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IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Resource and energy-saving technologies of complex processing and
utilization of technogenic materials
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III International Scientific and Technical Conference “Energy Systems”
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 552 (2019) 012042
IOP Publishing
Resource and energy-saving technologies of complex
processing and utilization of technogenic materials
N T Shein1, V S Sevostyanov2, V V Obolonsky1, M V Sevostyanov2, P Yu
Goryagin2 and V A Babukov2
1 LLC TC «Ecotrans», Serafimovicha St., 72, Belgorod, 308006, Russia.
2 Department of Technological complexes, machines and mechanisms, Belgorod State
Technological University of V.G. Shukhov, Kostyukov St., 46, Belgorod, 308012,
E-mail: goryagin.pawel@yandex.ru
Abstract. At present, a very topical environmental problem is the increase in the formation of
industrial and solid municipal waste (ISMW). This leads to a deterioration of the ecological
situation, and, consequently, threatens human life and health, has a detrimental effect on the
biosphere as a whole. Therefore, a special place in the organization of rational use of natural
resources should take a comprehensive system of measures for the processing and utilization of
various man-made materials that are the product of human production. The purpose of research
and development projects is the creation of resource-saving technology, technological systems
and special equipment for integrated processing and recycling of various man-made materials.
One of the conditions for the implementation of resource-saving technology is the use of inter-
nal energy and material resources of the processing plant.
Keywords. Сomplex processing, utilization, technogenic materials, resource saving, energy
saving, industrial and solid municipal waste.
1. Introduction
At present, a very urgent problem is the increase in the scale of solid municipal waste (MSW) and the
urgent need for their integrated processing. Partial sorting of MSW with the subsequent disposal of
non-utilizable waste at landfills [1] is a highly inefficient method of disposal [2, 3], and the existing
technologies for the combustion of MSW are an additional source of global pollution by emissions [4].
In addition, any improvements in combustion technologies do not eliminate the formation of dioxins
and furans, which, in turn, necessitates the subsequent disposal of significant volumes of harmful sub-
stances after cleaning the flue gases. Existing technologies are economically unprofitable and are real-
ized only under conditions of state subsidies [5].
2. Technologies of complex processing and utilization of technogenic materials
In recent years, due to the steadily increasing environmental tensions in large cities, metropolitan are-
as, at the highest state level, more and more attention is paid to the development of resource-efficient
technologies for complex processing of MSW [6-8].
III International Scientific and Technical Conference “Energy Systems”
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 552 (2019) 012042
IOP Publishing
Each technological direction of complex processing of MSW exists as a set of separate processes
and is economically inefficient due to high cost (due to the need to acquire external energy and mate-
rial resources).
In connection with the above, the purpose of research and experimental development is the creation
and mastering of the technology of complex processing of MSW.
Research and production groups of LLC TC "Ecotrans" and BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov are
carried out the development of resource-saving technologies and special equipment for complex pro-
cessing of various technogenic materials [9, 10]: waste wood processing industry, organic waste (pol-
ymers, plastics, etc.), basalt waste, cullet, etc.
In this technology of complex processing of MSW, the implementation of various technological di-
rections (flows), connected with each other and ensuring the use of internal energy and material re-
sources is carried out. At the same time, there is no need to purchase these resources from outside.
Combining the areas of complex processing with technological interconnections makes it possible to
obtain a new technology that ensures low cost due to the use of domestic energy and material re-
sources. The variety of the products obtained, which can be produced at low cost using the principle of
technological interconnections, is quite large and is determined by the specific conditions of produc-
tion (the nomenclature of waste, the need for any product, etc.). Figure 1 presents the block diagram of
technological processes for the specific conditions of LLC TC "Ecotrans".
2.1. Areas of integrated processing of MSW
Taking into account the accumulated experience and the requirements of maximum economic efficiency
for LLC TC "Ekotrans", the most appropriate are the following areas of integrated processing of MSW:
I. Reprocessing MSW to obtain RDF-fuel.
II. Production of briquetted products for various purposes from wood waste, with their subsequent
processing to produce thermal or electrical energy in heat and power generators.
III. Production of hydrocarbon fuels from raw materials, resulting from thermolysis. This technolo-
gy of processing of technogenic materials is implemented in LLC "Research and production enterprise
IV. Recycling of polymeric wastes from MSW and production of silica-polymer-containing prod-
ucts from them.
V. Comprehensive processing and recycling of basalt fiber multifunctional wastes for the purpose
of producing dry building mixes with fibro-fillers.
The main objective of the proposed technology for complex processing of MSW is to ensure a min-
imum amount of waste to be transferred to a landfill for disposal. This is possible with very careful
separation of the mass of waste into components and the full use of the organic part of MSW. This
requirement is implemented in the preliminary preparation of raw materials for subsequent processing.
In the absence of sales / consumption of the products produced in any of the directions, the prepared
raw materials are sold in other resource-saving technologies.
Technological operations of preparing MSW for further processing include: sorting of waste, grind-
ing them to the required size and drying to 8-10% moisture. The prepared raw material is further pro-
cessed in accordance with the requirements imposed on the final product. The final products of com-
plex processing of solid chemical waste are:
According to item I:
a) loose, non-caking mass with a particle size of not more than 25x25 mm - RDF-fuel for cement,
lime and expanded-clay furnaces;
b) loose briquettes produced by a vibroimpulsive press - fuel for cement, lime and burned furnaces,
supplied with a burned material.
According to item II:
a) high-quality briquettes from crushed wood without inclusions of high-polymer materials
b) fuel dust and lower quality briquettes for own consumption from polluted wood with inclusions
of various materials.
III International Scientific and Technical Conference “Energy Systems”
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 552 (2019) 012042
IOP Publishing
Figure 1. Scheme of separate process streams with internal technological connections.
According to item III: electric power produced by a 200 kW diesel generator and light heating
oil for diesel engines of excavators, bulldozers, tractors, cars, etc.
According to item IV: plastic pipes, piece plastic products with various fillers, etc.
According item V:
a) piece plastic products with a filler - micro powder from basalt waste, ready-mixed concrete and
products from it with the addition of crushed basalt fibers - fiber fillers;
b) a heavy ground for pouring out the MSW on the landfill, obtained by styling of disposal basalt
fiber with soil impurities.
Each of the technological operations of this technology has a technical, economic and environmen-
tal focus and can be used in real production. However, the implementation of the above technologies
requires specialized equipment that takes into account the various physical and mechanical character-
istics of man-made materials: various densities, geometrical sizes and forms, low flow ability, high
humidity, etc.
Plastic products
Liquid fuel
Burning of technological
Technological heat
Heat carrier
The compaction
of loose bri-
Polymer waste
Electric power
RDF fuel
Hydrocarbon fuel
Drying of
crushed material
Sort into frac-
tions: scrap met-
al, plastic, fiber
waste, wood
waste, inorganic
Drying of
Wood fuel
Rubber Waste
Sort into fractions:
fibrous waste, rubber,
Shredding "tails"
Bulky waste, wood waste
Grinding of bulky materi-
als and wood waste into
III International Scientific and Technical Conference “Energy Systems”
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 552 (2019) 012042
IOP Publishing
2.2. Processing of technogenic fibrous materials
In the developed technology, innovative processes are implemented for the complex processing of
MSW, such as high-speed grinding of wet raw materials in the stream, contact drying of crushed raw
materials, thermolysis, etc. One of the promising areas in the field of resource conservation is the pro-
cessing of anisotropic and complex in composition man-made fibrous materials, in particular basalt
fiber waste [11]. By origin, they can be divided into the following groups: 1 - waste is generated dur-
ing the production of insulating materials; 2 - waste from the construction industry; 3 - greenhouse
waste, which are basalt fiber mats with rhizomes of plants, etc.
As a result of processing, basalt fiber can serve as a fiber filler of various composite mixtures and
products. The peculiarity of basalt fiber processing is that the waste is initially a single conglomerate
containing various inclusions (figure 2) [12, 13].
Figure 2. Waste of basalt fiber.
As a result of the conducted research to study the specifics of processing and utilization of basalt
fibers, a technological complex was developed for the processing of technogenic fibrous materials
(figure 3).
Figure 3. Technological complex for processing of technogenic fibrous materials: 1 - hoist; 2 -
loading container; 3 - receiving tray; 4, 12, 17 - plate conveyor; 5 – additive dispenser; 6 - volumetric
dosing; 7 - hammer crusher; 8 - cyclone; 9 - sleeve filter; 10 - cell feeder; 11 - vibration centrifugal
unit; 13 – drum-screw unit-classifier; 14 - elevator; 15 – fan; 16 - bunker; 18 - scales; 19 –big bag.
III International Scientific and Technical Conference “Energy Systems”
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 552 (2019) 012042
IOP Publishing
The advantages of the technological complex developed by us are its versatility - the possibility of
obtaining a wide range of products from various technogenic fibrous materials.
The vibration-centrifugal unit developed by us (figure 3, pos. 11) [14-16] provides complex pro-
cessing of man-made fibrous materials and the production of various types of products for use in inno-
vative technologies: DE agglomerated basalt waste (fiber length –𝑙 = (5 ÷ 15) ∙ 10−3 м) dry con-
struction mixtures, thermal insulation coatings, concrete products, etc; fine fiber filler (𝑙 ≤ (5 ÷ 10) ∙
10−6м) -fillers of nanostructured composite mixtures (figure 4), mechanically activated of silica-
containing composite mixtures with air and hydraulic binders; highly concentrated microfiber fillers
in granular form, etc.
Figure 4. Microfiber fillers from finely dispersed basalt fibers with varying degrees
of magnification; grinding time: a) 5 min; b) 10 min; c) 20 min.
III International Scientific and Technical Conference “Energy Systems”
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 552 (2019) 012042
IOP Publishing
The resulting types of products can be used both in traditional building technologies and in promis-
ing innovative technologies, for example, in the production of architectural and building products us-
ing 3D printing.
One of the areas of use of basalt fiber as a fiber filler is the production of polymeric products for
various purposes. Raw materials for the production of these products can be recycled technogenic pol-
ymeric materials. For the production by extrusion of compacted polymer products based on techno-
genic polymeric materials, a technological complex was developed (figure 5).
Technological complex works as follows: the source material using hoist 1 is fed to the receiving
tray 2, in the lower part of which a belt conveyor 3 is installed. Then, using a plate conveyor, the raw
material enters the rotor-centrifugal unit of combined action 4. In the coarse grinding chamber the ma-
terial is crushed by disk mills and under the action of the air flow, moves to the fine grinding chamber,
where it is ground by needle-milling working parts to a powder state. After the rotary centrifugal unit
of the combined action, the raw material enters the separator 5 and is divided into fractions, large of
which are returned to the grinding sludge. The material crushed to the required size enters the cyclone
6. When precipitated, it is dosed into the screw mixer 7, where it is mixed with additives supplied
from the bunker 8. The composite mixture enters the receiving funnel 9 of the elevator 10, which rais-
es the mixture into the receiving bunker 11. Using a cell feeder 12 in a certain dosage, the material
enters the auger thermal heater 13, where, under the influence of high temperature, it turns into a ho-
mogeneous mass. Then it enters the extruder with an annular matrix 14. The extruded mixture through
the plate conveyor 15 enters the drum-screw unit 16, where the material is cooled. The cooled granules are
weighed on scales 17, packed in big bags 18 and shipped to the warehouse with the help of a hoist 19.
Figure 5. Technological complex for the production of extruded products from man-made
polymeric materials: 1, 19 – hoist; 2 –– receiving tray; 3, 15 – lamellar conveyor; 4 – rotary
centrifugal unit of combined action; 5 – separator; 6 – cyclone; 7 – screw mixer; 8 – bunker of
additional components; 9- receiving hopper; 10 – elevator; 11 – receiving hopper; 12 – cell
feeder; 13 – screw thermal heater; 14 – extruder with ring die; 16 – drum-screw unit; 17 –
scales; 18 – big bag.
III International Scientific and Technical Conference “Energy Systems”
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 552 (2019) 012042
IOP Publishing
In the processing of technogenic materials, one of the energy-intensive stages is the grinding pro-
cess [17, 18]. In this regard, our research is aimed at the development and technological improvement
of multifunctional grinding equipment. In the development of energy-efficient equipment, we paid
special attention to the physical and mechanical characteristics of man-made polymeric materials such
as: elasticity, plasticity, melting temperature, etc.
The combined-action rotor-centrifugal unit developed by us (figure 6) takes into account various
technological conditions for processing technogenic polymeric materials, their physical and mechani-
cal characteristics: the initial state of materials (shape, size, flow ability, etc.) and their strength char-
acteristics [19-21]. The design of the unit allows realizing the possibility of varying the tearing and
abrasive force, the degree of thermal heating of the material and its cooling. In the rotor-centrifugal
unit of combined action, high durability of the most wear-out assemblies and parts of the unit is pro-
vided, the possibility of introducing additional components into the unit to obtain composite mixtures,
the stepwise grinding process of man-made polymeric materials, the increased energy intensity of the
second stage and the use of working bodies with a developed working surface - a needle cutter [22-24]
and others. The rotor-centrifugal unit contains a body consisting of two crushing chambers 1 horizon-
tally placed one behind the other and fine grinding 2 [25, 26].
Figure 6. The rotor-centrifugal unit of
combined action: 1 - crushing chamber; 2 -
fine grinding chamber; 3 - crushing cham-
ber shaft; 4 - crushing chamber rotor; 5 -
needle milling tools.
Inside the crushing chamber 1, there is an eccentric set about the axis of the cylindrical body of the
bandage, which is lined with removable elements (profiled plates). On the shaft 3 is the rotor of the
crushing chamber 4 with cutting elements in the form of disc mills. In the second chamber (fine grind-
ing chamber) 2, needle-milling working bodies are installed 5, which are made of a set of core ele-
ments assembled in bags and rigidly fixed on the holder. In the rotary centrifugal unit of the combined
action, the principle of stepwise grinding with the realization of the combined effect on the processed
material is implemented. This ensures the reduction of energy-intensive grinding process, as well as
expands the technological capabilities of the unit.
3. Results
As a result of research conducted by the creative group of employees of BSTU named after V.G. Shu-
khov and LLC TC "Ecotrans":
1) an innovative resource-energy-saving technology and special equipment for complex processing
of municipal solid waste have been developed;
2) promising areas of the developed technology have been identified;
3) the specificity of processing basalt wastes and technogenic polymeric materials was studied;
4) technological complexes for processing technogenic fibrous materials and producing a wide
range of extruded products from technogenic polymeric materials have been developed;
5) special equipment has been developed that takes into account the specifics of processing aniso-
tropic and technogenic materials that are complex in composition.
III International Scientific and Technical Conference “Energy Systems”
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 552 (2019) 012042
IOP Publishing
The article was prepared as part of the state assignment number 9.11523.2018/11.12.
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