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Evaluation of the Penetration Depth of L- and S-Band (NISAR mission) Microwave SAR Signals into Ground



Microwave remote sensing has emerged as an efficient tool for the estimation of soil moisture due to its higher sen-sitivity to the dielectric properties of soil. Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) sensors have been used to estimate soil moisture at large scale. The penetration depth of microwave signals into the ground soil vary significantly with the available moisture content. It has been found that the longer wavelengths have a higher capability to penetrate soil,however, their penetration capability decreases with increasing dielectric behaviour of the soil. Moisture contentin the soil increases the dielectric behaviour of soil.Here we study the effect of soil texture, incidence angle and soil moisture content on the penetration depth of microwave pulses into ground. In doing so, we have compared the penetration depth of SAR signals in soil usingthe Dobson empirical [1], Dobson semi-empirical [2] and Hallikainen empirical model [3] over samples collectedat three different locations in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India. We observed all these models results into differentpenetration depth for the same set of soil parameters at same frequency. Further, we explored the potential of theproposed L- and S-band sensor of the upcoming NISAR mission for the estimation penetration depth in soil atdifferent incident angles. According to the NISAR mission science user handbook, the frequency used for L- andS-band SAR systems are 1.25 GHz and 3.22 GHz respectively with variation in the incident angle of 330to 470respectively [4].We observed the penetration depth of microwave signals into the ground decreases as moisture content in the soilsample, incident angle and frequency of SAR sensors increases. The maximum penetration depth is observedat nadir. The decrease in the soil penetration depth is significant for the first 10% increase in Volumetric WaterContent (VWC). However, any further increase in moisture content has a reduced effect on soil penetration depth.The penetration depth is more in L-band SAR signal as compared with the S-band SAR signal. Finally, we conclude that the Dobson empirical model results into higher penetration depth whereas Dobson's semi-empiricalmodel into the lowest penetration depth.
URSI AP-RASC 2019, New Delhi, India; 09 - 15 March 2019
Evaluation of the Penetration Depth of L- and S-Band (NISAR mission) Microwave SAR
Signals into Ground
Abhilash Singh*(1), Ganesh Kumar Meena(1), Shashi Kumar(2), and Kumar Gaurav(1)
(1) Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Bhopal, India
(2) Indian Institute of Remote Sensing, ISRO, Dehradun, India
Microwave remote sensing has emerged as an efficient tool for the estimation of soil moisture due to its higher sen-
sitivity to the dielectric properties of soil. Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) sensors have been used to estimate soil
moisture at large scale. The penetration depth of microwave signals into the ground soil vary significantly with the
available moisture content. It has been found that the longer wavelengths have a higher capability to penetrate soil,
however, their penetration capability decreases with increasing dielectric behaviour of the soil. Moisture content
in the soil increases the dielectric behaviour of soil.
Here we study the effect of soil texture, incidence angle and soil moisture content on the penetration depth of
microwave pulses into ground. In doing so, we have compared the penetration depth of SAR signals in soil using
the Dobson empirical [1], Dobson semi-empirical [2] and Hallikainen empirical model [3] over samples collected
at three different locations in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India. We observed all these models results into different
penetration depth for the same set of soil parameters at same frequency. Further, we explored the potential of the
proposed L- and S-band sensor of the upcoming NISAR mission for the estimation penetration depth in soil at
different incident angles. According to the NISAR mission science user handbook, the frequency used for L- and
S-band SAR systems are 1.25 GHz and 3.22 GHz respectively with variation in the incident angle of 330to 470
respectively [4].
We observed the penetration depth of microwave signals into the ground decreases as moisture content in the soil
sample, incident angle and frequency of SAR sensors increases. The maximum penetration depth is observed
at nadir. The decrease in the soil penetration depth is significant for the first 10% increase in Volumetric Water
Content (VWC). However, any further increase in moisture content has a reduced effect on soil penetration depth.
The penetration depth is more in L-band SAR signal as compared with the S-band SAR signal. Finally, we
conclude that the Dobson empirical model results into higher penetration depth whereas Dobson semi-empirical
model into the lowest penetration depth.
[1] M. C. Dobson, F. Kouyate, and F. T. Ulaby, A reexamination of soil textural effects on microwave emission
and backscattering,” IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing,6, 1984, pp. 530–536.
[2] M. C. Dobson, F. T. Ulaby, M. T. Hallikainen, and M. A. El-Rayes,“ Microwave dielectric behavior of wet
soil-part II: Dielectric Mixing Models,” IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing,1, 1985, pp.
[3] M. T. Hallikainen, F. T. Ulaby, M. C. Dobson, M. A. El-Rayes, and L. K. Wu, Microwave dielectric behavior
of wet soil-part I: Empirical models and experimental observations, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and
Remote Sensing,1, 1985, pp. 25–34.
[4] A Falk, “NASA-ISRO SAR (NISAR) science user handbook,” 22(2) ,2018, pp. 1–350.
... Sentinel-1A and 1B operates at a frequency of 5.405 GHz. At this frequency, microwave signals can penetrate up to 5 cm below the dry soil column [66][67][68] . ...
... We divided the study area into small square grids of 4 km × 4 km (Fig. 1) and randomly selected the grids for measurements. To ensure the same moisture content is illuminated and recorded by the Sentinel-1 SAR pulses, we measured the surface soil moisture at 5 cm depth from the topsoil layer [66][67][68] . To minimise the spatial heterogeneity, we collect 7-10 in-situ measurements over the footprint of the satellite pixel (i.e., 60 m). ...
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We propose a new architecture based on a fully connected feed-forward Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model to estimate surface soil moisture from satellite images on a large alluvial fan of the Kosi River in the Himalayan Foreland. We have extracted nine different features from Sentinel-1 (dual-polarised radar backscatter), Sentinel-2 (red and near-infrared bands), and Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (digital elevation model) satellite products by leveraging the linear data fusion and graphical indicators. We performed a feature importance analysis by using the regression ensemble tree approach and also feature sensitivity to evaluate the impact of each feature on the response variable. For training and assessing the model performance, we conducted two field campaigns on the Kosi Fan in December 11–19, 2019 and March 01–06, 2022. We used a calibrated TDR probe to measure surface soil moisture at 224 different locations distributed throughout the fan surface. We used input features to train, validate, and test the performance of the feed-forward ANN model in a 60:10:30 ratio, respectively. We compared the performance of ANN model with ten different machine learning algorithms [i.e., Generalised Regression Neural Network (GRNN), Radial Basis Network (RBN), Exact RBN (ERBN), Gaussian Process Regression (GPR), Support Vector Regression (SVR), Random Forest (RF), Boosting Ensemble Learning (Boosting EL), Recurrent Neural Network (RNN), Binary Decision Tree (BDT), and Automated Machine Learning (AutoML)]. We observed that the ANN model accurately predicts the soil moisture and outperforms all the benchmark algorithms with correlation coefficient (R = 0.80), Root Mean Square Error (RMSE = 0.040 m3/m3), and bias = 0.004 m3/m3. Finally, for an unbiased and robust conclusion, we performed spatial distribution analysis by creating thirty different sets of training-validation-testing datasets. We observed that the performance remains consistent in all thirty scenarios. The outcomes of this study will foster new and existing applications of soil moisture.
... The absorption of incident energy takes place due to the presence of water content in the vegetation. Active sensors like C-and L-bands are more affected by vegetation than passive sensors (Rao et al. 2013;Narvekar et al. 2015;Singh et al. 2019). ...
... Generally, the depth of sensor penetration is a measure of the invasiveness of the radar signal into a soil medium through which the reflections occur due to change in the dielectric constant of the medium (Engman and Chauhan 1995;Owe and Van de Griend 1998;Kafarski et al. 2019). It has been demonstrated that the penetration depth decreases with increasing soil moisture content (Lv et al. 2018;Singh et al. 2019). Most of the previous studies on penetration depth are qualitative in nature. ...
The moisture content in the soil is an important indicator of agricultural draught, especially in the arid region of India. Microwave data has the capability to estimate the soil moisture and soil penetration depth with different sensors whose sensitivity depends on the frequency and strength of the radar signals. In the present study, multi-frequency microwave satellite data of RISAT-1 C-band (5.3 GHz) and PALSAR-2 L-band (1.2 GHz) is used for calculating soil moisture across the palaeochannel (PC) at Bhimarlai village in Barmer district of Rajasthan. For this purpose, volumetric soil moisture was measured at Pit-1 (inside PC) and Pit-2 (outside PC) up to a depth of 120 cm. Inside the PC (moist zone), depth of soil penetration of L-band is found to be ~11 cm which is higher than that of C-band (~8 cm). However, the penetration depth of L-band in dry soil (outside PC) is found to be more (~16 cm) than the moist soil inside the PC. It has been observed that soil penetration depth with C- and L-bands gradually decreases from surface to a depth of 120 cm in both the pits, which are commensurate with the measured soil moisture and derived dielectric coefficient (ε) or backscattering coefficient (σ°) of the sensors. For cross validation of soil moisture condition in the sub-surface layers, a resistivity survey has been carried out for 240 m traverse length across the PC. 2D tomograms show a thin higher resistivity zone (dry sandy layer) overlying a thick zone of low resistivity zone (saturated clayey sand layer) that confirms the presence of the palaeochannel. Thus, a unique method is developed for evaluating sensor penetration depth with variation in soil moisture.
... Colliander et al. used airborne L-band SAR data to carry out a two-year forest-soil-moisture experiment under forest canopies in the northeastern United States [52]. Singh et al. found that the penetration depth of microwave signals into the ground varied significantly with the available content of soil moisture, with longer wavelengths having the stronger ability to penetrate the soil; however, the penetration capacity would be reduced as soil moisture content increased [53]. Liu et al. used ALOS L-band data to conduct penetration studies in extremely arid desert areas, and their results showed that the penetration depth of the L-band reached 2.98 m [54]. ...
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Optical remote sensing can effectively capture 2-dimensional (2D) forest information, such as woodland area and percentage forest cover. However, accurately estimating forest vertical-structure relevant parameters such as height using optical images remains challenging, which leads to low accuracy of estimating forest stocks like biomass and carbon stocks. Thus, accurately obtaining vertical structure information of forests has become a significant bottleneck in the application of optical remote sensing to forestry. Microwave remote sensing such as synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and polarimetric SAR provides the capability to penetrate forest canopies with the L-band signal, and is particularly adept at capturing the vertical structure information of forests, which is an alternative ideal remote-sensing data source to overcome the aforementioned limitation. This paper utilizes the Citexs data analysis platform, along with the CNKI and PubMed databases, to investigate the advancements of applying L-band SAR technology to forest canopy penetration and structure-parameter estimation, and provides a comprehensive review based on 58 relevant articles from 1978 to 2024 in the PubMed database. The metrics, including annual publication numbers, countries/regions from which the publications come, institutions, and first authors, with the visualization of results, were utilized to identify development trends. The paper summarizes the state of the art and effectiveness of L-band SAR in addressing the estimation of forest height, moisture, and forest stocks, and also examines the penetration depth of the L-band in forests and highlights key influencing factors. This review identifies existing limitations and suggests research directions in the future and the potential of using L-band SAR technology for forest parameter estimation.
... Target substance physical properties can be revealed by microwave-material interaction. The earth's surface interacts differently with microwave remote sensing's L-band, C-band, and Ku-band frequency bands, showing diverse properties (Krishnan et al., 2022;Paloscia et al., 2018;Singh et al., 2019). Microwaves are also used in remote sensing for soil moisture measurement (Engman, 1991;Laachrate et al., 2020), topography mapping (Gade & Stoffelen, 2019;Galantowicz & Picton, 2021), and vegetation investigations (Krishnan & Asaithambi, 2023). ...
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Soil fluoride is a critical determinant of soil fertility, human health and crop productivity. Soil fluoride can be increased by climatic conditions, irrigation water and anthropogenic activity, and it is important to control fluoride by understanding the complex relationships between atmospheric conditions and water systems. In this research, a detailed focus is on the hydrological and meteorological aspects of soil fluorides in semi-saturated and saturated soils to discuss the impact of irrigation, capillary rise and the combination of rainfall and anthropogenic activities such as fertilizer application on the soils in the dry spell and monsoon seasons of 2021 and 2022. A Sentinel-1 data can be used to estimate fluoride levels to the above soil conditions. In an effort to estimate fluoride levels in different hydro-meteorological scenarios, we have put forward a hypothesis that focuses on understanding the potential connections between hydro-meteorological factors (precipitation, groundwater levels, and temperature) and the levels of fluoride. The findings indicate that the extensive use of groundwater for irrigation leads to a rise in fluoride levels, posing a significant threat to crop health over time. Furthermore, the combined effects of irrigation and upheaval leaching on fluoride levels have shown strong statistical conformity (R² > 0.85) with the relevant field-measured fluoride data for the year 2022. Importantly, areas affected by FupheavalFupheaval{F}_{\text{upheaval}} are more sensitive to the sand and clay percentage in the soil because potential and dispersion behaviour enlarge the capillaries to decelerate the upward movement. A region-based discussion details the factors contributing to the increase of fluoride in soil helpful in taking remedial measures and mitigation plans.
... It obtains backscattering information of ground objects to realize the task of earth observation. Compared with optical and infrared remote sensing technologies, SAR belongs to microwave remote sensing [110]. It can not only obtain the earth's surface information, such as topography and landforms but also penetrate the surface to obtain underground, concealed, and high-resolution ground data in harsh environments. ...
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Brain-inspired algorithms have become a new trend in next-generation artificial intelligence. Through research on brain science, the intelligence of remote sensing algorithms can be effectively improved. This paper summarizes and analyzes the essential properties of brain cognise learning and the recent advance of remote sensing interpretation. Firstly, this paper introduces the structural composition and the properties of the brain. Then, five represent brain-inspired algorithms are studied, including multiscale geometry analysis, compressed sensing, attention mechanism, reinforcement learning, and transfer learning. Next, this paper summarizes the data types of remote sensing, the development of typical applications of remote sensing interpretation and the implementations of remote sensing, including datasets, software, and hardware. Finally, the top ten open problems and the future direction of brain-inspired remote sensing interpretation are discussed. This work aims to comprehensively review the brain mechanisms and the development of remote sensing and to motivate future research on brain-inspired remote sensing interpretation.
... Recently, Singh et al. [6] reported that Dobson empirical and Hallikainen models produce inconsistent results with the same set of parameters. This could be due to the fact that the empirical relationships are generally site-specific and vary greatly on the local soil parameters [7]. Additionally, they have observed that the Hallikainen model is more sensitive to soil parameters and is widely used to compute permittivity [8][9][10]. ...
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We evaluate the penetration depth of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) signals into the ground surface at different frequencies. We applied dielectric models (Dobson empirical, Hallikainen, and Dobson semi-empirical) on the ground surface composed of different soil types (sandy, loamy, and clayey). These models result in different penetration depths for the same set of sensors and soil properties. The Dobson semi-empirical model is more sensitive to the soil properties, followed by the Hallikainen and Dobson empirical models. We used the Dobson semi-empirical model to study the penetration depth of the upcoming NASA-ISRO synthetic aperture radar (NISAR) mission operated at the L-band (1.25 GHz) and the S-band (3.22 GHz) into the ground. We observed that depending upon the soil types, the penetration depth of the SAR signals ranges between 0 to 10 cm for the S-band and 0 to 25 cm for the L-band.
... The penetration depth of Sentinel-1 SAR pulses ranges between 1-5 cm depending upon the target and sensor properties. To ensure that the backscattered SAR pulses sense the same moisture content, we measured the soil moisture at a depth below 5 cm from the ground surface (Singh et al., 2018;Singh et al., 2019). We split the study area into small grids (4 km × 4 km) and then randomly selected a grid using the universal random grid sampling approach. ...
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We use surface soil moisture content as a proxy to assess the effect of drainage congestion due to structural barriers on the alluvial Fan of the Kosi River on the Himalayan Foreland. We used Sentinel-1 satellite images to evaluate the spatial distribution of soil moisture in the proximity of structural barriers (i.e., road network). We applied modified Dubois and a fully connected feed-forward artificial neural network (FC-FF-ANN) models to estimate soil moisture. We observed that the FC-FF-ANN predicts soil moisture more accurately (R = 0.85, RMSE = 0.05 m3/m3, and bias = 0) as compared to the modified Dubois model. Therefore, we have used the soil moisture from the FC-FF-ANN model for further analysis. We identified the road network that traverses on the Kosi Fan horizontally, vertically, and with inclination. We create a buffer of 1 km along either side of the road. Within this, we assessed the spatial distribution of soil moisture. We observed a high concentration of soil moisture near the structural barrier, and decreases gradually as we move farther in either direction across the orientation of the road. The impact of structural barriers on the spatial distribution of soil moisture is prominent in a range between 300 to 750 m within the road buffer. This study is a step towards assessing the effect of structural interventions on drainage congestion and flood inundation.
... China has been one of the countries with severe salinization problems [6]. China alone is covered by 10% of the world's salinized land area [7,8], and Xinjiang is one of the largest saline soil distribution areas [9], accounting for 36.8% of the country's saline-alkali land area, mainly distributed in the oasis-desert ecosystem in southern Xinjiang (nearly 50%) [10]. Therefore, realizing large-scale, high-precision soil salinization monitoring and scientific prediction of salinization risks and hazards are fundamental to alleviating environmental pressure. ...
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Currently, soil salinization is one of the main forms of land degradation and desertification. Soil salinization not only seriously restricts the development of agriculture and the economy, but also poses a threat to the ecological environment. The main purpose of this study is to map soil salinity in Keriya Oasis, northwestern China using the PALSAR-2 fully polarized synthetic aperture radar (PolSAR) L-band data and Landsat8-OLI (OLI) optical data combined with deep learning (DL) methods. A field survey is conducted, and soil samples are collected from 20 April 2015 to 1 May 2015. To mine the hidden information in the PALSAR-2 data, multiple polarimetric decomposition methods are implemented, and a wide range of polarimetric parameters and synthetic aperture radar discriminators are derived. The radar vegetation index (RVI) is calculated using PALSAR-2 data, while the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and salinity index (SI) are calculated using OLI data. The random forest (RF)-integrated learning algorithm is used to select the optimal feature subset composed of eight polarimetric elements. The RF, support vector machine, and DL methods are used to extract different degrees of salinized soil. The results show that the OLI+PALSAR-2 image classification result of the DL classification was relatively good, having the highest overall accuracy of 91.86% and a kappa coefficient of 0.90. This method is helpful to understand and monitor the spatial distribution of soil salinity more effectively to achieve sustainable agricultural development and ecological stability.
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Remote sensing (RS) and geographical information system (GIS) have been extensively used for their ability to provide better scope for decision making in terms of monitoring and managing various natural resources: water, land, forest, agriculture, natural hazards, climate change, etc. In this chapter, the authors precisely discuss in detail about the various applications of remote sensing and GIS in numerous fields such as monitoring water quality, crop modelling, monitoring wildlife habitat and forest management, application in agriculture and soil science, water resource, as well as natural disaster management. This chapter will also incorporate several case studies where GIS and remote sensing were used as a powerful tool to delineate and monitor environmental changes and take the necessary steps to manage the same. This chapter will thus focus on the importance of remote sensing and GIS and its impact in sound decision-making, which in turn will secure the sustainable utilization of natural resources to reach the requirements of present as well as future generations.
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This paper is the second in a series evaluating the microwave dielectric behavior of soil-water mixtures as a function of water content and soil textural composition. Part II draws upon the data presented in Part 1 [13] to develop appropriate empirical and theoretical dielectric mixing models for the 1.4-to 18-GHz region. A semiempirical mixing model based upon the index of refraction is presented, requiring only easily ascertained soil physical parameters such as volumetric moisture and soil textural composition as inputs. In addition, a theoretical model accounting explicitly for the presence of a hydration layer of bound water adjacent to hydrophilic soil particle surfaces is presented. A four-component dielectric mixing model treats the soil-water system as a host medium of dry soil solids containing randomly distributed and randomly oriented disc-shaped inclusions of bound water, bulk water, and air. The bulk water component is considered to be dependent upon frequency, temperature, and salinity. The soil solution is differentiated by means of a soil physical model into 1) a bound component and 2) a bulk soil solution. The performance of each model is evaluated as a function of soil moisture, soil texture, and frequency, using the dielectric measurements of five soils ranging from sandy loam to silty clay (as presented in Part I [13]) at frequencies between 1.4 and 18 GHz. The semiempirical mixing model yields an excellent fit to the measured data at frequencies above 4 GHz. At 1.
Microwave frequency measurements of moist soil dielectric properties are noted to challenge the validity of percent-of-field-capacity as a moisture indicator that is independent of soil texture in terms of microwave sensitivity. In arriving at this view, gravimetric, volumetric, and percent-of-field-capacity were tested for their ability to reduce dielectric behavior divergence between soil textures at 1.4 and 5.0 GHz. The most congruent dielectric behavior between soil textures is found to occur when soil moisture is expressed on a volumetric basis that is proportional to the number of water dipoles/unit volume. An inadequate characterization of soil bulk density in the field, combined with the dependency of bulk density on water retention at field capacity, offers the most plausible explanation for the earlier conclusions.
NASA-ISRO SAR (NISAR) science user handbook
  • A Falk
A Falk, "NASA-ISRO SAR (NISAR) science user handbook," 22(2),2018, pp. 1-350.
Microwave dielectric behavior of wet soil-part I: Empirical models and experimental observations
  • M T Hallikainen
  • F T Ulaby
  • M C Dobson
  • M A El-Rayes
  • L K Wu