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Effects of Indoor Plants on the Physical Environment with Respect to Distance and Green Coverage Ratio


Abstract and Figures

Few studies have conducted experiments in daily living environments to examine the effects of indoor plants on objective aspects of the physical environment. This study examined the effects of plant distance and green coverage ratio on the objective physical environment and subjective psychological perceptions, along with the correlation between the objective physical environment and subjective psychological perceptions regarding indoor plants. A randomized control trial of plant distance and green coverage ratio was conducted in a room located in the basement of a university building in Taiwan. Aspects of the objective physical environment were measured using air quality detectors. Subjective psychological perceptions were evaluated based on the questionnaire responses of 60 undergraduates. The results revealed that (1) regardless of number of plants, the closer the plant, the higher the CO2 level; (2) more indoor plants resulted in higher CO2 and humidity and lower PM2.5, PM10, and temperature; and (3) the lower the levels of fine and suspended particles in the air were, the stronger were the feelings of preference, naturalness of the environment, and pleasure in participants. Indoor plants that can regulate indoor air quality and microclimates without consuming energy warrant greater attention and wider application.
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Eects of Indoor Plants on the Physical Environment
with Respect to Distance and Green Coverage Ratio
Ke-Tsung Han
Department of Landscape Architecture, National Chin-Yi University of Technology, No.57, Sec. 2,
Zhongshan Rd., Taiping Dist., Taichung 41170, Taiwan;
Received: 28 May 2019; Accepted: 1 July 2019; Published: 4 July 2019
Few studies have conducted experiments in daily living environments to examine the
eects of indoor plants on objective aspects of the physical environment. This study examined the
eects of plant distance and green coverage ratio on the objective physical environment and subjective
psychological perceptions, along with the correlation between the objective physical environment and
subjective psychological perceptions regarding indoor plants. A randomized control trial of plant
distance and green coverage ratio was conducted in a room located in the basement of a university
building in Taiwan. Aspects of the objective physical environment were measured using air quality
detectors. Subjective psychological perceptions were evaluated based on the questionnaire responses
of 60 undergraduates. The results revealed that (1) regardless of number of plants, the closer the plant,
the higher the CO
level; (2) more indoor plants resulted in higher CO
and humidity and lower
, PM
, and temperature; and (3) the lower the levels of fine and suspended particles in the air
were, the stronger were the feelings of preference, naturalness of the environment, and pleasure in
participants. Indoor plants that can regulate indoor air quality and microclimates without consuming
energy warrant greater attention and wider application.
Radermachera hainanensis Merr.; carbon dioxide; humidity; fine particulate matters;
suspended particles; temperature
1. Introduction
People in contemporary society spend 80% to 90% of their time indoors every day [
]. Thus, having
a comfortable indoor environment with favorable indoor air quality is imperative, as indicated by the
increasing prevalence of sick building syndrome [
]. In the United States alone, roughly 27 million oce
workers are at risk of sick building syndrome, and 30% of new buildings worldwide are associated
with indoor air pollution problems [
]. Moreover, indoor air pollution is generally 2 to 5 times worse
(sometimes up to 100 times worse) than outdoor air pollution [
]. This may be one of the reasons
that people in contemporary society are experiencing increasingly severe physical and mental health
problems, along with declining general wellbeing [5].
By contrast, exposure to nature is considered beneficial to physical and mental health [
]. This is
why people often grow plants indoors to improve the quality of their living environment and
workspace [
], because plants represent nature [
]. Empirical studies have also demonstrated that
indoor plants have positive eects on physical and mental health as well as general wellbeing [
Therefore, the beneficial eect of indoor plants on public health is a topic requiring exploration.
Research has shown that having even a few indoor plants is beneficial to the general wellbeing and
physical and mental health of humans. For example, covering 6% of an indoor floor area with indoor
plants can elicit significantly stronger feelings of preference, comfort, and friendliness in students and
reduce their misbehavior and number of sick leave days [
]. A study conducted in real oces showed
that the presence of plants has a significant eect on reducing short-term sickness absence, compared to
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the absence of plants [
]. Similarly, having a green space comprising 2% of a classroom floor area can
promote feelings of wellbeing in students [
]. Considering the extremely low number of indoor plants
used, the dierences in participant responses were attributed to the possible eects of novelty (adding
“something new” to the classroom perceived visually, olfactorily, auditorily and/or tactually) and not
necessarily to the positive eects of the indoor plant itself. Furthermore, the distance from indoor
plants appears to have distinct eects on the subjective feelings of humans [
]. Another possibility
is that people’s responses were aected by the visibility of the plant rather than its distance from them
because greater proximity to a plant corresponds to greater plant visibility. Studies have reported a
positive correlation between the visible density of urban tree coverage with stress recovery [
] and
landscape preference [18].
Plants are the most common element of nature and are also often regarded as the most representative
of nature [
]. This is true even within manmade structures. However, a room with plants diers from
the natural outdoor environment in that the plants have been separated from their natural habitat.
Therefore, the role of indoor plants is ambiguous: they can be perceived as a symbol of nature or as a
result of human intervention, interference, and even control over nature [
]. Research has yet to explore
the eects of indoor plants with respect to novelty and perceived naturalness. This study is the first to
examine the psychological eects (i.e., novelty and perceived naturalness) of bringing plants, which
symbolize nature, from outdoor (natural environment) to indoor settings (artificial environment).
Furthermore, the objective eects of indoor plants on the physical environment (e.g., air quality,
temperature, and humidity) should also be examined. Because mechanical ventilation and
air-conditioning generally consume energy, research should focus on energy-free methods of regulating
indoor air quality and microclimate [
]. Studies conducted since 1989 have reported that indoor
plants can significantly reduce urban air pollution [
]. Nevertheless, little research has conducted
experiments in a daily living environment to examine the eects of indoor plants on air quality,
temperature, and humidity. The majority of existing experiments of indoor plants have involved
highly concentrated pollutants in small closed fumigation chambers, and these experiments have
not investigated the eects of distance from indoor plants. Greater proximity to the plant should
yield more favorable eects, considering that air purification and microclimate regulation rely
on plant photosynthesis, adsorption, respiration, transpiration [
], and soil microbes [
Additionally, objective conditions of the physical environment (i.e., air quality, temperature,
and humidity) should also influence subjective psychological perceptions (e.g., preference, emotions,
and comfort).
The primary objective of this study was, therefore, to investigate the eects of the distance
from indoor plants on the objective aspects of the physical environment (i.e., air quality, temperature,
and humidity) and subjective psychological perceptions (i.e., novelty, perceived naturalness, preference,
emotions, and environmental comfort). Plant eects were further manipulated with the distance and
green coverage ratio using the experimental method. The green coverage ratio refers to the ratio of
floor area covered by the vertical projection of plants to the total surface area. This ratio is an objective
measure of the number of plants in a two-dimensional plane. Stapleton and Ruiz-Rudolph [
] revealed
a linear correlation between the number of plants and the percentage of ultrafine particle reduction.
The secondary objective was to examine the correlation between the objective physical environment
and the subjective psychological perceptions regarding indoor plants.
The hypotheses proposed in this study are as follows:
Hypothesis 1 (H1)
.Plants at dierent distances and with the same green coverage ratio have dierent eects
on the objective physical environment in terms of air quality, temperature, and humidity.
Hypothesis 2 (H2)
.Plants at the same distance but with dierent green coverage ratios have dierent eects on
the objective physical environment in terms of air quality, temperature, and humidity.
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Hypothesis 3 (H3)
.Plants at the same distance but with dierent green coverage ratios have dierent eects on
the subjective psychological perceptions of participants, including novelty, perceived naturalness, preference,
emotions, and environmental comfort.
Hypothesis 4 (H4)
.Air quality, temperature, and humidity correlate to novelty, perceived naturalness,
preference, emotions, and environmental comfort.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Research Design
This study, which was part of a series of experiments for a research project, conducted a randomized
controlled trial. To examine the eects of indoor plants on the physical environment, we constructed
control conditions and experimental treatments. The order of the experimental treatments was randomly
decided. To examine the eects of indoor plants on the perceptions of participants, participants were
randomly assigned to dierent experimental treatments. All participants gave informed consent for
inclusion before they underwent the experiment. The study was conducted in accordance with the
Declaration of Helsinki of 1975, and was approved by the Ministry of Science and Technology in
Taiwan, which did not require this study to be submitted to the Ethics Committee.
2.2. Experimental Setup
The experiment for this study was conducted in a room located in the basement of a technology
university in central Taiwan. The room (length 4.0 m
width 3.0 m
height 3.85 m) was newly constructed
in October 2018. During the experiment, the windows in the room were kept shut, the air-conditioner
was switched off but the air conditioning vents were not blocked, and the curtains were drawn to avoid
distractions from the view of the landscape outside. The experimental environment tended to be more like
an actual living or working space rather than a completely isolated laboratory unit. Except for participants,
no one entered or exited the room during the experiment. However, when the participants opened the
door and entered and exited the room, the physical environment of the room changed.
The Rural Development Administration of South Korea recommends installing one large potted
plant and one small potted plant per 6 m
floor area in a room [
]. US studies have also recommended
placing at least one 6-in (15.24 cm) potted plant per 9 m
floor area in a room [
] to purify indoor air.
Since the room in which our experiment was conducted had a floor area of 12 m
at least two large
potted plants (diameter of 24 or 30 cm) and two small potted plants (diameter of 18 cm) should be
installed to improve the indoor air quality. For simplicity, this study selected only large potted plants
(pot diameter 37 cm and plant height of around 1.3 m) because the eye of a sitting person is at a height
of approximately 1.1 m from the ground [
]. The indoor plant used was the evergreen Radermachera
hainanensis Merr. a shade-bearing tree whose brightly colored leaves give the plant its ornamental
value [
]. Though this tree has become popular for indoor use in Taiwan in recent years, its ability to
improve air quality and its influence on people’s responses has never been examined. Plants tested
in experiments for their eects should be used as plants are normally used in daily living. The plant
pots were made of plastic. The growing medium was potting soil. Since we viewed the plants, pots,
and potting soil as a whole unit, we did not distinguish the possibly dierent influences of the plants,
pots, and potting soil.
The experimental manipulation to achieve a low green coverage ratio (3.00 %) involved placing
one large potted plant against the wall farthest from the door at the midpoint between two corners of
the room. The experimental manipulation to achieve a high green coverage ratio (8.83 %) involved
placing three large potted plants against the wall so that the tree canopies of all three plants were
touching. The low and high green coverage ratios were intentionally limited because previous research
has found that even a few indoor plants are beneficial to human health [
]. Further, we followed
the recommendations for the minimum number of indoor plants for improving air quality [
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Table 1details the plant distance and green coverage ratio of the experimental treatments. Before each
of the experimental treatments, a control condition was conducted with no plants in the room.
Table 1. Experimental treatment.
Green Coverage
Ratio Code Plant-Measuring
Instrument Distance
High Green
Coverage Ratio 8.83 % HC 0.25 m, 1.5 m 1.5 m End of
November 2018
Low Green
Coverage Ratio 3.00 % LC 0.25 m, 1.5 m 1.5 m Beginning of
December 2018
Note: The distances of the plant(s) to the measuring instrument was from the bottom of the potted plant(s) to the
side of the two air quality detectors.
The participants of this experiment were 60 students studying in daytime programs at a technology
university in central Taiwan. For all experiments, participants sat on a chair placed in the center of the
room at a distance of 1.5 m from the potted plant(s) (Figure 1). In the experiment, participants were asked
to sit down, observe the surrounding environment for 1 min, and ignore the two measuring instruments
as much as possible. After observing the room, participants began to fill out the questionnaire, and were
given as much time as they required, provided that they spent at least 5 min on it.
Sustainability 2019, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 19
Further, we followed the recommendations for the minimum number of indoor plants for
improving air quality [29,30]. Table 1 details the plant distance and green coverage ratio of the
experimental treatments. Before each of the experimental treatments, a control condition was
conducted with no plants in the room.
The participants of this experiment were 60 students studying in daytime programs at a
technology university in central Taiwan. For all experiments, participants sat on a chair placed in
the center of the room at a distance of 1.5 m from the potted plant(s) (Figure 1). In the experiment,
participants were asked to sit down, observe the surrounding environment for 1 minute, and ignore
the two measuring instruments as much as possible. After observing the room, participants began
to fill out the questionnaire, and were given as much time as they required, provided that they
spent at least 5 minutes on it.
Table 1. Experimental treatment.
High Green
Coverage Ratio
8.83 % HC 0.25 m, 1.5 m 1.5 m
End of
November 2018
Low Green
Coverage Ratio
3.00 % LC 0.25 m, 1.5 m 1.5 m
Beginning of
December 2018
Note: The distances of the plant(s) to the measuring instrument was from the bottom of the potted
plant(s) to the side of the two air quality detectors.
Low Green Coverage Ratio
Figure 1. Experimental treatment.
2.3. Objective Measurement of the Physical Environment
Figure 1. Experimental treatment.
2.3. Objective Measurement of the Physical Environment
The physical environment was objectively measured using two indoor air quality detectors, which
were both placed slightly to the left of the chair. The two detectors were placed 1.1 m above the
ground and 0.25 and 1.5 m away from the bottom of the potted plant(s), respectively. The indoor air
quality detectors used in this study (iAeris 14, Kaoten Scientific Co., Ltd., Kaohsiung, Taiwan) can
measure changes across eight aspects of the physical environment: temperature, humidity, carbon
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monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO
), coarse particulate matter (PM
), fine particulate matter (PM
formaldehyde (HCHO), and total volatile organic compound (TVOCs) levels (Table 2for specifications).
The air quality detectors had quality control and quality assurance, which were calibrated again
before the experiment. The air quality detectors were switched on throughout the experiment and
uploaded the data measurements to the cloud every 6 min. Therefore, there was no repetition in the
measurements of the physical environment.
Table 2. Specifications of the indoor air quality detector.
Factors CO CO2PM10 PM2.5
Detection range 0–1000 ppm 400–20,000 ppm 0–500 µg/m30–500 µg/m3
Resolution 1 ppm 1 ppm 1µg/m31µg/m3
Method of
Detection Electrochemical
Nondispersive infrared
Optical Optical
Reaction Time <30 s <120 s <10 s <10 s
Sampling Real time Real time Real time Real time
Factors HCHO TVOC Temperature Humidity
Detection range 0–5 ppm 0.13–2.5 ppm 40–125 C 0%–100% RH
Resolution 0.01 ppm 0.01 ppm 0.1 C 1% RH
Method of
Detection Electrochemical
systems chip
systems chip
systems chip
Reaction Time 90 s <10 s <30 s <30 s
Sampling Real time Real time Real time Real time
2.4. Subjective Measurement of Psychological Perceptions
This study employed a questionnaire to measure the subjective perceptions of the participants.
The questionnaire contained six sections: (1) preference, (2) environmental comfort, (3) perceived
naturalness, (4) novelty, (5) the pleasure–arousal–dominance (PAD) emotional state scale, and (6)
participant demographic information. The participants selected their answer on a 9-point Likert
scale on which a higher score indicates a greater level of agreement with the questionnaire item.
Participant demographics consisted of sex, year of birth, college, department, and year of study.
2.4.1. Preference
Preference reflects an immediate and direct response to or assessment of the environment
in general [
] and can be either task-dependent, which is related to a specific activity,
or task-independent, which is unrelated to any particular activity [
]. The survey of preference
for indoor plants in this study comprised two items: “mere liking,” which is task-independent,
and “whether (the participants) liked to study in the space,” which is task-dependent [
]. The total
average score for these two items constituted the index score for the preference.
2.4.2. Environmental Comfort
Few studies have investigated the eects of indoor plants on comfort level.
Nevertheless, one literature review derived four dimensions of indoor environmental quality: thermal
comfort, visual comfort, acoustic comfort, and indoor air quality [
]. Therefore, the environmental
comfort examined in this study also covered these four items: How do you evaluate the indoor
thermal environment? How do you evaluate the indoor visual comfort? How do you evaluate the
indoor acoustic comfort? How do you evaluate the indoor air quality [
]? The index score for the
Sustainability 2019,11, 3679 6 of 19
environmental comfort was obtained by calculating the average of the total scores for these four items.
A higher score indicates greater comfort.
2.4.3. Perceived Naturalness
Perceived naturalness refers to the subjective perception of the closeness of a physical environment
to a natural state [
]. Higher levels of perceived naturalness of a landscape or environment indicate
that a landscape or environment is perceived as closer to its natural state [
]. Ho and Chang [
developed a 16-item perceived naturalness scale consisting of two constructs: richness of natural elements
and environmental wildness. The items used in this study for perceived naturalness were also adapted
from other studies to comprise a total of three dimensions (naturalness, richness of natural elements,
and environmental wildness), each of which consisted of two items (e.g., Do you think this environment is
natural? Is this environment full of vitality? Is this environment without a trace of human destruction?).
A higher score indicates a greater level of naturalness. The index score for the perceived naturalness was
calculated by first determining the composite scores of the three dimensions (i.e., the total score of all items
in each dimension divided by the number of items) and then averaging the composite scores.
2.4.4. Novelty
A novelty scale suitable for this study has not yet been developed. Therefore, this study adopted
two related scales that have been used in Taiwan and overseas. The first scale was obtained from
Lee and Crompton [
], who argued that novelty has four dimensions: change from routine, thrill,
surprise, and boredom alleviation. The second is the familiarity scale developed by Cheng, Shen,
and Chon [
], given that familiarity is the opposite of novelty [
]. Cheng et al. [
]. classified
familiarity of a place into four categories based on Baloglu [
]: overall familiarity, having seen it,
having the ability to recognize it, and having visited it. The novelty items in this study were adapted
from the two aforementioned scales and adjusted to include two items from each of the four dimensions
specified by Lee and Crompton [
] and the three types of familiarity (not including overall familiarity)
proposed in Cheng et al. [
], which were reverse-worded. Therefore, the novelty items proposed in
this study comprised a total of five dimensions and eleven questions (e.g., There are new things in
this environment that I can explore. This environment feels a bit dangerous to me. This environment
makes me feel a little surprised. This environment can reduce my boredom. I have never seen this
environment or a similar environment.). A higher score denotes greater novelty. The index score
of the novelty was calculated by first determining the composite scores of the five dimensions (i.e.,
the total score of all items in each dimension divided by the number of items) and then averaging the
composite scores.
2.4.5. Emotions
Emotion is considered to be an innate human quality, as evidenced by the emotional expressions
of newborn infants [
]. Emotions are widely believed to be the fundamental factor influencing
environmental perception [
]. This study adopted the PAD emotional state scale [
], which consists
of three dimensions: pleasure–displeasure, arousal–nonarousal, and dominance–submissiveness.
Each dimension has six adjectives (e.g., “happy-unhappy; excited-calm; in control-cared for”), and the
scores on the scale ranges from 4 to
4. The scores of the PAD scale were calculated by determining
the composite scores of the three dimensions, which represent the average score for each adjective.
A higher score denotes a higher level of perception toward the dimension.
2.5. Statistical Analyses
The statistical analyses were conducted using IBM SPSS Statistics 22.0 (IBM, Armonk, NY, USA).
The data on the physical environment and the psychological perception were first analyzed for their
normality and homogeneity of variance, which are the premise of parametric statistical tests such as
analysis of variance [
]. The data on the physical environment failed to pass the tests of normality and
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homogeneity of variance and were, thus, analyzed using nonparametric statistical tests for detecting
difference between conditions. The data on the psychological perceptions passed the tests of normality
and homogeneity of variance and were analyzed using parametric statistical tests for detecting difference
between conditions. In addition, when the focus of interest was the difference within the same condition
(controls or treatments), tests with related samples were conducted (e.g., the Wilcoxon tests). When the
focus of interest was the difference between different conditions, tests with independent samples were
conducted (e.g., the Mann-Whitney U test) [
]. Since the indicators of the difference in the physical
environment and the psychological perceptions were the means of the measurement data, the means were
below the detection resolution of the air quality detector and the digits of the scale, respectively.
3. Results
3.1. Objective Physical Environment
3.1.1. Control Conditions
The control conditions were that the room did not have any plants inside. To match the total
number of the data points of the control conditions to that of the experimental treatments, 30 data
points from the physical environments were randomly selected for the control condition before each of
the experimental treatments. The results showed that although the room had been recently constructed,
the air pollution levels of the control conditions were still much lower than the standards mandated
under the Indoor Air Quality Act (Table 3). Newly constructed rooms and/or buildings usually have
high air pollution levels because of the Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) emitted from the building
materials such as paint, flooring, caulking, sealants, and engineered wood [55].
Table 3. Means and standards for the air quality during the control.
Environmental Factor Control Mean Indoor Standards a
0.25 m 1.5 m
(µg/m3)HC 8.673 19.963 35
LC 23.863 27.977
(ppm) HC 396.833 391.400 1000
LC 473.733 479.767
(µg/m3)HC 13.187 22.713 75
LC 33.680 32.207
(ppm) HC 0.016 0.010 0.08
LC 0.010 0.010
(ppm) HC 0.000 0.000 9
LC 0.000 0.000
(ppm) HC 0.225 0.196 0.56
LC 0.206 0.205
Note: HC denotes high green coverage ratio and LC denotes low green coverage ratio;
refers to the Indoor Air
Quality Act.
Furthermore, there were some significant dierences in the physical environment between 0.25 m
and 1.5 m, as indicated by the results of the Wilcoxon tests with two dependent samples using the
physical environmental factors as dependent variables and the distance as the independent variable.
For the control condition of the high green coverage ratio treatment, PM
and PM
at 1.5 m distance
were significantly greater than at 0.25 m, while CO
, HCHO, TVOC, temperature, and humidity at the
0.25 m distance were significantly greater than at the 1.5 m distance (Table 4). However, for the control
condition of the low green coverage ratio treatment, only the temperature at 0.25 m was significantly
greater than at 1.5 m (Table 5).
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Table 4.
Results of the Wilcoxon tests of dierent distances for the control condition of the high green
coverage ratio treatment.
Environmental Factor Distance Mean S.D. Z-value p-Value
(µg/m3)0.25 8.673 3.709 4.782 0.0000
1.5 19.963 2.197
(ppm) 0.25 396.833 8.429 2.780 0.0054
1.5 391.400 4.917
(µg/m3)0.25 13.187 6.080 4.433 0.0000
1.5 22.713 2.139
(ppm) 0.25 0.016 0.005 4.243 0.0000
1.5 0.010 0.000
(ppm) 0.25 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.0000
1.5 0.000 0.000
(ppm) 0.25 0.225 0.017 4.638 0.0000
1.5 0.196 0.015
0.25 26.063 0.110 4.810 0.0000
1.5 25.530 0.106
0.25 56.467 0.507 2.840 0.0045
1.5 56.100 0.305
Table 5.
Results of the Wilcoxon tests of dierent distances for the control condition of the low green
coverage ratio treatment.
Environmental Factor Distance Mean S.D. Z-value p-Value
(µg/m3)0.25 23.863 17.045 1.214 0.2249
1.5 27.977 9.662
(ppm) 0.25 473.733 25.874 0.995 0.3198
1.5 479.767 24.555
(µg/m3)0.25 33.680 20.606 0.134 0.8936
1.5 32.207 12.116
(ppm) 0.25 0.010 0.000 0.000 1.0000
1.5 0.010 0.000
(ppm) 0.25 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.0000
1.5 0.000 0.000
(ppm) 0.25 0.206 0.053 0.000 1.0000
1.5 0.205 0.057
0.25 25.283 0.226 4.490 0.0000
1.5 24.840 0.230
0.25 61.200 3.547 0.927 0.3538
1.5 60.300 3.476
3.1.2. Dierence between High Green Coverage Ratio Treatment and Its Control
The results of the Mann-Whitney U tests with two independent samples using the physical
environmental factors as dependent variables and the condition as the independent variable showed
that PM
, PM
, TVOC, and temperature were significantly greater for the control than for the high
green coverage ratio treatment at 0.25 m, while CO
, HCHO, and humidity were significantly greater for
the high green coverage ratio treatment than for the control at 0.25 m (Table 6). Further, the results of
the Mann-Whitney U tests with two independent samples using the physical environmental factors as
dependent variables and the condition as the independent variableshowed that TVOC and temperature
were significantly greater for the control than for the high green coverage ratio treatment at 1.5 m, while
and humidity were significantly greater for the high green coverage ratio treatment than for the
control at 1.5 m (Table 7).
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Table 6. Results of the Mann-Whitney U tests of the high green coverage and control at 0.25 m.
Environmental Factor Condition Mean S.D. Mann-Whitney U Z-Value p-Value
(µg/m3)Control 8.673 3.709 290.500 2.359 0.0183
HC 6.807 4.517
(ppm) Control 396.833 8.429 0.000 6.656 0.0000
HC 555.700 51.848
(µg/m3)Control 13.187 6.080 311.000 2.055 0.0399
HC 10.977 6.569
(ppm) Control 0.016 0.005 159.000 4.581 0.0000
HC 0.031 0.012
(ppm) Control 0.000 0.000 450.000 0.000 1.0000
HC 0.000 0.000
(ppm) Control 0.225 0.017 45.000 6.019 0.0000
HC 0.166 0.029
Control 26.063 0.110 0.000 6.710 0.0000
HC 25.603 0.217
Control 56.467 0.507 0.000 6.787 0.0000
HC 65.333 1.539
Note: HC denotes high green coverage ratio.
Table 7. Results of the Mann-Whitney U tests of the high green coverage and control at 1.5 m.
Environmental Factor Condition Mean S.D. Mann-Whitney U Z-Value p-Value
(µg/m3)Control 19.963 2.197 430.500 0.288 0.7731
HC 19.677 4.709
(ppm) Control 391.400 4.917 0.000 6.658 0.0000
HC 558.900 51.575
(µg/m3)Control 22.713 2.139 423.000 0.399 0.6897
HC 22.480 4.633
(ppm) Control 0.010 0.000 450.000 0.000 1.0000
HC 0.010 0.000
(ppm) Control 0.000 0.000 450.000 0.000 1.0000
HC 0.000 0.000
(ppm) Control 0.196 0.015 221.500 3.409 0.0007
HC 0.171 0.029
Control 25.530 0.106 74.500 5.647 0.0000
HC 25.227 0.230
Control 56.100 0.305 0.000 7.020 0.0000
HC 65.133 1.737
Note: HC denotes high green coverage ratio.
3.1.3. Dierence between Low Green Coverage Ratio Treatment and Its Control
The results of the Mann-Whitney U tests with two independent samples using the physical
environmental factors as dependent variables and the condition as the independent variable showed that
PM2.5 and PM10 were significantly greater for the control than for the low green coverage ratio treatment
at 0.25 m, while CO
, HCHO, temperature, and humidity were significantly greater for the low green
coverage ratio treatment than for the control at 0.25 m (Table 8). Further, the results of the Mann-Whitney
U tests with two independent samples using the physical environmental factors as dependent variables
and the condition as the independent variable showed that PM
and PM
were significantly greater for
the control than for the low green coverage ratio treatment at 1.5 m, while CO
, temperature, and humidity
were significantly greater for the low green coverage ration treatment than for the control at 1.5 m (Table 9).
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Table 8.
Results of the Mann-Whitney U tests of the low green coverage ratio treatment and control at
0.25 m.
Environmental Factor Condition Mean S.D. Mann-Whitney U Z-Value p-Value
(µg/m3)Control 23.863 17.045 130.000 4.732 0.0000
LC 7.250 5.414
(ppm) Control 473.733 25.874 111.500 5.006 0.0000
LC 544.533 49.515
(µg/m3)Control 33.680 20.606 150.00 4.436 0.0000
LC 12.227 8.675
(ppm) Control 0.010 0.000 0.000 7.145 0.0000
LC 0.036 0.011
(ppm) Control 0.000 0.000 450.000 0.000 1.0000
LC 0.000 0.000
(ppm) Control 0.206 0.053 393.500 0.839 0.4013
LC 0.194 0.051
Control 25.283 0.226 186.000 3.924 0.0001
LC 25.850 0.522
Control 61.200 3.547 288.500 2.418 0.0156
LC 63.667 1.470
Note: LC denotes low green coverage ratio.
Table 9.
Results of the Mann-Whitney U tests of the low green coverage ratio treatment and control at
1.5 m.
Environmental Factor Condition Mean S.D. Mann-Whitney U Z-Value p-Value
(µg/m3)Control 27.977 9.662 196.000 3.756 0.0002
LC 19.973 6.005
(ppm) Control 479.767 24.555 179.000 4.008 0.0001
LC 521.033 42.808
(µg/m3)Control 32.207 12.116 198.500 3.718 0.0002
LC 23.040 6.591
(ppm) Control 0.010 0.000 450.000 0.000 1.0000
LC 0.010 0.000
(ppm) Control 0.000 0.000 450.000 0.000 1.0000
LC 0.000 0.000
(ppm) Control 0.205 0.057 386.500 0.942 0.3462
LC 0.191 0.053
Control 24.840 0.230 143.000 4.561 0.0000
LC 25.493 0.509
Control 60.300 3.476 193.500 3.830 0.0001
LC 63.900 1.583
Note: LC denotes low green coverage ratio.
3.1.4. Dierence between High and Low Green Coverage Ratio Treatments
The results of the Mann-Whitney U tests with two independent samples using the physical
environmental factors as dependent variables and the experimental treatment as the independent
variable showed that humidity was significantly greater for the low green coverage ratio treatment
than for the high green coverage ratio treatment at 0.25 m (Table 10). Further, the results of the
Mann-Whitney U tests with two independent samples using the physical environmental factors as
dependent variables and the experimental treatment as the independent variable showed that CO
and humidity were significantly greater for the low green coverage ratio treatment than for the high
green coverage ratio treatment at 1.5 m (Table 11).
Sustainability 2019,11, 3679 11 of 19
Table 10.
Results of the Mann-Whitney U tests for the high and low green coverage ratio treatments at
0.25 m.
Environmental Factor Condition Mean S.D. Mann-Whitney U Z-Value p-Value
(µg/m3)LC 6.807 4.517 439.500 0.155 0.8766
HC 7.250 5.414
(ppm) LC 555.700 51.848 420.500 0.436 0.6627
HC 544.533 49.515
(µg/m3)LC 10.977 6.569 417.500 0.481 0.6308
HC 12.227 8.675
(ppm) LC 0.031 0.012 364.500 1.325 0.1852
HC 0.036 0.011
(ppm) LC 0.000 0.000 450.000 0.000 1.0000
HC 0.000 0.000
(ppm) LC 0.166 0.029 323.000 1.892 0.0585
HC 0.194 0.051
LC 25.603 0.217 334.000 1.725 0.0845
HC 25.850 0.522
LC 65.333 1.539 201.500 3.772 0.0002
HC 63.667 1.470
Note: HC denotes high green coverage ratio and LC denotes low green coverage ratio.
Table 11.
Results of the Mann-Whitney U tests for the high and low green coverage ratio treatments at
1.5 m.
Environmental Factor Condition Mean S.D. Mann-Whitney U Z-Value p-Value
(µg/m3)LC 19.677 4.709 448.500 0.022 0.9823
HC 19.973 6.005
(ppm) LC 558.900 51.575 258.000 2.839 0.0045
HC 521.033 42.808
(µg/m3)LC 22.480 4.633 438.500 0.170 0.8650
HC 23.040 6.591
(ppm) LC 0.010 0.000 450.000 0.000 1.0000
HC 0.010 0.000
(ppm) LC 0.000 0.000 450.000 0.000 1.0000
HC 0.000 0.000
(ppm) LC 0.171 0.029 367.000 1.235 0.2169
HC 0.191 0.053
LC 25.227 0.230 322.500 1.895 0.0581
HC 25.493 0.509
LC 65.133 1.737 266.500 2.784 0.0054
HC 63.900 1.583
Note: HC denotes high green coverage ratio and LC denotes low green coverage ratio.
3.1.5. Dierence between Dierent Distances
The results of the Wilcoxon tests with two dependent samples using the physical environmental
factors as dependent variables and the distance as the independent variable showed that HCHO
and temperature were significantly greater at 0.25 m than at 1.5 m for the high green coverage ratio
treatment, while PM2.5 and PM10 were significantly greater at 1.5 m than at 0.25 m for the high green
coverage ratio treatment (Table 12). Further, the results of the Wilcoxon tests with two independent
samples using the physical environmental factors as dependent variables and the distance as the
independent variable showed that CO
, HCHO, and temperature were significantly greater at 0.25 m
than at 1.5m for the low green coverage ratio treatment, while PM
and PM
were significantly
greater at 1.5 m than at 0.25 m for the low green coverage ratio treatment (Table 13).
Sustainability 2019,11, 3679 12 of 19
Table 12.
Results of the Wilcoxon tests of dierent distances for the high green coverage ratio treatment.
Environmental Factor Distance Mean S.D. Mann-Whitney U Z-Value
(µg/m3)0.25 6.807 4.517 4.783 0.0000
1.5 19.677 4.709
(ppm) 0.25 555.700 51.848 0.638 0.5235
1.5 558.900 51.575
(µg/m3)0.25 10.977 6.569 4.783 0.0000
1.5 22.480 4.633
(ppm) 0.25 0.031 0.012 4.654 0.0000
1.5 0.010 0.000
(ppm) 0.25 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.0000
1.5 0.000 0.000
(ppm) 0.25 0.166 0.029 2.812 0.0049
1.5 0.171 0.029
0.25 25.603 0.217 5.002 0.0000
1.5 25.227 0.230
0.25 65.333 1.539 1.604 0.1088
1.5 65.133 1.737
Table 13.
Results of the Wilcoxon tests of dierent distances for the low green coverage ratio treatment.
Environmental Factor Distance Mean S.D. Mann-Whitney U Z-Value
(µg/m3)0.25 7.250 5.414 4.783 0.0000
1.5 19.973 6.005
(ppm) 0.25 544.533 49.515 2.892 0.0038
1.5 521.033 42.808
(µg/m3)0.25 12.227 8.675 4.782 0.0000
1.5 23.040 6.591
(ppm) 0.25 0.036 0.011 4.820 0.0000
1.5 0.010 0.000
(ppm) 0.25 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.0000
1.5 0.000 0.000
(ppm) 0.25 0.194 0.051 1.245 0.2131
1.5 0.191 0.053
0.25 25.850 0.522 4.916 0.0000
1.5 25.493 0.509
0.25 63.667 1.470 1.941 0.0522
1.5 63.900 1.583
3.2. Subjective Psychological Perceptions
3.2.1. Participants’ Demographic Information
This study had a total of 60 participants (12 men; 48 women), who had an average age of 20.92 years
(SD =1.44). A total of 30 participants (8 men; 22 women) were randomly assigned to receive the
high green coverage ratio treatment, and 30 participants (4 men; 26 women) were randomly assigned
to receive the low green coverage ratio treatment. Next, a chi-square test was performed with sex,
college, department, and year of study as the dependent variables and experimental treatment as
the independent variable. The results revealed no significant dierences in sex, college, department,
and year of study (p>0.05). Additionally, the results of the independent sample ttest revealed a
nonsignificant dierence between the experimental groups (p>0.05) in terms of age.
Sustainability 2019,11, 3679 13 of 19
3.2.2. Scale Reliability
This study adopted questionnaires for measuring preference, environmental comfort, perceived
naturalness, novelty, and PAD emotional state to investigate the eects of dierent experimental
treatments on the subjective psychological perceptions of participants to examine hypothesis 3. Table 14
provides the reliability of each scale. The Cronbach’s
of the environmental comfort scale was 0.67,
which is slightly less than ideal. The Cronbach’s
of all other scales was greater than 0.728, indicating
favorable internal consistency reliability [56].
Table 14. Reliability analysis of the subjective psychological perception scales.
Subjective Psychological Perception No. of Items Overall Cronbach’s α
Preference 2 0.859
Environmental Comfort 4 0.670
Perceived Naturalness 6 0.866
Novelty 11 0.728
Emotions 18 0.839
3.2.3. Dierence in the Participant Perceptions between Dierent Experimental Treatments
The results of the independent sample ttest revealed a nonsignificant difference regarding preference
(index score) and environmental comfort (index score) between the experimental treatments (p>0.05),
and the difference contained a zero in the 95% confidence interval for the difference (Table 15). One-way
multivariate analyses of variance (MANOVA) using the perceived naturalness, novelty, PAD emotions
as dependent variables and the experimental treatment as the independent variable revealed that the
four variables of perceived naturalness (3 composite scores and index score), six variables of novelty
(5 composite scores and index score), and three variables of the PAD scale (3 composite scores) were not
significant (p>0.05), indicating no significant difference between the experimental treatments (Table 16).
Because more than one dependent variable was examined, MANOVA was used since it can
simultaneously consider the relationship of several dependent variables, particularly between the composite
scores and the index scores in this case, to test whether a significant difference exists in the experimental
treatment and analyze whether the experimental treatment exhibits significant differences across the
individual dependent variables. However, analysis of variance (ANOVA) hypothesizes that no relationship
exists between the dependent variables, and analyzes each individual dependent variable. By contrast,
MANOVA is a statistical test of all dependent variables based on their optimal linear combination [57].
Table 15.
Dierence between dierent experimental treatment groups in preference and
environmental comfort.
Index Score Experimental
Treatment Mean SD T Value P Value Eect
Size η2Observed
95% Confidence Interval for the Dierence
Lower Bound Upper Bound
Preference HC 6.267
0.458 0.649 0.004 0.074 1.165 0.731
LC 6.483
HC 6.483
0.253 0.801 0.001 0.057 0.742 0.575
LC 6.567
Note: HC denotes high green coverage ratio and LC denotes low green coverage ratio.
Table 16.
Dierence between dierent experimental treatment groups in perceived naturalness, novelty,
and PAD emotions.
Subjective Psychological Perception Independent Variable Dependent Variable F P Value Eect Size η2Observed Power
Perceived naturalness Experimental Treatment Composite Score (3)
Index Score (1) 0.575 0.634 0.030 0.161
Novelty Experimental Treatment Composite Score (5)
Index Score (1) 0.417 0.835 0.037 0.150
Emotions Experimental Treatment Composite Score (3) 1.433 0.243 0.071 0.359
Note: ( ) denotes the number of dependent variables.
Sustainability 2019,11, 3679 14 of 19
3.3. Correlations between Objective Factors of the Physical Environment and Subjective Psychological Perceptions
Because the participants sat at a distance of 1.5 m from the plants, their subjective psychological
perceptions were subject to a correlation analysis with the objective factors of the physical environment
measured at a distance of 1.5 m from the plants. Given that the focus of interest was the relationships
between the participants’ subjective perceptions and the physical environment with respect to the
plants, the correlation analysis used the data on both the low and high green coverage ratio treatments.
The results are as follows. (1) Preference exhibited a significantly weak negative correlation with PM
and PM
. (2) Environmental comfort exhibited no significant correlation with air quality, temperature,
and humidity. (3) Perceived naturalness exhibited a significantly weak negative correlation with PM
and PM
. (4) The novelty index score exhibited a significantly weak negative correlation with TVOC
level. (5) Change in routine in novelty exhibited a significantly weak negative correlation with TVOC
level. (6) Pleasure in the PAD scale exhibited a significantly moderate negative correlation with PM
and a significantly weak negative correlation with PM10 (Table 17).
Table 17.
Correlations between objective factors of physical environment and subjective psychological
perceptions (N=60).
Subjective Perception Score PM2.5 CO2PM10 HCHO CO TVOC Temper–ature Humidity
Preference Index Score r=0.294 * r=0.033 r=0.281 * c c r=0.253 r=0.161 r=0.146
(p=0.023) (p=0.800) (p=0.029) (p=0.051) (p=0.220) (p=0.266)
Comfort Index Score r=0.227 r=0.099 r=0.204 c c r=0.115 r=0.074 r=0.164
(p=0.081) (p=0.451) (p=0.118) (p=0.381) (p=0.574) (p=0.211)
Perceived Naturalness
Naturalness r=0.280 * r=0.017 r=0.257 * c c r=0.197 r=0.121 r=0.100
(p=0.030) (p=0.895) (p=0.047) (p=0.131) (p=0.356) (p=0.445)
Richness of natural
r=0.089 r=0.131 r=0.072 c c r=0.168 r=0.110 r=0.022
(p=0.499) (p=0.317) (p=0.584) (p=0.200) (p=0.403) (p=0.868)
r=0.157 r=0.015 r=0.148 c c r=0.197 r=0.019 r=0.102
(p=0.230) (p=0.910) (p=0.258) (p=0.131) (p=0.885) (p=0.438)
Index Score r=0.204 r=0.065 r=0.185 c c r=0.222 r=0.080 r=0.088
(p=0.118) (p=0.621) (p=0.157) (p=0.089) (p=0.543) (p=0.503)
Change in Routine r=0.185 r=0.052 r=0.160 c c r=0.361 ** r=0.094 r=0.111
(p=0.157) (p=0.692) (p=0.222) (p=0.005) (p=0.473) (p=0.397)
Thrill r=0.064 r=0.099 r=0.062 c c r=0.014 r=0.059 r=0.064
(p=0.629) (p=0.452) (p=0.639) (p=0.915) (p=0.655) (p=0.625)
Surprise r=0.157 r=0.015 r=0.148 c c r=0.197 r=0.019 r=0.102
(p=0.230) (p=0.910) (p=0.258) (p=0.131) (p=0.885) (p=0.438)
r=0.074 r=0.018 r=0.032 c c r=0.077 r=0.052 r=0.248
(p=0.572) (p=0.890) (p=0.808) (p=0.558) (p=0.695) (p=0.056)
Unfamiliarity r=0.006 r=0.084 r=0.005 c c r=0.077 r=0.034 r=0.027
(p=0.966) (p=0.524) (p=0.968) (p=0.561) (p=0.795) (p=0.838)
Index Score r=0.133 r=0.023 r=0.106 c c r=0.259*r=0.010 r=0.159
(p=0.311) (p=0.863) (p=0.420) (p=0.046) (p=0.942) (p=0.226)
Pleasure r=0.423 ** r=0.028 r=0.394 ** c c r=0.234 r=0.146 r=0.158
(p=0.001) (p=0.829) (p=0.002) (p=0.071) (p=0.267) (p=0.228)
Arousal r=0.119 r=0.070 r=0.103 c c r=0.241 r=0.183 r=0.031
(p=0.367) (p=0.596) (p=0.435) (p=0.064) (p=0.161) (p=0.816)
Dominance r=0.154 r=0.001 r=0.134 c c r=0.099 r=0.146 r=0.163
(p=0.241) (p=0.994) (p=0.309) (p=0.451) (p=0.266) (p=0.214)
Note: **(p<0.01) indicates significance (two-tailed); *(p<0.05) indicates significance (two-tailed);
denotes that the
factor was not calculable because at least one of the variables was a constant. Ndenotes sample size.
4. Discussion
The first hypothesis (H1) of this study postulates that dierent plant distances correspond to
dierent eects on the objective physical environment in terms of air quality, temperature, and humidity
level. The results showed that H1 could not be rejected. When the high green coverage ratio treatment
was compared to its control, the significantly greater CO
, TVOC, and humidity at 0.25 m than 1.5 m
were no longer significant. This may because the participants siting at 1.5 m exhaled CO2and TVOC
that was purified by the 3 plants via their respiration. However, the change in humidity was dicult to
Sustainability 2019,11, 3679 15 of 19
explain. It was expected that the humidity would be greater when closer to the plants than when farther
away due to the evapotranspiration of the plants. Nevertheless, some plants can reduce the humidity
in the air [
]. When the low green coverage ratio treatment was compared to its control, PM
were significantly greater at 1.5 m than at 0.25 m, while CO
and HCHO were significantly
greater at 0.25 m than at 1.5 m. This may because (1) PM
and PM
were reduced by the single
plant via its respiration [
], (2) the plant itself exhaled CO
, though photosynthesis also reduced CO
and (3) HCHO was released by the newly painted wall. Although the control conditions of the two
treatments, which were dierent from each other, made the examinations of the eects of the plants
at dierent distances dicult, it was clear that regardless of number of plants, the closer the plant,
the higher CO
level. It is also suggested that closer to indoor plants there was less particulate matter.
The second hypothesis (H2) of this study postulates that the eects on the objective physical
environment in terms of air quality, temperature, and humidity level would dier when the distance
from the plant remains the same but the green coverage ratio varies. The results partially supported H2.
Regardless of the distance from the plant (1.5 m and 0.25 m), CO
and humidity were significantly greater
for the high green coverage ratio treatment than for its control, while TVOC and temperature were
significantly greater for the control than for the high green coverage ratio treatment. Further, regardless
of the distance from the plant, CO
, temperature, and humidity were significantly greater for the low
green coverage ratio treatment than for the control, while PM
and PM
were significantly greater for
the control than for the low green coverage ratio treatment. Therefore, regardless of the distance from
the plant, CO
and humidity were significantly greater for the presence of indoor plants (3 and 1 plants)
than for the absence of indoor plants. This may because the plant exhaled CO
and transpirated water.
In addition, it suggested that three indoor plants could reduce temperature at both 1.5 m and 0.25 m
because of transpiration, while one indoor plant could not reduce the temperature at both 1.5 m and
0.25 m. However, humidity was greater for the low green coverage ratio treatment than for the high
green coverage ratio treatment at both 1.5 m and 0.25 m, which was dicult to explain. It was expected
that more plants produce greater humidity unless the plants can reduce humidity [58].
The third hypothesis (H3) of this study postulates that the effects on subjective psychological
perceptions in terms of novelty, preference, perceived naturalness, emotions, and environmental comfort
would differ when the distance from the plant remains the same but the green coverage ratio varies.
The results did not support H3. Therefore, the green coverage ratio (8.83% or 3.00%) did not influence the
subjective psychological perceptions of participants. This result differs from Han [
], who reported that a
6% green coverage ratio could elicit significantly stronger feelings of preference and comfort in students.
However, this study adopted an experimental method to investigate the preferences (task-dependent and
task-independent) and environmental comfort (four items) of university students following brief exposure
to R. hainanensis Merr., whereas Han [
] conducted a field quasi-experiment to examine the preference (one
item) and comfort (one item) of students from junior high schools after prolonged exposure to Cinnamomum
kotoense Kanehira et Sasaki. Therefore, a direct comparison of our study with that of Han [
] may not
appropriate. In addition, this study discovered that the participants feelings of novelty were unaffected,
irrespective of the number of potted plants. Hence, the finding reported in other studies that only a few
indoor plants benefit peoples’ physical and mental health as well as overall wellbeing [
] is
unlikely attributable to the effect of novelty. In future investigations of the effects of indoor plants on
participants’ subjective psychological perceptions, researchers may need to further increase the green
coverage ratio to identify possible effects.
The fourth hypothesis (H4) of this study postulates that air quality, temperature, and humidity
correlate with novelty, perceived naturalness, preference, emotions, and environmental comfort.
The results partially supported H4. Preference, perceived naturalness, and pleasure exhibited a
significant negative correlation with PM
and PM
levels. Therefore, the lower levels of fine and
suspended particles in the air, the stronger the feelings of preference, naturalness of the environment,
and pleasure in participants. Furthermore, both change in routine in the novelty and the index
score for novelty exhibited a significant negative correlation with TVOC level, suggesting that the
Sustainability 2019,11, 3679 16 of 19
lower levels of TVOC in the air, the stronger the feelings of novelty and change from routine in
participants. This may because participants spend much time in TVOC-polluted rooms [
] and likely
have become accustomed to such environments. Finally, environmental comfort and objective physical
environmental factors were not significantly correlated, possibly because the air quality, temperature,
and humidity level of the experimental room did not vary considerably and were within standard
ranges defined by the Indoor Air Quality Act (Table 3).
This study examined the eects of indoor plants on both the physical environment and the
psychological perceptions, manipulating their distances and green coverage ratios. This made the
research design relatively complicated. A limitation of this study was that the participants were
situated only at 1.5 m but not at 0.25 m from the plant, which resulted in an unbalanced design.
The air quality detector at 1.5 m would be more aected by its proximity to the participant than the
plant. Although any person in the room would emit heat, VOCs, CO
, and would likely re-suspend
particulate matter, this was not the case in this study, except for CO
. Future studies may adopt
more straight forward approaches than this one. Moreover, the analyses of the data on the physical
environment relying on the nonparametric statistical tests could not take into account the eects of
both the plant distances and amount simultaneously. Therefore, the eects of the plant distances and
green coverage ratios on the physical environment were analyzed separately. When combining the
pieces of information together, the results showed a clearer picture: (1) regardless of number of plants,
the closer the plant, the higher the CO
level; (2) the major eects of more indoor plants were greater
and humidity; and (3) the secondary eects of more indoor plants were less PM
and PM
well as lower temperature. Furthermore, given that the experiments of this study were conducted
in an actual environment, some variables such as weather could not be fully controlled. It rained
for two days and one day during the high and the low green coverage ratio treatment, respectively,
which may influence the physical environment (e.g., humidity) and the psychological perceptions (e.g.,
emotions) [62]. More replication studies are needed.
More studies on the physiology of R. hainanensis Merr are necessary. How much water the plant
needs for photosynthesis, how much it transpirates, how much CO
its exhales during its breathing,
and how much it absorbs during its photosynthesis remain unknown. Laboratory studies and field
studies are both needed.
5. Conclusions
This study was the first to verify that the distance from indoor plants and their green coverage
ratio in a real setting can significantly influence the physical environment. Simply placing one or three
large pots of R. hainanensis Merr. in a room with a floor area of 12 m
can increase the humidity levels
and reduce PM
and PM
. Further, three large pots of R. hainanensis Merr. can reduce temperature
more significantly than one large pot. These findings bridge the gap in research regarding experiments
that mostly involve highly concentrated pollutants in small and enclosed fumigation chambers, which
dier from people’s daily living environments. Furthermore, the literature still lacks investigations of
the distance and green coverage ratio of indoor plants. This study also demonstrated findings that
only a few indoor plants benefit people’s physical and mental health and wellbeing are probably not
attributable to the eect of novelty, and further revealed that even a few pots of indoor plants in a
minimally polluted room, which meets the Indoor Air Quality Act, can still eectively improve the air
quality and environmental comfort. Therefore, indoor plants that can regulate indoor air quality and
microclimates without consuming energy warrant greater attention and wider application.
Funding: Ministry of Science and Technology MOST 107-2410-H-167-008-MY2.
This study represents the partial results of a research project sponsored by the Ministry of Science
and Technology in Taiwan (MOST 107-2410-H-167-008-MY2). The sponsors had no role in the design, execution,
interpretation, or writing of the study. The author thanks L.-W. Ruan for data collection, organization, and analyses.
Conflicts of Interest: The author declares no conflict of interest.
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... Furthermore, recent empirical studies showed that more indoor plants resulted in higher relative humidity and lower PM 2.5 , PM 10 , and air temperature (Han 2019) and that HCHO and total volatile organic compound (TVOC) levels and air temperature were higher when the indoor plants were at 3.0 m than at 1.5 m (Han 2021).That is, with more plants and/or proximity to plants, better air purification and microclimate regulation effects could be achieved (Han 2019(Han , 2021. This is because air purification and microclimate regulation depends on plant photosynthesis, adsorption, respiration, transpiration (Han 1998), and soil microbes (Kim et al. 2008;Orwell et al. 2004) and thus has an effective range. ...
... Furthermore, recent empirical studies showed that more indoor plants resulted in higher relative humidity and lower PM 2.5 , PM 10 , and air temperature (Han 2019) and that HCHO and total volatile organic compound (TVOC) levels and air temperature were higher when the indoor plants were at 3.0 m than at 1.5 m (Han 2021).That is, with more plants and/or proximity to plants, better air purification and microclimate regulation effects could be achieved (Han 2019(Han , 2021. This is because air purification and microclimate regulation depends on plant photosynthesis, adsorption, respiration, transpiration (Han 1998), and soil microbes (Kim et al. 2008;Orwell et al. 2004) and thus has an effective range. ...
... Without considering the time of day, window status, and plantinstrument distance, relative humidity in the room with eight potted plants was also significantly higher than in the room with three potted plants, demonstrating a greater humidity enhancement performance with a greater number of plants. This finding was also consistent with Han (2019). Regardless of the time of day and plant -instrument distance, the CO 2 level in the room with eight plants was significantly higher than in the room with three plants, verifying that a greater number of plants produce higher CO 2 emissions. ...
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Few empirical studies have examined the simultaneous effects of window opening and indoor plants on air characteristics. This study compared the effects of four variables, day/night, window status, plant distance, and number of plants, on air characteristics in a room at a basement via experiments. This was because plants perform photosynthesis during the day, which produces O2 and absorbs CO2, whereas they usually produce only CO2 at night. Moreover, a higher number of potted plants and a shorter distance to the plants are expected to generate greater air purification outcomes. Results included: (1) during the day and at night, the ventilation created by opening a window outperformed the transpiration from indoor plants in temperature reduction and humidity enhancement; (2) placing either three or eight potted plants indoor exhibited greater performance in reducing particulate matter (PM2.5 and PM10) and TVOC levels than opening a window; (3) a shorter distance (1.5 m) to the plant proved more effective in temperature reduction, humidity enhancement, and TVOC purification, whereas a longer distance (3.0 m) was discovered to have more effect on PM2.5 and PM10 reduction; and (4) eight potted plants significantly outperformed three in reducing temperature and increasing humidity.
... than when it was 1.5 m; (2) three pots of Radermachera hainanensis Merr. had significantly higher CO 2 concentration and significantly lower concentrations of PM 2.5 and PM 10 than one pot of Radermachera hainanensis Merr [8]; (3) the concentrations of PM 2.5 and PM 10 at 1.5 m and 3.0 m away from Radermachera hainanensis Merr. were significantly lower than those of areas without potted plants; and (4) whether three or eight pots of Radermachera hainanensis Merr. ...
... Two experiments conducted in a room that met the indoor air quality standards found that: (1) three pots of Radermachera hainanensis Merr. resulted in significantly higher relative humidity than one pot of Radermachera hainanensis Merr [8]; (2) the air temperature at 1.5 m and 3.0 m away from Radermachera hainanensis Merr. was significantly lower than without potted plants; (3) the relative humidity at 1.5 m and 3.0 m away from the three pots of Radermachera hainanensis Merr. ...
... were placed in the experimental group, the concentrations of PM 2.5 , PM 10 , and TVOC close to the plants were all lower than far from the plants, but the concentrations of CO 2 and HCHO far from the plants were lower than near the plants. These findings are consistent with previous studies [8,9]. Therefore, these findings illustrate that the improvement effect of plants on different air pollutants is related to the distance. ...
... The outdoor temperature was 23-24 ℃, so the indoor temperature was within comfort conditions as per mentioned by the (ISHARE). Few research studies mentioned data collection point one, readings were taken at the centre (Shree et al., 2019a;Shree et al., 2019b;Jung & Awad, 2021) or only two points depending upon occupancy and plant position (Kim et al., 2013;Han, 2019;2020) Table 1 List of instruments used for experiments for different parameters mentioned the readings taken by moving the instrument around the room (Bhargava et al., 2021). Whereas the current study mentioned systematic arrangements of data collection points. ...
... Whereas the current study mentioned systematic arrangements of data collection points. The literature study documented the frequency of reading thrice a week (Kim et al., 2013) with nine readings, and the second was with continuous reading with data loggers, the frequency was every 6 min., 30 data points were recorded (Han, 2019). For this study frequency of reading was one per week and a total of six readings were measured. ...
... An equal number of plants were kept in three classrooms referring to (2019) states that installing one large potted plant and one small potted plant per 6 m 2 floor area in a room whereas US studies have also recommended placing at least one (15.24 cm) potted plant per 9 m 2 floor area in a room was sufficient to clean air (Han, 2019). The green coverage ratio was derived from the literature study (Han, 2009;2020). ...
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Urbanization in Indian metropolitan cities deteriorating the outdoor environment by polluting water, soil, and air to a great extent. Some of the cities are at a fatal level of contamination affecting indoor environments. Many studies had reported the impact of a high level of CO2 indoors on the occupants. Its effect depends upon the concentration of CO2, the duration of exposure, and the concentration of oxygen (O2). Still the effects range from increased respiratory rates to cardiac ailments and carcinoses. India is a developing country so the sustainable and affordable approaches will be more applicable in this context. This study tries to find a well-grounded way to improve indoor air quality. The current pilot study focuses on examining the effect of indoor plants on indoor air quality by measuring CO2 levels. This study has used three different species of plants for three different classrooms of higher education institutes. The study was performed in an unsealed environment where air velocity and CO2 were measured. Statistical analysis results show that indoor CO2 concentration has been reduced by 11% than outdoors after placing the plants. This study also shows the correlation between CO2 concentration and the distance from the plant using the Pearson correlation coefficient. Hence indoor vegetation can be considered a sustainable way of purifying the air and altering the microclimate of the classrooms for the well-being of the occupants.
... People spend leisure time indoors as well; therefore, they potentially experience some adverse effects due to decreasing amounts of time they spend in natural surroundings 5 . Since plants represent nature [6][7][8] , people grow plants indoors to improve the quality of their living and working environments 8,9 . Because plants can minimise dust accumulation and reduce pollutants in interior spaces, they are known to minimise the harmful effects of 'sick building syndrome' 10 . ...
... People spend leisure time indoors as well; therefore, they potentially experience some adverse effects due to decreasing amounts of time they spend in natural surroundings 5 . Since plants represent nature [6][7][8] , people grow plants indoors to improve the quality of their living and working environments 8,9 . Because plants can minimise dust accumulation and reduce pollutants in interior spaces, they are known to minimise the harmful effects of 'sick building syndrome' 10 . ...
... Because plants can minimise dust accumulation and reduce pollutants in interior spaces, they are known to minimise the harmful effects of 'sick building syndrome' 10 . Indoor plants have certain positive effects on physical and mental health of humans 8,11,12 . Indoor plants that have indirect effects such purifying and moistening indoor air 6 also produce positive effects on the quality of interior air and micro climate 8 . ...
Integrating nature indoors strengthens the relationship between humans and nature and so it is also vital for physical and psychological health and comfort. In interior design, plants are one of the most essential elements of design that connect people to nature. This study reveals human-nature interactions within the scale of interior spaces in terms of participants' preferences for indoor plants. This paper includes the socio-demographic characteristics of the people in Bartin city centre, Turkey and the evaluation of their use of interior plants and interior plant preferences. The study analyses the preferences of 201 urban residents in Bartin, the majority of whom were university graduates and residents of apartment buildings, by using a face-to-face questionnaire. Results include that participants mostly preferred plants with aesthetic features and relaxation was found to be the most important psychological effect of indoor plants. This study emphasises the importance of indoor plants in terms of interior comfort and positive psychological benefits. It provides information for future studies regarding the interactions between humans, plants and environments in small-scale cities with changing urbanisation.
... People spend most of their time indoors in today's urbanized world (Dreyer et al., 2018;Han, 2019), leading to a growing concern about the impact on psychological well-being. The prevalence of physical and mental health issues and declining psychological well-being in contemporary society, may be influenced by the artificial nature of built environments. ...
... The Rural Development Administration of South Korea recommends their residence to have minimum of 0.33m 2 of indoor green cover per 6m 2 of floor area (GCR of 5.5%) without solely having an artificial environment (Kim et al., 2013). Due to the lack of specific local regulations and world research on interior greenery, 5.5% is adopted as the minimum, with 16.5% as the maximum as the highest ratio should be at least three times as the lowest (Han, 2019). To the simulated experimental room with 8.5m 2 total floor area, greenery is added using plant beds with 0.46m 2 for the minimum GCR and 1.40m 2 for the maximum. ...
Conference Paper
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This study aimed to investigate the impact of indoor greenery on occupants' well-being and design preferences. Previous research on outdoor greenery has left a gap in understanding the relationship between interior greenery and well-being. Using a sample of 36 final year Architecture students, the study tested four interior conditions in varying green coverage ratios and varying observing distances through a 3D simulated setup and virtual methods. The results showed that a high ratio of indoor greenery, regardless of observing distance, was consistently more beneficial than low greenery conditions. Specifically, a high amount of greenery at a far distance delivered the highest levels of psychological well-being, with 61.11% of participants reporting high well-being. In contrast, low greenery at a far distance was the least beneficial combination, resulting in lower well-being (38.89%-low, 2.78%-very low), personal satisfaction, negative feelings, and weaker connection to the indoor space. Most participants preferred indoor courtyards with 50% exposure to natural light due to the sense of naturalness and vibrant shadows they provided. The study recommends that Architects, Interior Designers, and Landscape Architects consider incorporating high indoor greenery at a distance and partial exposure to natural light to promote psychological well-being in future indoor green spaces.
... Previous studies have indicated that indoor plants are beneficial for human physical and mental health (Han, 2019;Hung and Chang, 2021) and positively impact life satisfaction (Kim et al., 2019). Moreover, they have been shown to improve work productivity and job satisfaction among indoor workers and enhance emotional stability by reducing stress in patients (Dijkstra et al., 2008;Dravigne et al., 2008). ...
... Various photosynthetic parameters (F v /F m , Φ Do , ABS/RC, DI o /RC, PI ABS , and etc.) enable easy evaluation of plant photosynthetic performance, and its usefulness has been demonstrated in various studies 2022d;Park et al., 2023;Vosnjak et al., 2021). While the conventional methods of assessing plant growth parameters were based on measurements of plant sizes or biomass, recent studies have increasingly also utilized leaf color reading values (such as CIELAB, Hunter Lab, and RGB) and leaf pigments analyses (Cabahug et al., 2017;2019;Nam et al., 2016; as well as chlorophyll fluorescence analysis Oh et al., 2022;Yang et al., 2022) for assessing plants vitality. Therefore, in this study, we selected different Peperomia species and cultivars, P. obtusifolia, P. caperata cv. ...
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Peperomia, the commonly cultivated house plants, are known for their superior shade tolerance, and suitability as ornamental indoor plants. Here, the effects of different color temperatures of white light-emitting diodes (LEDs) were experimentally investigated on Peperomia. Three white LEDs with different color temperatures of 3000, 4100, and 6500 K, respectively, were used in the cultivation of Peperomia species and cultivars namely: P. obtusifolia, P. caperata cv. Napoli Nights (‘Napoli Nights’), and P. caperata cv. Eden Rosso (‘Eden Rosso’) for experimental purposes. Results showed that the sizes of the plants P. obtusifolia and ‘Napoli Nights’ were optimal under 4100 and 6500 K white LEDs, whereas, ‘Eden Rosso’ exhibited optimal growth under 6500 K white LED. Compared to the other plants, P. obtusifolia exhibited superior biomass production under 4100 K white LED. Conversely, ‘Eden Rosso’ and ‘Napoli Nights’ had the highest biomass under 6500 and 3000 K white LEDs, respectively. Regarding the leaf color, L* and b* values demonstrated an inverse relationship with plant biomass, suggesting that leaves turn yellow when the growth of a plant is inhibited. Fv/Fm ranged from 0.77 to 0.81 across all treatments, and these values are generally acceptable. Compared to the other plants, P. obtusifolia and ‘Eden Rosso’ had higher ΦDo, ABS/RC, and DIo/RC under 6500 and 3000 K white LEDs, respectively, contradicting the results observed for plant sizes. In addition, PIABS values were higher for P. obtusifolia under 4100 and 6500 K white LEDs and the highest for ‘Eden Rosso’ under 6500 K white LED. In conclusion, P. obtusifolia can be cultivated under 4100-6500 K white LEDs, whereas, ‘Eden Rosso’ and ‘Napoli Nights’, under 6500 and 4100 K white LEDs, respectively.
... Husti et al. [35] reported notable carbon dioxide removal rates of 58.33% in offices with Ficus elastica, Dracaena deremensis, and Sansevieria trifasciata. A study by Han et al. [36] compared a room with three pots of R. hainanensis Merr. versus one pot, it was found that the former resulted in significantly higher CO 2 concentration and humidity. ...
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This experimental study investigates the influence of indoor plants on three aspects of air quality in office spaces: relative humidity, indoor air temperature, and carbon dioxide concentration. Employing a Latin square design, we rotated three different treatments across three offices over six time periods. These treatments included a control (no plants), a low-volume treatment (five plants), and a high-volume treatment (eighteen plants) of Nephrolepis exaltata (Boston fern). Air quality parameters were continuously monitored at five-minute intervals using Trace Gas Analyzers. Generalised linear mixed modelling (GLMM) was employed to examine the effect of each treatment on relative humidity, indoor air temperature and CO2 concentration. We observed a significant positive correlation between the number of indoor plants and relative humidity levels. In offices without any plants, the median relative humidity was 29.1%. This increased to 38.9% in offices with 5 plants and further to 49.2% in offices with 18 plants. However, we did not find significant associations between the number of indoor plants and indoor air temperature or corrected CO2 concentration. Our research provides support for the use of indoor plants to increase relative humidity, which can have health benefits in dry climates, but does not provide support for using indoor plants to regulate indoor air temperatures or CO2 concentration in office environments.
... As natural insulators, they minimize heat absorption in the summer and heat loss in the winter, reducing the energy needed to cool and heat a building [1]. They can also improve indoor air quality by filtering airborne pollutants and absorbing harmful gases [15]. Beyond these benefits, green facades can also contribute to biodiversity, create a sense of wellbeing, and enhance the aesthetic value of the built environment [47] ...
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As cities around the globe strive towards becoming “smart” and sustainable, the integration of green facades into smart building design has emerged as a viable solution to address several environmental challenges. This paper conducts a comprehensive review of current research and applications in green facades, analyzing their role in enhancing energy efficiency, improving indoor air quality, and contributing to overall building sustainability. The impact of green facades on reducing energy consumption, through natural insulation and shading, is explored in-depth, alongside their role in air purification and enhancing the aesthetic appeal of urban environments. Despite the potential of green facades, several gaps between theory and practice exist, including challenges in implementation, maintenance, and cost-effectiveness. This paper identifies these barriers and provides a robust discussion of potential solutions, which include technological innovations, policy support, and public awareness initiatives. Ultimately, the integration of green facades in smart buildings presents a significant step forward in creating sustainable urban environments, necessitating further research and action in this realm.
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Recent studies have highlighted that people spend most of their time indoors, making indoor air quality a critical concern. Indoor air pollution can have detrimental effects on human health, and the concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) in indoor environments is a crucial factor that needs to be monitored and controlled. Plants have been recognized globally as environmentally friendly and natural air purification mechanisms. Therefore, the feasibility of using indoor plants as an indoor air pollution mitigation measure was investigated in this study. While several studies have been conducted in temperate regions, only a few have focused on tropical climates. Therefore, this research aims to fill this gap by assessing the capacity of selected indoor plant species popular in Sri Lanka to reduce CO2 levels in indoor environments under varying lighting. Six plant species, including Chlorophytum comosum, Spathiphyllum blandum, Philodendron hederaceum, Sansevieria trifasciata, Aglaonema commutatum, and Dracaena fragrans, were evaluated for their ability to remove CO2 from indoor environments. The study found that Spathiphyllum blandum was the most efficient species in CO2 assimilation rate under all four lighting levels. Additionally, the study revealed that CO2 assimilation rates increase with higher light intensity. The findings suggest that certain indoor plant species can effectively mitigate indoor air pollution and that supplementary lighting can improve their CO2 removal efficiency. This research is significant because it provides insight into the potential use of indoor plants in tropical climates as a sustainable and natural way of improving indoor air quality.
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The influences of indoor plants on people have been examined by only three systematic reviews and no meta-analyses. The objective of this study was therefore to investigate the effects of indoor plants on individuals’ physiological, cognitive, health-related, and behavioral functions by conducting a systematic review with meta-analyses to fill the research gap. The eligibility criteria of this study were (1) any type of participants, (2) any type of indoor plants, (3) comparators without any plants or with other elements, (4) any type of objective human function outcomes, (5) any type of study design, and (6) publications in either English or Chinese. Records were extracted from the Web of Science (1990–), Scopus (1970–), WANFANG DATA (1980–), and Taiwan Periodical Literature (1970–). Therefore, at least two databases were searched in English and in Chinese—two of the most common languages in the world. The last search date of all four databases was on 18 February 2021. We used a quality appraisal system to evaluate the included records. A total of 42 records was included for the systematic review, which concluded that indoor plants affect participants’ functions positively, particularly those of relaxed physiology and enhanced cognition. Separate meta-analyses were then conducted for the effects of the absence or presence of indoor plants on human functions. The meta-analyses comprised only 16 records. The evidence synthesis showed that indoor plants can significantly benefit participants’ diastolic blood pressure (−2.526, 95% CI −4.142, −0.909) and academic achievement (0.534, 95% CI 0.167, 0.901), whereas indoor plants also affected participants’ electroencephalography (EEG) α and β waves, attention, and response time, though not significantly. The major limitations of this study were that we did not include the grey literature and used only two or three records for the meta-analysis of each function. In brief, to achieve the healthy city for people’s health and effective functioning, not only are green spaces needed in cities, but also plants are needed in buildings.
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A field experiment was conducted at a junior high school with 35 students to compare the influence of passive versus active interaction of occupants with indoor plants and the effect of distance from plants on the participants. The participants’ data on subjective perception and objective performance were collected every four weeks over a semester. The active interaction mode group (n = 18) was required to take care of the plants in the classroom and surrounding areas, while the passive interaction mode group (n = 17) was not. The results indicated that (1) the active interaction mode had significantly greater self-reported stress restoration than the passive interaction mode with acceptable statistical power; (2) self-reported plant knowledge seemed to increase over the semester with no definite trend; (3) both active and passive interaction with plants could significantly increase self-reported attention restoration with acceptable statistical power; and (4) the plants at different distances from participants’ seats did not have different effects on participants, though the statistical power of this finding was less than ideal.
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Ultrafine particle pollution is a health concern in indoor and outdoor settings. Reducing ultrafine particle exposure and concentrations in populated areas is therefore an important research topic. Our study assesses the effectiveness of plants to decrease ultrafine particle concentrations in indoor environments. Ambient ultrafine particle concentrations were measured for three hours in and outside a polycarbonate chamber with and without plants using a condensation particle counter. Reduction in ambient ultrafine particle levels between blanks and treatments of 11 plant species were compared using infiltration factors (Finfs). All but one species, Dracaena deremensis compacta, resulted in in-chamber ultrafine particle reductions, with typically small but statistically significant results. Juniperus chinensis ‘San Jose' showed the highest per-plant ultrafine particle reduction (5.5%). A linear relationship between number of within-chamber plants and percent ultrafine particle reduction was proven (r2 = 0.95) for juniper plants, four plants achieved the maximum Finfp reduction (19.9%). Plant surface area was associated with ultrafine particle reduction (r2 = 0.85) when comparing statistically significant results. Humidity and temperature were irrelevant to reduction. Household ultrafine particle reduction was estimated using juniper plants (11%). Results indicate that plants may provide a small, yet statistically significant ultrafine particle reduction in homes with the co-benefit of greening the indoor environment.
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The contribution of aerial plant parts versus the root zone to the removal of volatile formaldehyde by potted Fatsia japonica Decne. & Planch. and Ficus benjamina L. plants was assessed during the day and night. The removal capacity of the entire plant, aerial plant parts, and root zone was determined by exposing the relevant parts to gaseous formaldehyde (2 μL·L -1) in airtight chambers (1.0 m3) constructed of inert materials. The rate of formaldehyde removal was initially rapid but decreased as the internal concentration diminished in the chamber. To compare the removal efficiency between species and plant parts, the time interval required to reach 50% of the initial concentration was determined (96 and 123 min for entire plants of F. japonica and F. benjamina, respectively). In both species, the aerial plant parts reduced the formaldehyde concentration during the day but removed little during the night. However, the root zone eliminated a substantial amount of formaldehyde during the day and night. The ratio of formaldehyde removal by aerial plant parts versus the root zone was similar for both species, at ≈1:1 during the day and 1:11 at night. The effectiveness of the root zone in formaldehyde removal was due primarily to microorganisms and roots (≈90%); only about 10% was due to adsorption by the growing medium. The results indicate that the root zone is a major contributor to the removal of formaldehyde. A better understanding of formaldehyde metabolism by root zone microflora should facilitate maximizing the phytoremediation efficiency of indoor plants.
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A job satisfaction survey was posted on the Internet and administered to office workers in Texas and the Midwest. The survey included questions regarding job satisfaction, physical work environments, the presence or absence of live interior plants and windows, environmental preferences of the office workers, and demographic information. Approximately 450 completed responses were included in the final sample. Data were analyzed to compare levels of job satisfaction of employees who worked in office spaces with live interior plants or window views of exterior green spaces and employees who worked in office environments without live plants or windows. Statistically significant differences (P < 0.05) were found regarding perceptions of overall life quality, overall perceptions of job satisfaction, and in the job satisfaction subcategories of "nature of work," "supervision," and "coworkers" among employees who worked in office spaces with live interior plants or window views and those employees who worked in office environments without live plants or windows. Findings indicated that individuals who worked in offices with plants and windows reported that they felt better about their job and the work they performed. This study also provided evidence that those employees who worked in offices that had plants or windows reported higher overall quality-of-life scores. Multivariate analysis of variance comparisons indicated that there were no statistically significant differences among the categories of "age," "ethnicity," "salary," "education levels," and "position" among employees who worked in offices with or without plants or window views. However, there were gender differences in comparisons of males in that male participants in offices with plants rated job satisfaction statements higher when compared with males working in offices with no plants. No differences were found in comparisons of female respondents.
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Han and Lin's (2006) quasi-experiment study found that plants at the back of a classroom were helpful for students' emotion, health, and behavior. Thus, the purpose of this study was to further examine the influence of classroom greenness, visibility of greenness, distance of plants, and actual plants versus pictures of plants on the students' emotion, physiology, cognition, and restoration. This study was a quasi-experiment, which recruited 35 students at the Taiping Junior High School, Taichung as the subjects and lasted for a whole semester. The results indicated that even 2% greenness of the classroom floor was significantly conducive to well-being, more visible plants at the front of the classroom significantly reduced more state anxiety than less visible plants at the back of the classroom, less visible plants at the back of the classroom significantly increased more well-being than less visible plant pictures at the same location, and either closer to actual plants or plant pictures significantly reduced more state anxiety than farther away from either one.
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Foliage plants of Hedera helix L. (english ivy), Spathiphyllum wallisii Regal (peace lily), Syngonium podophyllum Schott, (nephthytis), and Cissus rhombifolia Vahl. (grape ivy) were evaluated for their ability to remove two indoor volatile organic air pollutants, benzene and toluene. Removal was monitored when the aerial portion of plants was exposed singly to 1 μL·L-1 or to 0.5 μL·L-1 of each gas in a closed environment over 6-hour periods during the day and the night. Selected physiological processes were assessed before and immediately after treatment to determine the effect of the gases on the plants. The effectiveness of plants in the removal of air pollutant(s) varied with species, time of day, and whether the gases were present singly or as a mixture. When exposed to a single gas, S. wallisii, S. podophyllum, and H. helix displayed higher removal efficiencies (ng·m-3·h-1·cm-2 leaf area) of either gas than C. rhombifolia during the day. The efficiency of removal changed when both gases were present; H. helix was substantially more effective in the removal of either benzene or toluene than the other species, with the removal of toluene more than double that of benzene. When exposed singly, the removal of both compounds was generally higher during the day than during the night for all species; however, when present simultaneously, H. helix removal efficiency during the night was similar to the day indicating that stomatal diffusion for english ivy was not a major factor. The results indicated an interaction between gases in uptake by the plant, the presence of different avenues for uptake, and the response of a single gas was not necessarily indicative of the response when other gases are present. Changes in the rates of photosynthesis, stomatal conductance, and transpiration before and after exposure indicated that the volatiles adversely affected the plants and the effects were not consistent across species and gases. Deleterious effects of volatile pollutants on indoor plants may be critical in their efficacy in improving indoor air quality and warrant further study.