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Biodiversity and Health: Implications for Conservation



The human health and well-being benefits of contact with nature are becoming increasingly recognised and well understood, yet the implications of nature experiences for biodiversity conservation are far less clear. Theoretically, there are two plausible pathways that could lead to positive conservation outcomes. The first is a direct win-win scenario where biodiverse areas of high conservation value are also disproportionately beneficial to human health and well-being, meaning that the two sets of objectives can be simultaneously and directly achieved, as long as such green spaces are safeguarded appropriately. The second is that experiencing nature can stimulate people’s interest in biodiversity, concern for its fate, and willingness to take action to protect it, therefore generating conservation gains indirectly. To date, the two pathways have rarely been distinguished and scarcely studied. Here we consider how they may potentially operate in practice, while acknowledging that the mechanisms by which biodiversity might underpin human health and well-being benefits are still being determined.
283© The Author(s) 2019
M. R. Marselle et al. (eds.), Biodiversity and Health in the Face of Climate
Chapter 12
Biodiversity andHealth: Implications
ZoeG.Davies, MartinDallimer, JessicaC.Fisher, andRichardA.Fuller
Abstract The human health and well-being benets of contact with nature are
becoming increasingly recognised and well understood, yet the implications of
nature experiences for biodiversity conservation are far less clear. Theoretically,
there are two plausible pathways that could lead to positive conservation outcomes.
The rst is a direct win-win scenario where biodiverse areas of high conservation
value are also disproportionately benecial to human health and well-being, mean-
ing that the two sets of objectives can be simultaneously and directly achieved, as
long as such green spaces are safeguarded appropriately. The second is that experi-
encing nature can stimulate people’s interest in biodiversity, concern for its fate, and
willingness to take action to protect it, therefore generating conservation gains indi-
rectly. To date, the two pathways have rarely been distinguished and scarcely stud-
ied. Here we consider how they may potentially operate in practice, while
acknowledging that the mechanisms by which biodiversity might underpin human
health and well-being benets are still being determined.
Keywords Extinction of experience · Green space · Human-wildlife interaction ·
Nature connectedness · Protected areas · Well-being
Z. G. Davies (*) · J. C. Fisher
Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology (DICE), School of Anthropology and
Conservation, University of Kent, Canterbury, Kent, UK
M. Dallimer
Sustainability Research Institute, School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds,
Leeds, UK
R. A. Fuller
School of Biological Sciences, University of Queensland, St Lucia, QLD, Australia
Green spaces vary in their conservation value, depending on the biodiversity
Very few are designedand/or managed to deliver synergistic conservation and
health benets.
Evidence suggests health might be related to specic, complex natural
These green spaces might be of greater conservation value.
To maximise health, biodiversity must be in the right places for the right
12.1 Green Spaces Managed Primarily forPeople
Green spaces may support dramatically different levels of biodiversity, depending
on their location, history, purpose and use by people. At one end of the spectrum are
the green spaces that have been designed with human health and well-being primar-
ily in mind. Historically, these areas were planned to provide inhabitants with relief
from the unsanitary conditions that prevailed in overcrowded industrialised cities
(Rayner and Lang 2012) and,while constructed from nature in the form of vegeta-
tion, there was no explicit consideration of whether these areas provided valuable
habitats for species. Indeed, this anthropocentric view of managing natural resources
for the benet of people has re-emerged over the past two decades, with an empha-
sis on nding nature-based solutions to issues such as heat mitigation, pollution
reduction and storm water protection (e.g. MA 2005; TEEB 2010; European
Commission 2011; European Commission Horizon 2020 Expert Group 2015). This
is particularly true for urban areas where the majority of the human population
across the world live, and improving the health and well-being of these city dwellers
is a priority in many national and international policy agendas (European
Commission Horizon 2020 Expert Group 2015).
Urban areas are often characterised from a conservation perspective by the nega-
tive impacts they have on the ecosystems they replace and abut (e.g. see the discus-
sion in Gaston 2010). Green spaces within cities are often considered too small and
isolated from one another to sustain viable species populations (Goddard et al.
2010), requiring a collaborative effort on the part of different stakeholders to redress
the lack of connectivity (Davies etal. 2009; Dearborn and Kark 2010). One legacy
associated with green spaces intended to deliver aesthetic and recreational benets
is the simplication of habitats as a consequence of frequent management (e.g.
mowing, pruning of trees and shrubs, removal of deadwood; Aronson etal. 2017).
Likewise, the desire to maximise the multi-functionality of green spaces and infra-
structure (e.g. green roofs, sustainable urban drainage systems) has perpetuated this
problem further through the planting of horticultural cultivars rather than native
species (Haase etal. 2017). While some of these initiatives can support biodiversity
(e.g. non-native owering species can be benecial for some bees; MacIvor and
Z. G. Davies et al.
Ksiazek 2015; Salisbury et al. 2015), the use of horticultural cultivars has been
linked to a reduction in the forage value of planting for pollinators in general (Bates
etal. 2011; Salisbury etal. 2015). Moreover, the spread of alien invasive species
from gardens and parks is another signicant issue in many parts of the world
(Reichard and White 2001; Russo et al. 2017). The conservation value of green
spaces that are popular with people can also be limited by signicant levels of dis-
turbance and degradation, which prevent native species from colonising and persist-
ing (Brown and Grant 2005), and result in assemblages dominated by adaptable
generalists (Kowarik 2011) and the homogenisation of urban biodiversity (McKinney
2006). Even for human-nature interactions that people perceive as being good for
wildlife, such as the supplementary feeding of wild birds, we have little evidence as
to whether they deliverbiodiversity conservationbenets (Fuller etal. 2008; Robb
etal. 2008; Jones 2018).
Despite this, suitable habitat within urban areas can support threatened and spe-
cialist species, and warrant conservation attention (Baldock etal. 2015; Ives etal.
2016). In developed regions, where intensive use of the wider landscape, particu-
larly through agriculture, has resulted in species declines, urban areas have become
important for sustaining regional abundances of some species. Substantial propor-
tions of the populations of some previously widespread and common species now
occur in urban green spaces (e.g. Beebee 1997; Gregory and Baillie 1998; Mason
2000; Bland et al. 2004; Peach et al. 2004; Speak et al. 2015; Ives et al. 2016;
Tryjanowski etal. 2017). For instance, over 600 species have been recorded in
Weißensee Jewish Cemetery in Berlin. It supports 25 plants, ve bats and nine birds
that are species of conservation concern, and one of the lichens (Aloxyria ochro-
cheila) present on the site is considered very rare across the wider region. The cem-
etery therefore acts as an unintended refuge for a wide range of taxa (Buchholz etal.
12.2 Green Spaces Managed Primarily forBiodiversity
At the other end of the green space continuum are formal protected areas, now inter-
preted as a global conservation network, where the objective is to maintain and
enhance biodiversity (see MacKinnon etal. Chap. 16, this volume). Currently, there
are more than 200,000 protected areas globally, after a huge expansion of the net-
work over the past few decades (Watson etal. 2014, Butchart etal. 2015). Some of
the earliest protected areas were preferentially designated inlocations used heavily
for recreation (Pressey 1994), and some protected areas are still managed with
access and use by people as a primary management goal, such as many of the
National Parks in the UK (Smith 2013). However, this is usually the exception
rather than the rule for three inter-related reasons.
First, protected areas have overwhelmingly been established in areas not needed
for economic activity (Pressey 1994), so they are often sited at higher elevations, on
12 Biodiversity andHealth: Implications forConservation
steep slopes, on relatively unfertile soils and far away from cities and productive
agricultural land (Pressey etal. 2002; Joppa and Pfaff 2009). Typically, the human
population density is low in these areas and, as such, they are shielded from use by
people by default. Indeed, the physical distance between human settlements and the
location of protected areas can impose a substantial barrier to their recreational use
(Kareiva 2008). Protected areas that are close to or within towns and cities tend to
be smaller, more fragmented and in poorer ecological condition than those in remote
locations (Jones etal. 2018).
Second, there has been a growing emphasis in recent years on proactive conser-
vation strategies, such as those that aim to safeguard the last of the world’s major
wilderness areas (Sanderson et al. 2002; Mittermeier et al. 2003; Watson et al.
2017). This is based on the recognition that the predominant threats to biodiversity
spread contagiously across landscapes (Boakes etal. 2010), suggesting that if an
area can be protected while it is still intact, the risk of eventual habitat clearance or
degradation is much lower (Klein etal. 2009). By denition, the absence of a high
density of people, and the pressure they bring to bear on landscapes, is a key com-
ponent of wilderness quality (Venter etal. 2016), thus further building a case for
protected area designation in places away from human settlements.
Finally, there is often tension among management agencies about permitting rec-
reation inside protected areas that have been designated for biodiversity conserva-
tion, with many viewing the two things as incompatible and preferring that people
are actively excluded (Smith 2013). A prime example of this is mountain biking
where, arguably, the impact on biodiversity is usually minimal, but is perceived as
being much greater by managers and other types of green space user (Hardiman and
Burgin 2013). A further complicating factor is that funds for managing protected
areas for recreation are often derived from different sources to those centred on
biodiversity (Miller etal. 2009). This means that interagency cooperation might be
needed to effectively provide facilities for human use, or zoning congurations that
minimise recreational pressures (Stigner etal. 2016). This can require substantial
investment to deliver and be complex to achieve.
In spite of the historical bias where most protected areas are located away from
regions of intense human activity, there is some evidence that new protected areas
are now being established in closer proximity to towns and cities. Global biodiver-
sity targets mandate protecting threatened species and landscapes that currently lack
formal designation (Butchart etal. 2015), and many of the remaining high conserva-
tion value areas occur in fragmented landscapes nearer to human settlements
(Brooks et al. 2006; McDonald et al. 2008). For example, recently established
Australian protected areas are being preferentially sited in places with high human
population density and large numbers of threatened species (Barr et al. 2016).
Likewise, 32 cities within the European Union contain Natura 2000 sites (ten Brink
etal. 2016).
Some protected areas have successfully integrated human health and well-being
objectives into their remit more proactively. For instance, Secovlje Salina Nature
Park in Slovenia hosts the Lepa Vida Spa, which has generated jobs and income in
both the tourism and health sectors. In turn, this has provided better public access to
Z. G. Davies et al.
the park for 50,000 annual visitors, and the habitat quality of the protected area,
which is important for supporting migratory birds, has been improved (ten Brink
etal. 2016). Similarly, Medvednica Nature Park in Zagreb attracts over a million
visitors annually, while also being home to over 20% of Croatia’s entire vascular
ora, including more than 90 strictly protected species. Additionally, the park plays
a role in improving air quality and mitigating urban air temperatures in neighbour-
ing city suburbs (ten Brink etal. 2016).
12.3 Moving Forward withGreen Spaces Planned forBoth
People andBiodiversity
Presently, although there are few sites explicitly designed and managed to deliver
conservation and human health gains in tandem, the potential for synergistic bene-
ts could be substantial. The opportunities to adopt such a strategy are considerable,
given the rapid rates of urbanisation globally and that many regions are yet to be
developed (Nilon etal. 2017). Urbanisation will not be geographically homoge-
nous, chiey taking place in small cities comprising less than 500,000 inhabitants
across the Global South (United Nations 2015). This vast conversion of land to built
infrastructure will undoubtedly pose a threat to biodiversity, not least because most
of it will occur in extremely biodiverse regions such as the Brazilian Atlantic Forest
and Guinean Forests of West Africa (Seto etal. 2012). Formal conservation protec-
tion is therefore imperative to prevent extinctions (Cincotta etal. 2000; Brooks etal.
2006; Venter etal. 2014). Justifying the need to protect natural environments in and
around where people live to deliver a multi-faceted suite of objectives is more likely
to be persuasive to decision-makers than a rationale based solely on conservation.
In already established towns and cities, green spaces can be ‘retrotted’ to provide
complementary conservation and human health gains (for further information, see
Hunter etal. Chap. 17, and Heiland etal. Chap. 19, boththis volume). For example,
initiatives such as the Biophilic Cities network ( promote
biodiversity as a central tenet of urban planning and management, so that improve-
ments in human health and well-being arise from co-existence (Beatley and van den
Bosch 2018). Metrics related to levels of biodiversity, wildness, tree cover and
green space accessibility are included as indicators against which the performance
of individual cities can be gauged.
Although not studied extensively thus far, there is evidence to suggest that posi-
tive human health and well-being outcomes might be related to specic and often
complex natural environments, which could be of conservation value. For instance,
people enjoy forests because of their quiet atmosphere, scenery and fresh air, which
helps with stress management and relaxation (Li and Bell 2018). In Zurich, Sihlwald
Forest is a major recreation area for the city. Formerly a timber concession, the
ecosystem is now left to function with minimal human intervention and, therefore,
12 Biodiversity andHealth: Implications forConservation
offers residents a different sort of nature experience to more manicured green spaces
(Seeland etal. 2002; Konijnendijk 2008).
The decisions regarding where green spaces should be located and how they are
managed are complex, with conservation value being one of many factors that must
be taken into consideration. Inevitably, biodiversity will be traded off against other
economic and societal goals (Nilon etal. 2017). However, maximising the size of
green spaces planned for both people and biodiversity is likely to be important for
their success. While it is widely accepted that larger areas are likely to sustain more
species (Beninde etal. 2015), evidence is growing to suggest that the same might be
true for the supply of human health and well-being benets. For instance, larger
forested areas are preferred for outdoor activities (Tyrväinen etal. 2007).
Another core challenge associated with maximising the human health outcomes
derived from experiencing nature is making sure that biodiversity is in the right
locations for the right people. This is critical because the likelihood of someone
visiting a site drops dramatically with distance, with only the fraction of the popula-
tion that is already strongly connected to nature willing to travel to experience it
(Shanahan et al. 2015). Indeed, cities are often characterised by a wide array of
inequalities, with those living in deprived communities having the most to gain
from using nearby green spaces (Mitchell and Popham 2008; Kabisch Chap. 5, this
volume; Cook etal. Chap. 11, this volume). If the health and well-being of all urban
residents were prioritised, then one would expect publicly owned green spaces to be
more or less evenly distributed across the spatial extent of towns and cities (Boone
etal. 2009; Landry and Chakroborty 2009; Pham etal. 2012). On the other hand, if
green spaces were being used actively as an intervention to promote better human
health and well-being, their placement would mostly likely be adjacent to commu-
nities characterised by a high prevalence of health disorders, such as depression and
obesity (Lin et al. 2014). However, either is rarely the case, as individuals from
ethnic/racial minorities (Heynen etal. 2006; Landry and Chakroborty 2009; Wolch
etal. 2013) and/or lower socio-economic status (Vaughan etal. 2013) have com-
paratively worse access to high-quality green space than the rest of the population.
It is therefore vital to ensure that the health benets that might be derived from
conservation initiatives are notjust conned to societal groups that have the nan-
cial and/or social means to access them (Wolch etal. 2014).
12.4 Experiencing Nature toPromote Conservation
It is commonly asserted that urbanisation has led to the human population becoming
progressively disconnected from the natural world (Wilson 1984; Pyle 2003; Miller
2005), a phenomenon that has variously been referred to as the ‘extinction of expe-
rience’ (Miller 2005), ‘nature decit disorder’ (Louv 2008) and ‘ecological bore-
dom’ (Monbiot 2013). By exposing people to nature, it is thought that these
experiences can enhance an individual’s connection with nature and, in turn, pro-
mote conservation concern and pro-environmental behaviours (see Soga and Gaston
Z. G. Davies et al.
2016; De Young Chap. 13, this volume). For instance, Rogerson etal. (2017) found
relationships between people experiencing nature and positive environmental
behaviour, such as volunteering with conservation organisations. Likewise, child-
hood experiences of nature have been linked to connectedness to nature in a study
of French adults (Colléony etal. 2017), and individuals who grew up in rural areas
demonstrated a greater preference for gardens containing more owers and wood-
land species than urbanities (Shwartz etal. 2013). Nonetheless, the evidence under-
lying the relationship between nature experience and positive attitudes/behaviours
remains scant and is yet to be fully established (Soga and Gaston 2016).
Individuals may not need to experience biodiversity to want to conserve it
(termed ‘existence value’) (Cooper etal. 2016). This has been shown for coastal
ecosystems on Vancouver Island, Canada (Klain and Chan 2012)and marine pro-
tected areas in the UK (Kenter etal. 2016), and can be a potential mediator between
nature connectedness and well-being (Cleary etal. 2017). Additionally, it is difcult
to draw meaningful lessons from studies due to the level of inconsistency between
the denitions of what constitutes an experience, what comprises nature, and what
attitude or perception is being measured (Clayton et al. 2017; Ives et al. 2017).
Moreover, the ‘extinction of experience’ concept is considered oversimplied
because it fails to acknowledge the multi-dimensionality of people’s experiences of
biodiversity (Clayton etal. 2017), and that some interactions with species can be
negative, frightening or uncomfortable (Bixler and Floyd 1997). Relationships with
nature are likely to be highly specic to individuals, with cultural contexts and
norms also being important and variable across societies (Voigt and Wurster 2014).
For example, feeding wild birds is a very popular human-biodiversity interaction in
both the UK and the USA (Freyfogle 2003; Defra 2011), but negative associations
with birds in Europe may inhibit a connectedness to nature for some individuals
(Ratcliffe et al. 2013). Similarly, a fear of birds (known as ‘ornithophobia’) in
Honduras has been reported to occur where birds are perceived as either pest species
or as negative spiritual symbols (Bonta 2008). This is a fundamental consideration
when designing and maintaining green spaces, as synergistic human health and con-
servation benets will not be delivered successfully if the residents are intolerant of
the biodiversity they support.
12.5 Conclusion
While very few green spaces are implemented explicitly with both conservation and
human health and well-being in mind, the potential for delivering win-win out-
comes is considerable. This is particularly apposite, given the rate and distribution
of future urbanisation predicted across the highly biodiverse regions of the Global
South. However, the rapidly growing body of research examining nature-related
health benets has yet to tease apart the relative value of green spaces that support
different levels of biodiversity and ecosystem complexity. This knowledge gap
12 Biodiversity andHealth: Implications forConservation
needs to be addressed, so a strong evidence-base is in place to inform effective
policy and practice.
Acknowledgements We are grateful to our respective funders: ZGD is supported by the European
Research Council (ERC) Consolidator Grant 726104; MD is supported by the UK Natural
Environment Research Council (NERC) grant NE/R002681/1; JCF is supported by the UK
Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) scholarship ES/J500148/1; and, RAF is supported
by an Australian Research Council Future Fellowship.
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Z. G. Davies et al.
... However, it has also highlighted the services that natural spaces provide to human health, there is a growing policy need for a better understanding of the complex ways in which people engage and become disengaged with natural environments [87,88]. Capitalising on this growing public interest, and finding middle ground where natural environments deliver for both human health and biodiversity, is a key aim for conservation [3,83]. One mechanism that would facilitate this would be for more biodiverse environments to be proven as being disproportionately better for human health [83]. ...
... Capitalising on this growing public interest, and finding middle ground where natural environments deliver for both human health and biodiversity, is a key aim for conservation [3,83]. One mechanism that would facilitate this would be for more biodiverse environments to be proven as being disproportionately better for human health [83]. However, despite positive associations (especially in relation to human-bird contact and bird species richness [5,[53][54][55][56][57][58]), studies often return nonsignificant findings and are limited in terms of causation [3,6], again, emphasising the need to better understand the contributions of different nature provisions to health. ...
... These two domains were evenly endorsed (56 MUs, 3.7% and 53 MUs, 3.5%). For the majority, connections with nature were expressed literally as "to connect with nature" [P14, 29,54,183], with deviations including, e.g., "being close to" [P12, 37,83,136,171,217,232,234,244,312,320], "amongst" [P158, 99,134] or "engaged with" [P33, 107,112,382] nature. Other expressions of nature connectedness included "(I'm) searching for bigger picture nature" [P129] and "for me it's a spiritual experience" [P213]. ...
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The health benefits associated with spending time in natural environments have been highlighted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Lockdowns and restrictions to safeguard public health have exacerbated the pre-existing mental health crisis and rise of non-communicable diseases. Thus, the importance of nature as a health resource has been elevated, hastening calls for a better understanding of how health benefits might differ across user groups and nature provisions. In this regard , urban green spaces have become the greatest research focus; however, blue spaces, especially inland freshwater (e.g., wetlands), remain less studied. First-hand user experiences are also under-represented. This exploratory study examines the motivations and benefits of active wetland centre users in the UK, both during and after visits. Responses to three open-ended questions were collated online from 385 participants, and a qualitative content analysis was conducted based on an existing taxonomy from users of urban green spaces. The results showed strong motivations to visit due to the biodiversity at the site (mainly the birdlife), while less tangible nature (e.g., fresh air) and amenities were also important. In contrast to other studies on natural environments, physical activity was a less influential motivation. Salient derived effects included positive and intensely positive emotions , relaxation and mental restoration. After visits to wetland centres, feelings of vitality and satisfaction were the most prominent effects that emerged. For decision-makers looking to leverage inland blue spaces for public health benefit, our results highlight the broad range and relative prominence of the reasons for use and the associated perceived health benefits derived by users of UK wetland centres. They highlight how biodiversity, abiotic nature and good amenities are important qualities to consider when planning, managing and encouraging people to use natural environments for health benefit, qualities that may also provide important environmental co-benefits.
... throug h th e c alming effect of greenery and birdsongs and the quietness and fresh air induced by a walk in th e wo ods [12]. Th e recognition of benefits of contact with nature is slowly contributing to the integration of hu man hea lth and wellbeing objectives into the management of some biodiverse areas of high conservation value [13], like in the case of urban nature parks supporting migratory birds while playing a role in improving air q ua lity an d moderating air temperature [14] or in initiatives such as the Biophilic Cities network 6 . ...
... Furthermore, the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (2008) [ 93] n o ted the m ou nting pressure on the EU's natural marine resources and called for an ecosystem-based a ppro ach to m an agin g these resources to phase out pollution (substances and human-induced underwater noise) and reduce risks to marine biodiversity and ecosystems, human health and legitimate uses of th e s e a. W ith fresh wa ter and marine biodiversity being a source of food, the bioaccumulation of chemical pollutants in aquatic o rga nisms can lead to human dietary exposure to such substances. The Commission is reviewing th e Ma rine Stra tegy Framework Directive since the related report (2020) 13 that assessed the first cycle highlighted that biodiversity loss was not halted in European seas. ...
Technical Report
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Biodiversity and health are inextricably connected, directly as well as indirectly. Nature and biodiversity directly enhance health and wellbeing by improving the quality of our air, water and soil, and providing indispensable medicines, food and nutrients. Anthropogenic drivers of biodiversity loss and ecosystem change such as pollution, agricultural intensification and climate change affect both biodiversity and health, and are in turn aggravated by the loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services. The connections are complex and involve many feedback loops, calling for reinforced attention from many policy domains as part of a systemic approach. In this report we chart out these connections and the relevant policy domains, as well as the corresponding EU policies, projects and initiatives. The main aim is to improve awareness on the strong, complex and manifold connections between nature conservation and human health with a view to enhancing win-win solutions in policymaking.
... Urban natural environments are increasingly recognised as important spaces for mitigating these challenges through fostering resilience against the climate and biodiversity crises (Pauleit et al., 2017) and providing spaces for people to interact with nature (Keniger et al., 2013). Currently, there is a large and growing body of evidence suggesting that exposure to urban natural environments can enhance health outcomes across the life course Pearce et al., 2016) and that exposure to nature during childhood can influence behaviours and attitudes towards nature later in life (Davies et al., 2019;Liu, 2021;Soga and Gaston, 2016). As a result, numerous studies over the last two decades have focused on assessing how exposure to the natural world (and the quality of those exposures) influences children's mental health and development, often finding that increased exposure to green and blue spaces can improve multiple factors related to children's health, including physical and emotional health, academic performance, and wellbeing (Davis et al., 2021;Mygind et al., 2021;Scott et al., 2022). ...
... But the concern is beyond the argument of biodiversity loss, with other negative effects of urbanization over habitat fragmentation being highly mentioned, which raises a consensus that environmental quality in city centers keeps decreasing, affecting mostly citizens under social vulnerability . Davies et al. (2019) considered the urge to deliver nature access to the whole population, to mitigate some mentioned phenomena arising from the detachment of humans from the natural environment, such as "extinction of experience", the "natural-deficit disorder" and "ecological boredom". ...
... Together they care for indigenous species, common and threatened, across public and private patches of urban land to achieve intertwined human and ecological wellbeing benefits. This framing has potential to stimulate integration of community development and health policies with those for urban greening and urban biodiversity conservation (Davies et al., 2019). It supports continued exploration of the relationship between values and action, the directionality between them (Maller, 2021), and the implications for governance. ...
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Despite decades of effort, biodiversity has not attracted effective political discourse, policies, or action to halt its decline. In cities in particular, biodiversity conservation is challenged by short‐term approaches, separately focusing on biodiversity or community well‐being rather than on their interconnection, and pervasive beliefs that urban citizenry lack the requisite ethic or skills for conservation action or biodiversity governance. We describe how a systemic co‐inquiry in Victoria Australia, conducted by citizen and agency practitioners alongside policy developers and academic researchers, modified understandings, practices, and institutional arrangements (governance) for urban biodiversity conservation. The most impactful outcomes of the early co‐inquiry period were (1) start‐up funding for a network to forge collaborations between community and local government actors that engage urban residents in supporting indigenous biodiversity in their gardens, and (2) empowered co‐inquiry members driving the network's development. These efforts have led to on‐going social learning and long‐term institutional arrangements for a burgeoning network of municipally based nature stewardship collaborations that are nurturing local human–nature relations. Key challenges include(d): maintaining the co‐inquiry, paradigms that undervalue urban biodiversity and the role of citizens, organizational inertia, and evaluation measures incommensurate with strengthening person‐nature relationships. Our research shows how systemic co‐inquiry involving citizen practitioners can surface misleading assumptions around biodiversity stewardship and governance, and help to empower citizen and agency actors to focus on nurturing sustainable human‐nature relations in cities.
... The provided biodiversity-health framework can help inform natural resource managers in developing and maintaining their protected areas or urban parks for both people and biodiversity conservation (Davies et al., 2019;MacKinnon et al., 2019). Public health implications of biodiversity-health relationships can foster the application of naturebased solutions as public health infrastructure by urban planners and landscape architects (Heiland et al., 2019;Hunter et al., 2019). ...
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Biodiversity is a cornerstone of human health and well-being. However, while evidence of the contributions of nature to human health is rapidly building, research into how biodiversity relates to human health remains limited in important respects. In particular, a better mechanistic understanding of the range of pathways through which biodiversity can influence human health is needed. These pathways relate to both psychological and social processes as well as biophysical processes. Building on evidence from across the natural, social and health sciences, we present a conceptual framework organizing the pathways linking biodiversity to human health. Four domains of pathways—both beneficial as well as harmful—link biodiversity with human health: (i) reducing harm (e.g. provision of medicines, decreasing exposure to air and noise pollution); (ii) restoring capacities (e.g. attention restoration, stress reduction); (iii) building capacities (e.g. promoting physical activity, transcendent experiences); and (iv) causing harm (e.g. dangerous wildlife, zoonotic diseases, allergens). We discuss how to test components of the biodiversity-health framework with available analytical approaches and existing datasets. In a world with accelerating declines in biodiversity, profound land-use change, and an increase in non-communicable and zoonotic diseases globally, greater understanding of these pathways can reinforce biodiversity conservation as a strategy for the promotion of health for both people and nature. We conclude by identifying research avenues and recommendations for policy and practice to foster biodiversity-focused public health actions.
... The provided biodiversity-health framework can help inform natural resource managers in developing and maintaining their protected areas or urban parks for both people and biodiversity conservation (Davies et al., 2019;MacKinnon et al., 2019). Public health implications of biodiversity-health relationships can foster the application of naturebased solutions as public health infrastructure by urban planners and landscape architects (Heiland et al., 2019;Hunter et al., 2019). ...
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Biodiversity is a cornerstone of human health and well-being. However, while evidence of the contributions of nature to human health is rapidly building, understanding of how biodiversity relates to human health remains limited in important respects. In particular, we need a better grasp on the range of pathways through which biodiversity can influence human health, including those that run through psychological and social processes as well as through biochemical and biophysical processes. Building on evidence from across the natural, social and health sciences, we present a conceptual framework organising the pathways linking biodiversity to human health. Four domains of pathways—both beneficial as well as harmful—link biodiversity with human health: (i) reducing harm (e.g. provision of medicines, decreasing exposure to air and noise pollution); (ii) restoring capacities (e.g. attention restoration and stress reduction); (iii) building capacities (e.g. promoting physical activity, transcendental experiences), and (iv) causing harm (e.g. dangerous wildlife, zoonotic diseases or allergens). We discuss how to test components of the biodiversity-health framework with analytical approaches and existing datasets. In a world with accelerating declines in biodiversity, profound land-use change, and an increase in non-communicable and zoonotic diseases globally, greater understanding of these pathways can reinforce biodiversity conservation as a strategy for the promotion of health for both people and nature. We conclude by identifying research avenues and recommendations for policy and practice to foster biodiversity-focused public health actions.
... Biodiversity plays a key role in regulating ecosystem processes, and as acts as an ecosystem service in itself, subject to valuation (Mace et al., 2012). This, combined with the increased recognition that human well-being is positively linked with increased biodiversity highlight the necessity of monitoring changes in biodiversity (Davies et al., 2019). But current funding for conservation science is failing to keep pace with the increased necessity to fully understand and monitor biodiversity change in response to varied anthropogenic pressures (Bakker et al., 2010). ...
Urban expansion encroaches on natural areas causing habitat and species loss. However, cities can offer ecological spaces that harbor high proportions of regional and local species. In addition to public urban green spaces, private residential gardens are important for biodiversity conservation particularly if spatially arranged to maximize habitat-patch sizes and minimize isolation from remnants of native habitat in the city. Urban growth is projected to increase considerably, including in biodiversity hotspots, many of which are in developing tropical countries. In urban areas of these countries, residential “ornamental” gardening is not as widespread as in temperate developed countries where a multimillion-dollar industry supports garden design and maintenance. This case study discusses residential garden design frameworks for tropical biodiversity conservation that, if adopted at scale, could channel private finance to conservation in urban areas. It documents the establishment and management of a residential ornamental garden designed to protect native fauna and flora in an urban landscape in Panama City, Panama. It describes the design elements and records the positive impact on biodiversity over 15 years in a 1700 m2 property. Grass areas were reduced by 80%, and 64% of the property was planted, increasing vascular plant species from 10 to at least 180 and birds from 9 to 157 species. Management approaches, and challenges of increasing habitat alongside human wellbeing benefits from the garden, are presented. Recommendations and required attitude changes are outlined for garden practitioners, urban planners and policymakers to replicate the design elements of this biodiversity garden island in Panama City, and beyond.KeywordsAttitude changesBiodiversity gardensGarden practitionersTropical gardensUrban green spacesUrban policy and planning
Monitoring urban biodiversity is increasingly important, given the increasing anthropogenic pressures on biodiversity in urban areas. While the cost of broad-scale monitoring by professionals may be prohibitive, citizen science (also referred to as community science) will likely play an important role in understanding biodiversity responses to urbanization into the future. Here, we present a framework that relies on broad-scale citizen science data –– collected through iNaturalist –– to quantify (1) species-specific responses to urbanization on a continuous scale, capitalizing on globally-available VIIRS night-time lights data; and (2) community-level measures of the urbanness of a given biological community that can be aggregated to any spatial unit relevant for policy-decisions. We demonstrate the potential utility of this framework in the Boston metropolitan region, using > 1,000 species aggregated across 87 towns throughout the region. Of the most common species, our species-specific urbanness measures highlighted the expected difference between native and non-native species. Further, our biological community-level urbanness measures –– aggregated by towns –– negatively correlated with enhanced vegetation indices within a town and positively correlated with the area of impervious surface within a town. We conclude by demonstrating how towns can be ‘ranked’ promoting a framework where towns can be compared based on whether they over- or under-perform in the urbanness of their community relative to other towns. Ultimately, biodiversity conservation in urban environments will best succeed with robust, repeatable, and interpretable measures of biodiversity responses to urbanization, and involving the broader public in the derivation and tracking of these responses will likely result in increased bioliteracy and conservation awareness.
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In an era of massive biodiversity loss, the greatest conservation success story has been the growth of protected land globally. Protected areas are the primary defense against biodiversity loss, but extensive human activity within their boundaries can undermine this. Using the most comprehensive global map of human pressure, we show that 6 million square kilometers (32.8%) of protected land is under intense human pressure. For protected areas designated before the Convention on Biological Diversity was ratified in 1992, 55% have since experienced human pressure increases. These increases were lowest in large, strict protected areas, showing that they are potentially effective, at least in some nations. Transparent reporting on human pressure within protected areas is now critical, as are global targets aimed at efforts required to halt biodiversity loss.
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Insect pollinators provide a crucial ecosystem service, but are under threat. Urban areas could be important for pollinators, though their value relative to other habitats is poorly known. We compared pollinator communities using quantified flower-visitation networks in 36 sites (each 1 km²) in three landscapes: urban, farmland and nature reserves. Overall, flower-visitor abundance and species richness did not differ significantly between the three landscape types. Bee abundance did not differ between landscapes, but bee species richness was higher in urban areas than farmland. Hoverfly abundance was higher in farmland and nature reserves than urban sites, but species richness did not differ significantly. While urban pollinator assemblages were more homogeneous across space than those in farmland or nature reserves, there was no significant difference in the numbers of rarer species between the three landscapes. Network-level specialization was higher in farmland than urban sites. Relative to other habitats, urban visitors foraged from a greater number of plant species (higher generality) but also visited a lower proportion of available plant species (higher specialization), both possibly driven by higher urban plant richness. Urban areas are growing, and improving their value for pollinators should be part of any national strategy to conserve and restore pollinators.
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Restoration aims to return ecosystem services, including the human health benefits of exposure to green space. The loss of such exposure with urbanization and industrialization has arguably contributed to an increase in human immune dysregulation. The Biodiversity and Old Friends hypotheses have described the possible mechanisms of this relationship, and suggest that reduced exposure to diverse, beneficial microorganisms can result in negative health consequences. However, it is unclear whether restoration of biodiverse habitat can reverse this effect, and what role the environmental microbiome might have in such recovery. Here, we propose the Microbiome Rewilding Hypothesis, which specifically outlines that restoring biodiverse habitats in urban green spaces can rewild the environmental microbiome to a state that enhances primary prevention of human disease. We support our hypothesis with examples from allied fields, including a case study of active restoration that reversed the degradation of the soil bacterial microbiome of a former pasture. This case study used high-throughput amplicon sequencing of environmental DNA to assess the quality of a restoration intervention in restoring the soil bacterial microbiome. The method is rapid, scalable, and standardizable, and has great potential as a monitoring tool to assess functional outcomes of green-space restoration. Evidence for the Microbiome Rewilding Hypothesis will help motivate health professionals, urban planners, and restoration practitioners to collaborate and achieve co-benefits. Co-benefits include improved human health outcomes and investment opportunities for biodiversity conservation and restoration.
Forests and other areas are considered by many people to represent natural landscapes with the appearance of minimal human intervention or few human elements, far removed from where most people live nowadays. While some nature reserves and significant forests lie close to various urban areas, providing opportunities for a daily escape from the stresses of urban life, many lie at a distance. The contrast in the character and qualities of forests and wilderness offers many special opportunities and benefits to human health and well-being. The clean, oxygen-rich atmosphere free of pollution, the enveloping depths of a silent forest, or the chance for solitary engagement with nature all combine to provide physiological, psychological, and physical health benefits, the evidence for which has been gradually accumulating in recent decades. Our understanding of some of the mechanisms facilitating this is beginning to evolve, but more work is needed to confirm many tentative findings.
Increasing urbanization patterns have resulted in significant and serious environmental health concerns (e.g. caused by a lack of physical activity). Urban planners face the challenge of developing healthy, resilient, and sustainable urban environments. This chapter addresses this challenge from an urban landscape perspective, promoting a socioecological approach, and recognizing that landscapes are shaped in close interaction between nature and culture—with cities being an ultimate example of human shaping and impact. It provides examples of how urban landscapes have contributed to better public health, from urban agriculture and community gardening, to therapeutic settings and urban wildscapes. Landscape-related approaches such as green urbanism, urban resiliency, and biophilic urbanism are introduced and examples are offered of how cities have worked with these. Suggestions are provided for the planning and development of health-promoting urban landscapes.
Darryl Jones is fascinated by bird feeders. Not the containers supplying food to our winged friends, but the people who fill the containers. Why do people do this? Jones asks in The Birds at My Table. Does the food even benefit the birds? What are the unintended consequences of providing additional food to our winged friends? Jones takes us on a wild flight through the history of bird feeding. He pinpoints the highs and lows of the practice. And he ponders this odd but seriously popular form of interaction between humans and wild animals. Most important, he points out that we know very little about the impact of feeding birds despite millions of people doing it every day. Unerringly, Jones digs at the deeper issues and questions, and he raises our awareness of the things we don’t yet know and why we really should. Using the latest scientific findings, The Birds at My Table takes a global swoop from 30,000 feet down to the backyard bird feeder and pushes our understanding of the many aspects of bird feeding back up to new heights.
Positive relationships between biodiversity and urban ecosystem services (UES) are widely implied within both the scientific and policy literatures, along with the tacit suggestion that enhancing urban green infrastructure will automatically improve both biodiversity and UES. However, it is unclear how much published empirical evidence exists to support these assumptions. We conducted a review of studies published between 1990 and May 2017 that examined urban biodiversity ecosystem service (BES) relationships. In total, we reviewed 317 publications and found biodiversity and UES metrics mentioned 944 times. Only 228 (24%) of the 944 mentions were empirically tested. Among these, 119 (52%) demonstrated a positive BES relationship. Our review showed that taxonomic metrics were used most often as proxies for biodiversity, with very little attention given to functional biodiversity metrics. Similarly, the role of particular species, including non-natives, and specific functional traits are understudied. Finally, we found a paucity of empirical evidence underpinning urban BES relationships. As urban planners increasingly incorporate UES delivery consideration to their decision-making, researchers need to address these substantial knowledge gaps to allow potential trade-offs and synergies between biodiversity conservation and the promotion of UES to be adequately accounted for.
In sustainability science calls are increasing for humanity to (re-)connect with nature, yet no systematic synthesis of the empirical literature on human–nature connection (HNC) exists. We reviewed 475 publications on HNC and found that most research has concentrated on individuals at local scales, often leaving ‘nature’ undefined. Cluster analysis identified three subgroups of publications: first, HNC as mind, dominated by the use of psychometric scales, second, HNC as experience, characterised by observation and qualitative analysis; and third, HNC as place, emphasising place attachment and reserve visitation. To address the challenge of connecting humanity with nature, future HNC scholarship must pursue cross-fertilization of methods and approaches, extend research beyond individuals, local scales, and Western societies, and increase guidance for sustainability transformations.