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The decline of farmland birds in Spain is strongly associated to the loss of fallowland

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Scientific Reports

Abstract and Figures

Farmland bird populations have strongly declined across Europe over the last decades due to agriculture intensification, despite successive reforms of EU’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). In parallel, CAP has led to a reduction of fallow land, a critical habitat for biodiversity in agroecosystems. Fallow land in Spain, a country harboring the largest European populations of many endangered farmland birds, has decreased by 1.1 million ha in 15 years. The significant positive relationship between yearly change rates of the Spanish Farmland and Cereal Bird Indices (FBI and CBI) and fallow surface change highlights the adequacy of fallow land cover as an indicator of the state of farmland bird communities at country level. Moreover, the strong and positive association between the reduction in abundance of the fallow specialist little bustard and fallow surface suggests a potential causal link between these two factors. These results highlight the need for a new CAP that guarantees the maintenance of fallow land in European agroecosystems if farmland bird populations are to be conserved.
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Scientific REPORTS | (2019) 9:9473 |
The decline of farmland birds in
Spain is strongly associated to the
loss of fallowland
Juan Traba
1,2 & Manuel B. Morales1,2
Farmland bird populations have strongly declined across Europe over the last decades due to agriculture
intensication, despite successive reforms of EU’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). In parallel, CAP
has led to a reduction of fallow land, a critical habitat for biodiversity in agroecosystems. Fallow land
in Spain, a country harboring the largest European populations of many endangered farmland birds,
has decreased by 1.1 million ha in 15 years. The signicant positive relationship between yearly change
rates of the Spanish Farmland and Cereal Bird Indices (FBI and CBI) and fallow surface change highlights
the adequacy of fallow land cover as an indicator of the state of farmland bird communities at country
level. Moreover, the strong and positive association between the reduction in abundance of the fallow
specialist little bustard and fallow surface suggests a potential causal link between these two factors.
These results highlight the need for a new CAP that guarantees the maintenance of fallow land in
European agroecosystems if farmland bird populations are to be conserved.
Farmland is the most important habitat for bird conservation in Europe, harbouring more than 50% of bird
species in the European Union (EU) and 55% of European bird species listed in the IUCN Red List1,2. Moreover,
European farmland birds are used as general indicators of the quality of agricultural habitats for biodiversity
through an ocial agri-environmental indicator, the Farmland Bird Index (FBI)3.
Agriculture intensication is the main driver of the current biodiversity loss in Europe4 and considered to
be the major cause of farmland bird declines across the continent2. Agriculture intensication is a multifactorial
process acting at eld and landscape level4,5, one of whose main consequences is the loss of environmental hetero-
geneity at dierent spatial scales5,6. At eld scale, yield and revenue maximization has led to an increase of inputs
and agrarian operations (e.g. soil disruption though ploughing) that have severely reduced local biodiversity7,8,
including arable plants, invertebrates and birds9. is process has also led to the loss of semi natural elements
of elds and their close neighbourhood (e.g. eld margins), further contributing to biodiversity declines7,8. At
landscape scale, land consolidation and disappearance of yearly (or longer) crop rotation have favoured landscape
simplication and homogenization, through the loss of non-cultivated elements (e.g. margins, hedges, fallow and
wasteland), further reducing habitat availability for wildlife1012. EU’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) has
been one of the main drivers of agriculture intensication in Europe13, promoting landscape homogenisation,
increased use of agrochemicals and the abandonment of less productive elds4,5, despite some eorts to reverse
the biodiversity loss through the application of agri-environmental schemes (AES)14. Moreover, AES have been
only partially successful due to unclear objectives, design deciency and low uptake15, and dierent global e-
ciency evaluations have yielded mixed results16,17. In synthesis, agriculture intensication can be considered the
major cause of farmland bird and other taxa declines across the continent2,4,6.
e proportion of fallow land can be used as a measure of landscape scale heterogeneity and thus of agricul-
ture intensication18,19. Fallow land is the cultivated land that is not seeded for one or more growing seasons20.
us, fallows include dierent semi-natural grasslands and pastures that will eventually be ploughed for a new
crop cycle19. Adequately managed, fallows are one of the most important habitats for wildlife, and particularly for
farmland birds, in agricultural landscapes, due to the high diversity and abundance of food resources that they
provide such as weeds, seeds, and invertebrates, as well as vegetation cover for foraging or nesting6,21. In Spain
and other Mediterranean countries, fallows have been crucial for the maintenance of farmland biodiversity18,22.
1Terrestrial Ecology Group, TEG-UAM, Department of Ecology, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Darwin, 2,
E-28049, Madrid, Spain. 2Centro de Investigación en Biodiversidad y Cambio Global (CIBC-UAM), Universidad
Autónoma de Madrid, Darwin, 2, E-28049, Madrid, Spain. Juan Traba and Manuel B. Morales contributed equally.
Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to M.B.M. (email:
Received: 28 January 2019
Accepted: 14 June 2019
Published: xx xx xxxx
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Scientific REPORTS | (2019) 9:9473 |
In spite of its relevance for wildlife and of more than two decades of EU’s agri-environmental measures aiming at
preserving farmland biodiversity, the surface of fallow land has signicantly decreased in Spain during the same
period (Fig.1), implying a loss of 1.1 million ha. Such decrease has been specially marked aer 2008, when EU
regulations put an end to farmers’ obligation to keep fallow 10% of their land. In neighbouring Portugal, fallows
have decreased by 24.4% in only three years, between 2013 and 201623.
In the Iberian Peninsula, dry cereal farmland, also known as cereal-steppe22, is the dominant agricultural hab-
itat and hosts important populations of threatened steppe and farmland birds, including species whose European
or world strongholds are found in Iberia22. Overall, more than 80% of steppe bird species show an unfavourable
conservation status in Europe1.
Parallel to the decline of fallows, the populations of most of Spanish farmland bird species have declined
during the 1990–2000 period1 and aerwards24. A species of particular conservation concern is the little bus-
tard Tetrax tetrax, an endangered steppe bird included in the Annex I of EU’s Birds Directive whose popula-
tions have declined by 50% between 2005 and 201625. e little bustard is a fallow specialist linked to cereal
steppes21,26,27 whose negative trend in Spain between 1998 and 2017 - based on data from the Spanish Common
Bird Monitoring Program (CBMP)24 - could be associated to the negative trend of fallow surface over the same
Declines are similar or even stronger in other globally threatened farmland birds24. ese bird declines could
also be associated with the decrease of fallow surface in Spain, but information on this regard is lacking. e aim
of this work is to test the relationship between farmland bird trends and changes in fallow surface in Spain. More
specically, we examine the relationship between changes in fallow land and the change rate in the population
index of a fallow specialist, the little bustard, and the general FBI for Spain. Additionally, we examine the relation-
ship of changes in fallow land with a combined population index of those species considered as cereal specialist
(i.e. more abundant in cereal farmland than in other agricultural landscapes) under the Spanish CBMP (the cereal
bird index, CBI) in order to assess the potential impact of fallow loss in the most extended agricultural system
of the country28. According to the habitat relationships of these species described in the literature, we expect a
close association of changes in the two combined indices considered (FBI and CBI), as well as the little bustard
population index, with fallow trends.
In Spain, young and old fallows signicantly decreased since 2002 (Fallows: 16.1%; Old Fallows: 41.8%;
Fig.1). e change rate of the little bustard population index during the period 2002–2017 was strongly cor-
related with the change rate of fallow surface over the same period (adjusted R2 = 0.761; p < 0.0001; Fig.2A).
When the change rate of the Spanish FBI was considered, the association with the fallow surface trend was again
strongly signicant (adjusted R2 = 0.644; p < 0.001; Fig.2B). Finally, when the change rate in the Spanish CBI was
considered, the association with fallow trend was even more signicant (adjusted R2 = 0.668; p < 0.001; Fig.2C).
ese results indicate a nation-wide relationship between the temporal trend in the amount of a particular habitat
type linked to extensive agriculture, that is fallow land, and the population trends of farmland birds. e relation-
ship is highly explicative for the global Spanish farmland bird and the cereal specialist indices, and particularly
for the fallow specialist and strongly declining little bustard. e decline is especially pronounced when the yearly
change of fallows falls below 20% and the values of the three indices dramatically collapse.
It is important to bear in mind, however, that this assessment considered only trends in fallow surface, but
not changes in fallow management. Unfortunately, available ocial statistics on this regard are fragmentary and
do not cover the entire period considered in our analysis, although they clearly indicate a trend to increasing
eld-level intensication. Overall pesticide sales in Spain increased by 5% between 2011 and 20163, and commer-
cialization of herbicides and fungicides increased by 16.2% and 21.2%, respectively, between 2011 and 201728.
Similarly, the use of Nitrogen mineral fertilizers increased in the country from 55.0 kg/ha to 63.6 kg/ha on average
between 2011 and 2016, although that of Phosphorus slightly declined from 11.2 kg/ha to 10.7 kg/ha in the same
Figure 1. Temporal trend in the surface occupied by fallow land in Spain (2002–2017). e linear regression
line is shown in blue, and 95% Condence Intervals in grey (linear regression: adjusted R2 = 0.800; p < 0.0001).
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Scientific REPORTS | (2019) 9:9473 |
period3. In parallel, direct seeding or no-till farming, an agrarian technique with minimum soil disturbance but
using herbicide for weed control, has signicantly increased by 122.6% between 2008 and 2016, while the surface
of non-managed fallows has decreased by 35.62% in the same period28. ese management changes are expected
to have important negative eects on biodiversity, including bird species4. Nevertheless, the decline in fallow
surface is not the only large scale land-use change occurring in Spain in this period. More specically, irrigated
woody crops (i.e. olive groves and vineyards), which are largely unsuitable for farmland birds22 have increased by
105% between 2004 and 2017, yielding a surface gain of ca. 416,000 ha5,28.
In any case, our assessment of bird trends in relation to fallow surface shows how a widely recognized and
large-scale indicator of agriculture intensication like fallow land cover19 and an ocial EU indicator of the general
environmental status of farmland like the FBI can be inter-related to assess the overall health of a country’s agroe-
cosystems. is is corroborated by the subset of species more clearly dependent on cereal farmland, the agricultural
system where fallows have traditionally been more important due to crop rotation18,19. In addition, cereal farmland
is being particularly aected by the mentioned growth of intensive woody crops. ese conclusions were consistently
reinforced when we examined the trend of the little bustard, a fallow specialist linked to cereal farmland26,27.
Fallows are a key component of farmland heterogeneity in the Iberian Peninsula18,19,29. At landscape scale, fal-
lows provide a habitat that most farmland birds use complementarily to others (e.g. cereal crops, wastelands) for
dierent vital functions such as foraging, mating or nesting29,30. Moreover, in intensive farmland, fallows can be
Figure 2. Relationship between species and fallow land annual change in Spain between 2002 and 2017. (A)
Little bustard (adjusted R2 = 0.761; p < 0.00001). (B) Farmland birds (adjusted R2 = 0.644; p < 0.001). (C) Cereal
birds (adjusted R2 = 0.668; p < 0.001). Linear regression lines are shown in blue, and 95% Condence Intervals
in grey.
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Scientific REPORTS | (2019) 9:9473 |
the only habitat where limiting resources like food or adequate nesting sites are found (Moreira et al.30,31, Morales
et al.21,32). At the eld scale, adequately managed fallows can full most requirements of fallow specialists, which
benet from their heterogeneous vegetation structure. For example, little bustard females require more vegeta-
tion cover for nesting, but a relatively open structure at certain height for anti-predator survey, while males select
lower vegetation cover to perform their sexual display21. However, fallows are highly variable in their structure
depending on their age, local soil conditions, water availability and management, among other factors33. As a
consequence, not all fallows are equally suitable for the dierent species, which means that at large spatial scales
such diversity of fallow characteristics should be promoted to maintain rich farmland bird communities31. In this
context, not only the loss of fallows in cereal farmland, but also the intensication of their management, which
leads to bare and resource-depleted ploughs, or heavily herbicide-treated no-till elds, poses a serious threat to
farmland bird populations and helps understand our results on the combined indices used.
e trends in fallow surface and management discussed here are consistent with the multiscale process of agri-
culture intensication4, producing a loss of landscape heterogeneity and thus habitat availability for the dierent
species1012,34, along with a depletion of key resources due to eld-level management7,8 erefore, the large-scale
association of Spanish farmland bird trends with the loss of fallow land highlights the urgent need to reverse
the current trend to a highly intensive agriculture in Spain if the European and even world-level population
strongholds of many steppe birds are going to be conserved. To that purpose, the upcoming generation of EU
agri-environmental schemes to be implemented under CAP aer 2020 should encourage the maintenance of fal-
low land. Among the tools that CAP might incorporate would be conditioning the reception of subsidies by farm-
ers to leaving fallow a minimum surface of the land they manage. Moreover, a return to the obligation to keep at
least 10% of their land as fallow may help restore the conditions previous to 2008. At the same time, in order to
guarantee ecologically functional fallows in sustainable and environmentally healthy agricultural landscapes in
Europe, eld-level intensication should be discouraged with the aim of reducing agro-chemical inputs. To that
aim, ambitious regulations addressing all levels of the food production chain up to the consumer are required.
Estimation of trends in fallow surface. Data were obtained from the National Survey on Agrarian
Surfaces (ESYRCE), of the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food MAPA28, for the period 2002–2017.
ese statistics are collected for all the country’s agrarian districts, although for public use they are scaled up to
the province level. erefore, they synthesize country-wide exhaustive information on agrarian land use change.
We merged surface (ha) of young and old fallows in a single variable; that is, unsown elds lasting for 1 (young) or
more years (old), but always within the rotation cycle. en, to estimate the overall annual rate of change in fallow
surface in Spain, we calculated a yearly rate of change (%) since 2002, this year considered as 0.
Estimation of change rate in bird populations. We used bird data from the CBMP in Spain (SACRE
Program), which is active since 1998. However, since fallow surface data were available only from 2002 onwards,
we selected data for the period 2002–201735. SACRE comprises data from censuses carried out by volunteers
in a set of UTM 10 × 10 km cells distributed across the country (see Supplementary Fig.1), which are sampled
every year, following the same standard methodology35. From these census data, SEO/BirdLife provides a bird
population abundance index for each species and year, estimated using the Trend and Indices for Monitoring
data (TRIM) soware by tting log-linear regression models to count data with Poisson error terms36. From this
index, an annual change rate is estimated for each species, in a way analogous to that described for fallow sur-
face. erefore, the change rate of the TRIM population index can be used as a country-wide estimate of annual
changes in the abundance of a species or group of species37. We used data for the Farmland Bird Index (FBI) in
Spain, a summary population index that includes information from the species classied as common farmland
birds under the Spanish CBMP (see TableS1). e FBI is an ocial indicator of the quality of EU’s agroecosys-
tems for biodiversity, as well as of the eectiveness of agri-environmental measures applied under European
CAP3. e combined population index for the subset of common farmland birds that are particularly abundant
in cereal farmland (Cereal Bird Index, CBI), provided also by SEO/BirdLife, was used to explore the relationship
of cereal farmland specialists with the variation in fallow surface. Finally, we used the little bustard population
index, as an indicator of the response of fallow specialists to changes in fallow surface.
Analyses. To estimate the relationship between bird trends (Little Bustard index, FBI and CBI) and fallow
land, we tted single linear regressions between change rates of bird population indices and the change rate in
total fallow surface over the period considered.
Data Availability
Data would be freely available upon ms acceptance.
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We wish to thank SEO/Birdlife and specically to Juan Carlos del Moral and Virginia Escandell for providing
SACRE data. We are grateful to Pedro P. Olea and Jesús Martínez-Padilla for commenting an earlier dra of
the ms. is is a contribution to the Excellence Network Remedinal 3CM (S2013/MAE2719), supported by
Comunidad de Madrid.
Author Contributions
J.T. and M.B.M. contributed equally to the manuscript, including conceptualization, design, data collection and
formal analysis, and writing.
Additional Information
Supplementary information accompanies this paper at
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... For example, some groups of species, like ungulates or forest-dwelling birds, have benefited from an increase in scrubland and forest due to land abandonment and reforestation, expanding their geographical ranges and increasing their numbers (Sirami et al., 2008;Acevedo et al., 2011). In con-trast, other species, such as farmland birds, have declined drastically as a result of landuse changes within farmland, for example through the decline in fallow land in favour of productive crops (Traba & Morales, 2019), the expansion of woody crops at the expense of cereals, or intensification in agricultural practices (Traba & Morales, 2019;Busch et al., 2020;Rigal et al., 2023). ...
... For example, some groups of species, like ungulates or forest-dwelling birds, have benefited from an increase in scrubland and forest due to land abandonment and reforestation, expanding their geographical ranges and increasing their numbers (Sirami et al., 2008;Acevedo et al., 2011). In con-trast, other species, such as farmland birds, have declined drastically as a result of landuse changes within farmland, for example through the decline in fallow land in favour of productive crops (Traba & Morales, 2019), the expansion of woody crops at the expense of cereals, or intensification in agricultural practices (Traba & Morales, 2019;Busch et al., 2020;Rigal et al., 2023). ...
... For example, no information exists in CLC about which proportion of arable land is left fallow each year as part of a rotational system, or on agrochemicals used, or on the management of the understorey in woodland. however, it is known that availability of fallow lands in France favours the abundance of the species because these offer greater seed availability and diversity (Sauser et al., 2022), and fallow land is known to have decreased markedly in Spain (Traba & Morales, 2019). Similarly, the increasing use of pesticides and fertilisers is known to be a main driver of many farmland bird population declines (Martínez-Padilla et al., 2017;Rigal et al., 2023). ...
... Partridges take advantage of scrubland patches as cover to escape predation (Buenestado et al. 2008) and depend on fallows and rainfed traditional agriculture for feeding. Their populations are declining due to the loss of fallows and increase in dense forest surface (Traba and Morales 2019), along with negative impacts of fertilizers and pesticides (Rigal et al. 2023). The red-legged partridge has suffered a 51% abundance decline between 2010 and 2017 (Cabodevilla et al. 2020). ...
... Our results show that the wintering wild bird community of commercial partridge hunting estates is overall characterized by greater species diversity. Crop diversity, natural vegetation and fallow land are key in maintaining bird communities (Traba and Morales 2019). Areas dedicated to commercial partridge hunting generally have low-intensity agriculture in a landscape characterized by a higher proportion of patches of Mediterranean scrub and fallow lands and a lower proportion of irrigated and woody crops. ...
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The global biodiversity crisis is driven by habitat changes to meet escalating food demands and is particularly evident in Mediterranean Europe through agricultural intensification and rural abandonment. Commercial hunting of red-legged partridge (Alectoris rufa) may benefit biodiversity where hunting estates manage for habitat quality. This approach, featuring food and water supplementation, legal predator control, and reduced hunting of European wild rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus), fosters favorable conditions for biodiversity conservation in agricultural landscapes. In a matrix of degraded terrestrial habitats, occasional large patches of natural habitat and better preserved traditional agricultural habitats can be seen as “conservation islands”. We compared biodiversity and bird and mammal abundances in 10 commercial partridge hunting estates (treatment areas) with ten agriculture focused landscapes (controls) in central Spain. We detected 75 bird species, 63 in treatment and 52 in control areas. Transect surveys indicated higher bird species richness in treatment areas, alongside extended raptor sightings. Muscicapidae and Turdidae were more frequent in hunting estates, likely due to more natural habitat conditions. Additionally, wild rabbits were seven times more abundant in hunting estates, and the endangered Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus) was exclusively detected in these. Non-target species, including rabbits (45%) and birds (21%), were attracted to partridge feeders and waterers. Our findings suggest that commercial partridge hunting lands enhance biodiversity by preserving habitat and supporting prey, potentially acting as conservation islands with positive effects on biodiversity beyond their borders.
... In the Iberian Peninsula, cereal-steppes are a type of HNVFs traditionally characterized by a rotational scheme of dry cereal crops, grazed fallows, plowed land, and legume crops (Ribeiro et al., 2014). They are now the last stronghold for an important community of bird species of conservation concern, including the great bustard Otis tarda, the little bustard Tetrax tetrax, and the Montagu's harrier Circus pygargus, but have been noticeably impacted by agriculture intensification and specialization, promotion of monocultures, and loss of seminatural areas (Traba & Morales, 2019). These changes have been homogenizing agroecosystems that were once complex, removing the diverse vegetation structures required to meet the needs-for example, foraging, breeding, protection-of a wide range of species Traba & Morales, 2019). ...
... They are now the last stronghold for an important community of bird species of conservation concern, including the great bustard Otis tarda, the little bustard Tetrax tetrax, and the Montagu's harrier Circus pygargus, but have been noticeably impacted by agriculture intensification and specialization, promotion of monocultures, and loss of seminatural areas (Traba & Morales, 2019). These changes have been homogenizing agroecosystems that were once complex, removing the diverse vegetation structures required to meet the needs-for example, foraging, breeding, protection-of a wide range of species Traba & Morales, 2019). Among other threats, more powerful farming machinery and more frequent, faster, and increasingly earlier mechanic plowing, mowing, and harvesting have been notably impactful on ground-nesting birds, both within and outside the Iberian Peninsula, through direct destruction of nests, death of chicks or breeding adults, or by exposing nests to higher predation levels or extreme weather (Berger-Geiger et al., 2019;Faria et al., 2016;Santangeli et al., 2014). ...
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Extensive farmland in Europe hosts high biodiversity levels but is threatened by land use changes associated with market and agricultural policy drivers. We show that a nationwide replacement of rainfed cereals in favor of beef production in Portugal has coincided with a nearly 80% decline in the population of a ground‐nesting raptor, the Montagu's harrier Circus pygargus, since 2002. Reduced cereal crop cover led to nesting attempts occurring mostly in fodder crops, the predominant habitat with suitable sward structure at the onset of breeding. This results in a twofold ecological trap: early hay harvesting destroys first nesting attempts, whereas late cereal harvesting destroys replacement clutches. This double phenological mismatch prevents any breeding success and likely explains the country's observed population decline of Montagu's harriers and other key farmland birds. Reforming current agroenvironmental schemes to promote practices compatible with wild population phenology is paramount to revert these changes.
... obs.). Fallows constitute a key habitat for birds in agricultural areas, and the decrease in their availability is strongly associated José Antonio Gainzarain, Gorka Belamendia with the negative trend of farmland bird populations in Spain (Traba & Morales, 2019). Therefore, their scarcity in the study area could have been a relevant factor leading to low population levels for many species since the time of the original surveys. ...
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In recent decades, the populations of many common bird species have greatly declined in Europe, particularly in farmland habitats. However, this decline has not affected every species, and to understand the mechanisms behind this interspecific variability, its relationship with several species-specific traits has been studied repeatedly. We used this approach to analyse long-term changes in the abundance of breeding passerines in farmland areas in northern Spain. Abundance changes were quantified in 2015 and 2016 by repeating the same line transects conducted in 1988/89 in three agricultural habitats located along a steep Atlantic-Mediterranean gradient in the province of Álava. We found that total bird abundance did not decline, as most species not closely linked to farmland habitats showed positive population changes, while the number of increasing and decreasing farmland specialists was similar. Specific traits explained a substantial proportion of the variability in abundance change, as warm-dwelling species and those occupying habitats with a complex vegetation structure showed more positive changes than those preferring colder conditions and more open habitats. These patterns can be explained by climate warming and by the increase in hedge and forest cover in the study area. Although we did not find a long-term decline in the overall abundance of the studied bird community nor in that of farmland specialists, open habitat species associated with a cool climate should be the focus of particular concern.
... The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is one of the most important policies within the European Union (EU) in terms of budget and impact on EU citizens (Navarro & López-Bao, 2018). Over the years, in guaranteeing stable production, the CAP and market mechanisms have been driving agricultural intensification by promoting regional and landscape homogeneity along with the use of agrochemicals (Emmerson et al., 2016;Traba & Morales, 2019). ...
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Diverse communities of arable plants contribute to the long-term sustainability of agroecosystems and support a large variety of ecosystem services. Agricultural intensification influences the composition and structure of these communities and is one of the major drivers of biodiversity loss in Europe. Several European Union (EU) policies seek to reverse agroecosystems degradation and need biodiversity data-based indicators. Here we focus on arable fields with crops and arable plants. Open access to biodiversity data, such as through the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF), opens multiple options to develop large-scale indicators. We investigate whether occurrences of certain weeds from GBIF could become indicators of lower levels of agricultural intensification. For this, we designed an EU-scale data-driven proof of concept, using a 2018 EU28-wide 10 m resolution map of maize and a total of 2,082,796 occurrences data for 156 weed species associated to this crop. A total of 12 arable plants sensitive to intensification were identified that could possibly become indicators. We also show how GBIF data is able to capture the effect of proxies for agricultural intensification on plant communities associated with crops. Even with the limitations of studying only one crop for a single year, we present some of the potential of these data to assess the condition of agroecosystems. Novel integration of biodiversity relevant observations across scales will need to underpin the characterization of agroecosystems to inform farm, as well as landscape management and policy impact evaluation.
... This 'target-group approach' is a common and effective method to generate pseudo-absences and correct for spatial biases in biodiversity data, thus improving model performance, when monitoring effort is discontinuous (Phillips et al., 2009;Ranc et al., 2017). For the target group, we used species included in the European Farmland Bird Index (Gamero et al., 2017), which we complemented, separately for each region, with other common farmland species typical of Spain (Traba & Morales, 2019), Germany (Busch et al., 2020), or the Czech Republic (Hanzelka et al., 2015). The complete list of species for each region is reported in Table S4.1. ...
... Density of FBI species, and meadow pipit and tree sparrow abundances increased with larger area of subsidized grasslands, which in our study included environmental fallows intended to promote farmland biodiversity. These results partly corroborate earlier studies showing beneficial effects of extensive grasslands on farmland biodiversity (Herzon et al. 2011;Hertzog et al. 2023;Staggenborg & Anthes 2022;Traba & Morales 2019). Importantly, our results also show that pastures, and to some extent set asides (mainly comprised by stubbles left idle after the previous growing season) provide complementary benefits over and above the provisioning of breeding habitat for species that nest in open farmland. ...
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Context Farmland biodiversity has been declining because of agricultural intensification and landscape simplification. Many farmland birds breeding in non-crop habitats use arable land as their feeding habitat (and vice versa) and understanding habitat composition and configuration at the landscape scale is important for their conservation. Objectives We explored the relationship between farmland bird densities and land-use characteristics at a landscape-scale (mean size 235 ha) to reveal the most important land-use elements driving avian farmland abundance. Methods We used bird territory mapping from 36 study landscapes across Finland to study relationships between densities of total farmland birds, open field species, edge species, farmyard species, and Farmland Bird Indicator (FBI) species, and multiple descriptors of the composition and configuration of the study landscape mosaics, reflecting the full range of available crop types, farmland structures, non-crop habitat types, and soil type. Results Densities of farmland birds increased with greater areas of leys and pastures, subsidized grasslands, habitat diversity, and farmyards with animals, and those effects were consistently stronger compared to effects of non-crop habitats. Positive effects of the relative area of leys and pastures in the landscape was most often consistent in the species-specific models, whereas species-level responses to other landscape characteristics were idiosyncratic, reflecting the variety of the species’ ecologies and habitat requirements. Conclusions We demonstrate that overall habitat diversity, and habitat elements like subsidized grasslands, pastures, and farmsteads with animal production support higher bird diversity at the level of landscape mosaics. Our results suggest that studies based on field-scale study units need to be complemented with landscape-scale studies to reveal a holistic understanding of land-use intervention impacts on farmland birds.
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El estudio desarrollado en 2023 sobre la avutarda hubara en las Islas Canarias ha revelado cifras preocupantes, indicando un marcado descenso de su población. Estimamos un total de aproximadamente 508 hubaras en el archipiélago, con la mayor concentración en Lanzarote (388 individuos), seguida de Fuerteventura (108) y La Graciosa (12). Estas cifras representan una de las estimas más bajas desde 1994, lo cual es motivo de gran preocupación para la conservación de la especie. En términos de densidad, observamos una media de 1,67 hubaras por km² en Lanzarote y Fuerteventura, siendo notablemente más alta en Lanzarote (3,90 hubaras/km²) en comparación con Fuerteventura (0,60 hubaras/km²). Esto sugiere que Lanzarote ofrece condiciones más favorables para la hubara. Además, encontramos una densidad excepcionalmente alta de 15,7 hubaras/km² en Zonzamas, en Lanzarote, destacando también por su alta densidad los jables de Ajai y Famara y la Reserva de Guatiza. Analizando los datos de los últimos 30 años, observamos que la distribución de la hubara en estas islas no ha sido constante. Aunque Lanzarote siempre ha tenido una mayor densidad de hubaras en comparación con Fuerteventura, la diferencia se ha ampliado, especialmente desde 2011. Esta situación refleja un declive ambiental en Fuerteventura, con efectos negativos más pronunciados en su población de hubaras. El porcentaje de cambio global de 2004 a 2023 para el conjunto de Fuerteventura y Lanzarote fue del -43,2%. Para Fuerteventura el valor medio fue -53,2%, mientras que para Lanzarote no fue tan negativo, con un valor promedio de -22,3%. El estudio de las características ambientales y geográficas reveló que factores como el tipo de suelo y la cobertura vegetal influyen significativamente en la densidad de la hubara. La hubara mostró una preferencia por áreas arenosas y con cultivos, especialmente en Lanzarote. Además, la tasa de cambio interanual para el período 2004-2023 refleja una disminución significativa en la población, siendo más acusada en Fuerteventura que en Lanzarote, y de mucha menor magnitud en áreas con presencia de cultivos. La variación espacial en la densidad de la hubara sugiere que la isla de Lanzarote, en particular áreas como Zonzamas, Famara, Llamo de la Mareta y la Reserva de Guatiza, siguen siendo cruciales para la supervivencia de la especie. En Fuerteventura, las áreas de Tindaya-Esquinzo y el Llano de La Laguna resaltan como zonas clave, aunque con una situación general más preocupante. En resumen, nuestro estudio destaca la importancia de Lanzarote como refugio para la hubara, mientras que en Fuerteventura se observa una tendencia más alarmante. Estos hallazgos subrayan la necesidad urgente de acciones de conservación dirigidas, especialmente en Fuerteventura, para proteger y mejorar las condiciones de vida de esta especie en declive. The study carried out in 2023 on the Houbara Bustard in the Canary Islands has revealed worrying figures, indicating a marked decline in its population. We estimate a total of approximately 508 houbara bustards in the archipelago, with the highest concentration in Lanzarote (388 individuals), followed by Fuerteventura (108) and La Graciosa (12). These figures represent one of the lowest estimates since 1994, which is of great concern for the conservation of the species. In terms of density, we observed an average of 1.67 houbara bustards per km² in Lanzarote and Fuerteventura, being notably higher in Lanzarote (3.90 houbara bustards/km²) compared to Fuerteventura (0.60 houbara bustards/km²). This suggests that Lanzarote offers more favourable conditions for houbara bustards. In addition, we found an exceptionally high density of 15.7 houbara bustards/km² in Zonzamas on Lanzarote, with the Ajai and Famara reefs and the Guatiza Reserve also standing out for their high density. Analysing the data from the last 30 years, we can see that the distribution of houbara bustard on these islands has not been constant. Although Lanzarote has always had a higher density of Houbara Bustard compared to Fuerteventura, the difference has widened, especially since 2011. This situation reflects an environmental decline on Fuerteventura, with more pronounced negative effects on its Houbara bustard population. The overall percentage change from 2004 to 2023 for Fuerteventura and Lanzarote as a whole was -43.2%. For Fuerteventura the average value was -53.2%, while for Lanzarote it was not as negative, with an average value of -22.3%. The study of environmental and geographical characteristics revealed that factors such as soil type and vegetation cover significantly influence the density of the Houbara bustard. The Houbara bustard showed a preference for sandy and cultivated areas, especially in Lanzarote. In addition, the inter-annual rate of change for the period 2004-2023 reflects a significant decrease in the population, being more pronounced in Fuerteventura than in Lanzarote, and of much lesser magnitude in areas with crops. The spatial variation in the density of the Houbara Bustard suggests that the island of Lanzarote, in particular areas such as Zonzamas, Famara, Llamo de la Mareta and the Guatiza Reserve, remain crucial for the survival of the species. In Fuerteventura, the areas of Tindaya-Esquinzo and Llano de La Laguna stand out as key areas, although the overall situation is more worrying. In summary, our study highlights the importance of Lanzarote as a refuge for the Houbara Bustard, while Fuerteventura shows a more alarming trend. These findings underline the urgent need for targeted conservation actions, especially in Fuerteventura, to protect and improve the living conditions of this declining species.
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As a result of increasingly intensified agricultural practices in Europe over the last century, agroecosystems have experienced severe biodiversity declines. Among the species experiencing negative population trajectories in agricultural habitats are meadow and farmland birds, which have suffered a loss in both habitat and food availability in cultivated fields. In Denmark, biotope plans (a requirement to establish small agro-environmental habitats on properties with stocking of game birds) have been implemented as a measure to mitigate biodiversity declines in the agricultural landscape and, in this paper, we investigate to what extent these initiatives fulfil the intended purpose with respect to birds in the breeding season. We demonstrate that some initiatives like hedgerows, areas of open vegetation, scrub, and lakes seemed to increase avian diversity locally, but also that other measures such as vegetation strips, grass strips, and bare soil strips had little effect given the current implementation of these initiatives. Benefitting species were mostly scrub- and woodland species that now inhabited previously open landscapes after the establishment of suitable habitats, and the initiatives failed to show clear positive effects on meadow birds and farmland birds for which they were originally intended. The most commonly registered species in our data set was (released) Pheasant Phasianus colchicus , which emphasised that the stocking of game birds can have a clear effect on avian species composition in areas where this practice is exercised. Future studies are needed to clarify how this stocking may affect local biodiversity of different taxonomic groups.
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Hunting is one of the main uses associated with land which, in the current context, has a strong economic significance for rural areas. This work generates knowledge that can be useful for designing strategies that favour the economic dynamisation of rural areas, in a context of population loss and scarce economic diversification. In this sense and based on the results of a survey of hunters (N = 1662), the objectives of the work are first to analyse the territorial distribution and abundance of big game species in Spain and secondly, to examine the existence of correlations, between hunters' income, hunters’ gender and preferences for certain big game species. This analysis is based on primary and secondary sources and its characteristics are explained in the methodology section. Univariate and bivariate descriptive statistics were used, specifically the chi-square contingency test, which allows us to determine the relationship of dependence between two variables. We found that female hunters showed greater interest than their male counterparts in hunting big game species, and the same interest was found in hunters with higher income level regardless of their gender. Our results may help to design and develop socio-economic strategies related to supply and demand hunting activities.
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Evidence of declines in insect populations has recently received considerable scientific and societal attention. However, the lack of long‐term insect monitoring makes it difficult to assess whether declines are geographically widespread. By contrast, bird populations are well monitored and often used as indicators of environmental change. We compared the population trends of European insectivorous birds with those of other birds to assess whether patterns in bird population trends were consistent with declines of insects. We further examined whether declines were evident for insectivores with different habitats, foraging strata, and other ecological preferences. Bird population trends were estimated for Europe (1990–2015) and Denmark (1990–2016). On average, insectivores declined over the study period (13% across Europe and 28% in Denmark), whereas omnivores had stable populations. Seedeaters also declined (28% across Europe; 34% in Denmark), but this assessment was based on fewer species than for other groups. The effects of insectivory were stronger for farmland species (especially grassland species), for ground feeders, and for cold‐adapted species. Insectivory was associated with long‐distance migration, which was also linked to population declines. However, many insectivores had stable populations, especially habitat generalists. Our findings suggest that the decline of insectivores is primarily associated with agricultural intensification and loss of grassland habitat. The loss of both seed and insect specialists indicates an overall trend toward bird communities dominated by diet generalists.
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Little bustard populations are showing alarming trends throughout the species’ large geographic distribution range, particularly in its western sector. For this reason, the little bustard has been globally classified as Near Threatened, although its decline in Western Europe has led to its classification as Vulnerable, according to IUCN criteria, both in the continent as a whole, and specifically in the European Union (BirdLife International 2018). The works carried out in Spain at different geographical scales in the 1990s and early 2000s already suggested a significant regression of the little bustard in our country. However, it was not until 2005 that the challenge of organizing and carrying out two national scale censuses, one during breeding and the other during wintering, was accepted by SEO/BirdLife (García de la Morena et al., 2006), with the main objective of estimating the size of the Spanish population of the species. The results of that work again pointed out in the direction of a decline of the little bustard population in the country as a whole, which was confirmed in later years on a regional scale in different Autonomous Communities. This monograph is based on the results of the reproductive and winter little bustard censuses coordinated by SEO/BirdLife in 2016 and 2017 and, like the previous one, pursues as its first objective providing an estimate as robust as possible of the current size of the Spanish little bustard population. A second fundamental objective of this work is to evaluate the trend of this population over the 10 years following the first national census by calculating its change rates with respect to 2005. This assessment has allowed addressing the third major objective: to carry out and support with scientific evidence a proposal to change the conservation status of the little bustard, both for the Red Book of the Birds of Spain, following criteria of IUCN, and for the Spanish List of Endangered Species, following the criteria published in 2017 by the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Food and Environment. The method for the census of breeding males has been similar to that used in the first national census (García de la Morena et al., 2006), which allows for the comparison of results and the evaluation of the species’ population trends. The sampling unit was the UTM 5x5 km square, always included within its corresponding UTM 10x10 km square comprised within the species’ distribution range in Spain. In each of those 5x5 km squares, 20 listening and/or observation stations of 5 minutes length were stablished systematically in the quadrant of the lower left corner. If the area covered by suitable habitat for the species was not greater than 50%, the stations were moved to the next quadrant clockwise. The location of the 20 census stations was decided prior to the census. In the census squares that were already surveyed in 2005, we tried to repeat the same stations. Stations were located along roads, tracks or roads barely travelled, in the most regular way as possible and never less than 600 m from each other, recording their exact location on a 1: 50,000 map or using a GPS devise. In each station, all the visual and auditory contacts with little bustards made within the radius of 250 m were recorded. The total reproductive census period lasted from March 21st to June 10th, 2016, adjusting the dates according to the phenology of each geographical sector. The winter census consisted in sampling selected UTM 10x10 km squares assigned by regional coordinators, who selected those for which the presence of the species was known in winter and trying to cover as a priority those squares covered in the first national census. The sampling units were the entire UTM 10x10 km squares in its entirety, selected from the species’ known winter distribution range. Periodic observation stops were made along low speed (15-20 km/h) car transects, using high terrain points to perform telescope scans, taking advantage of the entire network of tracks and roads to ensure homogeneous square cover. Only habitats suitable for the species (rain-fed herbaceous crops, irrigated herbaceous crops, wastelands, pastures, etc.) were surveyed, avoiding wooded areas and shrubs. Again, the number of individuals and the approximate percentage of each habitat in a circumference of 250 m radius around each contact were recorded. The winter census period ran from December 1st, 2016 to February 15th, 2017. The reproductive census cover was 58.1% of the total estimated distribution range, while in the winter census, the cover was 56.4%. Estimates of the number of breeding males were obtained by extrapolation of the average densities per square calculated for each Spanish province to the total little bustard potential habitat area in that province, which was obtained from the land use database available in the Land Occupation in Spain Information System (SIOSE), corresponding to year 2011. In order to allow for the comparison between the 2005 and 2016 population estimates, densities obtained in the first national census were extrapolated to the potential habitat area estimated for 2005, from the same database. The size of the winter population was calculated by extrapolating directly the average densities by square to the total available habitat in each province. The global population of male little bustards in Spain during the breeding period has been estimated at 38,856 males (27,037-59,136). Eighty seven percent of the population is concentrated in the cereal steppes of the southern half of Spain (Castilla-La Mancha, Extremadura, Andalusia, Madrid, Murcia and Valencian Community). Castilla-La Mancha is the Autonomous Community with the greatest little bustard population, harbouring approximately 65% of the total census. The population of the northern half (Meseta Norte and Valle del Ebro) is significantly smaller, with most of the effectives concentrated in Aragón and Catalonia, followed by the provinces of Zamora and León in Castilla y León. The winter mean population estimate was of 14.643 (6.668-29.848) total individuals. The estimate of the total population of breeding males in Spain has declined from 74,084 to 38,856 individuals between 2005 and 2016. In 2016, only 52% of the males censused in 2005 remained, and therefore there has been a decrease of 48% in just 11 years. This value is equivalent to an average yearly decrease of 5.70% (finite growth rate of 0.94). As a whole, in the 34 provinces considered the median trend was a 60% decrease in the number of males. Little bustard males have increased in 4 provinces (12%), but they have also disappeared in 4 of them (12%). In one (3%) they have remained virtually unchanged while, in the remaining 25, they have experienced more or less sharp declines. In general, the populations that have maintained or increased their male densities were populations with densities already low or moderate in 2005. Similarly, the relative decrease in the number of males is less pronounced in those provinces in which the surface of favourable habitat has experienced a less marked regression, which points out to the importance of suitable habitat loss as the main cause of population decline. Consistently, the provinces with the largest increase in males seem to have experienced an increase in the area of potential habitat available. However, although the decrease in the number of males is estimated at around 48%, the area of potential habitat has only been reduced by 17%, and thus other factors (for example, habitat quality) must have played a relevant role. The estimated average total winter population of little bustards in Spain has declined from 28,775 to 15,022 individuals. The 2016 winter estimate yielded only 52% of effectives estimated in 2005, which implies, again, a decrease of 48% in just 11 years, and an average yearly decrease of 5.74% (finite growth rate of 0.94). The decrease is most pronounced in Castilla-La Mancha and the Ebro Valley, traditional wintering regions for the species. On the other hand, wintering seems to have increased in the southeast of the Peninsula. According to the trends described for the period 2005-2016, longer than the course of three generations of the species (estimated generation time of 2.6 years, Mañosa et al., unpublished data), the Spanish little bustard population meets criteria A2 (A2a, A2b and A2c) of IUCN, and criterion A2 of the Spanish National List of Endangered Species, to be reclassified as Endangered. Moreover, the projection of the population change rate for the period 2016-2026 in the whole of Spain forecasts a reduction of 56.6%, which fulfils IUCN criterion A3b for such reclassification. Therefore, the results of this monograph support the reclassification of the little bustard in Spain from Vulnerable to Endangered according to IUCN and to Endangered, according to the National List of Endangered Species.
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The book contains edited and revised versions of 16 selected papers presented at the workshop 'Towards operationalization of the effects of CAP on environment, landscape and nature: exploration of indicator needs' held in Wageningen in April 1997. It reviews, from a European perspective, the theoretical development and use of indicators in the assessment of the environmental impact of agricultural policy on the physical environment, landscape and biodiversity; and the use of environmental indicators for pollution and policy analysis.
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Europe is a region of relatively high population density and productive agriculture subject to substantial government intervention under the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). Many habitats and species of high conservation interest have been created by the maintenance of agricultural practices over long periods. These practices are often no longer profitable, and nature conservation initiatives require government support to cover the cost for them to be continued. The CAP has been reformed both to reduce production of agricultural commodities at costs in excess of world prices and to establish incentives for landholders to adopt voluntary conservation measures. A separate nature conservation policy has established an extensive series of protected sites (Natura 2000) that has, as yet, failed to halt the loss of biodiversity. Additional broader scale approaches have been advocated for conservation in the wider landscape matrix, including the alignment of agricultural and nature conservation policies, which remains a challenge. Possibilities for alignment include further shifting of funds from general support for farmers toward targeted payments for biodiversity goals at larger scales and adoption of an ecosystem approach. The European response to the competing demands for land resources may offer lessons globally as demands on rural land increase. © 2015 Society for Conservation Biology.
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Over half of the European landscape is under agricultural management and has been for millennia. Many species and ecosystems of conservation concern in Europe depend on agricultural management and are showing ongoing declines. Agri-environment schemes (AES) are designed partly to address this. They are a major source of nature conservation funding within the European Union (EU) and the highest conservation expenditure in Europe. We reviewed the structure of current AES across Europe. Since a 2003 review questioned the overall effectiveness of AES for biodiversity, there has been a plethora of case studies and meta-analyses examining their effectiveness. Most syntheses demonstrate general increases in farmland biodiversity in response to AES, with the size of the effect depending on the structure and management of the surrounding landscape. This is important in the light of successive EU enlargement and ongoing reforms of AES. We examined the change in effect size over time by merging the data sets of 3 recent meta-analyses and found that schemes implemented after revision of the EU's agri-environmental programs in 2007 were not more effective than schemes implemented before revision. Furthermore, schemes aimed at areas out of production (such as field margins and hedgerows) are more effective at enhancing species richness than those aimed at productive areas (such as arable crops or grasslands). Outstanding research questions include whether AES enhance ecosystem services, whether they are more effective in agriculturally marginal areas than in intensively farmed areas, whether they are more or less cost-effective for farmland biodiversity than protected areas, and how much their effectiveness is influenced by farmer training and advice? The general lesson from the European experience is that AES can be effective for conserving wildlife on farmland, but they are expensive and need to be carefully designed and targeted.
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Within the European Union, Spain supports the most abundant and richest community of steppe birds, i.e. those linked to open and treeless habitats, which is the most threatened group of birds in the European context. Here we analyse the relative importance of two sets of variables (spatial and environmental, including climate, topographic and land use variables in the latter) on the geographic variation in steppe bird richness in UTM 10x10 km grid squares using GLM. These same combinations of variables were used to characterize and estimate their relative contribution in the composition of the community using partial CCA. Our results highlight the importance of rainfall, but principally the presence of low-intensity land use practices on the richness of steppe birds in each square. Land use covers of less than 10% for fallow fields or more than 50% of cereal crops produce marked reductions in the steppe bird communities present. In terms of community composition, our results indicate the low relevance of the geographic factors compared to environmental variables. Among the latter, the climatic factors show relatively little influence in comparison to the topographic and land use variables. Two main steppe bird assemblages emerge from this work: the grass-steppe bird species (previously named pseudosteppe birds) and the shrub-steppe bird species.
Ensuring an environmentally friendly overhaul of the European Union’s Common Agricultural Policy will entail payments for environmental objectives, promoting High Nature Value Farmlands, improved flexibility and policy integration. Free-to-read:
As the world's population continues to grow, the demand for food, fodder, fibre and bioenergy will increase. In Europe, the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) has driven the intensification of agriculture, promoting the simplification and specialization of agroecosystems through the decline in landscape heterogeneity, the increased use of chemicals per unit area, and the abandonment of less fertile areas. In combination, these processes have eroded the quantity and quality of habitat for many plants and animals, and hence decreased biodiversity and the abundance of species across a hierarchy of trophic levels and spatial scales within Europe. This biodiversity loss has led to profound changes in the functioning of European agroecosystems over the last 50 years. Here, we synthesize the findings from a large-scale pan-European investigation of the combined effects of agricultural intensification on a range of agroecosystem services. These include (1) the persistence of high conservation value species; (2) the level of biological control of agricultural pests and (3) the functional diversity of a number of taxonomic groups, including birds, beetles and arable weeds. The study encompasses a gradient of geography-bioclimate and agricultural intensification that enables the large-scale measurement of ecological impacts of agricultural intensification across European agroecosystems. We provide an overview of the role of the CAP as a driver of agricultural intensification in the European Union, and we demonstrate compelling negative relationships between the application of pesticides and the various components of biodiversity studied on a pan-European scale.
The populations of farmland birds in Europe declined markedly during the last quarter of the 20th century, representing a severe threat to biodiversity. Here, we assess whether declines in the populations and ranges of farmland birds across Europe reflect differences in agricultural intensity, which arise largely through differences in political history. Population and range changes were modelled in terms of a number of indices of agricultural intensity. Population declines and range contractions were significantly greater in countries with more intensive agriculture, and significantly higher in the European Union (EU) than in former communist countries. Cereal yield alone explained over 30% of the variation in population trends. The results suggest that recent trends in agriculture have had deleterious and measurable effects on bird populations on a continental scale. We predict that the introduction of EU agricultural policies into former communist countries hoping to accede to the EU in the near future will result in significant declines in the important bird populations there.