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Human activities and their effects on the climate and
environment cause unprecedented animal and plant
extinctions, cause loss in biodiversity1–4 and endanger
animal and plant life on Earth5. Losses of species, com-
munities and habitats are comparatively well researched,
documented and publicized6. By contrast, microorgan-
isms are generally not discussed in the context of cli-
mate change (particularly the effect of climate change
on microorganisms). While invisible to the naked eye
and thus somewhat intangible7, the abundance (~1030
total bacteria and archaea)8 and diversity of microorgan-
isms underlie their role in maintaining a healthy global
ecosystem: simply put, the microbial world constitutes
the life support system of the biosphere. Although
human effects on microorganisms are less obvious and
certainly less characterized, a major concern is that
changes in microbial biodiversity and activities will
affect the resilience of all other organisms and hence
their ability to respond to climate change9.
Microorganisms have key roles in carbon and nutri-
ent cycling, animal (including human) and plant health,
agriculture and the global food web. Microorganisms live
in all environments on Earth that are occupied by macro-
scopic organisms, and they are the sole life forms in other
environments, such as the deep subsurface and ‘extreme’
environments. Microorganisms date back to the origin
of life on Earth at least 3.8 billion years ago, and they
will likely exist well beyond any future extinction events.
Although microorganisms are crucial in regulat-
ing climate change, they are rarely the focus of climate
change studies and are not considered in policy devel-
opment. Their immense diversity and varied responses
to environmental change make determining their role in
the ecosystem challenging. In this Consensus Statement,
we illustrate the links between microorganisms, macro-
scopic organisms and climate change, and put humanity
on notice that the microscopic majority can no longer
be the unseen elephant in the room. Unless we appreciate
the importance of microbial processes, we fundamen-
tally limit our understanding of Earth’s biosphere and
response to climate change and thus jeopardize efforts
to create an environmentally sustainable future6 (BOX1).
Scope of the Consensus Statement
In this Consensus Statement, we address the effects of
microorganisms on climate change, including micro-
bial climate- active processes and their drivers. We also
address the effects of climate change on microorganisms,
Scientists’ warning to humanity:
microorganisms and climate change
1*, WilliamJ.Ripple2, KennethN.Timmis3, FarooqAzam4,
LarsR.Bakken5, MatthewBaylis
6, MichaelJ.Behrenfeld7, AntjeBoetius
PhilipW.Boyd10, AiméeT.Classen11 , ThomasW.Crowther12, RobertoDanovaro13,14,
15, JefHuisman
16, DavidA.Hutchins17, JanetK.Jansson
19, BrittKoskella
20, DavidB.Mark Welch
21, JenniferB. H.Martiny22,
23, VictoriaJ.Orphan24, DavidS.Reay25, JustinV.Remais
27, BrajeshK.Singh
28, LisaY.Stein
29, FrankJ.Stewart30,
31, MadeleineJ.H.vanOppen
32,33, ScottC.Weaver34,
EricA.Webb17 and NicoleS.Webster
Abstract | In the Anthropocene, in which we now live, climate change is impacting most life on
Earth. Microorganisms support the existence of all higher trophic life forms. To understand how
humans and other life forms on Earth (including those we are yet to discover) can withstand
anthropogenic climate change, it is vital to incorporate knowledge of the microbial ‘unseen
majority’. We must learn not just how microorganisms affect climate change (including
production and consumption of greenhouse gases) but also how they will be affected by climate
change and other human activities. This Consensus Statement documents the central role and
global importance of microorganisms in climate change biology. It also puts humanity on notice
that the impact of climate change will depend heavily on responses of microorganisms, which are
essential for achieving an environmentally sustainable future.
Environments in which an
organism normally lives; for
example, lake, forest, sediment
and polar environments
represent distinct types of
The interacting community of
organisms and non- living
components such as minerals,
nutrients, water, weather and
topographic features present in
a specific environment.
*e- mail: r.cavicchioli@
focusing on the influences of climate change on micro-
bial community composition and function, physio-
logical responses and evolutionary adaptation. Although
we focus on microorganism–climate connections,
human activities with a less direct but possibly syner-
gistic effect, such as via local pollution or eutrophication,
are also addressed.
For the purpose of this Consensus Statement, we
define ‘microorganism’ as any microscopic organism or
virus not visible to the naked eye (smaller than 50 μm)
that can exist in a unicellular, multicellular (for exam-
ple, differentiating species), aggregate (for example,
biofilm) or viral form. In addition to microscopic bac-
teria, archaea, eukaryotes and viruses, we discuss cer-
tain macroscopic unicellular eukaryotes (for example,
larger marine phytoplankton) and wood- decomposing
fungi. Our intent is not to exhaustively cover all envi-
ronments nor all anthropogenic influences but to pro-
vide examples from major global biomes (marine and
terrestrial) that highlight the effects of climate change
on microbial processes and the consequences. We also
highlight agriculture and infectious diseases and the role
of microorganisms in climate change mitigation. Our
Consensus Statement alerts microbiologists and non-
microbiologists to address the roles of microorganisms in
accelerating or mitigating the impacts of anthropogenic
climate change (BOX1).
Marine biome
Marine biomes cover ~70% of Earth’s surface and range
from coastal estuaries, mangroves and coral reefs to the
open oceans (FIG.1). Phototrophic microorganisms use
the sun’s energy in the top 200 m of the water column,
whereas marine life in deeper zones uses organic and
inorganic chemicals for energy10. In addition to sun-
light, the availability of other energy forms and water
temperature (ranging from approximately −2 °C in ice-
covered seas to more than 100 °C in hydrothermal vents)
Author addresses
1School of Biotechnology and Biomolecular Sciences, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW, Australia.
2Department of Forest Ecosystems and Society, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, USA.
3Institute of Microbiology, Technical University Braunschweig, Braunschweig, Germany.
4Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA, USA.
5Faculty of Chemistry, Biotechnology and Food Science, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås, Norway.
6Institute of Infection and Global Health, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK.
7Department of Botany and Plant Pathology, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, USA.
8Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Center for Marine and Polar Research, Bremerhaven, Germany.
9Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology, Bremen, Germany.
10Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania, Hobart, TAS, Australia.
11Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources, and The Gund Institute for Environment, University of Vermont,
Burlington, VT, USA.
12Institute of Integrative Biology, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland.
13Department of Life and Environmental Sciences, Polytechnic University of Marche, Ancona, Italy.
14Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, Naples, Italy.
15Center for Biofilm Engineering, and Chemical and Biological Engineering Department, Montana State University,
Bozeman, MT, USA.
16Department of Freshwater and Marine Ecology, Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics, University of Amsterdam,
Amsterdam, Netherlands.
17Department of Biological Sciences, Marine and Environmental Biology Section, University of Southern California,
Los Angeles, CA, USA.
18Biological Sciences Division, Earth and Biological Sciences Directorate, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland,
19Daniel K. Inouye Center for Microbial Oceanography: Research and Education, School of Ocean and Earth Science &
Technology, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, HI, USA.
20Department of Integrative Biology, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, USA.
21Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA, USA.
22Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA, USA.
23Department of Marine Sciences, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA.
24Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA.
25School of Geosciences, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK.
26Division of Environmental Health Sciences, School of Public Health, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, USA.
27Microbiology Department, and the Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA.
28Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment, and Global Centre for Land- Based Innovation, Western Sydney University,
Penrith, NSW, Australia.
29Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada.
30School of Biological Sciences, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA.
31Department of Microbiology, and Department of Civil, Environmental and Geodetic Engineering, and the Byrd Polar and
Climate Research Center, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA.
32School of BioSciences, The University of Melbourne, Parkville, VIC, Australia.
33Australian Institute of Marine Science, Townsville, QLD, Australia.
34Department of Microbiology and Immunology, and Institute for Human Infections and Immunity, University of Texas
Medical Branch, Galveston, TX, USA.
35Australian Centre for Ecogenomics, University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD, Australia.
Food web
Interconnecting components
describing the trophic (feeding)
interactions in an ecosystem,
often consisting of multiple
food chains; for example,
marine microbial primary
producers and heterotrophic
remineralizers through to the
highest trophic predators or
trees as primary producers,
herbivores and microbial
nitrogen fixers and
The area below Earth’s surface,
with subsurface ecosystems
extending down for several
kilometres and including
terrestrial deep aquifer,
hydrocarbon and mine systems,
and marine sediments and the
ocean crust.
Increased input of minerals and
nutrients to an aquatic system;
typically nitrogen and
phosphorus input from
fertilizers, sewage and
Single- celled, chlorophyll-
containing microorganisms
(eukaryotes and bacteria) that
grow photosynthetically and
drift relatively passively with
the current in oceans or lakes.
Systems containing multiple
ecosystems that have common
physical properties (such as
climate and geology); here
‘biome’ is used to refer to all
terrestrial environments
(continents) and all marine
environments (seas and
Using sunlight to generate
energy for growth.
Water column
The water layer in a lake or
ConSenSuS Statement
Box 1 | Scientists’ warning
The Alliance of World Scientists and the Scientists’ Warning movement was established
to alert humanity to the impacts of human activities on global climate and the
environment. In 1992, 1,700 scientists signed the first warning, raising awareness that
human impact puts the future of the living world at serious risk267. In 2017, 25 years later,
the second warning was issued in a publication signed by more than 15,000 scientists5.
The movement has continued to grow, with more than 21,000 scientists endorsing the
warning. At the heart of the warning is a call for governments and institutions to shift
policy away from economic growth and towards a conservation economy that will stop
environmental destruction and enable human activities to achieve a sustainable
future268. Linked to the second warning is a series of articles that will focus on specific
topics, the first of which describes the importance of conserving wetlands269. A film,
The Second Warning, also aims to document scientists’ advocacy for humanity to
replace ‘business as usual’ and take action to achieve the survival of all species by
averting the continuing environmental and climate change crisis.
Complementing the goals of the Alliance of World Scientists are the United Nations
Sustainable Development Goals, which were formulated to realize dignity, peace and
prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future6. The goals are framed
around environmental, economic and social needs, and address sustainability through
the elimination of poverty, development of safe cities and educated populations,
implementation of renewables (energy generation and consumption) and urgent action
on climate change involving equitable use of aquatic and terrestrial systems to achieve
a healthy, less polluted biosphere. The goals recognize that responsible management
of finite natural resources is required for the development of resilient, sustainable
Our Consensus Statement represents a warning to humanity from the perspective of
microbiology. As a microbiologists’ warning, the intent is to raise awareness of the
microbial world and make a call to action for microbiologists to become increasingly
engaged in and for microbial research to become increasingly integrated into the
frameworks for addressing climate change and accomplishing the United Nations
Sustainable Development Goals (BOX2). It builds on previous science and policy efforts
to call attention to the role of microorganisms in climate change7,126,270–272 and their
broad relevance to society7. Microbiologists are able to endorse the microbiologists’
warning by becoming a signatory.
Water layers forming due to a
difference in the density of
water between the surface and
deeper waters; stratification is
increasing owing to warming of
surface waters and freshwater
input from precipitation and
ice melting.
Converting organic matter back
into its constituent inorganic
components; remineralization
by marine and terrestrial
heterotrophs involves
respiration that releases CO2
to the atmosphere.
Material that has precipitated
through the water column and
settled on the bottom of a lake
or ocean.
Primary production
Production of biomass by
phototrophic organisms, such
as phytoplankton or plants.
influence the composition of marine communities11.
Rising temperatures not only affect biological processes
but also reduce water density and thereby stratification
and circulation, which affect organismal dispersal and
nutrient transport. Precipitation, salinity and winds also
affect stratification, mixing and circulation. Nutrient
inputs from air, river and estuarine flows also affect
microbial community composition and function, and
climate change affects all these physical factors.
The overall relevance of microorganisms to ocean
ecosystems can be appreciated from their number and
biomass in the water column and subsurface: the total
number of cells is more than 1029 (REFS8,12–16) and the
Census of Marine Life estimates that 90% of marine
biomass is microbial. Beyond their sheer numbers,
marine microorganisms fulfil key ecosystem func-
tions. By fixing carbon and nitrogen, and remineralizing
organic matter, marine microorganisms form the basis
of ocean food webs and thus global carbon and nutrient
cycles13. The sinking, deposition and burial of fixed car-
bon in particulate organic matter to marine sediments
is a key, long- term mechanism for sequestering CO2
from the atmosphere. Therefore, the balance between
regeneration of CO2 and nutrients via remineralization
versus burial in the seabed determines the effect on
climate change.
In addition to getting warmer (from increased atmos-
pheric CO2 concentrations enhancing the greenhouse
effect), oceans have acidified by ~0.1 pH units since pre-
industrial times, with further reductions of 0.3–0.4 units
predicted by the end of the century17–19. Given the unpre-
ce dented rate of pH change19–21, there is a need to rapidly
learn how marine life will respond22. The impact of ele-
vated greenhouse gas concentrations on ocean tempera-
ture, acidification, stratification, mixing, thermohaline
circulation, nutrient supply, irradiation and extreme
weather events affects the marine microbiota in ways
that have substantial environmental consequences,
including major shifts in productivity, marine food webs,
carbon export and burial in the seabed19,23–29.
Microorganisms affect climate change. Marine phyto-
plankton perform half of the global photosynthetic CO2
fixation (net global primary production of ~50 Pg C per year)
and half of the oxygen production despite amounting
to only ~1% of global plant biomass30. In comparison
with terrestrial plants, marine phytoplankton are dis-
tributed over a larger surface area, are exposed to less
seasonal variation and have markedly faster turnover
rates than trees (days versus decades)30. Therefore, phyto-
plankton respond rapidly on a global scale to climate
variations. These characteristics are important when
one is evaluating the contributions of phytoplankton
to carbon fixation and forecasting how this production
may change in response to perturbations. Predicting
the effects of climate change on primary productivity
is complicated by phytoplankton bloom cycles that are
affected by both bottom- up control (for example, availa-
bility of essential nutrients and vertical mixing) and top-
down control (for example, grazing and viruses)27,30–34.
Increases in solar radiation, temperature and freshwater
inputs to surface waters strengthen ocean stratification
and consequently reduce transport of nutrients from
deep water to surface waters, which reduces primary
productivity30,34,35. Conversely, rising CO2 levels can
increase phytoplankton primary production, but only
when nutrients are not limiting36–38.
Some studies indicate that overall global oceanic phyto-
plankton density has decreased in the past century39,
but these conclusions have been questioned because of
the limited availability of long- term phytoplankton data,
methodological differences in data generation and the
large annual and decadal variability in phytoplankton
production40–43. Moreover, other studies suggest a global
increase in oceanic phytoplankton production44 and
changes in specific regions or specific phytoplankton
groups45,46. The global sea ice (Sea Ice Index) is declin-
ing, leading to higher light penetration and potentially
more primary production47; however, there are conflict-
ing predictions for the effects of variable mixing patterns
and changes in nutrient supply and for productivity
trends in polar zones34. This highlights the need to col-
lect long- term data on phytoplankton production and
microbial community composition. Long- term data are
needed to reliably predict how microbial functions and
feedback mechanisms will respond to climate change,
yet only very few such datasets exist (for example, the
Hawaii Ocean Time- series and the Bermuda Atlantic
Time- series Study)48–50. In this context, the Global
Ocean Sampling Expedition51, transects of the Southern
571NATuRe RevIeWS
ConSenSuS Statement
Ocean52,53, and the Tara Oceans Consortium11,54–59 pro-
vide metagenome data that are a valuable baseline of
marine microorganisms.
Diatoms perform 25–45% of total primary produc-
tion in the oceans60–62, owing to their prevalence in
open- ocean regions when total phytoplankton bio-
mass is maximal63. Diatoms have relatively high sink-
ing speeds compared with other phytoplankton groups,
and they account for ~40% of particulate carbon export
to depth62,64. Physically driven seasonal enrichments in
surface nutrients favour diatom blooms. Anthropogenic
climate change will directly affect these seasonal cycles,
changing the timing of blooms and diminishing their
biomass, which will reduce primary production and CO2
uptake65. Remote sensing data suggest a global decline of
diatoms between 1998 and 2012, particularly in the North
Pacific, which is associated with shallowing of the
surface mixed layer and lower nutrient concentrations46.
In addition to the contribution of marine phytoplank-
ton to CO2 sequestration30,66–68, chemolithoautotrophic
archaea and bacteria fix CO2 under dark conditions
in deep ocean waters69 and at the surface during polar
winter70. Marine bacteria and archaea also contribute
substantially to surface ocean respiration and cycling of
many elements18. Seafloor methanogens and methano-
trophs are important producers and consumers of CH4,
but their influence on the atmospheric flux of this green-
house gas is uncertain71. Marine viruses, bacteriovorous
bacteria and eukaryotic grazers are also important com-
ponents of microbial food webs; for example, marine
viruses influence how effectively carbon is sequestered
and deposited into the deep ocean57. Climate change
affects predator–prey interactions, including virus–host
interactions, and thereby global biogeochemical cycles72.
Oxygen minimum zones (OMZs) have expanded in
the past 50 years as a result of ocean warming, which
Sea ice
• Light
• Heat
• Rain
• Soil type
Very fast
Very slow
Semiarid region
exudate Dead wood
Photic zone
Deep-sea benthos
• Acidification
• Mixing
• Light
• Heat
• Wind
• Rain
Fig. 1 | Microorganisms and climate change in marine and terrestrial biomes. In marine environments, microbial
primary production contributes substantially to CO2 sequestration. Marine microorganisms also recycle nutrients for use
in the marine food web and in the process release CO2 to the atmosphere. In a broad range of terrestrial environments,
microorganisms are the key decomposers of organic matter and release nutrients in the soil for plant growth as well as CO2
and CH4 into the atmosphere. Microbial biomass and other organic matter (remnants of plants and animals) are converted
to fossil fuels over millions of years. By contrast, burning of fossil fuels liberates greenhouse gases in a small fraction of
that time. As a result, the carbon cycle is extremely out of balance, and atmospheric CO2 levels will continue to rise as
long as fossil fuels continue to be burnt. The many effects of human activities, including agriculture, industry, transport,
population growth and human consumption, combined with local environmental factors, including soil type and light,
greatly influence the complex network of microbial interactions that occur with other microorganisms, plants and animals.
These interactions dictate how microorganisms respond to and affect climate change (for example, through greenhouse
gas emissions) and how climate change (for example, higher CO2 levels, warming, and precipitation changes) in turn affect
microbial responses. OMZ, oxygen minimum zone.
The growth to high
concentration certain types of
microorganisms, such as
phytoplankton; typically in the
form of a boom and bust cycle
which consists of the rapid cell
division of phytoplankton
followed by growth of, for
example, a virus that lyses the
cells and causes the collapse of
the bloom.
A class (Bacillariophyceae) of
single- celled algae that have a
silica- containing skeleton.
Heterotrophic respiration by
microorganisms and
autotrophic respiration by
plants generate CO2, and
photosynthetic respiration by
plants, microalgae and
cyanobacteria fixes CO2 and
generates O2.
Anaerobic members of the
Archaea that generate
methane by methanogenesis.
They reduce carbon dioxide,
acetic acid or various one-
carbon compounds, such as
methylamines or methanol, to
generate energy for growth.
ConSenSuS Statement
reduces oxygen solubility73–75. OMZs are global sinks
for reactive nitrogen, and microbial production of N2
and N2O accounts for ~25–50% of nitrogen loss from
the ocean to the atmosphere. Furthermore, OMZs
are the largest pelagic methane reservoirs in the ocean
and contribute substantially to open ocean methane
cycling. The observed and predicted future expansion
of OMZs may therefore considerably affect ocean nutri-
ent and greenhouse gas budgets, and the distributions of
oxygen- dependent organisms73–75.
The top 50 cm of deep- sea sediments contains
~1 × 1029 microorganisms8,16, and the total abundances
of archaea and bacteria in these sediments increase with
latitude (from 34° N to 79° N) with specific taxa (such as
Marine Group I Thaumarchaeota) contributing dispro-
portionately to the increase76. Benthic microorganisms
show biogeographic patterns and respond to variations
in the quantity and quality of the particulate matter
sinking to the seafloor77. As a result, climate change is
expected to particularly affect the functional processes
that deep- sea benthic archaea perform (such as ammonia
oxidation) and associated biogeochemical cycles76.
Aerosols affect cloud formation, thereby influencing
sunlight irradiation and precipitation, but the extent
to which and the manner in which they influence cli-
mate remains uncertain78. Marine aerosols consist of
a complex mixture of sea salt, non- sea-salt sulfate and
organic molecules and can function as nuclei for cloud
condensation, influencing the radiation balance and,
hence, climate79,80. For example, biogenic aerosols in
remote marine environments (for example, the Southern
Ocean) can increase the number and size of cloud drop-
lets, having similar effects on climate as aerosols in
highly polluted regions80–83. Specifically, phytoplankton
emit dimethylsulfide, and its derivate sulfate promotes
cloud condensation79,84. Understanding the ways in
which marine phytoplankton contribute to aerosols will
allow better predictions of how changing ocean condi-
tions will affect clouds and feed back on climate84. In
addition, the atmosphere itself contains ~1022 microbial
cells, and determining the ability of atmospheric micro-
organisms to grow and form aggregates will be valuable
for assessing their influence on climate8.
Vegetated coastal habitats are important for carbon
sequestration, determined by the full trophic spectrum
from predators to herbivores, to plants and their associ-
ated microbial communities85. Human activity, including
anthropogenic climate change, has reduced these habitats
over the past 50 years by 25–50%, and the abundance of
marine predators has dropped by up to 90%85–87. Given
such extensive perturbation, the effects on micro bial com-
munities need to be evaluated because micro bial activity
determines how much carbon is remineralized and
released as CO2 and CH4.
Climate change affects microorganisms. Climate
change perturbs interactions between species and forces
species to adapt, migrate and be replaced by others or
go extinct28,88. Ocean warming, acidification, eutroph-
ication and overuse (for example, fishing, tourism)
together cause the decline of coral reefs and may cause
ecosystems shifts towards macroalgae89–93 and benthic
cyanobacterial mats94,95. The capacity for corals to adapt
to climate change is strongly influenced by the responses
of their associated microorganisms, including micro algal
symbionts and bacteria96–98. The hundreds to thousands
of microbial species that live on corals are crucial for
host health, for example by recycling the waste prod-
ucts, by provisioning essential nutrients and vitamins
and by assisting the immune system to fight pathogens99.
However, environmental perturbation or coral bleach-
ing can change the coral microbiome rapidly. Such shifts
undoubtedly influence the ecological functions and sta-
bility of the coral–microorganism system, potentially
affecting the capacity and pace at which corals adapt to
climate change, and the relationships between corals and
other components of the reef ecosystem99,100.
Generally, microorganisms can disperse more easily
than macroscopic organisms. Nevertheless, biogeo-
graphic distinctions occur for many microbial species,
with dispersal, lifestyle (for example, host association)
and environmental factors strongly influencing commu-
nity composition and function54,101–103. Ocean currents
and thermal and latitudinal gradients are particularly
important for marine communities104,105. If movement
to more favourable environments is impossible, evolu-
tionary change may be the only survival mechanism88.
Microorganisms, such as bacteria, archaea and micro-
algae, with large population sizes and rapid asexual gene-
ration times have high adaptive potential22. Relatively
few studies have examined evolutionary adaptation to
ocean acidification or other climate change- relevant
environmental variables22,28. Similarly, there is limited
understanding of the molecular mechanisms of physio-
logical responses and the implications of those responses
for biogeochemical cycles18.
However, several studies have demonstrated effects
of elevated CO2 levels on individual phytoplankton
species, which may disrupt broader ecosystem- level
processes. A field experiment demonstrated that increas-
ing CO2 levels provide a selective advantage to a toxic
microalga, Vicicitus globosus, leading to disruption of
organic matter transfer across trophic levels106. The
marine cyanobacterial genus Trichodesmium responds
to long- term (4.5-year) exposure to elevated CO2 levels
with irreversible genetic changes that increase nitrogen
fixation and growth107. For the photosynthetic green alga
Ostreococcus tauri, elevated CO2 levels increase growth,
cell size and carbon- to-nitrogen ratios108. Higher CO2
levels also affect the population structure of O. tauri,
with changes in ecotypes and niche occupation, thereby
affecting the broader food webs and biogeochemical
cycles108. Rather than producing larger cells, the calcify-
ing phytoplankton species Emiliania huxleyi responds
to the combined effects of elevated temperature and ele-
vated CO2 levels (and associated acidification) by pro-
ducing smaller cells that contain less carbon109. However,
for this species, overall production rates do not change
as a result of evolutionary adaptation to higher CO2
levels109. Responses to CO2 levels differ between com-
munities (for example, between Arctic phytoplankton
and Antarctic phytoplankton110). A mesocosm study
identified variable changes in the diversity of viruses
that infect E. huxleyi when it is growing under elevated
573NATuRe RevIeWS
ConSenSuS Statement
CO2 levels, and noted the need to determine whether
elevated CO2 levels directly affected viruses, hosts or the
interactions between them111. These examples illus-
trate the need to improve our understanding of evolu-
tionary processes and incorporate that knowledge into
predictions of the effects of climate change.
Ocean acidification presents marine microorganisms
with pH conditions well outside their recent historical
range, which affects their intracellular pH homeo-
stasis18,112. Species that are less adept at regulating
internal pH will be more affected, and factors such as
organism size, aggregation state, metabolic activity and
growth rate influence the capacity for regulation112.
Lower pH causes bacteria and archaea to change gene
expression in ways that support cell maintenance rather
than growth18. In mesocosms with low phytoplankton
biomass, bacteria committed more resources to pH
homeostasis than bacteria in nutrient- enriched meso-
cosms with high phytoplankton biomass. Consequently,
ocean acidification is predicted to alter the microbial
food web via changes in cellular growth efficiency, car-
bon cycling and energy fluxes, with the biggest effects
expected in the oligotrophic regions, which include
most of the ocean18. Experimental comparisons of
Synechococcus sp. growth under both present and pre-
dicted future pH concentrations showed effects not only
on the cyanobacteria but also on the cyanophage viruses
that infect them113.
Environmental temperature and latitude correlate
with the diversity, distribution and/or temperature
optimum (Topt) of certain marine taxa, with models pre-
dicting that rising temperatures will cause a poleward
shift of cold- adapted communities52,114–118. However, Topt
of phytoplankton from polar and temperate waters was
found to be substantially higher than environmental
temperatures, and an eco- evolutionary model predicted
that Topt for tropical phytoplankton would be substan-
tially higher than observed experimental values116.
Understanding how well microorganisms are adapted to
environmental temperature and predicting how they will
respond to warming requires assessments of more than
Topt, which is generally a poor indicator of physiological
and ecological adaptation of microorganisms from cold
Many environmental and physiological factors
influence the responses and overall competitiveness of
microorganisms in their native environment. For exam-
ple, elevated temperatures increase protein synthesis in
eukaryotic phytoplankton while reducing cellular ribo-
some concentration120. As the biomass of eukaryotic
phytoplankton is ~1 Gt C (REF.13) and ribosomes are
phosphate rich, climate change- driven alteration of
their nitrogen- to-phosphate ratio will affect resource
allocation in the global ocean120. Ocean warming is
thought to favour smaller plankton types over larger
ones, changing biogeochemical fluxes such as particle
export121. Increased ocean temperatures, acidification
and decreased nutrient supplies are projected to increase
the extracellular release of dissolved organic matter
from phytoplankton, with changes in the microbial loop
possibly causing increased microbial production at
the expense of higher trophic levels122. Warming can
also alleviate iron limitation of nitrogen- fixing cyano-
bacteria, with potentially profound implications for new
nitrogen supplied to food webs of the future warming
oceans123. Careful attention needs to be paid to how
to quantify and interpret responses of environmental
microorganisms to ecosystem changes and stresses
linked to climate change124,125. Key questions thus remain
about the functional consequences of community shifts,
such as changes in carbon remineralization versus
carbon sequestration, and nutrient cycling.
Terrestrial biome
There is ~100-fold more terrestrial biomass than marine
biomass, and terrestrial plants account for a large pro-
portion of Earth’s total biomass15. Terrestrial plants per-
form roughly half of net global primary production30,67.
Soils store ~2,000 billion tonnes of organic carbon,
which is more than the combined pool of carbon in
the atmosphere and vegetation126. The total number of
microorganisms in terrestrial environments is ~1029,
similar to the total number in marine environments8.
Soil microorganisms regulate the amount of organic car-
bon stored in soil and released back to the atmosphere,
and indirectly influence carbon storage in plants and
soils through provision of macronutrients that regulate
productivity (nitrogen and phosphorus)126,127. Plants pro-
vide a substantial amount of carbon to their mycorrhizal
fungal symbionts, and in many ecosystems, mycorrhizal
fungi are responsible for substantial amounts of nitrogen
and phosphorus acquisition by plants128.
Plants remove CO2 from the atmosphere through
photosynthesis and create organic matter that fuels ter-
restrial ecosystems. Conversely, autotrophic respiration
by plants (60 Pg C per year) and heterotrophic respira-
tion by microorganisms (60 Pg C per year) release CO2
back into the atmosphere126,129. Temperature influences
the balance between these opposing processes and thus
the capacity of the terrestrial biosphere to capture and
store anthropogenic carbon emissions (currently, stor-
ing approximately one quarter of emissions) (FIG.1).
Warming is expected to accelerate carbon release into
the atmosphere129.
Forests cover ~30% of the land surface, contain ~45%
of terrestrial carbon, make up ~50% of terrestrial pri-
mary production and sequester up to 25% of anthro-
pogenic CO2 (REFS130,131). Grasslands cover ~29% of the
terrestrial surface132. Non- forested, arid and semiarid
regions (47%) are important for the carbon budget and
respond differently to anthropogenic climate change
than forested regions132,133. Lakes make up ~4% of the
non- glaciated land area134, and shallow lakes emit sub-
stantial amounts of CH4 (REFS135,136). Peat (decomposed
plant litter) covers ~3% of the land surface and, due to
plant productivity exceeding decomposition, intact peat-
lands function as a global carbon sink and contain ~30%
of global soil carbon137,138. In permafrost, the accumu-
lation of carbon in organic matter (remnants of plants,
animals and microorganisms) far exceeds the respiratory
losses, creating the largest terrestrial carbon sink139–141.
Climate warming of 1.5–2 °C (relative to the global
mean surface temperature in 1850–1900) is predicted to
reduce permafrost by 28–53% (compared with levels in
Growth efficiency
A measure of how effectively
microorganisms convert
organic matter into biomass,
with lower efficiency meaning
more carbon is released to
the atmosphere.
Conditions low in nutrients or
nutrient flux, particularly
of carbon, nitrogen or
phosphorus, thereby limiting
the concentration of cells the
system supports; the bulk
of the ocean is oligotrophic,
apart from the coast and
upwelling sites.
Oxygen- producing
photosynthetic bacteria
that use sunlight as an
energy source.
Microbial loop
The microbial component of a
food web; for example, organic
matter in marine
microorganisms is released
due to cell death and predation
by grazers and viruses and
used as nutrients for growth of
cells that then feed higher
trophic level organisms.
The conversion of sunlight into
energy used to produce ATP
and the subsequent fixing
(conversion) of CO2 into organic
matter; the process is
Able to grow on carbon dioxide
as the sole source of carbon.
Using organic compounds as
nutrients to produce energy
for growth.
ConSenSuS Statement
1960–1990)142, thereby making large carbon reservoirs
available for microbial respiration and greenhouse gas
Evaluations of the top 10 cm of soil143 and whole-
soil profiles to 100 cm deep, which contain older stocks
of carbon144, demonstrate that warming increases car-
bon loss to the atmosphere. Explaining differences in
carbon loss between different soil sites will require a
greater range of predictive variables (in addition to soil
organic matter content, temperature, precipitation, pH
and clay content)145,146. Nevertheless, predictions from
global assessments of responses to warming indicate
that terrestrial carbon loss under warming is causing a
positive feedback that will accelerate the rate of climate
change143, particularly in cold and temperate soils, which
store much of the global soil carbon147.
Microorganisms affect climate change. Higher CO2
levels in the atmosphere increase primary productiv-
ity and thus forest leaf and root litter148–150, which leads
to higher carbon emissions due to microbial degra-
dation151. Higher temperatures promote higher rates of
terrestrial organic matter decomposition152. The effect
of temperature is not just a kinetic effect on microbial
reaction rates but results from plant inputs stimulating
microbial growth152–154.
Several local environmental factors (such as micro-
bial community composition, density of dead wood,
nitrogen availability and moisture) influence rates
of microbial activity (for example, fungal colonization of
wood) necessitating Earth system model predictions of
soil carbon losses through climate warming to incor-
porate local controls on ecosystem processes155. In this
regard, plant nutrient availability affects the net carbon
balance in forests, with nutrient- poor forests releasing
more carbon than nutrient- rich forests156. Microbial res-
piration may be lower in nutrient- rich forests as plants
provide less carbon (for example, as root exudates) to
rhizosphere microorganisms157.
Plants release ~50% of fixed carbon into the soil,
which is available for microbial growth158–160. In addi-
tion to microorganisms using exudates as an energy
source, exudates can disrupt mineral–organic associa-
tions, liberating organic compounds from minerals that
are used for microbial respiration, thereby increasing
carbon release159. The relevance of these plant–mineral
interactions illustrates the importance of biotic–abiotic
interactions, in addition to biotic interactions (plant–
microorganism) when one is evaluating the influence
of climate change159. Thermodynamic models that
incorporate the interactions of microorganisms and
secreted enzymes with organic matter and minerals
have been used to predict soil carbon–climate feed-
backs in response to increasing temperature; one study
predicted more variable but weaker soil carbon–climate
feedbacks from a thermodynamic model than from
static models160.
The availability of soil organic matter for microbial
degradation versus long- term storage depends on many
environmental factors, including the soil mineral char-
acteristics, acidity and redox state; water availability;
climate; and the types of microorganisms present in the
soil161. The nature of the organic matter, in particular
substrate complexity, affects microbial decomposition.
Furthermore, the microbial capacity to access organic
matter differs between soil types (for example, with dif-
ferent clay content)162. If access is taken into account,
increasing atmospheric CO2 levels are predicted to allow
greater microbial decomposition and less soil retention
of organic carbon162.
Elevated CO2 concentrations enhance competition
for nitrogen between plants and microorganisms163.
Herbivores (invertebrates and mammals) affect the
amount of organic matter that is returned to soil and
thereby microbial biomass and activity164. For exam-
ple, grasshoppers diminish plant biomass and plant
nitrogen demand, thereby increasing microbial activ-
ity163. Climate change can reduce herbivory, resulting
in overall alterations to global nitrogen and carbon
cycles that reduce terrestrial carbon sequestration163.
Detritivores (for example, earthworms) influence green-
house gas emissions by indirectly affecting plants (for
example, by increasing soil fertility) and soil microor-
ganisms165. Earthworms modify soils through feeding,
burrowing and deposition of waste products. The anaer-
obic gut environment of earthworms harbours micro-
organisms that perform denitrification and produce N2O.
Earthworms enhance soil fertility, and their presence
can result in net greenhouse gas emissions165, although
the combined effects of increased temperature and
decreased rainfall on detritivore feeding and microbial
respiration may reduce emissions166.
In peatlands, decay- resistant litter (for example, anti-
microbial phenolics and polysaccharides of Sphagnum
mosses) inhibits microbial decomposition, and water
saturation restricts oxygen exchange and promotes
the growth of anaerobes and release of CO2 and CH4
(REFS137,167). Increased temperature and reduced soil water
content caused by climate change promote the growth
of vascular plants (ericaceous shrubs) but reduce the
productivity of peat moss. Changes in plant litter com-
position and associated microbial processes (for exam-
ple, reduced immobilization of nitrogen and enhanced
heterotrophic respiration) are switching peatlands from
carbon sinks to carbon sources137.
Melting and degradation of permafrost allows micro-
bial decomposition of previously frozen carbon, releas-
ing CO2 and CH4 (REFS139–141,168,169). Coastal permafrost
erosion will lead to the mobilization of large quanti-
ties of carbon to the ocean, with potentially large CO2
emissions occurring through increased microbial rem-
ineralization170, causing a positive feedback loop that
accelerates climate change139–141,168–171. Melting of per-
mafrost leads to increases in water- saturated soils172,
which promotes anaerobic CH4 production by meth-
anogens and CO2 production by a range of microorgan-
isms. Production is slow compared with metabolism
in drained aerobic soils, which release CO2 rather than
CH4. However, a 7-year laboratory study of CO2 and CH4
production found that once methanogen communities
became active in thawing permafrost, equal amounts of
CO2 and CH4 were formed under anoxic conditions, and
it was predicted that by the end of the century, carbon
emissions from anoxic environments will drive climate
Earth system model
A simulation of Earth’s physical
(including climate), chemical
and biological processes
that integrates interactions
of the biosphere with the
atmosphere, ocean, land
and ice.
The soil zone that surrounds
and is influenced by the roots
of plants.
Organisms that grow by
decomposing detritus (animal
and plant organic matter).
The process of converting
oxidized forms of nitrogen such
as nitrate (NO3) or nitrite (NO2)
into more reduced forms,
including nitrous oxide (N2O)
and nitrogen gas (N2).
575NATuRe RevIeWS
ConSenSuS Statement
change to a greater extent than emissions from oxic
A 15-year mesocosm study that simulated fresh-
water lake environments determined that the combined
effects of eutrophication and warming can lead to large
increases in CH4 ebullition (bubbles from accumulated
gas)135. As small lakes are susceptible to eutrophication
and tend to be located in climate- sensitive regions, the
role of lake microorganisms in contributing to global
greenhouse gas emissions needs to be evaluated135,136.
Climate change affects microorganisms. Shifts in cli-
mate can influence the structure and diversity of micro-
bial communities directly (for example, seasonality and
temperature) or indirectly (for example, plant compo-
sition, plant litter and root exudates). Soil microbial
diversity influences plant diversity and is important for
ecosystem functions, including carbon cycling173,174.
Both short- term laboratory warming and long- term
(more than 50 years) natural geothermal warming ini-
tially increased the growth and respiration of soil micro-
organisms, leading to net CO2 release and subsequent
depletion of substrates, causing a decrease in biomass
and reduced microbial activity175. This implies that
microbial communities do not readily adapt to higher
temperatures, and the resulting effects on reaction rates
and substrate depletion reduce overall carbon loss175. By
contrast, a 10-year study found that soil communities
adapted to increased temperature by changing com-
position and patterns of substrate use, leading to less
carbon loss than would have occurred without adap-
tation176. Substantial changes in bacterial and fungal
communities were also found in forest soils with a more
than 20 °C average annual temperature range177, and in
response to warming across a 9-year study of tall- grass
prairie soils178.
Two studies assessed the effects of elevated tempera-
tures on microbial respiration rates and mechanisms and
outcomes of adaptation179,180. The studies examined a
wide range of environmental temperatures (−2 to 28 °C),
dryland soils (110 samples) and boreal, temperate and
tropical soils (22 samples), and evaluated how communi-
ties respond to three different temperatures (~10–30 °C).
Thermal adaptation was linked to biophysical char-
acteristics of cell membranes and enzymes (reflecting
activity- stability trade- offs180) and the genomic potential
of microorganisms (with warmer environments having
microbial communities with more diverse lifestyles179).
Respiration rates per unit biomass were lower in soils
from higher- temperature environments, indicating
that thermal adaptation of microbial communities may
lessen positive climate feedbacks. However, as respira-
tion depends on multiple interrelated factors (not just
on one variable, such as temperature), such mechanis-
tic insights into microbial physiology need to be rep-
resented in biogeochemical models of possible positive
climate feedbacks.
Microbial growth responses to temperature change
are complex and varied181. Microbial growth efficiency
is a measure of how effectively microorganisms con-
vert organic matter into biomass, with lower efficiency
meaning more carbon is released to the atmosphere182,183.
A 1-week laboratory study found that increasing tem-
perature led to increases in microbial turnover but no
change in microbial growth efficiency, and predicted
that warming would promote carbon accumulation in
soil183. A field study spanning 18 years found micro-
bial efficiency was reduced at higher soil temperature,
with decomposition of recalcitrant, complex substrates
increasing by the end of the period along with a net loss
of soil carbon182.
Similarly, in a 26-year forest- soil warming study,
temporal variation occurred in organic matter decom-
position and CO2 release184, leading to changes in micro-
bial community composition and carbon use efficiency,
reduced microbial biomass and reduced microbially
accessible carbon184. Overall, the study predicted anthro-
pogenic climate change to cause long- term, increasing
and sustained carbon release184. Similar predictions
arise from Earth system models that simulate microbial
physiological responses185 or incorporate the effects of
freezing and thawing of cold- climate soils186.
Climate change directly and indirectly influences
microbial communities and their functions through
several interrelated factors, such as temperature, precip-
itation, soil properties and plant input. As soil micro-
organisms in deserts are carbon limited, increased
carbon input from plants promotes transformation of
nitrogenous compounds, microbial biomass, diversity
(for example, of fungi), enzymatic activity and use of
recalcitrant organic matter133. Although these changes
may enhance respiration and net loss of carbon from
soil, the specific characteristics of arid and semiarid
regions may mean they could function as carbon sinks133.
However, a study of 19 temperate grassland sites found
that seasonal differences in rainfall constrain biomass
accumulation132. To better understand aboveground
plant- biomass responses to CO2 levels and seasonal
precipitation, we also need improved knowledge of
microbial community responses and functions.
Metagenome data, including metagenome- assembled
genomes, provide knowledge of key microbial groups
that metabolize organic matter and release CO2 and CH4
and link these groups to the biogeochemistry occurring
in thawing permafrost187–191. Tundra microbial com-
munities change in the soil layer of permafrost after
warming192. Within 1.5 years of warming, the functional
potential of the microbial communities changed mark-
edly, with an increasing abundance of genes involved in
aerobic and anaerobic carbon decomposition and nutri-
ent cycling. Although microbial metabolism stimulates
primary productivity by plants, the balance between
microbial respiration and primary productivity results
in a net release of carbon to the atmosphere192. When
forests expand into warming regions of tundra, plant
growth can produce a net loss of carbon, possibly as a
result of root exudates stimulating microbial decom-
position of native soil carbon153,193. Although there are
reports of carbon accumulating owing to warming
(for example, REF.183), most studies describe microbial
community responses that result in carbon loss.
Rapid warming of the Antarctic Peninsula and asso-
ciated islands resulted in range expansion of Antarctic
hair grass (Deschampsia antarctica), as it outcompetes
ConSenSuS Statement
other indigenous species (for example, the moss Sanionia
uncinata) through the superior capacity of its roots to
acquire peptides and thus nitrogen194. The ability of the
grass to be competitive depends on microbial digestion
of extracellular proteins and generation of amino acids,
nitrate and ammonium194. As warmer soils in this region
harbour greater fungal diversity, climate change is pre-
dicted to cause changes in the fungal communities that
will affect nutrient cycling and primary productivity195.
Cyanobacterial diversity and toxin production within
benthic mats from both the Antarctic Peninsula and the
Arctic increased during 6 months of exposure to high
growth temperatures196. A shift to toxin- producing spe-
cies or increased toxin production by existing species
could affect polar freshwater lakes, where cyanobacteria
are often the dominant benthic primary producers196.
Climate change is likely to increase the frequency,
intensity and duration of cyanobacterial blooms in many
eutrophic lakes, reservoirs and estuaries197,198. Bloom-
forming cyanobacteria produce a variety of neuro-
toxins, hepatotoxins and dermatoxins, which can be
fatal to birds and mammals (including waterfowl, cattle
and dogs) and threaten the use of waters for recreation,
drinking water production, agricultural irrigation and
fisheries198. Toxic cyanobacteria have caused major water
quality problems, for example in Lake Taihu (China),
Lake Erie (USA), Lake Okeechobee (USA), Lake Victoria
(Africa) and the Baltic Sea198–200.
Climate change favours cyanobacterial blooms both
directly and indirectly198. Many bloom- forming cyano-
bacteria can grow at relatively high temperatures201.
Increased thermal stratification of lakes and reservoirs
enables buoyant cyanobacteria to float upwards and
form dense surface blooms, which gives them better
access to light and hence a selective advantage over
nonbuoyant phytoplankton organisms202,203. Protracted
droughts during summer increase water residence
times in reservoirs, rivers and estuaries, and these
stagnant warm waters can provide ideal conditions for
cyanobacterial bloom development204.
The capacity of the harmful cyanobacterial genus
Microcystis to adapt to elevated CO2 levels was demon-
strated in both laboratory and field experiments205.
Microcystis spp. take up CO2 and HCO3− and accumu-
late inorganic carbon in carboxysomes, and strain com-
petitiveness was found to depend on the concentration
of inorganic carbon. As a result, climate change and
increased CO2 levels are expected to affect the strain
composition of cyanobacterial blooms205.
According to the World Bank (World Bank data on
agricultural land), nearly 40% of the terrestrial envi-
ronment is devoted to agriculture. This proportion is
predicted to increase, leading to substantial changes in
soil cycling of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus, among
other nutrients. Furthermore, these changes are associ-
ated with a marked loss of biodiversity206, including of
microorganisms207. There is increasing interest in using
plant- associated and animal- associated microorganisms
to increase agricultural sustainability and mitigate the
effects of climate change on food production, but doing
so requires a better understanding of how climate change
will affect microorganisms.
Microorganisms affect climate change. Methanogens
produce methane in natural and artificial anaerobic envi-
ronments (sediments, water- saturated soils such as rice
paddies, gastrointestinal tracts of animals (particularly
ruminants), wastewater facilities and biogas facilities),
in addition to the anthropogenic methane production
associated with fossil fuels208 (FIG.2). The main sinks for
CH4 are atmospheric oxidation and microbial oxidation
in soils, sediments and water208. Atmospheric CH4 lev-
els have risen sharply in recent years (2014–2017) but
the reasons are unclear so far, although they involve
increased emissions from methanogens and/or fossil
fuel industries and/or reduced atmospheric CH4 oxi-
dation, thereby posing a major threat to controlling
climate warming209.
Rice feeds half of the global population210, and rice
paddies contribute ~20% of agricultural CH4 emis-
sions despite covering only ~10% of arable land.
Anthropogenic climate change is predicted to double
CH4 emissions from rice production by the end of the
century210. Ruminant animals are the largest single source
of anthropogenic CH4 emissions, with a 19–48 times
larger carbon footprint for ruminant meat production
than plant- based high- protein foods211. Even the produc-
tion of meat from non- ruminant animals (such as pigs,
poultry and fish) produces 3–10 times more CH4 than
high- protein plant foods211.
The combustion of fossil fuels and the use of fertiliz-
ers has greatly increased the environmental availability
of nitrogen, perturbing global biogeochemical pro-
cesses and threatening ecosystem sustainability212,213.
Agriculture is the largest emitter of the potent green-
house gas N2O, which is released by microbial oxidation
and reduction of nitrogen214. The enzyme N2O reductase
in rhizobacteria (in root nodules) and other soil micro-
organisms can also convert N2O to N2 (not a green-
house gas). Climate change perturbs the rate at which
microbial nitrogen transformations occur (decompo-
sition, mineralization, nitrification, denitrification and
fixation) and release N2O (REF.213). There is an urgent
need to learn about the effects of climate change and
other human activities on microbial transformations of
nitrogen compounds.
Climate change affects microorganisms. Crop farm-
ing ranges from extensively managed (small inputs of
labour, fertilizer and capital) to intensively managed
(large inputs). Increasing temperature and drought
strongly affect the ability to grow crops215. Fungal- based
soil food webs are common in extensively managed
farming (for example, grasslands) and are better able
to adapt to drought than bacterial- based food webs,
which are common in intensive systems (for example,
wheat)216,217. A global assessment of topsoil found that
soil fungi and bacteria occupy specific niches and
respond differently to precipitation and soil pH, indicat-
ing that climate change would have differential impacts
on their abundance, diversity and functions218. Aridity,
which is predicted to increase owing to climate change,
577NATuRe RevIeWS
ConSenSuS Statement
reduces bacterial and fungal diversity and abundance
in global drylands219. Reducing soil microbial diversity
reduces the overall functional potential of microbial
communities, thereby limiting their capacity to support
plant growth173.
The combined effects of climate change and eutroph-
ication caused by fertilizers can have major, potentially
unpredictable effects on microbial competitiveness. For
example, nutrient enrichment typically favours harmful
algal blooms, but a different outcome was observed in
the relatively deep Lake Zurich220. Reducing phosphorus
inputs from fertilizers reduced eukaryotic phytoplank-
ton blooms but increased the nitrogen- to-phosphorus
ratio and thus the non- nitrogen-fixing cyanobacte-
rium Planktothrix rubescens became dominant220. In
the absence of effective predation, annual mixing has
an important role in controlling cyanobacterial popu-
lations. However, warming increased thermal strat-
ification and reduced mixing, thereby facilitating the
persistence of the toxic cyanobacteria220.
Infectious diseases
Climate change affects the occurrence and spread
of diseases in marine and terrestrial biota221 (FIG.3),
depending on diverse socioeconomic, environmental
and host–pathogen- specific factors222. Understanding
the spread of disease and designing effective control
strategies requires knowledge of the ecology of patho-
gens, their vectors and their hosts, and the influence
of dispersal and environmental factors223 (TABLE1). For
example, there is a strong link between increasing sea
surface temperatures and coral disease and, although
Fertilizers Agricultural and industrial emissions Waste treatment
Constructed wetlands
Rice paddies
N and P fertilizers affect microbial processes Anthropogenic climate change caused by high
N2O and CO2 emissions from agriculture and
industry affects microorganisms
Anthropogenic climate change reduces
microbial diversity and the functional capacity
of microorganisms to support plant growth
Methanogens produce high levels of CH4,
affecting climate change
Eutrophication perturbs microbial ecology
Land use directs microbial community composition
Extensive farming (grassland) Intensive farming (wheat)
Microbial diversity
Fig. 2 | Agriculture and other human activities that affect microorganisms. Agricultural practices influence microbial
communities in specific ways. Land usage (for example, plant type) and sources of pollution (for example, fertilizers)
perturb microbial community composition and function, thereby altering natural cycles of carbon, nitrogen and
phosphorus transformations. Methanogens produce substantial quantities of methane directly from ruminant animals
(for example, cattle, sheep and goats) and saturated soils with anaerobic conditions (for example, rice paddies and
constructed wetlands). Human activities that cause a reduction in microbial diversity also reduce the capacity for
microorganisms to support plant growth.
ConSenSuS Statement
the disease mechanisms are not absolutely clear for
all the different syndromes, associations with micro-
bial pathogens exist224–226. Peaks in disease prevalence
coincide with periodicities in the El Niño Southern
Oscillation (ENSO)227. In particular, in some coral spe-
cies, ocean warming can alter the coral microbiome,
disrupting the host–symbiont equilibrium, shifting
defensive mechanisms and nutrient cycling pathways
that may contribute to bleaching and disease99. Ocean
acidification may also directly cause tissue damage in
organisms such as fish, potentially contributing to a
weakened immune system that creates opportunities
for bacterial invasion228.
Sea star species declined by 80–100% along an
~3000 km section of the North American west coast, with
peak declines occurring during anomalous increases
in sea surface temperatures229. As sea stars are important
predators of sea urchins, loss of predation can cause a
trophic cascade that affects kelp forests and associated
marine biodiversity229,230. Given the effects of ocean
warming on pathogen impacts, temperature moni-
toring systems have been developed for a wide range
of marine organisms, including corals, sponges, oys-
ters, lobsters and other crustaceans, sea stars, fish and
sea grasses231.
Forest die- off caused by drought and heat stress can
be exacerbated by pathogens232. For crops, a variety
of interacting factors are important when one is con-
sidering response to pathogens, including CO2 levels,
climatic changes, plant health and species- specific plant–
pathogen interactions233. A broad range of micro-
organisms cause plant diseases (fungi, bacteria, viruses,
viroids and oomycetes) and can, therefore, affect crop
production, cause famines (for example, the oomycete
Phytophthora infestans caused the Irish potato famine)
and threaten food security233. An assessment of more
than 600 crop pests (nematodes and insects) and patho-
gens since 1960 found an expansion towards the poles
Anthropogenic climate change exacerbates the
global spread of vector-borne pathogens and
their diseases
Climate change and other human activities
(for example, population growth) increase
antimicrobial resistance of microorganisms
Climate change stresses marine life, causing disease and disrupting normal ecosystem function
Understanding microbial community ecology is
key to developing strategies for pathogen control
Anthropogenic climate change increases
diseases caused by crop pathogens and
threatens global food security
Human activity (for example, transport and
population growth) increases the spread of
animal, human and crop pathogens
Vector-borne pathogens
Pathogen control Food security
Marine life
Fig. 3 | Climate change exacerbates the impact of pathogens. Anthropogenic climate change stresses native life,
thereby enabling pathogens to increasingly cause disease. The impact on aquaculture, food- producing animals and crops
threatens global food supply. Human activities, such as population growth and transport, combined with climate change
increase antibiotic resistance of pathogens and the spread of waterborne and vector- borne pathogens, thereby increasing
diseases of humans, other animals and plants.
579NATuRe RevIeWS
ConSenSuS Statement
that is attributable to climate change233. The spread of
pathogens and the emergence of disease are facilitated by
transport and introduction of species and are influenced
by effects of weather on dispersal and environmental
conditions for growth233.
Climate change can increase the disease risk by alter-
ing host and parasite acclimation234. For ectotherms
(such as amphibians), temperature can increase suscep-
tibility to infection, possibly through perturbation of
immune responses234,235. Monthly and daily unpredict-
able environmental temperature fluctuations increase
the susceptibility of the Cuban tree frog to the patho-
genic chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis.
The effect of increasing temperature on infection con-
trasts with decreased growth capacity of the fungus in
pure culture, illustrating the importance of assessing
host–pathogen responses (rather than extrapolating
from growth rate studies of isolated microorganisms)
when evaluating the relevance of climate change234.
Climate change is predicted to increase the rate of
antibiotic resistance of some human pathogens236. Data
from 2013–2015 suggest that an increase of the daily
minimum temperature by 10 °C (which is conceiva-
ble for some parts of the USA by the end of the cen-
tury) will lead to an increase in antibiotic resistance
rates of Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae and
Staphylococcus aureus by 2–4% (up to 10% for cer-
tain antibiotics)236. Potential underlying mechanisms
include elevated temperatures facilitating horizontal
gene transfer of mobile genetic elements of resistance,
and increased pathogen growth rates promoting envi-
ronmental persistence, carriage and transmission236.
Population growth, which amplifies climate change, is also
an important factor in contributing to the development
of resistance236.
Vector- borne, foodborne, airborne, waterborne and
other environmental pathogens may be particularly sus-
ceptible to the effects of climate change237–240 (TABLE1).
For vector- borne diseases, climate change will affect the
distribution of vectors and hence the range over which
diseases are transmitted, as well as the efficiency with
which vectors transmit pathogens. Efficiency depends
on the time between a vector feeding on an infected host
and the vector becoming infectious itself. At warmer
temperatures, this time can be reduced substantially,
providing more opportunity for transmission within the
vector’s lifespan. Certain vector- borne diseases, such as
bluetongue, an economically important viral disease of
livestock, have already emerged in Europe in response to
climate change, and larger, more frequent outbreaks are
predicted to occur in the future241. For certain waterborne
infections by pathogenic Vibrio spp., poleward spread
correlates with increasing global temperature and lower
salinity of aquatic environments in coastal regions (such
as estuaries) caused by increased precipitation242. These
changed conditions can promote the growth of Vibrio
spp. in the environment242. Increasing sea surface temp-
eratures also correlate with increases in Vibrio cholerae
infections in Bangladesh243, infections with several
human- pathogenic Vibrio spp. in the Baltic Sea region242
and the abundance of Vibrio spp. (including human
pathogens) in the North Atlantic and North Sea244.
Malaria and dengue fever are two vector- borne
diseases that are known to be highly sensitive to cli-
mate conditions, and thus their spatial distributions
are expected to shift in response to climate change4,141,245.
Climate change can facilitate the spread of vector- borne
pathogens by prolonging the transmission season,
increasing the rate of replication of pathogens in the vec-
tor and increasing the number and geographic range of
mosquitoes. This is especially the case for Aedes aegypti,
the major vector of dengue, Zika, chikungunya and yel-
low fever viruses, which is currently limited to tropical
and subtropical regions because it cannot survive cold
winters. In combination with other mosquito- borne dis-
eases (such as West Nile fever and Japanese encephalitis)
and tick- borne diseases (such as Lyme disease), millions
of people are predicted to be newly at risk under climate
Many infectious diseases, including several vector-
borne and waterborne diseases, are strongly influenced
by climate variability caused by large- scale climate
phenomena such as the ENSO, which disrupts normal
rainfall patterns and changes temperatures in about two
thirds of the globe every few years. Associations with
ENSO have been reported for malaria, dengue fever,
Zika virus disease, cholera, plague, African horse sick-
ness and many other important human and animal
Adaptation of species to their local environment has
been studied less in microorganisms than in animals
(including humans) and plants, although the mecha-
nisms and consequences of adaptation have been stud-
ied in natural and experimental microbial populations255.
Viral, bacterial and fungal pathogens of plants and ani-
mals (such as crops, humans and livestock) adapt to
abiotic and biotic factors (such as temperature, pesticides,
Table 1 | Transmission response of pathogens to climatic and environmental factors
Example pathogens
or diseases
Climatic and
environmental factors
Transmission parameters
Vector- borne
West Nile virus Precipitation, relative
humidity , temperature, El
Niño Southern Oscillation
Vector abundance, longevity
and biting rate, pathogen
replication rate in vector273–276
Dengue fever
Lyme disease
Cholera Temperature, precipitation
variability , salinity , El Niño
Southern Oscillation
Pathogen survival, pathogen
replication in environment,
pathogen transport244,277–279
Non- cholera Vibrio spp.
Cryptosporidium spp.
Influenza Relative humidity ,
temperature, wind
Pathogen survival, pathogen
and/or host dispersal280–284
Salmonella spp. Temperature, precipitation Pathogen replication, human
Campylobacter spp.
ConSenSuS Statement
interactions between microorganisms and host resist-
ance) in ways that affect ecosystem function, human
health and food security255. The cyclic feedback between
microbial response and human activity is well illustrated
by the adaptation patterns of pathogenic agricultural
fungi256. Because agricultural ecosystems have common
global features (for example, irrigation, fertilizer use and
plant cultivars) and human travel and transport of plant
material readily disperse crop pathogens, ‘agro- adapted’
pathogens have a higher potential to cause epidemics
and pose a greater threat to crop production than natu-
rally occurring strains256. The ability of fungal patho-
gens to expand their range and invade new habitats by
evolving to tolerate higher temperatures compounds
the threat fungal pathogens pose to both natural and
agricultural ecosystems257.
Microbial mitigation of climate change
An improved understanding of microbial interactions
would help underpin the design of measures to mitigate
and control climate change and its effects (see also REF.7).
For example, understanding how mosquitoes respond
to the bacterium Wolbachia (a common symbiont of
arthropods) has resulted in a reduction of the transmis-
sion of Zika, dengue and chikungunya viruses through
the introduction of Wolbachia into populations of
A. aegypti mosquitoes and releasing them into the envi-
ronment258. In agriculture, progress in understanding
the ecophysiology of microorganisms that reduce N2O
to harmless N2 provides options for mitigating emis-
sions214,259. The use of bacterial strains with higher N2O
reductase activity has lowered N2O emissions from soy-
bean, and both natural and genetically modified strains
with higher N2O reductase activity provide avenues for
mitigating N2O emissions214. Manipulating the rumen
microbiota260 and breeding programmes that target
host genetic factors that change microbial community
responses261 are possibilities for reducing methane
emission from cattle. In this latter case, the aim would
be to produce cattle lines that sustain microbial com-
munities producing less methane without affecting
the health and productivity of the animals261. Fungal
proteins can replace meat, lowering dietary carbon
Biochar is an example of an agricultural solution
for broadly and indirectly mitigating microbial effects
of climate change. Biochar is produced from thermo-
chemical conversion of biomass under oxygen limita-
tion and improves the stabilization and accumulation
of organic matter in iron- rich soils263. Biochar improves
orga nic matter retention by reducing microbial mine-
ralization and reducing the effect of root exudates on
releasing organic material from minerals, thereby
promoting growth of grasses and reducing the release
A potentially large- scale approach to mitigation is the
use of constructed wetlands to generate cellulosic biofuel
using waste nitrogen from wastewater treatment; if all
waste in China were used, it could supply the equivalent
of 7% of China’s gasoline consumption264. Such major
developments of constructed wetlands would require the
characterization and optimization of their core microbial
consortia to manage their emissions of greenhouse gases
and optimize environmental benefits265.
Microbial biotechnology can provide solutions for
sustainable development266, including in the provision
(for example, of food) and regulation (for example,
of disease or of emissions and capture of greenhouse
gases) of ecosystem services for humans, animals and
plants. Microbial technologies provide practical solu-
tions (chemicals, materials, energy and remediation)
for achieving many of the 17 United Nations Sustainable
Development Goals, addressing poverty, hunger, health,
clean water, clean energy, economic growth, industry
innovation, sustainable cities, responsible consumption,
climate action, life below water, and life on land6 (BOX1).
Galvanizing support for such actions will undoubt-
edly be facilitated by improving public understanding
of thekey roles of microorganisms in global warming,
that is, through attainment of microbiology literacy in
Microorganisms make a major contribution to carbon
sequestration, particularly marine phytoplankton, which
fix as much net CO2 as terrestrial plants. For this rea-
son, environmental changes that affect marine micro-
bial photosynthesis and subsequent storage of fixed
carbon in deep waters are of major importance for the
global carbon cycle. Microorganisms also contribute
substantially to greenhouse gas emissions via hetero-
trophic respiration (CO2), methanogenesis (CH4) and
denitrification (N2O).
Many factors influence the balance of microbial
greenhouse gas capture versus emission, including the
biome, the local environment, food web interactions
and responses, and particularly anthropogenic climate
change and other human activities (FIGS 1–3).
Human activity that directly affects microorganisms
includes greenhouse gas emissions (particularly CO2,
CH4 and N2O), pollution (particularly eutrophication),
agriculture (particularly land usage) and population
growth, which positively feeds back on climate change,
pollution, agricultural practice and the spread of disease.
Human activity that alters the ratio of carbon uptake rela-
tive to release will drive positive feedbacks and accelerate
the rate of climate change. By contrast, microorgan-
isms also offer important opportunities for remedying
human- caused problems through improved agricultural
outcomes, production of biofuels and remediation of
Addressing specific issues involving microorganisms
will require targeted laboratory studies of model micro-
organisms (BOX2). Laboratory probing of microbial
responses should assess environmentally relevant con-
ditions, adopt a ‘microbcentric’ view of environmental
stressors and be followed up by field tests. Mesocosm
and insitu field experiments are particularly important
for gaining insight into community- level responses to
real environmental conditions. Effective experimental
design requires informed decision- making, involving
knowledge from multiple disciplines specific to marine
(for example, physical oceanography) and terrestrial (for
example, geochemistry) biomes.
581NATuRe RevIeWS
ConSenSuS Statement
To understand how microbial diversity and activity
that govern small- scale interactions translate to large
system fluxes, it will be important to scale findings from
individuals to communities and to whole ecosystems.
Earth system modellers need to include microbial con-
tributions that account for physiological and adaptive
(evolutionary) responses to biotic (including other
microorganisms, plants and organic matter substrates)
and abiotic (including mineral surfaces, ocean physics
and chemistry) forcings.
We must improve our quantitative understanding of
the global marine and soil microbiome. To understand
biogeochemical cycling and climate change feedbacks
at any location around the world, we need quantitative
information about the organisms that drive elemental
cycling (including humans, plants and microorganisms),
and the environmental conditions (including climate, soil
physiochemical characteristics, topography, ocean tem-
perature, light and mixing) that regulate the activity of
those organisms. The framework for quantitative mod-
els exists, but to a large extent these models lack mecha-
nistic details of marine and terrestrial micro organisms.
The reason for this omission has less to do with how
to construct such a model mathematically but instead
stems from the paucity of physiological and evolutionary
data allowing robust predictions of microbial responses
to environmental change. A focused investment into
expanding this mechanistic knowledge represents a crit-
ical path towards generating the global models essential
for benchmarking, scaling and parameterizing Earth
system model predictions of current and future climate.
Extant life has evolved over billions of years to gene-
rate vast biodiversity, and microbial biodiversity is
practically limitless compared with macroscopic life.
Biodiversity of macroscopic organisms is rapidly declin-
ing because of human activity, suggesting that the bio-
diversity of host- specific microorganisms of animal and
plant species will also decrease. However, compared with
macroscopic organisms, we know far less about the con-
nections between microorganisms and anthropogenic
climate change. We can recognize the effects of microorgan-
isms on climate change and climate change on micro-
organisms, but what we have learned is incomplete,
complex and challenging to interpret. It is therefore not
surprising that challenges exist for defining causes and
effects of anthropogenic climate change on biological sys-
tems. Nevertheless, there is no doubt that human activity is
causing climate change, and this is perturbing normal eco-
system function around the globe (BOX1). Across marine
and terrestrial biomes, microbially driven greenhouse gas
emissions are increasing and positively feeding back on
climate change. Irrespective of the fine details, the micro-
bial compass points to the need to act (BOX2). Ignorance of
the role of, effects on and feedback response of microbial
communities to climate change can lead to our own peril.
An immediate, sustained and concerted effort is required
to explicitly include microorganisms in research, techno-
logy development, and policy and management decisions.
Microorganisms not only contribute to the rate of climate
change but can also contribute immensely to its effective
mitigation and our adaptation tools.
Published online 18 June 2019
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Box 2 | A call to action
The microbiologists’ warning calls for:
•Greater recognition that all multicellular organisms, including humans, rely on
microorganisms for their health and functioning; microbial life is the support system
of the biosphere.
•The inclusion of microorganisms in mainstream climate change research, particularly
research addressing carbon and nitrogen fluxes.
•Experimental design that accounts for environmental variables and stresses (biotic
and abiotic) that are relevant to the microbial ecosystem and climate change
•Investigation of the physiological, community and evolutionary microbial responses
and feedbacks to climate change.
•A focus on microbial feedback mechanisms in the monitoring of greenhouse gas fluxes
from marine and terrestrial biomes and agricultural, industrial, waste and health
sectors and investment in long- term monitoring.
•Incorporation of microbial processes into ecosystem and Earth system models to
improve predictions under climate change scenarios.
•The development of innovative microbial technologies to minimize and mitigate
climate change impacts, reduce pollution and eliminate reliance on fossil fuels.
•The introduction of teaching of personally, societally, environmentally and
sustainability relevant aspects of microbiology in school curricula, with subsequent
upscaling of microbiology education at tertiary levels, to achieve a more educated
public and appropriately trained scientists and workforce.
•Explicit consideration of microorganisms for the development of policy and
management decisions.
•A recognition that all key biosphere processes rely on microorganisms and are
greatly affected by human behaviour, necessitating integration of microbiology in
the management and advancement of the United Nations Sustainable Development
Climate (or radiative) forcings
are factors (for example,
anthropogenic greenhouse
gases, surface reflectivity
(albedo), aerosols) other than
the climate system itself (for
example, oceans, land surface,
cryosphere, biosphere and
atmosphere) that cause
climate change. Positive forcing
occurs when more energy
from sunlight is absorbed by
Earth than is radiated back
into space.
ConSenSuS Statement
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R.C. is indebted to T. Kolesnikow, K. Cavicchioli and X.
Kolesnikow for assistance with figures and insightful com-
ments on manuscript drafts. R.C.’s contribution was supported
by the Australian Research Council. M.J.B.’s contribution was
supported by the NASA North Atlantic Aerosol and Marine
Ecosystem Study. Research by J.K.J was supported by the US
Department of Energy, Office of Biological and Environmental
Research, Soil Microbiome Scientific Focus Area ‘Phenotypic
Response of the Soil Microbiome to Environmental
Perturbations’ at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory,
under contract DE- AC05-76RLO 1830. M.B.S.'s contribution
was supported by funds from the Gordon and Betty Moore
Foundation (#3790) and National Science Foundation
(OCE#1829831). V.I.R.'s contribution was supported by
funds from the Department of Energy Genomic Sciences
Program (#DE- SC0016440) and the National Aeronautics
and Space Administration’s Interdisciplinary Research in
Earth Science programme (#NNX17AK10G).
Author contributions
R.C., W.J.R. and K.N.T. conceived the article, R.C. wrote the
article and all authors contributed to discussion of the con-
tent and reviewed or edited the manuscript before
Competing interests
The authors declare no competing interests.
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Nature Research Microbiology Community:
Scientists’ Warning:
Sea Ice Index:
The Second Warning:
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals:
World Bank data on agricultural land: https://data.
ConSenSuS Statement