
E-justice and international land conveyancing

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This paper explores the obstacles regarding cross-border transactions on immoveable property within the European Union. The existence of obstacles to the exercise of the freedom of movement of capitals, such as travel costs to the country where the property is located and finding a notary there, may even lead the parties not to enter in those contracts. E-justice solutions are being created to solve such situations and this paper reflects if they are enough to overcome the difficulties and rectify current deficiencies. It concludes by examining the tendency of solving the difficulties of international cooperation between non-judicial authorities through e-Justice tools.

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The article analyses the latest developments in the process of harmonisation in the area of succession law in Europe. The status quo of harmonisation is described and the plans to harmonise this area in the future – which have not been given much consideration in the jurisprudential literature so far – are examined in detail. Particular attention is drawn to the Green Paper ‘Succession and Wills’ which the European Commission has issued recently (COM(2005) 65 final). The preparatory works, the development and the content of the Green Paper are described, and the reactions to it, as well as its possible outcomes, are analysed.
José Carlos Fernández Rozas and Sixto Sánchez Lorenzo, Curso de Derecho Internacional Privado (Madrid: Editorial Civitas, 1996), 98;. Jonathan Fitchen, "«Recognition», Acceptance and Enforcement of Authentic Instruments in the Succession Regulation
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toute autorité publique, habilité à faire certains actes, ne peut jamais les faire selon ses propres lois»), applying not only to courts but to other public authorities, such as "notaire, l'officier de l'état civil, le conservateur des hypothèques» -cfr. François Rigaux and Marc Fallon
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Recueil Sirey, 1928), 864. 23 CNUE publishes models of protocols
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Adolfo Miaja de la Muela, Derecho Internacional Privado, in Introduccion y Parte General (Madrid: Atlas, 1976), 19; J.-P. Niboyet, Manuel de Droit International Privé (Paris: Recueil Sirey, 1928), 864. 23 CNUE publishes models of protocols, with example clauses to be decided by both notaries.
La Circulación del Documento Público Notarial
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Cfr. Calvo Vidal, "La Circulación del Documento Público Notarial.", 91.
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Editor's note: clause of empowerment that empowers the national notary to carry out all those actions that
  • Calvo Vidal
Calvo Vidal, "La Circulación del Documento Público Notarial", 94; Rodríguez Calvo, "Las transacciones inmobiliarias en España realizadas por extranjeros.", 397. Editor's note: clause of empowerment that empowers the national notary to carry out all those actions that, being complementary, are accurate in the State of destination in accordance with the proper order.