
First-principles comparative study of UN and Zr corrosion

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We studied surface corrosion effects on Zr and UN using first-principles density functional theory-based calculations. We focused on the energetics of Zr (1000), UN (100) and UN (110) surfaces, exposed to water and oxygen. Average distance between the terminating UN (100) surface and bulk increases due to the presence of additional oxygen content, as well as for the (110) surface. The average distance between the surface layer and bulk is greater in the (110) surface than the (100) surface after water adsorption. Oxygen concentration determines whether H2 or oxynitrde is formed on the (110) surface. Local density of states and partial charge density show the bonding between the UN surfaces and adsorbates. From an electronic energy of −2 eV to the Fermi level, the majority of electrons are found to be localized around U atoms. Electron localization function calculations further reveal the corrosion mechanism details.

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... To complement experimental studies, Density Functional Theory (DFT) has been a common method used to study UN surfaces exposed to H 2 O or O 2 at the atomic scale. [9][10][11][12][13][14] While experimental studies might utilize UN reactants of varying density, purity, and geometries, DFT allows for precise selection of the reactant. Though DFT calculations occur at 0 K, its precise reactant selection as well as further investigation of atomic corrosion initiation mechanisms capabilities make it a vital strategy for improving the understanding of UN corrosion. ...
... 13 Li et al. suggested that nonmagnetic treatment was appropriate for only total energy calculations. 11 Most prevalently, a few studies used FM treatment, 10,14,18,24 citing FM as the most energetically favorable structure. In experiments, Rafaja et al. studied the magnetic susceptibility of reactive sputtered UN thin films, suggesting FM for UN crystallites (averaging 17 nm). ...
... In our previous work, we found trends in electronic mapping to be converged for four monolayers, but binding energies varied between four and eight monolayer systems by up to approximately 0.5 eV. 14 Similarly, Bocharov et al. found defect energies to be converged for slabs with seven or more monolayers. 24 Bo et al. compared defect energies, surface energies, and bond lengths between supercells with surface areas corresponding to 2 × 2 and 3 × 3 unit cells and found the 2 × 2 surface area to be sufficient for corrosion studies. ...
The magnetic properties of uranium nitride (UN) surfaces are not well understood experimentally or computationally but they have a significant effect on UN performance as a nuclear fuel. We investigated ferromagnetic (FM), antiferromagnetic (AFM), nonmagnetic (NM), and three hybrid magnetic structures of the most stable UN surface (100). To account for electron correlation and metastability, a U-ramp was performed to an effective Hubbard U-term of 2.0 eV. FM was found to be the most energetically favorable magnetic structure. Type 1 AFM slab was optimized to a new magnetic structure consisting of (100) planes with either all spin-up electrons, all spin-down electrons, or half spin-up and half spin-down electrons on uranium atoms. After OH adsorption to simulate corrosion initiation, the AFM, FM, and NM structures yield relatively similar bond lengths but varying bond angles, adsorption energies, and electronic profiles. Partial charge density maps show varying degradation mechanisms across magnetic structures. Electron localization function reveals more charge localized to AFM uranium atoms with spin-down electrons than uranium atoms with spin-up electrons. This leads to different properties depending on if an adsorbate interacts with a spin-up or spin-down terminated AFM surface. This work supports the physical accuracy of future computational studies toward corroborating with experiments and addressing UN fuel corrosion.
The oxidation of uranium mononitride is a potential issue when considering this material as a nuclear fuel. This work investigates the rate and mechanism of this reaction at room temperature, giving insight into fuel surface oxidation during manufacture and storage. Chemical and structural investigation of the ideal surface of an epitaxial (001) UN thin film, shows that a UO2+xNy layer forms on the surface, highlighting the need for better understanding of the U-N-O system. Below this, a U2N3 interlayer is detected. The topotactic formation of these layers is predicted to play a critical role in the passivation measured during long-duration structural investigation.
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The supercell slab is the structural model used in first-principles simulations to determine thermodynamic, kinetic, and electronic properties of surfaces and interfaces. We present a general algorithm to reorient bulk unit cells using basis and covariant transformations — the first step for constructing surface slabs of any Miller index from bulk unit cells of any Bravais lattice. We further review and discuss subtleties of surface slab creation relevant for performing efficient and accurate calculations of surface properties. We also demonstrate that the nonconvergence of surface energy with respect to slab thickness can be mitigated if the bulk reference energy is calculated from a surface-oriented bulk unit cell, which eliminates Brillouin zone integration errors between the slab and the bulk. Using Pt(111) and Si(111) surfaces as examples, this technique converges the surface energy with respect to slab thickness requiring only one bulk and one relatively thin slab calculation, with moderate k-point densities. This process is about an order of magnitude more efficient than popular surface energy convergence techniques involving multiple slab calculations.
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We present an efficient scheme for calculating the Kohn-Sham ground state of metallic systems using pseudopotentials and a plane-wave basis set. In the first part the application of Pulay's DIIS method (direct inversion in the iterative subspace) to the iterative diagonalization of large matrices will be discussed. Our approach is stable, reliable, and minimizes the number of order N-atoms(3) operations. In the second part, we will discuss an efficient mixing scheme also based on Pulay's scheme. A special ''metric'' and a special ''preconditioning'' optimized for a plane-wave basis set will be introduced. Scaling of the method will be discussed in detail for non-self-consistent calculations. It will be shown that the number of iterations required to obtain a specific precision is almost independent of the system size. Altogether an order N-atoms(2) scaling is found for systems up to 100 electrons. If we take into account that the number of k points can be implemented these algorithms within a powerful package called VASP (Vienna ab initio simulation package). The program and the techniques have been used successfully for a large number of different systems (liquid and amorphous semiconductors, liquid simple and transition metals, metallic and semiconducting surfaces, phonons in simple metals, transition metals, and semiconductors) and turned out to be very reliable.
We compare experimentally observed electron energy loss spectra (EELS) of uranium dioxide UO2 and nickel monoxide NiO with the results of ab‐initio calculations carried out by using a method combining the local spin density approximation and the Hubbard U term (the LSDA + U method). We show that by taking better account of strong Coulomb correlations between electrons in the 5f shell of uranium ions in UO2 and in the 3d shell of nickel ions in NiO it is possible to arrive at a better description of electron energy loss spectra, cohesive energies and elastic constants of both oxides compared with local spin density functional theory. For NiO we also compare the LSDA + U results and EELS spectra with a self‐interaction corrected LSDA calculation.
Oxide formation on surface of nitrogen-rich uranium nitride film/particles was investigated using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), auger electron spectroscopy (AES), aberration-corrected transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and high-angle annular dark-field scanning transmission electron microscopy (HAADF-STEM) coupled with electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS). XPS and AES studies indicated that the oxidized layer on UN2-x film is ternary compound uranium oxynitride (UNxOy) in 5–10 nm thickness. TEM/HAADF-STEM and EELS studies revealed the UNxOy crystallizes in the FCC CaF2-type structure with the lattice parameter close to the CaF2-type UN2-x matrix. The work can provide further information to the oxidation mechanism of uranium nitride.
First-principles density functional theory-based calculations were performed to study θ-phase Al2Cu, S-phase Al2CuMg surface stability, as well as their interactions with water molecules and chloride (Cl⁻) ions. These secondary phases are commonly found in aluminum-based alloys and are initiation points for localized corrosion. Density functional theory (DFT)-based simulations provide insight into the origins of localized (pitting) corrosion processes of aluminum-based alloys. For both phases studied, Cl⁻ ions cause atomic distortions on the surface layers. The nature of the distortions could be a factor to weaken the interlayer bonds in the Al2Cu and Al2CuMg secondary phases, facilitating corrosion process. Electronic structure calculations revealed not only electron charge transfer from Cl⁻ ions to alloy surface but also electron sharing, suggesting ionic and covalent bonding features, respectively. The S-phase Al2CuMg structure has a more active surface than the θ-phase Al2Cu. We also found a higher tendency of formation of new species, such as Al³⁺, Al(OH)²⁺, HCl, AlCl²⁺, Al(OH)Cl⁺, and Cl2 on the S-phase Al2CuMg surface. Surface chemical reactions and resultant species present contribute to establishment of local surface chemistry that influences the corrosion behavior of aluminum alloys.
The adsorption and dissociation behaviors of water on the UN (110) surface have been investigated by using DFT + U method in combination with ab initio atomistic thermodynamic simulations. The most stable adsorption site for H, O, and OH adsorption is the uranium bridge site. For a water monomer, the adsorption energies are -0.90, -3.23, and -4.46 eV for the most stable molecular, partially dissociative, and completely dissociative adsorption, respectively. The dissociation of water from H2O to OH and H has a very small energy barrier, while from OH to O and H has a high energy barrier of 1.63 eV. The coverage dependence for molecular adsorption is not obvious, while for partially dissociative and completely dissociative adsorption, the coverage dependence is quite obvious. Besides, we have investigated the adsorption of water under different temperature and pressure conditions by using the “ab initio atomistic thermodynamic” method.
Uranium mononitride (UN) pellets of different densities were subjected to a superheated steam/argon mixture at atmospheric pressure to evaluate their resistance to hydrolysis. Complete degradation of pure UN pellets was obtained within 1 h in 0.50 bar steam at 500 °C. The identified reaction products were uranium dioxide, ammonia, and hydrogen gas, with no detectable amounts of nitrogen oxides formed. However, the reaction could not be carried to completion, and the presence of uranium sesquinitride and higher uranium oxides or uranium oxynitrides in the solid residue is indicated. Evolution of elemental nitrogen was seen in connection with very high reaction rates. The porosity of the pellets was identified as the most important factor determining reaction rates at 400–425 °C, and it is suggested that in dense pellets, cracking due to internal volume increase initiates a transition from slow surface corrosion to pellet disintegration. The implications for the use of nitride fuels in light water reactors (LWR) are discussed, with some observations concerning hydrolysis as a method for ¹⁵N recovery from isotopically enriched spent nitride fuel.
The initial oxidation behaviors of uranium nitride films with different N/U ratios have been focused in the present work. Uranium nitride films with different nitrogen content, UNx (x = 0, 0.23, 0.68, 1.66), have been prepared on the Si substrate by radio frequency magnetron sputtering method. The experimental results showed that the UNx (x = 0, 0.23, 0.68, 1.66) films were fine and dense. The initial oxidation processes of uranium nitride films were investigated in an ultra-high vacuum chamber of Auger electron spectroscopy. After 105 L oxygen exposure, the oxide layer of UO2 were formed on the surface of U, and UN0.23, UN0.68 films formed UO2 with little UNxOy, while the UN1.66 film generated UNxOy oxide layer. UN1.66 film exhibited the thinnest oxide layer and provided the best considerable protection against oxygen attack. Also, the AES transition lines of UNxOy were identified for the first time.
Uranium mononitride is studied in the DFT + U framework. Its ground state is investigated and a study of the incorporation of diverse fission products in the crystal is conducted. The U-ramping and occupation matrix control (OMC) schemes are used to eliminate metastable states. Beyond a certain amount of introduced correlation, the OMC scheme starts to find a lower total energy. The OMC scheme is chosen for the second part of this study. Furthermore, the influence of the magnetic ordering is studied using the U-ramping method, showing that antiferromagnetic order is the most stable one when the U parameter is larger than 1.75 eV. The effect on the density of states is investigated and elastic constants are provided for comparison with other methods and experiments. The incorporation energies of fission products in different defect configurations are calculated and these energies are corrected to take into account the limited size of the supercell.
Uranium nitride (UN) has been considered a potential fuel for Generation IV (GEN-IV) nuclear reactors as well as a possible new fuel for Light Water Reactors (LWR), which would permit an extension of the fuel residence time in the reactor. Carbon and oxygen impurities play a key role in the UN microstructure, influencing important parameters such as creep, swelling, gas release under irradiation, compatibility with structural steel and coolants, and thermal stability.
The interfacial interaction of uranium mononitride (UN) with water from the environment unavoidably leads to corrosion of nuclear fuels, which affects a lot of processes in the nuclear fuel cycle. In this work, the microscopic adsorption behaviors of water on the UN(001) surface as well as water dissociation and accompanying H2 formation mechanisms have been investigated on the basis of DFT+U calculations and ab initio atomistic thermodynamics. For adsorption of one H2O monomer, the predicted adsorption energies are -0.88, -2.07, and -2.07 eV for the most stable molecular, partially dissociative, and completely dissociative adsorption, respectively. According to our calculations, a water molecule dissociates into OH and H species via three pathways with small energy barriers of 0.78, 0.72, and 0.85 eV, respectively. With the aid of the neighboring H atom, H2 formation through the reaction of H* + OH* can easily occur via two pathways with energy barriers of 0.61 and 0.36 eV, respectively. The molecular adsorption of water shows a slight coverage dependence on the surface while this dependence becomes obvious for partially dissociative adsorption as the water coverage increases from 1/4 to 1 ML. In addition, based on the "ab initio atomistic thermodynamic" simulations, increasing H2O partial pressure will enhance the stability of the adsorbed system and water coverage, while increasing temperature will decrease the H2O coverage. We found that the UN(001) surface reacts easily with H2O at room temperature, leading to dissolution and corrosion of the UN fuel materials.
We performed density functional theory calculations of H, C, and O chemisorption on the UN(001) and (111) surfaces using the generalized gradient approximation (GGA) and the Hubbard U parameter and revised Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof (RPBE) exchange-correlation functional at non-spin polarized level with the periodic slab model. Chemisorption energies vs. distance of molecules from UN(001) and UN(111) surfaces have been optimized for four symmetrical chemisorption sites, respectively. The results show that the Hollow, N-top, and Hollow adsorption sites are the most stable sites for H, C, and O atoms with chemisorption energies of 13.06, 25.50 and 27.34 kJ/mol for UN(001) surface, respectively. From the point of adsorbent (UN(001) and UN(111) surfaces in this paper), interaction of O with the chemisorbed surface is of the maximum magnitude, then C and H, which are in agreement with electronegativities of individual atoms. For the UN(001) surface, U-N bond lengths change relatively little (< 9%) as a result of H chemisorption, however C and O chemisorptions result in remarkable changes for U-N bond lengths in interlayer (> 10%). Electronic structure calculations indicate that Bridge position is equivalent with Hollow position, and the most stable chemisorption position for H, C, and O atoms are all Bridge (or Hollow) position for the UN(111) surface. Calculated electronic density of states (DOSs) demonstrate electronic charge transfer between s, p orbitals in chemisorbed atoms and U 6d, 5f orbitals.
We compare experimentally observed electron energy loss spectra (EELS) of uranium dioxide UO2 and nickel monoxide NiO with the results of ab-initio calculations carried out by using a method combining the local spin density approximation and the Hubbard U term (the LSD A + U method). We show that by taking better account of strong Coulomb correlations between electrons in the 5f shell of uranium ions in UO2 and in the 3d shell of nickel ions in NiO it is possible to arrive at a better description of electron energy loss spectra, cohesive energies and elastic constants of both oxides compared with local spin density functional theory. For NiO we also compare the LSDA + U results and EELS spectra with a self-interaction corrected LSDA calculation.
The incorporation of oxygen atoms has been simulated into either nitrogen or uranium vacancy at the UN(001) surface, sub-surface or central layers. For calculations on the corresponding slab models both the relativistic pseudopotentials and the method of projector augmented-waves (PAW) as implemented in the VASP computer code have been used. The energies of O atom incorporation and solution within the defective UN surface have been calculated and discussed. For different configurations of oxygen ions at vacancies within the UN(001) slab, the calculated density of states and electronic charge re-distribution was analyzed. Considerable energetic preference of O atom incorporation into the N-vacancy as compared to U-vacancy indicates that the observed oxidation of UN is determined mainly by the interaction of oxygen atoms with the surface and sub-surface N vacancies resulting in their capture by the vacancies and formation of O-U bonds with the nearest uranium atoms. Keywords: Density functional calculations, uranium mononitride, surface, defects, N and U vacancies
The density functional theory is used in a study of point defects on both UN(001) surface and sub-surface layers. We compare the results for slabs of different thicknesses (both perfect and containing nitrogen or uranium vacancies) with a full geometry, electronic and spin density optimization. The electronic charge density re-distribution, density of states, magnetic moments of U atoms and local atomic displacements around defects are carefully analyzed. It is predicted that the vacancies are formed easier on the surface, whereas the property of sub-surface layer does not differ significantly from the central one in the slab.
During operation, nuclear fuel rods are immersed in the primary water, causing waterside corrosion and consequent hydrogen ingress. In this review, the mechanisms of corrosion and hydrogen pickup and the role of alloy selection in minimizing both phenomena are considered on the basis of two principal characteristics: the pretransition kinetics and the loss of oxide protectiveness at transition. In zirconium alloys, very small changes in composition or microstructure can cause significant corrosion differences so that corrosion performance is strongly alloy dependent. The alloys show different, but reproducible, subparabolic pretransition kinetics and transition thicknesses. A mechanism for oxide growth and breakup based on a detailed study of the oxide structure can explain these results. Through the use of the recently developed coupled current charge compensation model of corrosion kinetics and hydrogen pickup, the subparabolic kinetics and the hydrogen fraction can be rationalized: Hydrogen pickup increases when electron transport decreases, requiring hydrogen ingress to close the reaction.
This work uses density functional theory calculations to analyze the energy barriers for oxygen migration into the basal and prismatic surfaces of zirconium. Specifically, the migration energy barriers between each octahedral site and tetrahedral site in the basal surface, prism surface, and the bulk are determined. The possible oxygen migration paths in each system are also analyzed. Oxygen has higher energy barriers to penetrating the basal surface than the prism surface. It also has a lower energy barrier to escape from basal surface than from the prism surface. This is consistent with the experimental observation that the prism plane of zirconium oxidizes more quickly than the basal plane.
We performed density functional theory calculations of O-2, CO2, and H2O chemisorption on the UN(001) surface using the generalized gradient approximation and PW91 exchange-correlation functional at non-spin polarized level with the periodic slab model. Chemisorption energies vs. molecular distance from UN(001) surface were optimized for four symmetrical chemisorption sites. The results showed that the bridge parallel, hollow parallel and bridge hydrogen-up adsorption sites were the most stable site for O-2, CO2, and H2O molecular with chemisorption energies of 14.48, 4.492, and 5.85 kJ/mol, respectively. From the point of adsorbent (the UN(001) surface), interaction of O-2 with the UN(001) surface was of the maximum magnitude, then CO2 and H2O, indicating that these interactions were associated with structures of the adsorbate. O-2 chemisorption caused N atoms on the surface to migrate into the bulk, however CO2 and H2O had a moderate and negligible effect on the surface, respectively. Calculated electronic density of states demonstrated the electronic charge transfer between s, p orbital in chemisorption molecular and U6d, U5f orbital.
The nitride surfaces of uranium were prepared by the surface glow plasma nitriding (SGPN) and plasma immersion ion implantation (PIII) methods. The initial oxidation behaviors of modified surfaces were studied by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The SGPN on the uranium surface led to a single layer of uranium sesquinitride (U2N3), while the PIII on the surface resulted in a compound layer composed of U2N3 and uranium dioxide (UO2). The oxygen covered on these modified layers led to the formation of UO2 from U2N3 and U2N3 from UN. The oxidized nitrogen species were also observed on the two types of nitriding layers, with the discussion of the N-O coaction behaviors.
A tensor LEED analysis is reported for the Zr(0001)-(1 × 1)-O surface which involves oxygen at a total coverage of 2 monolayers. The structure is indicated to have two layers of O: one forms an overlayer in which the O atoms bond to hollow sites of three-fold coordination on the regular metal surface, while the other layer has the O atoms in tetrahedral hole sites between the first and second metal layers. The stacking sequence, designated as (C)B(A)AB... corresponds to the first three layers of anion-terminated cubic ZrO2, although some lateral compression is needed for superposition on the regular hcp Zr structure. The absorption of O in the tetrahedral holes results in a significant expansion in the first-to-second ZrZr interlayer spacing to about 3.44 Å from the bulk vaue of 2.57 Å. The OZr bond lengths are estimated to equal 2.07 Å for the overlayer O atoms, and 2.21 Å for the O atoms in tetrahedral hole sites. Comparisons are made with the structures of the corresponding 0.5 and 1 ML surfaces formed by the system.
We have performed a comparative study of UN2 and β-U2N3using the generalized gradient approximation (GGA) and the GGA + U approaches based on the density functional theory (DFT). The lattice parameters obtained from the GGA + U calculations can be ameliorated appreciably, however, the density of states (DOS) is insensitive to Hubbard U for both compounds. Our Bader analysis shows that the effective charges increase with decreasing U:N ratio (from UN to UN2). The f electrons in UN2 and β-U2N3 seem less localized than that in UN phase. The effects of Hubbard U on mechanical properties is evident, while the phonon dispersion depends weakly on the changes of Hubbard U. Based on our phonon dispersion data, the lattice vibration energy, thermal expansion, and specific heat are obtained by utilizing the quasiharmonic approximation (QHA).
Studies were made on the hydrolysis of uranium nitrides (UN and cubic U2N3) by superheated steam. The resulting gaseous products were mainly hydrogen, though with U2N3 the hydrogen generation was replaced by that of nitrogen at higher temperatures. The condensed water contained ammonia, but not hydrazine. Both UN and U2N3 powders were ultimately converted to UO2, after hydrolysis at temperatures up to 600°C; intermediate products (formed below 400°C) were presumably UO2(N) or UN1,7, in the case of UN and UN18 with U2N3.The reaction mechanisms corresponding to the formation of such chemical species were estimated mainly from the behavior of nitrogen and hydrogen evolution and from the yield of ammonia. The effect brought by N2 atmosphere on the ammonia formation and on the dissolution of nitrogen into solids were studied also by the hydrolysis under flowing N2 gas. It was revealed that the yield of ammonia increased and the dissolution was inhibited by N2 atmosphere.
Electron localization function (ELF) helps in understanding the empirical concept of electron localization, specially the pair electron localization in the spirit of Lewis structures. This chapter discusses the principal ingredients involved in the ELF and their relation with chemical concepts. A brief comparison of the ELF with other theoretical related tools, like the atoms in molecules model of Bader is discussed and also presents elementary concepts from the mathematical theory of topological analysis. One important characteristic of the ELF is its numerical stability with respect to the theoretical level at which the electron density and the molecular orbitals are calculated. One of the first and most direct applications of the ELF is to the explanation and confirmation of the valence shell electron pair repulsion model of Gillespie. The ELF has emerged as a powerful tool to understand in a qualitative way the behavior of the electrons in a nuclei system. It is possible to explain a great variety of bonding situations ranging from the most standard covalent bond to the metallic bond. The ELF is a well-defined function with pragmatic characteristic. It does not depend on the method of calculation or on the basis set used. Its application to understand new bond phenomenon is already well documented and it can be used safely. Its relationship with the Pauli Exclusion Principle has been carefully studied and its consequence to understand the chemical concept of electron pair is also been discussed in the chapter.
This research purposes to investigate the optimal atomic structure, work of adhesion, electronic property and stability of polar Al/TiN(111) interfaces by density functional theory. The results were then compared with non-polar Al/TiN(001) interfaces. The outcome shows that the polar interface structure which most resembles the ceramic stacking sequence across the interface has the strongest adhesion. Due to high surface energies, adhesion energies of polar Al/TiN(111) interfaces are larger than those of Al/TiN(001) interfaces. A thorough study of the electronic structure reveals that the N-terminated interface is the polar covalent bond, and the Ti-terminated interface mainly shows the metallic covalent interaction. The formation mechanism of interfacial AlN layer has also been well considered. Finally, thermodynamic examination shows that stabilities of both polar TiN(111) surfaces and Al/TiN(111) interfaces depend on the nitrogen chemical potential. This fact explains well the available experimental results.
An experimental study has been made of the hydrolysis of UN in water vapour+argon mixtures of controlled composition. The kinetics of reaction are followed gravimetrically and by estimation of the ammonia liberated. For powdered UN the reaction proceeds rapidly above 340°C. Some specimens hydrolyze completely to UO2, ammonia and hydrogen (UN+2H2O →UO2+NH3+½H2), whereas others yield a solid product containing significant amounts of αU2N3+x and dissolved nitrogen. The difference is ascribed to particle texture: when the release of ammonia is inhibited it reacts further with UN to form αU2N3. The overall activation energy of hydrolysis is 21 kcal/mole. Experiments with single crystals of UN, hydrolyzed at higher temperatures, show that an expitaxially oriented sandwich structure of αU2N3 and UO2 is formed on the surface of the crystal, exactly as during oxidation.1 This surface film protects UN from hydrolysis at low temperatures. Some experiments on the hydrolysis of UC single crystals are also described.
The adsorption of oxygen atoms on the Zr(0001) surface is investigated by the use of ab initio total energy density functional methods within the generalized gradient approximation. Considering the repulsive interactions between the adsorbed oxygen atoms, a multiple-layer adsorption model (MLAM), in which the adsorbed oxygen atoms take the sites in different adsorption layers, was used. Our calculated results with a p(2×2) unit cell show that the surface face-centered cubic (SFCC) sites are the most favorable sites at the oxygen coverage of 0.25 monolayer (ML). However, the system with one oxygen adatom taking the SFCC sites and the other one taking the octahedral sites between second and third Zr layers (Octa(2,3)) is the most stable configuration at the coverage of 0.50ML. As the oxygen coverage is increased to 1.0ML, each of the oxygen atoms prefers taking the SFCC and octahedral sites such as Octa(2,3), Octa(4,5) and Octa(6,7) in the alternate layers, respectively. Our calculated results of the work functions with the MLAM successfully explain the interesting and unusual experimental work function changes upon oxygen adsorption. It should be noticed that the MLAM must be taken into account for oxygen adsorption on the Zr(0001) surface.
Single crystals of UN, UAs, and USb have been examined by x-ray diffraction at low temperatures to measure the lattice parameter and search for lattice distortions associated with the magnetic ordering. We have been unable to find any distortion, implying that the external strain is less than 2 × 10-4 in all three materials. Significant changes in the volume accompany the magnetic ordering and the first-order I-IA transition in UAs. We do, however, observe a small line broadening of the diffraction profile in all three materials as the temperature is lowered. The possible origins of this are discussed.
The results of DFT supercell calculations of oxygen behavior upon the UN (001) and (110) surfaces as well as at the tilt grain boundary are presented. Oxygen adsorption, migration, incorporation into the surface N vacancies on (001) and (110) surfaces have been modeled using 2D slabs of different thicknesses and supercell sizes. The temperature dependences of the N vacancy formation energies and oxygen incorporation energies are calculated. We demonstrate that O atoms easily penetrate into UN surfaces and grain boundaries containing N vacancies, due to negative incorporation energies and a small energy barrier. The Gibbs free energies of N vacancy formation and O atom incorporation therein at the two densely-packed surfaces and tilt grain boundaries are compared. It has been also shown that the adsorbed oxygen atoms are highly mobile which, combined with easy incorporation into surface N vacancies, explains efficient (but unwanted) oxidation of UN surfaces. The atomistic mechanism of UN oxidation via possible formation of oxynitrides is discussed.
THE definitions currently used to classify chemical bonds (in terms of bond order, covalency versus ionicity and so forth) are derived from approximate theories1 3 and are often imprecise. Here we outline a first step towards a more rigorous means of classification based on topological analysis of local quantum-mechanical functions related to the Pauli exclusion principle. The local maxima of these functions define 'localization attractors', of which there are only three basic types: bonding, non-bonding and core. Bonding attractors lie between the core attractors (which themselves surround the atomic nuclei) and characterize the shared-electron interactions. The number of bond attractors is related to the bond multiplicity. The spatial organization of localization attractors provides a basis for a well-defined classification of bonds, allowing an absolute characterization of covalency versus ionicity to be obtained from observable properties such as electron densities.
In recent years sufficient new information has accumulated to change current views of which mechanisms of corrosion are operating in water-cooled reactors. The total number of publications is now so enormous that it is impossible for a short review to be completely comprehensive. This review concentrates on those studies that have resulted in changed views of the importance of various mechanisms. There seems to be insufficient evidence to support an hypothesis that increased corrosion rates in reactor result directly from displacement damage to the oxide by fast neutron bombardment. Replacing this hypothesis are the observations that redistribution of Fe from second phase particles (SPPs) into the Zr matrix by fast neutron recoil reduces the corrosion resistance of Zircaloy type alloys both in-reactor and in laboratory tests. There is little support for the idea that an irradiation induced phase change from monoclinic to tetragonal (or cubic) zirconia is important in-reactor, since such transformed zirconias are unstable in ∼300 °C water and revert to the monoclinic phase; as do chemically stabilised zirconias. New alloys with improved corrosion resistance in PWRs are generally low in Fe (and Sn), or have Fe in the form of more radiation resistant SPPs than those in the Zircaloys. Similarly, the hypothesis that nodular corrosion in BWRs was directly related to an effect of irradiation produced radical species in the water is unsupported. However, local dissolution of the oxide film by radiation produced species such as H2O2 may be occurring, and the close mechanistic relationship between nodular corrosion and ‘shadow corrosion’ is very evident. Thus, galvanic potentials between large SPPs (or clusters of SPPs) and the Zr matrix, aided by greatly increased electronic conduction of zirconia in irradiated systems appears to offer an hypothesis that provides a rationale for the observed effects of SPP sizes and numbers. Irradiation induced redistribution of Fe from the SPPs into the Zr matrix eliminates nodular corrosion susceptibility in Zircaloys.
The oxygen adsorption on the Zr(0 0 0 1) surface is studied using first-principles total-energy calculations. The calculations are performed in the framework of density-functional theory and pseudopotential theory. We compare results obtained with the LDA including generalized gradient corrections (GGCs). We calculate the atomic structure and heat of adsorption for oxygen occupying various sites for coverage . We find that the energetic hierarchy of the different adsorption sites tested depend on non-local exchange-correlation effects. We also discuss the subsurface three domains model as proposed by Wang from LEED analysis [Surf. Sci. 343 (1995) L1167]. At the end, relaxation of the zirconium interlayer spacings is discussed as a function of the oxygen concentration and in terms of GGCs.
Uranium nitride thin films were prepared by reactive sputter deposition at temperatures between −200 and +400 °C. These conditions provided a large variety of microstructure. At low temperatures, nanocrystalline layers (mean crystallite size 17 nm) grew with a strong preferred orientation {1 1 1} perpendicular to the substrate, with a large compressive residual stress and with a high density of structure defects (i.e. with large microstrain). At elevated temperatures, the crystallites had only a moderate preferred orientation; the residual stress was partly relaxed and the density of structure defects lower. For the first time, for an actinide material, we have investigated how the microstructure influences the formation of magnetic moments and magnetic ordering. Bulk UN is an itinerant antiferromagnet. The increasing disorder suppresses the long-range antiferromagnetism and induces a ferromagnetic component in exchange interactions, leading to a cluster glass type of ordering at low temperatures. In highly disturbed thin films (low temperature deposition), UN exhibits a weak Pauli paramagnetism.
When there is a dipole moment in the repeat unit perpendicular to the surface in an ionic crystal, lattice sums in the electrostatic energy diverge and the calculated surface energy is infinite. The cause of this divergence is demonstrated and the surfaces of any ionic or partly ionic material are classified into three types. Type 1 is neutral with equal numbers of anions and cations on each plane and type 2 is charged but there is no dipole moment perpendicular to the surface because of the symmetrical stacking sequence. Both these surfaces should have modest surface energies and may be stable with only limited relaxations of the ions in the surface region. The type 3 surface is charged and has a dipole moment in the repeat unit perpendicular to the surface. This surface can only be stabilised by substantial reconstruction. These conclusions are important for the analysis of the surface structure of ionic crystals.
We have used large-scale first-principles calculations based on density functional theory to investigate the structure, energetics, electronic, and magnetic structures of Fe(n)-doped C(60) monolayers supported by h-BN monolayer-covered Ni(111) surfaces. A systematic study of n-dependent physical properties has been performed (n=1-4,15). Binding energies on Fe atoms to the Fe(n-1)-C(60) complex have been calculated for n=1-4 after a thorough configuration search and structural optimization. The binding energy, electron charge transfer (from Fe(n) to C(60)), and magnetic moment all increase monotonically as functions of n. The electron charge transfer, ranging from approximately 1e(-) to 5e(-), is from the spin minority population. This leads to a situation in which the net spin of the C(60) molecule aligns with the spin minority and the magnetic moment in C(60) is opposite to the total magnetic moment of the system. For n=2, a competing antiferromagnetic state has been found. In this state, the net spin of the system as well as the C(60) is zero. Density of states and projected density of states analysis indicate that the system becomes metallic upon metal doping regardless its magnetic state. In addition, we have also performed calculations with the Hubbard U term (DFT+U) for two systems, n=4 and 15, to investigate possible gap opening near the Fermi surface.
Generalized gradient approximations (GGA{close_quote}s) for the exchange-correlation energy improve upon the local spin density (LSD) description of atoms, molecules, and solids. We present a simple derivation of a simple GGA, in which all parameters (other than those in LSD) are fundamental constants. Only general features of the detailed construction underlying the Perdew-Wang 1991 (PW91) GGA are invoked. Improvements over PW91 include an accurate description of the linear response of the uniform electron gas, correct behavior under uniform scaling, and a smoother potential. {copyright} {ital 1996 The American Physical Society.}
LCAO and PW DFT calculations of the lattice constant, bulk modulus, cohesive energy, charge distribution, band structure, and DOS for UN single crystal are analyzed. It is demonstrated that a choice of the uranium atom relativistic effective core potentials considerably affects the band structure and magnetic structure at low temperatures. All calculations indicate mixed metallic-covalent chemical bonding in UN crystal with U5f states near the Fermi level. On the basis of the experience accumulated in UN bulk simulations, we compare the atomic and electronic structure as well as the formation energy for UN(001) surface calculated on slabs of different thickness using both DFT approaches.
  • Y Lu
  • B.-T Wang
  • R.-W Li
  • H Shi
  • P Zhang
Y. Lu, B.-T. Wang, R.-W. Li, H. Shi, P. Zhang, Structural, Electronic, and Thermodynamic Properties of UN: Systematic Density Functional Calculations, 2010, pp. 218e222,