
Cloud-Based IoT Smart Parking System for Minimum Parking Delays on Campus

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Growing cities always have parking challenges and they are in need for creative ideas to solve this issue and avoid the time wasted in searching for empty parking spots. To overcome the problem, this paper proposes a simple solution using a low-cost cloud-based system design. The design will be initially implemented on campus in one parking lot at the University of Central Oklahoma. The goal is to make the faculties and students life easier by guiding them to empty parking spots. The design of the proposed system is discussed in this paper and preliminary data are presented including the cost function. The system will guide the users through the web-based application.

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... Energy-proportional data centers and networks are popular because they can operate efficiently in underutilized situations. In practice, there are various open technical challenges in reducing the static energy consumption of hardware as mentioned in [2]. While Central Processing Units (CPUs) became more and more energy-proportional over the years thanks to energy-saving mechanisms like dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS), other components like memory, network, and networks are traditionally energy disproportional for vehicular networks as mentioned in [3]. ...
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The fast growth in Internet-of-Vehicles (IoV) applications is rendering energy efficiency management of vehicular networks a highly important challenge. Most of the existing models are failing to handle the demand for energy conservation in large-scale heterogeneous environments. Based on Large Energy-Aware Fog (LEAF) computing, this paper proposes a new model to overcome energy-inefficient vehicular networks by simulating large-scale network scenarios. The main inspiration for this work is the ever-growing demand for energy efficiency in IoV-most particularly with the volume of generated data and connected devices. The proposed LEAF model enables researchers to perform simulations of thousands of streaming applications over distributed and heterogeneous infrastructures. Among the possible reasons is that it provides a realistic simulation environment in which compute nodes can dynamically join and leave, while different kinds of networking protocols-wired and wireless-can also be employed. The novelty of this work is threefold: for the first time, the LEAF model integrates online decision-making algorithms for energy-aware task placement and routing strategies that leverage power usage traces with efficiency optimization in mind. Unlike existing fog computing simulators, data flows and power consumption are modeled as parameterizable mathematical equations in LEAF to ensure scalability and ease of analysis across a wide range of devices and applications. The results of evaluation show that LEAF can cover up to 98.75% of the distance, with devices ranging between 1 and 1000, showing significant energy-saving potential through A wide-area network (WAN) usage reduction. These findings indicate great promise for fog computing in the future-in particular, models like LEAF for planning energy-efficient IoV infrastructures.
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With the advent of modern technologies, including the IoT and blockchain, smart-parking (SP) systems are becoming smarter and smarter. Similar to other automated systems, and particularly those that require automation or minimal interaction with humans, the SP system is heuristic in delivering performances, such as throughput in terms of latency, efficiency, privacy, and security, and it is considered a long-term cost-effective solution. This study looks ahead to future trends and developments in SP systems and presents an inclusive, long-term, effective, and well-performing smart autonomous vehicle parking (SAVP) system that explores and employs the emerging fog-computing and blockchain technologies as robust solutions to strengthen the existing collaborative IoT–cloud platform to build and manage SP systems for autonomous vehicles (AVs). In other words, the proposed SAVP system offers a smart-parking solution, both indoors and outdoors, and mainly for AVs looking for vacant parking, wherein the fog nodes act as a middleware layer that provides various parking operations closer to IoT-enabled edge devices. To address the challenges of privacy and security, a lightweight integrated blockchain and cryptography (LIBC) module is deployed, which is functional at each fog node, to authorize and grant access to the AVs in every phase of parking (e.g., from the parking entrance to the parking slot to the parking exit). A proof-of-concept implementation was conducted, wherein the overall computed results, such as the average response time, efficiency, privacy, and security, were examined as highly efficient to enable a proven SAVP system. This study also examined an innovative pace, with careful considerations to combatting the existing SP-system challenges and, therefore, to building and managing future scalable SP systems.
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The large number of vehicles constantly seeking access to congested areas in cities means that finding a public parking place is often difficult and causes problems for drivers and citizens alike. In this context, strategies that guide vehicles from one point to another, looking for the most optimal path, are needed. Most contributions in the literature are routing strategies that take into account different criteria to select the optimal route required to find a parking space. This paper aims to identify the types of smart parking systems (SPS) that are available today, as well as investigate the kinds of vehicle detection techniques (VDT) they have and the algorithms or other methods they employ, in order to analyze where the development of these systems is at today. To do this, a survey of 274 publications from January 2012 to December 2019 was conducted. The survey considered four principal features: SPS types reported in the literature, the kinds of VDT used in these SPS, the algorithms or methods they implement, and the stage of development at which they are. Based on a search and extraction of results methodology, this work was able to effectively obtain the current state of the research area. In addition, the exhaustive study of the studies analyzed allowed for a discussion to be established concerning the main difficulties, as well as the gaps and open problems detected for the SPS. The results shown in this study may provide a base for future research on the subject.
Conference Paper
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Road-traffic congestion is becoming a serious concern in developing countries and impacts the economy of countries gravely. Increasing congestion on urban roads presents a genuine threat to the economic growth and livability of city regions. Most traffic congestions are caused due to unplanned road networks, high volumes of vehicles and presence of critical congestion areas. Traffic congestions not only pose a threat to the economy but also to the environment. Spillover effect from congested main roads to secondary roads and side streets as alternative routes often leads to more congestion; increasing the chances of collisions and accidents due to tight spacing and constant stopping-and-going. The following paper presents a smart congestion avoidance technique by estimating the scope of real-time traffic congestion on urban road networks and predicts an alternate shortest route to the destination. The proposed system uses K-Means Clustering Algorithm to estimate the magnitude of congestion on different roads and then employs Dijkstra's Algorithm to predict the shortest route. Once the user inputs the destination into the system, the system predicts the shortest route from the user's current location. The process is reiterated at every intersection until user reaches the destination.
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The paper describes an attempt of using magnetic detectors as an effective alternative to existing vehicle detection systems, which are a key factor in intelligent transportation systems (ITS). The detectors created within the project use the phenomenon of anisotropic magnetoresistance to report about the appearance of vehicles on the basis of Earth's local magnetic field distortion caused by them passing. This paper presents utilized and developed technologies, advantages and disadvantages of magnetic detection in comparison to other detection systems and problems that arose during the project implementation.
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This paper introduces a novel algorithm that increases the efficiency of the current cloud-based smart-parking system and develops a network architecture based on the Internet-of-Things technology. This paper proposed a system that helps users automatically find a free parking space at the least cost based on new performance metrics to calculate the user parking cost by considering the distance and the total number of free places in each car park. This cost will be used to offer a solution of finding an available parking space upon a request by the user and a solution of suggesting a new car park if the current car park is full. The simulation results show that the algorithm helps improve the probability of successful parking and minimizes the user waiting time. We also successfully implemented the proposed system in the real world.
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Suppose curb parking is free but all the spaces are occupied, and off-street parking is expensive but immediately available. In this case, you can cruise to find a curb space being vacated by a departing motorist, or pay for off-street parking right away. This paper presents a model of how drivers choose whether to cruise or to pay, and it predicts several results: you are more likely to cruise if curb parking is cheap, off-street parking is expensive, fuel is cheap, you want to park for a long time, you are alone in the car, and you place a low value on saving time. The model also predicts that charging the market price for curb parking—at least equal to the price of adjacent off-street parking—will eliminate cruising. Because the government sets curb parking prices, planners and elected officials strongly influence drivers’ decisions to cruise. The failure to charge market rates for curb parking congests traffic, pollutes the air, wastes fuel, and causes accidents. Between 1927 and 2001, studies of cruising in congested downtowns have found that it took between 3.5 and 14 min to find a curb space, and that between 8 and 74 percent of the traffic was cruising for parking.
Conference Paper
Smart Parking Sensor Network project aims to develop a low cost sensor based parking system to map the usage of parking areas. This system consists of sensor nodes which can detect the occupancy of parking space; relay nodes to communicate between sensor nodes and the server; server application to get data from the relay nodes and send data to mobile application; and a mobile application to display the parking areas and the occupancy of the parking areas on a map. The vehicle detection sensor node was developed with low cost and low power sensors and components. The vehicle detection sensor node was designed with magnetic sensor and a distance sensor. The magnetic sensor detects the presence of the vehicle and the distance sensor clarifies it. The mobile application was developed using Android and the server application is hosted in AWS (Amazon Web Services). The tests performed using our system shows promising results, which are presented in this paper.
Parking problem becomes one of major issues in the city transportation management since the spatial resource of a city is limited and the parking cost is expensive. Lots of cars on the road should spend unnecessary time and consume energy during searching for parking due to limited parking space. To cope with these limitations and give more intelligent solutions to drivers in the selection of parking facility, this study proposes a smart parking guidance algorithm. The proposed algorithm supports drivers to find the most appropriate parking facility considering real-time status of parking facilities in a city. To suggest the most suitable parking facility, several factors such as driving distance to the guided parking facility, walking distance from the guided parking facility to destination, expected parking cost, and traffic congestion due to parking guidance, are considered in the proposed algorithm. To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm, simulation tests have been carried out. The proposed algorithm helps to maximize the utilization of space resources of a city, and reduce unnecessary energy consumption and CO2 emission of wandering cars since it is designed to control the utilization of parking facility efficiently and reduce traffic congestion due to parking space search.
Estimating parking spot occupancy
  • D M W Landry
  • M R Morin
David M.W., Landry and Matthew R. Morin "Estimating Parking Spot Occupancy"
Smart Real-Time Traffic Congestion Estimation and Clustering Technique for Urban Vehicular Roads
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  • Vishwajeet
Pattanaik, Vishwajeet, et al. "Smart Real-Time Traffic Congestion Estimation and Clustering Technique for Urban Vehicular Roads." 2016 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON),doi:10.1109/tencon.2016.7848689
Distance Measuring Sensor Unit Measuring distance/ Mouser Electronics
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Cars with Best Ground Clearance in Hatch, Sedan, SUV Segment
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Modi, Gagan. "Cars with Best Ground Clearance in Hatch, Sedan, SUV Segment". July,2017
OpenStreetMap MATLAB Function
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Filippidis and Ioannis, "OpenStreetMap MATLAB Function", 15, November, 2016.
Vehicular detection system using magnetic sensors
  • M Bugdol
  • Z Sgiet
  • M Krecichwost