
Thermal Resistance of Leather and Membranes for Summer Desert Military Footwear Under Different Climate Conditions

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... In the design of footwear, usually, aesthetics and comfort are the main important factors considered, and thermal characteristics are not commonly taken into account. Hence, limited studies can be found that have a focus on the thermal characteristics of the footwear and the foot thermal regulation in a shoe [1][2][3][4][5]. The majority of the studies about footwear heat transfer deal with keeping feet warm in cold conditions [1,4,[6][7][8][9]. ...
... Hence, limited studies can be found that have a focus on the thermal characteristics of the footwear and the foot thermal regulation in a shoe [1][2][3][4][5]. The majority of the studies about footwear heat transfer deal with keeping feet warm in cold conditions [1,4,[6][7][8][9]. Generally, feet are kept warm using thermal insulation or an electric heater pad to inhibit or compensate for the heat loss from the foot sole to the environment. ...
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Foot sole temperature, besides its importance in thermal comfort, can be considered an important factor in identifying tissue injuries due to heavy activities or diseases. Hyperthermia, which is a raise in the foot temperature, increases the risk of diabetic ulcers considerably. In this study, a model is proposed to predict the foot sole temperature with acceptable accuracy. This model for the first time considers both the thermal and mechanical properties of the shoe sole, the intensity of the activity, the ambient condition, and sweating, which are involved in the thermal interaction between the sole of the foot and footwear. Furthermore, the proposed model provides the opportunity to estimate the contributions of different parameters in foot thermal regulation by describing the interaction of activity, duration, and intensity as well as sweating in influencing the foot sole temperature. In doing so it takes into account the relative importance of heat capacitance and the thermal conductivity. The results of this study revealed that sweating is not as effective in cooling the ball area of the foot while it is the principal contributor to thermal regulation in the arch area. The model also showed the importance of trapped air in keeping the foot warm, especially in cold conditions. Based on the simulation results, in selecting the shoe sole, and in addition to the conductivity, the thermal capacity of the sole of the shoe needs to be considered. The developed analytical model allowed the investigation of the contribution of all the involved parameters in foot thermal regulation and has shown that a different foot temperature can be achieved when the amount of material versus air is changed in the insole design. This can have practical implications in the insole design for a variety of conditions such as hypo and hyper-thermia in physical activities in sports and exercise settings.
... Footwear design has commonly had a general focus on aesthetics and comfort with specific attention to the fit and cushioning characteristics. More recently, there have been a number of studies in which the thermal characteristics of the footwear have been considered (Havenith et al., 2013;Kopitar et al., 2019;Puszkarz and Usupov, 2019;Shimazaki et al., 2016;Shimazaki and Murata, 2015). There are several studies with a focus on assessing footwear heat transfer performance in the extremely cold environment (Covill et al., 2008(Covill et al., , 2011Havenith et al., 2013;Kopitar et al., 2019;Rintamäki et al., 2004). ...
... More recently, there have been a number of studies in which the thermal characteristics of the footwear have been considered (Havenith et al., 2013;Kopitar et al., 2019;Puszkarz and Usupov, 2019;Shimazaki et al., 2016;Shimazaki and Murata, 2015). There are several studies with a focus on assessing footwear heat transfer performance in the extremely cold environment (Covill et al., 2008(Covill et al., , 2011Havenith et al., 2013;Kopitar et al., 2019;Rintamäki et al., 2004). In those studies, generally, the thermal insulation was applied for the shoe sole which physically indicates that the amount of heat loss from the foot sole to the environment is significantly reduced. ...
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Foot temperature during activities of daily living affects the human performance and well-being. Footwear thermal characteristics affect the foot temperature inside the shoe during activities of daily living. The temperate at the sole of the foot (plantar temperature) is influenced by different thermal properties such as heat capacity, heat diffusivity, and thermal conductivity of the shoe sole in addition to its mechanical properties. Hence the purpose of this study was to propose a method to allow investigating the effect of footwear thermal characteristics on the foot temperature during activities of daily living, like walking or jogging. The transient heat transfer between the foot and the ground was studied to drive the governing equation for heat transfer modelling in footwear and to predict foot sole temperature during walking, and jogging. Different thermo-mechanical properties of shoe sole, as well as geometrical parameters, were investigated. The proposed model showed to be able to adequately predict the plantar temperature at the ball of the foot when compared to the results from experimental measurements. Finally, using the proposed method, the thermal behaviour of two different shoes with two different sole materials EVA08 and EVA12 were compared. It was shown that heat capacity as compared to the thermal conductivity of the shoe sole is more effective in reducing the plantar temperature increase in short term. The proposed method proved to be able to accurately predict the thermal behaviour of shoes and can provide a tool to predict footwear thermal comfort.
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Footwear holds immense importance in various terrain-specific military operations. Considering Indian defence scenarios, the soldiers are operating across all the challenging terrains, i.e. high altitudes, deserts, jungles and coastal areas. Application of ergonomic principles in military footwear design and development can contribute to better protection, reduced risk of musculoskeletal injuries, optimal physiological and biomechanical responses, and improved mobility and agility. For over six decades, substantial ergonomics/human factors research has been conducted for the design and development of operation-specific military footwear in countries like the USA, UK and Australia. However, the Indian context of human-centric/ergonomics research on military footwear is relatively a nascent concept. The literature available to date is merely limited. There is enormous scope to establish the ergonomic database and generate improved designs of operation-specific military footwear. The present article has critically reviewed the important global literature on the design and development of military footwear, as well as the recent research endeavor conducted in the Indian Military context from the perspective of ergonomics and human factors.
Učinkovitost šumarskih čizama ponajprije ovisi o materijalima od kojih su izrađene, načinu i položaju ugradnje. Upotreba naprednih materijala, visokorazvijenih tehnoloških procesa i razvoj temeljen na znanju i tradiciji dobra su osnova proizvodnje kvalitetne šumarske čizme. U ovom je radu dan pregled tehnoloških faza izrade šumarskih čizama koje zadovoljavaju norme koje definiraju potpunu zaštitu čovjeka od mehaničkih i drugih ozljeda pri upotrebi motornih pila i mogućih prignječenja. Složenost izrade šumarskih čizama ogleda se u primjeni specijalnih visokokvalitetnih materijala, njihovih funkcija te načinu postavljanja u čizmu. Da bi se postigla potpuna zaštita stopala i potkoljenice, šumarska čizma sadržava višeslojne napredne kompozitne materijale, suvremeno obrađenu kožu, tkanine, čelik, netkani tekstil i vodonepropusne i paropropusne membrane.
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The main purpose of the leather products is to protect from cold. So determination of the thermophysiological properties of the leathers is very important to find out the usage area. In this study thermophysiological comfort properties of the leathers tanned with different tanning agents were searched. Chrome, vegetable, zirconium, glutardialdehyde, phosphonium tanning materials were applied to the same type of leather. According to results the leathers tanned with chrome have the highest thermal conductivity whereas lowest thermal resistance. The highest thermal resistance values were obtained with glutardialdehyde tanned leathers. Vegetable tanned leathers showed highest thermal absorptivity that means cooler feeling at the first contact. Zirconium tanned leathers showed the highest water vapour permeability among the others.
By carrying out measurements of the thermoinsulation properties of clothing materials, we can obtain a lot of valuable information regarding the wide characteristics of these materials. Knowing thermoinsulation property values of clothing material, we can start the proper designing of thermoinsulation clothing by selecting and combining fabrics in such a way that we obtain clothing of very good thermal properties. In this paper the results of evaluation of the thermoinsulation parameters of membrane fabrics are presented. Measurements were carried out for 12 different clothing materials with half-permeable membranes for the inner as well as for the outer side of the material. An analysis of results is given.
Cold weather can be a potential hazard to human health, adversely affecting physiological functions, work performance and wellbeing. Designing suitable apparel for cold environments is therefore a complex task. Textiles for cold weather apparel reviews the principles, materials and requirements of cold weather apparel and will stimulate ideas for future innovation and improved end performance. The first part of the book covers the fundamental scientific issues and types of materials suitable for cold weather clothing. Topics include how to achieve comfort and thermoregulation in cold weather clothing as well as the use of coated and laminated fabrics. It also discusses design and ergonomic aspects such as designing for ventilation. Part two discusses ways of evaluating cold weather clothing, including standards and legislation governing cold weather clothing and laboratory assessments. Part three concludes with applications including cold weather apparel for the military and footwear for cold weather conditions. With an array of international contributors, this book is a valuable reference for producers, manufacturers, retailers and all those wishing to improve and understand developments in cold weather apparel.
  • JT Williams