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Abstract and Figures

Parent-adolescent conflict can be intense, yet parents and adolescents do not always agree on the intensity of conflict. Conflict intensity tends to change during adolescence and is thought to be an indicator of how the parent-adolescent relationship transforms. However, parents and adolescents might differently perceive change in conflict intensity, resulting in changing discrepancies in conflict intensity throughout adolescence. Also, personality characteristics of parents and adolescents might affect the extent to which there are discrepancies in perceptions of conflict intensity. This multi-informant longitudinal study investigated a) the trajectories of parent-adolescent conflict intensity, b) the trajectories of informant discrepancies, and c) the prediction of these trajectories by parental and adolescent personality. Dutch adolescents (N = 497, 43.1% female, M age = 13.03 at T1), their mothers, and their fathers reported on parent-adolescent conflict intensity and personality for six years. Latent Growth Curve Modeling and Latent Congruence Modeling revealed curvilinear changes in conflict intensity, as well as in discrepancies thereof. Two cycles of discrepancies emerged. First, in early-to-middle-adolescence discrepancies in perceptions of parents and adolescents increased, reflecting that adolescents' perceived conflict intensity increased. Second, in middle-to-late-adolescence, father-adolescent discrepancies increased further, reflecting that fathers' perceptions of conflict decreased. Resilient adolescents, mothers, and fathers reported lower levels of conflict intensity than Undercontrollers and Overcontrollers, but personality was not associated with the rate of change in conflict intensity. Finally, undercontrolling fathers and overcontrolling adolescents showed higher father-adolescent discrepancies. This study showed that parents and adolescents differentially perceive conflict intensity and that in the adolescent-father relationship, the extent of the differences depends on adolescent and father personality.
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Journal of Youth and Adolescence (2020) 49:119135
ParentAdolescent Conict across Adolescence: Trajectories of
Informant Discrepancies and Associations with Personality Types
Stefanos Mastrotheodoros 1Jolien Van der Graaff1Maja Deković2Wim H. J. Meeus1Susan Branje1
Received: 27 March 2019 / Accepted: 1 June 2019 / Published online: 26 June 2019
© The Author(s) 2019
Parentadolescent conict can be intense, yet parents and adolescents do not always agree on the intensity of conict.
Conict intensity tends to change during adolescence and is thought to be an indicator of how the parentadolescent
relationship transforms. However, parents and adolescents might differently perceive change in conict intensity, resulting in
changing discrepancies in conict intensity throughout adolescence. Also, personality characteristics of parents and
adolescents might affect the extent to which there are discrepancies in perceptions of conict intensity. This multi-informant
longitudinal study investigated a) the trajectories of parentadolescent conict intensity, b) the trajectories of informant
discrepancies, and c) the prediction of these trajectories by parental and adolescent personality. Dutch adolescents (N=497,
43.1% female, Mage =13.03 at T1), their mothers, and their fathers reported on parentadolescent conict intensity and
personality for six years. Latent Growth Curve Modeling and Latent Congruence Modeling revealed curvilinear changes in
conict intensity, as well as in discrepancies thereof. Two cycles of discrepancies emerged. First, in early-to-middle-
adolescence discrepancies in perceptions of parents and adolescents increased, reecting that adolescentsperceived conict
intensity increased. Second, in middle-to-late-adolescence, fatheradolescent discrepancies increased further, reecting that
fathersperceptions of conict decreased. Resilient adolescents, mothers, and fathers reported lower levels of conict
intensity than Undercontrollers and Overcontrollers, but personality was not associated with the rate of change in conict
intensity. Finally, undercontrolling fathers and overcontrolling adolescents showed higher fatheradolescent discrepancies.
This study showed that parents and adolescents differentially perceive conict intensity and that in the adolescentfather
relationship, the extent of the differences depends on adolescent and father personality.
Keywords Parentadolescent conict Parentadolescent discrepancies Personality types RUO typology Parenting
Conicts among parents and adolescents may be among the
most aggravating family experiences of adolescence, for
parents and adolescents alike. However, parentadolescent
conict can also forge change towards greater egalitarian-
ism in family relationships (Branje 2018), and it is, there-
fore, important to better understand how parentadolescent
conict develops across adolescence. Even though many
studies show a decrease in conict frequency throughout
adolescence (Shanahan et al. 2007), conict intensity tends
to increase from early to middle adolescence and to
decrease thereafter (De Goede et al. 2009). As most of what
is known thus far is based on adolescentsviews of conict
intensity, a more coherent picture of how conict intensity
develops across adolescence can be achieved by taking the
views of mothers and fathers into account. Also, investi-
gating parentadolescent discrepancies in conict intensity
through a developmental lens may provide additional
insight into how parentadolescent relationships change
during adolescence (Korelitz and Garber 2016).
Research has shown that there is heterogeneity in the
trajectories of conict intensity and parentadolescent
*Stefanos Mastrotheodoros
1Department of Youth and Family, Faculty of Social and
Behavioral Sciences, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands
2Department of Clinical Child and Family Studies, Faculty of
Social and Behavioral Sciences, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The
Supplementary information The online version of this article (https:// contains supplementary
material, which is available to authorized users.
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
discrepancies. Some parentadolescent dyads have high
conict intensity and increase in conict intensity over time,
whereas other parentadolescent dyads have lower and
stable levels of conict intensity across adolescence
(Hadiwijaya et al. 2017). Because peoples personality
affects the quality of their interpersonal relationships, as
well as their perception and interpretation of these rela-
tionships, it is expected that personality is related to
parentadolescent conict intensity (Mund et al. 2018), and
parentadolescent discrepancies in perceptions of conict
intensity. The aim of this multi-informant longitudinal study
was threefold. The rst aim was to investigate the trajec-
tories of conict intensity across adolescence from the
perspective of mothers, fathers, and adolescents. The sec-
ond aim was to investigate the trajectories of
parentadolescent discrepancies in perceptions of conict
intensity. The third aim was to test whether maternal,
paternal, and adolescent personality predicted these devel-
opmental trajectories.
ParentAdolescent Conict
During adolescence, young people are thought to develop
more autonomy than during childhood (e.g., Branje et al.
2012). For adolescents to become competent in adult roles,
parents need to gradually release part of their authority and
allow the parentadolescent relationship to transform
towards a more egalitarian one (Branje et al. 2012). Ado-
lescents generally expect independent decision making
earlier than parents are willing to grant it (Dekovićet al.
1997), and this may create a fertile ground for
parentadolescent conicts (Collins and Laursen 1992).
Furthermore, adolescence usually coincides with parents
midlife, an often challenging life stage, characterized by a
need to re-evaluate their life course, adjust to new work
conditions, and redene life satisfaction (van Aken et al.
2006). Thus, a coincidentalcrisis emerges (Steinberg and
Silk 2002), with increased conict potential. In addition, the
emotional repercussions of puberty (Cservenka et al. 2015),
coupled with the still-developing emotional self-regulation
during adolescence (Bowers et al. 2011) may increase the
intensity of parentadolescent conicts (Laursen et al.
1998). Given that parentadolescent conict has signicant
consequences for adolescent adaptation (Branje et al. 2009),
it is vital to study its developmental course throughout
Empirical ndings on the trajectory of parentadolescent
conict intensity are inconsistent. Conict intensity has
been found to decrease from age 11 to age 12 and to remain
stable until age 14 (Galambos and Almeida 1992). How-
ever, other longitudinal studies found that, on average,
adolescent-reported conict intensity increased between age
11 and age 15 (De Goede et al. 2009; McGue et al. 2005),
and decreased between ages 16 to 19 (De Goede et al.
2009). Also, both studies found gender differences, with
girls increasing in parentadolescent conict intensity more
than boys (De Goede et al. 2009; McGue et al. 2005). A
study on the development of adolescent-reported conict
intensity between ages 14 and 17 also revealed hetero-
geneity in development, with stable low negativity for most
adolescents, and increasing negativity for a minority of
adolescents (Seiffge-Krenke et al. 2010). To conclude,
some empirical studies on the trajectories of conict
intensity showed an increase, and some showed stability.
This inconsistency might be due to the different age periods
examined in the various studies.
Furthermore, extant studies usually relied on a single
informant (either the adolescent or a parent), leaving a
knowledge gap on how parentadolescent conict intensity
develops according to adolescents, mothers, and fathers.
Parents and adolescents tend to perceive interpersonal
conict (Van Lissa et al. 2015), and aspects of their rela-
tionship (Mastrotheodoros et al. 2018), differently.
Research on a related concept, conict engagement, docu-
mented a temporary increase from early to middle adoles-
cence only according to adolescentsviews, but not
according to mothersand fathersviews (Van Doorn et al.
2011). These reporter differences might result from the
different position in the hierarchical relationship, in which
adolescents want to acquire more autonomy, and parents are
motivated to preserve the status quo.
ParentAdolescent Discrepancies
A gold standard in the measurement of psychosocial con-
structs in developmental research is the use of multiple
informants. Using multiple informants not only provides a
more well-balanced representation of conict intensity tra-
jectories but also allows investigating possible dis-
crepancies in perceptions of conict (De Los Reyes and
Kazdin 2005). Such discrepancies are not measurement
error (De Los Reyes et al. 2010), and instead may reect
key dynamics in the parentadolescent relationship that are
meaningfully associated with adolescent and parent adap-
tation (De Los Reyes et al. 2019). For example, differences
among parental and adolescent views of conict were
positively associated with adolescent depressive symptoms
and risky behaviors (Skinner and McHale 2016). Further-
more, adolescents in families with high parentadolescent
discrepancies in perceptions of family functioning were at
higher risk for sexually dangerous behaviors and alcohol
use (Córdova et al. 2016). In contrast, maternal psycholo-
gical symptoms were higher when both mothers and ado-
lescents agreed on low family satisfaction, compared to
when only the mother reported low family satisfaction, but
the adolescent reported high family satisfaction
120 Journal of Youth and Adolescence (2020) 49:119135
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(Ohannessian et al. 2016). These ndings show that taking
more than one perspective into account might be more
insightful compared to using only one informant.
Parent-child discrepancies might be particularly relevant to
investigate during adolescence. The stage-environment t
hypothesis (Eccles et al. 1993) posits that the opportunities
offered by the social context adolescents live in (e.g., the
family) might not t adolescentsdevelopmental needs.
Adolescents show increasing decision-making abilities and
need for autonomy, and parents may not always optimally
recognize and respond to these changing needs. Such a
needs-opportunitiesmismatch might be reected in
parentadolescent discrepancies in the perception of the
quality of their relationship. Besides, as adolescents grow
older, they may refrain from disclosing information to their
parents, as a means to establish autonomy (Keijsers et al.
2009). This decreased disclosure results in less communica-
tion, which has been associated with increased
parentadolescent discrepancies (Ehrlich et al. 2016). How-
ever, towards late adolescence, the parentadolescent rela-
tionship becomes more egalitarian (Branje 2018), and
therefore, increasing agreement (i.e., less discrepancy) in
perceptions may be expected. This curvilinear trend in dis-
crepancies across adolescence is in line with the Operations
Triad Model (De Los Reyes and Ohannessian 2016), which
suggests that a curvilinear pattern, where discrepancies initi-
ally increase from early to middle adolescence and decrease
thereafter, might indicate normative development. However,
whether such a pattern exists, and whether this is the nor-
mative pattern of discrepancy development during adoles-
cence can only be claried by adopting a developmental
perspective on parentadolescent discrepancies (De Los
Reyes et al. 2019). Hence, investigating parentadolescent
discrepancies developmentally has been recently ranked as
the main priority in parentadolescent discrepancy research
(De Los Reyes et al. 2019).
Despite the emerging literature on parentadolescent
discrepancies (De Los Reyes and Ohannessian 2016), few
studies have investigated how discrepancies develop during
adolescence. Extant studies showed that discrepancies could
develop in different directions. A meta-analysis on cross-
sectional studies on the degree and direction of parent-child
discrepancies in parenting constructs revealed moderation
by age, such that in samples with older children there was
less parent-child discrepancy than in samples with younger
children (Korelitz and Garber 2016). A recent one-year
longitudinal study found that motheradolescent dis-
crepancies in perceptions of open communication increased
between ages 16 and 17, but discrepancies in perceptions of
communication problems did not (De Los Reyes et al.
2016). Additionally, another study found a curvilinear pat-
tern of parentadolescent differences in perceptions of
familism from age 12 to age 22, where an initial increase
was followed by a decrease (Padilla et al. 2016). Finally, a
study that investigated the heterogeneity in the trajectories
of parentadolescent discrepancies in family functioning
found that for most families the discrepancies were low and
stable across adolescence, yet a minority of families was
characterized by either high stable or high increasing dis-
crepancies (Córdova et al. 2016). However, the develop-
mental trajectories of motheradolescent, and
fatheradolescent discrepancies in conict intensity across
adolescence remain largely unknown.
Personality Types and ParentAdolescent Conict
Interpersonal relationships vary in quantity and quality, and
this is partly because of the personalities of the dyad
members (e.g., Mund and Neyer 2014). Because personality
and interpersonal relationships are linked (e.g., Mund and
Neyer 2014), heterogeneity in parentadolescent conict
intensity (De Goede et al. 2009), as well as in its devel-
opment (Seiffge-Krenke et al. 2010), may stem from par-
ental or adolescent personality. In the current study, a
typological approach to personality was applied (Asendorpf
and van Aken 1999), which recognizes that people employ
a constellation of characteristics instead of single, segre-
gated characteristics in isolation (Yu et al. 2014). One of the
most commonly applied person-centered approaches to
personality is Block and Blocks RUO (Resilients, Under-
controllers, Overcontrollers) typology (Block and Block
1980). Based on this typology three personality types have
been proposed: Resilient, characterized by relatively high
scores on all Big Five factors; Undercontrollers, mainly
characterized by low Agreeableness and Conscientiousness;
and Overcontrollers, mainly characterized by low Emo-
tional Stability, low Extraversion, and average or high
scores on the other three dimensions (Klimstra et al. 2009a).
Adolescents and adults with an undercontrolling or
overcontrolling personality type may employ more con-
ictual behaviors in their relationships. Undercontrollers
and Overcontrollers are characterized by personality char-
acteristics that are typically associated with more conictual
relationships. That is, they tend to have characteristics that
relate to higher anger and aggression, like lower Agree-
ableness (De Fruyt et al. 2017; Jensen-Campbell and Gra-
ziano 2001), and lower Conscientiousness (Jensen-
Campbell and Malcolm 2007) for Undercontrollers, and
lower Emotional Stability (Jones et al. 2011) for Over-
controllers. Undercontrolling children (Denissen et al.
2007) and adults (Bohane et al. 2017) indeed show higher
levels of aggression and engagement in conicts compared
to Resilients. Furthermore, personality, by denition,
encompasses differences in how people perceive their
environment (Mund and Neyer 2014). Therefore, under-
controlling or overcontrolling adolescents and adults may
Journal of Youth and Adolescence (2020) 49:119135 121
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also view their interpersonal relationships differently com-
pared to how their partners perceive them. This might give
rise to higher discrepancies. For example, Undercontrollers,
who have low Agreeableness and Conscientiousness, and
Overcontrollers, who have low Emotional Stability, may be
more difcult to relate and openly communicate with,
which may lead to higher divergence in relational percep-
tions. Indeed, mothers with higher trait negative affectivity
and lower trait positive affectivity show higher dis-
crepancies with their sons, compared to mothers with a
more adaptive prole (Shishido and Latzman 2017). Resi-
lients might not only have more adaptive and less con-
ictual relationships, but might also more easily and
straightforward communicate about their relationship per-
ceptions and have a higher mutual understanding. This
might result in lower discrepancies in perceptions. There-
fore, adolescents and parents with a Resilient personality
type are expected to have lower conict intensity and lower
discrepancies than Overcontrollers and Undercontrollers.
The Present Study
Taken together, extant research has shown that adolescents
views of parentadolescent conict intensity display a
curvilinear trend across adolescence. However, less is
known about the development of conict intensity across
adolescence according to mothers and fathers. More
importantly, trajectories of parentadolescent discrepancies
remain understudied, and so do possible determinants of
such trajectories. The current multi-informant and long-
itudinal study aimed to answer the following questions:
How does parentadolescent conict intensity develop
across adolescence, according to the views of mothers,
fathers, and adolescents? (RQ1) Given previous studies that
found a curvilinear trend of conict intensity (e.g., De
Goede et al. 2009), it was expected that conict intensity
would increase from early to middle adolescence, and
decrease thereafter (Hypothesis 1). How do
parentadolescent discrepancies in conict intensity
develop across adolescence? (RQ2) Based on theoretical
perspectives (De Los Reyes and Ohannessian 2016; Eccles
et al. 1993), it was expected that an initial increase would be
followed by a decrease in discrepancies in perceptions of
conict intensity (Hypothesis 2). Do personality types
predict the trajectories of conict intensity and the trajec-
tories of discrepancies in perceptions of conict intensity
across adolescence? (RQ3) Given the role personality types
play in interpersonal interaction (Denissen et al. 2007) and
informant discrepancies (e.g., Shishido and Latzman 2017),
it was expected that a Resilient personality type would be
associated with lower conict intensity, and smaller
parentadolescent discrepancies (Hypothesis 3).
The sample consisted of 497 adolescents (43.1% girls,
Mage =13.03, SD =0.46, at T1; Mage =18.03, SD =0.46,
at T6), their mothers (N =497, Mage =40.41, SD =4.45, at
T1), and their fathers (N=456, Mage =46.74, SD =5.11, at
T1) who took part in six annual assessments of an ongoing
longitudinal study (Research on Adolescent Development
And Relationships, see
in The Netherlands, from 2006 to 2011. Adolescents were
recruited from randomly selected elementary schools from
the province of Utrecht as well as from three other big cities
in The Netherlands. From a list of 850 regular schools in the
western and central regions of the Netherlands, 429 were
randomly selected and approached. Of those, 296 (69%)
were willing to participate, and 230 of those were approa-
ched. Schools were used for initial screening (teacher
reports for all 12-year-old students), as well as a means to
approach families. Of the total of students screened (n=
4615), 1544 were randomly selected. Because the aim of the
study was to include two-parent families with at least one
more child older than 10 years old, 1081 families were
approached. Of those, 470 refused to take part and 114 did
not sign informed consent, resulting in the nal sample of
497 families.
Data were collected via annual home visits during which
participants lled-in self-report questionnaires, and proce-
dures were the same for all six waves. During the rst
measurement wave, adolescents were in 7th Grade. Most
adolescents were native Dutch (94.8%) and lived with both
parents (85.2%). Regarding parental occupation, for 87.7%
of adolescents at least one of the parentsjobs was classied
as medium level (e.g., police ofcer, physicians assistant)
or high level (e.g., doctor, scientist, high school teacher),
whereas 12.3% of adolescents came from families in which
parents were either unemployed, or held an elementary job
(e.g., construction worker, janitor, truck driver; Statistics
Netherlands 1993). Furthermore, most parents had com-
pleted either secondary (55.9% of mothers; 48.1% of
fathers) or higher education (40.2% of mothers; 49.6% of
Parentadolescent conict intensity
To measure conict intensity, 6 items from the Negative
Interactions scale, from the Network of Relationships
Inventoryshort form (NRI) were used (De Goede et al.
2009; Furman and Buhrmester 1985). Participants answered
on a 5-point Likert scale, ranging from 1 (Little or Not at all)
122 Journal of Youth and Adolescence (2020) 49:119135
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
to 5 (More is not possible) how much anger, irritation, and
negative behaviors they experienced in their relationship.
The scale was completed by (a) adolescents regarding the
relationship with their mother (Adolescent-Mother report,
AM); (b) adolescents regarding the relationship with their
fathers (Adolescent-Father report, AF); (c) mothers regard-
ing the relationship with the adolescents (motheradolescent
report, MA); and (d) fathers regarding the relationship with
the adolescents (fatheradolescent report, FA). Cronbachs
αs ranged across waves between αs=0.900.95 (adoles-
cent-mother report); αs=0.900.94 (adolescent-father
report); αs=0.900.92 (motheradolescent report); αs=
0.900.92 (fatheradolescent report). Example items are:
How much do you and your mother/father/child get upset
with or mad at each other?and How much do you and
your mother/father/child get on each others nerves?
To measure maternal, paternal, and adolescent personality,
the shortened Dutch version of Goldbergs Big Five
Questionnaire was used (Goldberg 1992; Vermulst and
Gerris 2005). This questionnaire applies a 7-point Likert
scale with a response format ranging from 1 (Completely
untrue)to7(Completely true), to assess ve personality
dimensions: Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientious-
ness, Emotional Stability, and Openness to Experience. It
consists of 30 adjectives, six per personality trait, such as
imaginative(Openness to Experience), organized
(Conscientiousness), talkative(Extraversion), sympa-
thetic(Agreeableness), and worried(Emotional Stabi-
lity, reverse coded). Mothers, fathers, and adolescents
addressed these adjectives with reference to themselves.
Previous studies have shown that this instrument has ade-
quate reliability and validity when administered among
adolescents (Klimstra et al. 2009b). In the current study the
Cronbachsαs across waves and across the Big Five
dimensions ranged between αs=0.720.89 (adolescent
reports), αs=0.840.91 (mother reports), and αs=
0.790.91 (father reports).
Attrition and Missing Values
The majority of adolescents (85.7%), mothers (84.5%), and
fathers (75.5%) were still involved in the study at Wave 6,
and the average participation rate across the six waves was
90.4, 90.2, and 81.7%, for adolescents, mothers, and fathers,
respectively. Littles MCAR test (Little 1988) was signicant
[χ2(8308) =9216, p=0.000], but the normed χ2/df (9216/
8308 =1.11) indicated that the assumption of missingness
being completely at random was not seriously violated.
Therefore, data from all 497 families could be included in the
analyses using Full Information Maximum Likelihood.
The study was approved by the medical ethics committee of
Utrecht University (METC). Before the start of the study,
parents were required to provide informed consent, and
adolescents to provide assent. Adolescents and parents lled
out questionnaires during annual home visits. Trained
research assistants provided verbal instructions in addition
to written instructions that accompanied the questionnaires.
Condentiality was guaranteed, and the data were processed
anonymously. Each wave families received 100 euros for
their participation.
Analytic Plan
The rst analytic step consisted of testing measurement
invariance of the Negative Interactions scale across the four
reports, within each wave (Van de Schoot et al. 2012) using
MPlus 8.2 (Muthén and Muthén 19962018). To account
for dependency in the observations, Type=COMPLEX and
a unique family code as clustering variable were used. After
specifying a univariate model in which the six items loaded
on one latent factor, the function automatically estimated a
congural, a metric, and a scalar invariance model, corre-
sponding to equality of the factor structure, the item load-
ings, and the item intercepts and loadings, respectively. A
maximum likelihood estimator with robust standard errors
was chosen, given the right-skew of the scale. Also, for
each reporter, longitudinal measurement invariance of the
Negative Interactions scale across the six waves was tested,
using the meas Eq.syntax function of the semTools package
in R (Jorgensen et al. 2018).
To answer the rst research question on the trajectories
of parentadolescent conict intensity across adolescence,
four univariate Latent Growth Curve Models (LGCM,
Wang and Wang 2012) were applied in lavaan (Rosseel
2012), separately for the AM, AF, MA, and FA reports. For
each model, it was rst examined whether linear or quad-
ratic slope t the data best, based on model t indices (CFI,
TLI, RMSEA, SRMR, and BIC). To ease comparisons and
interpretation, in case the quadratic slope t the model
better compared to the linear, piecewise LGCM was
applied. For that purpose, a series of LGCM was run, where
the knot,that is, the point the slope would be split into
two linear pieces, was tested in different time points. These
models were compared in terms of model t (CFI, TLI,
RMSEA, and SRMR), and the model that t the data best
was selected as the piecewise model of choice.
Journal of Youth and Adolescence (2020) 49:119135 123
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To answer the second research question, regarding the
development of parentadolescent discrepancies in conict
intensity, the following steps were applied. First, Latent
Congruence Modeling (Cheung 2009; Ksinan and Vazsonyi
2016) was used to estimate two latent factors, based on two
reports (e.g., AM and MA reports). The latent mean level
factor captures the mean of the two reports, and each of the
two reports has a factor loading of 1 on this factor. The latent
congruence factor captures the latent difference of the two
reports by constraining the rst reporters (here, the adoles-
cents) loadings to 0.5 and the other reporters(here,the
parents) to 0.5. The latent congruence factor was estimated
separately for each dyad (motheradolescent;
fatheradolescent) and each year of measurement (T1T6).
For each of these models, the latent congruence factor scores
were saved. Second, LGCMs were applied on the saved
scores for motheradolescent and fatheradolescent dyads
separately. For the LGCMs, the same steps as those regarding
answering the rst research question were followed.
To answer the third research question on the role of
personality types, the growth patterns of the Big Five were
rst investigated separately for adolescents, and parents, to
determine the shape of the curve, as well as the existence of
signicant variance around the mean estimates. Next, Latent
Class Growth Analysis (LCGA, Jung and Wickrama 2008;
Nagin 2005) was applied in Mplus 8.2 (Muthén and Muthén
19962018) on the resulting trajectories of the Big Five
traits, separately for adolescents and parents, as a means to
investigate different personality type trajectories of adoles-
cents and parents. Gender was controlled for, to account for
the gender differences in personality (Klimstra et al. 2009a).
The number of classes was decided based on both theore-
tical and empirical grounds. Theoretically, a three-class
solution was expected, resembling Block and Blocks
(1980) RUO typology. On the empirical level, a lower
sample-adjusted Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC), a
higher entropy (classication accuracy), and a signicant
Vuong-Lo-Mendel-Rubin Likelihood Ratio Test (VLMR-
LRT) were used as criteria for the number of classes. Third,
the resulting latent personality classes were used as pre-
dictors of the intercepts and slopes of the four univariate
LGCMs for conict intensity (i.e., for the AM, AF, MA,
and FA reports of conict intensity), and the two LGCMs
for the discrepancies in conict intensity. Specically,
dummy variables were created for each personality type.
The intercepts and the slopes of conict intensity in the
motheradolescent relationship as reported by mothers and
adolescents (in separate models) and discrepancies in
motheradolescent conict intensity were regressed on
adolescent and maternal personality types. Similarly, the
intercepts and the slopes of conict intensity in the
fatheradolescent relationship as reported by fathers and
adolescents (in separate models) and discrepancies in
fatheradolescent conict intensity were regressed on ado-
lescent and paternal personality types.
Descriptive Statistics
Table 1provides the means, standard deviations, and
bivariate correlations of all conict intensity scores across
Measurement Invariance of the Negative
Interactions scale
As seen in Table S1 (see Supplemental information), all
models supported scalar invariance across reporters, for all
waves, as well as across waves. Imposing restrictions for
equality of factor loadings, and subsequently for item
intercepts, did not lead to worse t beyond the recom-
mended thresholds (ΔCFI 0.010, ΔTLI 0.010,
ΔRMSEA 0.015, Cheung and Rensvold 2002). Also, the
scalar models were in all cases those with the lowest BIC,
therefore achieving the best parsimony-to-t balance among
the three models (congural, metric, scalar).
Development of Conict Intensity across
For all four Latent Growth Curve Models, a non-linear
slope t the data better compared to a linear slope
(Table S2, in Supplemental information). Therefore, a series
of piecewise LGCMs was applied, to detect the time point
where the knot t best (Wang and Wang 2012). The time
where the knot t the data best was Wave 3 (adolescent age
15 years) for adolescent-father reports, and Wave 4 (ado-
lescent age 16 years) for adolescent-mother reports and
mother- and father-reports of conict intensity.
Table 2presents the intercepts and slopes for these four
LGCMs (see also Fig. 1). According to adolescents, conict
intensity with their mothers and fathers increased from early
to middle adolescence (ages 13 to 16 for adolescents
relationship with their mothers, and ages 13 to 15 for
adolescentsrelationship with their fathers), and then
remained stable. According to mothers and fathers, conict
with their adolescents remained stable from early to middle
adolescence (ages 13 to 16) and then decreased until age 18.
For most intercepts and slopes, there was signicant var-
iance around the average estimates, which indicates that
124 Journal of Youth and Adolescence (2020) 49:119135
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Table 1 Means, standard deviations, and correlations for the longitudinal scores on the Negative Interactions scale
Variable MSDSES Gender 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
1. neg1 1.66 0.59 0.14*** 0.07
2. neg2 1.71 0.67 0.12** 0.07 0.56**
3. neg3 1.75 0.67 0.06 0.01 0.50** 0.61**
4. neg4 1.79 0.69 0.04 0.03 0.43** 0.58** 0.63**
5. neg5 1.80 0.72 0.00 0.02 0.38** 0.50** 0.59** 0.69**
6. neg6 1.74 0.65 0.01 0.04 0.35** 0.45** 0.54** 0.62** 0.64**
7. neg1 1.51 0.56 0.03 0.02 0.34** 0.29** 0.13** 0.13** 0.16** 0.16**
8. neg2 1.60 0.64 0.06 0.04 0.31** 0.40** 0.24** 0.24** 0.22** 0.17** 0.67**
9. neg3 1.67 0.66 0.00 0.06 0.19** 0.27** 0.31** 0.18** 0.23** 0.19** 0.54** 0.61**
10. neg4 1.70 0.67 0.04 0.04 0.17** 0.22** 0.20** 0.27** 0.22** 0.24** 0.50** 0.54** 0.69**
11. neg5 1.70 0.69 0.04 0.04 0.27** 0.32** 0.32** 0.39** 0.40** 0.30** 0.44** 0.51** 0.57** 0.63**
12. neg6 1.69 0.68 0.01 0.04 0.20** 0.20** 0.16** 0.27** 0.30** 0.32** 0.35** 0.43** 0.48** 0.63** 0.68**
13. neg1 1.52 0.53 0.13*** 0.15*** 0.43** 0.44** 0.39** 0.38** 0.35** 0.31** 0.26** 0.24** 0.22** 0.18** 0.29** 0.15**
14. neg2 1.55 0.54 0.11* 0.12** 0.39** 0.53** 0.43** 0.33** 0.32** 0.33** 0.23** 0.31** 0.24** 0.19** 0.31** 0.11* 0.69**
15. neg3 1.52 0.50 0.06 0.11* 0.29** 0.43** 0.50** 0.36** 0.37** 0.33** 0.13** 0.22** 0.30** 0.18** 0.24** 0.07 0.58** 0.67**
16. neg4 1.55 0.56 0.04 0.04 0.28** 0.40** 0.39** 0.47** 0.38** 0.36** 0.16** 0.19** 0.21** 0.21** 0.30** 0.16** 0.56** 0.59** 0.71**
17. neg5 1.50 0.54 0.13** 0.08 0.27** 0.41** 0.39** 0.43** 0.49** 0.42** 0.20** 0.24** 0.25** 0.20** 0.35** 0.22** 0.56** 0.60** 0.66** 0.74**
18. neg6 1.48 0.54 0.12* 0.07 0.27** 0.43** 0.43** 0.44** 0.46** 0.54** 0.15** 0.17** 0.23** 0.18** 0.31** 0.22** 0.51** 0.56** 0.64** 0.66** 0.71**
19. neg1 1.51 0.50 0.05 0.04 00.16** 0.21** 0.10* 0.10* 0.11* 0.09 0.52** 0.41** 0.37** 0.32** 0.30** 0.21** 0.39** 0.35** 0.27** 0.29** 0.29** 0.20**
20. neg2 1.52 0.53 0.08 0.04 0.10* 0.21** 0.11* 0.07 0.05 0.09 0.44** 0.49** 0.37** 0.33** 0.27** 0.19** 0.28** 0.41** 0.33** 0.30** 0.28** 0.24** 0.70**
21. neg3 1.51 0.52 0.04 0.02 0.11* 0.19** 0.19** 0.17** 0.08 0.12* 0.31** 0.37** 0.51** 0.43** 0.36** 0.23** 0.26** 0.33** 0.43** 0.37** 0.30** 0.26** 0.63** 0.67**
22. neg4 1.53 0.51 0.00 0.02 0.12* 0.13* 0.11* 0.17** 0.08 0.11* 0.28** 0.28** 0.38** 0.45** 0.39** 0.28** 0.28** 0.28** 0.31** 0.41** 0.30** 0.24** 0.57** 0.61** 0.71**
23. neg5 1.51 0.53 0.01 0.01 0.15** 0.18** 0.16** 0.23** 0.19** 0.21** 0.28** 0.28** 0.33** 0.40** 0.51** 0.37** 0.22** 0.32** 0.33** 0.40** 0.45** 0.41** 0.54** 0.51** 0.62** 0.72**
24. neg6 1.47 0.49 0.07 0.01 0.11* 0.14** 0.12* 0.23** 0.16** 0.22** 0.18** 0.24** 0.25** 0.31** 0.43** 0.39** 0.18** 0.22** 0.22** 0.26** 0.28** 0.40** 0.45** 0.46** 0.55** 0.58** 0.77**
Mmean, SD standard deviation, SES socio-economic status, Adol.-Moth. adolescent report for mother, Adol.-Fath. adolescent report for father, neg1neg6 negative interaction score on Wave 1
through Wave 6
*p< 0.05; **p< 0.01; ***p< 0.001
Journal of Youth and Adolescence (2020) 49:119135 125
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families differ in level and change in parentadolescent
conict intensity.
Development of ParentAdolescent Discrepancies in
Conict Intensity
Table S3 (in Supplemental information) presents the means
and the variances of the Latent Congruency Models, for
adolescent-mother, and adolescent-father dyads, across the
six waves. The LGCMs on the saved congruence scores
were used to investigate the development of
parentadolescent discrepancies in conict intensity
(Cheung 2009). Table S2 (in Supplemental information)
presents the t indices of models with linear, quadratic, and
piecewise modeling of development. As non-linear growth
showed a better t compared to linear growth, a piecewise
model to investigate latent change was t, to ease
Table 2presents the means and variances of the latent
intercepts and slopes for the development of
motheradolescent and fatheradolescent discrepancies in
conict intensity (see also Fig. 2). In motheradolescent
dyads, the intercept was positive and signicant, indicating
that adolescents reported more conict intensity than their
mothers. The slope from Wave 1 (adolescent age 13 years)
to Wave 4 (adolescent age 16 years) was positive and sig-
nicant, indicating that, on average, mothersand adoles-
centsperceptions of conict intensity in their relationship
further diverged in this age range. The slope from Wave 4
(adolescent age 16 years) to Wave 6 (adolescent age 18
years) was non-signicant, indicating that, on average,
motheradolescent discrepancies remained stable in this age
range. In fatheradolescent dyads, the intercept was close to
zero. That is, on average, fathers and adolescents held
similar perceptions of conict intensity in their relationship
at Wave 1. However, both slope 1 (Wave 1 to Wave 3;
adolescent age 13 years to 15 years) and slope 2 (Wave 3 to
Wave 6; adolescent age 15 years to 18 years) were positive
and signicant, indicating that, over the course of adoles-
cence, adolescents reported increasingly higher conict
intensity than fathers did. Two cycles that comprise this
increasing divergence can be seen by inspecting the uni-
variate LGCMs on adolescent-father and fatheradolescent
reports of conict intensity. From early to middle adoles-
cence (age 13 years to 15 years), the divergence emerged
because adolescents perceived an increase in conict
intensity whereas their fathers reported stable levels of
conict, but from middle to late adolescence (age 15 years
to 18 years), the divergence is due to the decline in per-
ceptions of conict intensity by fathers while adolescents
reported stable levels of conict intensity.
Table 2 Growth parameter
estimates (means and variances)
of the latent growth curve
models for adolescent-, mother-,
and father-reported conict
intensity, and the latent growth
curve models for
motheradolescent and
fatheradolescent discrepancies
in conict intensity
Intercept Slope 1 Slope 2
Mean Variance Mean Variance Mean Variance
Conict Intensity
AM 1.67*** 0.197*** 0.045*** 0.021*** 0.021 0.024
AF 1.51*** 0.209*** 0.090*** 0.035*** 0.003 0.027***
MA 1.52*** 0.160*** 0.007 0.009*** 0.036*** 0.011
FA 1.51*** 0.156** 0.013 0.009*** 0.039*** 0.040***
MotherAdolescent 00.140*** 0.071*** 0.034*** 0.015*** 0.017 0.021*
Fatheradolescent 0.003 0.087*** 0.072*** 0.011** 0.019* 0.010***
AM adolescent report for mother, AF adolescent report for father, MA mother report for adolescent, FA father
report for adolescent
*p< 0.05; **p< 0.01; ***p< 0.001
Fig. 1 Developmental trajectories of adolescent-, and parent-reported
conict intensity across adolescence
126 Journal of Youth and Adolescence (2020) 49:119135
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Personality Types
To examine whether personality types could predict the
development of conict intensity and the heterogeneity
thereof, personality types were rst constructed. Table 3
presents the results of the Latent Class Growth Analyses
(Nagin 2005). For both adolescents and parents, a solution
with three classes was selected, upon theoretical, inter-
pretative, and statistical grounds. For adolescents, a 3-class
solution had lower BIC and higher entropy compared to a 2-
class solution, and a signicant VLMR-LRT. A 4-class
solution had lower BIC and higher entropy, but a non-
signicant VLMR-LRT compared to the 3-class solution.
Further, interpreting the four classes became difcult
because two classes overlapped signicantly (see also Figs
S1S2 in Supplemental information). Adolescents were
roughly equally spread among the three classes: 183 ado-
lescents (36.8%) in class 1, 156 (31.4%) in class 2, and 158
(31.8%) in class 3. Inspecting the mean intercepts and
slopes of the Big Five of these classes (Fig. S1 and Table
S4, in Supplemental information) led us to label them
Resilients,”“Overcontrollers,and Undercontrollers,
respectively. Resilients scored high on all Big Five factors.
Overcontrollers scored the lowest on Emotional Stability
and Extraversion, and Undercontrollers scored the lowest
scores on Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, and Openness.
For parents, a solution with 3-classes showed lower BIC
and higher entropy compared to a 2-class solution, and
higher BIC but still higher entropy compared to a 4-class
solution. Inspection of the 3- and the 4-class solutions
showed overlap among classes in the 4-class solution (see
also Figs S3 and S4 in Supplemental information).
Inspecting the mean intercepts and slopes of the Big Five of
these classes (Fig. S3 and Table S5, in Supplemental
information), led us to label them Resilients,”“Over-
controllers,and Undercontrollers,respectively. Most
parents (mothers: n=245, 49.3%; fathers: n=211, 46.2%)
were in the Resilient class, with the rest being equally
distributed as Overcontrollers (mothers: n=135, 27.2%;
fathers: n=118, 25.8%), and Undercontrollers (mothers: n
=117, 23.5%; fathers: n=128, 28%). Resilients scored
signicantly higher than the other two classes on all Big
Five factors, and they also showed increasing levels on all
factors, contrary to the other classes. Overcontrollers
showed the lowest Emotional Stability, Extraversion, and
Openness, whereas Undercontrollers showed the lowest
Personality Types and the Development of
ParentAdolescent Conict Intensity, and
Discrepancies in Conict Intensity
Three dummy variables were created, indicating the pre-
sence of each personality type. A series of analyses were
run to compare Overcontrollers and Undercontrollers with
Resilients. In these analyses, the intercepts and slopes of
conict intensity and discrepancies in conict intensity were
regressed on the dummy variables indicating Over-
controllers (0 =no, 1 =yes) and Undercontrollers (0 =no,
1=yes). To compare Overcontrollers with Under-
controllers, a series of analyses were run using Resilient
dummy and Undercontroller dummy as predictors.
Table 3 Fit Indices for the latent class growth analyses models with
different numbers of classes
One class 38,322 ––
Two classes 36,717 0.876 1656**
Three classes 35,550 0.892 1217*
Four classes 35,116 0.905 492
Five classes 34,765 0.886 404
One class 71,631 ––
Two classes 67,017 0.915 4655***
Three classes 65,076 0.918 1991
Four classes 63,406 0.916 1708
Five classes 62,304 0.916 1139
aBIC sample-adjusted Bayesian Information Criterion, VLMR-LRT
Vuong-Lo-Mendel-Rubin Likelihood Ratio Test
*p< 0.05; **p< 0.01; ***p< 0.001
Fig. 2 Developmental trajectories of adolescent-father, and adolescent-
mother absolute discrepancies in conict intensity across adolescence
Journal of Youth and Adolescence (2020) 49:119135 127
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Table 4presents the regression coefcients of the inter-
cepts of conict intensity and discrepancies in conict
intensity on adolescent, maternal, and paternal personality.
No signicant results emerged regarding regressions of
slopes, indicating that personality did not predict the rate of
change in conict intensity, and therefore, these results are
omitted from the table.
Regarding adolescent personality, the intercept of
adolescent-reported conict intensity with mothers and with
fathers was higher for undercontrolling and for over-
controlling adolescents than for Resilients. Under-
controlling adolescents had a higher intercept of conict
intensity reported by mothers than Resilients. Finally,
fatheradolescent discrepancies were larger for over-
controlling adolescents than for resilient adolescents.
When considering maternal personality, the intercepts of
both mother- and adolescent-reported conict intensity were
signicantly higher for undercontrolling and over-
controlling mothers than for resilient mothers. No differ-
ences were found between undercontrolling and
overcontrolling mothers. Also, no signicant differences
emerged on motheradolescent discrepancies.
For paternal personality, the intercept of father-reported
conict intensity was signicantly higher for under-
controlling and overcontrolling fathers than for resilient
fathers. The intercept of fatheradolescent discrepancies
was lower for undercontrolling fathers than for resilient
fathers, indicating that undercontrolling fathers reported
higher conict compared to their adolescents, thus, larger
discrepancies (the overall intercept was zero, see Table 2).
Sensitivity Analysis
Given gender differences in parentadolescent relationship
quality (De Goede et al. 2009), and the possible inuence of
family socioeconomic status on parentadolescent relation-
ship quality, additional analyses were run in which the
intercept and the two slopes of each model were regressed on
gender and SES. The regression coefcients of the intercepts
and slopes on gender and SES were mostly non-signicant,
except for mother-reported conict intensity. In that case,
gender and SES had a signicant effect on the intercept only,
indicating that mothers of girls and mothers in lower-SES
families reported a higher level of conict intensity. As can
be seen in Table S6 and Table S7 of the supplementary
information, 4 out of the 18 means in the latent growth
models (research questions 1 and 2), and 2 out of the 36
regression coefcients regarding the effect of personality
types (research question 3) changed signicance. However,
the effect sizes did not change substantially, indicating that
including covariates increased the standard errors.
The following differences emerged in the models that
controlled for gender and SES, compared to the models
without covariates. Father-reported conict intensity did not
show a signicant decrease from middle-to-late adoles-
cence. Similarly, motheradolescent discrepancies did not
increase signicantly during early-to-middle adolescence,
but they did increase signicantly from middle-to-late
adolescence. Fatheradolescent discrepancies did not
increase further in middle-to-late adolescence. Finally, the
effect of undercontrolling adolescents on mother-reported
conict intensity and the effect of overcontrolling adoles-
cents on adolescent-reported conict intensity with fathers
turned non-signicant.
Parentadolescent relationships tend to be characterized by
conicts. The intensity of those conicts can be perceived
differently by parents and adolescents. Conict intensity
and discrepancies in the perceptions of parents and ado-
lescents might reect the restructuring of the
parentadolescent relationship that takes place during this
period (e.g., De Los Reyes and Ohannessian 2016). In
addition, adolescentsand parentspersonality types might
affect how the parentadolescent relationship transforms.
Past research has shown that according to adolescents,
conict intensity changes curvilinearly across adolescence
(De Goede et al. 2009), but the views of parents are often
overlooked. Given the signicance of parentadolescent
conict intensity and discrepancies in parentsand adoles-
centsperceptions for adolescent adjustment (e.g., Branje
2018), the current study examined the trajectories of
parentadolescent conict intensity as perceived by ado-
lescents, mothers, and fathers, as well as the trajectories of
the discrepancies in perceptions of conict intensity.
Additionally, the current study examined the role of par-
ental and adolescent personality types in these trajectories.
Development of ParentAdolescent Conict
Intensity across Adolescence
By addressing mothers, fathers, and adolescentspercep-
tions of conict intensity, the results of this study add to the
knowledge that has resulted from past research regarding
conict intensity trajectories. First, in agreement with some
previous studies (De Goede et al. 2009; McGue et al. 2005),
and contrary to others (Galambos and Almeida 1992), this
study found that adolescent-reported conict intensity
increases from early to middle adolescence. Second, by
following the same adolescents beyond middle adolescence,
this study showed that adolescent-reported conict intensity
is stable from middle to late adolescence. Third, and most
importantly, this study showed that the trajectories of con-
ict intensity differed among parents and adolescents, such
128 Journal of Youth and Adolescence (2020) 49:119135
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Table 4 Regression coefcients (Unstandardized Β, and Standardized β) and condence intervals for the prediction of the intercepts of conict intensity and discrepancies in conict intensity by
adolescent and parental personality type
Adolescent Mother Father
U versus R O versus R U versus O U versus R O versus R U versus O U versus R O versus R U versus O
Parentadolescent conict intensity
AM intercept
B 0.150 0.149 0.001 0.133 0.235 0.102 ––
C.I. 0.030.27 0.020.27 0.140.14 0.010.26 0.110.36 0.260.05 ––
β0.158** 0.157* 0.001 0.127* 0.234*** 0.097 ––
MA intercept
B 0.119 0.072 0.048 0.129 0.132 0.003 ––
C.I. 0.040.18 0.060.16 0.020.24 0.020.24 0.130.13 ––
β0.139* 0.083 0.056 0.137* 0.148* 0.004 ––
AF intercept
B 0.145 0.125 0.019 –––0.019 0.043 0.061
C.I. 0.030.26 0.010.25 0.110.15 –––0.140.10 0.090.18 0.210.08
β0.147* 0.127* 0.020 –––0.019 0.042 0.062
FA intercept
B 0.063 0.032 0.095 –––0.123 0.147 0.024
C.I. 0.060.18 0.130.07 0.020.21 –––0.020.23 0.030.27 0.160.11
β0.074 0.038 0.112 –––0.140* 0.163* 0.027
Parentadolescent discrepancies in conict intensity
MA discrepancies intercept
B 0.032 0.071 0.039 0.018 0.085 0.067 ––
C.I. 0.070.13 0.030.17 0.140.07 0.080.11 0.020.19 0.180.05 ––
β0.057 0.125 0.068 0.029 0.141 0.106 ––
FA discrepancies intercept
B 0.083 0.120 0.037 –––0.135 0.089 0.046
C.I. 0.010.17 0.030.21 0.130.06 –––0.220.05 0.190.01 0.150.06
β0.130 0.188** 0.058 –––0.205** 0.132 0.070
UUndercontroller, RResilient, OOvercontroller, AM adolescent report for mother, MA mother report for adolescent, AF adolescent report for father, FA father report for adolescent, M-A
discrepancies between the adolescentmother, and motheradolescent reports, F-A discrepancies between the adolescentfather, and fatheradolescent reports C.I. condence intervals
*p< 0.05; **p< 0.01; ***p< 0.001
Journal of Youth and Adolescence (2020) 49:119135 129
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that parents perceived initially stable, and then declining
levels of conict intensity. These results offer more clarity
to the developmental trajectories of parentadolescent
conict intensity by showing what trend is perceived
by whom.
In agreement with the theoretically expected gap in par-
entsand adolescentsexpectations for autonomy (Deković
et al. 1997), adolescents perceived interactions with their
parents as increasingly negative from early to middle ado-
lescence, while parents experienced stable levels of nega-
tivity. Given that conict intensity assessed the mutual
negativity in the dyadic relationship, and not specically
how annoyed adolescents get with their parents, or parents
with adolescents, this increasing adolescent-reported conict
intensity implies that there are factors that affect adolescents
perceptions. For example, recent evidence linking increasing
parentadolescent conicts with pubertal timing and tempo
supports this notion (Marceau et al. 2015).
The results of the current study suggest that in the per-
ceptions of adolescents, the intensity of conict remains
stable from middle to late adolescence, and stays higher than
in parentsperceptions, which reected a decrease in conict
intensity. These ndings are in line with earlier ndings that
adolescents perceived higher conict engagement than par-
ents (Van Doorn et al. 2011). The results show that the
improvement of parent-child relationship quality is not
reected similarly in adolescentsand parentsperceptions.
The decrease in conict intensity after middle adolescence as
perceived by parents might be a sign of relationship
improvement. But at the same time, adolescent-perceived
levels remained stable, and they were still higher compared
to before middle adolescence. Therefore, relationship
improvement is not reected in adolescent-perceived conict
intensity. Given that adolescents become more autonomous
from parents after middle-adolescence (Hadiwijaya et al.
2017), parents might perceive this as relationship improve-
ment, but adolescents still feel that there is an elevated
tension in the relationship with their parents.
Development of ParentAdolescent Discrepancies in
Conict Intensity across Adolescence
In agreement with theoretical views on the change in
parentadolescent relationship during adolescence (Collins
and Laursen 1992), increasing discrepancies from early to
middle adolescence were found. This nding concurs with the
notion that during adolescence, a needs-opportunities mis-
match emerges (Eccles et al. 1993), which leads to increasing
parentadolescent discrepancies. Besides, the fact that parent-
perceived conict intensity is lower than adolescentsper-
ceptions indicates that adolescentsincreasing frustration is
not fully outed. Indeed, poor communication is one reason for
discrepant parentadolescent perceptions (De Los Reyes et al.
2016;Ehrlichetal.2016). Even though overall low negativity
prevails, parents and adolescents hold all the more diverging
views on how much negativity exists in their relationship.
The results concur with existing theoretical accounts
(e.g., De Los Reyes and Ohannessian 2016), and empirical
research (De Haan et al. 2017) that discrepancies are useful
to explore further because they are not measurement error.
Measurement error was taken into account in the current
study by applying a latent-variable technique (Córdova
et al. 2016). Additionally, if discrepancies were random
error, then the meaningful longitudinal patterns that were
found in this study would be unlikely to emerge (De Los
Reyes and Kazdin 2005).
The current study offers empirical support to the pro-
position of the Operations Triad Model (De Los Reyes and
Ohannessian 2016), which stipulates that diverging views
on family-related concepts reect evolving family dynam-
ics. In agreement with this proposition, the divergence in
parentadolescent perceptions found in this study indicates
two underlying processes in the family. The increasing
discrepancies in early-to-middle adolescence were mainly
due to the increasing intensity of conict as perceived by
adolescents. The further divergence from middle-to-late
adolescence in the fatheradolescent relationship could
mostly be attributed to the decreasing negativity as per-
ceived by fathers. Thus, these results show that the
restructuring of the parentadolescent relationship (Hadi-
wijaya et al. 2017) is not just a reection of adolescent
maturation, but also change in parental views.
As noted recently (De Los Reyes et al. 2019), a devel-
opmental approach to discrepancies can help elucidate
whether increased discrepancies reect normative
parentadolescent dynamics during adolescence or risk. The
average trajectories found in the current study show that
increased parentadolescent discrepancies seem to be nor-
mative. However, given that discrepancies have been shown
to have negative repercussions for adolescent adaptation
(Nelemans et al. 2016), the signicant variance around the
increasing divergence found in the current study might
imply a threat to the relationship, for some dyads. Like a
double-edged sword, the decrease in father-perceived con-
ict intensity and the concomitant increase in discrepancies
might prove a threat for some fatheradolescent dyads.
Future research examining the co-development of
parentadolescent discrepancies with parent and adolescent
adaptation may help elucidate this possibility.
Personality Typologies and Development of
ParentAdolescent (Discrepancies in) Conict
Adolescent and parental personality signicantly and
meaningfully predicted differences in both the trajectories
130 Journal of Youth and Adolescence (2020) 49:119135
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of parentadolescent conict intensity and the trajectories of
parentadolescent discrepancies in conict intensity. As
expected, resilient adolescents, mothers, and fathers repor-
ted the lowest levels of conict intensity, whereas resilient
adolescents, and fathers also showed the lowest dis-
crepancies. These results support the hypothesis that indi-
vidual differences, operationalized as personality types,
explain differences in how much negativity parents and
adolescents experience in their relationship, as well as how
differently they perceive their relationship (Belsky 1984).
Across reporters, personality type had an effect on self-
reported conict intensity (actor effects). Compared to
Overcontrollers and Underconrtollers, resilient adolescents,
mothers, and fathers perceived lower conict intensity,
which is in agreement with extant research (Denissen et al.
2007). Having a more exible personality type allows
individuals to more easily adapt to contextual demands
(Block and Block 1980), and might as such be associated
with less intense conictual interactions.
Furthermore, personality type also had an effect on the
conict intensity as perceived by the partner (partner
effects), but this pattern held only for the
motheradolescent dyad. Specically, mothers perceived
undercontrolling adolescents as the most aggravating,
implying that having a difcultadolescent child is more
emotionally demanding for the mothers. This nding is in
agreement with studies showing, for example, that
parentadolescent relationships tend to be worse in families
in which adolescents have more internalizing or externa-
lizing problems (Crocetti et al. 2016), or difculties in their
identity development (Crocetti et al. 2017). Other studies,
however, failed to nd an effect of having an easyversus
a difcult adolescent on parenting (de Haan et al. 2012).
Similarly, adolescents with resilient mothers perceived
lower conict intensity than adolescents with over-
controlling or undercontrolling mothers. Thus, having an
undercontrolling or an overcontrolling mother poses a
challenge in adolescents, as it leads them to experience
higher negativity, compared to having a resilient mother.
The fact that no partner effects emerged in the
fatheradolescent dyad indicates that the level of frustration
fathers and adolescents perceive in their relationship does
not depend on the dyadic partners personality.
In addition, personality types were also associated with
discrepancies, yet only in fatheradolescent dyads. In dyads
with overcontrolling adolescents, compared to dyads with a
resilient adolescent, the divergence among adolescent and
paternal perceptions of conict intensity was higher. Perhaps
overcontrolling adolescents do not express as openly their
negative emotions in their relationship with their father,
leaving fathers less aware of the negativity in their relation-
ship. Additionally, paternal personality type made a difference
in fatheradolescent conict intensity discrepancies. Being an
undercontrolling father had a negative impact on
fatheradolescent discrepancies compared to being a resilient
father, indicating that in these dyads fathers reported more
conict intensity than adolescents. Because, on average, the
intercept of fatheradolescent discrepancies was zero, the
negative coefcient found for undercontrolling fathers indi-
cates that this type is associated with higher discrepancies,
compared to resilient fathers. Given the detrimental effects
specically of fatheradolescent divergence for adolescent
adaptation (e.g., Nelemans et al. 2016), this nding means that
for adolescents with an undercontrolling father the transition to
a more egalitarian parentadolescent relationship likely starts
upon a more turbulent basis. Furthermore, that the develop-
ment of discrepancies does not depend on personality types
indicates that, in agreement with the idea of the diverging
operations of the Operations Triad Model (De Los Reyes and
Ohannessian 2016), the development of parentadolescent
discrepancies in conict intensity may reect normative pro-
cesses of adolescent development, irrespective of individual
Maternal and paternal personality types were associated
with parentadolescent discrepancies differently.
Motheradolescent discrepancies were predicted by neither
maternal nor adolescent personality, whereas
fatheradolescent discrepancies were predicted by both
adolescent (being an Overcontroller compared to being
Resilient) and paternal (being an Undercontroller, compared
to being Resilient) personality. It seems that
motheradolescent discrepancies may reect normative
developmental trends in the motheradolescent relationship,
whereas the fatheradolescent discrepancies are more open
to other effects. The present study adds to recent research
showing that, compared to the maternal role, the paternal
role may be more prone to external inuences, such as the
inuence of the interparental relationship (Mastrotheodoros
et al. 2019) or the mental health of their wife (Kouros et al.
Limitations, Strengths and Future Directions
Some limitations should be taken into account in this study.
First, the study consisted of self-reported data. Even though
self-report can be a strong method to assess internal states,
conict intensity could also be assessed with observations
of parentadolescent interactions. Using observations along
with discrepancies in self-reports might elucidate further
aspects of the transforming parentadolescent relationship.
Second, the sample consisted mainly of middle- and upper-
middle class Dutch families and results might differ in
lower SES families. For example, lower SES families might
experience higher levels of stress and might lack coping
mechanisms that would allow them to withhold stress from
spilling over to create conict (Conger et al. 2000).
Journal of Youth and Adolescence (2020) 49:119135 131
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
Furthermore, the sample comes from the Netherlands, a
relatively afuent western country, with low unemployment
rates and a good social security network. These may make
for a higher level of family well-being compared to other
countries. This characteristic, coupled with the upper-
middle class SES of this sample, might imply that the
generalizability of this study may be limited.
In spite of these limitations, this study offers new
insights into the development of parentadolescent conict
intensity, by using a relatively large, multi-informant, and
longitudinal design following families across adolescence.
Specically, this is the rst study to investigate the trajec-
tories of conict intensity across adolescence, taking into
account the views of mothers, fathers, and adolescents.
Also, this is among the rst studies to investigate the tra-
jectories of parentadolescent discrepancies, across ado-
lescence, while taking into account the personality types of
mothers, fathers, and adolescents. Hence, the current study
offers new insights into how the parentadolescent rela-
tionship transforms during adolescence.
Future studies could benet from examining the trajec-
tories of discrepancies in an expanded developmental time-
frame, also including the period before and after adoles-
cence. A more comprehensive view of how discrepancies
develop could be reached by incorporating mother and
father reports, along with child reports for mothers and
fathers separately in longitudinal studies of other periods of
development. In addition, investigating the development of
family relationships from the perspective of different family
members along with indices of adaptation might provide a
better understanding of the restructuring of the
parentadolescent relationship. Similarly, investigating
possible outcomes of the rate of change in discrepancies,
controlling for the level of discrepancies, could prove a
useful next step in discrepancy research.
Parentadolescent conict intensity is one aspect of ado-
lescence that has attracted much attention from the popular
media and the research community alike (Laursen et al.
1998). Conict is often a mechanism that forges change in
the parentadolescent relationship (Branje 2018), and,
therefore, it is important to understand how it develops
during adolescence. However, parents and adolescents
experience their conicts differently (Van Lissa et al. 2015),
and taking parental and adolescent perceptions into account
is necessary to get a comprehensive picture of conict
intensity. By incorporating more than one informant, how-
ever, discrepancies arise among the different reports, and
these discrepancies can indicate family processes (De Los
Reyes and Ohannessian 2016), like the restructuring of the
parentadolescent relationship. This study investigated the
trajectories of parentadolescent conict intensity across
adolescence, according to mothers, fathers, and adolescents.
Also, this study examined the trajectories of
parentadolescent discrepancies and the predictive role of
parental and adolescent personality in the development of
conict intensity and discrepancies in conict intensity. The
results showed that parents and adolescents hold different
views of conict intensity, and these differences give rise to
discrepancies. Conict intensity increased only according to
adolescents. The two cycles of discrepancies that emerged
indicate that the restructuring of the parentadolescent
relationship is not only a matter of adolescent maturation
but a matter of parentadolescent alignment. The level of
conict intensity in the parentadolescent relationship was
lower in families with resilient parents or adolescents,
implying that the way toward parentadolescent alignment
might be shorter for families with resilient parents or ado-
lescents. These ndings have implications for under-
standing adolescence, giving insights into the processes of
re-alignment of the parentadolescent relationship. In the
process of re-alignment, parentadolescent discrepancies
can be normative, with adolescents feeling more frustrated
than parents, also during late adolescence.
AuthorsContributions S.M. conceived of the study, performed the
statistical analyses, interpreted the results, and drafted the manuscript;
J.G. was involved in the interpretation of the results, and drafted the
manuscript critically; M.D. was involved in the interpretation of the
results, and drafted the manuscript critically; and W.M., and S.B.
designed the study, coordinated the data collection, were involved in
the interpretation of results, and revised the manuscript critically. All
authors read and approved the nal manuscript.
Funding Data from the RADAR study were used. RADAR has been
nancially supported by main grants from the Netherlands Organisa-
tion for Scientic Research (GB-MAGW 480-03-005, GB-MAGW
480-08-006, GB-MAGW 481-08-014), from a grant to the Consortium
Individual Development (Grant 024.001.003) from the Netherlands
Organization for Scientic Research, and from grants by Stichting
Achmea Slachtoffer en Samenleving (SASS).
Data Sharing and Declaration Data from wave 1 to 6 analysed during
the current study are available in the DANS repository (
Compliance with Ethical Standards
Conict of Interest The authors declare that they have no conict of
Ethical Approval All procedures performed in studies involving
human participants were in accordance with the ethical standards of
the institutional and/or national research committee and with the 1964
Helsinki declaration and its later amendments or comparable ethical
standards. The board of the local research institute, the Medical Ethical
Committee of the Utrecht Medical Centre and the VU Medical Centre,
The Netherlands, approved this study.
132 Journal of Youth and Adolescence (2020) 49:119135
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Informed Consent Informed consent was obtained from all individual
participants included in the study, for each wave separately after
explaining their role and their rights in the study and before starting
data collection.
Publishers note: Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to
jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional afliations.
Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://crea, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give
appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link
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Stefanos Mastrotheodoros is a doctoral researcher at the
Department of Youth and Family, Utrecht University, the
Netherlands. He holds a PhD from the University of Athens,
Greece, where he studied the development of personal identity from
middle to late adolescence. He currently conducts a second PhD at
Utrecht University, investigating the determinants of parenting and the
development of parentadolescent relationships during adolescence.
Jolien Van der Graaff is an Assistant Professor at the Department of
Youth and Family, Utrecht University, the Netherlands. She received
her PhD in 2014. Her research focuses on the development of empathy
and prosocial behavior in adolescence, as well as the associations with
adolescentsrelationships and social adjustment.
Maja Dekovićis a Professor at the Department of Clinical Child and
Family Studies, at Utrecht University, the Netherlands. Her major
research interests include the development of child and adolescent
problem behavior and family and peer relationships.
Wim Meeus is a Professor at Utrecht University, the Netherlands. He
received his doctorate in Social Psychology from Utrecht University,
the Netherlands. His major research interests include identity and
personality development, personal relationships, and psychological
problems in adolescence.
Susan Branje is a Professor at Utrecht University, the Netherlands.
She received her doctorate in 2003 from the Radboud University
Nijmegen. Her major research interests include understanding the
developmental changes in adolescentsrelationships with parents,
siblings, friends, and romantic partners and the associations with
development of adolescent personality, identity, and adjustment.
Journal of Youth and Adolescence (2020) 49:119135 135
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... As part of the individuation process, adolescents strive for more autonomy and independence from their parents as well as broader social relationships outside of the home [1]. Naturally, families with adolescents experience increased disagreements and conflict during this time as parents and adolescents face shifts in their dynamics and attempt to re-negotiate their boundaries [2][3][4][5][6]. ...
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Parents and typically developing (TD) youth siblings of individuals with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities (IDD) often experience greater caregiving burden, stress, and hardships in family functioning. They are at increased risk of family conflict and youth adjustment problems when TD siblings are adolescents since they need to balance caregiving responsibilities and various changes that naturally occur during adolescence. However, there is a lack of intervention research on parents and TD adolescent siblings that focuses on family conflict and family-wide participation. This study analyzed whether participating in a brief family intervention could improve families’ knowledge of marital and family-wide conflict and TD adolescents’ adjustment problems. We found that mothers and fathers significantly improved their knowledge of marital conflict and that TD adolescents significantly improved their knowledge of family-wide conflict. We also found that fathers reported significant reductions in internalizing and externalizing problems in TD adolescents. The findings support the impact of even brief evidence-based interventions targeting family-level improvements for families with both TD adolescent siblings and individuals with IDD. The findings also accentuate the significance of involving both mothers and fathers in family intervention research, suggesting that different caregivers may experience both shared and unique benefits from participating.
... Adolescence is not only a critical stage for changes in their sleep needs (8), but also a vulnerable period for the development of insomnia (9). During this period, adolescents are often exposed to various stressors, including academic stress (2), parent-adolescent relationship (10), parental conflicts (11), parental psychological control (12), and parenting styles (13). The cumulative effect of these stressors may increase the risk of insomnia in adolescents. ...
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Objective The objective of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to evaluate the overall efficacy of cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) in treating insomnia in adolescents, and to examine the efficacy of CBT-I on different sleep-related outcomes in this population. Methods Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of CBT-I on insomnia in adolescents were identified using electronic databases and manual searches. The Revised Cochrane risk-of-bias tool for randomized trials (RoB 2) was used to assess risk of bias in RCTs. A standardized mean difference (SMD) with a 95% confidence interval (CI) was used to combine effect sizes. A sensitivity analysis was performed for each outcome using a stepwise elimination method to assess whether the pooled results were significantly affected by individual studies. Results The analysis included 8 RCTs involving a total of 599 participants. The meta-analysis indicated that marked and statistically significant improvements in insomnia (SMD = −1.06; 95% CI -1.65 to −0.47; p < 0.01), sleep onset latency (SMD = −0.99; 95% CI -1.65 to −0.32; p < 0.01), total sleep time (SMD = 0.50; 95% CI 0.10 to 0.90; p = 0.01), and sleep efficiency (SMD = 0.57; 95% CI 0.26 to 0.87; p < 0.01) were observed at post-treatment time point following CBT-I. At follow-up time point, a statistically significant improvement in insomnia (SMD = −0.79; 95% CI -1.42 to −0.17; p = 0.01) was observed following CBT-I. Conclusion CBT-I was effective in improving insomnia in adolescents and some sleep-related outcomes, including sleep onset latency, total sleep time, and sleep efficiency. CBT-I was characterized by low risk and high therapeutic benefits and could serve as alternative or adjuvant approaches to medication for the treatment of insomnia. Considering the advantages in terms of safety and efficacy, CBT-I should be the preferred intervention for the treatment of insomnia in adolescents. Systematic Review Registration, CRD42024526102.
... Highly Sensitive Persons (HSPs), who constitute 20-30% of the population [11], tend to process and respond to lower thresholds of information and to better detect subtle differences in their environment [12,13]. HSPs are more likely to experience social phobia [14], depression [15], avoidant personality disorder In Western societies, adolescence is an especially arduous period for adolescents and parents because of major biological, cognitive, and emotional changes the adolescents are undergoing; changes in parent-adolescent relationships [1]; and adolescents' growing need for autonomy, individuation, and more egalitarian relationships [2] that might increase parent-adolescent conflict [3]. Also, adolescents spend less time with their parents and more time with peers [4], making it more challenging for parents to monitor their adolescents' whereabouts. ...
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This research examines parental practices of Israeli highly sensitive mothers toward their adolescent children and the role of attachment avoidance as a moderator between the associations of high sensitivity and parenting practices. One hundred and one mother–adolescent dyads completed self-report questionnaires assessing mothers’ degree of high sensitivity, mothers’ adult attachment, and mothers’ parenting practices. Results showed that highly sensitive mothers were described by their adolescent children as inconsistent and intrusive parents. Further, attachment avoidance was found to moderate the association between mothers’ high sensitivity and inconsistent and psychological intrusiveness. Findings suggest that attachment avoidant highly sensitive mothers experience this period of raising adolescents as especially stressful and challenging, which contributes to the practice of negative parenting. Thus, interventions focused on regulating those mothers’ emotions to better cope with parental challenges could buffer negative parenting practices.
... A better understanding of the association between post-divorce boundary diffusion and parent-child relationship quality is warranted, as the latter is generally rated lower in divorced than in intact families (Afifi & Schrodt, 2003;Mustonen et al., 2011), and parents tend to be less available and responsive to their children's needs during the first few years after divorce (Sutherland et al., 2012;Wallerstein et al., 2013). Given the developmental changes in parent-adolescent relationship quality including a normative decrease in warmth (Mastrotheodoros et al., 2019a) and an increase in conflict (Mastrotheodoros et al., 2020), it is particularly important to examine whether these changes are exacerbated by boundary diffusion during adolescence. The current study examined the associations between post-divorce boundary diffusion and parentadolescent relationship qualityon a within and between levelwith both parents, and on a daily and half-yearly timescale. ...
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Boundary diffusion is a particular risk after divorce and has been associated with adolescents’ adjustment problems. Yet, its potential impact on parent-adolescent relationship quality is less straightforward, as previous findings support both an alienation and conflict perspective. Therefore these associations (daily and half-yearly) were examined in recently divorced families, addressing both within-dyad changes and between-dyad differences. Data were collected among a sample of N = 133 (pre)adolescents (Mage = 11.76; 51.5% boys) from 76 divorced families, using a measurement burst design: Every six months, 14 consecutive days of daily diaries were collected, for 5 waves. Between dyads, adolescents who experienced more boundary diffusion than others, also reported more conflict with both their parents. Within dyads, when adolescents experienced more boundary diffusion than usual by one of their parents (actor), warmth decreased and conflict increased between this parent and the adolescent, that same and the following day. Adolescents also engaged in more conflict with the other parent that day. These findings mostly supported the conflict perspective: Post-divorce boundary diffusion appears to be a general risk factor for parent-adolescent conflict with both parents, and from day-to-day boundary diffusion was linked to a deteriorated parent-adolescent relationship quality, especially with the parent that triangulated or parentified them. There were no significant long-term associations, nor did any moderator (age, gender, living arrangement) explain heterogeneity in effects.
... Konflik orang tua-anak menjadi fenomena normatif dari masa kanakkanak hingga dewasa yang diteorisasi dapat memfasilitasi otonomi dan kompetensi sosial anak (Chung et al., 2021). Intensitas dan frekuensi konflik memang lebih banyak ditemukan pada periode remaja (Mastrotheodoros et al., 2020), tetapi emerging adult merupakan periode krusial dengan Vol. 17, 2024 PEMAAFAN DALAM EMERGING ADULT 183 berbagai perubahan mendasar dan eksplorasi identitas yang digali dengan lebih serius dan terfokus dibandingkan dengan periode remaja sehingga nantinya mereka dapat mengembangkan otonomi dan kemandirian (Lisha et al., 2014;Ouyang & Cheung, 2023). ...
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Konflik orang tua-anak merupakan fenomena normatif dari tahapan perkembangan yang harus dilalui, tetapi di saat yang bersamaan dapat menimbulkan luka yang dalam bagi emerging adult sehingga resolusi konflik yang adaptif menjadi hal yang penting. Beberapa penelitian sebelumnya menunjukkan peranan diferensiasi diri dalam pemaafan, hanya saja masih sangat minim di Indonesia dan lebih banyak berfokus pada hubungan romantis sehingga membuat penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat peran masing-masing dimensi diferensiasi diri terhadap pemaafan pada emerging adult dalam konflik orang tua-anak. Penelitian ini dilakukan terhadap emerging adult dengan menggunakan alat ukur Differentiation of Self Inventory-Short Form (DSI-SF) yang mengukur tiga dimensi, yaitu emotional distancing, relational sensitivity, dan maintaining identity, serta The Decisional Forgiveness Scale (DFS) dan The Emotional Forgiveness Scale (EFS). Analisis regresi berganda terhadap 235 partisipan (MUsia=21,13; SD=2,19) yang diperoleh melalui teknik convenience sampling menunjukkan bahwa dimensi emotional distancing memiliki peran yang signifikan terhadap pemaafan, baik bagi decisional forgiveness (R2=0,06) maupun emotional forgiveness (R2=0,15), tetapi tidak signifikan pada kedua dimensi lainnya. Selain itu, emotional distancing ditemukan memiliki kontribusi yang lebih besar terhadap emotional forgiveness (β=-0,34, p<0,05) dibandingkan decisional forgiveness (β=-0,24, p<0,05). Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan untuk menjaga kedekatan emosional dan fisik dengan orang tua sekalipun berkonflik berperan dalam pemaafan.
... In this regard, parental conflict and parenting styles are among the familial variables that seem to play a fundamental role in school truancy (Graham et al., 2021). Conflict, meaning opposition between two or more people, seems to be inevitable in parent-child relationships, especially during adolescence (Mastrotheodoros et al., 2020). Parental conflict refers to the communicative and conflicting challenges that arise during the growth and change of family members (Chung et al., 2023). ...
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Objective: One of the problems that affects students, families, society, and education is school truancy. The objective of this study was to present a conceptual model of school truancy based on parental conflict and parenting style in high school students. Methods and Materials: The present research method was descriptive-structural modeling, which examined the relationship between the predictor variable, the criterion variable, and the mediator variable. The research population included all high school students in Islam Abad Gharb during the 2020-2021 academic year. The sampling method of this study was a two-stage cluster sampling. In this way, two regions were randomly selected from the areas of Islam Abad Gharb, and from these two regions, five schools were randomly selected, totaling 500 students. Data were obtained using the Parent-Child Relationship Scale by Fine et al. (1983), the School Truancy Scale by Khormaee and Saleh Ardestani (2015), and the Parenting Style Questionnaire by Buri (1991). Data were analysed with SEM method using AMOS-24. Findings: The results showed that the path coefficient between the subscales of the parent-child relationship, including involvement and school truancy (p = 0.001, β = -0.19), positive feelings and school truancy (p = 0.001, β = -0.43), and communication and school truancy (p = 0.001, β = -0.23), were negative and significant. However, anger and school truancy (p = 0.001, β = 0.23) were positive and significant. Additionally, authoritative parenting style (p = 0.001, β = -0.52) was negatively and significantly related to school truancy, while permissive parenting style (p = 0.001, β = 0.59) and authoritarian parenting style (p = 0.001, β = 0.36) were positively and significantly related to school truancy. Conclusion: It can be concluded that school truancy based on parental conflict and parenting style is predictable in high school students.
The story of childhood and adolescence is marked by a sense of wonder at the unexpected. Coupled with a tremendous rate of change in physical, cognitive, and social capacities, it can be challenging for many to identify the signal among the noise. Acknowledging that developmental issues and health, including behavioral health, are intertwined in numerous ways, this chapter seeks to provide behavioral health providers and trainees a foundational understanding of children’s and adolescents’ development. Beyond individual-level factors, this chapter reviews important family- and contextual-level influences on development and health, such as structural inequities born of prejudice (e.g., skin color and social class) and opportunity (e.g., family resources and assets). Implications for practice and training are presented throughout the chapter, including a case study to allow trainers, trainees, and practitioners to apply these theories and concepts.
Research has demonstrated that many elements of the family context can play a significant role in the development of anxiety in adolescents. Some work suggests that parent‐adolescent attachment may serve as an antecedent of adolescent anxiety problems, but there remains a gap in research that examines both the mother‐adolescent and father‐adolescent attachment relationship and its impact on adolescent anxiety. Evidence suggests that parent‐child attachment security may provide a context for the development of emotion regulation skills; if an adolescent lacks these important regulatory capabilities in a time of stressful transitions, this may be related to increased feelings of anxiety. However, little is known about the particular effects of father‐adolescent attachment on anxiety, especially in early to mid‐adolescence. The present study addresses parental influences on the development of adolescent anxiety in a sample of 295 mothers, fathers, and adolescents studied across three years. Two dyadic growth‐curve models were specified: one for mother‐adolescent dyads and the other for father‐adolescent dyads. Results indicated that linear increases in adolescent reports of secure attachment with their fathers were predictive of linear decreases in adolescent reports of anxiety. Interestingly, there were no significant effects for the mother‐adolescent model. The results call attention to the developmental significance of attachment to fathers in buffering adolescents from emerging anxiety in this developmental period. The present study contributes to a growing body of research that highlights the importance of the father‐child relationship in adolescence.
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This study aims at the investigation of psychological preconditions of conflict proneness in personality and mental health, with a specific focus on the roles of self-regulation, emotional intelligence, and mutual understanding. The research was oriented towards the application of qualitative methodology, particularly the analysis of transcripts of interview sessions. The findings showed that psychological preconditions of conflict proneness exist in professional, educational, and personal settings. Self-regulation, mutual understanding, and emotional intelligence were found to be important qualities which help to avoid conflicts. They contribute to increased motivation for conflict-less communication and interaction, cooperation, flexibility, improvement of active listening and problem solving, increased patience, formation of stress management skills, constructive feedback, reflective thinking, and building resilience. The special attention was paid towards the development of special strategies aimed at overcoming conflict proneness. The research findings demonstrated that the strategies include formation of communication skills, development of emotional intelligence and conflict management skills, improvement of active listening, building of stress management, development of team building activities, definition of responsibilities, creation of supporting environment, organization of immediate feedback, establishment of open communication, promotion of respect, creation of rituals, and encouragement of empathy. The outcomes can be used for the development of curriculum on the formation of conflict resolution skills.
Longitudinal study of associations between family‐level emotion socialization and adolescent adjustment is limited. When American children (53.5% girls) were in second grade ( N = 213; M age = 7.98; data collected 2002–2003), mothers and fathers (79.8% of mothers and 74.2% of fathers were White) reported on their reactions to children's emotions; in seventh, eighth, and ninth grade ( M age = 13.03, 14.17, 15.29, respectively; data collected 2007–2010), adolescents, mothers, and fathers reported on adolescent internalizing and externalizing symptoms. Four family‐level profiles of reactions were identified. Profile differences emerged, suggesting that the emotion dismissing profile was longitudinally associated with elevated adolescent internalizing and externalizing symptoms and that fathering may especially foster child adjustment for families in a divergence profile.
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Objective: This study investigates the longitudinal, cross‐lagged associations among interparental conflict management strategies and the parent– adolescent relationship. Background: The following three main hypotheses explain how interparental conflict affects parent–adolescent relationship: the spillover, the compensatory, and the compartmentalization hypotheses. A common key aspect of these hypotheses is the focus on changes within a family; they hypothesize what happens within a family when interparental conflict shakes the family's equilibrium. Although extant research supported the spillover hypothesis, this key aspect was often ignored, and conclusions were based on comparing families with each other. This study investigated how interparental conflict is longitudinally associated with the quality of the parent–child relationship, controlling for stable between‐family differences. Method: Data consisted of six waves of an ongoing study with 497 Dutch adolescents (M = 13.03, 43.1% girls), their mothers, and their fathers. Parents reported on conflict strategies; parents and adolescents reported on parental support, parent–adolescent negative interaction, and parental behavioral control. Random‐intercept cross‐lagged panel models were applied. Results: Most associations were found at the between‐person level: Destructive conflict was related to poor parent–adolescent relationships. Few within‐person associations were found: Changes in destructive conflict only were associated positively with changes in father–adolescent negative interaction. Conclusions: Associations between interparental conflict and the parent–adolescent relationship are mostly due to stable between‐family differences. Intrafamilial fluctuations occur in conflict and the parent–adolescent relationship, but these changes do not predict each other.
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Family relationships play an essential role in adolescent development. When studying relationship domains (e.g., quality, conflict, communication), researchers typically rely on adolescents and their parents as informants. However, across research teams, domains, and methods of measurement, researchers commonly observe discrepant estimates of family relationships between informants’ reports. In this article, we review theoretical models for understanding these discrepant reports, summarize research on how the degree of discrepancy between reports informs our understanding of adolescent development, and highlight directions for research.
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Parent-child relationships change during adolescence. Furthermore, parents and adolescents perceive parenting differently. We examined the changes in perceptions of parental practices in fathers, mothers, and adolescents during adolescence. Furthermore, we investigated if fathers', mothers', and adolescents' perceptions converge during adolescence. Following 497 families across six waves (ages 13-18), we investigated the development of parental support and behavioral control using mother and father self-reports, and adolescent reports for mothers and fathers. Applying univariate Latent Growth Curve Models, we found curvilinear decrease for support and control. Additionally, applying multivariate Latent Growth Curve Models, we found that parent-adolescent convergence emerged over the 6 years: those with higher intercepts had a steeper decrease, whereas correlations among parent and adolescent reports increased. This multi-informant study sheds light on the development of parent-adolescent convergence on perceptions of parenting.
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Adolescence is a period of rapid biological and psychosocial changes, which have a salient impact on parent–child relationships. Parents and adolescents have to reorganize responsibilities and move toward a more egalitarian relationship. Although conflicts between parents and children become more frequent and more intense during adolescence, these conflicts are also thought to be a means to negotiate relational changes. The short-term dyadic processes that occur during conflict interactions are important in the development of parent–adolescent relationships. Parent–adolescent dyads with more emotional variability during conflict interactions tend to adapt effectively and reorganize their relationships in response to the developmental needs of adolescents. Thus, parent–adolescent conflicts are adaptive for relational development when parents and adolescents can switch flexibly between a range of positive and negative emotions.
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Despite low to moderate convergent correlations, assessment of youth typically relies on multiple informants for information across a range of psychosocial domains including parenting practices. Although parent-youth informant discrepancies have been found to predict adverse youth outcomes, few studies have examined contributing factors to the explanation of informant disagreements on parenting practices. The current study represents the first investigation to concurrently examine the role of mother and son's self-reported affective dimensions of temperament and depression as pathways to informant discrepancies on parenting practices. Within a community sample of 174 mother-son dyads, results suggest that whereas mother's self-reported temperament evidenced no direct effects on discrepancies, the association between the product term of mother's negative and positive temperament and discrepancies on positive parenting was fully mediated by mother's depression (a mediated moderation). In contrast, son's self-reported temperament evidenced both direct and indirect effects, partially mediated by depression, on rating discrepancies for positive parenting. All told, both son's self-reported affective dimensions of temperament and depression contributed to the explanation of discrepant reporting on parenting practices; only mother's self-reported depression, but not temperament, uniquely contributed. Results highlight the importance of considering both parent and youth's report in the investigation of informant discrepancies on parenting practices. (PsycINFO Database Record
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The separation-individuation, evolutionary, maturational, and expectancy violation-realignment perspectives propose that the relationship between parents and adolescents deteriorate as adolescents become independent. This study examines the extent to which the development of adolescents’ perceived relationship with their parents is consistent with the four perspectives. A latent transition analysis was performed in a two-cohort five-wave longitudinal study design covering ages 12–16 (n = 919, 49.2% female) and 16–20 (n = 392, 56.6% female). Generally, from 12 to 16 year adolescents moved away from parental authority and perceived increasing conflicts with their parents, whereas from 16 to 20 years adolescents perceived independence and improved their relationships with parents. Hereby, we also identified substantial patterns of individual differences. Together, these general and individual patterns provide fine-grained insights in relationship quality development.
The person-centred typological approach to personality makes the distinction between overcontrolled and undercontrolled personality types. This review systematically searched for research on the utility of these personality types in adult mental health. A total of 43 papers were included, which were divided broadly into cross-sectional studies, longitudinal studies and studies with clinical populations. Three personality types have been largely replicated in both normal and clinical populations: resilients, overcontrollers and undercontrollers. These types show utility in predicting long-term functioning and mental health, understanding heterogeneous personalities within clinical subgroups and have implications for treatment. Some disagreement on the number of personality types deemed replicable across samples and differing methodologies do exist, with some finding a dimensional approach to personality to have greater predictive utility. These personality types have been shown to be important in a number of mental health problems such as eating disorders, which may prove helpful in developing new psychological interventions. These studies point to the importance of overcontrolled personality types as well as undercontrolled in mental health. More research is needed with a greater range of clinical populations.