In this paper we study three-color Ramsey numbers. Let K i,j denote a complete i by j bipartite graph. We show that (i) for any connected graphs G 1 , G 2 and G 3 , if r(G 1 ,G 2 )≥s(G 3 ), then r(G 1 ,G 2 ,G 3 )≥(r(G 1 ,G 2 )-1)(χ(G 3 )-1)+s(G 3 ), where s(G 3 ) is the chromatic surplus of G 3 ; (ii) (k+m-2)(n-1)+1≤r(K 1,k ,K 1,m ,K n )≤(k+m-1)(n-1)+1, and if k or m is odd, the second inequality
... [Show full abstract] becomes an equality; (iii) for any fixed m≥k≥2, there is a constant c such that r(K k,m ,K k,m ,K n )≤c(n/logn) k , and r(C 2m ,C 2m ,K n )≤c(n/logn) m/(m-1) for sufficiently large n.