformis were recovered more frequently from posttraumatic wounds
than from other types of mucormycosis. More patients (94%) underwent surgery for posttraumatic
mucormycosis than did those with other forms (48%). Survival at day 90 was greater in posttraumatic
mucormycosis (88%) in comparison to that of other types of mucormycosis (48%).
Among the 122 cases that were identified from a systematic review of literature, traffic injuries,
domestic accidents, natural disasters, and farm accidents constituted the most common events predisposing
to civilian posttraumatic mucormycosis. Dissemination from traumatic mucormycosis seldom occurred
(9%). Apophysomyces elegans complex and Lichtheimia (formerly Absidia) spp. were the two most common
species recovered from these cases of civilian posttraumatic mucormycosis. Lichtheimia corymbifera has
long been associated with post-traumatic necrotizing mucormycosis. Apophysomyces elegans complex was
also a common organism recovered from wounds of posttraumatic mucormycosis.
4.5. Trauma-Related Mucormycosis in Children
Most patients reported with trauma-associated mucormycosis are adults. Little is known about
trauma-associated mucormycosis in pediatric patients. Kordy and colleagues reported the development
of severe deep soft tissue mucormycosis caused by Apophysomyces elegans in an otherwise healthy
child who sustained a traumatic avulsion injury of her latissimus dorsi [
]. The traumatic inoculation
occurred in Saudi Arabia in the setting of the child being thrown from an automobile during a motor
vehicle accident and tearing the deep soft tissue in the soil where she had landed. The child was
treated successfully with surgical debridement and systemically administered liposomal amphotericin
B. This report further underscores the role of Apophysomyces spp. in trauma associated necrotizing
mucormycosis and highlights the need for a high index of awareness of in both pediatric and
adult patients.
4.6. Trauma-Related Osteoarticular Mucormycosis
While any of the previously mentioned settings may inflict trauma-related osteoarticular mucormycosis,
the preponderance of literature addresses deep soft tissue infections. Little has been written about
trauma-related osteoarticular mucormycosis. A systematic review of osteoarticular mucormycosis by the
J. Fungi 2019,5, 57 7 of 11
International Osteoarticular Mycoses Consortium from 1978 to 2014 [
] found that among 34 patients,
seven (21%) suered trauma as the predisposing factor. Among these 7 patients with trauma, the
long bones were infected with direct inoculation as the mechanism of infection. By comparison,
hematogenous dissemination is the most common mechanism in immunocompromised patients.
Despite the complexity of osteoarticular mucormycosis, a combined therapeutic approach of surgical
debridement and amphotericin B resulted in a favorable outcome in 82%.
5. Principles of Management
Strategies of management of trauma-related mucormycosis follow fundamental principles of
diagnosis, empirical antifungal therapy for suspected infection, extensive surgical debridement of
necrotic tissue, definitive antifungal therapy for documented disease, topical therapy, and reversal of
underlying metabolic or immune-impaired conditions.
5.1. Microbiological Diagnosis
A heightened clinical suspicion at the time of wound assessment and a rapid laboratory diagnosis
are essential in the management of trauma-related necrotizing mucormycosis [
]. Direct examination of
calcofluor wet mounts of tissue samples under fluorescent microscopy may rapidly identify organisms
while cultures are pending [
]. Histological sections may further confirm the presence of characteristic
broad, sparsely septated, or non-septated hyphae. The presence of angioinvasion further confirms a
histological diagnosis.
Deployment of PCR or other molecular diagnostic systems for laboratory diagnosis of
wound-associated mucormycosis could complement conventional microbiological methods and
guide pathogen-directed antifungal therapy. Rapid molecular diagnostic tools have been developed
that may further aid in the diagnosis of necrotizing mucormycosis for those healthcare facilities with
clinical laboratories that are resourced with dedicated assays and technologist support. Pioneering work
by Kasai and colleagues developed a rapid PCR-based platform that identified several genera (Rhizopus,
Mucor,Rhizomucor, and Cunninghamella species) within the Mucorales in plasma, bronchoalveolar lavage
fluid, and tissue of rabbits with experimental invasive pulmonary mucormycosis [
]. The primers
and probe sequences used in these assays helped in developing several subsequent PCR systems for
diagnosis of mucormycosis. Millon et al. studied quantitative PCR assays detecting Mucor/Rhizopus,
Rhizomucor, and Lichtheimia (formerly Absidia) in a retrospective multicenter study [
]. The investigators
found that 36 (81%) of 44 patients had
PCR-positive serum sample. The first positive PCR
sample was identified in a median of 9 days before a conventional microbiological or histological
diagnosis. The investigators also found that quantification of DNA loads in serum correlated with
therapeutic response.
In a combined retrospective and prospective study of 77 burn victims, Legrand and colleagues
identified 8 patients with wound related mucormycosis by plasma qPCR in a screening protocol of
samples collected twice weekly [
]. Underscoring its utility in early diagnosis, qPCR identified
the presence of wound-associated mucormycosis for a median of 11 days before a conventional
diagnosis using standard microbiological or histological tools. Moreover, there was a trend toward
improved survival in patients for whom pre-emptive was initiated following a molecular diagnosis of
wound-associated mucormycosis.
alle et al. investigated the possible role of non-sterile bandages used to secure sterile gauze
and strips in contact with burn wounds in the Burn Unit of the University Hospital of Lille, France in
order to determine their relationship to outbreaks of infections caused by Lichtheimia (formerly Absidia)
spp. in March 2014 and July 2016, as well as in individual cases in November 2013 and July 2016.
Real-time PCR, and Lichtheimia species-specific qPCR detected Lichtheimia ramosa,Lichtheimia ornata,
and Lichtheimia corymbifera in crepe bandages and elasticized bandages [
]. The authors underscore the
value of qPCR in molecular epidemiological investigations, the potential role of non-sterile bandages
J. Fungi 2019,5, 57 8 of 11
as a source of cutaneous mucormycosis in burn patients, and the need for sterile bandages in managing
these wounds.
5.2. Surgical Management and Antifungal Therapy
As trauma-related mucormycosis is an uncommon infection, there are no controlled studies to
guide management. Nonetheless, the experience from the medical command caring for servicemen
with trauma-related mucormycosis provides the largest body of collective experience in management
of this devastating infection [
]. The approaches outlined by Rodriguez et al. that are grounded
in direct battlefield experience during Operation Enduring Freedom maintain that aggressive and
frequent surgical debridement with topical antifungal therapy, such as Dakin’s solution, was the
principal therapy for management of invasive fungal infections, including mucormycosis, in war
wounds. When there is a strong suspicion of IFI, initial antifungal therapy consists of liposomal
amphotericin B and an intravenously administered triazole, voriconazole or posaconazole. Following
a diagnosis of mucormycosis, therapy was consolidated with liposomal amphotericin B.
As a guide to resection of tissue, one of the serious challenges is the need to repeatedly resect
necrotic tissue resulting in larger wounds. Defining clear margins is essential in limiting resection of
viable tissue while receiving infected margins. We have observed that wound margins may appear
clinically and histologically intact while still having viable organisms present. We therefore have used
a system of intraoperative assessment of resected tissue margins sent by the surgical team to the clinical
microbiology laboratory for fluorescent microscopy using calcofluor wet mounts [40,41].
There are, of course, many variables that must be individualized for each patient. These include
the extent, timing, and repeating of debridement, the duration of systemic therapy, use of oral agents,
role of adjunct hyperbaric oxygen, repair of major tissue defects, and the timing of skin grafting.
6. Future Directions
Considerably more work is needed in understanding the pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment
of trauma associated mucormycosis. Appropriate immunocompetent animal models are paramount to
understanding the pathogenesis and treatment of these infections. Understanding the environmental
microbiology of trauma associated mucormycosis is important to addressing the role of non-Rhizopus
species, such as Lichtheimia corymbifera, Saksenaea and Apophysomyces spp. Development of new
rapid molecular tools, especially at point of care in a trauma setting would be highly beneficial in
guiding therapy [
]. Development of new approaches for topical therapy, as well as discovery
of novel antifungal agents with the potential for synergistic combinations with licensed compounds
may improve therapeutic outcome, especially in eradicating residual fungi that are not removed by
debridement or other surgical interventions [
]. Further study of the newer antifungal agents,
such as posaconazole and isavuconazole, are merited [
]. Finally, the potential for novel tissue
regenerative systems oers potential new approaches in management of the wounds associated with
trauma-related mucormycosis.
T.J.W. was supported for this work as the Henry Schueler Foundation Scholar in Mucormycosis
by the Henry Schueler 41 & 9 Foundation.
Conflicts of Interest:
D.P.K. acknowledges the Texas 4000 Distinguished Professorship for Cancer Research and
the NIH-NCI Cancer Center CORE Support grant no. 16672. D.P.K. reports research support from Astellas Pharma
and honoraria for lectures from Merck & Co., Gilead, and United Medical. He has served as a consultant for
Astellas Pharma, Cidara, Amplyx, and Mayne, and on the advisory board of Merck & Co. He also reports fees
from consultancy and board membership from Pfizer, Astellas, and Schering. T.J.W. has received grants for
experimental and clinical antimicrobial pharmacology and therapeutics to his institution from Allergan, Amplyx,
Astellas, Lediant, Medicines Company, Merck, Scynexis, Viosera, and Tetraphase and has served as consultant
to Amplyx, Astellas, Allergan, ContraFect, Gilead, Lediant, Medicines Company, Merck, Methylgene, Pfizer,
and Scynexis.
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... In these scenarios, traumatic injuries disrupt the body's natural mechanical barriers by creating entry points for fungal pathogens to invade and establish infections. Operation Iraqi Freedom • Invasive mucormycosis, due to Actinomucor elegans • Aspergillus (n = 4), Bipolaris (n = 2), and 1 each Mucor and Absidia [18,19] Israeli conflicts in South Lebanon 2.6% of injuries caused by cluster munitions had fungal inoculations [12] Israeli conflicts in Gaza WIFDs in 11 deployed Israeli Defense Force (IDF) service members [13,20] Ukraine Similar to military personnel, civilians affected by trauma-related WIFDs may experience a range of clinical manifestations, including localized wound infections and deep tissue necrosis [28,29]. Despite the differences in setting and populations, traumarelated WIFDs represent a significant public and global health concern. ...
... Angioinvasive filamentous fungi such as Mucorales, Aspergillus, and Fusarium species are commonly implicated in WIFDs among military personnel [30,31]. While Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus terreus were more predominant for Aspergillus, more specifically within the order Mucorales, Saksenaea, Apophysomyces, Actinomucor, Rhizopus, and Mucor species predominate and are the leading causes of post-traumatic mucormycosis [28,31]. Fungal detection should prioritize molecular methods whenever possible. ...
... This limitation can lead to underdiagnosis using traditional microbiological methods [31,32]. Mucormycosis is a highly aggressive and invasive disease where the fungi frequently adapt to diverse environmental conditions, develop resistance to common antifungal agents, and cause significant tissue necrosis [28]. Inoculation and colonization can occur from either the sporangiospore, as observed in sinopulmonary disease, or from environmental germinated sporangiospores/hyphae, where emerging evidence suggests hyphal elements in the form of soil-based mycelia are the principal infectious form in traumatic wounds [28,32]. ...
Full-text available
During the last two decades, wound invasive fungal diseases (WIFDs) have reemerged as important causes of mortality and morbidity in military personnel and civilian casualties in war areas. Historically, mycotic infections acquired in combat operations during Vietnam War and were associated with burn wounds. Modern combat related WIFDs are almost exclusively associated with severe traumatic events which encompass blast exposure as the primary mechanism of injury and subsequent extremity amputation and extensive blood loss. Such infections often lead to deep tissue necrosis, long hospitalizations, extensive surgeries, and more severe amputation. Studies of combat related WIFDs among U.S. military personnel in Operation Enduring Freedom (Afghanistan) demonstrated incidence rates of approximately 7% and crude mortality of 8.5%. WIFDs were also seen in U.K. military personnel returning from Afghanistan and are common in the current Ukraine and Gaza conflicts. Mucorales, Aspergillus and Fusarium species are the predominant causes of WIFDs. These molds are opportunistic pathogens which thrive in patients with immune system imbalances following traumatic injury. They are ubiquitous environmental fungi found in a variety of soils but there are significant regional differences depending on the local soil type, vegetation, and climate. The management of WIFDs is complicated by the limited efficacy of current antifungals on many of these environmental species and by emerging antifungal resistance globally. This review provides an overview of the global burden, epidemiology, and clinical features of combat-related fungal infections with the aim to provide a better understanding of the threat posed for wounded Service Members and civilians.
... Mucormycosis often leads to angioinvasion, resulting in extensive tissue necrosis, non-healing wounds, and fatalities. Treating WIFDs, particularly invasive mucormycosis, in military personnel demands intensive care, frequent debridement, prolonged hospitalization, and, in severe cases, limb amputation [9,[13][14][15][16]. The antifungal agents available for the treatment of WIFDs include liposomal amphotericin B (L-AmB) and triazoles such as posaconazole (POS), voriconazole (VOR), and isavuconazole (ISZ) [9,17,18]. ...
... Following BOP exposure, we induced a combined injury involving the skin, fascia, soft tissue, and muscle, mimicking primary and secondary blast injuries. Second, mice were infected with hyphae of R. arrhizus or L. corymbifera, both common causative agents of WIFDs worldwide [13,15,31,32]. Hyphae are a common element of fungal mycelial colonies inhabiting the soil and have been ...
... These insults cause immune dysregulation and create an environment conducive to infection [6,7]. Injuries from blasts are classified into five categories: (i) primary blast injuries (PBIs), which result from overpressure/shock wave, (ii) secondary blast injuries (SBIs), which are resultant of shrapnel and/or debris dislodged or energized from the explosive event, (iii) dislodging of the subject and hitting an object or the ground, proposed to be the cause of WIFDs [15]. We recently demonstrated that hyphae have a 10-to 16-fold increase in virulence compared to sporangiospores in a Galleria mellonella model of traumatic mucormycosis [33]. ...
Full-text available
Wound-invasive fungal diseases (WIFDs), especially mucormycosis, have emerged as life-threatening infections during recent military combat operations. Many combat-relevant fungal pathogens are refractory to current antifungal therapy. Therefore, animal models of WIFDs are urgently needed to investigate new therapeutic solutions. Our study establishes combat-relevant murine models of wound mucormycosis using Rhizopus arrhizus and Lichtheimia corymbifera, two Mucorales species that cause wound mucormycosis worldwide. These models recapitulate the characteristics of combat-related wounds from explosions, including blast overpressure exposure, full-thickness skin injury, fascial damage, and muscle crush. The independent inoculation of both pathogens caused sustained infections and enlarged wounds. Histopathological analysis confirmed the presence of necrosis and fungal hyphae in the wound bed and adjacent muscle tissue. Semi-quantification of fungal burden by colony-forming units corroborated the infection. Treatment with liposomal amphotericin B, 30 mg/kg, effectively controlled R. arrhizus growth and significantly reduced residual fungal burden in infected wounds (p < 0.001). This study establishes the first combat-relevant murine model of wound mucormycosis, paving the way for developing and evaluating novel antifungal therapies against combat-associated WIFDs.
... In mucormycosis, the complement system, including the anaphylatoxins C5a and C3a, was described as essential to reducing mucor species that have a major impact on clinical outcome [116]. Downregulation of C5a receptors was associated with mucormycosis in trauma patients [117]. As previously described, spores of Mucor (e.g., Mucor ramosissimus) seem to activate C5a [118]. ...
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The conjunctiva has immune-responsive properties to protect the eye from infections. Its innate immune system reacts against external pathogens, such as fungi. The complement factor C5a is an important contributor to the initial immune response. It is known that activation of transient-receptor-potential-vanilloid 1 (TRPV1) and TRP-melastatin 8 (TRPM8) channels is involved in different immune reactions and inflammation in the human body. The aim of this study was to determine if C5a and mucor racemosus e voluminae cellulae (MR) modulate Ca2+-signaling through changes in TRPs activity in human conjunctival epithelial cells (HCjECs). Furthermore, crosstalk was examined between C5a and MR in mediating calcium regulation. Intracellular Ca2+-concentration ([Ca2+]i) was measured by fluorescence calcium imaging, and whole-cell currents were recorded using the planar-patch-clamp technique. MR was used as a purified extract. Application of C5a (0.05–50 ng/mL) increased both [Ca2+]i and whole-cell currents, which were suppressed by either the TRPV1-blocker AMG 9810 or the TRPM8-blocker AMTB (both 20 µM). The N-terminal peptide C5L2p (20–50 ng/mL) blocked rises in [Ca2+]i induced by C5a. Moreover, the MR-induced rise in Ca2+-influx was suppressed by AMG 9810 and AMTB, as well as 0.05 ng/mL C5a. In conclusion, crosstalk between C5a and MR controls human conjunctival cell function through modulating interactions between TRPV1 and TRPM8 channel activity.
... Infections most often occur in individuals with predisposing risk factors that include neutropenia, hyperglycemia, and diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), corticosteroid treatment, and hematological malignancies 4,11 . Furthermore, immunocompetent victims of natural disasters, including tornados, tsunamis and earthquakes, and traumatic events, such as burns and military combat injuries also are vulnerable to musculoskeletal mucormycosis 12 . Recently, it has been found that mucormycosis is also a significant complication of patients with severe infections caused by COVID-19 [13][14][15] . ...
Full-text available
During pulmonary mucormycosis, inhaled sporangiospores adhere to, germinate, and invade airway epithelial cells to establish infection. We provide evidence that HIF1α plays dual roles in airway epithelial cells during Mucorales infection. We observed an increase in HIF1α protein accumulation and increased expression of many known HIF1α-responsive genes during in vitro infection, indicating that HIF1α signaling is activated by Mucorales infection. Inhibition of HIF1α signaling led to a substantial decrease in the ability of R. delemar to invade cultured airway epithelial cells. Transcriptome analysis revealed that R. delemar infection induces the expression of many pro-inflammatory genes whose expression was significantly reduced by HIF1α inhibition. Importantly, pharmacological inhibition of HIF1α increased survival in a mouse model of pulmonary mucormycosis without reducing fungal burden. These results suggest that HIF1α plays two opposing roles during mucormycosis: one that facilitates the ability of Mucorales to invade the host cells and one that facilitates the ability of the host to mount an innate immune response.
... As observed in the civilian setting, using seminested assays, fungi of the order Mucorales dominated; however, fungi of the genera Aspergillus and Fusarium were also isolated from combat injuries sustained in Afghanistan [3,5,28]. The occurrence of infections with Aspergillus and Fusarium may have resulted from combat casualties experiencing immunosuppression from massive blood transfusions (>20 units with 24 hours postinjury), as well as trauma-associated immune paralysis [29,30]. ...
Full-text available
Background Among combat injured, invasive fungal infections (IFIs) result in significant morbidity. Cultures and histopathology are the primary diagnostic methods for IFIs, but they have limitations. We previously evaluated a panfungal polymerase chain reaction assay, which was 83% sensitive and 99% specific for angioinvasive IFIs. Here, we evaluated 3 less resource-intensive seminested assays targeting clinically relevant fungi in the order Mucorales and genera Aspergillus and Fusarium. Methods Formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue specimens from a multicenter trauma IFI cohort (2009-2014) were used. Cases were US military personnel injured in Afghanistan with histopathologic IFI evidence. Controls were patients with similar injury patterns and no laboratory IFI evidence (negative culture and histopathology). Seminested assays specific to Mucorales (V4/V5 regions of 18S rDNA), Aspergillus (mitochondrial tRNA), and Fusarium (internal transcribed spacer [ITS]/28A regions of DNA) were compared with a panfungal assay amplifying the internal transcribed spacer 2 region of rDNA and to histopathology. Results Specimens from 92 injury sites (62 subjects) were compared with control specimens from 117 injuries (101 subjects). We observed substantial agreement between the seminested and panfungal assays overall, especially for the order Mucorales. Moderate agreement was observed at the genus level for Aspergillus and Fusarium. When compared with histopathology, sensitivity and specificity of seminested assays were 67.4% and 96.6%, respectively (sensitivity increased to 91.7% when restricted to sites with angioinvasion). Conclusions Prior studies of seminested molecular diagnostics have focused on culture-negative samples from immunocompromised patients. Our findings underscore the utility of the seminested approach in diagnosing soft-tissue IFIs using formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue samples, especially with angioinvasion.
... More recently, Dimitrios has authored a number of useful reviews on more unusual presentations of mucormycosis, including breakthrough infections in patients with hematological malignancies and hyperglycemia [29], osteoarticular infections [30,31], gastrointestinal infections [32], CNS infections [33,34], infection risk after hurricanes and flooding [35], healthcare-associated mucormycosis [36], cutaneous mucormycosis associated with insect bites [37], combat injuries and trauma [38], infections caused by unusual Mucorales [39], and reviews of mucormycosis infections associated with the COVID-19 pandemic [40][41][42]. ...
Mucormycosis is a rare and life-threatening fungal infection that predominantly affects immunocompromised individuals, particularly those with poorly controlled diabetes mellitus. Achieving an accurate diagnosis remains a significant challenge in clinical practice. We report a case of mucormycosis in a 25-year-old woman who presented with an altered mental status and a 5 × 2 cm necrotic lesion on the left nasal septum, characterized by indistinct borders, during admission. Prolonged diagnostic investigations ultimately led to the identification of nasal mucormycosis attributable to Rhizomucor pusillus, a rare species within the Mucorales order, which complicates the diagnostic process. Unfortunately, the patient's clinical condition rapidly deteriorated, resulting in her demise prior to the administration of systemic antifungal therapy. Although the comprehensive evaluations facilitated the identification of the causative agent, the time required for this process did not favor the patient's prognosis. The atypical symptoms, swift progression, and infrequent occurrence of mucormycosis underscore the critical importance of its timely and accurate diagnosis to ensure favorable patient outcomes. Proper identification of the pathogen and immediate administration of therapeutic interventions can considerably enhance the likelihood of patient recovery and survival.
Infections are well‐known complications in patients following traumatic injuries, frequently leading to high morbidity and mortality. In particular, trauma occurring in disaster settings, both natural and man‐made, such as armed conflicts and explosives detonation, results in challenging medical conditions that impede the best management practices. The incidence of invasive fungal infections (IFI) is increasing in trauma patients who lack the typical risk factors like an immune compromised state or others. This narrative review will focus on IFI as a direct complication after natural disasters, wars, and man‐made mass destruction with a summary of the available evidence about the epidemiology, clinical manifestations, risk factors, microbiology, and proper management. In this setting, the clinical manifestations of IFI may include skin and soft tissue infections, osteomyelitis, visceral infections, and pneumonia. IFI should be considered in the war inflicted patients who are exposed to unsterile environments or have wounds contaminated with soil and decaying organic matter.
Treatments for emerging and rare invasive fungal diseases (IFDs) represent a critical unmet medical need. For IFDs that occur less frequently than invasive aspergillosis, such as mucormycosis, hyalohyphomycosis, and phaeohyphomycosis, randomized controlled clinical trials are impractical and unlikely to meet urgent public health needs. Understanding regulatory approaches for approval of drugs for rare cancers and rare metabolic diseases could help meet the challenges of studying drugs for rare IFDs. A single-arm, controlled clinical trial with a high-quality external control(s), with confirmatory evidence from nonclinical studies, including pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic data in predictive animal models of the disease may support findings of effectiveness of new drugs and biologics. Control populations may include historical controls from published literature, patient registries, and/or contemporaneous external control groups. Continuous engagement among clinicians, industrial sponsors, and regulatory agencies to develop consensus on trial design and innovative development pathways for emergent and rare invasive fungal diseases is important.
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Patients with extensive burns are an important group at risk for cutaneous mucormycosis. This study aimed to perform a systematic review of all reported mucormycosis cases in burn patients from 1990 onward. A Medline search yielded identification of 7 case series, 3 outbreaks, and 25 individual cases reports. The prevalence reached 0.04%–0.6%. The median age was 42–48 in the case series and outbreaks, except for the studies from military centers (23.5–32.5) and in individual reports (29.5). The median total body surface area reached 42.5%–65%. Various skin lesions were described, none being pathognomonic: the diagnosis was mainly reached because of extensive necrotic lesions sometimes associated with sepsis. Most patients were treated with systemic amphotericin B or liposomal amphotericin B, and all underwent debridement and/or amputation. Mortality reached 33%–100% in the case series, 29%–62% during outbreaks, and 40% in individual cases. Most patients were diagnosed using histopathology and/or culture. Mucorales qPCR showed detection of circulating DNA 2–24 days before the standard diagnosis. Species included the main clinically relevant mucorales (i.e., Mucor, Rhizopus, Absidia/Lichtheimia, Rhizomucor) but also more uncommon mucorales such as Saksenaea or Apophysomyces. Contact with soil was reported in most individual cases. Bandages were identified as the source of contamination in two nosocomial outbreaks.
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Molecular techniques have provided a new understanding of the epidemiology of mucormycosis and improved the diagnosis and therapeutic management of this life-threatening disease. PCR amplification and sequencing were first applied to better identify isolates that were grown from cultures of biopsies or bronchalveolar lavage samples that were collected in patients with Mucorales infection. Subsequently, molecular techniques were used to identify the fungus directly from the infected tissues or from bronchalveolar lavage, and they helped to accurately identify Mucorales fungi in tissue samples when the cultures were negative. However, these tools require invasive sampling (biospsy, bronchalveolar lavage), which is not feasible in patients in poor condition in Hematology or Intensive Care units. Very recently, PCR-based procedures to detect Mucorales DNA in non-invasive samples, such as plasma or serum, have proved successful in diagnosing mucormycosis early in all patients, whatever the clinical status, and these procedures are becoming essential to improving patient outcome.
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Invasive fungal wound infections (IFIs) were an unexpected complication associated with blast-related wounds during Operation Enduring Freedom. Between 2010 and 2012, IFI incidence rates were as high as 10–12% for patients injured during Operation Enduring Freedom and admitted to the intensive care unit at the Landstuhl Regional Medical Center. Independent risk factors for the development of IFIs include dismounted blast injuries, above knee amputations and massive (>20 units) packed red blood cell transfusions within 24 hours after injury. The Joint Trauma System developed a Clinical Practice Guideline on IFI prevention, identification and management. Aggressive and frequent surgical debridement remains the primary therapy accompanied by topical antifungal therapy (e.g., Dakins solution). Empiric systemic antifungal therapy with both liposomal amphotericin B and an intravenous broad-spectrum triazole (e.g., voriconazole or posaconazole) should be administered when there is strong suspicion of IFI based on the occurrence of recurrent wound necrosis following serial surgical debridements, since many cases involve multiple fungal species. Other recommendations include: (1) early tissue sampling for wound histopathology and fungal cultures, (2) early consultation with infectious disease specialists, and (3) coordination with surgical pathology and clinical microbiology.
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Mucormycosis is an aggressive, life-threatening infection caused by fungi in the order Mucorales. The current diagnosis of mucormycosis relies on mycological cultures, radiology and histopathology. These methods lack sensitivity, and are most definitive later in the course of infection resulting in prevention of timely intervention. PCR-based approaches have promising potential in rapidly diagnosing mucormycosis. The spore coating protein homolog encoding CotH genes are uniquely and universally present among Mucorales. Thus, CotH genes are potential targets for the rapid diagnosis of mucormycosis. We infected mice with different Mucorales known to cause human mucormycosis and investigated whether CotH could be PCR-amplified from biological fluids. Uninfected mice and those with aspergillosis were used to determine the specificity of the assay. CotH was detected as early as 24 h post infection in plasma, urine and bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) from mice infected intratracheally with Rhizopus delemar, R. oryzae, Mucor circinelloides, Lichtheimia corymbifera, or Cunninghamella bertholletiae but not from samples taken from uninfected mice or those infected with Aspergillus fumigatus . Detection of CotH from urine samples was more reliable than from plasma or BAL. Using the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) method, the sensitivity and the specificity of the assay was found to be 90% and 100%, respectively. Finally, CotH was PCR-amplified from urine samples of patients with proven mucormycosis. Thus, PCR-amplification of CotH is a promising target for a reliable, sensitive and simple method of early diagnosis of mucormycosis.
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The Mucorales fungi—formerly classified as the zygomycetes—are environmentally ubiquitous fungi, but generally rare causes of clinical infections. In the immunocompromised host, however, they can cause invasive, rapidly spreading infections that confer a high risk of morbidity and mortality, often despite surgical and antifungal therapy. Patients with extensive burn injuries are particularly susceptible to skin and soft-tissue infections with these organisms. Here, we present a case of Lichtheimia infection in a patient with extensive full-thickness burns that required significant and repeated surgical debridement successfully treated with isavuconazole and adjunctive topical amphotericin B washes. We also review the available literature on contemporary antifungal treatment for Lichtheimia species and related Mucorales fungi.
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The main objective of this study was to assess the diagnostic performance of a set of three Mucorales quantitative PCR assays in a retrospective multicentre study. Mucormycosis cases were recorded thanks to the French prospective surveillance programme (RESSIF network). The day of sampling of the first histological or mycological positive specimen was defined as day 0 (D0). Detection of circulating DNA was performed on frozen serum samples collected from De30 to D30, using quantitative PCR assays targeting Rhizomucor, Lichtheimia, Mucor/Rhizopus. Forty-four patients diagnosed with probable (n ¼ 19) or proven (n ¼ 25) mucormycosis were included. Thirty-six of the 44 patients (81%) had at least one PCR-positive serum. The first PCR-positive sample was observed 9 days (range 0e28 days) before diagnosis was made using mycological criteria and at least 2 days (range 0e24 days) before imaging. The identifications provided with the quantitative PCR assays were all concordant with culture and/or PCR-based identification of the causal species. Survival rate at D84 was significantly higher for patients with an initially positive PCR that became negative after treatment initiation than for patients whose PCR remained positive (48% and 4%, respectively; p <10 À6). The median time for Clinical Microbiology and Infection 22 (2016) 810.e1e810.e8 complete negativity of PCR was 7 days (range 3e19 days) after initiation of LAmB treatment. Despite some limitations due to the retrospective design of the study, we showed that Mucorales quantitative PCR could not only confirm the mucormycosis diagnosis when other mycological arguments were present but could also anticipate this diagnosis. Quantification of DNA loads may also be a useful adjunct to treatment monitoring. L. Millon, CMI 2016;22:810.e1e810.e8
Introduction: Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) has emerged as a powerful new tool to identify human fungal pathogens and has radically altered the diagnostic mycology workflow at many medical centers around the world. Areas Covered: While most experience is with the identification of yeasts, including species of Candida and Cryptococcus, there is ongoing work investigating the role of MALDI-TOF MS to detect molds, including species of Aspergillus, Fusarium, Scedosporium, and Mucormyctes as well as thermally dimorphic fungi. Expert Commentary: In this paper, we review the current knowledge about this important new platform and examine how its expanding use may impact molecular diagnostics and patient care in the years ahead.
Introduction: Fungal infection burden related to Mucorales has been on the rise with significant associated morbidity and mortality. The major obstacle in the management has been lack of a non-invasive rapid and a reliable diagnostic test. Developing a culture-independent biomarker for the early diagnosis of mucormycosis is a major unmet need in modern mycology. Several approaches have been developed, such as immunohistochemistry that can confirm the histopathologic diagnosis of the invasive mold infection, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) on formalin fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) or fresh tissue, body fluids such as bronchoalveolar fluid (BAL), and detection directly from serum/blood. Serologic tests, matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF/MS), metabolomics and metagenomic shotgun sequencing are other evolving technologies. Area covered: In this review paper, we report the current status of the molecular diagnostics in the diagnosis of mucormycosis: serologic tests, immunohistochemistry, PCR, protein based with MALDI-TOF, metabolomics and metagenomic sequencing. Expert commentary: This review will conclude with an expert commentary on the potential uses/challenges of the currently available tests and the future of molecular diagnostics for mucormycosis.
Mucormycosis is a rare and potentially life‐threatening infection, typically affecting immunocompromised hosts. We report a case of an adolescent boy who developed primary isolated cutaneous mucormycosis in the early period following kidney transplantation. Surgical excision was performed using intraoperative fungal staining to obtain clear margins, followed by topical and systemic antifungal therapy. A skin graft was then applied to the excised area with good healing, and the patient made a full recovery.
Background: Cutaneous mucormycoses, mainly due to Lichtheimia (Absidia), have occurred on several occasions in the Burn Unit of the University Hospital of Lille, France. Aim: To investigate the potential vector role of non-sterile bandages used to hold in place sterile gauze used for wound dressing. Methods: Mycological analysis by conventional culture, Mucorales qPCR, and Lichtheimia species-specific qPCR were performed on 8 crepe and 6 elasticized bandages that were sampled on two independent soccasions in March 2014 and July 2016. Characteristics of the seven Lichtheimia mucormycoses which occurred in burn patients between November 2013 and July 2016 were also collected in order to assess the potential epidemiological relationship between potentially contaminated bandages and clinical infections. Findings: One Lichtheimia corymbifera strain was isolated from a crepe bandage by culture, and Lichtheimia spp. qPCR was positive in 6/8 crepe and 4/6 elasticized bandages. Using species-specific qPCR, Lichtheimia ramosa, Lichtheimia ornata, and L. corymbifera were identified in 6/10, 5/10 and 4/10 bandages, respectively. In patients with mucormycosis, L. ramosa and L. ornata were present in five and two cases, respectively. Conclusion: Our data support the utility of Mucorales qPCR for epidemiological investigations, the potential role of these bandages in cutaneous mucormycoses in burn patients in our center, and, consequently, the need for sterile bandages for the dressing of extensive wounds.