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Twenty years of research on Aloe vera


Abstract and Figures

Aloe vera, sometimes referred as a "miraculous" or "wonder" plant, has been used by mankind for centuries for the treatment of different disorders due to the inner gel of its succulent leaves. Medical usage and applications of the main species, namely Aloe vera (L.) Burm. f. are mainly attributed to immunomodulatory or antioxidant activities. Our work on A. vera has begun with the separation of anthraquinones and continued with the purification and characterization of the lectins. In another study, hypoglycemic effect of A. vera leaf extracts was assayed in vivo, followed by the effect of the extracts on several tissues in diabetic rats. A. vera has shown a significant prophylactic effect on Ehrlich ascites tumour cells when given before tumour inoculation in mice. This effect was also seen with the purified lectin and attributed to the immunomodulatory effect of the plant. Assuming that its benefit could also be attributed to the antioxidant activity, the antioxidant potential of the leaves aqueous extract was evaluated. The leaf skin extract showed good antioxidant capacity in all tests while the inner gel did not exhibit any activity. Our work on A. vera continues on the research of the potential use of the plant leaves as anticancer and enzyme inhibitory agent.
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İstanbul Ecz. Fak. Derg. / J. Fac. Pharm. Istanbul
Aloe vera
 Aloe vera
            
     Aloe vera       
A. vera   
          
A. verain vivo
A. vera
Ehrlich ascites
  
A. vera
  Aloe vera   
Twenty years of research on Aloe vera
Aloe vera
         
  
       
Aloe        
Aloe A. vera
A. barbadensisA. chinensisA. vulgaris
A. elongataA. officinalis
 A. arborescensnatalensis A. perryi
A. feroxA. africanaA. saponaria
  
Aloe         
A. vera
   Aloe      
          
  
Nuriye AKEV, Ayşe CAN, Nurhayat SÜTLÜPINAR, Eda ÇANDÖKEN, Nurten ÖZSOY,
Tuğba Yılmaz ÖZDEN, Refiye YANARDAĞ, Erdal ÜZEN
 Aloe
 Aloe      
  Aloe
   Aloe
 
A. perryi
 
 Aloe
 Aloes  
 Aloe
 Aloe
 Aloe, 
 A. vera
 Aloe,  
 Aloe     
 Aloe 
as 
 Aloe vera
 A. vera
 A. barbadensis  
Aloe vera 
 A. vera
 Aloe
 A. barbadensisA. vera
 A. vera
       A. vera       
 Aloe 
 Aloe
 A.vera 
Twenty years of research on Aloe vera
A. vera
        
 
A. vera
          
 
   A. vera       
         
   
         
  A.vera
 
             
 A.vera 
      
    
        
Nuriye AKEV, Ayşe CAN, Nurhayat SÜTLÜPINAR, Eda ÇANDÖKEN, Nurten ÖZSOY,
Tuğba Yılmaz ÖZDEN, Refiye YANARDAĞ, Erdal ÜZEN
 Aloe vera   Aloe vera 
   
A. vera         
A. vera
Twenty years of research on Aloe vera
 Aloe vera
 Aloe vera
Nuriye AKEV, Ayşe CAN, Nurhayat SÜTLÜPINAR, Eda ÇANDÖKEN, Nurten ÖZSOY,
Tuğba Yılmaz ÖZDEN, Refiye YANARDAĞ, Erdal ÜZEN
  
 
 
 
  
 
 
 
 
  
 
 
A. vera
   A. vera       
 
A. vera
Twenty years of research on Aloe vera
        
          
       
  
  
 
   
       
             
          
          
          
 A. vera
           
        A. vera 
     in vivo     in
  
        
in vitro
Nuriye AKEV, Ayşe CAN, Nurhayat SÜTLÜPINAR, Eda ÇANDÖKEN, Nurten ÖZSOY,
Tuğba Yılmaz ÖZDEN, Refiye YANARDAĞ, Erdal ÜZEN
 A. vera
 A. vera 
 
   
A. vera
 A. vera      
  
A. vera
A. vera
Twenty years of research on Aloe vera200
Aloe vera
Aloe vera
A. vera
  
A. vera
 
    
            
Nuriye AKEV, Ayşe CAN, Nurhayat SÜTLÜPINAR, Eda ÇANDÖKEN, Nurten ÖZSOY,
Tuğba Yılmaz ÖZDEN, Refiye YANARDAĞ, Erdal ÜZEN
A. arborescensA. vera
  
         
 
         
          
Ehrlich ascites           
            
   
     
A. vera
   A. vera
         
        
A. vera
 A. vera
A. vera
           
   
Twenty years of research on Aloe vera202
A. vera 
 
          
A. vera
       A.
vera   
A. vera    
  
 A. vera
         
A. arborescens
A. vera
         A. vera
A. vera 
A. vera
 
Nuriye AKEV, Ayşe CAN, Nurhayat SÜTLÜPINAR, Eda ÇANDÖKEN, Nurten ÖZSOY,
Tuğba Yılmaz ÖZDEN, Refiye YANARDAĞ, Erdal ÜZEN
          Ehrlich
A. veraEhrlich ascites
A. vera 
 A. vera
A. vera
A. vera
     
A. verain vitro
A. vera
A. vera
       
A. vera
  
A. vera
        
A. vera
A. vera
       
Twenty years of research on Aloe vera204
 
A. vera
A. vera   
in vivo
A. vera
     
A. vera
       
A. vera
A. vera
         
         
 
        
     A. vera       
Nuriye AKEV, Ayşe CAN, Nurhayat SÜTLÜPINAR, Eda ÇANDÖKEN, Nurten ÖZSOY,
Tuğba Yılmaz ÖZDEN, Refiye YANARDAĞ, Erdal ÜZEN
          
A. vera
  A. vera   Aloe  
A. vera
        
         
         
        
Twenty years of research on Aloe vera206
Aloe vera
Aloe vera
        
A. vera in
vivoin vitro
       
      
   A.vera      
       
A. vera
A. vera
Aloe vera
          
       
   
Nuriye AKEV, Ayşe CAN, Nurhayat SÜTLÜPINAR, Eda ÇANDÖKEN, Nurten ÖZSOY,
Tuğba Yılmaz ÖZDEN, Refiye YANARDAĞ, Erdal ÜZEN
Aloe vera
J. Appl. Sci. Res.
 
aloe veraAfr. J. Biotechnol.
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Aloe veraEhrlich ascitesEur. J. Cancer Prev.
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Aloe vera
J. Anim. Vet. Adv.
          
Aloe veraIndian J. Pharmacol.
   
Aloe veraAloe barbadensisToxicon
Twenty years of research on Aloe vera
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Plant Food. Hum. Nutr.
 Aloe arborescens  
J. Ethnopharmacol 37-45.
Aloe arborescensnatalensisPhytother. Res., 
 Aloe vera  
Egypt. J. Biol.
Aloe vera     
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Ann. Pharmacother
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 Aloe vera 
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Special Topics
       
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vera Biol. Pharm.
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barbadensis Process Biochem., 
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The Internet Journal of Microbiology   
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Twenty years of research on Aloe vera
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Aloe vera  
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Aloe veraCurr. Sci.
Aloe barbadensis
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Twenty years of research on Aloe vera
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Aloe vera
           
 
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Nuriye AKEV, Ayşe CAN, Nurhayat SÜTLÜPINAR, Eda ÇANDÖKEN, Nurten ÖZSOY,
Tuğba Yılmaz ÖZDEN, Refiye YANARDAĞ, Erdal ÜZEN
   Aloe vera
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Enzyme Protein
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Nutrition           
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The Egyptian Journal of Histology
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      
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Res. 
   Aloe vera
    
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J. Clin. Den. Res. Edu.
Twenty years of research on Aloe vera
 
AloePharm. Biol
Aloe veraIndian J. Dermatol.
Aloe arborescensJ. Biochem
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 
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Journal of Herbal Pharmacotherapy
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Aloe vera Aloe vera
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Brit. J. Gen. Pract.
in vitroEcon. Bot. 
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Aloe veraPlanta Med
              
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Nuriye AKEV, Ayşe CAN, Nurhayat SÜTLÜPINAR, Eda ÇANDÖKEN, Nurten ÖZSOY,
Tuğba Yılmaz ÖZDEN, Refiye YANARDAĞ, Erdal ÜZEN
Aloe vera ,Mec.,  65-75.
   Aloe vera      
       
Aloe vera  
, Phytomedicine, 
... The word, Aloe, has come from the Arabic word "alloeh" or Hebrew word "Allal" meaning 'bitter shiny substance' 2 . The plant has the Arabic name 'Saber' ('Sabir' in Persian), which literally refers to sword; of course, due the shape of the leaf 3,4 . It is also termed as 'Burn plant' as it rapidly heals the burnt skin 5 . ...
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Aloe vera, the most popular member of the genus Aloe L., is a wonderful healing plant that has been used for the last 6000 years since ancient Egyptian times for its wide of range of pharmaceutical and nutraceutical applications. However, most of the available literature emphasizes on the properties of this one species only. Most probably, due to its early introduction to the world, it becomes dominant in the use, even though several other species also have great therapeutic potential. Emphasizing the broader significance of Aloe species beyond Aloe vera is crucial for unlocking their diverse applications. Aloe arborescens, Aloe ferox, and Aloe excelsa showcase potent antimicrobial properties, contributing significantly to skincare. Aloe secundiflora addresses kidney problems, while Aloe deserti and Aloe secundiflora find traditional use against malaria. Recent scientific studies underscore Aloe vera's potential in dentistry, diabetes management, anti-inflammatory actions, and anti-cancer effects. Species such as Aloe claviflora and Aloe littoralis reveal impressive antioxidant capabilities. Aloe vera and Aloe ferox lead in cosmetics, with their unique properties. Aloe trinervis leaves are consumed as food. Additionally, Aloe vera waste proves beneficial in environmental management, particularly in phytoremediation for arsenic toxicity. Caution is crucial due to their potential toxicity, emphasizing the need for careful application. Exploring the diverse Aloe genus is imperative for comprehending their specific applications and unlocking untapped industrial potential, promising a wealth of possibilities for various fields.
... The laxative and cathartic effects of the plant are attributed to its anthraquinone derivatives, while the polysaccharides exhibit an immunostimulant effect. Other than these effects, antidiabetic, antitumor, antiinflammatory, antioxidant, and antibacterial effects of A. vera are also reported (Akev et al. 2015). ...
In the present work, in vitro inhibitory effects of aqueous and methanolic extracts of A. vera leaves on tyrosinase, elastase and collagenase, which are enzymes responsible for the maintenance of skin texture were studied. The leaf gel and skin aqueous and methanolic extracts were individually examined for tyrosinase and collagenase inhibitory activities. While the skin methanolic extract was studied only for its elastase inhibitory activity. The inhibitory activity of the extracts increased in a dose–dependent manner. A. vera gel extract showed a promising inhibiton effect for tyrosinase and collagenase activity. The ability of Aloe vera extracts to inhibit tyrosinase, collagenase and elastase suggests their potential use as skin care additived in natural remedies and cosmetics. Bangladesh j. Bot. 53(3): 597-603, 2024 (September)
... Africa the Arab peninsula, Madagascar, and all the Indian Ocean islands are home to the Aloeis. Some of their species can be also found in the Asia California and in the United States [23]. ...
... Ae improved the quality of roselle plants by increasing the anthocyanin and nutrient content of potassium, and KSi also reduced the pH of the extract. Ae significantly enhanced the activity of proline to help plants deal with salt stress, which may be due to the naturally-occurring antioxidant components found in the aqueous extract of aloe leaves (e.g., total phenols, flavonoids, ascorbic acid, β-carotene, and αtocopherol) [112]. A. saponaria also contains phenols and flavonoids which could contribute toward plant tolerance of deficit irrigation. ...
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Two successive field trials were carried out at the experimental farm of the Agriculture Department of Fayoum University, Fayoum, Egypt, to investigate the sole or dual interaction effect of applying a foliar spray of Aloe saponaria extract (Ae) or potassium silicate (KSi) on reducing the stressful salinity impacts on the development, yield, and features of roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) plants. Both Ae or KSi were used at three rates: 0% (0 cm3 L−1), 0.5% (5 cm3 L−1), and 1% (10 cm3 L−1) and 0, 30, and 60 g L−1, respectively. Three rates of salinity, measured by the electrical conductivity of a saturated soil extract (ECe), were also used: normal soil (ECe < 4 dS/m) (S1); moderately-saline soil (ECe: 4–8 dS/m) (S2); and highly-saline soil (ECe: 8–16 dS/m) (S3). The lowest level of salinity yielded the highest levels of all traits except for pH, chloride, and sodium. Ae at 0.5% increased the values of total soluble sugars, total free amino acids, potassium, anthocyanin, a single-photon avalanche diode, stem diameter, fruit number, and fresh weight, whereas 1% of Ae resulted in the highest plant height, chlorophyll fluorescence (Fv/Fm), performance index, relative water content, membrane stability index, proline, total soluble sugars, and acidity. KSi either at 30 or 60 g L−1 greatly increased these abovementioned attributes. Fruit number and fruit fresh weight per plant also increased significantly with the combination of Ae at 1% and KSi at 30 g L−1 under normal soil conditions.
... vera) is actually Aloe barbadensis Miller. Nomenclature of Aloe is derived from two words; "alloeh" (in Arabic) or "allal" (in Hebrew) or "alsos" (in Greek) which translates to "bitter" and "vera" meaning, "true" [19]. A. vera is rich with numerous phytochemicals including coumarins, chromones, anthraquinones, flavonoids, enzymes, vitamins [20], anthrones, phenols, alkaloids, carbohydrates and proteins [21]. ...
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Aims: Organ toxicity results from the accumulation of toxic substances in the organs which ultimately culminates in failure of the organ. Allopathic medications are not very effective in organ protection. Hence, it is imperative that a natural and safer organoprotective agent should be found. Study Design: To assess the organoprotective effect of Aloe vera gel against STZ for renal, hepato and pancreatic toxicity in albino Wistar rats. Place and Duration of Study: Whole work had been completed at the Microbiology and Molecular biology labs of IMBB, The University of Lahore during 2019-2020. Methodology: Organoprotective ability of different doses of ethanolic extracts of Aloe vera (A. vera) gel was evaluated against intraperitoneal induction of 55mg/kg Streptozotocin (STZ)-induced
... vera) is actually Aloe barbadensis Miller. Nomenclature of Aloe is derived from two words; "alloeh" (in Arabic) or "allal" (in Hebrew) or "alsos" (in Greek) which translates to "bitter" and "vera" meaning, "true" [19]. A. vera is rich with numerous phytochemicals including coumarins, chromones, anthraquinones, flavonoids, enzymes, vitamins [20], anthrones, phenols, alkaloids, carbohydrates and proteins [21]. ...
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Aims: Organ toxicity results from the accumulation of toxic substances in the organs which ultimately culminates in failure of the organ. Allopathic medications are not very effective in organ protection. Hence, it is imperative that a natural and safer organoprotective agent should be found. Study Design: To assess the organoprotective effect of Aloe vera gel against STZ for renal, hepato and pancreatic toxicity in albino Wistar rats. Place and Duration of Study: Whole work had been completed at the Microbiology and Molecular biology labs of IMBB, The University of Lahore during 2019- 2020. Methodology: Organoprotective ability of different doses of ethanolic extracts of Aloe vera (A. vera) gel was evaluated against intraperitoneal induction of 55mg/kg Streptozotocin (STZ)-induced pancreatic, renal and hepatic toxicity in female albino Wistar rats by keeping metformin (100mg/kg) as a positive protective control. Results: Results revealed that 200 mg/kg ethanolic extracts of A. vera gel showed significant organoprotection as ALT (57.5±7.45I U/L), AST (39.8±3.45I U/L), ALP (438±103I U/L), urea (74.1±8.71mg/dl), creatinine (0.688±0.146 mg/dl), amylase (1247±75 U/L) and lipase (16.6±2.02 U/L) were significantly less than organotoxic control [ALT (103±7.23I U/L), AST (237±12.7I U/L), ALP (2092±195 U/L), Urea (153±18.6mg/dl), Creatinine (1.54±0.262 mg/dl), amylase (675±83 U/L) and lipase (12.2±1.04 U/L)], and these results were near or equal to organoprotective control [ALT (71.6±8.98I U/L), AST (121±28.1 U/L), ALP (916±103 U/L), urea (115±11.4mg/dl), creatinine (1.14±0.226 mg/dl), amylase (667±80 U/L) and lipase (16.6±2.02 U/L)]. The histopathological analysis also highlighted more organoprotection at this concentration as compared to other doses of extract. Conclusion: A. vera gel extract is an able organoprotective agent. This extract can be studied further for its active ingredients as a source of hepatoprotective and nephroprotective agents.
... Ae improved the quality of roselle plants by increasing the anthocyanin and nutrient content of potassium, and KSi also reduced the pH of the extract. Ae significantly enhanced the activity of proline to help plants deal with salt stress, which may be due to the naturally-occurring antioxidant components found in the aqueous extract of aloe leaves (e.g., total phenols, flavonoids, ascorbic acid, β-carotene, and α-tocopherol) [112]. A. saponaria also contains phenols and flavonoids which could contribute toward plant tolerance of deficit irrigation. ...
Abstract: Two successive field trials were carried out at the experimental farm of the Agriculture Department of Fayoum University, Fayoum, Egypt, to investigate the sole or dual interaction effect of applying a foliar spray of Aloe saponaria extract (Ae) or potassium silicate (KSi) on reducing the stressful salinity impacts on the development, yield, and features of roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) plants. Both Ae or KSi were used at three rates: 0% (0 cm3 L−1), 0.5% (5 cm3 L−1), and 1% (10 cm3 L−1) and 0, 30, and 60 g L−1, respectively. Three rates of salinity, measured by the electrical conductivity of a saturated soil extract (ECe), were also used: normal soil (ECe < 4 dS/cm2) (S1); moderately-saline soil (ECe: 4–8 dS/cm2) (S2); and highly-saline soil (ECe: 8–16 dS/cm2) (S3). The lowest level of salinity yielded the highest levels of all traits except for pH, chloride, and sodium. Ae at 0.5% increased the values of total soluble sugars, total free amino acids, potassium, anthocyanin, a single-photon avalanche diode, stem diameter, fruit number, and fresh weight, whereas 1% of Ae resulted in the highest plant height, chlorophyll fluorescence (Fv/Fm), performance index, relative water content, membrane stability index, proline, total soluble sugars, and acidity. KSi either at 30 or 60 g L−1 greatly increased these abovementioned attributes. Fruit number and fruit fresh weight per plant also increased significantly with the combination of Ae at 1% and KSi at 30 g L−1 under normal soil conditions.
... Ae improved the quality of roselle plants by increasing the anthocyanin and nutrient content of potassium, and KSi also reduced the pH of the extract. Ae significantly enhanced the activity of proline to help plants deal with salt stress, which may be due to the naturally-occurring antioxidant components found in the aqueous extract of aloe leaves (e.g., total phenols, flavonoids, ascorbic acid, β-carotene, and α-tocopherol) [112]. A. saponaria also contains phenols and flavonoids which could contribute toward plant tolerance of deficit irrigation. ...
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Two successive field trials were carried out at the experimental farm of the Agriculture Department of Fayoum University, Fayoum, Egypt, to investigate the sole or dual interaction effect of applying a foliar spray of Aloe saponaria extract (Ae) or potassium silicate (KSi) on reducing the stressful salinity impacts on the development, yield, and features of roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) plants. Both Ae or KSi were used at three rates: 0% (0 cm3 L−1), 0.5% (5 cm3 L−1), and 1% (10 cm3 L−1) and 0, 30, and 60 g L−1, respectively. Three rates of salinity, measured by the electrical conductivity of a saturated soil extract (ECe), were also used: normal soil (ECe < 4 dS/cm2) (S1); moderately-saline soil (ECe: 4–8 dS/cm2) (S2); and highly-saline soil (ECe: 8–16 dS/cm2) (S3). The lowest level of salinity yielded the highest levels of all traits except for pH, chloride, and sodium. Ae at 0.5% increased the values of total soluble sugars, total free amino acids, potassium, anthocyanin, a single-photon avalanche diode, stem diameter, fruit number, and fresh weight, whereas 1% of Ae resulted in the highest plant height, chlorophyll fluorescence (Fv/Fm), performance index, relative water content, membrane stability index, proline, total soluble sugars, and acidity. KSi either at 30 or 60 g L−1 greatly increased these abovementioned attributes. Fruit number and fruit fresh weight per plant also increased significantly with the combination of Ae at 1% and KSi at 30 g L−1 under normal soil conditions.
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Aloe vera juice enables the body to heal from cancer and from the damage caused by radio and chemotherapy that destroys healthy immune cells crucial for recovery. Aloe vera emodin, an anthraquinone, can suppress or inhibit the growth of cancer cells making it have antineoplastic properties. The role of Aloe in carcinogenicity has not been evaluated well. The chronic abuse of Anthracoid-containing laxatives has been hypothesized to play a role in colorectal cancer. Aloe vera tincture and melatonin administration were studied as standard therapy against metastatic solid tumors. (c, 2016 For thousands of years, plants are an important source of medicine in pharmaceutical biology. As per WHO, 80% of the population today relies on traditional medicine.
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Plants face various abiotic stresses such as drought and salinity during growing stages adversely affect their physiological and biological processes. The use of bioactive compounds could mitigate the detrimental effects of abiotic stresses. The experimental layout was a split split-plot system based on a randomized complete block design with three replications. The treatments included three levels of potassium silicate (0, 3, and 6 cm L⁻¹ or 0, 12, and 24 L⁻¹ of K2SiO3 ha⁻¹) combined with three levels of Aloe saponaria L. extract (Ae) 0, 0.5, and 1% under two levels of irrigation regimes (IR70 and IR100; representing irrigation at 70 and 100% of crop evapotranspiration). The obtained results revealed that control roselle plants were adversely affected by drought, which recorded the lowest growth and yield parameters. Meanwhile, the exogenous addition of Ae and KSi significantly improved the growth and yield of deficit and full irrigated roselle plants. The foliar application of Ae (1%) and KSi (3 or 6 cm L⁻¹) under full irrigation led to a significant increase in growth and yield parameters of roselle. In addition, considerable enhancements in yield quality of roselle plants under deficit irrigation were recorded.
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The comparative antimicrobial activities of the gel and leaf of Aloe vera were tested against Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Trichophyton mentagraphytes, T. schoeleinii, Microsporium canis and Candida albicans. Ethanol was used for the extraction of the leaf after obtaining the gel from it. Antimicrobial effect was measured by the appearance of zones of inhibition. Antimicrobial susceptibility test showed that both the gel and the leaf inhibited the growth of S. aureus (18.0 and 4.0 mm, respectively). Only the gel inhibited the growth of T. mentagrophytes (20.0 mm), while the leaf possesses inhibitory effects on both P. aeruginosa and C. albicans. The results of this study tend to give credence to the popular use of both Aloe vera gel and leaf.
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A new and rapid affinity chromatography method based on cyanogen bromide (CNBr)-activated Sepharose 4B bound-ovalbumin is presented for the purification of the main lectin present in Aloe vera (L.) Burm. fil. The lectin was purified 60 fold to apparent homogeneity in native polyacrylamide disc gel electrophoresis (PAGE) showing an apparent molecular weight of 45000 kDa. The fact that sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-PAGE gave a subunit molecular weight of 14 400 kDa tends to propose that the lectin is composed of three subunits and thus is in agreement with Aloctin I previously partially purified and characterized by us. The lectin did not exhibit antioxidant effect as assessed by the DPPḢ radical-scavenging assay.
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The partial purification of β-glucosidase from the pulp of Aloe vera L. Burm. fil. (sarisabir) leaves and some of its kinetic properties is presented. The fresh leaves of A. vera were used; the gel portion was separated and the remaining leaf pulps were cut into small pieces. The crude extract was prepared by homogenization of the leaf pulps in phosphate buffered saline (PBS), pH 7.4 and subsequent centrifugation. β-Glucosidase active fraction was precipitated by 30%-65% ammonium sulphate from the crude extract. Hydroxylapatite column chromatography resulted in a single peak showing β-glucosidase activity eluted with 200 mM phosphate buffer. The partially purified enzyme showed two protein and a single activity band in polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. It was found that the enzyme exhibited maximum activity at 50°C and at pH 4.4. Km and Vmax values for 4-nitrophenyl-β-D- glucopyranoside were 6.8x10-4 M and 4,58x10-3 U, respectively. When β-glucosidase activity was investigated throughout the year, it was found that the activity increased in winter and decreased in summer.
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Background: The increasing prevalence of diabetes mellitus in the world is of great concern. As synthetic drugs have undesirable side effects or contraindications, traditional medicinal plants are being used for treatments of diabetes. Aim of the work: This study aimed to determine the protective effect of aloe vera (AV) on β cells of diabetic rats. Material and methods: Forty adult male rats were utilized and divided equally into four groups. The first served as the control group; the second was the streptozotocin (STZ) group (single intraperitoneal dose of 65 mg/kg body weight); the third was the preventive AV group, which was given a daily oral dose of AV (300 mg/kg body weight/day) for 14 days along with a single intraperitoneal injection of STZ given after 7 days from the start of AV; the fourth group was the curative AV group, which was given a single intraperitoneal injection of STZ and after 7 days were given a daily oral dose of AV for 14 days. Pancreatic tail samples were taken 14 days after the treatment with AV. Paraffin sections were prepared for histological and immunohistochemical studies. Results: The results revealed that a single dose of STZ induced marked cytoplasmic vacuolations and pyknotic nuclei in many islet cells. The AV preventive group showed normal-appearing islet cells. The AV curative group showed cytoplasmic vacuolations and pyknotic nuclei in many islet cells. Statistical analysis revealed a significant decrease (P<0.05) in anti-insulin antibody reaction and bcl2 expression in the diabetic group and the AV curative group compared with the control group, whereas there was an insignificant increase in the preventive group. Conclusion: The present study suggests that AV when used as a preventive agent can protect against STZ-induced diabetes in rats. Therefore, AV should be given to prediabetic patients and to individuals at high risk for diabetes.
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An attempt was made to study the beneficial effects of Aloe vera (L.) Burm. fil. in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. In diabetic induced rats fed with A. vera (300 mg/kg body wt), the fasting plasma glucose levels were reduced to normal and body weight was found to be increased. In the pancreatic sections of diabetic rats fed with A. vera, the islets were comparable to normal rats. In liver, the changes caused after induction of diabetes are granular cytoplasm, dilated sinusoids, shrunken nuclei and inflammation, which was re duced after feeding with A. vera. Excess proliferation of epithelium in the small intestine was observed in diabetic rats, which was reduced after A. vera feeding. In diabetic rats and diabetic rats fed with A. vera, no change was noticed in the kidney and stomach.
New Perspectives on Aloe will cover research studies of aloe by the CAP (Creation Aloe Pharmaceuticals) team, which studied various aspects of aloe over a period of more than 10 years. The team was organized into two groups: the isolation and analysis group, which purified many components in terms of low molecular weight compounds, carbohydrates, proteins present in aloe, and the assay group, which determined the efficacy of those components. This type of target-oriented, organized research provides a model of how to conduct multidisciplinary research. The contents include a brief introduction of aloe, isolation, purification, and structural analysis of components, and various physiological effects of those components for possible use as health foods or drugs. Various functions identified were wound healing, angiogenesis, anti-allergy, skin whitening, stimulation of cell proliferation such as liver or kidney, protection against nephrotoxicity, and immune modulation. Moreover, we suggest standardization and quality control procedures for manufacturing raw aloe, and how to develop related products for successful application of aloe. This is important in Korea because last year the Korean government listed aloe as a health food for which the government establishes regulatory laws. Therefore, many scientists in Korea who are interested in studying health foods would be interested in this kind of text. Other major fields related to this kind of research will be medicine, biology, pharmaceutics, natural products and analytics.
Many secondary plant metabolites have been reported to possess lipid-lowering properties. Aloe vera which has been extensively used for medical and cosmetic purposes contains multiple constituents with potential biological activities. This study was undertaken to investigate the beneficial effects of Aloe vera extracts in comparison to glibenclamide on serum lipid parameters, liver glycogen and on heart and skin lipid peroxidation. Type II diabetes was induced by 100 mg/kg, streptozotocin injection to neonatal rats (n0-STZ). The diabetic rats were separated into four groups and each group was given the following samples by gavage, daily for 15 d: I. Diabetic (Control): 6 mL/kg phosphate buffered saline (PBS),; II. Diabetic + Aloe gel: 10 mL = 63 mg/kg Aloe vera leaf gel extract; III. Diabetic + Aloe pulp: 500 mg/kg Aloe pulp extract; IV. Diabetic + Glibenclamide: Glibenclamide (I mg/kg). On day 15, blood and liver, skin and heart tissues were taken from each rat. In diabetic group given A. vera extracts, serum total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, atherogenic index (AI), total lipid, sialic acid, skin and heart tissues lipid peroxidation (LPO) levels decreased, whereas serum HDL-cholesterol, liver glycogen, serum total protein levels-increased, in comparison to diabetic controls. In the diabetic group given glibenclamide, AI and heart LPO which were diminished in Aloe given groups were rised, whereas HDL-cholesterol, liver glycogen which were increased in Aloe groups were reduced. These results reveal that diabetes mellitus increased oxidative damage in skin and heart tissue and that Aloe vera has an ameliorating effect better than glibenclamide on the oxidative stress via its antioxidant property. The administration of A. vera extracts may be also able to reduce hyperlipidemia which is one of the complications related to the risk of diabetes.
This study was conducted to determine the antimicrobial activity of the Aloe vera juice against Gram-positive bacteria (Mycobacterium smegmatis, Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus faecalis, Micrococcus luteus and Bacillus sphericus), Gram-negative bacteria (Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium) and Candida albicans as in vitro. The disc diffusion method was used to test the antimicrobial activity. The study showed that Aloe vera juice has antimicrobial activity against M. smegmatis, K. pneumoniae, E. faecalis, M. luteus, C. albicans and B. sphericus, but has no inhibitory effect against the other bacterial strains. The least inhibitory effect was found against M. luteus, while C. albicans was detected to be the most sensitive strain As a result; the antibacterial activity of the tested plant juice was found effective mainly against the Gram-positive bacteria. This is important to use of Aloe vera for medication, cosmetic and food purposes.