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Indoor Tracking of Construction Workers Using BLE: Mobile Beacons and Fixed Gateways vs. Fixed Beacons and Mobile Gateways


Abstract and Figures

Automatic resource location monitoring in construction projects empowers managers to make data driven decisions that improve project workflow. Monitoring data can be processed to measure workflow quality and thus for better understanding of effectiveness and efficiency. We compare two methods for deployment of Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) beacons for indoor resource monitoring-mobile beacons and fixed gateways (MB) vs. fixed beacons and mobile gateways (FB). BLE beacons can be fixed to walls or carried by workers, and can be fixed to material containers and equipment. Using gateways, such as raspberry pi computers or smartphones, one can easily and automatically monitor resource locations. Several field experiments were conducted, both in the laboratory and in construction sites in Finland, Israel, Peru, Netherlands and China. Technical aspects such as setup, direct cost, feasibility and accuracy were compared for two methods-mobile beacons and fixed gateways vs. fixed beacons and mobile gateways-and the performance of each method in providing the data needed for lean construction workflow assessment was assessed. Both methods are effective in monitoring resource locations but differ in their feasibility of implementation in construction sites and in the utility of the data they provide in terms of identifying value adding activities.
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Dror, E., Jianye Z., Sacks, R., Seppänen, O. (2019). “Indoor Tracking of Construction Workers Using BLE:
Mobile Beacons and Fixed Gatewayes vs. Fixed Beacons and Mobile Gateways.” In: Proc. 27th Annual
Conference of the International. Group for Lean Construction (IGLC), Pasquire C. and Hamzeh F.R. (ed.),
Dublin, Ireland, pp. 831-842. DOI: Available at: <>.
Erez Dror
, Jianyu Zhao
, Rafael Sacks
and Olli Seppänen
Automatic resource location monitoring in construction projects empowers managers to
make data driven decisions that improve project workflow. Monitoring data can be
processed to measure workflow quality and thus for better understanding of effectiveness
and efficiency. We compare two methods for deployment of Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)
beacons for indoor resource monitoring - mobile beacons and fixed gateways (MB) vs.
fixed beacons and mobile gateways (FB). BLE beacons can be fixed to walls or carried by
workers, and can be fixed to material containers and equipment. Using gateways, such as
raspberry pi computers or smartphones, one can easily and automatically monitor resource
locations. Several field experiments were conducted, both in the laboratory and in
construction sites in Finland, Israel, Peru, Netherlands and China. Technical aspects such
as setup, direct cost, feasibility and accuracy were compared for two methods - mobile
beacons and fixed gateways vs. fixed beacons and mobile gateways - and the performance
of each method in providing the data needed for lean construction workflow assessment
was assessed. Both methods are effective in monitoring resource locations but differ in
their feasibility of implementation in construction sites and in the utility of the data they
provide in terms of identifying value adding activities.
Gateways, beacons, Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), lean construction, waste, situational
awareness, indoor positioning
MSc graduate, Faculty of Civil and Enviromental Engineering, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology,
Haifa Israel, +972 54 717 0019,
Doctoral candidate, Department of Civil Engineering, Aalto University, Espoo Finland, +358
50 3394574,
Professor, Faculty of Civil and Enviromental Engineering, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology,
Haifa Israel, +972 4 829 3190,
Professor of Practice, Department of Civil Engineering, Aalto University, Espoo Finland, +358 50 368
Dror, E., Jianye Z., Sacks, R., Seppänen, O.
Proceedings IGLC 27, July 2019, Dublin, Ireland
The real-time location of labour, material and equipment is important information for site
managers and safety managers and enables efficient production planning and work
efficiency assessment. However, given the complexity of construction sites and the
expense of gathering information, construction managers often make decisions with very
limited certainty. Lean construction tools and methods such as the Last Planner System,
visual management, Plan-Do-Check-Act, waste identification and workflow assessment
are already widespread in construction sites, but their full potential remains unrealized due
to limited ability to assess the real status and performance on construction sites. Collecting
data manually is time consuming and inefficient (Navon and Sacks 2007) and therefore
construction managers are forced to make their decisions based on gut feeling or past
experience instead of real-time data (Sacks et al. 2013).
IoT and other technologies enable real-time tracking of labour, material and equipment
and might be suitable for the complex environment of construction sites. There are several
solutions for indoor resource monitoring, including Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), radio
frequency identification (RFID), Ultra-wideband (UWB), laser scanning, videogrammetry
and more. The solution must be easy to deploy, provide efficient and accurate location
monitoring and be cost effective. The IoT technology chosen for examination in this paper
is BLE beacons. A BLE monitoring system includes four components: BLE beacons, a
gateway, a web service and cloud-based storage. The authors examined two methods of
deployment of such beacons and gateways - mobile beacons and fixed gateways (MB) vs.
fixed beacons and mobile gateways (FB) in the field on construction sites in Finland, Israel,
Peru, the Netherlands and China. The research questions we sought to answer were:
Do the MB or FB methods enable effective and efficient tracking the locations of
resources, such as labour, material and equipment?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of each of the methods?
Production control has been developed over years within the scope of lean construction
(Koskela, 1992). For example, the Last Planner System (Ballard, 2000) and Location-
Based Management System (Kenley & Seppänen 2010), together with their integration (e.g.
Seppänen et al., 2010), have led to positive progress in operations management in
construction. Their success has been successfully recorded in many case studies around the
world (Seppänen et al., 2015). These methods have been tested to improve resource
efficiency through onsite waste elimination (Ballard, 2000) and to shorten project durations
thanks to production control and forecasting (Seppänen et al, 2014).
In order to coordinate the complex flows of labour, materials, space, equipment and
products (Sacks, 2016, Golovina, 2016), the construction industry needs innovative
management processes and software that exploit automated information collection and
intelligent data processing (Sacks et al. 2010, Nath et al., 2015). Production control
methods in construction used to rely heavily on social processes and manual input
Indoor Tracking of Construction Workers Using BLE: Mobile Beacons and Fixed Gatewayes vs. Fixed
Beacons and Mobile Gateways.
Information Technology in Construction
(Pradhananga, 2013), but this resulted in human errors and inaccuracy (Costin et al., 2012),
which prevent fulfilment of the prospects of lean construction philosophy (Vieira, 2016).
There is a need to develop an intelligent real-time platform where all resources can be
tracked and analysed to support labour management (Lin et al., 2013), and automate the
data recording process (Costin et al., 2012).
Many technologies have been applied for resource tracking in construction, such as
passive RFID (Costin et al., 2012), ZigBee (Liu et al., 2007), BLE (Zhao et al., 2017),
(Dror, 2018), magnetic field (Park et al., 2016), and Global Positioning System (GPS)
(Alarifi et al., 2016). GPS is a mature technology for tracking, but it is not suitable for
indoor positioning (Liu et al., 2007). For indoor positioning, among all the technologies,
Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) has proved to be cost-effective because of its high degree of
implementation simplicity with minimal infrastructure and ease of calibration (Park et al,
2016), and sufficiently accurate, thus making it, from the implementation perspective, the
preferred technology. However, different solutions applying BLE technology have neither
been thoroughly discussed nor compared for application to the scope of production control
in lean construction. This paper provides a comparative analysis of two BLE indoor
positioning solutions serving the purpose of operations management in construction,
outlining the potential use cases suitable for the respective methods.
We examined two different methods for indoor positioning in construction sites using BLE
technology. The two methods used the same principles: a combination of BLE beacons and
gateways. In general, location monitoring systems using BLE sensors comprise four main
components: BLE beacons, gateways, a web application and cloud storage. Each BLE
beacon continuously transmits a universally unique identifier (UUID) that is detected by a
compatible app or operating system running on the gateway. The gateway in turn transmits
the UUID signals and the timestamp to the server via mobile network or Wi-Fi, and the
data is stored in cloud-based storage. The minimum requirements for the gateway are that
it can detect BLE signals and transmit data to the cloud using either mobile networks or
In this method, the beacons are fixed in place on walls or ceilings in the building under
construction, while apps installed on workers’ mobile smartphones serve as gateways. The
beacons transmit the UUIDs, which are detected by the workers’ smartphones, which in
turn send packets of UUIDs, timestamps and signal strengths to the data analysis engine in
the cloud (Figure 1). Additional fixed beacons in site elevators and site offices can be used
to track workers more extensively.
Dror, E., Jianye Z., Sacks, R., Seppänen, O.
Proceedings IGLC 27, July 2019, Dublin, Ireland
The method requires one-time installation of the beacons in each location. Figure 2
shows a typical distribution of beacons on a typical floor of a residential building in Israel
(beacons are marked in green). The beacons require neither infrastructure nor external
power source and are fixed in place manually. In the process of positioning the beacons,
the location of each beacon is registered using a designated smartphone app interface,
matching each physical location to a specific UUID.
Most smartphones available on the market today can receive Bluetooth signals and are
connected to cellular networks and are therefore suitable to serve as gateways (Dror, 2018).
In order to use smartphones as gateways, a designated app is needed. In the experimental
setup, an Android app was implemented for this purpose.
Figure 1 BLE tracking system components Figure 2 Typical beacon placement in a residential building
In the MB method, mobile BLE beacons attached to equipment or material containers and
carried by workers send signals to gateways that are fixed in place. The proposed prototype
contains four main parts (see Figure 3): beacons, gateways, cloud storage and a web-based
application. Gateways receive signals from the beacons and transmit them to the cloud
service via Wifi or cellular networks (using dongles) (link 4). The cloud software compares
the signal strength from beacons and determines the location information based on the
strongest signal strength received. The software saves the data in the server and displays
the results on a web-based application through an application programming interface (API)
(link 5). The application aims to provide situational awareness on site from the perspective
of operations management and to update production status based on information from the
Indoor Tracking of Construction Workers Using BLE: Mobile Beacons and Fixed Gatewayes vs. Fixed
Beacons and Mobile Gateways.
Information Technology in Construction
cloud (link 3 and 5). The prototype enables tracking of labor, materials and tools
simultaneously (link 1).
Figure 3 MB indoor positioning solution scheme
Each method has its own characteristic advantages and disadvantages. In this section, we
compare the two methods in detail from technical, system and lean construction
implementation perspectives, considering and proposing possible use cases. Both methods
were tested on active construction sites. The MB method was implemented and tested in
construction projects in Finland, China, Peru, and the Netherlands, including low rise
residential buildings and office buildings. The FB method was implemented and tested in
several high-rise residential buildings in Israel.
Setup & maintenance. Both methods require physical setup onsite. The MB solution
requires setting up the gateways in their fixed positions. The FB solution requires setting
up the beacons in their fixed positions. In both methods the setup process needs around
half a day. Additional maintenance work for the system is anticipated to be as much as 1-
2 hours per week.
Cost. When examining the costs, we consider only the hardware costs of the system and
not the costs related to developing the software or labour for setup & maintenance. The
costs are split mainly between two components: beacons, gateways.
The MB solution requires a beacon for each item that is to be monitored, gateways, and a
power outlet for each of the gateways (in the case studies examined, the gateways were
Dror, E., Jianye Z., Sacks, R., Seppänen, O.
Proceedings IGLC 27, July 2019, Dublin, Ireland
positioned in proximity to existing temporary power outlets at no extra cost). The FB
solution requires 4-5 beacons for each apartment, no infrastructure, and no gateway
purchase - worker`s personal smartphones are used as gateways. In both solutions,
additional beacons are needed for material and equipment location monitoring. Each
element is tagged with a beacon and the number of beacons is the same for both solutions.
As an example, Table 1 details the actual costs for a residential building of three floors
with 16 apartments and an entrance floor. The costs assume 15 tracked workers in the
building, working with 20 pieces of equipment and up to 30 material containers at a time
(beacons are reused).
Table 1: Comparison of example project costs
Fixed beacons - mobile gateways
prototype (FB)
requirements- labor
65 Beacons
equipment/ material
50 Beacons
Total cost
Feasibility in construction sites. Construction sites are complex environments, with
extensive movement of people and vehicles, use of heavy equipment, frequent change of
labor and lack of infrastructure such as Wi-Fi signal or electricity. The MB solutions
require a stable power supply, which is the biggest obstacle for feasibility testing on site.
Therefore, in the tests of MB solutions, the gateways were placed wherever temporary
power was available. Data was then analyzed to propose a more rigorous gateway
placement strategy for this solution.
The FB solution requires no infrastructure such as Wi-Fi or electricity at all, which
makes it highly feasible for construction sites and enables wide spread monitoring. On the
other hand, it requires collaboration of the construction workers to allow use of their
smartphones. In the case studies, 90% of workers were carrying a smartphones and were
using 3G network that is widely available in the construction site, however some 20% of
the workers objected, expressing discomfort with the idea of using their personal
smartphones to share their locations in the building and on the site.
Coverage & Accuracy. The coverage and accuracy of the system is related to the ability to
position the fixed components: beacons or gateways. The rule of thumb is that the more
fixed components placed, the higher the possible location accuracy will be.
Indoor Tracking of Construction Workers Using BLE: Mobile Beacons and Fixed Gatewayes vs. Fixed
Beacons and Mobile Gateways.
Information Technology in Construction
In the prototype MB method, positioning of the gateway requires access to temporary
power. This restricted the positioning to specific locations in the construction site. As the
coverage depends on the placement of gateways, location accuracy might be low in
buildings with open layout, such as office buildings.
The FB method enables wide spread of beacons in the construction site because it
requires no physical infrastructure. It thus enables accurate positioning with unlimited
Table 2: Technical comparison of the methods
Fixed beacons - mobile gateways
prototype (FB)
Mobile beacons - fixed
gateways prototype (MB)
Setup & Maintenance
+ Short setup time
+ Minimal maintenance
- Application required for the
+ Short setup time
+ Minimal maintenance
+ Easy set-up, no mobile
application required
- Gateways are exposed
onsite so they are in risks of
damage or movement
+ Low hardware costs
- Higher hardware costs
Feasibility in
construction sites
+ Minimum physical requirements
- High friction with workers
- Requires access to power
Accuracy & Coverage
+ Unlimited coverage
+ High accuracy in closed areas
+ Coverage and accuracy
can be improved based on
data analysis heuristics
- Temporary power
requirements decrease
coverage in most cases
- Internet is required for
gateways (from onsite WIFI
or mobile network dongles)
+ 98% accuracy in apartment scale
+ Accuracy is high and
detection in real time
- Signal coverage is not
perfect due to the limitation
from gateway placement
Data transmission
- Every 5 minutes
+ Continuous
Dror, E., Jianye Z., Sacks, R., Seppänen, O.
Proceedings IGLC 27, July 2019, Dublin, Ireland
Data transmission rate. In both methods the BLE beacons transmit their UUID
continuously and the data is transferred through the gateway to the cloud storage.
In the MB method, gateways receive signals from the beacons at a frequency of one
per second. Because gateways are supplied with power all the time, they can provide a
continuous signal scan window, thus making the tracking results very detailed.
In the FB method, because the workers phones serve as gateways, battery drainage
aspects must be considered. Therefore, a decision was made to monitor the workers’
locations every five minutes, resulting in data gaps of 5 minutes. It is possible to minimize
the gap to one minute with little adverse impact on the battery life, but continuous
monitoring is not possible.
Just as different BLE solutions were employed in these two indoor positioning schemes,
the requirements and the functionality of each approach can also be different in practical
use cases. We have considered three use cases (labor monitoring, material and equipment
monitoring, and movement analysis) in Table 3, highlighting the key features of the two
Table 3. Use case comparison of FB and MB approaches
Fixed beacons - mobile gateways
prototype (FB)
Mobile beacons - fixed gateways
prototype (MB)
+ High accuracy monitoring
- Requires smartphone
compatibility and application
+ Workers likely to consistently
carry smartphones
+ Workers need carry only beacons that
have been registered.
- Workers might leave beacons on site,
which can cause invalid data
- Limited tracking precision due to lack
of coordinates of floor plan
Material &
+ Beacons can be used as material and equipment tags. Attaching beacons to
material packaging at time of delivery is straightforward, and they can be
+ A movement tendency index can
reflect the workers’ efficiency
+ Gaps in data flow can lead to
gaps in information accuracy
+Time-location analysis can indicate the
uninterrupted presence level at work
locations for workers
The wide-ranging series of experiments has shown that both methods are feasible for
resource location monitoring in construction sites. Both provide a robust solution for
Indoor Tracking of Construction Workers Using BLE: Mobile Beacons and Fixed Gatewayes vs. Fixed
Beacons and Mobile Gateways.
Information Technology in Construction
monitoring labor, material and equipment.The FB method has lower cost and greater
coverage than the MB method. The degree of resolution of location reporting can be greater
with the FB method than for the MB method, since the cost of beacons is significantly
lower than that of gateways. The MB method has lower latency of reporting because the
fixed gateways can communicate in real-time as they do not have the battery life limitations
that apply to smartphones.
Both methods appear to provide sufficiently accurate and complete data for deducing
which tasks are underway at any given moment and thus for updating project and process
status automatically. The location data itself can be communicated visually to construction
managers as an aid to improve their decision making. When it comes to movement data
analysis, both methods provide data that can be processed to yield insights about workers’
movement patterns and the wastes related to movement and waiting. However, the greater
location precision of the FB method is an advantage in this respect, because knowledge of
workers’ presence or absence from the work face location - often defined as a single room
or a single apartment - is necessary to distinguish value adding from non-value adding
Both methods share a few implementation limitations. They both require the assent and
cooperation of the workers, they both require setup and some maintenance work, and both
are subject to vandalism or intentional sabotage. Full scale implementation will require
contract terms that ensure cooperation. It is worth mentioning that implementation
processes may vary in some countries. The MB method was tested in China, Peru and
Finland. Users in China and Peru were more willing to invest resources to ensure the
functionality and proper placement of gateways (for example, using power banks instead
of temporary power to keep gateways working). They were also more willing to invest in
the infrastructure to ensure dense placement of gateways and theft protection. Unlike in
China and in Peru, the gateway implementation in Finland was dependent on the
availability of power and there was less motivation to invest time or resources.
Implementation strategies seem to be dependent on the availability of resources and
willingness to invest time and money on new solutions that do not yet have a proven record
of positive return on investment.
Future research should focus on examining the features of the two solutions of BLE
technologies and apply them in suitable real use cases serving the purpose of production
control in construction. Given the success of the experiments with the BLE tracking
technology, numerous specific modes of operation can be contemplated. For example: (1)
attaching BLE beacons to primary equipment, such as cutting saws, ladders, etc., to provide
additional indicators about workers’ operations through the day; (2) attaching BLE beacons
to palettes of materials to understand actual material flows delivered from warehouse to
jobsites; (3) attaching BLE beacons to site managers and providing them a real-time
Dror, E., Jianye Z., Sacks, R., Seppänen, O.
Proceedings IGLC 27, July 2019, Dublin, Ireland
interactive monitoring experience for onsite acitivities of workers. All of these can improve
the detail and the reliability of the information provided to the work planning process,
which can then better improve planning and hence productivity. Futhermore, productivity
at work locations could be analyzed in terms of value-adding level and waste spent onsite
calculated from the tracking system. In addition, research should also focus on data analysis
and visualization of the information to define what information site management teams
would like to accuqire to enhance the construction process flow in practice.
The writers gratefully acknowledge the support of Tidhar Construction Ltd., who
collaborated with the bKan research, and the guidance and assistance of Eng. Ronen Barak
and Raz Yosef. Addtionally, this work was supported by Tekes (Finnish funding agency
for Technology and Innovation) grant number 2819/31/2016
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... New technologies are enabling a larger volume of data collection and also increasing the quality of data (Dave et al. 2008) that can be available for construction crews, providing real-time information about the construction sites. It is possible now to collect data from construction sites through 3D laser scanning and photogrammetry (Pica et al. 2019), indoor positioning systems (IPS;Olivieri et al. 2017;Dror 2018;Dror et al. 2019;Zhao et al. 2019), Internet of Things (IoT) applications (Dave et al. 2015) and real-time images captured by drones and helmet cameras (Pirkl et al. 2016). This assortment of data can lead to a more autonomous construction crew and can be translated into meaningful information that will increase their awareness of the construction site and current production status. ...
... The scarcity of research on the topic is also reflected within the lean community. Using the search engine at the International Group for Lean Construction (IGLC) website to search through all published papers at the 27 international conferences, it is possible to find only three published papers mentioning the term situational awareness Dror et al. 2019;Reinbold et al. 2019). Among the current research development linking SA with construction projects is the introduction of the term situation picture, which indicates the level of accessible workflow data to be stored, refined and distributed, and the development of a conceptual model of construction information management to achieve situation picture (Kärkkäinen et al. 2019). ...
Conference Paper
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This theoretical study encompasses the role of digitalization in visual management (VM) applied in construction projects to increase the situational awareness (SA) of construction workers and crews. A literature review on VM, SA and self-managed crews shows that the level of digitalization in the construction industry is low when compared to other industries, that information silos are a common practice and that the decision-making processes depend largely on the construction manager role, causing a bottleneck of information and repeated time waste. As more digitalization enters construction sites and the amount and quality of available data increases, appropriate use of this data can bring meaningful improvement to construction site management. The study shows that using updated and real-time data for VM devices can increase information flow among construction workers and crews, increasing SA throughout the construction project. This can enable the construction crews to be more autonomous and self-managed, resulting in decentralized decision-making processes to solve task-related problems. Further steps for empirical research are suggested.
... Other promising tools capable of increasing SA in construction projects are related to digitalization and information technology (Olivieri et al., 2017;Dror et al., 2019;Pica & Abanda, 2019). These tools allow system-to-system, human-to-system, and system-to-human communication, enabling more effective data collection and sharing with the right person at the right time (Dave et al., 2015). ...
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The construction industry (CI) has an increasing interest in achieving better situational awareness (SA) in complex projects, by focusing on sharing real-time information among project participants, allowing decision-making based on the project development's up-to-date situation and status. The implementation of digital visual management (DVM) tools as means of communication to increase SA in CI projects has the potential to simplify information dissemination. This paper identifies the challenges and barriers faced during the implementation of a DVM tool. The authors interviewed nine project management professionals who were part of the client organization in a complex infrastructure project of the western part of the Metro in Helsinki and Espoo, Finland. The findings show that the lack of digital tools for collecting and analyzing project data, the focus of the DVM on the top management, and the lack of trust among the actors involved in the project undermine the success of DVM implementation. Thus, digitalizing data collection, increasing trust among project participants, and disseminating information are crucial for successful DVM implementation.
... This system incorporates two mobilebased applications, beacons, and supporting cloud services [42]. However, a shortcoming of BLE applications is that the signal coverage is affected by the placement of the devices, and walls can impact the accuracy [43]. The Table 1 presents the safety and security components [44] visible in each building lifecycle phase. ...
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As digital twins are gaining importance in various industries, research on their impact, use cases, and implementation in the field of construction is accelerating. In this study, we examine the impact of digital twins on building safety and security throughout their lifecycle, utilizing two state-of-the-art use cases for fire and anomaly detection. The solution employs advanced sensors, 3D visualizations for detecting safety and security threats, and data analysis to predict potential future threats. Using the data that was collected over a seventeen-month period, we present an implementation architecture for safety and security digital twins in buildings, explore the benefits and shortcomings of such a system, and discuss the learnings applicable to different lifecycle stages of a building. This paper contributes to the creation and study of a digital twin for fire safety, analyzing its performance using two real-world use cases and reporting the implementation results. Additionally, we extrapolate the learnings from the use phase of a facility to other lifecycle phases of buildings and facilities.
... An internet protocol camera (IP camera) is currently used because it can observe motion and manage the camera's view in real-time via a web browser or an Internet application. Dror et al. [20] used a Bluetooth Beacon system to track the location of resources in construction projects. One of the field experiments was conducted on a real construction site with Bluetooth Beacons connected to materials, equipment, and construction workers. ...
... Technological development has the potential to address this problem through real-time data collection and information sharing in construction projects. Exploring the digital collection of data in construction sites from various sources and systems [7][8][9][10][11][12] and making them available as meaningful information for construction workers, can also improve their awareness of the construction site and the current production status, as well as increase their autonomy during the decision-making related to the task development [13]. However, although much research has been conducted on the digitalisation of the construction industry during the last five years [14], most studies have not focused on workers. ...
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In the construction industry, digitalisation has led to increasing efforts to improve construction management using digital visual management (VM) devices. Although the amount of research on digital VM (DVM) in the design phase and in the management of construction sites has also increased, its implementation during the production phase and by construction crews remains limited. The objective of this study is to explore the adoption of DVM in construction sites, assess construction workers’ experiences regarding digital and analogue VM devices, and understand the challenges that hinder the adoption of such devices. This study used a mixed method approach, combining qualitative and quantitative research. Data included visual site explorations, surveys of construction workers and crew managers, and unstructured interviews with site managers and development directors to assess the use of DVM devices in construction sites, the need for them and their current implementation. The findings showed that VM should be conveniently located near the job site instead of the office site, which is the current situation. Construction crews who experienced more production and schedule disruptions reported that VM supported their work, compared with crews that had fewer disruptions. VM devices on construction sites are analogue, and their usage continues to be in construction site management, which perpetuates information silos during construction projects. The findings of this study provide insights into the development and deployment of DVM devices on construction sites. Construction workers’ need for visual information close at hand is of interest to both scholars and practitioners in future research and development.
... Another category of sensor-based monitoring consists of radiobased tracking technologies, which are already being applied in many construction projects. Such technologies are typically based on radio signals that are sent and received among tags (such as beacons) and gateways (Cai and Cai, 2020;Dror et al., 2019). Radio-based tracking technologies are less accurate compared with vision-based tracking technologies (over 1 m for radiofrequency identification [RFID] and Bluetooth Low Energy [BLE] technology), but they are reliable in tracked object detection and identification during the tracking period (Cai and Cai, 2020). ...
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Improved productivity and the elimination of waste are key goals for lean methods in construction production control. One such lean method is a kit-based logistics management in which task-based materials are delivered just-in-time and aligned with assembly operations on-site. Digital platforms could enable a situational awareness of work and material flows, potentially increasing the benefit and applicability of kitting. The aim of the current research is to utilize a real-time indoor tracking of material and labor flows to evaluate an assembly kit-based management of construction projects. We propose a linked data framework to connect labor, material, and scheduling information to integrate heterogenous data. The contribution of the study is threefold: first, a feasible method is developed to enable real-time detection of work and material flows inside the building for logistics management purposes. Second, several key performance indicators for effective evaluation of kit-based production flow in construction are provided, which allows management to tackle root causes of problems and to enhance timely and productive logistic solutions. Thirdly, by applying the linked data method, the study introduces a novel approach to integrate heterogenous data from both indoor tracking and schedules.
... Several IoT communication technologies have been tested and applied on construction sites, for example RFID (Radiofrequency Identification) for building components tracking (Song et al. 2006), BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) for on-site staff management (Dror et al. 2019), Zig-Bee for temperature monitoring on construction sites (Jiang and Hua 2013). However, the short range, high power consumption, low security technologies have limited their applications on the construction sites (Teizer et al. 2018). ...
Easily-accessible and reliable data communication in construction processes ensures high building quality, efficient workflow and secure working environments. The setup of network infrastructure on construction sites provides the necessary condition for timely and effective data communication. This paper researches a solution for on-site networking by implementing an IoT network on a reference construction site in Germany. In contrast to high-cost and high-bandwidth network infrastructure, a Long Range Wide Area Network–LoRaWAN with low cost and low bandwidth was deployed on the site. With additional IoT servers and LoRa-enabled devices, the reference construction site is able to communicate remotely with a robotic lab. In order to validate this concept of LoRaWAN on construction sites, an intra-site logistics and task scheduling system was developed to test the network performance. This paper conducts a preliminary study on the application of the IoT network technology–LoRaWAN in the logistics automation in construction. The test results can be used as references for other automation applications, such as internet of robot, intelligent process management, decision making system, etc.
... Several IoT communication technologies have been tested and applied on construction sites, for example RFID (Radiofrequency Identification) for building components tracking (Song et al. 2006), BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) for on-site staff management (Dror et al. 2019), Zig-Bee for temperature monitoring on construction sites (Jiang and Hua 2013). However, the short range, high power consumption, low security technologies have limited their applications on the construction sites (Teizer et al. 2018). ...
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Easily-accessible and reliable data communication in construction processes ensures high building quality, efficient workflow and secure working environments. The setup of network infrastructure on construction sites provides the necessary condition for timely and effective data communication. This paper researches a solution for on-site networking by implementing an IoT network on a reference construction site in Germany. In contrast to high-cost and high-bandwidth network infrastructure, a Long Range Wide Area Network–LoRaWAN with low cost and low bandwidth was deployed on the site. With additional IoT servers and LoRa-enabled devices, the reference construction site is able to communicate remotely with a robotic lab. In order to validate this concept of LoRaWAN on construction sites, an intra-site logistics and task scheduling system was developed to test the network performance. This paper conducts a preliminary study on the application of the IoT network technology–LoRaWAN in the logistics automation in construction. The test results can be used as references for other automation applications, such as internet of robot, intelligent process management, decision making system, etc.
... A significant challenge for image processing in traditional construction scenarios is the constant change of reference from viewpoints and the Region of Interest (RoI), the area of the image from which information is extracted, due to objects obstructing the camera on-site [44]. Moreover, constant changes in illumination pose a significant challenge in terms of the accuracy of computer vision algorithms [45], while the installation of permanent tracking devices on traditional construction sites poses challenges, such as the need for electricity and concerns about theft [46]. Overall, from a computer vision perspective, these challenges are significantly reduced in an offsite construction facility: 1) workstations are fixed and worker motions are more predictable according to the factory layout; 2) lighting conditions are stabler throughout the day, and sun glare and shadowing effects are minimum; and, 3) cameras are permanently installed at fixed spots, free of obstructions due to their original goal (security), meaning they would not require relocation nor would there be any concerns about theft. ...
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Offsite construction is an approach focused on moving construction tasks from traditional jobsites to manufacturing facilities. Improved productivity of construction tasks is paramount in terms of competitiveness and is achieved through the continuous improvement of operations and planning, which often relies on historical data obtained from previous projects. Despite being a common practice, current methods, such as time studies, are not able to capture the changing scenarios resulting from improvements to production. This paper presents a novel approach to automatically detect and track the progress of construction operations by applying a method that combines deep learning algorithms and finite state machines to existing footage captured by closed-circuit television (CCTV) security cameras. Applied in the context of floor panel manufacturing stations, the proposed method examines entire production days recorded by CCTV cameras, while providing the durations of each task, its required resources, and the task efficiency per panel with high accuracy.
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Improving the effectiveness of production control has attracted the interest of researchers and lean construction practitioners over recent years, through techniques such as Last Planner System (LPS) and Location-based Management System (LBMS). However, in these techniques, data collection and analysis still remain manual. Remotely locating workers on site has been suggested as a potential technology to collect crucial data required for production control. The purpose of this study is to test the applicability of a real-time tracking system for collecting data for production control in different types of construction projects. We applied Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technology in real-time tracking of workers in three case projects, including residential, office building, and plumbing renovation. We compared various tracking device placement strategies and analyzed the share of uninterrupted presence of workers in work locations based on the collected data. The findings show that both location-based and time-based information of workers can be obtained in real time from the proposed system, but issues of accuracy and coverage need to be considered when defining the data collection plan for each project. Accuracy and coverage issues can be resolved to a significant degree by applying heuristics in data analysis rather than investing in a more sophisticated tracking technology. The conclusion is that real-time tracking technologies are ready for implementation when certain heuristics and guidelines for installation are followed. It is possible to calculate a real-time presence index on a construction site. These data could be used to evaluate the impact of construction management interventions on waste on-site.
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The interest in production control has increased over recent years, especially among lean construction practitioners. Despite of advanced planning and control methods, the data of on-site processes are still typically collected manually. At the same time, technology has been developed to the point where it is possible to remotely locate people, equipment and products in supply chains. Therefore, how to obtain and manage data in construction based on real time tracking is critical to change production control to a more real-time and less laborious process. The availability of real-time, location-based data, opens possibilities to revolutionize production control. This paper proposes a prototype of an intelligent system for real time production control on construction site, defining the types of the tracking data, and investigating the utility of them. The prototype combines Bluetooth and WIFI network as connection methods, and locates resources and their movements in real-time, which can be used as a reference to explore proper solution on construction projects and potentially improve production efficiency, sustainability and management of workers.
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Glenn Ballard ist einer der Größen in der Lean Construction Bewegung und hat in seiner langjährigen Erfahrung im Bauwesen zahlreiche Projekte beratend begleitet. Er hat das Last Planner System® ursprünglich konzipiert und weltweit bekannt gemacht. In diesem Kapitel erklärt Ballard die Funktionsweise des Last Planner Systems® und die Vorteile als Kombination von Kooperation und Visualisierung. Dabei zielt der Last Planner wirklich auf den letzten zu planenden Arbeitsprozess in einem Baugewerk ab, der in der zeitlich rückwärtigen Planung die Vorgaben für vorhergehende Aufgaben liefert. Ein entscheidendes Argument für die Arbeit nach dem Last Planner® liegt in der Bereitschaft aller Beteiligten sich zu einem gemeinsam entwickelten Ablaufplan zu bekennen und dafür einzutreten. Auf diesem Weg sichert sich ein Team über einen gemeinsam entwickelten Ablaufplan die Unterstützung aller Beteiligter.
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Production control in construction has been mainly discussed within the scope of Lean Construction, through tools and methods such as Last Planner System (LPS), Location-Based Management System (LBMS), and Takt Time Planning (TTP). However, despite the increasing use of these systems, information about the use of equipment, labour, and materials is still gathered through manual data collection, if at all. Real-time process information about these production factors is missing. This paper proposes an intelligent system for real-time production control (iCONS), which has been developed based on the requirements set by construction professionals from four countries, the existing technical solutions that have been used in real-time tracking, and on the proposed new solutions that can fulfill the requirements. Four types of requirements were identified based on interviews: 1) safety management, 2) monitoring process information, productivity and waste, 3) material logistics, and 4) location-based information on pull basis. The proposed system fills the key requirements by sharing and integrating real-time information between materials tracked with RFID tags, labour and equipment tracked by Bluetooth beacons, communicating with location-based gateways and iCONS app through a cloud-based solution. Project teams can use this system to improve production efficiency, management of suppliers, and safety conditions.
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The notion of production flow is not well understood in the context of construction. A coherent, consistent theoretical model of flow would have practical value as it would support development of better approaches to managing production within and across projects, and of measures of flow quality needed to implement them. A literature review and analysis of existing conceptualizations of flow in manufacturing and in construction lead to formulation of a model of construction flow that has three interrelated but distinct axes: project portfolio, process and operations flows (PPO). A tentative set of ideal conditions for good flow was formulated with regard to each of these three primary flows. The review, the summary model and the set of conditions provide a basis for further research and development of a comprehensive model of flow in c
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In recent years, indoor positioning has emerged as a critical function in many end-user applications; including military, civilian, disaster relief and peacekeeping missions. In comparison with outdoor environments, sensing location information in indoor environments requires a higher precision and is a more challenging task in part because various objects reflect and disperse signals. Ultra WideBand (UWB) is an emerging technology in the field of indoor positioning that has shown better performance compared to others. In order to set the stage for this work, we provide a survey of the state-of-the-art technologies in indoor positioning, followed by a detailed comparative analysis of UWB positioning technologies. We also provide an analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) to analyze the present state of UWB positioning technologies. While SWOT is not a quantitative approach, it helps in assessing the real status and in revealing the potential of UWB positioning to effectively address the indoor positioning problem. Unlike previous studies, this paper presents new taxonomies, reviews some major recent advances, and argues for further exploration by the research community of this challenging problem space.
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The Last Planner System (LPS) and Location-Based Management System (LBMS) are both lean planning and controlling tools. A combination of these systems would bring much greater benefits than stand-alone implementations. However, previous research attempting to combine these methods has not been on sufficient level of detail for actual implementation. The goal of this research is to develop a combined workflow for master planning, phase planning, look-ahead planning and weekly planning. The workflow is demonstrated through the use of a simple example from a case study project. Master scheduling clearly belongs to the domain of LBMS; time and weekly planning is clearly within the domain of LPS. Phase scheduling can include components from both systems but integration is straightforward. The biggest opportunities for improvement exist in progress tracking, forecasting, control action and look-ahead planning phase where LBMS and LPS both have important independent contributions and their combination is not trivial. The paper attempts to better define the inputs and outputs of each system in each phase to come up with a unified solution. A case study example will help practitioners implement the combined method.
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The dynamic nature and limited work space of roadway work zones contribute to dangerous working environments for construction workers. This environment can result in hazardous proximity situations because pedestrian workers are required to operate in close proximity to heavy construction equipment. A total of 609 work zone personnel fatalities were reported in 2012. Previous analysis of work zone fatality data found that the majority of the pedestrian worker and mobile object struck-by fatalities resulted when pedestrian workers were struck by construction equipment. These statistics indicate that current safety practices for pedestrian workers and equipment operators are inadequate. The objective of this study was to create and evaluate a proximity detection and alert system using Bluetooth sensing technology. The scope included hazardous proximity situations between pedestrian workers and construction equipment in roadway work zones at grade. Evaluation metrics were implemented to assess the tested proximity sensing systems including the cost, time and ease of calibration, required hardware, system capabilities, and many others. Commercially available radio frequency identification (RFID) and magnetic field proximity sensing systems were also evaluated to provide a basis for comparison. Various interaction scenarios between pedestrian workers and construction equipment were used in the evaluation of the system. The performance evaluation based on the statistical results showed that all the tested systems were considered reliable with minimal false alarm rates. However, the magnetic system showed a significant drop in its coverage range, while still providing reliable coverage measures, with a set of tests that were more dynamic than other sets of tests. The created Bluetooth system provided the highest level of simplicity with its minimized infrastructure, ease of calibration, and ease of installation. In sum, experimental results demonstrate that the created proximity detection and alert system (1) requires minimal infrastructure; (2) provides adequate alerts to equipment operators and pedestrian workers; and (3) provides, through an alert, an additional layer of hazard avoidance in real time during hazardous-proximity situations in roadway work zones. (C) 2015 American Society of Civil Engineers.
In this paper is proposed the IndustSystems, which is an integrated platform that aims at controlling and monitoring of production and evaluation of productivity in real time, via web access, using hybrid and scheduling algorithms that allow management and optimized use of production resources and perfect synchronization of production flows.