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Our study primarily focused on permaculture for sustained agriculture. Permaculture can be a best alternative for modern industrial and commercial based agriculture which has given a good yield at present but, it is deteriorating soil quality and other environmental aspects. More ever it can lead to a global threat in the future due to overuse and somewhere due to unutilized resources which may give rise to the food and economic insecurity. By compiling the different literatures, we reviewed that permaculture enriches soil quality by increasing organic matter in soil thus increasing water retention capacity, infiltration, nutrient availability, microbial activities and decreasing the erosion. Thus, it increases physical, chemical and biological properties of soil. It provides food and economic safety by providing diverse crops, increasing yield and income of farm andproviding least cost inputs with increasing output. It is an efficient in terms of resource use as it utilizes renewable resources and makes connections like a web among resources. This review can be useful information for students, research topic for permaculturists for making it smoother and other environmental enthusiast. Int. J. Appl. Sci. Biotechnol. Vol 7(2): 167-173
Content may be subject to copyright.
D. Bhandari and B. Bista (2019) Int. J. Appl. Sci. Biotechnol. Vol 7(2): 167-173
DOI: 10.3126/ijasbt.v7i2.24647
This paper can be downloaded online at
Permaculture: A Key Driver for Sustainable Agriculture in Nepal
Devashish Bhandari
*, Bishal Bista1
1Agriculture and Forestry University, Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal
Our study primarily focused on permaculture for sustained agriculture. Permaculture can be a best alternative for modern
industrial and commercial based agriculture which has given a good yield at present but, it is deteriorating soil quality and other
environmental aspects. More ever it can lead to a global threat in the future due to overuse and somewhere due to unutilized
resources which may give rise to the food and economic insecurity. By compiling the different literatures, we reviewed that
permaculture enriches soil quality by increasing organic matter in soil thus increasing water retention capacity, infiltration,
nutrient availability, microbial activities and decreasing the erosion. Thus, it increases physical, chemical and biological
properties of soil. It provides food and economic safety by providing diverse crops, increasing yield and income of farm and
providing least cost inputs with increasing output. It is an efficient in terms of resource use as it utilizes renewable resources
and makes connections like a web among resources. This review can be useful information for students, research topic for
permaculturists for making it smoother and other environmental enthusiast.
Keywords: Permaculture; Sustained agriculture; Soil organic matter; diverse crop; Web among resources
Permaculture was developed in the early 1970 by two
Aussies ecologists Bill Mollison and David Holmgren. It is
used alternatively with agroforestry but we are not familiar
more with term permaculture although it is practiced from
long ago (Tomczak, 2007). The term permaculture has itself
3 words permanent, agriculture and culture (Tomczak,
2007). It is bounded with the principle that a stable,
sustainable culture is possible only if we integrate it with a
system of sustainable agriculture (Holmgren, 2002;
Whitefield, 2004). It is principally focused on developing
the strong relation between community and agriculture with
secured status of food and economy for long term
agriculture. Permaculture system seeks for ameliorating the
danger and destructiveness resulted by modern agro
Cite this article as:
D. Bhandari and B. Bista (2019) Int. J. Appl. Sci. Biotechnol. Vol 7(2): 167-173. DOI: 10.3126/ijasbt.v7i2.24647
*Corresponding author
Devashish Bhandari,
Agriculture and Forestry University, Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal
Peer reviewed under authority of IJASBT
© 2019 International Journal of Applied Sciences and Biotechnology
This is an open access article & it is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
industrial products such as fertilizer, pesticide, herbicide,
insecticide (Gever et al., 1991; Holmgren, 2002). The four
assumptions on which permaculture is based are (1) The
environmental crisis is real and if its magnitude increases it
will threaten the existence of a society (2) Humans are
subjected to some natural laws that teach them to govern the
universe (3) The industrial era and population explosion can
be attributed to exploitation of cheap abundant fossil fuels
(4) The energy resources are scarce but human has
unlimited desires so resources will be depleted and human
society will return to preindustrial era (Holmgren, 2002). In
permaculture humans and nature cannot be isolated from
each other as they are closely linked therefore caring the
earth means fulfilling the objectives of people (Holmgren,
2002; Mollison et al., 1991). Permaculture is a philosophy,
Mini Review
D. Bhandari and B. Bista (2019) Int. J. Appl. Sci. Biotechnol. Vol 7(2): 167-173
This paper can be downloaded online at
a sustainable practice and an act based on ethics of 1. care
for earth 2. care for people 3. setting limits to consumption
(Tomczak, 2007). Principles on which permaculture is
based as described by Holmgren (2002) are listed below:
1. Observing and interacting: Beauty is in the eye of
2. Catching and storing energy: Make hay while the
sun shines
3. Obtaining a yield: you can’t work on empty
4. Applying self-regulation and accepting feedback:
Sins of feathers are visited on the children onto 7th
5. Using and valuing renewable energy sources: Let
nature takes it course
6. Producing no waste: Waste not, want not.
7. Designing from patterns to details: Can’t see the
wood for the trees
8. Integrating rather than segregating: Many hands
make light work
9. Using small and slow solutions: Slow and steady
wins the race
10. Using and valuing diversity: Don’t put all your
eggs in one basket
11. Using edges and valuing the marginal: Don’t think
you are on right path just because it is easily
12. Creativeness for using and responding to change:
Vision is not seeing things as they are but as they
will be.
“Permaculture is the conscious design and maintenance of
agriculturally productive ecosystem that is characterized by
sustainable, diversified, stable and resiliency with
integration of all components of ecosystem so that various
objectives of a community are fulfilled in a sustainable
way” (Mollison et al., 1991). The primarily understood and
applied designed tools in permaculture are zone and sector
analysis (Hemenway, 2000; Holmgren, 2002; Mollison et
al., 1991; Whitefield, 2004). There are 6 zones in
permaculture and the components of each is applied at
different scales, both physically and conceptually. For
example on a household scale, zone 0 would be at inside
home, zone 1 intensively managed gardens and landscape
just outside the home, zone 2 less intensively managed
orchards, zone 3 field crops, zone 4very low management
grazing and zone 5 the wilderness (Whitefield, 2004).
Rationale of Study
After the Green Revolution period, with increased crop
yield due to high use of modern agro inputs, the Asian
agriculture has also suffered from many problems like
sustainability, stagnant yield, water logging, soil erosion,
fluctuation in prices and severe natural calamities
(MahendraDev, 2012). In Nepal about 65.6% people are
engaged in agriculture and agriculture constitutes about 33
% of GDP (MoAD, 2017).It is reported that Soil organic
carbon has been depleted due to long term nutrient
exhaustive farming system and transformation of existing
natural ecosystem to cropping and grazing lands
(MahendraDev, 2012) .It is revealed that most agricultural
soils have lost 30 to 40 MT of carbon per hectare and their
current reserves of soil organic carbon are much lower than
their potential capacity (Lal, 2009). Most of the researchers
believed that urea based fertilizer leads to more nitrous
oxide gas emissions than ammonium or nitrate fertilizers.
But from the recent research it is reported that both
environmental factors such as soil conditions and climate
and management factors such as tillage operations and
cropping culture play a key role in nitrogen loss from field
as nitrous oxide (Flynn, 2009). It is reported that land
degradation and soil erosion in South Asia are mainly due
to unscientific land use practices, rapid rate of deforestation,
poor irrigation and drainage, inadequate soil conservation,
steep slopes and overgrazing (Vasudeva, 2002). Shifting
cultivation for farming has also resulted in impacts on
environment. It is shown that recent trend for keeping
fallow for short period has also resulted in declined soil
fertility, decreased crop yield and threatened food security
(Grogan,2012). It is reported that high land fragmentation
and accelerated rate of conversion of agricultural land as a
result of urbanization are two main threats for food security
in Nepal (Paudel, 2014). Agricultural technologies also
attribute for environmental degradation.
Soil nutrient loss has become a serious issue in Nepalese
agriculture. Pesticide related health problems are common
in developing countries reaching to extremity and it is
affected by various factors like poverty, illiteracy, lack of
health facilities or ignorance (Devi, 2009). Many problems
such as food insecurity, poverty and demographic dynamics
are caused by environmental degradation due to lowered
agricultural productivity (Acharya and Kafle, 2009).
Pesticides residues are also causing environmental
degradation. The impact of pesticides on agricultural goods
vary according to the type of pesticides used but, it was
revealed that all pesticide residue caused nutrient imbalance
and decreased quality of agricultural produce (Prescott,
2002). Unsafe pesticide application has caused harm to the
health of applicator along with the health of other farm
residents (Nicole, 2003).It is reported that long-term
exposure to pesticides causes asthma (Hoppin et al., 2002)
,sterility (Tuc et al., 2007). Scholars believed that pesticide
catalysed the development of cancer and pesticide
poisoning was more significant in developing countries as
compared to developed countries (Hou, 2010). All these
problems are encountered mostly as well in Nepalese
agriculture due to our unscientific farming practices but, we
have ample resources which can build a good permaculture
design and rectify these problems of Nepalese agriculture.
This review article is written from review of different
D. Bhandari and B. Bista (2019) Int. J. Appl. Sci. Biotechnol. Vol 7(2): 167-173
This paper can be downloaded online at
literatures so that it can be a useful information for students,
a good research topic for permaculture specialists and other
environmental enthusiasts who are trying to do research in
environmental sectors integrating agriculture.
Permaculture for Sustained Agriculture
Amelioration of Soil Quality
Permaculture is a good approach for ameliorating soil
quality. Permaculture is a new opportunity for soil
protection and its nourishment as well as it is an alternative
way to save natural resources thus, ensuring greater self-
sufficiency (Korze, 2018). Soil is a medium for all plant
growth and life in the earth is healthy only if the soil is
maintained healthy. Permaculture varies from other soil
management practices which links resources found in our
communities and ecosystems and requires less inputs
(Korze, 2018). Beneficial effects of permaculture with soil
quality can be proved through increased organic matter of
soil, improved soil structure, root penetration, increased
moisture content, increased rate of infiltration and
decreased soil susceptibility to compaction, erosion and
landslides which can conserve soil and its nutrient reserve
(Korze, 2018). Mulching in the soil has kept humidity in the
upper horizon of soil and it has significant effect in soil
moisture retention in extreme climatic conditions so that
crop cannot face moisture stress (Korze, 2018).The darker
color in upper horizon of soil after two years of
permaculture research was due to weathered organic matter
which was in the soil (Korze,2018).He too found decreased
skeleton in soil, lumpy soil structure and loamy textured soil
with less clay in two years of permaculture research.
Utilization of compost manure, vermicompost, green
manure and slurry have an attribute for increasing soil
fertility. They also enhanced microbial activities in soil.
Soil management through organic farming techniques play
key role in increasing soil resistance against wind and water
erosion and other damage which may result from climatic
stress (Bird and Drizo, 2009). Soil fertility enhancing and
quality promoting practices such as crop rotations,
intercropping, symbiotic associations, cover crops, organic
fertilizers, minimum tillage are main elements of organic
practices (Banjara, 2016). Agroforestry is linked with many
practices such as farming with trees on contours in slopy
sides, intercropping, multiple cropping, bush and tree
plantation, keeping fallows, establishing shelter belts and
windbreak and buffer strips which can improve land
productivity by securing a favourable microclimate,
providing permanent cover, improved soil structure and
increased organic carbon content and infiltration of soil
thus, reducing erosion (WOCAT 2011). According to
(Ramesh et al., 2010) there is lower soil bulk density,
slightly increased soil pH and electrical conductivity,
increased organic carbon content and increased availability
of both macro (N, P, K) and micro nutrient (Zn, Cu, Fe, Mn)
in organic farms as compared with conventional farms.
When compared with conventional farms, farms which
were organically managed had higher levels of
dehydrogenase (By 52.35 %), alkaline phosphatase (28.4%)
and microbial biomass carbon (33.4%). This indicates high
microbial activities in organically managed soils than in
conventional farms which is vital and utmost important for
nutrient transformations and thus increasing nutrient
availability for plants. It is reported from long term field
experiments in West African agro ecosystems that use of
mineral fertilizers without recycling of organic materials
resulted in high yields but, there was severe loss of soil
organic matter by 5 % and 2% per annum on sandy soils and
more textured soils respectively (Bationo et al., 2012). It
was found that the plantation of stem cuttings and flooding
resulted in greater biological nitrogen fixation, 307 & 209
kg nitrogen per hectare by Sesbania rostrata and Sesbania
cannabina respectively for restoring fertility of soil
(Pandey, 2007). Leaf litter promotes the soil fertility by
adding organic matter, tree leaf controls the speed of rain
drops and allow them to go to the land surface slowly and
thus decrease soil loss, increases infiltration, high potential
of source of water reservoir in future due to accumulation
of excess leached water and such conditions are very
suitable for growth of microorganisms and plants in the soil
(Pandey, 2007). In organic fertilizing study, the interaction
of Compo Guano and lime together was not clear but, in
long term it could be declared as a best solution because it
had positive consequences on both soil pH and available
nitrogen and also preserving microbial biomass level with
labile organic matter in soil (Mursec, 2012). Tree root hold
soil within the rhizosphere region, loosen compact soil and
improve porosity of soil through root decaying (Sanchez,
1997). Diversified and healthy soil flora and fauna created
stable soil (Sanchez, 1997). Fungal colonization in soil is
due to trees with their symbiotic relation with fungi known
as mycorhiza. Mycorhiza enhances nutrient uptake from
different region of soil and reduces the negative impacts
resulted by many soil pathogens (Borowicz 2001; Newton
and Pigott 1991). Extensive network of fungal hyphae in
soil helps to allow forested systems to maintain their
integration during any external disturbances (Perry et al.,
1990). Nutrients which are mined at depth in the soil that
couldn’t be uptake by small plants are taken up easily by
trees and they deposit on the soil surface in the form of leaf
litter where then it is readily available to shallow rooted
species (Sanchez, 1997). Sheet mulching which
corresponds to the leaf cover found in forest floors serves
as nutrient banks and thus slowly make the nutrients
available to the plants for longer time. They also attract the
earthworms which result in best fertilizer known as
vermicomposting. It is reported that when Arbuscular
Mycorrhizal Fungi (AMF) strains and permaculture soil
were used as an inoculant resulted in increased nutrient
uptake efficiency of naranjilla plant and also reduced the
application of mineral fertilizers during cultivation process
D. Bhandari and B. Bista (2019) Int. J. Appl. Sci. Biotechnol. Vol 7(2): 167-173
This paper can be downloaded online at
(Symanczik, 2017). The Increased phosphorus uptake with
permaculture soil as an inoculant was attributed to
abundancy of AMF strains in permacultured soil
(Symanczik, 2017). Long term studies depict that legumes
and manure based fertilized system takes comparatively
more time to reach in a state of its full potential when
compared within organic fertilized system but in long term
legume and manure based fertilized system is more
productive and has ability to cope with adverse climatic
condition such as drought (Krebs and Bach, 2018).
Food Security and Economic Security
Permaculture is a key driver of food and economic security.
Permaculture is an old practice and new emerging issue for
sustainability in agriculture and one of its creator defines it
as a “consciously designed landscapes which mimics the
pattern and relation found in the nature by yielding an
abundance of food, fibre and energy for provision of local
needs and other services “ (Lovell, 2014). The most distinct
concept in permaculture is that multiple level of crops are
typically grown in the same area thus creating more
biodiversity (Thomas, 2017). It is reported that utilization
of diverse group of crops may require an additional manual
labour during harvests but, this is a beneficial approach
because there is a mutually benefitted relationships between
a diverse group of crops as disease resistance, companion
plants having different nutritional requirements and acting
as repellent or showing antibiosis (Thomas, 2017). The
preference for perennial food crops which may yield less
edible mass per season but it is beneficial as it benefits farm
by reducing the cost of annual planting labour and soil
tillage operations (Kelsey, 2014; Toensmeier, 2007). It is
revealed that along with increasing farmer’s potential
economic output, Maltese trees will provide wider habitat,
different microclimates and also help to control disease and
pest(Vella,2010). It was reported from a research that maize
supported few number of Striga weed which is a root
parasite when it was grown in permaculture system than
sole grown maize and yield was also significantly higher in
maize grown in permaculture rather than sole grown maize
(Tera, 2013). In permaculture, “food forest” or edible forest
garden is defined for perennial food production system that
integrates tree crops which needs little human management
practices and providing harvest from various crop species
year round (Van Bemmel, 2017). Wild asparagus
(Asparagus acutifolius) holds high potential as a new crop
when grown in combination with olive tree rather than
cultivation of olive only (Mantovani and Rosati, 2014).
Evidence from ecological farming initiatives across the
world shows that ecological farming when sufficiently
supported by policy instruments can be a successful tool in
providing stable financial benefits to small holder farmers
in turn benefitting rural communities and advancing their
rights to a rewarding and securing livelihood. Increasing
yields of crops blindly at any price anywhere in the world is
not a solution of problem existing in other areas because
increasing yields of maize in U. S. doesn’t help for Asian
people. So it should be time and location specific (Reyes,
2015). Permaculture has the potential to maximize the work
that nature does and also reduces the need of human labour,
extra materials and other resources which are positively
associated with economy of farms. Various aspects of
permaculture lend themselves if they are integrated properly
thus making more economic farm (Barrette, 2011). It was
reported by researchers that full organic farmers in the
Philippines grow on average 50% more crops as compared
to conventional farmers and also have net incomes higher
by 1.5 times than those of conventional farmers (Altieri et
al., 2012).
Table 1: Agricultural technologies and their impact on the environment
Agricultural technologies
Impact on environment
Decrease in number of insects so increased use of pesticides
Continuous cropping
Soil fertility declines due to nutrient exhaustion
Conventional tillage
Reduces soil organic matter and leads to increased soil
Intensive hillside cultivation
Increases soil erosion and soil degradation
Inorganic fertilizers
Increased acidification and lower ph.
Irrigation system
Inadequate drainage and over irrigation causes water logging
and salinization in field
New seed varieties
Increased need for inputs due to high input requirement which
reduces soil fertility.
Intensive rice cultivation
Methane production
Salinization and water logging
Nutrient problem
Intensive livestock farming
Increases soil compaction and erosion caused by hoof action
and overgrazing respectively
Source: Killebrew, (2010).
D. Bhandari and B. Bista (2019) Int. J. Appl. Sci. Biotechnol. Vol 7(2): 167-173
This paper can be downloaded online at
Richardt (1995) reports that permaculture is economical in
medium to long term but it may not be economical in case
of short run because of high cost of establishing a
productive practice initially along with other resources. It
was reported from FAO (2014) that in most countries small
and medium size farms tends to have high agricultural yield
per hectare when compared to large scale farms but, they
have drawback that labour productivity of farm is low.
Gliessman (1998) states that integrated farming systems
where small farmers simultaneously diverse group of crops
such as grains, fruit, vegetables, fodder, animal products,
there the yield advantages can range from 20% to 60 %
because polycultures have the compensation benefit which
is associated with less loss due to weed, pest and pathogens.
It was reported that training in permaculture in the
communities contributed significantly for poverty
alleviation and ensuring food security in South African
communities (Arko-Achemfuor, 2014).Permaculture is
unlocked with a potential to produce diverse group of crops
including about600 indigenous edible plants (Thornton,
2008) which obviously broaden an individual’s diet,
providing required nutrients and physiological fuel which
are needed for healthy diets and performing daily activities
thereby protecting malnutrition and stunting (Conrad,
2010). It is revealed that permaculture can purposefully
utilize all 12 months of the year and thus reducing food
deficit situation (Conrad, 2010). It was reported that after
the first few years of permaculture which required
significant physical labour and cost to rejuvenate the land ,
cost would be minimized because of self-regulated system
which enhanced food production (Nordin, 2008).
Permaculture becomes more economic as it reduces the cost
for seeds, fertilizers and other resources which would be
self-produced after a period of time (Conrad, 2010).
Utilization of Local Resources and Knowledge
We have abundant resources in Nepal for a permaculture.
Many resources around us just go unseen or unutilized due
to our orientation towards commercial based agriculture or
due to our transition from subsistence to modern industrial
agriculture. Permaculture not only uses the natural
resources around us but also create a link among resources
that is single resource used for many purpose but in a
sustainable way. Permaculture is always inspired from
naturally occurring ecosystems existing in the local area and
permaculture specialist aim to design permaculture so that
crops are planted making base on those ecosystem (Thomas,
2017). It was reported that permaculture was beneficial for
local environment which mimics with natural ecosystems in
a place, it required adequate resources such as soil and other
environmental resources (Thomas, 2017). Permaculture
provides a holistic approach on how farmers should
understand their surrounding environment ,use available
resources and work in harmony to produce diverse organic
produce, increase energy output ,reduce waste , protect their
existing ecosystem which all are associated positively with
resource use efficiency (Jacke, 2005).The crucial role of
Permaculture is that it reduces the sink and cost of inputs in
agriculture by reducing energy inputs and recycling of
resources existing within the system and has motto to
increase biodiversity (Madeley, 2002). Permaculture finds
and exploits indigenous foods which are given less
importance in society or neglected long years ago
(Thornton, 2008). Permaculture is implemented through the
concept of zone and guilds where Zone refers to spatial
function of land and space that is similar with particular
agricultural activities in order to optimize energy and
resource usage (Nordin 2005). Guilds are means of
organizing crops within each zone and ideally each guild
will have crops that perform 7 functions to maximize use of
resources (Nordin, 2007). For example, a variety of tree can
perform 6 functions at once by providing edible fruits,
fixing nitrogen in soil, being a climber, being a supporter of
climber, being a biological plough and acting as a protective
bar or fence or windbreak (Conrad, 2010). A paradigm shift
is required for today’s problem of energy crisis, decreased
efficacy of available resources and this shifting is possible
if permaculture is taken as an alternative of agriculture
through well maintained policies (Kazakova-mateva, 2015).
It is revealed that renewable energy uses on the rise and it
can be a best key for fostering sustainability (US Energy
Information Administration, 2017). It is very important for
attesting local knowledge as a useful element while
designing a permaculture system as it is a design with nature
rather than design against nature to go in a sustainable way
(Salleh, 2018). Permaculture specialist always aim to work
with nature rather than against the nature and without
altering the ecosystems such as biocides and conservation
tillage, thus using resources in a judgeful way (Miller,
2014). It is reported that ecosystems always cope with
limiting inputs by providing a path that produces renewable
resources, provide provision and acts as regulatory system.
Therefore, the effort concentrated to use and value
renewable resources is a core principle of permaculture
(Holmgren, 2011). Permaculture is not only about the
natural resources but, also mutual connections among the
resources with the environment to work as multidirectional
functional system (Meech, 2016). It is revealed that for
changing modern agriculture to permaculture in a practical
way is possible through the conservation of indigenous
vegetation, resources, rearing of free range of local farm
animals, installing solar and wind energy devices, solar
water heater, greenhouses, vermicomposting, water
catchment system and grey water purification systems as
suggested by MOAM in Malta (Vella, 2010).
Our review was focused on the sustained agriculture
through permaculture based on soil nourishment, food and
economic security and efficient utilization of local
resources. There was limitation in research and literatures
regarding permaculture but compiling different literatures
D. Bhandari and B. Bista (2019) Int. J. Appl. Sci. Biotechnol. Vol 7(2): 167-173
This paper can be downloaded online at
we came to conclude that permaculture enriches soil quality
by increasing organic matter of soil thus increasing water
retention capacity, infiltration, nutrient availability,
microbial activities and decreasing the soil and nutrient
erosion. Thus, it increases physical, chemical and biological
properties of soil. It provides food and economic safety by
providing diverse group of crops, increasing yields and
income of farm and providing least cost inputs with
increasing output. It has high resource use efficiency as it
utilizes local renewable resources and makes connections
like a web among the resources.
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... In such a case, the perception of clean sustainability is very innovative in the matter of farming, a type of agricultural discipline, and does not even in the agricultural guidelines in particular. USA has facilitated in determining the thoughts for the suitable assembly of the different practices and in the matter of the human societies to help maintain the growth of the numerous sustainable systems in specific (Bhandari and Bista, 2019). The term Permaculture was originated by David Holmren and Bill Mollison in the 1970s. ...
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Rangra Nishant SUSTAINABLILITY AND ITS BENEFITS THROUGH PERMACULTURE AND AGRICULTURE MANAGEMENT The purpose of this article is to summarize both the advantages and problems of implementing the concept of permaculture management and to develop recommendations for its implementation and improvement, particularly in agriculture. Research methodology. The goal set in the article was achieved using the following research methods: logical generalization and scientific abstraction, structural analysis, analytical method. The results. Permaculture can be noticed in contradiction of the intensive agricultural system, which ultimately keeps soil unfit for agricultural purpose, slowly decreasing the amount of soil ground appropriate for human tenancy. One of the important methods is to help alleviate the type of climatic alteration in developing a sustainable food scheme on account of sustainable permaculture and agriculture. Sustainable permaculture and agriculture is a vital factor that is progressively increasing its impact in the permaculture and agriculture field. It helps in achieving sustainability in the permaculture and agricultural system. Permaculture management can be explained as approach for managing land and natural resources for developing regenerative agriculture, rewilding and community resilience. This study assesses the sustainable permaculture and agriculture system and its history and its significance. This study focuses on efficiency of permaculture management for achieving sustainability in agricultural. Practical significance of research results. The practical use of the proposed theoretical and applied approaches to the formation and implementation of the concept of permaculture management will allow to increase the efficiency of agricultural management and provide the population with food. Рermaculture management is necessary for brining sustainability in agriculture in terms of ensuring seed security as well as maintaining nutrition content in food resource for meeting nutritional requirements of community. Permaculture allow incorporation of diversity in food in terms of fostering cultivation of crops that are less famous and poorly cultivated for ensuring supply food resources for all communities. The major usefulness of permaculture is identified as, improved flexibility to environmental alterations, and enhanced human health and lessening of input expenditure. Sustainable agriculture helps to care for the surroundings and protect the earth's base of important natural resources. It also helps in developing and sustaining the productiveness of the soil level. Sustainability is the sort of approach in the matter of broad farming and it helps sustain into the kind of predictable future. In the broadest perception, sustainability comprises farm-oriented finances and the type of societal equity for the atmosphere. Financial sustainability makes reference to a feasible future in the field of permaculture and agriculture.
... The adoption of permaculture practices is increasing in Nepal. Research reported that the yield of maize was significantly higher when grown in permaculture rather than sole crop (Bhandari and Bista, 2019). ...
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Nepal, a predominantly agricultural nation, is highly reliant on agriculture for its economic growth and the livelihoods of its people. However, conventional farming methods have posed significant challenges, including soil degradation, water scarcity, and biodiversity loss. In recent years, there has been an increasing emphasis on adopting sustainable agricultural practices to mitigate these issues and promote long-term food security and environmental conservation. This review paper aims to explore and assess various sustainable agricultural practices that hold promise for Nepal’s agriculture sector. The paper analyzes the feasibility, benefits, and challenges associated with each practice, highlighting their potential for transforming the agricultural landscape in Nepal.
... The applications of permaculture core ethics and design principles were disseminated via the 72-hour Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) course format which was generally considered as the de facto mode of entry into the permaculture network for most practitioners (Abiral, 2019). PDC courses were reported to have been offered in countries such as India (Suresh, 2010;Fadaee, 2019), Japan (Paull, 2011;Chakroun, 2020), Nepal (Upreti & Upreti, 2002;Bhandari & Bista, 2019;Mayer, 2019) as well as Continental Europe (Ulbrich, 2016;Kolarova, 2020;Oliveira & Penha-Lopes, 2020) and the Americas (Millner, 2017;Caraway, 2018) among many others. ...
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The study identified permaculture practitioners and determined how network relationship patterns can help in the mainstreaming of permaculture in the Philippines. Social network analysis was conducted to determine network structure and discover relationship patterns. Results of the study identified 204 permaculture practitioners with 75 individuals belonging to 53 projects that fall under nine project types. This is the first systematic documentation of practitioners in the Philippines. The network structure had a low density (0.185598) suggesting the high diversity of members in its network composition. Degree centrality index (max=92) revealed the network's prominent practitioners while local clustering coefficient (max=0.999) identified the presence of eight organizations and local government offices implying that membership was not limited to the participation of individuals. In conclusion, the way the permaculture network was constructed gave it a strategic position to mainstream permaculture to a broader audience which includes farmers and non-farmers.
... The country possesses abundant resources that can be integrated into the permaculture model on farms. However, these resources frequently go unnoticed or unused due to the orientation towards commercial agriculture or the shift from subsistence to modern industrial agriculture [19,22]. The implementation of permaculture techniques enhances farmers' capacity to grow organic crops to meet their food and nutritional requirements and access local markets to sell surplus produce. ...
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As the adverse consequences of the industrial/modern agricultural framework, which encompasses high-input agrarian production and intensive cultivation, are increasing, an alternative is essential. Permaculture is a bunch of sustainable practices that incorporate an assortment of components and promote comprehensive and multi-polycultures including perennial plants, high degrees of biodiversity, crop-animal integration, whole watershed management, and self-sustaining on-site energy production, all of which straightforwardly affect the sustainable approach and promote ecological parameters. This case study attempts to better comprehend the local knowledge in terms of planning and fostering a permaculture system that considers their work, culture, and environmental concerns. In particular, this research focuses on the combined ideology, actual practices, and co-opting nature of three Nepalese permaculturists. The current study employs the notion of imaginaries to comprehend how permaculture may supplant the present agricultural system. Therefore, the study promotes and urges agricultural actioners to create profound and emotional associations with the planet, as well as their creativity and imagination, to impact good natural change.
... With a setup of a green environment and the cultivation of the crops, a lot of eco-friendly practices in sustainable farming can be utilized. These involve permaculture (Bhandari & Bista, 2019), aquaponics and hydroponics (AlShrouf, 2017), using renewable energy resources (Dudin, 2018), crop rotation and polycultures (Weißhuhn et al., 2017) and integrated pest management (Dara, 2019) ( Fig. 5.1). With these practices, natural resource exploitation can be curbed. ...
The global rise in the human population presents a significant challenge to the world’s food security. There is a huge gap between production and consumption (7.2 million tonnes nutrient deficit) due to the expanding population and agricultural land’s shrinking over time. Therefore, crop production must be significantly boosted in the next few decades to meet the growing population’s food demand. Chemical fertilizers have been extensively used to enable the crop outputs to bridge the lacunae between production and consumption, which ultimately seriously damaged both the natural ecosystems and human health. Therefore, biofertilizers’ exploitation is, to a certain extent, considered a substitute for chemical fertilizers in the agricultural industry because of their significant potential to improve food production and safety. Biofertilizers are substances that include cells of different varieties of beneficial microorganisms that could become critical components of advanced nutrient management. Organisms typically used as constituents of biofertilizers are nitrogen fixers (N fixer), phosphorus solubilizers (P-solubilizer) and potassium solubilizers (K-solubilizer) or a mixture of fungi and moulds. These possible biofertilizers play a vital role in the production and sustainability of soils and safeguard the environment by being eco-friendly and cost-effective for producers.
Pembangunan sektor pertanian saat ini dititikberatkan pada pertanian industri yang berkelanjutan untuk meningkatkan ekonomi dan kualitas sumber daya manusia. Dusun Selen Aik menghadapi tantangan dalam pengelolaan kebun dan keragaman tanaman, yang menyebabkan resiko penyakit dan manajemen kebun yang rendah. Penerapan Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) penting untuk meningkatkan kualitas dan daya saing produk yang dihasilkan dari lahan kebun petani. Produksi buah yang tidak merata dan kurangnya pemanfaatan limbah pertanian juga menjadi masalah. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan peningkatan keterampilan petani dengan teknologi ramah lingkungan untuk mencapai pertanian yang berkelanjutan. Adapun tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kualitas dan daya saing produk perkebunan dan hortikultura melalui penerapan Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) pada penerapan permakultur dan teknologi ramah lingkungan yang bermanfaat terhadap upaya peningkatan pendapatan petani, keberlanjutan ekonomi, serta perlindungan lingkungan. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini melibatkan 56 petani dari kelompok Tandan Hijau. Metode yang digunakan meliputi survei, observasi, dan pendekatan tindak partisipatif, di mana petani dilibatkan dalam semua tahapan kegiatan yang mencakup ceramah, diskusi, pelatihan, dan demonstrasi lapangan tentang sistem permakultur dan teknologi budidaya organik. Evaluasi dilakukan untuk menilai keterlibatan, antusiasme, dan penerapan pengetahuan oleh peserta. Petani menunjukkan peningkatan kesadaran dan pemahaman tentang pentingnya permakultur, penanganan hama, dan 'carbon farming.' Mereka juga mulai mengolah limbah kebun menjadi kompos dan pakan ternak. Selain itu, bantuan alat seperti rak pengering diserahkan dan demplot pengelolaan kebun secara permakultur akan segera dilakukan dengan pendampingan yang berkelanjutan. Permakultur berperan penting dalam meningkatkan kesejahteraan petani serta memberikan kontribusi positif pada masyarakat dengan memperbaiki ekonomi dan lingkungan.
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The escalating recognition of sustainable agriculture and food systems is a response to the multifaceted challenges of food insecurity, climate change, environmental deterioration and economic pressures. In this review, sustainable agriculture is characterized as an array of farming practices that effectively address immediate demands, while simultaneously safeguarding the potential of future generations to fulfill their needs. The primary objectives include sustained productivity, pollution reduction, and economic viability and sustainability. Sustainable food systems incorporate dimensions beyond production, including processing, distribution, consumption patterns, and waste management along the entire food supply chain. An abundance of research underscores the manifold benefits offered by sustainable agriculture and food systems to society at large. These advantages include fostering climate resilience, curbing greenhouse gas emissions, enhancing water quality, promoting biodiversity, enriching soil fertility, fortifying rural livelihoods and nurturing community well-being. Nevertheless, the path toward sustainability is strewn with significant challenges. These include substantial costs involved in transitioning, conflicts in policy objectives, and the pervasive influence of traditional methods. Achieving sustainability requires the execution of holistic strategies that traverse various sectors and scales. Accelerating this progress can be facilitated through the adoption of diverse strategies, including agroforestry, agroecology, urban agriculture, farmer knowledge exchange, ecosystem service payments and supply chain shortening. However, the success of these strategies hinges on the provision of appropriate policies and incentives. Further research is vital to ascertain the ideal conditions for implementing specific interventions and to assess the comprehensive expenses and benefits linked to them. This review emphasizes the assertion that widespread adoption of sustainable practices in agriculture and interconnected food systems has positive impacts in terms of community nutrition, conservation of natural resources and long-term economic progress.
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Global climate change and population growth are two key issues that are currently the subject of discussions around the world. Currently, there are around 7.5 billion people on the planet Earth, and it is estimated that the population will grow by over 12 billion, the majority of whom will be living in mega cities in 2100. This means we need to produce more agricultural food while the global temperature increases. Molecular agriculture, hydroponics, or aquaponics indoor production through sky farming and nursery businesses are among the current topics on feeding, the planet Earth. In this chapter, we revisit some sustainable systems and methods used in agriculture. Different strategies of sustainable agricultural systems and methods seek to develop a sustainable environment and food production to increase crop productivity and soil health. This reduce the impacts of global climate change, through the adaptation and building of crop resilience, as well as conserving biodiversity, capturing carbon in the soil, and reducing the emission of greenhouse gases. Sustainability can be defined as the avoidance of the depletion of natural resources to maintain an ecological balance at a certain rate and it finds its exact definition in the biological systems where there exists exchange, but no waste is produced. Sustainable agriculture can be defined as desired type of agricultural activity to supply society's food and textile needs in the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. From this definition, it is clear to note that an agricultural system cannot be sustainable if it causes environmental damage. Therefore, the environmental sustainability of agriculture is related to the preservation, restoration, and improvement of all natural elements such as air, water, soil, and their proper recycling along with the biodiversity of plant, animal, and microorganisms. Environmental sustainability and sustainable agriculture include the intentional practice of maintaining (engineering or mimicking the nature) healthy soil; managing water wisely; reducing food waste; minimizing pollution of air, water, and soil; promoting biodiversity; reducing tillage; integrating pest management; integrating livestock and crops; adopting sustainable practices, while enhancing the quality of life for communities of agriculture. To date, several sustainable agricultural systems and methods have been developed. In this chapter we revisit several dominant sustainable agriculture systems and methods practiced in agriculture. Each system has advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, we need to use more than one system in sustainable agriculture. The key to sustainable agriculture is finding the right balance between the need for food production and the preservation of environmental ecosystems. However, today's majority of conventional agriculture and biotechnology are in directions as in the 20th century and before which focused on only more productions. Production-oriented agriculture already caused significant global climate change, water scarcity, land degradation, deforestation, and loss of biodiversity including agrobiodiversity. Grafting was added to the list of methods that could be used in all systems as a method of sustainable agriculture. We also provided definitions for individual systems and briefly explained the most common methods.
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There are 115 million operational holdings in the country and about 80 % are marginal and small farmers. To fulfill the basic needs of house hold including food, feed, fodder, fiber, etc. warrant an attention about bio intensive cropping system (BICS).Global warming and its consequences are amongst the most serious problems of the present century. Agricultural crop residue burning contribute towards the emission of greenhouse gases (CO2, N2O, CH4), air pollutants (CO, NH3, NOx, SO2, NMHC, volatile organic compounds), particulates matter and smoke thereby posing threat to human health. Total amount of residue generated in 2008–09 was 620 Mt out of which ~15.9% residue was burnt on farm. Rice straw contributed 40% of the total residue burnt followed by wheat straw (22%) and sugarcane trash (20%).Conservation agriculture and recommended management practices (RMPs) collectively are helpful to offset part of the emissions due to unscientific agricultural practices. An intensive agricultural practice during the post-green revolution era without caring for the environment has supposedly played a major role towards enhancement of the greenhouse gases. Due to increase in demand for food production the farmers have started growing more than one crop a year through repeated tillage operations using conventional agricultural practices. The feasibility of conservation agriculture for recuperating degraded soils and increasing crop yields of the smallholder farming systems in the subtropics is discussed. It is clear that the biggest obstacle to improving soils and other ecosystems through conservation agriculture in these situations is the lack of residues produced and the competition for alternate, higher value use of residues. This limitation, as well as others, point to a phased approach to promoting conservation agriculture in these regions and careful consideration of the feasibility of conservation agriculture in different agro-ecological conditions.
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Permaculture is a complex approach which connects environmental, social and economic aspects. Due to its innovative approaches and natural appearance, it is interesting for people of all ages, including the young and there is a growing need to deploy permaculture in practise. Permaculture means new opportunities for soil protection and saving natural resources and ensuring greater self-sufficiency. Improvement of the physical properties of the soil after two years of use permacultural approach shows the benefits brought by this kind of care for the soil. The great importance of organic matter in the soil, it is also important that permacultural approaches adapt to climate change. We illustrate the points with reference to the Dole site in Dravinja valley in Slovenia.
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Land degradation is major challenge of Nepal. The paper focuses mainly on causes and consequences of land degradation and their management approaches. Land degradation may occur through different physical, chemical and biological processes induced directly or indirectly by human activities like deforestation, shifting cultivation, overgrazing, steep slope farming, over use of chemical fertilizers and forest resources. These create many social problems like poverty, poor health and nutrition and demographic dynamics by lowering agricultural productivity. Agroforestry approaches like use of Multi Purpose Tree Species (MPTs), relay-cropping, terracing and contour cultivation, strip and alley cropping are appropriate to fulfill the needs of low resource farmers by restoring and increasing land productivity. The potentiality of the approach can be made more effective through holistic efforts, based on needs with active participation of farmers in planning and implementation stage.
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Modern industrial agriculture is largely responsible for environmental problems, such as biodiversity loss, soil degradation, and alteration of biogeochemical cycles or greenhouse gas emission. Agroecology, as a scientific discipline as well as an agricultural practice and movement, emerged as a response to these problems, with the goal to create a more sustainable agriculture. Another response was the emergence of permaculture, a design system based on design principles, as well as a framework for the methods of ecosystem mimicry and complex system optimization. Its emphasis, being on a conscious design of agroecosystems, is the major difference to other alternative agricultural approaches. Agroecology has been a scientific discipline for a few decades already, but only recently have design principles for the reorganization of faming systems been formulated, whereas permaculture practitioners have long been using design principles without them ever being scrutinized. Here, we review the scientific literature to evaluate the scientific basis for the design principles proposed by permaculture co-originator, David Holmgren. Scientific evidence for all twelve principles will be presented. Even though permaculture principles describing the structure of favorable agroecosystems were quite similar to the agroecological approach, permaculture in addition provides principles to guide the design, implementation, and maintenance of resilient agroecological systems.
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Permaculture accounts as among the sustainable practices that incorporates diverse aspects of ecology, landscape, organic farming, forestry, agriculture, architecture, and city planning. However, the increasing loss of local values may indirectly influence the sustainability of the system, since local knowledge is an important source of information that influences permaculture design. This study attempts to understand the knowledge of local people in planning and designing a permaculture system subjected to their livelihood, culture and ecological aspects. In particular, this study identifies land use planning for permaculture zones, and design elements in permaculture zones. The study reviews the planning and design element of permaculture that is significant to understand the ecosystem based design with sustainable practices. The results discussed that local people, regardless of their locations either urban or rural, tend to take into account the natural layout, interior architecture and internal activities in planning and designing the zones for their house compound. The zoning is not only beneficial for efficient energy use, but also sustainable both in environmental, social and economic aspects appropriate to the livelihood and culture of local people. Therefore, local knowledge should be considered when designing a permaculture system, as it is likely to design with nature rather than design against nature.
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Naranjilla (Solanum quitoense) is a perennial shrub plant mainly cultivated in Ecuador, Colombia, and Central America where it represents an important cash crop. Current cultivation practices not only cause deforestation and large-scale soil degradation but also make plants highly susceptible to pests and diseases. The use of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) can offer a possibility to overcome these problems. AMF can act beneficially in various ways, for example by improving plant nutrition and growth, water relations, soil structure and stability and protection against biotic and abiotic stresses. In this study, the impact of AMF inoculation on growth and nutrition parameters of naranjilla has been assessed. For inoculation three European reference AMF strains (Rhizoglomus irregulare, Claroideoglomus claroideum, and Cetraspora helvetica) and soils originating from three differently managed naranjilla plantations in Ecuador (conventional, organic, and permaculture) have been used. This allowed for a comparison of the performance of exotic AMF strains (reference strains) versus native consortia contained in the three soils used as inocula. To study fungal communities present in the three soils, trap cultures have been established using naranjilla as host plant. The community structures of AMF and other fungi inhabiting the roots of trap cultured naranjilla were assessed using next generation sequencing (NGS) methods. The growth response experiment has shown that two of the three reference AMF strains, a mixture of the three and soil from a permaculture site led to significantly better acquisition of phosphorus (up to 104%) compared to uninoculated controls. These results suggest that the use of AMF strains and local soils as inoculants represent a valid approach to improve nutrient uptake efficiency of naranjilla and consequently to reduce inputs of mineral fertilizers in the cultivation process. Improved phosphorus acquisition after inoculation with permaculture soil might have been caused by a higher abundance of AMF and the presence of Piriformospora indica as revealed by NGS. A higher frequency of AMF and enhanced root colonization rates in the trap cultures supplemented with permaculture soil highlight the importance of diverse agricultural systems for soil quality and crop production.
In the rural areas of the South Africa, most people depend on agriculture for their livelihoods. Many adults in the rural areas engage in animal husbandry, crop production and small scale agro-processing. Farmers from the Black communities in South Africa use traditional methods in farming practices which are less productive and expensive. The Tiger Kloof Educational Institution in the North West Province in partnership with the North West Department of Agriculture has been giving training to farmers in permaculture since 2008 as a way of equipping adults with skills in good agricultural practices. This paper investigated the impact of the farmer training in permaculture by Tiger Kloof Educational Institution on food security. The qualitative method using interview schedules was used to solicit the views of 10 farmers, the trainer at Tiger Kloof and one official from the District office of the Department of Agriculture. The findings of the investigation indicate that the training in permaculture is contributing to poverty alleviation and ensuring food security in the communities. The programme is recommended to government and communities in addressing poverty, food security, unemployment and sustainable livelihoods.
Pesticides are used widely to control weeds and insect infestation in agricultural fields and various pests and disease carriers (e.g., mosquitoes, ticks, rats, and mice) in houses, offices, malls, and streets. As the modes of action for pesticides are not species-specific, concerns have been raised about environmental risks associated with their exposure through various routes (e.g., residues in food and drinking water). Although such hazards range from short-term (e.g., skin and eye irritation, headaches, dizziness, and nausea) to chronic impacts (e.g., cancer, asthma, and diabetes), their risks are difficult to elucidate due to the involvement of various factors (e.g., period and level of exposure, type of pesticide (regarding toxicity and persistence), and the environmental characteristics of the affected areas). There are no groups in the human population that are completely unexposed to pesticides while most diseases are multi-causal to add considerable complexity to public health assessments. Hence, development of eco-friendly pesticide alternatives (e.g., EcoSMART) and Integrated Pest Management (IPM) techniques is desirable to reduce the impacts of pesticides. This paper was hence organized to present a comprehensive review on pesticides with respect to their types, environmental distribution, routes of exposure, and health impacts.
Land-use options that increase resilience and reduce vulnerability of contemporary societies are fundamental to livelihood improvement and adaptation to environmental change. Agroforestry as a traditional land-use adaptation may potentially support livelihood improvement through simultaneous production of food, fodder and firewood as well as mitigation of the impact of climate change. Drawing on the representative literature, here, I critically review the contribution of agroforestry systems in India to: (i) biodiversity conservation; (ii) yield of goods and services to society; (iii) augmentation of the carbon storage in agroecosystems; (iv) enhancing the fertility of the soils, and (v) providing social and economic well-being to people. Agroforestry systems in India contribute variously to ecological, social and economic functions, but they are only complementary - and not as an alternative - to natural ecosystems. To promote well-being of the society, management of multifunctional agroforestry needs to be strengthened by innovations in domestication of useful species and crafting market regimes for the products derived from agroforestry and ethnoforestry systems. Future research is required to eliminate many of the uncertainties that remain, and also carefully test the main functions attributed to agroforestry against alternative land-use options in order to know unequivocally as to what extent agroforestry served these purposes.