Radicalization, violent extremism, and terrorism pose the most critical existential threat to humanity in the 21st century. Local, national, and international stability and security remain fragile across the globe, particularly owing to the human impacts caused by radical, extremist, and terrorist actors. This research demonstrates that manifestations of radicalization and extremism occur in all sectors of segregated human association.
The purpose of this study was to determine the strategies required by global leaders to successfully reduce or neutralize radicalization and extremism across global populations. One hundred and eight global leaders from multiple, invested interest sectors participated to inform this basic qualitative study through semi-structured interviews. Leaders interviewed included professionals from policy, governance, theology, civil society, defense, media, academia, intergovernmental institutions, and field practitioner sectors.
Participant inputs demonstrated the intricacies and complexities of the analytics and strategy considerations required to effectively reduce the human and societal impacts of radicalization and extremism observed globally. Data collected during this study confirmed that elements of radicalization and extremism are present across all sectors of society. Furthermore, findings support a more complete and comprehensive understanding of the gaps present in the current counter and preventative efforts. Perceptions and paradigms of readers and stakeholders will be challenged to actively consider the necessity of full-spectrum analysis of radicalization and extremism - findings directly contrast with commonly held narratives present today.
Keywords: radicalization, violent extremism, terrorism, religion, politics, geopolitics, culture, narratives, ideology, unknown, CVE, PVE, impact assessments, metrics, globalization, war, safety, security, information warfare, propaganda, truth, leadership, global leadership