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Losing Talent on Day One: Onboarding Millennial Employees in Health Care Organizations

  • Sacred Heart University


We performed a qualitative study to explore the experiences of millennials regarding workplace onboarding programs in their health care organizations. Action research and quasi-appreciative inquiry were used to examines millennial experiences in corporate on boarding as well as to determine which elements millennials ideally want to see in onboarding programs. The results suggest that current corporate onboarding programs in health care organizations are generally inadequate for the growing talent pool, that this inadequacy likely affects retention of millennial talent, and that health care organizations appear to be behind the curve regarding current onboarding trends and needs in industry. The qualitative research data also suggests a potential concern of poor organizational culture in organizations with inadequate onboarding programs.
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... Leading and managing Generation Y and Z members begins before the members of these generational groups become applicants (Shufutinsky & Cox, 2019). Organizations must attract Generation Y and Z members by addressing the generational members' need to fulfill basic primary and higher-order goals (Shufutinsky & Cox, 2019). ...
... Leading and managing Generation Y and Z members begins before the members of these generational groups become applicants (Shufutinsky & Cox, 2019). Organizations must attract Generation Y and Z members by addressing the generational members' need to fulfill basic primary and higher-order goals (Shufutinsky & Cox, 2019). When an organization hires a Generation Y or Z member, the organization must socialize the Generation Y and Z members (Shufutinsky & Cox, 2019). ...
... Organizations must attract Generation Y and Z members by addressing the generational members' need to fulfill basic primary and higher-order goals (Shufutinsky & Cox, 2019). When an organization hires a Generation Y or Z member, the organization must socialize the Generation Y and Z members (Shufutinsky & Cox, 2019). Generation Y and Z members desire official environments and leaders that contribute beneficially to their growth and goal-attainment process (Barbuto & Gottfredson, 2016;Shufutinsky & Cox, 2019). ...
... There is a clear need to re-focus on and consider re-designing the now often online onboarding processes (Stewart et al., 2021). Shufutinsky and Cox (2019) found that individuals who were not satisfied with the onboarding process within the first few months left the organisation within one year of hire. This concern applies to not just on-site but also online onboarding (see also Moran, 2019). ...
... Similarly, many candidates will accept job offers when they also feel that the employer will offer them opportunities of interest to them. And finally, many new hires leave an employer when they subsequently feel they do not share the same goals, values, and priorities necessary for them to fit in with their teams and the organisation (Shufutinsky and Cox, 2019). The ASA model has been used in a variety of studies that examined the intention of potential hires to join a company and communities (e.g. ...
... In some case, despite all effort, new hires leave the workplace shortly after they start a new job (Ellis et al., 2017). This attrition often happens during or shortly after onboarding (Shufutinsky and Cox, 2019). Efforts to assess organisational attractiveness as judged by new hires, and honest discussions around their rationale for opting to take up new positions (their own selection choice) during the selection stage can help to identify those candidates who may not necessarily share the same values as the employer. ...
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OPEN ACCESS - Here is the link to the full article: -- Purpose The onboarding stage of new hires represents a unique opportunity for mutual learning between the new hires and the organisation regardless of the company size. The current paper aims to address these learning opportunities. Design/methodology/approach The authors reflect on current practice, draw on recent literature and their experience with recruitment and selection processes in the industry to generate new insights and identify opportunities for practitioners and new hires alike. Findings Today's new hires expect onboarding experiences that allow for a much greater degree of flexibility, customisation and personalisation. Similarly, many new hires expect hiring, onboarding, and learning and development to be interconnected to generate new learning and career opportunities. However, these expectations require changes in the way in which onboarding is implemented, evaluated and connected to other human resource practices, specifically with the dramatic (and successful) increase in remote work arrangements in 2020 in response to the global impact of the pandemic. Originality/value The current paper provides readers with an overview of potential learning opportunities, outlines specific success factors and highlights a variety of pointers for practice and further professional development.
... The use of digital tools can improve efficiency, reduce errors and provide a better overall experience for new employees, which can ultimately help to improve retention and productivity (Verma et al., 2022), but a need to reevaluate and refocus on the increasing remote onboarding procedures is also revealed (Stewart et al., 2021). Shufutinsky and Cox (2019) observed that employees who were dissatisfied with the onboarding procedure during the first three months were less productive or even quit within one year of hire. This concern is relevant to both on-site and remote onboarding (Moran, 2019). ...
Purpose Before the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, most employees worked from their employers' offices, and new team members were integrated into their roles through standard onboarding procedures. However, in response to the pandemic, organizations quickly reestablished new remote onboarding strategies. As hybrid employment gains popularity, the onboarding process has been affected by the digital transformation (DT) phenomenon, and organizations must now implement remote strategies to onboard new employees. Design/methodology/approach In this context, by considering the major changes that happen in the field, the purpose of this article is to provide a literature review of the onboarding process (OP), using the context-interventions-mechanisms-outcomes framework. Findings The review identifies four mechanisms describing the complexity of the OP and the impact of DT: basic onboarding, advanced onboarding, integration of newcomers and remote onboarding. Originality/value The findings have implications for both HR professionals concerned with onboarding strategy, and researchers studying the OP.
... Dennoch kann es das traditionelle Onboarding mit direkten Kontakten und Informationen noch nicht ersetzen, denn rund 30 % der Befragten reflektieren, dass es schlechter funktioniert (softgarden e-recruiting GmbH, 2023). Es besteht ein klarer Bedarf, sich auf Online-Onboarding-Prozesse zu konzentrieren und diese, wenn möglich, neu zu gestalten, da Unzufriedenheit in den ersten Monaten dazu führen kann, dass neue Mitarbeitende das Unternehmen schnell wieder verlassen(Cox & Shufutinsky, 2019). Onboarding sollte mit Auswahlprozessen verknüpft werden, Engagement aufbauen, Wohlbefinden und soziale Bindungen berücksichtigen und neue Wege finden, um insbesondere entfernte und neu eingestellte Mitarbeitende dazu zu motivieren zur Zielerreichung beizutragen(Jeske & Olson, 2022). ...
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AIEDN ist ein Verbundforschungsprojekt der thingsTHINKING GmbH und des Institute for Applied Artificial Intelligence an der Hochschule der Medien. In diesem Projekt soll erforscht werden, wie KI dazu beitragen kann, individuelle Fragestellungen beim Lernen mit Lernvideos zu beantworten, um dadurch ein besseres und schnelleres Verstehen im Lernprozess zu ermöglichen. Dazu wurde ein KI-gestützter Lernassistent erschaffen, der Fragen von Lernenden mittels KI auf der Bedeutungsebene versteht und passende Stellen aus bestehenden Videos, Texten und Dokumentationen zur Beantwortung der Frage bereitstellt – individuell auf Lernbedarfe und Vorwissen der Lernenden angepasst. Es wurde in einer Pilotphase mit Schüler:innen und Studierenden wissenschaftlich erforscht, ob angestrebte Mehrwerte eintreten, z. B. gesteigerte Effektivität des Lernens und Optimierung der Lernzeit. Ziel ist es, Wissen für alle individueller, schneller und effizienter zugänglich zu machen und Lernerfolge im Schul- und Hochschulbereich durch KI zu steigern. Im Nachgang ist eine Ausweitung des Lernassistenten für Unternehmen denkbar, z. B. im Onboarding neuer Mitarbeiter:innen, im Prozessverständnis und im Corporate Learning. Diesen Fragen geht die AI Value Creation Studie nach. Um die komplexen Fragestellungen angemessen beantworten zu können, wurden über 40 qualitative Interviews mit Expertinnen und Experten sowie eine quantitative Online-Befragung durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse der Studie zeigen zum einen die Herausforderungen von Unternehmen in Hinblick auf eine AI-Implementierung auf. Zum anderen wird aber auch deutlich, dass große Wertschöpfungspotenziale branchenübergreifend und in allen Unternehmensbereichen wiederzufinden sind.
... In order for such new hire sustainability messaging to serve its intended orientation purpose, it must be perceived as accurate, credible, and worthy of involvement by employees [12,13]. However, new hire orientation programs are an overlooked avenue (in both research and practice) through which organizations can convey sustainability messaging effectively to new hires [14,15]. This study draws from signaling theory to consider the potential impact of organizational sustainability messaging content and emphasis on the orientation context on new hire credibility perceptions and intent to be involved. ...
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A critical sustainability task is to communicate an organization’s sustainability values in a manner which yields favorable new hire perceptions and involvement. However, factors influencing the impact of sustainability messaging on new hire perceptions remain unexplored to the authors’ knowledge. This exploratory study explores these factors using an experimental vignette study design in which signal costliness and intrinsic and extrinsic motivation were manipulated in the administration of a hypothetical new employee orientation presentation. The findings suggest that conditions in which extrinsic motivating factors were noted as the reason for organizational sustainability yielded higher perceived credibility and involvement intention among respondents. More costly sustainability messaging was detrimental to the perceived message credibility and employee involvement intentions. Keywords: sustainability messaging; signaling theory; employee orientation
... A recent study by Shufutinsky and Cox (2019) figured out that the new hires who were dissatisfied with the onboarding process within the first few months left the organization within one year. These findings apply to both onboarding and remote onboarding (Moran, 2019). ...
... This research leads to the need for additional research, not on whether onboarding leads to retention, but on how the quality of onboarding programs affects retention. Interestingly, research indicates that onboarding has changed and is no longer "your dad's or grandad's orientation" (Shufutinsky & Cox, 2019). To satisfy employees, connect them to the organization, and retain them, organizations need to develop high-quality, high-touch onboarding programs that last for an employee's first full year. ...
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Onboarding, the process of integrating new employees into companies, involves a wide range of techniques and opinions in academic literature. This study explores the complex aspects of onboarding, analysing several terms such as "employee onboarding," "organizational socialization," "orientation," "assimilation," and "hazing." This research tries to clarify the conceptual landscape of employee integration by drawing from a thorough review of the literature. This study provides a structured classification of determinants that lead to successful onboarding, offering valuable insights into key elements that enhance staff integration. Organizations may enhance their onboarding procedures by comprehending these determinants and how they interact, creating a conducive environment for new employees, which can lead to successful onboarding.
In parts one and two of this series, I explored research on the most effective components of recruitment advertising, and good practice for recruitment and selection of applicants. In this final article I discuss the literature on the third stage of recruitment: bringing a new person on board and integrating them into the team.
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White paper report on Onboarding New Employees.
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The purpose of this paper is to research the concepts of productivity and ergonomics and to analyze the effect/impact of ergonomics on human productivity and moreover on total productivity. Increase in productivity should be one of the primary goals of a business today. Without a high level of productivity, an organization cannot be successful today. Therefore, it is appropriate, that increased attention should be given to productivity improvement. In a comprehensive literature survey more than 50 different techniques of productivity improvement were cataloged. These are classified as a) technology-based, b) employee-based, c) product-based, d) task-based and e) material-based techniques. Ergonomics is a part of the task-based techniques.
The first day on the job at a new organization is commonly structured around introducing employees to the work environment and company culture. The authors found that the traditional methods of onboarding have some serious weaknesses. Subordinating one's identity and unique perspectives may not be optimal in the long run for either the organization or the individual employee. Socialization practices that get newcomers to behave inauthentically might not be sustainable and do not address broader issues concerning emotional exhaustion and work dissatisfaction. In studying how organizations onboard new employees, the authors developed a different approach, which they refer to as "personal-identity socialization," that had positive long-lasting effects for both companies and employees. It involves encouraging newcomers to express their unique perspectives and strengths on the job and inviting them to frame their work as a platform for doing what they do best. In field research at Wipro BPO, a business process outsourcing firm in Bangalore, India, the authors found that the company was experiencing high turnover rates that were comparable to those of the industry (50% to 70% annually). Its onboarding process was tightly organized around transferring the company culture to new employees, as is typical in many other organizations. In Wipro's traditional program, new employees (known as "agents") underwent training in 15- to 25-person teams. During the first days of orientation, they learned about the company and received human resources information. The authors studied whether an alternative approach to onboarding made a difference in performance and retention. They found that when socialization focused on individual identity, employees were more than 32% less likely to quit their jobs during the first six months at the company than those employees who received Wipro's traditional onboarding approach. Moreover, employees who went through the approach to onboarding that focused on individual identity received customer evaluations that were significantly more positive than those who went through Wipro's standard onboarding process. The authors conclude that giving newcomers the opportunity to express themselves at work bolstered employees' self-esteem and allowed them to express a positive identity during a period that employees often find stressful. By making relatively small investments in socialization practices, the authors found that companies can make significant improvements in employee retention and engagement.