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Draft Genome Sequence of Bacillus subtilis SB-14, an Antimicrobially Active Isolate from Namibian Social Spiders ( Stegodyphus dumicola )



We present the high-quality draft genome sequence of Bacillus subtilis SB-14, isolated from the Namibian social spider Stegodyphus dumicola . In accordance with its antimicrobial activity, both known and potentially novel antimicrobial biosynthetic gene clusters were identified in the genome of SB-14.
Draft Genome Sequence of Bacillus subtilis SB-14, an
Antimicrobially Active Isolate from Namibian Social Spiders
(Stegodyphus dumicola)
Stine Sofie Frank Nielsen,
Simone Weiss,
Seven Nazipi,
Ian P. G. Marshall,
Trine Bilde,
Andreas Schramm
Department of Clinical Medicine, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark
Department of Bioscience, Section for Microbiology, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark
Department of Bioscience, Section for Genetics, Ecology and Evolution, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark
ABSTRACT We present the high-quality draft genome sequence of Bacillus subtilis
SB-14, isolated from the Namibian social spider Stegodyphus dumicola. In accordance
with its antimicrobial activity, both known and potentially novel antimicrobial bio-
synthetic gene clusters were identified in the genome of SB-14.
Increasing antibiotic consumption has accelerated resistance development, prompt-
ing the need for novel antibiotics (1, 2). Stegodyphus dumicola spiders are social
spiders that live in communal nests with a high degree of inbreeding and low genetic
variation, making them potentially vulnerable for pathogen attack. We therefore sug-
gest an intricate symbiotic relationship with a well-developed protective microbiome.
This microbiome may present an unexplored source of antibiotics (3, 4).
Bacillus subtilis SB-14 was isolated from the body surface of a Stegodyphus dumicola
spider, as follows: a spider was immersed in nutrient broth (Sigma-Aldrich), which was
incubated at 30°C overnight, plated onto nutrient broth agar plates, and grown aerobically
at 30°C. Single colonies from serial dilutions were restreaked until a pure culture was
established. Colonies were screened by colony PCR and 16S rRNA gene sequencing (5). The
antimicrobial activity of SB-14 against Staphylococcus epidermidis BMC-HMP0060 was de-
tected using the Kirby-Bauer disk diffusion susceptibility test protocol (6), with the modi-
fication that SB-14 was point inoculated onto a lawn of S. epidermidis.
Genomic DNA was extracted using the DNeasy blood and tissue kit (Qiagen) and
prepared for sequencing with a Nextera XT DNA library prep kit (Illumina). Sequencing was
performed utilizing an Illumina MiSeq platform with a paired-end 300-bp read MiSeq
reagent kit, yielding 5.5 million sequencing reads in total (1.11 Gbp), with approxi-
mately 260coverage. Read quality was analyzed by FastQC version 0.11.7 (https://www, and reads were trimmed by Trimmomatic
version 0.36 (7) using length-based trimming with the following parameters: headcrop, 20;
crop, 290; a minimum average quality score of 20; and a 4-bp sliding window. Finally, the
genome was assembled using SPAdes version 3.11.1 (8), resulting in 37 scaffolds, of which
31 were 200 bp when applying the parameters careful -k 21, 33, 55, 77, 99, 127.
CheckM version 1.0.9 (9) estimated 98.28% completeness and 0.00% contamination
of the SB-14 genome, using the gene marker set for the domain Bacteria; the corre-
sponding values using the gene marker set for Bacillus subtilis were 97.29% and 2.63%,
NCBI BLAST (10) analysis of the 16S rRNA gene revealed 99% identity to the 16S rRNA
genes of multiple Bacillus subtilis strains. This genus and species identity was confirmed by
an average amino acid identity of 98% (11), average nucleotide identity of 98% (11),
and 94.18% digital DNA-DNA hybridization value (, compared to
Bacillus subtilis subsp. inaquosorum (NCBI RefSeq accession no. NZ_CP013984).
Citation Nielsen SSF, Weiss S, Nazipi S, Marshall
IPG, Bilde T, Schramm A. 2019. Draft genome
sequence of Bacillus subtilis SB-14, an
antimicrobially active isolate from Namibian
social spiders (Stegodyphus dumicola).
Microbiol Resour Announc 8:e00156-19.
Editor Christina A. Cuomo, Broad Institute
Copyright © 2019 Nielsen et al. This is an
open-access article distributed under the terms
of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International license.
Address correspondence to Andreas Schramm,
S.S.F.N. and S.W. contributed equally to this
Received 12 February 2019
Accepted 27 May 2019
Published 20 June 2019
Volume 8 Issue 25 e00156-19 1
The draft genome of Bacillus subtilis SB-14 contains 4,262,181 bp on 31 scaffolds of
200 bp, with an average GC content of 44.02% and an N
value of 781,251 bp. Prokka
version 1.12 (12) analysis found 81 tRNA, 10 rRNA, and 4,210 protein-coding sequences.
Upon antiSMASH version 3.0 (13) analysis, 30 secondary metabolite biosynthetic gene
clusters were identified. Five of these were 100% identical to known clusters encoding the
biosynthesis of teichuronic acid (14), bacillibactin (15), the antifungal lipopeptide fengycin
(16), and the antibiotics bacillaene (17) and subtilosin A (18). Three other clusters had 82%,
40%, and 18% identity to clusters known for the biosynthesis of the antimicrobial metab-
olites surfactin (19), bacillomycin (20), and zwittermicin A (21), respectively; these three may
therefore represent novel variations of these metabolites.
Data availability. The isolate Bacillus subtilis SB-14 has been deposited at the DSMZ
( under accession no. DSM 109343. This whole-genome shotgun
project has been deposited in DDBJ/ENA/GenBank under BioProject accession no.
PRJNA438195. The raw data can be found under accession no. SRR8560781, and the
assembled genome has GenBank accession no. PXUR00000000. The version described
in this paper is the first version, PXUR01000000.
We thank Virginia Settepani for collecting and handling social spiders, Britta Poulsen
and Susanne Nielsen for help with Illumina MiSeq sequencing, and Anne Stentebjerg
for handling the bacterial culture/DSMZ submission.
This study was funded by the Novo Nordisk Foundation, the European Research
Council (grant ERC StG-2011_282163 to T.B.), and The Danish Council for Independent
Research, Natural Sciences.
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Volume 8 Issue 25 e00156-19 2
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Genomic and metagenomic analyses are increasingly becoming commonplace in several areas of biological research, but recurrent specialized analyses are frequently reported as in-house scripts rarely available after publication. We describe the enveomics collection, a growing set of actively maintained scripts for several recurrent and specialized tasks in microbial genomics and metagenomics, and present a graphical user interface and several case studies. Our resource includes previously described as well as new algorithms such as Transformed-space Resampling In Biased Sets (TRIBS), a novel method to evaluate phylogenetic under- or over-dispersion in reference sets with strong phylogenetic bias. The enveomics collection is freely available under the terms of the Artistic License 2.0 at and for online analysis at
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Emergence of resistance among the most important bacterial pathogens is recognized as a major public health threat affecting humans worldwide. Multidrug-resistant organisms have not only emerged in the hospital environment but are now often identified in community settings, suggesting that reservoirs of antibiotic-resistant bacteria are present outside the hospital. The bacterial response to the antibiotic " attack " is the prime example of bacterial adaptation and the pinnacle of evolution. " Survival of the fittest " is a consequence of an immense genetic plasticity of bacterial pathogens that trigger specific responses that result in mutational adaptations, acquisition of genetic material, or alteration of gene expression producing resistance to virtually all antibiotics currently available in clinical practice. Therefore, understanding the biochemical and genetic basis of resistance is of paramount importance to design strategies to curtail the emergence and spread of resistance and to devise innovative therapeutic approaches against multidrug-resistant organisms. In this chapter, we will describe in detail the major mechanisms of antibiotic resistance encountered in clinical practice, providing specific examples in relevant bacterial pathogens.
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Mechanisms of Antibiotic Resistance, Page 1 of 2 Abstract Emergence of resistance among the most important bacterial pathogens is recognized as a major public health threat affecting humans worldwide. Multidrug-resistant organisms have not only emerged in the hospital environment but are now often identified in community settings, suggesting that reservoirs of antibiotic-resistant bacteria are present outside the hospital. The bacterial response to the antibiotic “attack” is the prime example of bacterial adaptation and the pinnacle of evolution. “Survival of the fittest” is a consequence of an immense genetic plasticity of bacterial pathogens that trigger specific responses that result in mutational adaptations, acquisition of genetic material, or alteration of gene expression producing resistance to virtually all antibiotics currently available in clinical practice. Therefore, understanding the biochemical and genetic basis of resistance is of paramount importance to design strategies to curtail the emergence and spread of resistance and to devise innovative therapeutic approaches against multidrug-resistant organisms. In this chapter, we will describe in detail the major mechanisms of antibiotic resistance encountered in clinical practice, providing specific examples in relevant bacterial pathogens.
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Microbial secondary metabolism constitutes a rich source of antibiotics, chemotherapeutics, insecticides and other high-value chemicals. Genome mining of gene clusters that encode the biosynthetic pathways for these metabolites has become a key methodology for novel compound discovery. In 2011, we introduced antiSMASH, a web server and stand-alone tool for the automatic genomic identification and analysis of biosynthetic gene clusters, available at Here, we present version 3.0 of antiSMASH, which has undergone major improvements. A full integration of the recently published ClusterFinder algorithm now allows using this probabilistic algorithm to detect putative gene clusters of unknown types. Also, a new dereplication variant of the ClusterBlast module now identifies similarities of identified clusters to any of 1172 clusters with known end products. At the enzyme level, active sites of key biosynthetic enzymes are now pinpointed through a curated pattern-matching procedure and Enzyme Commission numbers are assigned to functionally classify all enzyme-coding genes. Additionally, chemical structure prediction has been improved by incorporating polyketide reduction states. Finally, in order for users to be able to organize and analyze multiple antiSMASH outputs in a private setting, a new XML output module allows offline editing of antiSMASH annotations within the Geneious software.
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Large-scale recovery of genomes from isolates, single cells, and metagenomic data has been made possible by advances in computational methods and substantial reductions in sequencing costs. While this increasing breadth of draft genomes is providing key information regarding the evolutionary and functional diversity of microbial life, it has become impractical to finish all available reference genomes. Making robust biological inferences from draft genomes requires accurate estimates of their completeness and contamination. Current methods for assessing genome quality are ad hoc and generally make use of a limited number of 'marker' genes conserved across all bacterial or archaeal genomes. Here we introduce CheckM, an automated method for assessing the quality of a genome using a broader set of marker genes specific to the position of a genome within a reference genome tree and information about the collocation of these genes. We demonstrate the effectiveness of CheckM using synthetic data and a wide range of isolate, single cell and metagenome derived genomes. CheckM is shown to provide accurate estimates of genome completeness and contamination, and to outperform existing approaches. Using CheckM, we identify a diverse range of errors currently impacting publicly available isolate genomes and demonstrate that genomes obtained from single cells and metagenomic data vary substantially in quality. In order to facilitate the use of draft genomes, we propose an objective measure of genome quality that can be used to select genomes suitable for specific gene- and genome-centric analyses of microbial communities. Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press.
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Although many NGS read pre-processing tools already existed, we could not find any tool or combination of tools which met our requirements in terms of flexibility, correct handling of paired-end data, and high performance. We have developed Trimmomatic as a more flexible and efficient pre-processing tool, which could correctly handle paired-end data. The value of NGS read pre-processing is demonstrated for both reference-based and reference-free tasks. Trimmomatic is shown to produce output which is at least competitive with, and in many cases superior to, that produced by other tools, in all scenarios tested. Trimmomatic is licensed under GPL V3. It is cross-platform (Java 1.5+ required) and available from CONTACT: SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Manual and source code are available from
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The multiplex capability and high yield of current day DNA sequencing instruments has made bacterial whole genome sequencing a routine affair. The subsequent de novo assembly of reads into contigs has been well addressed. The final step of annotating all relevant genomic features on those contig can be achieved slowly using existing web and email-based systems, but these are not applicable for sensitive data or integrating into computational pipelines. Here we introduce Prokka, a command line software tool to fully annotate a draft bacterial genome in about ten minutes on a typical desktop computer. It produces standards-compliant output files for further analysis or viewing in genome browsers. Prokka is implemented in Perl and is freely available under an open source GPLv2 license from
The discovery, commercialization, and routine administration of antimicrobial compounds to treat infections revolutionized modern medicine and changed the therapeutic paradigm. Indeed, antibiotics have become one of the most important medical interventions needed for the development of complex medical approaches such as cutting-edge surgical procedures, solid organ transplantation, and management of patients with cancer, among others. Unfortunately, the marked increase in antimicrobial resistance among common bacterial pathogens is now threatening this therapeutic accomplishment, jeopardizing the successful outcomes of critically ill patients. In fact, the World Health Organization has named antibiotic resistance as one of the three most important public health threats of the 21st century (1).
Subtilosin A, a new antibiotic produced by Bacillus subtilis 168, was extracted from culture medium with n-butanol and purified to homogeneity by a combination of gel filtration and thin-layer chromatography. The yield was 5.5 mg from a liter of culture. It had bacteriocidal activity against some gram-positive bacteria. Amino acid analysis and mass spectrometry showed that it was a peptide with a molecular weight of 3398.9, consisting of 32 usual amino acid and some non-amino acid residues. Its amino- and carboxyl-termini were blocked. By analysis of the fragments obtained by partial acid hydrolysis, as well as by chymotryptic and thermolysin digestions of reduced and S-carboxymethylated samples and Achromobacter protease I digestion of performic acid-oxidized samples, the amino acid sequence was determined to be as follows: X-Gly-Leu-Gly-Leu-Trp-Gly-Asn-Lys-Gly-Cys-Ala-Thr-Cys-Ser-Ile-Gly-Ala-Ala-Cys-Leu-Val-Asp-Gly-Pro-Ile-Pro-Asp-Glx-IIe-Ala-Gly-Ala. The analyses of cross-linking structures revealed that there were linkages between the amino- and carboxyl-termini and between the Cys-19 and the Glx-28 residues through an unknown residue with a residue weight of 163. Consequently, subtilosin A was deduced to be a cyclic peptide antibiotic with a novel cross-linking structure. The production of subtilosin A begins at the end of vegetative growth and finishes before spore formation. Studies on the correlation between the production of subtilosin A and spore formation with decoyinine in the original strain and in asporogenous mutants of B. subtilis 168 suggested that there was no close correlation between the two phenomena. The production of subtilosin A was repressed by inhibitors of protein and RNA synthesis in contrast to that of many other antibiotic peptides, suggesting that it is synthesized by the mechanism of usual protein synthesis.
Decades after the first patients were treated with antibiotics, bacterial infections have again become a threat because of the rapid emergence of resistant bacteria-a crisis attributed to abuse of these medications and a lack of new drug development.