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Background: Water is one of the main components that our body is made of. Dehydration results when there is no enough water in the body to carry out its normal functions. Objectives: This study was carried out to determine the association between the amount of water intake per day and quality of sleep among adults in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Methods: A brief questionnaire that assessed the amount of water intake per day in adults and Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) were administered via direct communication with 278 participants of Jeddah city, Saudi Arabia. Results: The daily intake of water of the respondents was < 1000 ml in 31.7%, 1000-1999 ml in 29.9%, 2000-2999 ml in 23%, and ≥ 3000 ml in 15.5%. The average sleep duration was 7 hours. The PSQI score was significantly higher in those taking daily <1000 ml versus ≥ 3000 ml. The majority of respondents drank caffeine beverages; about half of them had ≤ 1 cup/day and 42.8% had 2 to 4 cups daily. Half of them practiced exercise; among them 70.5% exercised for 4 hours or less weekly, 25.2% had exercise for 5 to 10 hours per week, and only 4.3% for more than 10 hours weekly. There were no significant differences in global PSQI as regards gender (p = 0.889), night work (p = 0.141), caffeine intake (p = 0.154), caffeine cups/day (p = 0.085), and hours of exercise/week (p = 0.345). Conclusion: It appears that the quality of sleep improves with increased water intake per day. The quality of sleep was not significantly affected by gender, night work, caffeine intake and amount, and hours of exercise per week. The general public should be educated about the benefits of adequate daily water intake, particularly those who suffer from sleep disturbances.
ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 6(1), 511-520
Journal Homepage: -
Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/6251
Mohammad A. Zwawy, Faisal A. Al-Husayni, Samer A. Alamri, Mahmoud F. Qutub, Rakan M. Aljedaani,
Abdulaziz A. Al-Zahrani and Khulood A. Al-Siary.
King Saud bin Abdulaziz Uiniversity for Health Sciences Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
Manuscript Info Abstract
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Manuscript History
Received: 08 November 2017
Final Accepted: 10 December 2017
Published: January 2018
Copy Right, IJAR, 2018,. All rights reserved.
Numerous studies have determined that the bedroom environment as well as lifestyle factors, such as smoking and
drinking, can influence sleep. Obesity, hypertension, diabetes and depression, among other diseases, are associated
with sleep complaints (1). Sleep has a vital effect on brain functions and many body systems, and neglect of sleep
can lead to considerable disadvantages for the individual. Sleep complaints are frequently implicated in problems
such as low productivity, risk of accidents and conflict in personal relationships (2,3).
Adequate sleep is required for optimal health (4). Sufficient sleep is linked to mental health, physical activity, and
overall quality of life (5-8). In addition, sleep plays an important role in metabolic and emotional regulation,
memory consolidation, and learning (9-11). Inadequate sleep has been associated with all-cause mortality, and
morbidities (12-17). Epidemiological research suggests that the adequate sleep duration for adults falls between 7
and 8 hours of sleep (18,19). Sleep duration showed a progressive decrease and sleep complaints increased over the
last 30 years, hence poor sleep quality has become a widespread problem in modern society (20,21).
A number of serious sleep disorders need to be treated in health care institutions; however, self-management is
enough for the majority of cases (22). The bedroom environment and behaviors or activities before bed time are the
major controllable risk factors of sleep disorder. Working before going to bed, the use of a mobile phone, noise,
lighting, smoking, drinking and caffeine intake have all been implicated in sleep disorders (23-26).
Decreased daily water intake is a problem among the people in countries with hot weather, as is the situation in
Saudi Arabia. In Saudi Arabia, several environmental factors, such as hot sunny weather and dry climate, can lead to
excessive sweating and subsequently water loss and dehydration. In addition, some diseases may increase water loss
e.g. diabetes mellitus, which is relatively common in Saudi population (27, 28).
A study on sleep duration in Saudi Arabia found that about one third of Saudi adults do not get enough sleep (sleep
less than 7 hours/night) (29). An earlier study showed that people who increased their daily water intake form less
than 1.2 liters up to 2-4 liters experienced increased alertness and lesser sleepiness (30). This may lead to decreased
Corresponding Author:- Mohammad A. Zwawy.
Address:- King Saud bin Abdulaziz Uiniversity for Health Sciences Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 6(1), 511-520
sleep during the day, which in turn leads to better sleep at night. Hence, the current study was conducted to assess
sleep quality and to identify its association with water intake levels in a sample of adults living in Jeddah.
Study area/setting:
Four different malls located in the East, West, South and North of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
Study subjects:
- Inclusion criteria:
Male and female adults living in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, 1st of December to 31st of December, 2017.
- Exclusion criteria:
Participants aged less than 18 years old.
Participants diagnosed with sleep disorders.
Participants who are using diuretics.
Participants who are using sleep medications.
Study design:
A cross-sectional study based on a questionnaire survey.
Sample size:
Out of Jeddah city population 3457794, we recruited 278 participants to be 90% confident with 5% margin of error.
Sampling technique:
We used a convenience sampling technique.
Data collection methods, instruments used and measurements:
We designed a brief questionnaire to assess the amount of water intake per day in adults. The questionnaire was
pilot-tested by a sample. It was then revised based on reproducibility, validity, and question value. Changes and
modifications were made based on the pilot results. The survey was administered during a 1-month period via direct
communication to enhance response rates. We used Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) to assess sleep quality
Data management and analysis plan:
Data analysis was carried out using SPSS version 22. All numerical variables were checked for normality by
Shapiro Wilk test. Normally distributed variables were expressed as means ± standard deviation and differences
between groups were tested by Student's unpaired T test. Abnormally distributed variables were expressed as
median and interquartile range (25th - 75th percentile) and mean ranks were calculated for differences testing using
Mann-Whitney test. Categorical variables were summarized as frequencies and percentages and association between
variables was tested using Pearson's Chi square or Fisher-Freeman-Halton Exact Tests as appropriate. A p-value of
< 0.05 was considered statistically significant.
Ethical considerations:
Ethical approval was taken from IRB of King Abdullah International Medical Research Center before carrying out
the study. An informed consent was obtained from each participant before entering the study. The confidentiality of
information was strictly maintained.
In this study, 278 participants responded to the questionnaire. Table 1 shows the demographic data and the pattern of
water intake of the respondents. The age of respondents ranged from 18 to 70 years with an average 30 ± 10 years.
Slightly more than half the respondents were males (54.3%); and nearly one third had a night work (34.9%). The
highest frequency of respondents drink less than 1000 ml per day (31.7%), followed by those taking 1000-1999
ml/day (29.9%), then 2000-2999 (23%), and the least frequency consumed 3000 or more daily (15.5%). The
majority (79.9%) was used to drink caffeine beverages; among them 49.1% had one or less cup per day and 42.8%
had 2 to 4 cups daily. The majority did not suffer from chronic diseases (93.2%). Half the respondents practiced
exercise; among them 70.5% exercised for 4 hours or less weekly, 25.2% had exercise for 5 to 10 hours per week,
ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 6(1), 511-520
and only 4.3% for more than 10 hours weekly. Figuer 1 shows that only 28.8% of respondents had adequate sleep
duration (7 to 8 hours), while 57.9% had shortened sleep (less than 7 hours).
Table 2 demonstrates the minimum, maximum, median, and interquartile range for the seven components of PSQI
questionnaire and its global score. Figure 2 illustrates that nearly half the respondents (48%) had PSQI global score
6 or more; indicating poor sleep quality.
Table 3 shows the relationship between global PSQI score and the respondents' demographic data and water
consumption pattern. The score was significantly higher in those taking less than 1000 ml/day versus 3000 or more
ml/day (Median 7, 5; mean ranks 161.3, 106.6; p <0.003). There were no significant differences in global PSQI as
regards different categories of gender (p = 0.889), night work (p = 0.141), caffeine intake (p = 0.154), caffeine
cups/day (p = 0.085), and hours of exercise/week (p = 0.345).
Table 4 illustrates the relationship between water intake and the different components of PSQI score. Decreased
water intake was significantly and adversely related to worse subjective sleep quality (p = 0.016), habitual sleep
deficiency (p = 0.003), sleep disturbance (p = 0.003), and daytime dysfunction (p = 0.018).
This study addressed an important issue that was previously understudied; that is the relationship between water
intake and the quality of sleep. We found that the highest percentage of adults in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia were used to
take less than 1000 ml of water per day (31.7%), followed by those taking 1000-1999 ml/day (29.9%), then 2000-
2999 (23%), and the least percentage consumed 3000 or more daily (15.5%). This amount is below the daily water
needs of adults. An adult needs 2.5 L if sedentary; and 3.2 L if performing modest physical activity (32-35). More
active adults living in a warm environment have daily water needs of about 6 L (36). Mild dehydration was reported
to increase fatigue, decreased activity, and was associated with sleepiness (37-42).
In this study, only 28.8% of respondents had adequate sleep duration (7 to 8 hours), while 57.9% had shortened
sleep; with average of 7 hours. This average duration of sleep is in agreement to studies in general populations in
Britain and students from Palestine, Korea, Iran, Germany, China, and Nigeria that reported an average duration of
night sleep < 8 hours, usually in the range of 6 to 7 hours (43-50). However, the percentage of respondents with
shortened sleep duration is much higher than reported in other studies in Saudi Arabia (31 - 33.8%), and in other
studies worldwide (24.1% - 41.6%) (51-55).
Nearly half the respondents (48%) in this study had poor sleep quality as indicated by global PSQI score. Poor sleep
quality has been associated with poor academic achievement and health, as well as increased health care costs and
absenteeism from work (56). This prevalence among the adults in Jeddah city is much higher than those reported by
other studies (2635% using the PSQI) (57-59). However, one of the limitations in our study was the non-inclusion
of the respondents' occupations in the study questionnaire; and this may have contributed to this high prevalence of
poor sleep quality in our study. A proportion of the respondents may have been university students; and this
category is known to suffer from stress due to the burden of studying and examinations (49, 60-62); with a
prevalence of poor sleep quality in this population having been reported to range from 19.17% to 57.5% (63, 64).
Despite the high prevalence of bad sleep quality among the respondents in our study, chronic diseases were reported
in a small percentage only. Mental and physical disorders were associated with poor sleep quality (58).
In the present study, the PSQI score showed a tendency to decrease with the increased intake of water; with a
significantly higher score in those taking less than 1000 ml/day versus 3000 or more ml/day. Decreased water intake
was significantly and adversely related to worse subjective sleep quality, habitual sleep deficiency, sleep
disturbance, and daytime dysfunction. Increased water intake may result in decreased sleep during the day; which in
turn lead to better sleep at night. This finding is supported by previous studies that showed a positive effect of water
consumption on alertness (42, 65, 66).
As sleep quality is likely to be affected by other factors, we evaluated the effect of gender, night work, caffeine
beverages, and exercise on the PSQI global score. We found that the majority of respondents were used to drink
caffeine containing drinks; about half of them had one or less cup/day and 42.8% had 2 to 4 cups daily. Caffeine is a
methylxanthine that acts as a mild CNS stimulant. It exerts its central effects mainly by inhibiting adenosine,
resulting in increased alertness (67-69). Caffeine administration is usually achieved by drinking beverages such as
ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 6(1), 511-520
tea, coffee, and energy drinks. The caffeine content varies among the different beverages, according to plant source
and method of preparation (70). In this study, there were no significant differences in global PSQI as regards
caffeine intake or the number of caffeine cups/day. This result agrees with Engleman et al. who found that regular
caffeine intake during the day, with the last dose before bedtime by adequate period, did not significantly affect
sleep (71). On the other hand, some studies reported that caffeinated coffee increases sleep onset latency, decreases
total sleep time and adversely affects sleep quality (62, 72-76). However, most of these studies have evaluated the
effects of caffeine that has been consumed just before bedtime; which does not resemble the actual, everyday pattern
of caffeine consumption (77). Moreover, habitual intake of caffeine ,as is the case in a considerable proportion of
Saudi adults, is reported to result in tolerance to caffeine effects (78). Hindmarch et al. found some indication that
those individuals whose sleep was most disrupted had the lowest habitual caffeine consumption levels; and
concluded that infrequent use of caffeine was likely to enhance sensitivity to caffeine effects (75).
In this study, half the respondents practiced exercise; among them 70.5% exercised for 4 hours or less weekly,
25.2% had exercise for 5 to 10 hours per week, and only 4.3% for more than 10 hours weekly. The sleep quality was
not significantly affected by the hours of exercise weekly, a finding that was reported also by other studies (79-82).
The absence of significant relationship between sleep quality and hours of exercise/week may be due to the low
level of exercise practice among Saudis which was elicited in this study as well as previous studies (83). Other
studies have shown that active adolescents were more likely to get high sleep duration compared with inactive peers
(7, 84-87).
In this study, there was no effect of gender on sleep quality. This contradicts previous studies that showed poorer
quality of sleep of females in university and young adults (62, 88-92). Other studies in Saudi Arabia showed either
no effect of gender or higher risk of poor sleep in males (93). This difference between the results conducted in Saudi
Arabia and other countries is probably due to the conservative nature of Saudi society where females are not allowed
to stay late outside home.
It appears that the quality of sleep improves with increased water intake per day. The quality of sleep was not
significantly affected by gender, night work, caffeine intake and amount, and hours of exercise per week. The
general public should be educated about the benefits of adequate water intake daily, particularly those who suffer
from sleep disturbances.
This study possessed many points of strengths. We used the PSQI tool to decrease the subjectivity in rating of sleep
quality. The sample size was adequate and explored the adult population, which was not studied previously,
particularly in Saudi Arabia.
This study was subject to some limitations. There was difficulty in specifying the type of caffeinated beverage and
the usual times of their intake during the day. Different types of beverages have variable content of caffeine and
each type can affect the quality of sleep differently. The effects of some lifestyle factors that affect the quality of
sleep - such as the occupation of the respondents, cigarette smoking, heavy drinking, and excessive Internet usage -
were not investigated, which may throw light on the causes of high prevalence of poor sleep quality.
We would like to thank Mapi Research Trust for their support by providing the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index.
Table 1:- Demographic data of respondents and water intake (total N = 278).
Age (years) Minimum - Maximum
18 - 70
Mean ± SD
30 ± 10
Night work
Water per day (ml)
< 1000
1000 - 1999
ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 6(1), 511-520
2000 - 2999
≥ 3000
Caffeine intake (e.g. tea, coffee, energy
≤ 1
2 - 4
≥ 5
Chronic diseases
Allergic rhinitis
Diabetes mellitus
Exercise per week (hours)
≤ 4
> 10
SD: standard deviation; IBS: irritable bowel syndrome.
Figure 1:- Sleep duration in the respondents. Adequate duration is 7 to 8 hours, shortened sleep is < 7 hours, and
prolonged sleep > 8 hours.
Table 2:- Components and global score of Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI).
Component 1 subjective sleep quality
0 - 1
Component 2 sleep latency
0 - 2
Component 3 sleep duration
0 - 2
Component 4 habitual sleep deficiency
0 - 1
Component 5 sleep disturbance
2 - 2
Component 6 use of sleep medications
0 - 0
Short sleep Adequate Prolonged
Sleep duration in the respondents
ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 6(1), 511-520
Component 7 daytime dysfunction
0 - 2
Global PSQI score
5 - 9
IQR: interquartile range
Figure 2:- Sleep quality of the respondents according to PSQI score (poor sleep quality ≤ 6).
Table 3:- Relationship of global PSQI score and demographic and water consumption pattern.
Global PSOI score
Mean ranks
Night work
Water ml/day
< 1000
1000 - 1999
Significant difference
between <1000 & ≥ 3000
2000 - 2999
≥ 3000
Caffeine intake
Caffeine cups/day
≤ 1
2 - 4
≥ 5
Hours of exercise/ week
≤ 4
> 10
*significant at p <0.05.
Table 4:- Effect of water intake on components of Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index score.
Water intake (ml/day)
< 1000
1000 - 1999
2000 - 2999
≥ 3000
Component 1 Subjective
sleep quality
Component 2 Sleep
ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 6(1), 511-520
Component 3 Sleep
Component 4 Habitual
sleep deficiency
Component 5 Sleep
Component 6 Use of
sleep medications
Component 7 Daytime
*significant at p <0.05; a: significant differences between <1000 & ≥ 3000; b: significant differences between <1000
& 1000 - 1999.
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Many occupational factors may interfere with sleep. Sleep disturbances can, in turn, endanger the health and safety of workers. This rapid review of the literature identifies the main factors that alter the quantity and quality of sleep, indicates the effects these alterations have on the wellbeing of workers and suggests some health promotion measures.
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Background The significant increase in the prevalence of obesity over past decades caused the concomitant rise in the incidence of glucose intolerance and diabetes. Objective To determine the prevalence of diabetes among Saudi nationals in Turaif, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and to examine the association between diabetes and obesity in the studied population. Methods This study was conducted during the period from May 01 to May 31, 2017. Data was collected from 402 individuals aged between 6–63 years via a predesigned questionnaire covering medical history of diabetes, age and sex. Body weight and height was measured to calculate BMI. Data were analyzed by SPSS version 15, using descriptive statistics and Chi-Square test. Results Mean age (± SD) was 23.27 (±13.509) years, male to female ratio was 38.1% to 61.9%. The total prevalence of DM among the studied population was 4.5%, pre-diabetic cases were 7.5%. There is significant effect of age, sex and BMI on the occurrence of diabetes among the studied population (p<0.05). Conclusions Awareness campaigns and prevention programs about diabetes should be instituted and control strategies should be implemented. There is a need for a diabetes screening and management programs, focusing on access to health care in the city.
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Objective This study aimed to report on the trends in incidence and prevalence rates of diabetes mellitus in Saudi Arabia over the last 25 years (1990–2015). Design A descriptive review. Methods A systematic search was conducted for English-language, peer reviewed publications of any research design via Medline, EBSCO, PubMed and Scopus from 1990 to 2015. Of 106 articles retrieved, after removal of duplicates and quality appraisal, 8 studies were included in the review and synthesised based on study characteristics, design and findings. Findings Studies originated from Saudi Arabia and applied a variety of research designs and tools to diagnosis diabetes. Of the 8 included studies; three reported type 1 diabetes and five on type 2 diabetes. Overall, findings indicated that the incidence and prevalence rate of diabetes is rising particularly among females, older children/adolescent and in urban areas. Conclusion Further development are required to assess the health intervention, polices, guidelines, self-management programs in Saudi Arabia.
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Numerous studies have determined that lifestyle factors (smoking, drinking, snacking, etc.) and the bedroom environment can influence sleep. We developed a new sleep scale—the 3-Dimensional Sleep Scale (3DSS)—which measures three elements of sleep: phase, quality, and quantity. The purpose of this study is to determine which risk factors of sleep complaints are associated with these sleep elements. Data were obtained from 366 Japanese day workers (302 men and 64 women). Sleep condition was assessed with the 3DSS, and we also assessed various habits within 2 h of going to bed, including smoking, drinking, snacking, caffeine intake, mobile phone use, and working. We also asked about bedroom environmental conditions (noise, lighting, and temperature and humidity). Multivariate logistic regression analysis using the backward selection method (likelihood ratio) was used, with 3DSS scores as the outcome (i.e., over or under the cutoff). The results showed that smoking was associated with significantly greater odds ratio [2.71 (1.65–4.44)] of disordered sleep phase, while lighting as well as temperature and humidity led to greater odds [3.67 (1.55–8.68), 1.93 (1.20–3.11)] of poor sleep quality. Finally, only noise was significantly related to greater odds [1.98 (1.13–3.46)] of low sleep quantity. These findings indicated the various risk factors of sleep complaints could be associated with different sleep elements. This might help in the effective treatment of sleep complaints.
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Objectives To examine the associations between sleep duration and a variety of demographic and clinical variables in a sample of Saudi adults. Methods A cross-sectional study among 2,095 participants was conducted at King Abdulaziz Medical City, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, between May and October 2014. A questionnaire was administered to collect data related to clinical health outcomes and demographic characteristics. Participants were asked to report their average sleep duration per night in hours. Results One-third (33.8%) reported short sleep duration of less than 7 hours/night. Short sleep duration was more prevalent in females (37.3% versus 31.4%, p=0.004). The most common medical problems reported were obesity with body mass index of >30 Kg/m² (39.1%), hypertension (33.9%), diabetes mellitus (20.8%), depression (4.3%), asthma (17.3%), COPD (6.6%), and hyperlipidemia (2.7%). Diabetes mellitus was associated with long sleep of more than 9 hours/night (25.4%, p=0.011) and hypertension (54.2%, p=0.001). The linear regression model tend to reduce their sleep duration by roughly 22 minutes in female gender, 66 minutes in participants with hyperlipidemia, and 70 minutes in participants with poor sleep quality. Conclusions Short sleep duration per night was prevalent, it affects one in every 3 Saudi adults. Long sleep duration of more than 9 hours was associated with increased comorbid conditions.
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Study objectives: To examine whether differences exist in self-reported sleep patterns and self-reported alcohol use for first-semester college students who do or do not report drinking during the last 6 mo of high school. Methods: Participants were 878 first-year college students. Students completed a survey in late May/early June about alcohol use and consequences, during the last 6 mo of high school; they later completed a daily record of sleep behavior and alcohol use across the first 9 w of the first semester of college. High school drinking status (past 6 mo) was classified as positive (HS-6mo+) or negative (HS-6mo-) based on any indication of drinking on the May/June survey. Collegiate drinking was determined from first-semester daily diary alcohol reports as nondrinkers (0 reported drinks), drinkers (one or fewer heavy episodic drinking episodes (HED)), and drinkers reporting more than one HED episode. Sleep patterns were compared for nondrinkers, drinkers, and HED with no high school drinking history (HS-6mo-/HED). In addition, a separate analysis compared sleep patterns for college HED with (HS-6mo+/HED) and without (HS-6mo-/HED) high school self-reported alcohol use. Results: Increased alcohol consumption in the first semester of college was associated with later bedtimes and rise times. We found no association of high school alcohol use and sleep in those with collegiate HED. Conclusions: Later sleep timing in those with greater alcohol use, supports a connection between sleep patterns and alcohol use. Such an early appearance of this connection may herald the development of alcohol use disorder in some individuals.
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Study Objectives: Insomnia is a chronic condition with significant burden on health care and productivity costs. Despite this recognized burden, very few studies have examined associations between insomnia severity and healthcare and productivity costs. Design: A retrospective study linking health claims data with a telephone survey of members of a health plan in the Midwestern region of the United States. Participants: The total healthcare costs study sample consisted of 2086 health plan members who completed the survey and who had complete health claims data. The productivity costs sample consisted of 1329 health plan members who worked for pay-a subset of the total healthcare costs sample. Measurements: Subjects' age, gender, demographic variables, comorbidities, and total health care costs were ascertained using health claims. Insomnia severity and lost productivity related variables were assessed using telephone interview. Results: Compared with the no insomnia group, mean total healthcare costs were 75% larger in the group with moderate and severe insomnia (1323vs.1323 vs. 757, P < 0.05). Compared with the no insomnia group, mean lost productivity costs were 72% larger in the moderate and severe insomnia group (1739vs.1739 vs. 1013, P < 0.001). Chronic medical comorbidities and psychiatric comorbidities were positively associated with health care cost. In contrast, psychiatric comorbidities were associated with lost productivity; while, medical comorbidities were not associated with lost productivity. Conclusions: Health care and lost productivity costs were consistently found to be greater in moderate and severe insomniacs compared with non-insomniacs. Factors associated with lost productivity and health care costs may be fundamentally different and may require different kinds of interventions. Future studies should focus on better understanding mechanisms linking insomnia to healthcare and productivity costs and to understanding whether developing targeted interventions will reduce these costs.
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To promote optimal health and well-being, adults aged 18-60 years are recommended to sleep at least 7 hours each night (1). Sleeping <7 hours per night is associated with increased risk for obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, stroke, frequent mental distress, and all-cause mortality (2-4). Insufficient sleep impairs cognitive performance, which can increase the likelihood of motor vehicle and other transportation accidents, industrial accidents, medical errors, and loss of work productivity that could affect the wider community (5). CDC analyzed data from the 2014 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) to determine the prevalence of a healthy sleep duration (≥7 hours) among 444,306 adult respondents in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. A total of 65.2% of respondents reported a healthy sleep duration; the age-adjusted prevalence of healthy sleep was lower among non-Hispanic blacks, American Indians/Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians/Pacific Islanders, and multiracial respondents, compared with non-Hispanic whites, Hispanics, and Asians. State-based estimates of healthy sleep duration prevalence ranged from 56.1% in Hawaii to 71.6% in South Dakota. Geographic clustering of the lowest prevalence of healthy sleep duration was observed in the southeastern United States and in states along the Appalachian Mountains, and the highest prevalence was observed in the Great Plains states. More than one third of U.S. respondents reported typically sleeping <7 hours in a 24-hour period, suggesting an ongoing need for public awareness and public education about sleep health; worksite shift policies that ensure healthy sleep duration for shift workers, particularly medical professionals, emergency response personnel, and transportation industry personnel; and opportunities for health care providers to discuss the importance of healthy sleep duration with patients and address reasons for poor sleep health.
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ABSTRACT: The American Academy of Sleep Medicine and Sleep Research Society recently released a Consensus Statement regarding the recommended amount of sleep to promote optimal health in adults. This paper describes the methodology, background literature, voting process, and voting results for the consensus statement. In addition, we address important assumptions and challenges encountered during the consensus process. Finally, we outline future directions that will advance our understanding of sleep need and place sleep duration in the broader context of sleep health.