Conference Paper

Le Grand Voyage: "Hijrah" Sharia Accounting Education

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The purpose of this study was to liberate or "hijrah" students of sharia accounting was allegedly secular and capitalist, in order to not stuck in the reality of sharia capitalist. To arouse Islamic-critical awareness, this study used analysis method with dialogic techniques metaphorized with film "Le Grand Voyage". The results of this study indicate that "hijrah" of secular and capitalist Islamic accounting students is they can find not only material values, but also emotional values and spiritual values in accounting. Hopefully this article can provide an overview to educators, especially Islamic accounting to provide accounting learning accompanied by Islamic substance to provide holistic awareness (Tawhid).

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Development of Islamic business entities also made progress in its education. Islamic Accounting Education generally only teach about the outside of Islamic accounting or technically limited to halal-haram and free of riba. It can trigger the mindset of islamic pragmatic accountant. This study will see the mainset of students towards learning technically.
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This article aims to create a concept can be used by accountants to fight corruption by a hijab. The concept consists of three things; spiritual, ethical and love. They are an influential interconnected with each other and form a Hijab Triangle. Hijab Triangle serves as a shield modern accounting value, ie materialistic and egoistic to affect inward accountants in soul and thought. It can cause an accountants doing corruption. Hijab triangle can also make accountants more "beautiful" in the characteristic and behavior, and increase in the sight of God. This hijab should be applied before becoming an accountant or in the accounting student, by accountant educators.
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Abstrak: Akuntansi, Spiritualitas dan Kearifan Lokal: Beberapa Agenda Penelitian Kritis. Tulisan ini membahas tentang perjalanan pencarian jati diri dari disiplin akuntansi sebagai sebuah ilmu sosial yang dapat membawa perubahan untuk menciptakan dunia yang lebih baik. Terinspirasi oleh penelitian yang mengangkat local wisdom Tri Hita Karana dan praktik perpajakan di era Bali kuno, penulis memaparkan bahwa penelitian kritis akuntansi akan lebih berdaya guna di Indonesia jika dapat mengembangkan area penelitian yang mengadopsi aspek spiri-tualitas. Beberapa agenda untuk pengembangan penelitian kritis disaji-kan sebagai inspirasi. Diharapkan aspek spiritualitas akan memberikan warna khusus yang membawa disiplin akuntansi menjadi katalisator untuk menciptakan masyarakat yang lebih baik, khususnya Indonesia. Abstract: Accounting, Spirituality, and Local Wisdom: Some Critical Research Agenda. This paper discusses the search for identity of accounting as a social science aimed at changing the world to a better place. Inspired by studies using local wisdom such as Tri Hita Karana and taxation in the Era of ancient Bali, the author argues that critical accounting research in Indonesia will be more useful if it adopts spirituality. Some agendas are developed to inspire further studies. The author hopes that the dimension of spirituality can characterise the discipline of accounting and make it as a catalyst to improve the Indonesian society.
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Bantengan Accounting: The Counterforce of Indonesian Accounting through Bantengan and Topengan Malang Art as Methapor. This study proposes that the counterforce of this war should be done by the people and for them. The methapor is used to examine the war. In-depth study of literature and interviews with cultural communities, as well as cultural historians confirm that Bantengan and Topeng Malang appropriate to describe this condition. This article shows that the presence of Masyarakat Akuntansi Multiparadigma Indonesia (MAMI) as a form of Bantengan Accounting battle is a driving force toward the freedom of Indonesian Accounting.
Paulo Freire, Brazilian educator, has elaborated an educational theory within the framework of a theory of radical social change and expressed in a literacy training program. A central concept is "conscientization," and development of critical consciousness through a process of reflection and action. Opposed to this "problem-posing" education, committed to personal and social liberation, is a "banking" education whose objective is domesti cation. Although American adult educators acknowledge the need for social change, their chief focus is on individual self-fulfillment. Predominantly a middle-class enterprise, adult education neither shares the perspectives nor serves the interests of "marginal" groups. Although its most obvious application may be with "oppressed" people, conscientization should have applicability to any education which includes as goals both democratization and radical social change.
This volume explores the philosophical underpinnings, history, and key elements of five qualitative inquiry approaches: narrative research, phenomenology, grounded theory, ethnography, and case study. Using an accessible and engaging writing style, author John W. Creswell compares theoretical frameworks, methodologies in employing standards of quality, strategies for writing introductions to studies, the collection and analysis of data, narrative writing, and result verification. New to the Second Edition: (a) Brings the philosophical and theoretical orientations to the beginning of the book: This change helps ground students in the foundational thinking behind these methods much earlier. (b) Gives broader coverage of narrative research: Creswell expands one of the original five approaches from "Biography" to "Narrative," thus exploring a wider range of narrative opportunities--biography still being one of them. (c) Offers a much deeper discussion of interpretive approaches: This edition places much more emphasis on interpretive and postmodern perspectives such as feminism, ethnicity, and critical theory. (d) Provides more specific steps for doing research within each approach: Creswell discusses the actual procedure for each approach and includes the types of qualitative research within each of the five approaches. (e) Illustrates phenomenology and ethnography: The Second Edition contains two new, recent sample journal articles: one covering a phenomenological study, the other covering ethnographic study. (f) Includes additional examples: The author provides examples from the field of human services to enhance the already robust examples from education, sociology, and psychology. Intended Audience: This is a useful text for advanced undergraduate and graduate courses in introductory qualitative research methods across the social, behavioral, and health sciences. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
There has been from time to time [see, for example, Adv. Public Interest Acc. 2 (1988) 71; Acc. Org. Society 16 (1991) 333; Acc. Educ. 3 (1994) 51; Acc. Aud. Accountability J. 8 (1995) 97; Crit. Perspect. Acc. 10 (1999) 833; Crit. Perspect. Acc. 12 (2001) 471] concern expressed about the state of accounting education and its potential link to the broader critical accounting project. This special issue revisits this theme focusing on the managerial undercurrent of accounting undergraduate education. This paper seeks to contribute to this debate by posing the suggestion/question that how one teaches is equally important as considering what you teach. In exploring the ‘how’ of teaching approaches, two educational theorists are drawn from Ivan Illich and Paulo Freire. In particular, we develop the idea that the ‘hidden curriculum’ [Deschooling Society, Calder & Boyars, London, 1971] of accounting education may be uncovered and problematized if one uses a dialogical approach to education [Pedagogy of the Oppressed, Pelican, London, 1996]. In seeking to expound our thesis, we draw from a number of teaching experiments which have explicitly sought to introduce more dialogical approaches to UK undergraduate accounting education.
Liberating Accounting Education Through Beauty and Beyond
  • Ari Kamayanti
Kamayanti, Ari. 2011. "Liberating Accounting Education Through Beauty and Beyond." Universitas Brawijaya.
Cinta: Tindakan Berkesadaran Akuntan (Pendekatan Dialogis Dalam Pendidikan Akuntansi)
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Melucuti 'Kerudung' Manajemen Keuangan Syariah: Pembelajjaran Berbasis Pendekatan Kritis Islami
  • Ari Kamayanti
  • Virginia Nur Rahmanti
Kamayanti, Ari, and Virginia Nur Rahmanti. 2014. "Melucuti 'Kerudung' Manajemen Keuangan Syariah: Pembelajjaran Berbasis Pendekatan Kritis Islami." : 507-24.
Penyucian Pendidikan Akuntansi Episode Dua: Hyper View of Learning Dan Implementasinya
  • Aji Mulawarman
  • Dedi
Mulawarman, Aji Dedi. 2008. "Penyucian Pendidikan Akuntansi Episode Dua: Hyper View of Learning Dan Implementasinya." Tema 9(1): 53-66.
Islamisasi Ilmu Pengetahuan: Sebuah Tawaran
  • Ahmad Suyuthi
Suyuthi, Ahmad. 2012. "Islamisasi Ilmu Pengetahuan: Sebuah Tawaran." Al-Hikmah 2(1): 78-88.
Akuntansi Syari'ah: Menuju Puncak Kesadaran Ketuhanan Manunggaling Kawulo Gusti
  • Iwan Triyuwono
Triyuwono, Iwan. 2006. "Akuntansi Syari'ah: Menuju Puncak Kesadaran Ketuhanan Manunggaling Kawulo Gusti." Pidato Pengukuhan Guru Besar.
Mata Ketiga Sè Laèn, Sang Pembebas Sistem Pendidikan Tinggi.pdf
---. 2010. "Mata Ketiga Sè Laèn, Sang Pembebas Sistem Pendidikan Tinggi.pdf." Jurnal Akuntanssi Multiparadigma 1(1): 1-23.
Akuntansi Malangan: Salam Satu Jiwa Dan Konsep Kinerja Klub Sepak Bola
---. 2015a. "Akuntansi Malangan: Salam Satu Jiwa Dan Konsep Kinerja Klub Sepak Bola." Jurnal Akuntansi Multiparadigma 6(2): 290-303.