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Lumbar Spine Injuries in Sports: Review of the Literature and Current Treatment Recommendations


Abstract and Figures

Low back pain is one of the most prevalent complaints of athletes at all levels of competition. The purpose of this literature review is to provide an overview of sport-specific injuries and treatment outcomes that can be used by healthcare providers to better recognize injury patterns and treatment options for different groups of athletes. To our knowledge, no prior comprehensive review of lumbar spine injuries in sports is currently available in the literature, and it is essential that healthcare providers understand the sport-specific injury patterns and treatment guidelines for athletes presenting with low back pain following an athletic injury. Injury mechanisms were found to vary significantly by sport, although some broad recommendations can be made with regards to optimal treatment for these injuries and return to play. Additionally, it was found that certain treatments were more beneficial and resulted in higher rates of return to play depending on the specific sport of the injured athlete. Healthcare providers need to be aware of the different injury patterns seen in specific sports in order to properly evaluate and treat these injuries. Furthermore, an individualized treatment plan needs to be selected in a sport-specific context in order to meet the needs of the athlete in the short and long term.
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R E V I E W A R T I C L E Open Access
Lumbar Spine Injuries in Sports: Review
of the Literature and Current Treatment
Jacob R. Ball, Colin B. Harris
, Jonathan Lee and Michael J. Vives
Low back pain is one of the most prevalent complaints of athletes at all levels of competition. The purpose of this
literature review is to provide an overview of sport-specific injuries and treatment outcomes that can be used by
healthcare providers to better recognize injury patterns and treatment options for different groups of athletes. To
our knowledge, no prior comprehensive review of lumbar spine injuries in sports is currently available in the
literature, and it is essential that healthcare providers understand the sport-specific injury patterns and treatment
guidelines for athletes presenting with low back pain following an athletic injury. Injury mechanisms were found to
vary significantly by sport, although some broad recommendations can be made with regards to optimal treatment
for these injuries and return to play. Additionally, it was found that certain treatments were more beneficial and
resulted in higher rates of return to play depending on the specific sport of the injured athlete. Healthcare
providers need to be aware of the different injury patterns seen in specific sports in order to properly evaluate and
treat these injuries. Furthermore, an individualized treatment plan needs to be selected in a sport-specific context in
order to meet the needs of the athlete in the short and long term.
Keywords: Lumbar, Spine, Athlete, Injury, Sport
Key Points
Lumbar spine injuries are common in athletes.
Different injury types are seen more frequently in
specific sports.
Treatment options need to be considered in a sport-
specific context for the best outcome.
An estimated 1015% of all athletes are expected to ex-
perience low back pain [1]. Sports such as football and
dancing, which place increased stress on the lumbar
spine, are believed to have higher rates of low back pain
compared to less physically demanding activities [2,3].
The repetitive flexion, extension, and axial load type
movements that athletes place on their spine contributes
to their low back pain even though they often possess
superior strength and flexibility when compared to the
general public [4]. Numerous studies have shown mul-
tiple injury patterns in the lumbar spine, demonstrating
the increased stresses that elite athletes place on the
lower back.
The purpose of this review is to evaluate different
sports and the lumbar spine injuries associated with
them. Furthermore, this review will evaluate treatment
options in a sports specific manner to assess optimal
treatment for the athlete with a lumbar spinal injury.
Main Text
General Considerations
Lumbar spine injuries that occur during play require
proper on-field treatment and management to prevent
serious complications. Most authors focus on the cer-
vical spine when discussing on-field back injuries, but
the general principles can also be applied to the lumbar
spine. The most important step in managing on-field in-
juries is developing an appropriate protocol that speci-
fies the medical equipment needed at every sporting
event, the person responsible for evaluating the injured
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* Correspondence:
Department of Orthopaedics, Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, 140
Bergen St., ACC D1610, Newark, NJ 07103, USA
Ball et al. Sports Medicine - Open (2019) 5:26
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player, and who will contact emergency medical services
[5,6]. The athlete requires a focused musculoskeletal
and neurologic exam, but it is essential to minimize
spinal movement to prevent further injury [5,6]. As op-
posed to cervical spine injuries, logrolls should be
avoided when transferring the patient to a spine board
[5]. The most important prognostic factor is the time it
takes for the athlete to be taken to a healthcare center
that is properly equipped for spinal injuries [5] (Fig. 1).
The first steps to evaluate an athlete who presents
with low back pain involve a thorough history and phys-
ical examination in order to elicit the injury mechanism,
identify any neurologic deficits or signs of more serious
injury, and to direct the physician to the appropriate
workup. Pain due to spondylolysis and facet (posterior
element) injuries is reproducible with extension, whereas
discogenic pain is reproduced with flexion. A thorough
neurological examination is mandatory, including motor,
reflex, and sensory testing in addition to provocative
tests such as the Spurlings test and straight leg raise
(Lasegues) test. When radicular pain or neurological
deficits are present, MRI is necessary to detect spinal
cord and nerve involvement. For lower back pain, lack-
ing neurological signs, upright AP, and lateral X-rays are
generally the initial study of choice but may be non-
diagnostic for several common conditions. For pars
stress reactions, MRI is useful when plain radiographs
including AP, lateral, and oblique views are negative and
has the added benefit of not exposing patients to ioniz-
ing radiation as seen in CT with SPECT imaging [7]. CT
is recommended to assess for fracture, anterolisthesis, or
alignment abnormalities in cases of acute trauma and is
the first line imaging modality to assess for bony detail
of a pars defect or to follow the healing of the pars with
conservative treatment. The muscular or ligamentous
strain should be suspected when imaging studies are
negative for anatomical abnormalities, and before
returning to play a brief course of rest and anti-
inflammatory medications followed by strength and
flexibility training is indicated. The following provides
an overview of sport specific injuries which is summa-
rized in Table 1.
Fig. 1 Treatment algorithm for the athlete with a suspected lumbar spine injury
Ball et al. Sports Medicine - Open (2019) 5:26 Page 2 of 10
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American Football
Football is a very popular sport in the USA, with many
players becoming involved in the early teenage years and
participating in high-level practice and competition by
ages 1518. Although cervical spinal cord injuries sus-
tained during football are high profile due to their po-
tentially catastrophic nature and have received the
greatest media attention, lumbar spine injuries are com-
mon (30.9% of injuries in one study) and can lead to
considerable morbidity and lost playing time [8,9]. Disc
herniations account for about 28% of lumbar spine injur-
ies in football, with the majority located at L5-S1 and
L4-L5 [9]. Mechanism of injury is not well understood
but is related to blocking and tackling, with offensive
and defensive linemen being the most commonly injured
players by position. Non-contact injuries also account
for about 20% of lumbar spine injuries, likely from
avulsion due to sudden changes in the direction [8]. An-
other common injury sustained by football athletes is
spondylolysis, secondary to extension and rotation forces
in the lumbar spine. These injuries generally respond
well to bracing in the adolescent population but often
require direct pars repair or fusion in adults in order to
expedite return to play.
Ice Hockey
While ice hockey is a popular sport in the USA, few
studies have investigated the prevalence and mechanism
of lower back pain in the sport. One small study found
that 95% of ice hockey players reported lumbar spine
pain in their final year of play [12]. However, MRI
changes in thoracolumbar vertebrae in ice hockey
players were studied over a 15-year interval and it was
found that new abnormalities from baseline were
Table 1 Sport specific lumbar spine injuries and treatment outcomes
Sport Epidemiology Prognosis
American football Up to 30.9% of injuries are lumbar spine related [8].
Twenty-eight percent of lumbar injuries are disc
herniations [9]. Avulsions, spondylosis, and strains
are also prevalent.
Surgical repair of disc herniation may have return
to play advantages [10]. Similar outcomes with
microdiscectomy and non-surgical treatments [11].
Ice hockey Ninety-five percent of players report lumbar pain in
final year of play [12]. Thoracolumbar and
lumbosacral account for approximately 12% of
on-ice spine injuries [13]. Lumbar spondylolysis
was diagnosed in 44% of youth ice hockey players
complaining of lower back pain [14].
Surgical repair of disc herniations was associated
with decreased return to play rates [15,16]. Return
to baseline level of performance during second
and third season post-injury [16].
Basketball 10.2% of all injuries involve the lumbar spine [17].
Sprain and strain, lumbar disc degeneration, and
lumbar contusions account for 7.9%, 0.9%, and
0.9% of the total injuries respectively [17].
Surgery for disc herniation resulted in decreased
performance during the first season after injury.
Pre-injury skill returned during second and third
season post-surgery [15,16].
Baseball 89.5% of players report lower back pain during
career [18]. 35.1% and 22.8% of players showed
signs of L5/S1 or L4/L5 disc degeneration
respectively [18].
Hitters and infielders had faster return to play
time with nonsurgical interventions whereas
there was no difference for pitchers [19].
Soccer (European football) 76.6% of players report low back pain during
career [18]. Three percent of injuries occurring in
soccer are lumbar spine related [20]. Strains, sprains,
spondylosis, and fractures occur in soccer. The
most serious injuries are often the result of contact
with another player which can lead to fracture.
Fractures resulted in the longest recovery time
followed by bony and soft tissue injuries.
Repetitive wear and tear type injuries also occur
and tend to persist.
Dance The lumbar spine is the second most commonly
injured site [21]. Spondylolysis is the most common
injury type seen [22]. The combination of repetitive
hyperflexion and poor technique contribute to injury
[23]. Males are prone to injury due to lifts they
perform [21].
Forty-six percent of injured dancers had to limit
up to half of the activity and 5% needed to limit
more than half of activity [24].
Gymnastics Evidence of disc degeneration is as prevalent as
75% in elite athletes [25]. Studies demonstrate an
11% incidence rate of spondylolysis [26].
In general, these injuries are well managed
non-surgically, but there is not currently data
specific to gymnasts.
Skiing and snowboarding Lumbar spine is the most common site injured,
includes compression, burst, and transverse or
spinous process fractures [27,28]. In snowboarders,
injury is associated with failed jumps and the
subsequent axial loads. The mechanism of injury in
skiers is associated with downhill falls forward at
high velocities [27,29,30].
Spinal cord injuries are more commonly seen
with cervical spine injuries, and less common
with thoracic and lumbar spine injuries [31].
Most injuries are managed non-operatively.
Ball et al. Sports Medicine - Open (2019) 5:26 Page 3 of 10
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infrequent [32]. A more common mode of injury was
that existing vertebral abnormalities continued to degen-
erate over the 15-year period [32]. The baseline charac-
teristics of these players were that they had a median
age of 24 and had been playing hockey since the age of
10 [32]. These inclusion criteria and the results of the
study led the investigators to conclude that most of the
injuries sustained to the thoracolumbar spine occurred
during the growth spurt phase of their adolescence and
it is these injuries that persist throughout their career
[32]. A study of Canadian ice hockey leagues found that
for injuries that occur during play, 82% were cervical,
7.3% were thoracolumbar, 5.1% were thoracic, and 4.8%
were lumbosacral [13]. Further investigation revealed
that being checked from behind was the most common
cause of injury at 35% [13]. Another small study
followed a single elite youth ice hockey program over a
period of 9 seasons and found that of the players who
complained of lower back pain, 44% were diagnosed
with lumbar spondylolysis [14]. Furthermore, 73% of
spondylolysis occurred on the shooting side of the player
which suggests that the directional rotation of the spine
may lead to specific injury patterns [14]. Future studies
investigating specifically the causes of lumbar spinal in-
jury in ice hockey would be beneficial to better under-
stand injury and prevention.
Injuries in basketball are common due to the increas-
ingly physical nature of the game. Studies have not spe-
cifically evaluated the mechanisms of lumbar spine
injuries in basketball, but it is likely related to a combin-
ation of torsion, loading, and trauma. In a study that
tracked all injuries in the National Basketball Associ-
ation (NBA) over a 17 year period, researchers found
10.2% of all injuries were in the lumbar spine [17]. Lum-
bar spine injuries were second only to ankle injuries,
which accounted for 14.7% of total injuries [17]. On fur-
ther analysis of the total injuries in the NBA over the 17
year period, lumbar sprain and strain accounted for 7.9%
of injuries, lumbar disc degeneration accounted for 0.9%
of injuries, and lumbosacral contusion accounted for
0.9% of injuries [17]. Even though lumbar disc degener-
ation only resulted in 0.9% of total injuries, it accounted
for 3.6% of the total games missed, which indicates how
serious these injuries are when they occur [17]. Follow-
ing surgical repair of a lumbar disc herniation, multiple
studies have shown that the return to play rate and the
games played the following season both decrease [15,
33]. Furthermore, for the players that were able to return
the next season, their player efficiency ratings were sig-
nificantly reduced [33]. Interestingly, games played and
player efficiency ratings for the second and third sea-
son post-injury returned to their preinjury level,
indicating that players do well in the long term from
these surgeries [33].
Baseball is a physically demanding sport due to the kin-
etic chain needed for successful throwing and batting
motion. Unfortunately, few studies have directly exam-
ined the mechanisms of baseball injuries, but there are
some data on epidemiology and injury specific treatment
outcomes. One study examining the Major League Base-
ball (MLB) injury list between 2002 and 2008 found that
11.7% of the players had sustained either a spine or core
injury [34]. Interestingly, both pitchers and fielders expe-
rienced spine and core injuries at a similar rate during
this time period [34]. In another study that evaluated
college athletes in Japan, T2 MRI revealed that 59.7% of
baseball players showed signs of disc degeneration [18].
Furthermore, 35.1% of baseball players showed signs of
disc degeneration at L5/S1 and an additional 22.8% of
players showed disc degeneration at L4/L5, suggesting
that the lumbar spine is most susceptible to injury [18].
Lastly, 89.5% of the baseball players studied reported
having low back pain at some point during their life
[18]. In a study assessing lumbar disc herniation and
treatment, it was found that players who underwent sur-
gery had a significantly longer recovery period than
players who received non-operative treatment (8.7 vs
3.6 months) [19]. Interestingly, the treatment plan and
the return to play time varied depending on player pos-
ition [19]. For pitchers, there was no significant differ-
ence in the return to play time for surgical versus
nonsurgical management, but hitters and infielders had
a significantly shorter return to play time with nonsurgi-
cal treatment [19]. While this was a small study, the data
suggest that there are also worse performance outcomes
in the surgical group compared to the nonsurgical group
[19]. Future studies should focus on specific mechanisms
of lumbar spine injury in baseball as well as a wider var-
iety of injury types and treatments.
Soccer (European Football)
Soccer is the worlds most popular sport, and low back
injuries are not uncommon. A study by Hangai et al.
found that in college athletes in Japan, the lifetime inci-
dence of low back pain in soccer players was 76.6% com-
pared with 53.5% of non-athletes [18]. One study that
took place in the UK followed more than 12,000 highly
competitive youth soccer players for five complete sea-
sons and found that out of the 10,225 injuries that oc-
curred, only 310 (3%) were related to the lumbar spine
[20]. Of the 310 lumbar spine injuries, 49.4% were classi-
fied as low back pain, 15.2% as sprains, and 4.2% as
spondylolysis [20]. Furthermore, lower back injuries re-
corded by anatomical site resulted in the lumbar region
Ball et al. Sports Medicine - Open (2019) 5:26 Page 4 of 10
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accounting for 44.5% followed by erector spinae and
quadratus lumborum at 11.9% and 5.8% respectively
[20]. With respect to recovery time from injury, frac-
tures took the longest with a median of 148.5 days
followed by bony tissue and soft tissue injuries at 15.5
and 13 days respectively [20]. Not surprisingly, contact
with other players was found to cause significantly more
injuries than non-contact play [20]. Another study that
identified 137 consecutive cases of spondylolysis in New
York City youth athletes found that the largest percent-
age (19%) of these children were soccer players [35]. The
authors stressed the importance of understanding which
sports are most prevalent in a given region because even
though spondylolysis may be rare in soccer players, the
volume of players in a region makes certain injuries
more prevalent [35]. Lastly, in a study that included 70
former professional soccer players, they found that the
incidence of osteophytes in the lumbar spine was signifi-
cantly increased when compared to control groups [36].
This finding suggests that through competitive play, the
mechanical forces on the lumbar spine ultimately result
in osteophyte development [36]. Given the global popu-
larity of soccer and the lumbar pathology experienced by
players throughout their career and in retirement, future
studies are needed to better understand the mechanisms
of injury to create a safer environment [1820,35,36].
While participation in dance is less than in some of the
sports discussed above, it is technically demanding and
physically challenging which increases the risk of injury.
Past studies have suggested that the body positions re-
quired for dance cause dangerous hyperflexion of the
lumbar spine, but more recent literature trends towards
improper technique as the main cause of injury [23]. In
a study that followed professional ballet dancers for 10
years, researchers found that the injury incidence per
dancer per year was 1.1, which suggests that dancers can
expect at least one injury every year [23]. The foot and
ankle were the most frequently injured area (38%),
followed by the lumbar spine (20%); however, the lumbar
strain was the single most common diagnosis made dur-
ing this period [21]. The authors of the study claimed
that male dancers have higher rates of lumbar strain be-
cause the lifts they perform cause intense lower back
stress [21]. Another study that specifically evaluated
youth dancers found that lumbar spine injuries made up
11.7% of all injuries occurring during dance [22]. Fur-
thermore, the most common skeletal injury to occur in
this population was spondylolysis [22]. There have also
been case reports of pediatric ballet dancers who pre-
sented with bilateral pedicle fractures without spondylo-
lysis, which demonstrates the wide differential diagnosis
needed when assessing a dancer presenting with lower
back pain [37]. For dancers who experienced an episode
of lower back pain, one study reported that 46% of the
participants had to limit up to half of their dance activity
with another 5% limiting more than half of their activity
[24]. Due to the nature of dance, the injury rate remains
high and the lumbar spine is especially vulnerable as evi-
denced by previous studies.
While the posterior column injuries, specifically spondy-
lolysis and spondylolisthesis, are the most written about,
other studies have noted anterior and middle column in-
juries in gymnasts to include disc herniation, compres-
sion fractures, disc degeneration, and Schmorls nodes
[25,38]. In a study assessing magnetic resonance im-
aging in 33 competitive female gymnasts without regard
to the presence or absence of back pain, evidence of
degenerative disc disease was found in 24%, with in-
creasing rates of degeneration as age and competitive
level increased to 63% of 8 national or Olympic gym-
nasts with an average age of 25.7 years [38]. Similarly,
in a study of 24 elite male gymnasts with an average
of 23 years of age, there was a 75% prevalence of disc
degeneration seen on MRI compared with 31% in
control populations [25].
Lumbar isthmic spondylolysis in gymnasts is well de-
scribed. These injuries were noted to be chronic in na-
ture, without a specific inciting event, as a result of
repetitive hyperextension in back walkovers and rotation
in dismounts, vaults, and flips. A classic study involving
lumbar radiographs of 100 competitive gymnasts with
ages ranging from 6 to 24 found an 11% incidence of
lumbar spondylolysis [26]. This represents a four times
higher incidence of pars interarticularis defects than the
2.3% found in the general female Caucasian population.
Furthermore, 6 of these 11 had first-degree spondylo-
listhesis of L5 on S1. With continued vertebral slip-
page above 50%, the gymnasts ability is hampered by
a vertical sacrum, decreased flexibility, and hamstring
Skiing and Snowboarding
Traumatic brain injury and vertebral injuries represent
the most common injuries among severely injured skiers
and snowboarders [39,40]. The mechanism of injury is
different between snowboarders and skiers [27,29,30].
In snowboarders, injury is associated with failed jumps
and the subsequent axial loads. The mechanism of injury
in skiers is associated with downhill falls forward at high
Multiple studies have investigated spinal injuries in
skiers and snowboarders. In a 6-year retrospective re-
view of a tertiary trauma center in Switzerland, the most
common site of severe spinal injury for skiers and
Ball et al. Sports Medicine - Open (2019) 5:26 Page 5 of 10
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snowboarders combined was the lumbar spine [28]. Out
of 148 total spinal fractures identified in 73 patients,
there were 55 severe lumbar spine injuries with a break-
down of 16 burst fractures, 15 compression fractures, 22
transverse process fractures, and 1 incident of traumatic
spondylolysis. Severe spinal injury occurred most com-
monly in skiers, with 17 requiring intervention for the
lumbar spine. In another retrospective study, over the
course of 11 years, 41 skiers and snowboarders with
spinal fracture or dislocations were identified with 12
cervical, 25 thoracic, and 20 lumbar injuries [41]. This
represents an overall incidence of spinal trauma of 1 per
100,000 skier days. Within the lumbar injuries, 17 were
compression fractures (all with height loss < 25%) and 3
were transverse process fractures; no burst fractures
were noted. None of the patients required surgery. A
study based in Japan which evaluated 13,490 cases of
ski- or snowboard-related injury identified an incidence
of 5.73 per 100,000 visits for snowboarders and 0.69 per
100,000 visits for skiers [27]. Across skiers and snow-
boarders, lumbar injuries were the most common at
64.8% and 69.4% respectively. The most common frac-
ture patterns were anterior compression and transverse
process fractures. Spinal injuries occurred more com-
monly in snowboarders, with risk factors including be-
ginners with simple falls, and intermediate or experts
jumping. In a study evaluating both thoracic and lumbar
injuries only in Colorado, out of 146 fractures, the ma-
jority of fractures were simple compression fractures
(n= 81), as well as burst fractures (n= 26) and transverse
and spinous process fractures (n= 32) [42]. Only 1 pa-
tient in the compression and burst fractures group re-
quired surgical stabilization. A study evaluating an
inpatient database of skier and snowboarder injuries
found that skiers were more likely to injure the cervical
spine and snowboarders were more likely to injure the
lumbar spine [31].
Many of the studies pointed out that injuries com-
monly occurred at multiple levels. Spinal cord injuries
are more commonly seen with cervical spine injuries,
and less common with thoracic and lumbar spine injur-
ies [31]. There have been no studies regarding soft-tissue
injuries such as disc herniations, facet capsule tears, and
muscle strains. In summary, lumbar spine fractures are
the most common type of spinal injuries in skier and
Other Sports
Repetitive flexion, extension, and torsional stress of the
lumbar spine also occur in sports beyond those detailed
in this review. However, a thorough literature search un-
covered insufficient data to allow conclusions to be
drawn about the prevalence or pattern of lumbar injuries
that can be discerned in other sports.
Treatment guidelines
Minor fractures are the most common type of lumbar
spine fracture seen in athletes and are due to repetitive ac-
tivity or low-energy impact. Major fractures are much
more serious and often lead to functional or neurological
deficits and result from high-energy mechanisms. The se-
verity of the fracture can be categorized by which seg-
ments of the spine are involved, based on the three-
column spine model [43]. Minor fractures are defined as
involving the pars interarticularis, articular process, trans-
verse process, or the spinous process but do not result in
instability [43]. Major fractures tend to be unstable and in-
clude compression fractures, burst fractures, seat-belt-
type injuries, or fracture-dislocations [43,44]. The thora-
columbar junction is susceptible to injury during high-
energy impact as the more stable thoracic spine transi-
tions to the mobile lumbar spine [45].
Major fractures which are unstable enough to necessi-
tate surgery are rarely seen in sports, given the high en-
ergy required to cause such an injury. Most lumbar
fractures seen in sports can be treated non-operatively
[45]. In terms of medical care, symptomatic treatment
such as rest, NSAIDs, muscle relaxants, and the use of
bracing is sufficient for fractures limited to one column
of the spine such as the spinous process, transverse
process, or the vertebral body [45]. Facet fractures are
also known to occur in isolation but usually only require
bracing if unilateral and have no additional fractures
present. Non-surgical techniques may improve return to
play rates, but more data are needed to better guide
Spondylolysis and Spondylolisthesis
It has been reported that up to 47% of young athletes
with low back pain will ultimately be diagnosed with
spondylolysis [46]. One study using MRI found that
39.7% of children younger than 19 who complained of
LBP for more than 2 weeks had spondylolysis [47]. Of
the children who presented with LBP, 9.3% of elementary
students, 59.3% of junior high schoolers, and 31.5% of
higher schoolers were confirmed with MRI to have
spondylolysis [47]. The repetitive extension and twisting
of the lumbar spine required in soccer, gymnastics, and
football are the reasons why these sports are most com-
monly associated with spondylolysis. The most common
presentation is a patient with low back pain that is exac-
erbated by spinal extension but rarely has neurological
involvement. More serious injuries such as spondylo-
listhesis can also present similarly, but neurological defi-
cits may be seen most often in the L5 distribution.
Definitive diagnosis begins with PA and lateral upright
radiographs of the lumbar spine followed by MRI due to
Ball et al. Sports Medicine - Open (2019) 5:26 Page 6 of 10
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its superior capability to detect pars edema (stress frac-
ture) which is missed by plain radiographs and CT [48].
Use of oblique views and CT with SPECT imaging is less
common due to the radiation exposure to the athlete.
Interestingly though, small studies have found that MRI
alone would not have been sufficient for a successful
diagnosis of spondylolysis in the pediatric population
[49]. There is some evidence to suggest that it is import-
ant to incorporate CT and plain radiographs in the
screening protocol for LBP [49]. Bilateral pars defects,
which occur the majority of the time (85%), are likely to
progress to spondylolisthesis. Conservative treatment
options for acute pars defects or stress reactions include
a combination of stabilization and physical therapy such
as using a full-time Boston brace for 812 weeks, a grad-
uated exercise program, and isometric core and ham-
string exercises [50,51]. One study using CT imaging
separated spondylolysis patients into categories of early,
progressive without high signal intensity, progressive
with high signal intensity, and terminal defects [52].
Using a hard brace, the investigators found that 94% of
patients with early spondylolysis responded well to this
conservative treatment [52]. The efficacy for the pro-
gressive groups was significantly lower, with 64% for
progressive without signal intensity, 27% for progres-
sive with signal intensity, and 0% for terminal spon-
dylolysis, demonstrating that the effectiveness of
conservative treatment varies with the progression of
theinjury[52]. Furthermore, the use of bracing itself
is questionable, with some studies showing no signifi-
cant difference in outcomes when no brace is used
during conservative therapy [53]. Surgery is consid-
ered in athletes who fail to improve or still have
symptoms after bracing, continue to experience pain
and inability to return to sport for longer than 6
months, or have worsening spondylolisthesis to
greater than 50% slip [51,54]. For athletes with spon-
dylolisthesis or disc degeneration, anterior and poster-
ior fusion is often required; however, if there is no
pathology of the disc, pars repair and debridement of
the fibrous defect is sufficient [51]. When deciding on
the best surgical technique, there are multiple consid-
erations. Posterior lumbar interbody fusion (PLIF) has
been associated with more consistent results than
posterolateral fusion (PLF), but PLF has been found
to be associated with greater patient satisfaction [55,
56]. In addition, anterior interbody fusion was associ-
ated with less morbidity than posterolateral inter-
transverse process fusion but had similar patient
outcomes [57]. In terms of recovery, athletes can ex-
pect to return to play after 612 months but if lum-
bar fusion was performed, this may be a career-
ending option and return to contact sports is not rec-
ommended by many practitioners [58].
Lumbar Disc Herniation
Sports that require repetitive flexion and compression
such as football, ice hockey, basketball, and soccer are
often associated with lumbar disc herniation. Common
signs of lumbar disc herniation are lower back pain with
progression to radicular pain and occasionally neuro-
logic deficits, depending on the severity of injury. In the
National Football League (NFL), approximately 28% of
spinal injuries are due to lumbar disc herniation [9].
Linemen were the most susceptible to this type of injury
because of repetitive spine extension due to blocking as
well as a weight training program [9]. The most com-
mon site of disc herniation was between L4 and L5,
followed by L5 and S1 [9]. A thorough history that as-
sesses for signs of urinary or bowel incontinence is es-
sential to rule out cauda equina syndrome which
requires urgent attention [59]. Additionally, a complete
neurological exam is needed to identify signs of dysfunc-
tion that may require further investigation. Positive
nerve root tension signs are an indication for imaging of
the lumbar spine which includes upright radiographs
and MRI [59]. In one large study of 342 professional ath-
letes, 82% of players were able to return to play after
sustaining a lumbar disc herniation, which indicates a fa-
vorable prognosis [10]. The mainstay therapy is conser-
vative management including early activity and core
strengthening with additional sport-specific activity as
symptoms improve. While epidural corticosteroid injec-
tions may have a role in shortening the duration of treat-
ment, there is not enough evidence currently available
for this to be conclusive [60]. Athletes who undergo
laminotomy and disc fragment excision have a return to
play rate that is consistent with patients treated with
non-surgical options and 81% of these patients will play
for an additional 3.3 years [10,61]. However, the benefi-
cial or harmful effects of surgery are variable, depending
on the sport [10]. For NFL players, it was found that sur-
gery resulted in a significant increase in games and years
played when compared to conservative therapy [10].
Furthermore, there may also be a significant return to
play advantage for NFL players who undergo surgical
intervention for lumbar disc herniation [62]. However,
for MLB players, surgery resulted in fewer games and
years played when compared to conservative therapy,
which demonstrates the need to tailor therapies to indi-
vidual athletes [10]. Data regarding new minimally inva-
sive techniques is not yet conclusive but decreased soft
tissue manipulation could lead to faster recovery and re-
turn to play times for athletes [11]. Studies have found
similar results when comparing microdiscectomy to
nonsurgical treatments in elite NFL players [11]. Recov-
ery from lumbar discectomy in elite athletes has been re-
ported to range from 2.8 to 8.7 months with an average
career length of 2.6 to 4.8 years [63].
Ball et al. Sports Medicine - Open (2019) 5:26 Page 7 of 10
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Return-to-Play after Lumbar Injuries
Return to play after sustaining one of the lumbar spine
injuries listed in Table 2requires resolution of symp-
toms, full range of motion of the lumbar spine, and the
ability to perform sports-specific movements without
pain. Both surgical and non-surgical treatment for lum-
bar disc herniation in athletes have a comparably high
recovery and return to play rate. One study found that
at 3, 6, and 12 months post-surgery, 50%, 72%, and 84%
of patients were eligible to return to play, respectively
[64]. However, it was found that only 38 to 65% of
players who underwent surgical treatment for a lumbar
disc herniation were able to return to the same level of
play as prior to the injury [65]. Additionally, one meta-
analysis has noted that the age at which a player under-
goes surgery is an important factor in determining car-
eer length post-operatively, but the relationship is sport-
dependent [65]. In the National Hockey League, regard-
less of surgical versus non-surgical treatment, players
with a lumbar disc herniation played in 56.2 games per
season pre-injury versus 39.0 games per season post-
injury [66]. This suggests that sustaining an injury is a
more critical factor in a players career than the type of
treatment that is selected. Interestingly though, when
compared to healthy controls, it was found that players
in the National Basketball Association who underwent
surgical intervention for lumbar disc herniation had a
more normal career length than players who underwent
non-surgical interventions [16]. Different physical re-
quirements imposed upon athletes by different sports
may explain the career length differences in the surgical
versus non-surgical interventions. For the conservative
treatment of lumbar spondylolysis, some investigators
recommend between 4 and 12 weeks of rest and
immobilization [51]. Conservative treatment is associ-
ated with a return to play rate of 80%, which is why it is
often tried prior to surgical intervention [67]. At 612
months after a pars repair, return to play at pre-injury
level is possible, but after fusion for spondylolysis and
spondylolisthesis there is a less predictable course of
returning to contact sports. [68]. An important consider-
ation for return to play that is specific to fusion for
spondylolysis and spondylolisthesis is whether radio-
graphs show bony union [58]. Players who undergo
lumbar fusion may require up to 12 months of rehabili-
tation prior to returning to play.
Lumbar spine injuries can range from minor strains to
high-energy fractures, and each of these requires their
own set of treatments and return to play guidelines.
Additionally, team physicians need to have algorithms
that can rapidly assess on-the-field injuries that require
vastly different interventions depending on type and se-
verity. The recovery process and ultimately return-to-
play by athletes largely depends on the type of injury
sustained as well as the athletes progression back to
pre-injury level of activity. Furthermore, and most im-
portantly, the risk of further injury always needs to be
paramount when deciding on appropriateness of return
to play.
AP: Anteroposterior; CT: Computerized tomography; LBP: Low back pain;
MRI: Magnetic resonance imaging; PLF: Posterolateral fusion; PLIF: Posterior
lumbar interbody fusion; SPECT: Single-photon emission computerized
Not applicable.
JB performed the literature search, contributed to writing the manuscript,
and read and approved the final manuscript. CH performed and revised the
literature search, contributed to writing the manuscript, and read and
approved the final manuscript. JL contributed to writing the manuscript,
and read and approved the final manuscript. MV contributed to writing the
manuscript, and read and approved the final manuscript.
No sources of funding were used to assist in the preparation of this article.
Availability of Data and Materials
Not applicable.
Ethics Approval and Consent to Participate
Not applicable.
Consent for Publication
Not applicable.
Competing Interests
The authors, Jacob Ball, Colin Harris, Jonathan Lee, and Michael Vives, declare
that they have no competing interests.
Table 2 Common lumbar spine injuries in sports and their treatments
Injury type Treatment
Fractures Minor fractures are best treated with rest, NSAIDs, muscle relaxants, and bracing.
Spondylolysis and spondylolisthesis Full-time Boston brace is the first line treatment for early spondylolysis [52]. Physical therapy alone that includes
exercise programs and stretches is acceptable [53]. Posterior lumbar interbody fusion, posterolateral fusion, or
anterior interbody fusion are used as surgical management [56,57].
Disc herniation Early activity and core strengthening are first-line treatments for conservative management. Laminotomy and
disc fragment excision have an 81% return to play rate [10,61]. NFL players benefited from undergoing surgical
correction, but MLB players were less well off than players who underwent nonsurgical therapy [10,62].
Ball et al. Sports Medicine - Open (2019) 5:26 Page 8 of 10
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Received: 5 March 2019 Accepted: 7 June 2019
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... As for the frequency of fractures of the other vertebrae: T12, L2, L3, and L4 were injured in 11.41%, 20.17%, 12.28%, and 3.51% of the cases, respectively. The incidence of injuries to L1 may be related to its specific anatomical structure and the fact that it is the first vertebra in which the less mobile thoracic spine turns into the more mobile lumbar spine [34]. In the presented study, a statistical analysis was additionally performed to determine a potential significant effect of the location of the injury on the choice of surgical technique. ...
Full-text available
Background: Thoracolumbar and lumbar spine injuries account for 30–60% of spinal fractures, especially at the thoracolumbar junction. Conservative treatment is recommended for stable fractures without neurological symptoms, but studies suggest surgical intervention may offer better outcomes. However, there is no consensus on the best stabilization method. Methods: This non-randomized, prospective study was conducted on 114 patients divided into groups based on the surgical technique selected: pedicle stabilization using Schanz screw constructs (Group One, n = 37) stabilization above and below the fractured vertebra using pedicle screws (Group Two, n = 32), and intermediate fixation with a pedicle screw additionally inserted into the fractured vertebra (Group Three, n = 45). Outcomes were assessed using the Cobb angle, anterior and posterior vertebral wall height, and patient quality of life via the Visual Analog Scale (VAS) and Oswestry Disability Index (ODI). X-ray imaging was performed before, during, and after surgery in the control group. Results: This statistical study showed that the location and type of injury significantly influenced the choice of short-segment stabilization method. In the case of measuring the Cobb angle and the high anterior wall, the statistical analysis showed that the best result was observed in the Schanz Group. Patients from this study group had the lowest pain and the highest efficiency. Conclusions: Schanz screw stabilization may offer superior outcomes for thoracolumbar spine injuries, providing better clinical and quality of life results compared to other methods.
... Diversos estudios sobre fisiología y ciencias del deporte (Zazryn, et al. 2006;Lystad, et al., 2014;Ball, et al., 2019;Lu, et al., 2021) han demostrado un alto riesgo de sufrir daños o lesiones en el cuerpo y los órganos internos tras el entrenamiento de combate y el ejercicio de alta intensidad como lesiones en la cabeza, conmociones cerebrales, lesiones articulares, en la columna y en las extremidades; así como en distintos órganos internos a largo plazo debido al mal manejo de las cargas de trabajo y deficientes procesos de recuperación. ...
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El arte marcial no es solo un conjunto de técnicas; es una senda de transformación que armoniza cuerpo, mente y espíritu. Gong Fa 2.0 propone un enfoque innovador que combina la sabiduría ancestral de las artes marciales con los descubrimientos más recientes en fisiología, neurociencia y psicología, creando una guía completa para el desarrollo integral del practicante; esta obra se adentra en la respiración como raíz del entrenamiento, el manejo de la biomecánica para la efectividad técnica y la recuperación activa para optimizar el rendimiento, siempre fundamentada en la evidencia científica. Con un lenguaje claro y accesible, Gong Fa 2.0 ofrece herramientas prácticas y conocimientos profundos para lograr un verdadero dominio personal. Dirigido tanto a artistas marciales como a deportistas de combate y personas interesadas en el crecimiento personal, este libro acompaña al lector en la transición de la competencia externa hacia una práctica más íntima y edificante, adaptada a la vida moderna. A medida que el practicante avanza en su camino, Gong Fa 2.0 se convierte en una referencia esencial, proporcionando un marco metodológico que permite integrar la práctica marcial en la vida diaria. Es un puente entre la tradición y la modernidad, un legado para aquellos que buscan convertir el camino del guerrero en un estilo de vida trascendente y significativo.
... 17 In addition, increased activity in sports can be a predisposing factor e.g., lumbar disc herniation (LDH), and stress fractures of the spine. 18 Spondylolysis occurs in highly active individuals due to repetitive stress and strain on the lower back, leading to a stress fracture in the vertebra. 19 Over time, this can cause instability, pain, and potential nerve compression. ...
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Study Design Retrospective longitudinal study Objective This study aims to investigate the influence of adolescent health-related behaviors (physical activity, high BMI, drunkenness, smoking), self-reported chronic disease, and low socioeconomic status (SES) on the development of low back pain requiring hospitalization or surgery. Summary of Background Data The baseline data were surveys gathered biennially in 1981-1997 (the Adolescent Health and Lifestyle Survey) and individually linked with outcome data, degenerative low back pain hospitalizations, and spine surgeries retrieved from the Care Register for Health Care. A total of 47 724 participants were included. Explanatory variables included physical activity, high BMI, smoking, monthly drunkenness, chronic diseases, and family SES. Methods A logistic regression model was used to analyze the influence of adolescent health-related behaviors (physical activity, high BMI, drunkenness, smoking), self-reported chronic disease, and low socioeconomic status (SES) on degenerative low back pain hospitalization, lumbar disc herniation (LDH) hospitalization and/or spine surgery. Covariates were selected using directed acyclic graphs (DAGs). Results A total of 5538 participants had degenerative low back pain hospitalizations, 2104 had LDH hospitalizations, and 913 had spinal surgery over an average of 27-years follow-up. High BMI (aOR 1.25, CI 1.12-1.38), smoking (aOR 1.53, CI 1.43-1.62), monthly drunkenness (aOR 1.17, CI 1.10-1.26), and chronic diseases (aOR 1.47, CI 1.35-1.61) in adolescence increased the odds of hospitalizations during follow-up. In addition, high BMI (aOR 1.37, CI 1.09-1.72), smoking (aOR 1.40, CI 1.21-1.61), and monthly drunkenness (aOR 1.19, CI 1.01-1.39) increased the odds of spine surgeries. Conclusions We found that smoking, high BMI, monthly drunkenness, chronic diseases, and low family SES in adolescence increased the likelihood of degenerative low back pain hospitalizations in adulthood. In addition, high BMI, smoking, and monthly drunkenness in adolescence increased the odds of spinal surgeries.
Background Regular epidemiological investigations are needed to investigate factors associated with low back injuries (LBIs) in National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) sports and to inform injury prevention and rehabilitation. Purpose To describe the epidemiology of LBIs in NCAA sports. Study Design Descriptive epidemiology study. Methods Exposure and LBI data collected in the NCAA Injury Surveillance Program during the 2009-10 through 2018-19 academic years were analyzed. Injury counts, rates, and proportions were described by sport, sex, event type (competition, practice), season segment, time loss (>1 day), history (recurrent, new), chronicity, injury mechanism, diagnosis, and activity. Injury rate ratios (IRRs) were used to evaluate differential injury rates, and injury proportion ratios (IPRs) were used to assess differential injury distributions. Effect estimates (IRRs, IPRs) with 95% CIs excluding 1.0 were deemed statistically significant. Results During the study period, 2629 LBIs from 12,213,285 athlete-exposures (AEs) were reported to the NCAA Injury Surveillance Program (2.15 LBIs per 10,000 AEs). Rates were highest in women's gymnastics (5.39 per 10,000 AEs), men's tennis (3.39 per 10,000 AEs), and women's volleyball (3.38 per 10,000 AEs). Among sex-comparable sports, rates were higher in men's (compared with women’s) basketball and cross country. Competition injury rates were >2 times as high as practice rates in men's sports; no difference was found in injury rates by event type in women's sports. Chronic LBIs were more prevalent in women's sports (compared with men’s) (IPR = 1.51; 95% CI, 1.29-1.76), as were recurrent injuries (IPR = 1.24; 95% CI, 1.05-1.46). Conclusion Overall, LBI rates were similar in men's sports and women's sports; injuries were most often attributed to noncontact and overuse. LBI rates across event type varied by sport, with notable differences in women's sports. Future research into LBI risk factors and prevention programs that emphasize proper technique, training, and recovery, especially in practice settings, could be beneficial to reducing the burden of lumbar spine injuries in NCAA athletes.
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El arte marcial no es solo un conjunto de técnicas; es una senda de transformación que armoniza cuerpo, mente y espíritu. Gong Fa 2.0 propone un enfoque innovador que combina la sabiduría ancestral de las artes marciales con los descubrimientos más recientes en fisiología, neurociencia y psicología, creando una guía completa para el desarrollo integral del practicante; esta obra se adentra en la respiración como raíz del entrenamiento, el manejo de la biomecánica para la efectividad técnica y la recuperación activa para optimizar el rendimiento, siempre fundamentada en la evidencia científica. Con un lenguaje claro y accesible, Gong Fa 2.0 ofrece herramientas prácticas y conocimientos profundos para lograr un verdadero dominio personal. Dirigido tanto a artistas marciales como a deportistas de combate y personas interesadas en el crecimiento personal, este libro acompaña al lector en la transición de la competencia externa hacia una práctica más íntima y edificante, adaptada a la vida moderna. A medida que el practicante avanza en su camino, Gong Fa 2.0 se convierte en una referencia esencial, proporcionando un marco metodológico que permite integrar la práctica marcial en la vida diaria. Es un puente entre la tradición y la modernidad, un legado para aquellos que buscan convertir el camino del guerrero en un estilo de vida trascendente y significativo.
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El arte marcial no es solo un conjunto de técnicas; es una senda de transformación que armoniza cuerpo, mente y espíritu. Gong Fa 2.0 propone un enfoque innovador que combina la sabiduría ancestral de las artes marciales con los descubrimientos más recientes en fisiología, neurociencia y psicología, creando una guía completa para el desarrollo integral del practicante; esta obra se adentra en la respiración como raíz del entrenamiento, el manejo de la biomecánica para la efectividad técnica y la recuperación activa para optimizar el rendimiento, siempre fundamentada en la evidencia científica. Con un lenguaje claro y accesible, Gong Fa 2.0 ofrece herramientas prácticas y conocimientos profundos para lograr un verdadero dominio personal. Dirigido tanto a artistas marciales como a deportistas de combate y personas interesadas en el crecimiento personal, este libro acompaña al lector en la transición de la competencia externa hacia una práctica más íntima y edificante, adaptada a la vida moderna. A medida que el practicante avanza en su camino, Gong Fa 2.0 se convierte en una referencia esencial, proporcionando un marco metodológico que permite integrar la práctica marcial en la vida diaria. Es un puente entre la tradición y la modernidad, un legado para aquellos que buscan convertir el camino del guerrero en un estilo de vida trascendente y significativo.
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El arte marcial no es solo un conjunto de técnicas; es una senda de transformación que armoniza cuerpo, mente y espíritu. Gong Fa 2.0 propone un enfoque innovador que combina la sabiduría ancestral de las artes marciales con los descubrimientos más recientes en fisiología, neurociencia y psicología, creando una guía completa para el desarrollo integral del practicante; esta obra se adentra en la respiración como raíz del entrenamiento, el manejo de la biomecánica para la efectividad técnica y la recuperación activa para optimizar el rendimiento, siempre fundamentada en la evidencia científica. Con un lenguaje claro y accesible, Gong Fa 2.0 ofrece herramientas prácticas y conocimientos profundos para lograr un verdadero dominio personal. Dirigido tanto a artistas marciales como a deportistas de combate y personas interesadas en el crecimiento personal, este libro acompaña al lector en la transición de la competencia externa hacia una práctica más íntima y edificante, adaptada a la vida moderna. A medida que el practicante avanza en su camino, Gong Fa 2.0 se convierte en una referencia esencial, proporcionando un marco metodológico que permite integrar la práctica marcial en la vida diaria. Es un puente entre la tradición y la modernidad, un legado para aquellos que buscan convertir el camino del guerrero en un estilo de vida trascendente y significativo.
Study Design Systematic Review. Objective The primary purpose of this article was to survey the present literature and report on return to play outcomes in elite athletes after undergoing motion preservation spinal surgery. Summary of Background Data For elite performance, athletes require adequate mobility and throughout the trunk, torso, and spine to achieve maximal force production. Therefore, elite athletes that have failed conservative treatment may seek to undergo motion preserving surgical options such as total disc arthroplasty and lumbar microdiscectomy. Individual studies have reported on return to play (RTP) outcomes following individual motion preservation surgical procedures, no systematic reviews have formally to reported on RTP outcomes, post-operative performance, and reoperation rates on these procedures in elite athletes. Methods A systematic review was conducted from inception until February 2024 according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines. One reviewer queried PubMed for relevant studies that reported on RTP outcomes in elite athletes following motion preservation spinal surgery (MPSS) based on title and abstract (n=1,404). After the original search query, an additional reviewer screened full length articles. A total of 11 studies met the inclusion criteria. Special consideration was given to RTP rates, post-operative performance, and reoperation rates. Results A total of 612 elite athletes from the National Basketball Association, Major League Baseball, National Football League, National Hockey League, and other professional sporting organizations underwent cervical and lumbar MPSS to treat various spinal pathologies. Various motion sparing techniques were used to treat various pathologies. After undergoing MPSS, RTP rates ranged from 75-100% for lumbar cases and 83.3-100% for cervical cases. Most athletes successfully returned to sport between. Post-operative performance varied with some athletes performing at the same level prior to surgery and some performing at a decreased level. Conclusions Motion preservation spinal surgery is a feasible option when properly indicated. Future studies are needed to compare return to sport rates, post-operative performance, and re-operation rates between motion preservation spinal surgery to spinal arthrodesis.
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Background: Lumbar disc herniation has a prevalence of up to 58% in the athletic population. Lumbar discectomy is a common surgical procedure to alleviate pain and disability in athletes. We systematically reviewed the current clinical evidence regarding athlete return to sport (RTS) following lumbar discectomy compared to conservative treatment. Methods: A computer-assisted literature search of MEDLINE, CINAHL, Web of Science, PEDro, OVID and PubMed databases (from inception to August 2015) was utilised using keywords related to lumbar disc herniation and surgery. The design of this systematic review was developed using the guidelines of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA). Methodological quality of individual studies was assessed using the Downs and Black scale (0-16 points). Results: The search strategy revealed 14 articles. Downs and Black quality scores were generally low with no articles in this review earning a high-quality rating, only 5 articles earning a moderate quality rating and 9 of the 14 articles earning a low-quality rating. The pooled RTS for surgical intervention of all included studies was 81% (95% CI 76% to 86%) with significant heterogeneity (I(2)=63.4%, p<0.001) although pooled estimates report only 59% RTS at same level. Pooled analysis showed no difference in RTS rate between surgical (84% (95% CI 77% to 90%)) and conservative intervention (76% (95% CI 56% to 92%); p=0.33). Conclusions: Studies comparing surgical versus conservative treatment found no significant difference between groups regarding RTS. Not all athletes that RTS return at the level of participation they performed at prior to surgery. Owing to the heterogeneity and low methodological quality of included studies, rates of RTS cannot be accurately determined.
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Background: Professional basketball players have a high incidence of injuries requiring surgical intervention. However, there are no studies in the current literature that have compared postoperative performance outcomes among common injuries to determine “high” and “low” risk procedures to these athletes’ careers. Purpose: To compare return to play rates and performance-based outcomes after different orthopaedic procedures in National Basketball Association (NBA) players, and determine which surgeries are associated with the worst postoperative change in performance. Methods: Athletes in the NBA undergoing ACL reconstruction, Achilles tendon repair, lumbar discectomy, microfracture, meniscal surgery, hand/wrist or foot fracture fixation, and shoulder stabilization were identified through team injury reports and archives on public record. The return to play (RTP) rate, games played per season, and player efficiency rating (PER) were determined before and after surgery. Statistical analysis was used to compare the change between pre and postsurgical performance among the different injuries. Results: A total of 348 players were included. RTP rates were highest in patients with hand/wrist fractures (98.1%, mean age of 28.4 years) and lowest for those with Achilles tears (70.8%, mean age of 27.0 years) (p = 0.005). Increasing age (Odds Ratio 3.85) and body mass index (BMI) (Odds ratio 3.46) were predictors of not returning to play. Players undergoing Achilles tendon repair and arthroscopic knee surgery had a significantly greater decline in postoperative performance outcomes at the 1-year and 3-year time points and had shorter career lengths compared to the other procedures. Conclusion: NBA players undergoing Achilles tendon rupture repair or arthroscopic knee surgery had significantly worse performance postoperatively compared to other orthopaedic procedures.
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Background: Professional basketball players are at risk for lumbar disc herniations (LDH), yet the evidence guiding treatment following operative or non-operative management of this condition in the National Basketball Association (NBA) is limited. Hypothesis: NBA players with LDH will have different performance outcomes based on treatment type. Study Design: Case-control Methods: Athletes in the NBA with a LDH were identified through team injury reports, transaction records, and public sports archives. A 1:2 case control study was performed in which LDH players and players without LDH were matched for player variables. Statistical analysis was employed to compare pre index and post index season performance [games played and player efficiency rating (PER)], and career longevity between test subjects and controls in the operatively treated (OT) and non-operatively treated (NOT) cohorts. Level of Evidence: Level IV Results: A total of 61 NBA players with LDH were included, of which 34 underwent discectomy and 27 were managed non-operatively. Return to play (RTP) rates did not differ between NOT and OT players (77.8% versus 79.4%). When compared to controls, OT players played significantly fewer games and had a lower player efficiency rating (PER) than controls during the first postoperative season, but no difference was seen two and three years following surgery with no difference in postoperative career length. In contrast, no difference in games played or PER was seen between NOT players and controls, although NOT players played significantly fewer post-index seasons. Conclusion: NBA players have a high return to play rate regardless of type of treatment for LDH; however, post index performance differs between surgically and non-operatively managed patients when compared to players without an LDH. Further studies with a larger sample size, however, are required for more definitive recommendations. Clinical Relevance: There is a high RTP rate following LDH in the NBA, although post index performance may differ based on operative versus non-operative treatment.
Objectives To determine the prevalence of low back pain (LBP) in pre-professional and professional dancers and its impact on dance participation, care-seeking and medication use. Design Prospective cohort study. Setting One pre-professional ballet school, two pre-professional university dance programs, and a professional ballet company. Participants Male and female classical ballet and contemporary dancers. Main outcome measures An initial questionnaire collected demographic and LBP history data. The monthly prevalence of LBP (all episodes, activity limiting episodes and chronic LBP) and impact (activity limitation, care-seeking, and medication use) was collected over a nine-month period. Results 119 dancers participated, which represented 54% of those invited. Activity limiting LBP was reported by 52% of dancers, while chronic LBP was reported by 24%. Seventeen percent of all episodes of LBP resulted in some form of dance activity being completely missed. One-third of the sample reported care-seeking and one-fifth of the sample used medication. A history of LBP was associated with activity limiting LBP (p < 0.01; adjusted odds ratio: 3.98; 95% confidence interval: 1.44, 11.00). Conclusions LBP in dancers was common and had multiple impacts. This study reinforces the need for dancer access to healthcare professionals with expertise in evidence-based LBP prevention and management.
Rapid on-field diagnosis and early stabilization can help to optimize the outcomes of spinal injury, which can have devastating consequences. Several basic principles will guide the rescuer through this process. Preinjury planning should include appointing a team leader, assessing the athletes’ equipment, acquiring appropriate equipment to facilitate stabilization, and establishing lines of communication to emergency medical services (EMS). When an athlete is down, the team leader should proceed to quickly assess airway, breathing, circulation, level of consciousness, and activation of EMS. This should be followed by stabilization of the head and neck, a coordinated log roll, and ultimately complete spinal immobilization for transport. Specific techniques for stabilizing the cervical spine, removing the facemask, log rolling the athlete, and lifting the athlete, will improve outcome. The helmet and shoulder pads should remain in place during transport unless specific indications require their removal, in which case a specific protocol should be strictly followed.
Surgical management of lumbar spine conditions can produce excellent outcomes in athletes. Microdiscectomy for lumbar disc herniation has favorable outcomes; most athletes return to play at preoperative performance levels. Direct pars repair is successful in younger athletes, with high rates of return to play for a variety of fixation techniques. Fusion in athletes with scoliosis is a negative predictor. There are few evidence-based return to play criteria. Athletes should demonstrate full resolution of symptoms and flexibility, endurance, and strength before returning to play. Deciding when to return an athlete to sport depends on particular injury sustained, sport, and individual factors.
Lumbar spondylolysis, a stress fracture of the pars interarticularis, is prevalent in adolescent athletes. Recent advances in diagnostic tools and techniques enable early diagnosis before these fractures progress to complete fractures through the pars. However, because patients often consult family physicians for primary care of low back pain and these physicians may not have access to diagnostic modalities such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography, stress fractures can be missed. This study surveyed the prevalence of symptomatic spondylolysis in pediatric patients who consulted an orthopedic clinic for primary care and investigated whether such acute stress fractures may be overlooked without MRI. The prospective study investigated 264 patients who were younger than 19 years and had low back pain. Of the 153 patients (58.0%) with low back pain persisting for longer than 2 weeks, 136 who agreed to undergo MRI were included in the study. This group included 11 elementary school students, 71 junior high school students, and 54 high school students. The overall prevalence of lumbar spondylolysis was 39.7% (54 of 136) and was 9.3% in elementary school students (5 of 11, 45.5%), 59.3% in junior high school students (32 of 71, 45.1%), and 31.5% in high school students (17 of 54, 31.5%). All 54 patients with spondylolysis had a history of athletic activity. Primary care physicians should recognize that approximately 40% of pediatric patients presenting with low back pain persisting for longer than 2 weeks may have spondylolysis and should consider MRI in those with a history of athletic activity. Because the spine is immature in this age group, almost half of affected elementary school and junior high school students may have lumbar spondylolysis. [Orthopedics.].
Ballet dancers are high-performance athletes who are particularly susceptible to a wide variety of musculoskeletal injuries. However, they are relatively understudied, and data on their injury rates are lacking. This retrospective study features the largest aggregate data on professional ballet dancers to date and aims to identify the most common diagnoses and areas of injury in this unique population to better direct preventative and clinical practices. The study encompassed a 10-year period from January 2000 to December 2010 of dancers from a single company. Data regarding the dancers' age, gender, location of injury, and diagnosis were collected from workers' compensation claims, company records, and medical records maintained by the treating doctors. These were analyzed to determine metrics on injury incidence, frequency, and diagnosis. Over the 10-year span, 574 injuries occurred. There were approximately 52 dancers per year for a total of 153 who danced at least one complete season during the study period. The average age was 27, and 53% were female. Given turnover with retirement and replacements, the total number of dancer-years was 520, indicating an injury incidence per annum of 1.10 (574 injuries per 520 dancer-years). The most common locations of injury were foot and ankle and the lumbar spine, with the three most common diagnoses making up greater than a third (37%) of the total. As the current largest study in professional ballet, the findings set the benchmark metrics for musculoskeletal injury to the foot, ankle, and lumbar spine sites. Future studies should aim to identify injury risk factors and modalities for prevention of these injuries.
Study design: Systematic literature review and meta-analysis of English language studies OBJECTIVE.: This study is a meta-analysis assessing elite athlete's return to play (RTP) rates after a Lumbar herniated nucleus pulposus (HNP) treated with microdiscectomy. Additionally, we compare RTP rates of those treated operatively versus non-operatively. Summary of background data: Microdiscectomy for a lumbar HNP in elite athletes remains a controversial subject with no consensus in the literature regarding true RTP. Methods: A literature of Medline, Embase, and Cochrane Reviews was performed. The pooled results were analyzed by calculating the effect size based on the logit event rate. Studies were weighted by the inverse of the variance, which included both within and between study error. Confidence intervals (CI) were reported at 95%. Heterogeneity was assessed using the Q statistic and I-squared. Results: The initial literature search resulted in 547 articles, of which 14 were determined relevant on abstract review. Overall, nine studies provided data for 558 patients that underwent a lumbar microdiscectomy. The pooled clinical success rate was 83.5% (CI: 79.7%, 88.0%) which was statistically significant (p < 0.0001). The studies demonstrated minimal heterogeneity Q value of 7.41 and I2 value of 5.53. Four studies included operative and non-operative cohorts. The odds ratio of return to play with a symptomatic lumbar disc herniation was 1.13 (CI 0.37-5.90). There was no statistical difference in return to play between the two groups (p = 0.59). Conclusions: Elite athletes return to competition 83.5% of the time after undergoing a single level lumbar microdiscectomy. There was no difference in RTP rates following microdiscectomy versus conservative treatment for elite athletes with a Lumbar HNP. Additionally, when comparing lumbar microdiscectomy to non-operative treatment, there is no difference in RTP rates, suggesting that a more aggressive approach to managing a symptomatic HNP in this population with earlier surgical intervention may be employed judiciously if timing necessitates for the athlete's benefit. Level of evidence: 3.
The purpose of this study was to analyze characteristics of dance injuries evaluated by sports medicine physicians. A cross-sectional epidemiological study of a 5% random probability sample of patients presenting for sports medicine evaluation between January 1, 2000 and December 31, 2009. The sports medicine clinic of a tertiary level pediatric medical center PATIENTS: 181 pediatric dancers (171 female and 10 male; 14.8 ± 2.0 years old) with 222 injuries. Injury diagnoses, location, type, and treatment. Forty-six injury diagnoses were recorded in this random sample of pediatric dancers, with the most common being tendonitis/tendinopathy, patellofemoral pain syndrome, apophysitis, ankle impingement syndrome, and hip labral tear. Most of the injuries occurred in the lower extremities, with knee and ankle injuries being the most common. Injury classification by type revealed that joints were the body structure most likely to be injured, followed by soft tissues, skeletal elements, and growth plates. The most frequent joint injury was patellofemoral pain syndrome. The most frequent soft tissue injury was tendonitis/tendinopathy. The most common skeletal injury was a pars stress reaction/spondylolysis. The most common physeal injury was apophysitis. Dancers were mainly treated with physical therapy, surgery, or physical therapy in addition to orthotics. Pediatric dancers experienced significant, and occasionally rare, injuries that may have long-term health consequences. While injuries mostly occurred in the lower extremities and mainly involved joints, the most common specific diagnosis was tendonitis/tendinopathy. There is still much to learn about management of dancers, and there is need for further research into injury prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. Copyright © 2015 American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.