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Infrared imaging of a multi-zone condenser for heat transfer coefficients assessment


Abstract and Figures

Although crucial for simulations, a proper identification of the convective heat transfer coefficients in multi-zone heat exchangers is a challenging task. While well in-strumented thermal systems permit to accurately record the energy balance in such components, the sole knowledge of the global heat transfer rate is not enough to reliably assess these coefficients. In this work, it is proposed to use the zones spatial distribution (i.e. the spatial fraction occupied by the liquid phase, the vapour phase and/or the two-phase regions) as a second identification criteria. An air-cooled condenser into which flows R245fa is considered as case study and a dedicated in-frared imaging method is presented to assess the spatial distribution of its different phases. These new data, combined with standard heat transfer rate measurements, are exploited to identify the best heat transfer correlations pre-selected from the scientific literature. In order to further improve the model predictions, the original heat transfer correlations are ultimately adjusted so as to best fit both the global heat transfer rate and the zones distribution data.
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Infrared imaging of a multi-zone condenser for heat
transfer coefficients assessment
emi Dickes, Olivier Dumont and Vincent Lemort
Thermodynamics Laboratory
Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering Department
University of Li`ege, Li`ege, Belgium
Correspinding author (
Although crucial for simulations, a proper identification of the convective heat trans-
fer coefficients in multi-zone heat exchangers is a challenging task. While well in-
strumented thermal systems permit to accurately record the energy balance in such
components, the sole knowledge of the global heat transfer rate is not enough to
reliably assess these coefficients. In this work, it is proposed to use the zones spatial
distribution (i.e. the spatial fraction occupied by the liquid phase, the vapour phase
and/or the two-phase regions) as a second identification criteria. An air-cooled
condenser into which flows R245fa is considered as case study and a dedicated in-
frared imaging method is presented to assess the spatial distribution of its different
phases. These new data, combined with standard heat transfer rate measurements,
are exploited to identify the best heat transfer correlations pre-selected from the
scientific literature. In order to further improve the model predictions, the original
heat transfer correlations are ultimately adjusted so as to best fit both the global
heat transfer rate and the zones distribution data.
Infrared camera, Heat Transfer Coefficients, HVAC, ORC, Heat exchangers, Zones
1. Introduction
Heat exchangers are crucial components in thermal systems allowing efficient heat transfers
between hot and cold media. In rating problems, the objective is commonly to evaluate the
amount of energy transferred through a specific component based on its geometry and the fluids
supply conditions only. Unlike in steam power plants or higher-capacity systems, small-scale
organic Rankine cycles and HVAC systems often employ single heat exchangers to perform the
complete heating and cooling of their working fluid. While being easier to put in practice,
such a simple configuration complicates some modelling aspects. Since the fluid experiences a
phase-change in both evaporators and condensers, several states of fluid (i.e. liquid, two-phase
and/or vapour phases) often coexist in a same component. In order to account for this spatial
division, a common approach is to simulate the heat exchanger with a one-dimensional moving-
boundary method [1]. Each zone iis considered individually and simulated with classic heat
transfer equations, i.e.
Hh,iAh,i ηs,h,i
Hc,iAc,i ηs,c,i
Aiis the surface area occupied by the ith zone;
Uiis the global heat transfer coefficient;
Tlog,i is the zone logarithm mean temperature difference (LMTD) between the two fluids;
Fiis the LMTD correction factor to apply if the heat exchanger is not of counterflow;
tiand kiare the wall thickness and conductivity;
ηs,h,i and ηs,c,i are the surface efficiency on each side (<1 in case of finned geometry, = 1
Hh,i and Hc,i are the convective heat transfer coefficients (CHTCs) on each side;
The effective heat transfer between the two fluids is thus calculated such as the total surface
area occupied by the different zones corresponds to the actual geometry of the component, i.e.
As highlighted in Equation (2), a proper modelling of the heat exchangers is highly affected
by the ability to characterize the convective heat transfer coefficients (CHTCs) in the different
zones. Although crucial, the identification of these coefficients from experimental measure-
ments is quite challenging. Most test rigs only feature thermo-hydraulic sensors at the inlet
and outlet ports of the heat exchangers which permit “solely” to calculate the global heat
transfer rate within the component (i.e. ˙
Q= ˙m(hsu hex)). However, such a knowledge of the
global heat transfer is not enough to properly identify these coefficients. Indeed, since several
convective heat transfer coefficients intervene in the computation of the thermal performance,
and because multiple zones coexist in a same component, very different sets of coefficients can
0 0.5 1
Temperature [°C]
140 Hh,l = 350 W/(m².K)
Hc,l = 480 W/(m².K)
Hc,tp = 1000 W/(m².K)
Hc,v = 300 W/(m².K)
Set of coefficients #1
0 0.5 1
Temperature [°C]
140 Hh,l = 505 W/(m².K)
Hc,l = 800 W/(m².K)
Hc,tp = 1e+04 W/(m².K)
Hc,v = 50 W/(m².K)
Set of coefficients #2
Spatial fraction [-]
0 0.5 1
Temperature [°C]
140 Hh,l = 100 W/(m².K)
Hc,l = 2000 W/(m².K)
Hc,tp = 2000 W/(m².K)
Hc,v = 120W/(m².K)
Set of coefficients #3
Figure 1: Identical heat transfer in an evaporator with three different sets of convective heat
transfer coefficients (temperature profile vs. normalized length).
lead to the exact same heat transfer predictions. Such a situation is illustrated in Figure 1 with
an evaporator. As evidenced with three different scenarios, the same heat transfer rate (i.e.
the outlet temperatures are identical) is retrieved with significantly different combinations of
CHCTs. Therefore, unless the experimental data features single-zone conditions (i.e. operating
conditions with only a liquid-phase, a vapour-phase or a two-phase flow in the HEXs), the
identification of the CHTCs based only on heat transfer rate measurements will more likely
lead to wrong results since there is an infinity of solutions. Alternatively, one may use heat
transfer correlations found in the literature to estimate the coefficients Hh,i and Hc,i. How-
ever, these correlations are generally purely empirical and calibrated to fit experimental data
gathered on specific test rigs. Their extrapolability to other fluids, geometries or operating
conditions is often controversial and multiple candidates can be considered to simulate a same
situation. While these correlations provide good guesses to estimate the CHTCs, they generally
need some adjustments to better fit another case study, which leads to the same identification
issue as mentioned above. An interesting solution to this problem appears by looking back to
Figure 1. As evidenced with the temperature profiles, the heat transfer coefficients do not only
play a role on the thermal performance, they also impact the spatial distribution of the different
zones. This observation is extremely important and has one crucial outcome: any knowledge
about the zones distribution in a heat exchanger can help to identify the convective heat trans-
fer coefficients. This work aims to illustrate how an infrared camera can be exploited to this end.
The paper is organized as follows. The heat exchanger considered as case study is first presented
in Section 2. Then Section 3 describes the infrared imaging method developed to record the
zones distribution. This method, combined with standard global heat transfer measurements,
are ultimately exploited to identify the convective heat transfer coefficients in Section 4.
2. Case study description
In order to illustrate this work, an air-cooled condenser integrated in a 2 kWeORC system is
taken as case study. Depicted in Figure 2a, it is a fin coil heat exchanger developed by Alfa
Laval (model Solar Junior 121) made of 13 parallel channels, each effectuating 12 passes in a
matrix of plain fins. Condensing R245fa is pumped across the tubes while ambient air is pulsed
with a variable-speed fan placed at the top of the condenser. As shown in Figure 2b, the test rig
is fully monitored with thermocouples, flow meters and pressure sensors so the condenser heat
transfer rate can be evaluated accurately. An extensive experimental campaign was conducted
with the ORC system which led to a complete database including more than 300 steady-state
points 1. The condenser heat transfer performance (i.e. ˙
Qcd) is thus fully characterized over a
wide range of conditions. As mentioned in the introduction, however, these global heat transfer
data are not enough to reliably identify the convective heat transfer coefficients. In parallel to
these thermo-hydraulic measurements, the following IR imaging method was applied.
(a) Photo of the system.
P: pressure sensor - T: thermocouple
m: mass flow meter - V: volumetric flow meter
(b) Scheme of the condenser.
Figure 2: Fin coil condenser of an ORC system taken as case study.
3. Infrared imaging method
In order to perfectly assess the zones distribution, the ideal solution would be to continuously
record the fluid temperature all along its path in the condenser. In practice, the tubes into
1The work presented in this paper is part of more general investigation focusing on the charge distribution in
ORC systems. The experimental campaign did not aim to characterize the condenser only, but also all the other
components and the ORC charge inventory. For any further detail regarding the ORC unit, the experimental
campaign or the results, please refer to the author’s PhD thesis [2].
which flows the working fluid are placed in a matrix of plain fins and most of them are invisible
from the outside. However, by removing the side plates of the condenser, one can visualize
the end-tips of these tubes. If the end-tips are observed with an infrared camera as shown in
Figure 3, the temperature evolution along the channels can be reconstructed. Although the
temperature profile is not continuously monitored (i.e. the temperature is rated at 13 discrete
points), these infrared (IR) data help to more precisely localize the frontiers between the liquid,
the vapour and the two-phase zones.
Front side Back side
Figure 3: Configuration and position numbering for one channel in the condenser.
For every operational point tested with the ORC system, a set of 4 infrared (IR) photos is
captured with a FLIR E50 camera. Each photo is shot from a specific point of view (two at
the front, two at the back) in order to fully monitor the condenser temperature profile. For
instance, the photos collected for one operating point are given in Figure 4. The IR photos #1
and #4 offer an overview of the temperature distribution in the complete tubes bank, while
photos #2 and #3 focus on a specific channel. After verifying that the temperature distribution
along the heat exchanger is quasi-homogeneous (i.e. that there is no significant discrepancies
between the different channels), the temperature profile along one typical path is extracted.
To this end, a semi-automated algorithm is run to quickly locate the end-tips of this particular
channel on the different photos (i.e. the red crosses in Figure 4). The temperatures are then
retrieved from the IR data corresponding to the selected pixels. In order to avoid any viewing
angle effect [3], the pixels locations are selected so the tube outer surface is always normal to
the IR camera. A post-treatment algorithm is then applied to merge the temperature profiles
identified on the front side (i.e. from photo #2) and the back side (i.e. from photos #3 and
#4) of the condenser. Because the tube emissivity is not perfectly known and because the
photos are not taken from the same distance, the two temperature profiles cannot be simply
superposed. Indeed, each photo gives an image of the relative temperature gradient seen from
a specific point of view, but they do not share the same absolute reference. To overcome this
issue, the temperatures profiles are shifted and combined so as to comply with the saturation
temperatures gathered by the pressure sensors. More specifically, the merging algorithm relies
in two main steps, i.e.
IR photo #1
IR photo #2
IR photo #3 IR photo #4
T [°C]
Figure 4: Example of IR photos taken for one operational point (the red crosses correspond to
the locations where the temperatures are evaluated).
1. to identify the pseudo-isothermal region in which occurs the condensation process on both
front and back sides;
2. to merge the front and the back temperature profiles assuming a continuity in the two-
phase region.
For instance, the temperature profile identified for the previous example is depicted in Figure 5.
As discussed in the next section, such a result offers very valuable information to better identify
the convective heat tranfer coefficients. However, the proposed infrared imaging method has
two important limitations that must be pointed out:
- Because the temperature profile is not continuously recorded but evaluated at 13 discrete
points, the zones distribution is known with a limited accuracy. In the example given
in Figure 5, the boundary between the two-phase and the vapour zones is not perfectly
assessed. Indeed, it can be located at any place between positions #1 and #2. Similarly,
the frontier between the liquid and the two-phase regions is located anywhere between
positions #7 and #8. Combining these two uncertainties, the spatial fraction occupied by
the two-phase region is known with an absolute accuracy of ±16.7%. The spatial fraction
of the single-phase zones, however, is estimated within an error of ±8.3%.
- The IR photos record the external wall temperature of the tubes which can significantly
differ from the bulk conditions of the fluid. The difference between these two values
not only depends on the ambient conditions, but also on the convective heat transfer
coefficients of the fluid. In two-phase regions, the external wall temperature is close to
the internal conditions because the condensing heat transfer coefficient is very high. In
single-phase regions, however, the heat transfer coefficient is much lower and a larger
Discrete position
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Temperature [°C]
45 Two-phase Liquid
Saturation T
T from IR #2
T from IR #3
T from IR #4
Final T profile
Tsat (Psu)
Tsat (Pex)
Figure 5: Temperature profiles identify for the example case in Figure 4.
temperature gradient appears between the external wall and the bulk. Such a situation
is observable in Figure 5 at the condenser inlet. Because of these radial gradients, the
temperature profiles identified with the IR data should only be used for qualitative and
not quantitative purposes. The IR observations help to identify the zones boundaries
but should not be considered as an exact measurement of the working fluid temperature
Keeping these limitations in mind, this IR imaging method is applied for every point of the
experimental campaign conducted with the ORC system. Ultimately, a complete database
of temperature profiles and global heat transfer performance is gathered to characterize the
condenser operation. As discussed in the next section, these data provide valuable information
to identify the various convective heat transfer coefficients.
4. Identification of the convective heat transfer coefficients
The convective heat transfer coefficients can either be fully re-identified from the experimental
data but best practice is to exploit state-of-the-art correlation as initial guesses. For the present
case study, the coefficients of three flow regimes must be assessed, namely for single-phase and
condensing conditions of the working fluid, so as for the air flow across the plain fins and the
tubes bank. Single-phase flows inside smooth horizontal tubes constitutes probably the best
known situation in the literature. In this work, a single correlation is considered given the large
credit recognized for its heat transfer predictions and its wide range of validity. This model
is the one of Gnielinski [4]. For each of the other flow regimes (i.e. the condensation of the
working fluid and the air flow), two candidates are selected from well-quoted correlations in
the literature, namely the models of Shah [5] and of Cavallini et al. [6] for the condensation,
and the models of Wang et al. [7] and of the VDI [4] for the air flow. Ultimately, four different
models of the condenser are considered (i.e. every combination between the two condensing
models and the two air-flow correlations) and compared to the experimental data. To assess
N RM S E _
0.05 VDI + Shah
Wang + Shah
VDI + Cavallini
Wang + Cavallini
(a) Fitting of the global heat transfer rate.
N RM S E/[!]
3VDI + Shah
Wang + Shah
VDI + Cavallini
Wang + Cavallini
(b) Fitting of the zones spatial distribution.
Figure 6: Comparison of the four set of correlations to simulate the condenser.
the validity of the different models, their predictions are discussed both in terms of global heat
transfer rate and zones spatial distribution. In order to quantify the compliance between the
simulation results with the experimental data, normalized root mean square errors (NRMSEs)
are computed for each criteria, i.e. one for the global heat transfer predictions
i=1 ˙
Qsim,i ˙
Qexp,max ˙
Qexp,min !2
and one for the zones spatial distribution i.e.
NRM S Eδ=v
i=1 |δAv,i |2+|δAl,i|2+|δAtp,i|2
δAv,i =Av ,sim,i Av,I R,i
δAl,i =Al,sim,i Al,I R,i
δAtp,i =Atp,sim,i Atp,I R,i
and Acd,tot is the total surface area of the condenser and Aj,sim,i/Aj,I R,i are the areas predicted
and experimentally monitored for the different zones for the ith point. The results gathered for
the four models are depicted in Figure 6. For the sake of convenience, these models are referred
to as model A,B,Cand Din the following discussion. Comparing the different NRMSE
factors, the model demonstrating the poorest fit is the model A. In comparisons to the three
others, this model leads to the largest residuals for both the global heat transfer and spatial
zone distributions. The models Band Cshow antagonist benefits. While the first one much
better replicates the condenser heat transfer rate, the model Chas a better compliance with
the zones spatial distribution. The best candidate among the four options investigated appears
to be the model D, i.e. the one coupling the correlations of Wang et al. [7], of Cavallini et al. [6]
and of Gnielinski [4]. A good starting point is thus to consider these correlations to calculate
the convective heat transfer coefficients. In order to further improve the model predictions,
these CHTC correlations can be adjusted so as to better comply with the experimental data.
To this end, each correlation is simply scaled by a constant factor cjas proposed in [8], i.e.
where Nujis the original Nusselt number predicted by the correlation. To ensure the most reli-
able model, the calibration of the cjfactors is conducted by minimizing the residuals committed
on both the heat transfer rate and the zones repartition predictions, i.e.
cj F= Ψ v
i=1 ˙
Qsim,i ˙
Qexp,max ˙
Qexp,min !2
| {z }
+Ω v
i=1 |δAv,i |2+|δAl,i|2+|δAtp,i|2
| {z }
where Ω and Ψ are two scaling values giving the same weight at both criteria. The correction
factors identified by this optimization are specified in Table 1 and the results gathered with
the adjusted correlations are depicted in Figure 7. As demonstrated, a good agreement is now
observed for both heat transfer and spatial distribution predictions.
Experimental power [W]
0 10 20 30
Simulated power [W]
RMSE = 260 W
± 10%
(a) Experimental vs. simulated heat
Spatial deviation /A [-]
-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1
Number of points
350 2-phase
(b) Histogram on spatial distribution er-
Figure 7: Predictions after tuning of the best predictive model.
Figure 8: Compact condenser for an automotive application.
5. Conclusion
Although crucial for simulations, a proper identification of the convective heat transfer coef-
ficients in multi-zone heat exchangers is a challenging task. While well instrumented systems
permit to accurately record the energy balance in such components, the sole knowledge of the
global heat transfer rate is not enough to reliably assess these coefficients. In this work, it is
proposed to use the zones spatial distribution (i.e. the spatial fraction occupied by the liquid
phase, the vapour phase and/or the two-phase regions) as a second identification criteria. An
air-cooled condenser placed in a 2kWe ORC unit is considered as case study and a dedicated
IR imaging method is presented to assess the spatial distribution of the different zones. These
new data, combined with standard heat transfer rate measurements, are exploited to identify
the best heat transfer correlations pre-selected from the scientific literature. Ultimately, it is
shown that for the present case study, the correlations of Wang et al. [7], Gnielinski [4] and
Cavillini et al. [6] best replicate the experimental observations. In order further improve the
model predictions, the original heat transfer correlations are tuned so as to better fit both data
on the global heat transfer rate and zones repartition.
The methodology proposed here above is not restricted to the present case study and can be
re-applied to many other heat exchanger (HEX) technologies. As long as the temperature
evolution can be recorded with an IR camera (as shown in Figure 8 for another example),
the zones spatial distribution can be reconstructed and exploited effectively. This method is
particularly suited for heat exchangers implying two-phase conditions inside tubes (e.g. finned-
tube HEXs, tube-in-tube HEXs, helocoidal HEX, etc.) but could also be extended to other
common technologies, like plate heat exchangers (e.g. as demonstrated in [9]).
The coefficients identified by minimizing (10) are reported in Table 1. Constitutive equations
of the heat transfer correlations are accessible in the corresponding references.
Table 1: Adjusting coefficients of the heat transfer correlations
Zone Heat transfer correlation Tuning coefficient
Air-side flow Wang et al. [7] c= 0.8719
Liquid flow Gnielinski [4] c= 0.7868
Condensing flow Cavallini et al. [6] c= 1.6
Vapour flow Gnielinski [4] c= 2.45
CHTC Convective Heat Transfer Coefficient ˙
QHeat power [W]
HEX Heat Exchanger tthickness [m]
HVAC Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning UHeat transfer coefficient [W/m2.K]
LMTD Logarithmic Mean Temp. Difference Ttemperature [K]
NRMSE Normalize Root Mean Square Error
ORC Organic Rankine Cycle c cold
cd condenser
Asurface [m2] ex exhaust
ccoefficient [] exp experimental
TTemperature difference [K] h hot
ηFin efficient [] l liquid
FLMTD factor [] log logarithmic
HConvective Heat Transfer Coeff. [W/m2.K] sat saturation
kConductivity [W/K] sim simulated
˙mmass flow [kg/s] su supply
Nu Nusselt number [] tp two-phase
PPressure [P a] v vapour
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... In order to ensure high accuracy of the condenser model, the knowledge of the chevron angle is important. Since this parameter is typically not published by the heat exchanger manufacturer, Dickes et al. [43,44] developed an approach based on the thermal imaging of the condenser. Due to the finite thermal conductivity of the plates, a characteristic temperature profile can be observed at the last plate of the heat exchanger. ...
The present experimental and numerical investigation is about an efficiency increasing and/or cost-reducing measure for Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) systems. In such systems, a high proportion of the self-consumption of the system lies in the condensation of the working fluid due to the operation of ventilators or cooling pumps. Typically, the condenser heat exchanger is a component where the processes of desuperheating, condensation and, in some applications, also subcooling take place. Especially, the process of desuperheating requires huge heat exchanger surface areas due to the low heat transfer coefficient of the vapor phase. The proposed measure aims to reduce the share of desuperheating in the condenser through injection cooling in front of this component. On the one hand, the condenser surface area can be decreased, reducing investment costs. On the other hand, if the surface area is kept constant, the expander backpressure can be reduced due to the improved heat transfer in the condenser, leading to higher power output of the expansion machine. The present study demonstrates the benefit of this optimization measure with the aid of an experimental investigation that is complemented by a numerical analysis. Keeping the condenser surface constant, the condensation pressure can be decreased by up to 11.1%, by applying this injection cooling and together with R1233zd(E) as the working fluid, This, in turn, leads to an increase in net power output of 7.9% and consequently substantial additional revenue, especially with a large number of full load operation hours.
... In order to best identify how the fluid is spread in the present case study (i.e. among the components, but also within them), the condenser permits an additional investigation [33]. The condenser is a fin coil heat exchanger in which parallel tubes each effectuate 12 passes in a matrix of plain fins. ...
This paper reports on experiments aiming to understand and to characterize how the working fluid spreads in an organic Rankine cycle (ORC) power system. To this end, a 2-kWe ORC test rig is constructed and tested over a wide range of conditions. Besides standard thermo-hydraulic sensors, the fluid charge distribution is measured on-line by bending load cells and infrared imaging techniques. Following a complete experimental campaign (which includes more than 330 steady-state points and fully characterizes the ORC off-design behaviour), a dual data reconciliation method is applied to the raw measurements to obtain a reference dataset. The results are then analysed to assess the charge distribution mechanisms occurring in the ORC and how it is correlated with the system performance. Among other aspects, this paper demonstrates (i) how the charge inventory is highly correlated to the temperature profiles in the heat exchangers, (ii) how the evaporator dictates the operating conditions of the low-pressure components, and (iii) how the system charge and the liquid receiver size can be selected to maximize the ORC overall performance.
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The organic Rankine cycle (ORC) is among the most suited technologies to convert low-grade and low-capacity heat sources into useful work. For many reasons - including predictive control, optimal sizing or performance forecast - a proper understanding and characterization of the ORC behaviour under off-design conditions is of significant interest. In order to avoid any intrinsic state assumption, predictive models must account for both fundamental conversation laws of hermodynamics, namely the conservation of energy and the conservation of mass. Besides of modelling the energy transfers, a true off-design model must account for the constant amount of working fluid in the system and simulate its distribution among the different components. Although well-known for HVAC systems, such charge-sensitive considerations are quasi absent for the ORC technology and existing models have never been completely validated. The goal intended by this PhD thesis is to fill this gap. To begin this work, experiments are conducted to assess the fluid distribution and the impact of the charge on a real system operation. To this end, a 2 kWe ORC test rig is constructed and tested over wide range of conditions. Besides of standard thermohydraulic sensors, the fluid charge distribution is measured on-line by bending load cells and infrared imaging techniques. Following a complete experimental campaign (which includes more than 300 steady-state points), a dual reconciliation method is applied on the raw measurements to obtain a reference dataset. An extensive study of the experimental data is then conducted. Among many results, the important contribution of the heat exchangers in the charge inventory is highlighted, so as the impact of oil circulation on the ORC performance rating. Following this experimental study, a complete modelling library is developed to replicate and extrapolate the system off-design behaviour. The intended goal is to create a true performance simulator, i.e. a predictive tool able to estimate the ORC behaviour based solely on its boundary environment (without state assumption, i.e. accounting for the charge distribution in the system). In a first step, a miscibility model of R245fa/POE oil is developed to account for the presence of the lubricant in the ORC operation. Afterwards, the modelling of each system component is conducted, with a particular focus on the heat exchangers and their charge estimation. Then a global ORC model is constructed by coupling the various components sub-models accordingly to a robust resolution scheme. The ORC model predictions are ultimately confronted to the experimental measurements, both in terms of thermodynamics and charge inventory predictions, and a good fit is demonstrated for all the model outputs. Finally, the utility of such a charge- and lubricant-sensitive ORC model is highlighted for different tasks. Considering the experimental test rig as case study, the off-design modelling tool is employed (i) to fully characterize the ORC response under off-design conditions, (ii) to prevent operating conditions where pump cavitation is likely to occur, (iii) to build optimal performance mappings for full- and part-load operations, and, finally, (iv) to optimally select the charge of working fluid and to accordingly size the liquid receiver.
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With regard to infrared thermography, problems connected with signal acquisition and limitations, both from the sensor and the camera points of view, are addressed together with a critical analysis of the main parameters characterizing the performance of the sensor and of the Infrared Scanning Radiometer (IRSR). In particular, the formulation of a cascade model for the evaluation of the actual System Transfer Function (STF) of a sampled IR imaging system coupled to a heat transfer sensor is discussed. Significant results referring to flow visualizations and heat transfer measurements performed with an IRSR in a number of applications are also presented.
This paper presents HFC32 average boiling heat transfer coefficients and pressure drops measured inside a small Brazed Plate Heat Exchanger (BPHE): the effects of heat flux, saturation temperature (pressure), and outlet conditions are investigated. The experimental tests were carried out at four different saturation temperatures (5, 10, 15, and 20°C) and four different evaporator outlet conditions (vapour quality around 0.80 and 1.00, vapour super-heating around 5 and 10 °C). The average heat transfer coefficients show great sensitivity to heat flux and outlet conditions and weak sensitivity to saturation temperature (pressure). The saturated boiling heat transfer coefficients were compared with a new model for refrigerant vaporisation inside BPHE (Longo et al., 2015): the mean absolute percentage deviation between calculated and experimental data is 4.7%. The heat transfer and pressure drop measurements are complemented with a IR thermography analysis for a better understanding of the vaporisation process inside a BPHE.
In this work, a novel and robust solution approach is presented that can be used to predict the steady-state thermal heat transfer rate for counterflow heat exchangers with any combination of single-phase and two-phase conditions within the heat exchanger. This methodology allows for multiple internal pinching points, as well as all permutations of subcooled liquid, two-phase and superheated vapor sections for the hot and cold fluids. A residual function based on the matching of the required and available thermal conductances in each section is derived, and Brent's method is then used to drive the residual to zero. Examples are presented for the application of this methodology to a water-heated n-Propane evaporator. The computational time required to execute the model for a simple case is on the order of one millisecond when the tabular interpolation methods of CoolProp are applied. Source code for the algorithm is provided in the Python programming language as an appendix.
A simple dimensionless correlation for predicting heat-transfer coefficients during film condensation inside pipes is presented. It has been verified by comparison with a wide variety of experimental data. These include fluids water, R-11, R-12, R-22, R-113, methanol, ethanol, benzene, toluene, and trichloroethylene condensing in horizontal, vertical, and inclined pipes of diameters ranging from 7 to 40mm. One data set for condensation inside an annulus has also been analyzed. The range of parameters covered includes reduced pressures from 0.002 to 0.44, saturation temperatures from 21 to 310°C, vapor velocities from 3 to 300m/s, vapor qualities from 0 to 100%, mass flux 39000-758 000kg/m2 h, heat flux from 158 to 1 893000W/m2, all liquid Reynolds numbers from 100 to 63 000, and liquid Prandtl numbers from 1 to 13. The mean deviation for the 474 data points analyzed was found to be 15.4%.
A correlation for fin-and-tube heat exchanger having plain fin geometry is proposed in this study. A total of 74 samples were used to develop the correlation. For practical considerations, the proposed heat transfer correlation had absorbed the contact conductance in the development of correlation. The proposed heat transfer correlation can describe 88.6% of the database within ±15%, while the proposed friction correlation can correlate 85.1% of the database within ±15%. The mean deviation of the heat transfer correlation is 7.51%, while that for the proposed friction correlation is 8.31%.
Condensation in Horizontal Smooth Tubes: A New Heat Transfer Model for Heat Exchanger Design
  • Alberto Cavallini
Alberto Cavallini et al. "Condensation in Horizontal Smooth Tubes: A New Heat Transfer Model for Heat Exchanger Design". In: Heat Transfer Engineering 27.8 (2006), pp. 31-38. issn: 0145-7632. doi: 10.1080/01457630600793970. url: http://www.tandfonline. com/doi/abs/10.1080/01457630600793970.