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Purpose The purpose of this paper is to analyse the properties of bacterial cellulose (BC) film, obtained through Kombucha tea fermentation. Design/methodology/approach Kombucha fungus was used to produce BC film under static cultivation conditions. Physical and mechanical properties under the influence of drying temperature and durability of BC material were investigated. Tensile properties were estimated by TINIUS OLSEN H10 KT test machine according to ISO 3376:2011, thickness was measured by DPT 60. BC structure was analysed by Scanning Electron Microscopy Quanta 200 FEG. Findings BC material with excellent deformation properties in wet state were obtained by fermenting Kombucha tea. Due to the presence of fermentation residues, Kombucha film is sensitive to drying temperature. The best deformation properties retain when BC material is dried at low temperature (about 25°C). BC material becomes stiffer and ruptures at lower deformations due to rapid water evaporation at higher drying temperature. It is confirmed that during time, the properties of BC film changes significantly and there may be problems with the durability of products from this material. BC film has an interesting set of properties, therefore its application to fashion industry without further preparation is limited. Originality/value A new approach is based on the evaluation of Kombucha material properties and investigation of BC as new type of material for fashion industry. Some recommendations for Kombucha BC film production are provided, basing on gained experience, experimental results and analysed literature. The advantages and disadvantages of material are discussed in the paper, in order to search for the ways to adapt the new type of material to fashion business.
JOURNAL: International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology
ARTICLE NO: 629051
ARTICLE TITLE: Kombucha bacterial cellulose for sustainable fashion
AUTHORS: Jurgita Domskiene, Florentina Sederaviciute and Judita
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Q2 Please provide the remaining author names in references: Dima et al. (2017), Eryilmaz et al. (2013), Goh
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Q4 Please check and confirm the change made in authorsnames in reference: Frankie and Wang (2016).
Q5 Please provide the volume number, issue number and page range in reference: Han et al. (2018).
Q6 Please provide the year of publication and further publication details in reference: ISO 3376:2011
Q7 Please provide remaining author names and issue number in reference: Jayabalan et al. (2010).
Q8 Please provide the issue number in references: Mohammadkazemi et al. (2015), Ng and Wang (2015),
Yim et al. (2017).
JOURNAL: International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology
ARTICLE NO: 629051
ARTICLE TITLE: Kombucha bacterial cellulose for sustainable fashion
AUTHORS: Jurgita Domskiene, Florentina Sederaviciute and Judita
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Q11 Please provide remaining author names and issue number in reference: McCullough et al. (2003)
Q12 Please provide name of author and year of publication in reference: XXXX (XXX).
Kombucha bacterial cellulose for
sustainable fashion
Jurgita Domskiene, Florentina Sederaviciute and Judita Simonaityte
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Design,
Kauno Technologijos Universitetas, Kaunas, Lithuania
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to analyse the properties of bacterial cellulose (BC) film, obtained
through Kombucha tea fermentation.
Design/methodology/approach Kombucha fungus was used to produce BC film under static cultivation
conditions. Physical and mechanical properties under the influence of drying temperature and durability of
BC material were investigated. Tensile properties were estimated by TINIUS OLSEN H10 KT test machine
according to ISO 3376:2011, thickness was measured by DPT 60. BC structure was analysed by Scanning
Electron Microscopy Quanta 200 FEG.
Findings BC material with excellent deformation properties in wet state were obtained by fermenting
Kombucha tea. Due to the presence of fermentation residues, Kombucha film is sensitive to drying temperature.
The best deformation properties retain when BC material is dried at low temperature (about 25°C). BC material
becomes stiffer and ruptures at lower deformations due to rapid water evaporation at higher drying
temperature. It is confirmed that during time, the properties of BC film changes significantly and there may be
problems with the durability of products from this material. BC film has an interesting set of properties,
therefore its application to fashion industry without further preparation is limited.
Originality/value A new approach is based on the evaluation of Kombucha material properties and
investigation of BC as new type of material for fashion industry. Some recommendations for Kombucha
BC film production are provided, basing on gained experience, experimental results and analysed literature.
The advantages and disadvantages of material are discussed in the paper, in order to search for the ways to
adapt the new type of material to fashion business.
Keywords Strength, Sustainability, Fashion, Durability, Kombucha, Bacterial cellulose
Paper type Research paper
Cellulose fibres are used for production of such widely known textiles, as cotton and rayon
(including viscose, modal and lyocell). Most buyers believe that use of natural cotton textile
protects the environment. Therefore, different sources provide the opposite facts and prove
that cotton manufacturing is extremely pollutant. In order to get 1 kg of cotton fibre, 729
tons of water is consumed. In total, 25 per cent of all insecticides and more than 11 per cent
of pesticides globally used in agriculture are consumed for cotton plants (Conca, 2015).
Textile production technologies are even more polluting. For example, about 50200 l of
water and 0.51 kg of chemicals are used for single operation of traditional finishing
technology to produce 1 kg of cotton material. According to analysis, the consumption of
textile is constantly growing trash amounts are real challenge for the fashion industry. More
than 15m tons of used textile waste (LeBlanc, 2018) is generated each year in the USA, and
according to the US EPA the amount has increased particularly over the last 50 years.
Responding to nowadays realities and seeking to make fashion business more
sustainable designers and scientists increasingly draw attention to biomaterials and their
biocompatible properties. Cellulose, obtained through bacterial fermentation process, is
eco-friendly, safe to the human body, and renewable raw material. Bacterial cellulose (BC)
material is produced by specified classes of bacteria (Römling and Galperin, 2015; Ul-Islam
et al., 2015) by utilising various sources containing glucose or fructose as a carbon source
without environmental impact and resource-intensive processing (Ul-Islam et al., 2015;
Mohammadkazemi et al., 2015). Unique material production and appearance have paid
attention and inspired many fashion design projects. As alternative to textile material,
International Journal of Clothing
Science and Technology
© Emerald Publishing Limited
DOI 10.1108/IJCST-02-2019-0010
Received 1 February 2019
Revised 10 April 2019
Accepted 6 May 2019
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available on Emerald Insight at:
Kombucha BC
for sustainable
BC film produced from red-wine (Eryilmaz et al., 2013), beer (Tyrrell, 2015), milk, juice and
tea (Schipper, 2015; Frankie and Wang, 2016; Wang, 2015) fermentation was chosen to
design clothing samples.
The use of biomaterials in fashion business could be promising, as the material can be
grown to the extent necessary, using food waste and worn clothes can be composed and
easily biodegrade. Investigating the unique features of BC film, the researchers provided
innovative idea to grow seamless garments as direct 3D formation of BC sheet (Frankie and
Wang, 2016; Ng and Wang, 2015). Scientists, working in the textile field, recently got
interested in BC material, so only a few studies are investigating this material as a new type
of textile fabric for fashion industry. Textile materials for clothes production have a certain
set of properties. Strength, drape and comfort properties are the most important. The
Q1 ssibilities of BC film finishing by applying textile processing technologies were
investigated. Potential of reducing the hydrophilicity of the BC film surface by applying
chemical finishing has been studied (Araújo et al., 2015). Different conditions of material
production to obtain white BC for further dyeing and finishing were analysed by Korean
scientists (Yim et al., 2017; Han et al., 2018).
The presented research analysis properties of BC film that was obtained by fermentation
of sugared tea with Kombucha fungus. During fermentation, bacteria synthesise a cellulose
network floating on growing medium surface. Kombucha drink is considered healthy and
therapeutic agent, therefore, the newly grown fungus membrane usually is thrown as waste
( Jayabalan et al., 2010). The aim of the work was to analyse possibilities of BC film use
without additional treatment for clothes design from the perspectives of material structural
and mechanical properties. Strength and deformability properties of BC film were estimated
for wet and dried material, and the durability of BC material as the change of properties
under different storage conditions were determined.
Kombucha fungus was used to produce BC film. Culture medium was prepared from 1 l of
water, 4 g of green tea, 100 g of sucrose and 100 ml of 6 per cent yeast extract. It was
incubated with Kombucha fungus and fermentation was carried out under room conditions
(20÷24 °C temperature and 45÷50 per cent of relative air humidity) for seven days in static
cultivation conditions. BC film was obtained by floating on medium surface gel-like
material. Removed film was washed for several times with distilled water and squeezed to
reduce its water content.
The amplification of the BC film forming microorganisms DNA was performed at Marine
Research Institute of Klaipeda University and outsourced to Baseclare Netherlands for
sequencing. The sequence was analysed using BLAST.
Test methods
Washed film samples were dried on horizontal surface in the laboratory oven SNOL 60/300
LFN at 25±1 °C, 50±1 °C and 75±1 °C temperature until BC specimen has gained a constant
weight. Thickness and tensile properties of dry BC film were estimated.
Durability properties of dry cellulose film were investigated by changing storage
conditions and storage duration. The scheme of experiment:
BC0 control sample was dried at 25±1 °C temperature in the laboratory oven SNOL
60/300 LFN. Properties were estimated immediately after drying.
BC1 sample was dried at 25±1 °C temperature and stored under room conditions
(20÷24 °C temperature and 45÷50 per cent humidity). Properties were estimated after
10 days, 20 days and 30 days or after 240 h, 480 h and 720 h.
BC2 sample was dried at 25±1 °C temperature and stored in a controlled cool
environment (+4 °C, 80 per cent humidity). Properties were estimated after 10 days,
20 days and 30 days or after 240 h, 480 h and 720 .
Thickness of each BC specimen was measured by a digital indicator DPT 60 with accuracy
of 0.01 mm. Thickness h(mm) was estimated as average value of five measurements. The
change of thickness parameter was calculated for each sample group.
Tensile properties of BC material were investigated by TINIUS OLSEN H10 KT tensile
test machine according to ISO 3376:2011 (XXX) standard. Samples were cut with a standard
pick form: overall length was 110 mm, initial distance between grips was 50 mm, width of
narrow parallel-sided portion was 10 mm. The crosshead rate of 100 mm/min was set.
The load-extension curve was recorded to determine tensile strength (σ, MPa), tensile
modulus (E, MPa) and extension at break (ε, %). The change of parameters was calculated
for each sample group.
The structure of dried BC material samples was analysed by Scanning Electron
Microscope (SEM) Quanta 200 FEG at 30 kV.
Results and discussion
BC film
The bacterial component of Kombucha fungus was identified as Komagataeibacter
xylinus ( formerly known as Gluconacetobacter xylinus) and the yeast component as
Zygosaccharomyces bailii.
BC material obtained by tea fermentation had light brown colour (sample images
presented in Table I) due to attached cells and some impurities from growing medium. Soft
gel-like BC material was obtained by water molecules of growing medium surrounding the
polyglucosan chains of native cellulose (Seves et al., 2001). Gel material was converted into a
film, after BC material was dried and new hydrogen bonds between cellulose hydroxyl
groups were formed (Seves et al., 2001).
BC film is formed at the surface of growing medium in static cultivation process. BC film
grows until the liquid surface is fully covered after beginning of fermentation, then the film
starts to put on weight and grows in thickness direction. The bottom surface of BC film is
always considered as the newest. Visual investigations of Kombucha non-dried film
confirmed the findings of two different surfaces of BC material. As it was described in the
research (Seves et al., 2001), top surface has contact with air and it is denser than bottom
surface, which is immersed in growing medium and has no contact with air, BC films
Note: CV, coefficient of variation
Table I.
Tensile properties
of BC film
Kombucha BC
for sustainable
bottom surface is less dense and has more pores. Peculiarities of BC material production
indicate that material has specific properties and should be assessed to ensure the quality of
end use product.
The structure of dried BC samples was analysed by Scanning Electron Microscopy.
Due to the presence of binding agents (mostly it is sucrose from the growing medium), the
structure of BC sample was bulky and it was difficult to determine cellulose fibres
(Figure 1(a)). Kombucha film is described as cellulose network, covered by a homogeneous
melanoidins (Dima et al., 2017). Brown, high molecular weight polymers are formed when
sugars and amino acids combine by Kombucha fermentation. A large number of fine
cellulose fibres around 100 nm diameter become visible in SEM image when purification of
low concentration alkaline solution is applied for BC film and fermentation residues are
removed. The structure of coherent three-dimensional fibres network is commit for treated
BC film sample (Figure 1(b)).
The influence of drying temperature on deformation properties of BC film
As it was illustrated by some design projects the wet BC material can be used to obtain
spatial shape. 3D shape of material retains after drying. Tensile experiment (Table I)
demonstrated good deformation properties of wet BC film. The elongation of BCwet
specimen reached 35 per cent and low tensile modulus (E¼0.02 MPa) was recorded,
therefore, material was sensitive to tension force and breaking was estimated at 0.4 MPa
tensile stress. The behaviour of BC film during tension proves that wet material handling
should be done with care, as it easily breaks if stretched at higher force.
different drying temperatures (25 °C, 50 °C and 75 °C) and their properties were estimated
(Table I).
The properties of dried BC film changes and dry film becomes stiffer, and ruptures at
lower elongation. Even after natural drying, the spatial shape, formed by wet BC becomes
less elastic and may rupture if some shape corrections are applied. The increase of tensile
stress up to 27.9 MPa and the decrease of elongation up to 18.8 per cent for BC sample dried
at 25 °C was estimated. The worst tensile properties were observed for BC samples dried at
75 °C, the lowest values of breaking strength (σ¼12.8 MPa) and elongation (4.5 per cent)
were determined also. Values of tensile modulus Eprove that dried film acquires more stiff
structure. The strong interfibrillar binding of nanofibers are formed when moisture is
removed from BC structure during drying and material experiences higher tensile strength
and higher tensile modulus.
(a) (b) (c)
HV mag spot WD HFW
Quanta 200 FEG
3.6 8.6mm LFD 25.6m
spot WD HFW tilt
Quanta 200 FEG
4.0 7.9mm LFD 25.6m–0°
10.00kV 10,000×
HV mag
5.00kV 10,000×
spot WD HFW
Quanta 200 FEG
3.6 8.8mm LFD 256m
HV mag
10.00kV 1,000×
Notes: (a) Untreated material at 10,000 magnification; (b) material treated with NaOH at 10,000
magnification; (c) uneven surface of BC film at 1,000 magnification
Figure 1.
BC film SEM images
Different mechanical behaviour of BC film (when material is wet and when it is dried) shows
that ability to apply direct 3D formation technique by self-grown materials is limited and
needs for further studies.
High scattering of tensile test results was determined and coefficient of variation was
calculated up to 19.9 per cent. It demonstrates that BC film of the non-uniform structure is
obtained during natural fermentation process which strongly depends on many parameters
and it is difficult to get material with even structure and constant mechanical parameters even
for small experimental sample. The problem of material thickness and surface uniformity
becomes even more relevant when designing mass production of fermented material.
The stability of material dimensions is very important for garments of spatial shape
from BC production. The material dimensions change when drying has been evaluated. BC
film is extremely hydrophilic and the change of sample thickness, weight and dimension
parameters was calculated as percentage loss. A weight loss up to 91.8 per cent (Table II)
determines the water content of the obtained BC film. The most significant changes are
recorded for the thickness loss (up to 88.6 per cent), as biomaterial grows in thickness
direction. Therefore, planar dimensions vary insignificantly (up to 0.04 per cent) when
drying. These are important data that allow to predict the appearance of product, shaped
from wet material.
Changes of BC film physical appearance after drying at different temperature were
captured also (Table I). Wrinkling of BC film surface was recorded at micro level by SEM
(Figure 1(c)). The surface of BC sample shrinks more at higher drying temperature and it
might appear due to more rapid water evaporation caused by closer contact between
nanofibers and agglomeration, as it is described by other researchers (Peng et al., 2012; Pae
et al., 2014). In order to ensure the smoothness of dried BC film surface, it is recommended to
use additional fixing of material specimen before drying.
The influence of aging on deformation properties of BC film
It was noticed that BC film loses its elasticity over time and products produced from elastic
and strong BC material are unlikely to be durable. An aging study was conducted for 30
days examining the change of mechanical properties of BC film. Test specimens were stored
under different conditions (in the room and in the refrigerator).
As it is evidenced by the results, presented in Figure 2, the strength of BC film reduced
evenly when the samples were stored for some time at 2024 °C temperature. Tensile
strength of about 57 MPa was estimated after 10 days (240 h) and it decreased up to 50 MPa
after 20 days (480 h) and 46 MPa after 30 days (720 h), that is about 73 per cent decrease in
strength of control sample BC0. The test indicates that strength characteristics of BC film,
stored under room conditions, are evenly reducing. The same strength decrease tendency
was estimated for specimen stored in cool environment (+4 °C), therefore, the change of
tensile properties was lower. The strength of BC2 sample was found to be reduced by
24 per cent after 30 days.
Figure 3 shows the dependence of BC film storage conditions (temperature and duration on
tensile elongation). Results revealed that specimens, stored at constant temperature of +C,
retained better deformation properties. Elongation at break of BC1 stored in a room
Drying temperature (°C)
25 ±150±175±1
Weight loss (%) 85.5 91.8 88.3
Thickness loss (%) 83.9 88.6 79.6
Diameter loss (%) 0.04 0.005 0.003
Table II.
Change of BC
Kombucha BC
for sustainable
environment declined from five times in 10 days (240 h) to seven times in 20 days (480 h),
while elongation value of the sample BC2, stored in cool environment, dropped two times
in 30 days (720 h).
Results of tensile test confirmed that cellulose material, stored in a cool environment,
retained better tensile properties, therefore, BC film was transforming from flexible to brittle
in both cases. BC film lost strength during time and became fragile.
Table III shows thickness measurements of BC film from different sample group. The
increase of thickness parameter is estimated during BC storage time. The thickness of the
sample BC1, stored in room conditions, increased by 50 per cent in 10 days (240 h) and by
75 per cent in 30 days (720 h). The change in thickness was slower for sample BC2, kept in
cool conditions. The thickness increased by 25 per cent after 10 days, therefore, the
thickness, compared to the control sample BC0, increased up to 75 per cent after 20 days
(480 h) as much as for samples, kept in room temperature. The change of BC film colour and
transparency was visually evaluated and it confirmed that changes in thickness are
associated with of BC film surface wrinkling after certain time of storage.
0 240 480 720
Elongation at break , %
Time, hours
Figure 3.
Dependences between
elongation at break of
BC film, storage
conditions and
storage duration
Thickness h(mm)
Control sample BC0 240 h 480 h 720 h 240 h 480 h 720 h
0.08 0.12 0.13 0.14 0.10 0.14 0.14
Thickness increase (%) 50 62 75 25 75 75
Table III.
Measurements of
BC thickness
0 240 480 720
Tensile strength ,%
Time, hours
Figure 2.
Dependences between
tensile strength
of BC film, storage
conditions and
storage duration
Comfort properties of BC film
Preliminary studies showed that some comfort properties of BC film are similar to clothing
materials. Water vapour permeability and moisture absorption are essential factors for
garment comfort. Water vapour transmission was investigated according ISO 11092 and
value of 2,7753,050 g/m
/24 h was defined for BC film. Results can be compared with textile
and leather, research of coated and laminated fabric confirmed values of water vapour
transmission from 2,972 to 7,265.6 g/m
/24 h [22]; and value of 440÷4,680 g/m
/24 h for
leather [23]. BC film shows highly hydrophilic nature. 64° water contact angle was set for
untreated BC indicating the high wettability of BC film. This material has interesting
properties, therefore, the use for clothing without further treatment (such as hydrophobic
finishing) is limited.
Conclusions and recommendations
(1) BC film can be obtained as a gel-like material or a secondary product of Kombucha
beverage. This material has an interesting set of properties, therefore, its application
in the fashion industry is just beginning to be explored. Experiments confirmed that
BC film has attractive deformation properties, therefore material is not durable.
(2) It is appropriate to use a wet BC film for the best shaping as it has high elasticity.
Tensile test results proved that BC film is sensitive to drying temperature. Lower
drying temperatures help to preserve the porous structure, strength and
deformation properties of BC material. The best deformation properties retain
when BC material is dried at low temperatures (about 25 °C).
(3) The aging experiment has confirmed that the products made of untreated BC film
are of short-term use and the properties of film can change significantly during
time. Tensile strength and elongation results confirmed less variable properties
for material stored at +4 °C comparing with material stored at room temperature
(20÷24 °C temperature and 45÷50 per cent of humidity). It is recommended to store
BC material at controlled environment with low temperature in order to extend the
use of BC film and to keep tensile and thickness properties less changed.
(4) It is possible to obtain BC film properties similar to clothing material, therefore,
production by natural fermentation process strongly depends on many parameters
and it is difficult to ensure even structure, constant thickness, porosity and
mechanical parameters. Further investigations should be carried out to analyse the
possibilities of BC film, as the structure of cellulose nanofibers, modification,
forming controlled properties and a durable material with good deformation and
comfort properties. The aesthetic appearance of the material is especially
important for fashion products, so it is important to get materials with interesting
surface and colour.
Based on experience and obtained knowledge, several recommendations can be provided for
BC film production. Major problem associated with cellulose production by fermentation is
irregular film thickness, leading to BC material quality and properties. According to Frank
(2018), addition of acetic acid at the beginning of fermentation process prevents the
formation of moulds and protects against undesirable microorganisms (Goh et al., 2012).
Carbon source is important for effective fermentation as it determines general growth and
metabolism. Since white sugar is expensive, some alternative carbon sources and waste
sugars have been investigated to obtain experimental BC samples. It is proved that the
highest yield of cellulose is produced at 90 g/l sucrose concentration (Goh et al., 2012).
Oxygen is necessary for the metabolic processes of Kombucha fermentation, therefore, room
Kombucha BC
for sustainable
for cultivation must have good ventilation and supply of fresh air. As process needs no light,
the fermentation can be carried on in the dark place. The open surface of growing medium is
important for BC film formation, therefore, the dish of glass with wide opening is the most
suitable for Kombucha fermentation in order to get BC film for further use.
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Part A, pp. 26-36.
Further reading
McCullough, E.A., et al. (2003), A comparison of standard
Q11 methods for measuring water vapour
permeability of fabrics,Measurement Science and Technology, Vol. 14, pp. 1402-1408.
Smiechowski, K., Zarlok, J. and Kowalska, M. (2014), The relationship between water vapour
permeability and softness for leathers produced in Poland,Journal Society of Leather
Technologists and Chemists, Vol. 98 No. 6, pp. 259-263.
TED, Natural Blaze (2016), The woman who grows her own Kombucha clothes, available at: (accessed 21 January 2019).
XXXX (XXX), Zac Nelsons Kombucha Sculptures, available at:
11/08/blog-post.html (accessed 21 January 2019)
Q12 .
Corresponding author
Jurgita Domskiene can be contacted at:
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Kombucha BC
for sustainable
... Segundo a literatura, os microrganismos mais eficientes para a produção de CB são as bactérias Gram negativas pertencente ao gênero Acetobacter, Acetobacter hansenii e Acetobacter pasteurianuse principalmente a Komagataeibacter xylinus (anteriormente, Gluconacetobacter xylinus) (Provin et al., 2021;Wang et al., 2019). Em estudo para a identificação cepas produtoras de CB obtida da kombucha, Domskiene et al. (2019) observaram, através do sequenciamento genético do DNA, a bactéria Komagataeibacter xylinus e componentes de levedura, como Zygosaccharomyces bailii. ...
... Os achados observados pelo presente estudo corroboram com a literatura que relata a presença de K. xylinus microrganismo em forma de bastonete, Gram negativo e catalase positivo e leveduras em amostras de kombucha (Domskiene et al., 2019;Lavasani et al., 2017). A diversidade de microrganismos e a viabilidade dos mesmos presente no meio podem influenciam diretamente na produção de CB, visto que se esses forem produtores de CB podem potencializar essa produção quando a contagem é elevada, enquanto alguns contaminantes podem prejudicar significativamente o desenvolvimento de microrganismos produtores e conseguintemente diminuir a produção de CB (Domskiene et al., 2019). ...
... Os achados observados pelo presente estudo corroboram com a literatura que relata a presença de K. xylinus microrganismo em forma de bastonete, Gram negativo e catalase positivo e leveduras em amostras de kombucha (Domskiene et al., 2019;Lavasani et al., 2017). A diversidade de microrganismos e a viabilidade dos mesmos presente no meio podem influenciam diretamente na produção de CB, visto que se esses forem produtores de CB podem potencializar essa produção quando a contagem é elevada, enquanto alguns contaminantes podem prejudicar significativamente o desenvolvimento de microrganismos produtores e conseguintemente diminuir a produção de CB (Domskiene et al., 2019). ...
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A celulose bacteriana (CB) despertou interesse científico significativo devido às suas aplicações potenciais em vários setores, incluindo indústrias médicas, cosméticas, alimentícias, ambientais e de moda. Esse interesse decorre de seus atributos como material biodegradável, biocompatível e com notáveis propriedades mecânicas, proveniente de origens renováveis. Além disso, o seu processo de produção é simples, produzindo apenas resíduos orgânicos e compostáveis. A produção de CB necessita de microrganismos e de um meio de cultura. Embora a bactéria Gram-negativa Komagataeibacter xylinus seja reconhecida como particularmente eficiente para a produção isolada de CB, consórcios de microrganismos como o kombucha demonstraram rendimentos promissores sob condições de cultura adequadas. Assim, este estudo busca verificar a diversidade de microrganismos presentes nas amostras de kombucha e sua respectiva produtividade de CB em diversos meios de cultura. Quatro amostras de kombucha (designadas A, B, C e D) juntamente com dois tipos de meios de cultura, HS e natural (composto por chá e açúcar), foram submetidas à experimentação. A enumeração de microrganismos revelou a amostra C como a mais abundante, seguida por A, D e B, com a identificação de três variedades distintas de colônias. Entre estes, dois exibiram características morfológicas semelhantes a bacilos Gram-negativos curtos, característicos de K. xylinus, e bacilos Gram-positivos, sugerindo uma cepa de levedura. A produção de CB mostrou-se mais eficiente quando se utilizou o meio de cultura natural, particularmente evidente na amostra C, possivelmente atribuível a parâmetros físicos e químicos favoráveis dentro deste meio de crescimento. Notavelmente, o meio de cultura natural exibiu maior eficácia na produção de CB com culturas derivadas da amostra C do kombucha.
... This is exemplified by bacterial cellulose. This polysaccharide is produced from basic sources such as red tea, sugar and kombucha, where kombucha is a symbiotic colony formed by several species of bacteria (Acetobacter xylinum, Acetobacter aceti, Acetobacter pasteurianus, and Gluconobacter bluconicum) and yeasts (Brettanomyces, Brettanomyces bruxellensis, and Brettanomyces intermedius) [12][13][14][15]. Bacterial cellulose meets the three criteria previously described: it is easy to produce, economical, and, above all, it is effective in removing heavy ...
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The present research presents a method for scaling up a continuous treatment system with bacterial cellulose biomass for the removal of contaminants on a large industrial scale from effluents loaded with chromium (VI). This consisted of a laboratory-scale modeling process of the chromium (VI) adsorption processes, which would provide the necessary parameters to build a system on an industrial scale. The research also involved designing, modeling and developing scale models for the treatment of water contaminated with chromium (VI) through bacterial cellulose biomass. The results of the model indicated the specific route for the construction of a treatment system on an industrial scale, with the experimental data adjusted to achieve this objective. The pilot scale prototype was built using 450 g of biomass, including elution processes, with the data obtained from the aforementioned processes. In general, the excellent efficiency of the two models at different scales, together with the excellent elution results, suggests that this prototype could be presented to polluting industries for the treatment of water from different industrial effluents, being an advanced biotechnology for the treatment of industrial wastewater.
... The array of biocellulose use can be widened through modifications, and several studies were performed for functionalizing and using it as packaging material or in novel applications in medical, biomedical, electronics, and environmental fields [15,16]. Furthermore, biocellulose normally exploits widely available, low-cost sugars such as glucose or fructose, thereby making the carbon footprint and resource demand of the process very sustainable [24,25]. ...
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The high consumption of packaging has led to a massive production of waste, especially in the form of nonbiodegradable polymers that are difficult to recycle. Microbial cellulose is considered a biodegradable, low-cost, useful, ecologically correct polymer that may be joined with other biomaterials to obtain novel characteristics and can, therefore, be used as a raw material to produce packaging. Bagasse, a waste rich in plant cellulose, can be reprocessed and used to produce and reinforce other materials. Based on these concepts, the aim of the current research was to design sustainable packaging material composed of bacterial cellulose (BC) and sugarcane bagasse (SCB), employing an innovative shredding and reconstitution method able to avoid biomass waste. This method enabled creating a uniform structure with a 0.10-cm constant thickness, classified as having high grammage. The developed materials, particularly the 0.7 BC/0.3 SCB [70% (w/w) BC plus 30% (w/w) SCB] composite, had considerable tensile strength (up to 46.22 MPa), which was nearly thrice that of SCB alone (17.43 MPa). Additionally, the sorption index of the 0.7 BC/0.3 SCB composite (235.85 ± 31.29 s) was approximately 300-times higher than that of SCB (0.78 ± 0.09 s). The packaging material was also submitted to other analytical tests to determine its physical and chemical characteristics, which indicated that it has excellent flexibility and can be folded 100 times without tearing. Its surface was explored via scanning electron microscopy, which revealed the presence of fibers measuring 83.18 nm in diameter (BC). Greater adherence after the reconstitution process and even a uniform distribution of SCB fibers in the BC matrix were observed, resulting in greater tear resistance than SCB in its pure form. The results demonstrated that the composite formed by BC and SCB is promising as a raw material for sustainable packaging, due to its resistance and uniformity.
... With fermented tea and SCOBY biomass emerging to have wider applications beyond food [45][46][47][48], such as in the cosmetic and dermopharmaceutical [49], textile and fashion [50,51], electronic [52], bioelectronics [53], and biomedical industries [54,55], the kombucha fermentation process has received much attention and is in growing demand. This research aimed to model kombucha fermentation using different tea types, namely black, green, and oolong, through measuring pH dynamics, the formation of SCOBY biomass, and the production of acetic acid, and by investigating the relationships between them. ...
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Kombucha is a traditional, fermented beverage made with an essential biomaterial known as SCOBY (symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast). Three different tea types, namely black, green, and oolong, were compared in kombucha fermentation in terms of pH dynamics, the formation of SCOBY biomass, and the production of acetic acid. The rational, exponential, and polynomial models described pH dynamics with good fit, R2 > 0.98. The formation of SCOBY biomass and the production of acetic acid were modelled using sigmoidal functions, with three-parameter logistic and Gompertz models and four-parameter Boltzmann and Richards models. The F-test indicated that the three-parameter models were statistically adequate; thus, the Gompertz model was modified to present the biological meaning of the parameters. The SCOBY biomass formation rates ranged from 7.323 to 9.980 g/L-day, and the acetic acid production rates ranged from 0.047 to 0.049% acid (wt/vol)/day, with the highest values from the non-conventional substrate, oolong tea. The correlations between pH and SCOBY biomass or acetic acid using polynomial models enable the prediction of product formation in kombucha processing.
... Each sample yields an average of ten reported tests. The tensile modulus, tensile strength, and elongation-at-break (EB) were determined by analyzing the stress-strain curve with the Tensile Lab software [21,22]. ...
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This study aimed to improve the flame retardancy and mechanical properties of bacterial cellulose (BC) by introducing cereal proteins, namely zein and gluten. The production conditions were determined by observing residual masses of samples at 1000 ℃ using thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). According to the TGA results, the optimized production conditions for the BCs with zein and gluten were combined solvent exchange and entrapment of 20 weight% (wt.%) of zein, and entrapment of 40 wt.% of gluten, respectively. Surface characterization of BC prepared with zein and gluten under the optimal conditions confirmed that the cereal proteins were incorporated into the BC nanostructures via solvent exchange and/or entrapment and the original chemical and crystal structures of BC were not significantly changed. Limiting oxygen index (LOI) analysis confirmed that cereal proteins improved the flame retardancy of BC. In particular, the LOI of BC entrapped with gluten was 50%, which was better than that of cowhide leather. Char morphology analysis confirmed that the as-produced BCs with cereal proteins exhibited condensed-phase flame-retardant mechanism by forming intumescent chars. Analysis of the mechanical properties confirmed that compared with cowhide leather, as-produced BCs with cereal proteins possessed high tensile strength and dimensional stability, making them suitable leather substitutes.
Nanocellulose is not only a renewable material but also brings functions that are opening new technological opportunities. Here we discuss a special subset of this material, in its fibrillated form, which is produced by aerobic microorganisms, namely, bacterial nanocellulose (BNC). BNC offers distinct advantages over plant-derived counterparts, including high purity and high degree of polymerization as well as crystallinity, strength, and water-holding capacity, among others. More remarkably, beyond classical fermentative protocols, it is possible to grow BNC on non-planar interfaces, opening new possibilities in the assembly of advanced bottom-up structures. In this review, we discuss the recent advances in the area of BNC-based biofabrication of three-dimensional (3D) designs by following solid- and soft-material templating. These methods are shown as suitable platforms to achieve bioadaptive constructs comprising highly interlocked biofilms that can be tailored with precise control over nanoscale morphological features. BNC-based biofabrication opens applications that are not possible by using traditional manufacturing routes, including direct ink writing of hydrogels. This review emphasizes the critical contributions of microbiology, colloid and surface science, as well as additive manufacturing in achieving bioadaptive designs from living matter. The future impact of BNC biofabrication is expected to take advantage of material and energy integration, residue utilization, circularity and social latitudes. Leveraging existing infrastructure, the scaleup of biofabrication routes will contribute to a new generation of advanced materials rooted in exciting synergies that combine biology, chemistry, engineering and material sciences.
The fashion industry is a multi-trillion US-dollar business, and leather is one of the animal products used for textiles, bags, and footwear. Even though durable, cow leather causes ethical, social, and environmental issues. Leather tanneries cause eutrophication, chemical release, water scarcity, and global warming. Arsenic, a common tannery chemical, is known to cause lung cancer. Due to environmental, social, and health issues, the fashion industry is under pressure to investigate other sustainable materials, and vegan leather has a promising future. This article summarizes various plant-based substrates and food waste that can be used to make vegan leather much cleaner and less polluting than conventional leather production. Sustainable biomaterials like plants and microbes are used to create plant-based leather. It helps reduce textile waste because it is biodegradable and environmentally beneficial. Natural latex, pineapple, mushrooms, jellyfish, and bacterial cellulose are some common sources of bio-leather. Mushroom leather, or mycelium leather, is another alternative to animal-based leather. With textile development moving at the current pace, it will be soon that many more organic-based materials will be fully biodegradable and used in the fashion and textile industry.
A huge volume of single-use plastics is used for food packaging and cutlery which is associated with significant negative environmental impacts. In this study, the facile fabrication of multilayered composites using kombucha cellulose (KC) intercalated with tannery waste-gelatin as bio-adhesive using layer-by-layer assembly followed by hydraulic heat compression technique is reported. The prolonged fermentation of Kombucha tea resulted in KC pellicle with productivity of 385.5 ± 71.4 g/L and thickness of 2 ± 0.7 cm. The purification process improved the crystallinity index of the KC layer from 41.17% to 86.2%. Gelatin prepared using tannery trimming waste along with glucose at varying concentrations was used as interlayer coating between cellulose layers crosslinked by Maillard reactions resulting in the formation of biologically benevolent ‘melanoidins’. Heat crosslinked composite (S8–20 H) with 8 layers of KC held with gelatin-glucose-myrobalan tertiary complex exhibited a high tensile strength of 47.7 MPa and a flexural strength of 117.27 MPa indicating high mechanical stiffness with the least density value of 0.71 g/cm3. The hardness values of the composites were between 54 and 76.6 Shore D hardness. The moisture susceptibility and thermal stability of the composites were found to be optimum for its use as cutlery. The composites were shaped into spoon-like tableware, ergonomically designed to appease, with baked food-like color, texture, and fragrance. The aqueous tolerance and surface oil resistance exhibited by the tableware were superior to traditional wood-based cutlery. By mechanical disintegration, the tableware is fully recyclable as a value-added bio-fertilizer for effective plant growth. This work presents a sustainable waste-to-wealth approach towards the preparation of food-safe, environment–friendly and biodegradable substitutes for plastics intended for tableware applications.
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We focused on preparing cellulose nanofibrils by purification, separation, and mechanical treatment of Kombucha membranes (KM) resulted as secondary product from beverage production by fermentation of tea broth with symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast (SCOBY). We purified KM using two alkaline solutions, 1 and 4 M NaOH, which afterwards were subjected to various mechanical treatments. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), dynamic light scattering (DLS), X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray fluorescence (XRF), Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) were employed to evaluate the purification degree, the size and aspect of cellulose fibrils after each treatment step, the physical-chemical properties of intermediary and final product, and for comparison with micro-crystalline cellulose from wooden sources. We determined that 1 M NaOH solution leads to approx. 85% purification, while a higher concentration assures almost 97% impurities removal. XRD analysis evidenced an increase in crystallinity from 37% to 87% after purification, the characteristic diffractograms of Iα and Iβ cellulose allomorphs, and a further decrease in crystallinity to 46% after microfluidization, fact correlated with a drastically decrease in fibrils' size. FTIR analysis evidenced the appearance of new chain ends by specific transmission bands at 2941 and 2843cm −1 .
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Bacterial cellulose (BC), an environmental friendly polymeric material, has recently received immense attention in the human society. Herein, we have focused on the biosynthesis, chemical structure, and physiological behavior of BC along with synthetic routes and medical applications of its nanocomposites. The structure of BC consists of nanofibrils made up of (1 → 4) β-glycosidic linked glucose units interconnected through intra- and intermolecular hydrogen bonds. The interconnected 3D network structure of BC nanofibers with a high degree of nanoporosity makes BC an ideal candidate for the incorporation of nanomaterials to form reinforced composites . BC nanocomposites have been synthesized through a number of routes that have not only improved the existing properties of BC, but also enhanced it with novel features. Among nanomaterials, metal, metal oxides, and organic nanomaterials have been effectively used to engender antimicrobial, biocompatible, conductive, and magnetic properties in BC. BC nanocomposites have been successfully employed in the medical field and have shown a high clinical value for wound healing and skin tissue repair. Recent interest has been focused on designing ideal biomedical devices like artificial skin and artificial blood vessels from BC. This study will provide an extensive background about the primary features of BC and discuss the synthetic routes and chemical feasibility of BC nanocomposites along with their current and future application in the medical field.
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The study concerns testing of selected properties of leather produced in Poland particularly properties which are important for comfort. Shoe leathers were tested mainly for water vapour permeability and softness. Water vapour permeability tests were performed according to the new method which uses equipment made by the Radwag company (the idea was invented by the University of Technology and Humanities (UTH) in Radom, Poland), and which enables fast measurement in conditions similar to those under which the leather is used. In total, a range made by 8 Polish tanneries were tested. The results of the study showed that the majority of selections of leather produced in Poland is of very good quality. The water vapour permeability of the leathers ranged from 380mg/10cm(2)/24h to 4930mg/10cm(2)/24h ((according to the method of UTH Radom). The relationship between softness and water vapour permeability was investigated.
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Recent studies of bacterial cellulose biosynthesis, including structural characterization of a functional cellulose synthase complex, provided the first mechanistic insight into this fascinating process. In most studied bacteria, just two subunits, BcsA and BcsB, are necessary and sufficient for the formation of the polysaccharide chain in vitro. Other subunits - which differ among various taxa - affect the enzymatic activity and product yield in vivo by modulating (i) the expression of the biosynthesis apparatus, (ii) the export of the nascent β-D-glucan polymer to the cell surface, and (iii) the organization of cellulose fibers into a higher-order structure. These auxiliary subunits play key roles in determining the quantity and structure of resulting biofilms, which is particularly important for the interactions of bacteria with higher organisms - leading to rhizosphere colonization and modulating the virulence of cellulose-producing bacterial pathogens inside and outside of host cells. We review the organization of four principal types of cellulose synthase operon found in various bacterial genomes, identify additional bcs genes that encode components of the cellulose biosynthesis and secretion machinery, and propose a unified nomenclature for these genes and subunits. We also discuss the role of cellulose as a key component of biofilms and in the choice between acute infection and persistence in the host. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This study aims to compare different conditions in the three-step (cultivation, washing, and bleaching) production of white bacterial cellulose (BC) fabric to introduce it as a new type of fabric in the textile industry. The BC fabric was evaluated on the basis of its surface morphology and chemical structure. The “production BC” after the cultivation step was cultured using glucose as the carbon source in the Hestrin–Schramm (HS) medium. It was produced with the highest production yield (33.2 ± 6.85%), the highest thickness (0.35 ± 0.09 mm), and the flattest surface (211 nm). The bacteria remaining on “washed BC” after the washing step were washed out using 3% NaOH solution, and the nanoscale network structure maintained its integrity after washing. The white BC fabric after the bleaching step was bleached using 5% H2O2 solution. The white BC fabric with the highest white index (73.15 ± 1.09%) without a natural yellowish-brown color was produced. In the Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) spectra of the white BC fabric, the peaks of proteins and amino acids derived from the bacteria disappeared, while the cellulose I crystal structure was maintained. Also, X-ray diffraction analysis showed that the crystallinity of the white BC fabric increased compared to that of the control sample, and the highest crystallinity of 80.6% was obtained.
The fashion industry is regarded as responsible for causing soil erosion, water pollution, and large-scale carbon dioxide emissions and waste because of the many production processes it involves. This paper reports on a study that explored the concept of future fashion, which uses materials that grow directly from natural and renewable sources (i.e. biofashion from bacterial cellulose). In this study, various types of bacterial cellulose were studied and evaluated. Green tea cellulose was identified as the most desirable for fashion creation. The cellulosic pellicles of green tea grown in various culture solution concentrations and incubation times were compared for an optimal result. A theoretical and practical framework was established to explore bacterial cellulose for use in fashion creation. Successful realization of natural self-grown fashion (SGF) has tremendous creative and practical potential, as well as a profound ecological effect on the fashion industry and the environment.
This study aims at producing bacterial cellulose (BC) to develop a new type of eco-friendly and sustainable fabric. The main factors, nitrogen and carbon sources, in the medium were controlled to produce a fabric that had both thickness to maintain the shape and smooth surface. We evaluated the effects of four different tea and carbon sources of four different sugars on the production and characterization of BC fabrics, such as the production yield, fabric thickness, appearance, and cellulose structures. The highest production yield was obtained when green tea and sucrose were used as nitrogen and carbon sources, respectively. The thickness and the roughness of the BC fabric were observed by atomic force microscopy to be 0.213 ± 0.01 mm and 155.56 nm, respectively. By XRD and SEM morphology of the BC fabric, the highest crystallinity (74.26 ± 5.24%) was observed in the defined cellulose fibril network that was formed. The Fourier transform infrared spectra of BC fabrics showed the characteristics of cellulose. It was found that the BC fabric had a tensile strength that was two times stronger than top-grain leather although both had similar appearance and thickness.
Over the past few decades, there have been an increasing number of attempts to produce materials for fashion creation aiming at cost effectiveness, low environmental impact, labour friendliness and biodegradability. Among them, biotechnology is believed to be one of the finest substitutes for future fashion creation. A study has been carried out to explore the future development of fashion design and the possible applications of materials which can be grown from natural renewable and degradable resources. A pilot test with five design professionals on the comfort of bacterial cellulosic pellicles produced in varied incubation times and broth concentrations was conducted. This paper reports a further investigation of the receptivity to these bacterial cellulosic pellicles as material for future fashion through comparing and evaluating three comfort factors, namely hand comfort, flexibility comfort and breathability comfort, and two appearance factors, namely colour and texture, with 150 subjects using the random sampling method. The optimal favourable pellicle for fashion creation was identified and presented.
The yield and properties of cellulose produced from bacterial fermentation of black tea broth (known as Kombucha) were investigated in this study. The tea broth was fermented naturally over a period of up to 8 days in the presence of sucrose. Tea broth with a sucrose concentration of 90 g/l produced highest yield of bacterial cellulose (66.9%). The thickness and yield of bacterial cellulose increased with fermentation time. The bacterial cellulose production increased correspondingly with increased surface area:depth ratio. Changes in pH were related to the symbiotic metabolic activities of yeasts and acetic acid bacteria, and the counts of both of these in the tea broths were relatively higher than those in the cellulose layer. Findings from this study suggest that the yield of cellulose depends on many factors that need to be optimized to achieve maximum yield.