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Coastal aquifers are characterized by the interaction between the aquifer and the sea, defining a mixing zone of saltwater-freshwater. Thus, coastal aquifers have a strong synergy with hydrological forcings, such as astronomical and storm tides, aquifer recharge and pumping effects. These forcings govern the aquifer head, the spatial distribution of groundwater salinity and the saline interface position. This work is a numerical relationship between aquifer head and groundwater salinity associated with the sea level dynamics and the aquifer recharge. Precipitation, pressure, temperature, and salinity data were used for the analysis, the data was collected in the northwest coast of Yucatan during May 2017-May 2018 period. The results show that the aquifer head and salinity have a positive correlation with sea level elevation. The precipitation and vertical recharge show a weak correlation with the aquifer head and the groundwater salinity. These numerical correlations and the sea level rise scenario, caused by climate change, suggest an increment in the aquifer head, and a shallower saline interface in the study zone. Results indicate that the study zone may be affected by the increase of flooding areas and an increment on groundwater salinity. Seawater intrusion in coastal aquifers similar to Yucatan is associated with an increment in the salinity levels of the water supply from populations as well as an increase in household economy costs, ecological damages to ecosystems and depletion of population health. Therefore, it is important both for people and stakeholders to prepare for such affectations.
C. Canul-Macario*, P. Salles*,+, J. A. Hernández-Espriú** and R. Pacheco Castro*,+
Coastal aquifers are characterized by the interaction between the aquifer and the sea,
defining a mixing zone of saltwater-freshwater. Thus, coastal aquifers have a strong
synergy with hydrological forcings that govern the aquifer head (AH), the spatial
distribution of groundwater salinity (S) and the saline interface position (Werner et al.,
2013; Ketabchi et al., 2016). This work is a preliminary simulation of climate change
scenarios of the aquifer head (AH) and saline interface position (SI) associated with the sea
level (SL) rise, using numerical relationships in the karstic aquifer of northwest Yucatan,
Mexico (RNWY).
Conceptual model
a. Field Data + Literature
IPCC climate change scenarios of sea-level rise: RCP 2.6, RCP 4.5 and RCP
8.5 (Church et al. 2013)
a. Aquifer head scenario SL vs AH
b. Aquifer discharge reduction scenario SL vs AH
c. Saline interface position scenario SL vs S; Glover (1959)
0 
  󰇜
  󰇜
The NW Coastal Aquifer of Yucatán is located at SW of Mexican Republic in a Tertiary
and Quaternary rock (Fig. 2). The study zone is defined as a confined coastal karstic
aquifer. Regional groundwater flow is perpendicular to the coast with a low hydraulic
gradient 1X10-5 m/m (Villasuso et al., 2011). Precipitation, pressure, temperature, and
salinity data were used for the analysis, the data was collected in the northwest coast of
Yucatan during May 2017-May 2018 period.
Power spectra show a similitude between astronomical tide of SL, AH and S. Linear correlation of SL vs AH and
SL vs S shows significative correlation (Pearson r>0.7). The SL effects in the aquifer propagate toward the
continent until 11 km. Non-physical relationships suggest a direct relationship of AH and Sdue to increments of
SL (Fig. 3, Table 1). Precipitation and vertical recharge did not show significative correlation with AH and S.
Non-physical relationships suggest that sea-level rise will express in the aquifer similar as the astronomical tide,
Fig. 4 show that AH increases towards the continent until 14 km, reducing the hydraulic gradient and the
aquifer discharge to the coast (RCP 2.6 and RCP 4.5). RCP 8.5 shows a reversal of the aquifer flow (negative
hydraulic gradient). Low elevation terrain would be vulnerable to flooding due to an outcrop of the aquifer.
Glover model shows that the aquifer discharges towards the sea until 2 km, but with the sea-level rise, the
saltwater wedge moves into the continent. RCP 2.6 and RCP 4.5 suggest a reduction between 5 to 20 min the
freshwater thickness of the aquifer. Local coastal populations are supplied with wells located between 5 to 10
km from the coast, therefore, these structures would be compromised by the reduction in the freshwater lens.
Seawater intrusion in coastal aquifers, similar as Yucatan, could be associated with an increment in the salinity
levels of the water supply from populations as well as an increase in household costs, ecological damages to
ecosystems and depletion of population health (Alameddine, Tarhini, and El-Fadel 2018; Shammi et al. 2019;
Williams 2010). Therefore, the population must be prepared for these affectations.
Climate change scenarios suggest affectations to the health, economy and environment of the coastal populations of RNWY due to the increment in the salinity of the aquifer and aquifer head rise.
Population in RNWY must considerate a future increment in the cost of the water supply associated with possible desalinization processes or/and pumping from several inland kilometres. Coastal
ecosystem of RNWY will experience flooding in zones where the confinement is fractured. In addition, the salinity in the groundwater will increase and the saline interface will be shallower. Several
species in the coastal lagoons may be lost due to their low tolerance to saline and/or brackish water.
It is important to understand how resilient the coastal populations are to the increase of salinity in the water supply and changes in their ecosystems. It is necessary to develop strategies to increase the
population capability to adapt to the possible environmental, social and economic impacts.
Alameddine, I., R. Tarhini, and Mutasem El-Fadel. 2018. “Household Economic Burden from Seawater Intrusion in Coastal Urban Areas.” Water International 43 (2): 217–36.
Church, J.A., P.U. Clark, Anny Cazenave, Jonathan Gregory, Svetlana Jevrejava, Anders Lebermann, Mark Merrifield, et al. 2013. “Sea Level Change.” In Climate Change 2013: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, edited by Jean Jouzel, Roderik van de
Wal, Philip Woodworth, and Cunde Xiao, 227. New York, USA: Cambridge University Press.
Glover, R. E. 1959. “The Pattern of Fresh-Water Flow in a Coastal Aquifer.” Journal of Geophysical Research 64 (4): 457.
Ketabchi, Hamed, Davood Mahmoodzadeh, Behzad Ataie-Ashtiani, and Craig T. Simmons. 2016. “Sea-Level Rise Impacts on Seawater Intrusion in Coastal Aquifers: Review and Integration.” Journal of Hydrology 535. Elsevier B.V.:23555.
Shammi, Mashura, Md. Rahman, Serene Bondad, and Md. Bodrud-Doza. 2019. “Impacts of Salinity Intrusion in Community Health: A Review of Experiences on Drinking Water Sodium from Coastal Areas of Bangladesh.” Healthcare 7 (1): 50
Villasuso-Pino, M., I. Sanchez y Pinto, C. Canul-Macario, G. Baldazo Escobedo, R. Casares Salazar, J. Souza Cetina, P. Poot Euan, and C. Pech. 2011. “Hydrogeology And Conceptual Model Of The Karstic Coastal Aquifer In Northern Yucatan State, Mexico.” Tropical and SubtroTropical Agroecosystems 13:24360.
Werner, Adrian D., Mark Bakker, Vincent E.A. Post, Alexander Vandenbohede, Chunhui Lu, Behzad Ataie-Ashtiani, Craig T. Simmons, and D. A. Barry.2013.“Seawater Intrusion Processes, Investigation and Management: Recent Advances and Future Challenges.Advances in Water Resources 51. Elsevier Ltd:326
Williams, Vereda Johnson. 2010.“Identifying the Economic Effects of Salt Water Intrusion after Hurricane Katrina.Journal of Sustainable Development 3 (1).
This project has received funding from the National Coastal Resilience Laboratory (LANRESC) and
Numerical relationships
a. Power spectra (FFT) comparison of SL, AH and S
b. Non-physical relationships: SL vs AH and SL vs S
Figure 1. Methodology flux diagram.
Figure 3. Power sprectra comparison. (a) AH, (b) S
Figure 4. Climate
change scenarios
of AH.
Figure 5. Climate
change scenarios
of SI.
*Engineering and Coastal Process Laboratory, Sisal, Yucatan, Mexico. Engineering Institute, UNAM (e-mail:;;
+National Coastal Resilience Laboratory (
** Hydrogeolgy Group, Engineering Faculty, UNAM (E-mail:
H = freshwater aquifer thickness
q = unitary aquifer discharge
K = hydraulic conductivity
  = ratio density salt-fresh water
Fresh water aquifer head
from the
coast (km)
Astronomical Meteorological
slope r
t lag (hrs)
slope r
t lag (hrs)
P7a 0.80 0.809 1.00 0.00 0.612 0.82 0.00
P5 5.00 0.460 1.00 0.50 0.469 0.77 0.00
P8 12.00 0.140 0.99 2.00 0.398 0.71 3.00
P9 11.00 0.261 0.98 2.50 0.513 0.56 2.50
P7b 22.00 -- -- -- 0.354 0.38 59.50
P4 23.00 -- -- -- 0.050 0.07 34.50
from the
coast (km)
Astronomical Meteorological
slope r
t lag (hrs)
slope r
t lag (hrs)
0.80 0.101 0.76 3.00 -0.113 0.17 0.00
P7aBSI 0.80 0.966 0.90 -2.50 -6.606 0.20 0.00
P8USI 12.00 0.126 0.93 7.00 -0.138 0.37 25.00
P8BSI 12.00 -- -- -- 1.644 0.51 25.00
Table 1. Linear correlation of fresh water aquifer head, salinity
and sea level.
Figure 2. Study Zone
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Increasing salt intake has substantial negative impacts on human health and well-being. This article focused on the construction of Driver-Pressure-State-Impact-Response (DPSIR) framework for drinking water sodium (DWS) followed by a review on the published studies regarding salinity intrusion, DWS, and their effects on health perspectives in Bangladesh. Saline water is an important factor for hypertension or high blood pressure in the coastal areas. DWS can also lead women, especially pregnant women, to an increased risk of (pre)eclampsia, hypertension, as well as infant mortality. Several interventions, such as rainwater harvesting, pond sand filter (PSF) system, managed aquifer recharge (MAR), and pilot scale solar-powered desalination plants, such as reverse osmosis (RO), were reviewed on the context of their effectiveness in controlling drinking water sodium. Although rainwater consumption has the positive impact of low or no sodium intake, it still possesses negative impacts from not having vital minerals. A steady increment in sodium concentration through the span of the dry season was observed in MAR. It is, subsequently, important to increase awareness on DWS intake by providing and adopting correct technological interventions and training communities on the maintenance of the adaptive measures.
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The coastal zone of northern Yucatan Peninsula (YP) is mainly constituted by Tertiary limestones, covered by Pleistocen limestones, where there exist swamps and estuary systems, locally called “rías”, with mouths connecting them to the sea and hence being a way for an important amount of groundwater to discharge, like in Ría Lagartos and Celestún. These limestones have karstic layers located at depths from 8 to 16 meters below terrain surface. It is in these layers where groundwater mainly flows toward coast, passing below the sand dune and discharging in the sea in the form of submarine springs which in many cases manifest themselves on the marine surface depending on the hydraulic or piezometric fresh water head. The width of the superficial limestone within this coastal fringe, called “caliche”, varies from 5 to 10 kilometers in the study zone (Chuburna-Progreso-Chicxulub).  Its permeability is extremely low, so it constitutes a confining layer that impedes superficial waters to percolate toward groundwater. The hydraulic head of the groundwater below this confining layer is over the mean sea level and also over the swamp water level, coastal lagoons and estuaries. There are two important hydrological phenomena that occur in this coastal fringe: 1) There is no recharge to the aquifer (groundwater) due to limestone rock outcrops is impermeable or semipermeable; and 2) groundwater pressure is not lost, nor saline interfase is rised if the superficial layer is broken.  The groundwater pollution vulnerability within this coastal fringe is less than that for the superficial saline waters of swamps and estuaries, because of caliche’s low intrinsic permeability that impedes percolation.
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Hurricane Katrina made landfall August 29, 2005 becoming the costliest and one of the deadliest hurricanes in U.S. history. Katrina caused widespread loss of life, with over 700 bodies recovered in New Orleans by October 23, 2005. Before Hurricane Katrina, the region supported approximately one million non-farm jobs, with 600,000 of them in New Orleans. The ecological consequences were considerable including storm surge floods into coastal areas. These ecological impacts are still being felt throughout the region through human-driven coastal erosion and saltwater intrusion—issues that have long been damaging the region's natural storm buffers—were made worse by the hurricane. Specifically this research will: (1) provide current updates of the economic and ecological impacts from Katrina (2) review the current literature relating to salt water intrusion and (3) identify the economic impact of salt water erosion from hurricane Katrina.
Formulas are developed for the flow pattern followed by the seaward-moving fresh ground water as it nears a beach. It is found that, under steady flow conditions, a sharply defined interface is formed between the fresh and salt water. Along the interface the pressure of the static salt water, owing to its greater density, is counterbalanced by the pressures which drive the fresh water seaward. The fresh water escapes through a gap between this interface and the shore line. An increase in the flow of fresh water widens the gap. Tidal action causes a diffusion of salt water across the interface. This salt is carried back to sea with the fresh-water flow.
Seawater intrusion (SI) is a global issue, exacerbated by increasing demands for freshwater in coastal zones and predisposed to the influences of rising sea levels and changing climates. This review presents the state of knowledge in SI research, compares classes of methods for assessing and managing SI, and suggests areas for future research. We subdivide SI research into categories relating to processes, measurement, prediction and management. Considerable research effort spanning more than 50 years has provided an extensive array of field, laboratory and computer-based techniques for SI investigation. Despite this, knowledge gaps exist in SI process understanding, in particular associated with transient SI processes and timeframes, and the characterization and prediction of freshwater–saltwater interfaces over regional scales and in highly heterogeneous and dynamic settings. Multidisciplinary research is warranted to evaluate interactions between SI and submarine groundwater discharge, ecosystem health and unsaturated zone processes. Recent advances in numerical simulation, calibration and optimization techniques require rigorous field-scale application to contemporary issues of climate change, sea-level rise, and socioeconomic and ecological factors that are inseparable elements of SI management. The number of well-characterized examples of SI is small, and this has impeded understanding of field-scale processes, such as those controlling mixing zones, saltwater upconing, heterogeneity effects and other factors. Current SI process understanding is based mainly on numerical simulation and laboratory sand-tank experimentation to unravel the combined effects of tides, surface water–groundwater interaction, heterogeneity, pumping and density contrasts. The research effort would benefit from intensive measurement campaigns to delineate accurately interfaces and their movement in response to real-world coastal aquifer stresses, encompassing a range of geological and hydrological settings.Highlights► We review seawater intrusion literature and offer future research directions. ► The degree of spatiotemporal heterogeneities needed in management models is unknown. ► Process understanding requires more comprehensive seawater intrusion measurement. ► Methods are needed to routinely obtain the uncertainty of seawater intrusion models. ► Seawater intrusion is an active research field with substantial unresolved issues.