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The Renewable Energy is the Future of High-Rise Buildings.


Abstract and Figures

The high-rise as a building type has proliferated in the city centers throughout the major cities in the world. It has come about as a consequence of increasing land values and other land economy factors influencing the location of businesses. The evolution of the last years resulted in tall buildings built using a wide spectrum of creative structural solutions. A major reason for regionally diverse solutions is the varying handling of energy resources. The construction industry is under growing pressure to incorporate renewable energy systems in the design and construction of new developments. The building enclosure is regarded as a perforated barrier or as an environmental filter. This filter functions like a sieve that enables selective exchanges between the external climate and the internal spaces that are designed to achieve the desired internal conditions. In those buildings adopting this design approach، some of the outside natural climatic elements، such as wind، rain and solar radiation، are sieved by their enclosure systems so that certain unwanted influences are excluded، while those which are desirable are admitted. In this document، we summarize defining، estimating، and forecasting the Renewable Energy and their applications in high-rise buildings as a case study. Buildings are more energy efficient، comfortable، and affordable that's the goal.
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Conference On Technology & Sustainability in the Built Environment
The Renewable Energy is the Future of
High-Rise Buildings
Dr. Hazem El sayed Hassan
Architecture DepartmentEngineering faculty
Cairo University
Arch. Mohamed Salah Gharib
Armed Forced –PhD candidateengineering
faculty Cairo University Egypt
e highrise as a building type has proliferated in the city centers throughout the
major cities in the worldIt has come about as a consequence of increasing land values
and other land economy factors inuencing the location of businesses
e evolution of the last years resulted in tall buildings built using a wide spectrum
of creative structural solutions A major reason for regionally diverse solutions is
the varying handling of energy resourcese construction industry is under growing
pressure to incorporate renewable energy systems in the design and construction of
new developmentse building enclosure is regarded as a perforated barrier or as an
environmental lter is lter functions like a sieve that enables selective exchanges
between the external climate and the internal spaces that are designed to achieve the
desired internal conditionsIn those buildings adopting this design approachsome of
the outside natural climatic elementssuch as windrain and solar radiationare sieved
by their enclosure systems so that certain unwanted inuences are excluded while
those which are desirable are admitted
In this documentwe summarize deningestimatingand forecasting the Renewable
Energy and their applications in highrise buildings as a case study
Buildings are more energy ecientcomfortableand aordable that’s the goal
The Renewable Energy is the Future of
High-Rise Buildings
King saud university - College of Architecture and Planning
1. Introduction
Until recently, tall buildings have been viewed as mega-scale energy
consumers with little regard for sustainable architecture. However, this is
changing with a new generation of high-rise buildings that have been designed
with energy conservation and sustainability as their principal criteria. (WCED 1989)
A high performance tall building is one that achieves the peak efficiency of
building functions while meeting the requirements of optimum performance
employing green technologies. These technologies and innovations offer
radical changes to the built environments in terms of energy usage, structural
performance, and environmental effects. Designing a sustainable tall building,
therefore, requires a 360-degree view of the entire building enterprise
considering the local and global environment, the availability of renewable and
non-renewable resources, community impact assessment, and the collaborative
input of architects, planners, engineers, social scientists, behavioral scientists,
and other community-based groups. (Donaldson, 2000)
Thus it is an integrated process because of tall buildings’ scale and the fact
that green design affects so many different elements of a building, such as
day lighting, which in turn concerns sitting, orientation, building form, facade
design, floor to floor heights, interior finishes, electric lighting controls, and
cooling loads, among other things. (Malin. 2006)
The construction industry is under growing pressure to incorporate renewable
energy systems in the design and construction of new developments, but this
will require a big change in the industry’s current attitudes and ways of working.
(U.S. Energy, 2007)
2. Renewable Energy Technologies
These are technologies that help to generate renewable energy using a
renewable natural resource or by conservation of energy.
2.1. Types of Renewable Energy Technologies
They are hydroelectricity, biomass, geothermal, wind, photovoltaic, and solar thermal.
We can also add to them the following technologies:
Fuel cells, Energy conservation and energy efficiency products, Passive, solar/
green, sustainable buildings, and energy-smart design, and day lighting.
(Roger 2007)
2.2. Strategies to Achieve Renewable Energy
The following are a few strategies that can be used as renewable energy
Conference On Technology & Sustainability in the Built Environment
DrHazem El sayed Hassan ArchMohamed Salah Gharib
buildings technologies in tall building.
2.2.1. Harnessing Solar Energy
The sun’s heat and light provide an abundant source of energy that can be
harnessed in many ways. There are a variety of technologies that have been
developed to take advantage of solar energy. These include concentrating solar
power systems, passive solar heating and day lighting, photovoltaic systems,
solar hot water e.g. Holloway Circus Tower, and solar process heat and space
heating and cooling.
There are two categories of solar energy: passive and active Passive Solar Energy
It is put into practice as a design strategy to accomplish direct or indirect
space heating, day lighting, etc. Maximum advantage can be taken of daylight
by shaping the plan arrangement of a building to suit the activities within. The
orientation of the building in relation to the seasonal paths of the sun across the
sky has a significant impact on the thermal value and performance. (Deshmukh, 1992)
Figure-1: Green features of Holloway Circus Tower
Source: (Will, 2002)
The Renewable Energy is the Future of
High-Rise Buildings
King saud university - College of Architecture and Planning
Figure-2: Membrane reduces glare and allows diffused lighting into atrium
Burj Al Arab Source:
The south side of a building always receives the most sunlight. Therefore,
buildings designed for passive solar heating usually have large, south-facing
windows. Many of the passive solar heating design features also provide day
lighting. Too much solar heating and day lighting can be a problem during the
hot summer months. Many design features help to keep passive solar buildings
cool in the summer as the membrane in Burj Al-Arab hotel.
Such membrane reduces the glare. Also overhangs can be designed to shade
windows when the sun is high in the summer.
The façade covers over 90 to 95 percent of the external building surface area
in a tall building, that is, the roof area is almost insignificant compared to façade
areas. Thus, the energy gain or loss for a tall building depends very much upon
the materiality and technology employed in the façade treatment. Facades can
also be advantageously used to control the internal conditions of the building,
since it represents the building’s envelope or “skin.” (Behr2001)
The fabric of the façade and the area assigned to windows is of ultimate
concern ingathering sunlight, because the building enclosure is regarded as a
perforated barrier or as an environmental filter.
This filter functions like a sieve that enables selective exchanges between the
external climate and the internal spaces that are designed to achieve the desired
Conference On Technology & Sustainability in the Built Environment
DrHazem El sayed Hassan ArchMohamed Salah Gharib
internal conditions. In those buildings adopting this design approach, some of
the outside natural climatic elements, such as wind, rain and solar radiation,
are sieved by their enclosural systems so that certain unwanted influences are
excluded, while those which are desirable are admitted. The latest trend is the
use of double skin, and occasionally triple skin, façade with ventilation system.
Double glazing with argon-filled cavities, triple-glazing and glass coatings can
increase U-values. (PANK, et 2002)
Figure-3: Diagram of Light-Pipe Source: (Ken et 2004)
One of the ways of natural lighting is the use of light pipes, which is a device,
which can bring natural daylight both horizontally and vertically into spaces,
which can hardly obtain natural daylight due to the location and orientation of the
spaces within the building, without using any electrical or other sources of energy
i.e. the light pipes are designed to channel sunlight into deep zone of building plan.
The Light-Tube is a box-tube structure (W 2m x H 0.8m x L 12m), and contains
internal mirror panels and laser-cut panels at the outer edge of the pipe.
The laser-cut panels functions as light collectors and deflects incident light
from sun into the light-tube.
The laser-cut panels can redirect the light along the pipe, more directly along
the axis of the pipe reducing the number of reflections.
Light extractors extract the required proportion of piped light into the inner zone Fig4.
A light spreading system (shown in Fig. 5) to distribute the light away from
the area directly below the light pipe and more evenly over the zone. (Ken et 2004)
The Renewable Energy is the Future of
High-Rise Buildings
King saud university - College of Architecture and Planning
Figure-4: Section through light pipes Source: (Ken et 2004)
Figure-5: Laser cut light spreading panel Source: (Ken et 2004)
a) b)
Figure-6: lighting using light pipes
a) Distribution of the light without emitters.
b) Light redirected to the ceiling by LCP emitters.
Source: (Ken et 2004) Active Solar Energy
Active solar energy is implemented through technical installations such as
solar collectors and photovoltaic (PV) panels.(IEA, 2003)
The application of PV technology for tall buildings can be significant since
they provide an opportunity for a clear Path of direct sunlight by towering over
other buildings.
They are made of semiconducting materials similar to those used in these
materials; the solar energy knocks electrons loose from their atoms, allowing
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DrHazem El sayed Hassan ArchMohamed Salah Gharib
the electron to flow through the material to produce electricity. This process
of converting light (photons) to electricity (voltage) is called the photovoltaic
(PV) effect.
Thin film solar cells use layers of semiconductor materials only a few
micrometers thick. Thin film technology has made it possible for solar cells
to now double as rooftop shingles, roof tiles, building facades e.g. Conde Nast
Building, or the glazing for skylights or atria.
The performance of a solar cell is measured in terms of its efficiency at turning
sunlight into electricity only sunlight of certain energies will work efficiently to
create electricity, and much of it is reflected or absorbed by the material that make
up the cell. Because of this, a typical commercial solar cell has an efficiency
of 15%- about one-sixth of the sunlight striking the cell generates electricity.
Low efficiencies mean that larger arrays are needed, and that means higher
cost. (Ali, and Armstrong, 2006)
Figure-7: Sunlight-through photovoltaic technology-provides
buildings with electricity Source:
Figure-8: Elements of renewable Energy in
Conde Nast Building, 4 Times Square
Source: (Ali, and Armstrong, 2006)
The Renewable Energy is the Future of
High-Rise Buildings
King saud university - College of Architecture and Planning
2.2.2. Fuel Cells
They are electromagnetic devices that generate electricity like batteries and
can be considered as electrochemical internal combustion engines. They take
continuous supply of fuel, usually hydrogen.
It is essentially a reactor that combines hydrogen and oxygen to produce
electricity, heat, and water. Therefore, its environmental qualifications are immaculate. Sources of Fuel Cells
The most efficient way of extracting hydrogen is from natural gas or methanol
by using a reformer unit, which is then fed directly into the fuel cell.
They are classified by their type of electrolyte. One of the most common
kinds of fuel cell is the proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC). Some
other types are phosphoric acid fuel cell (PAFC), solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC),
alkaline fuel cell (AFC), and molten carbonate fuel cell (MCFC). Benefit of Fuel Cells
They are clean, quiet and efficient with few moving parts.
Fuel cells produce electricity with a very high operating efficiency, and
their waste heat can also be used in CHP systems.
They have advantages over other co-generation systems in that they are more
efficient in producing electricity, produce fewer emissions, and make less noise.
Figure-9: Fuel cell
Source: (Stewart, 2006)
Figure-10: The efficiency of commercial fuel
cell in the USA
Source: (Will, et la2002)
Conference On Technology & Sustainability in the Built Environment
DrHazem El sayed Hassan ArchMohamed Salah Gharib
It depends on renewable energy and will warrant an efficient electricity
storage system. This remains a challenge at present.
It has great potential as a carbon neutral energy source of the future. Fuel
Cells for Buildings are a developing technology. (Ali, , and Armstrong 2008)
2.2.3. Biomass Energy
In addition to solar and wind energy, another source is the bio energy.
It is the energy from plants and plant-derived materials-since people began
burning wood to cook food and keep warm. Wood is still the largest biomass
energy resource today, but other sources of biomass can also be used. These
include food crops, grassy and woody plants, residues from agriculture or
forestry, and the organic component of municipal and industrial wastes.
Even the fumes from landfills (which are methane, a natural gas) can be
used as a biomass energy source. Biomass is the sum total of all the Earth’s
living matter within the biosphere. More specifically, it refers to the concept
of growing plants as a source of energy. When biomass is converted to a fuel
as a store of chemical energy the process is carbon neutral, that is, the carbon
emitted when it is burnt quals the carbon absorbed during growth. Sources of Biomass Energy
The main biomass feeds tocks for power are paper mill residue, lumber mill
scrap, and municipal waste. In the near future agricultural residues such as
corn straw will also be used. Biomass fuel, such as waste paper can be used for
generating electricity and team for high-rise buildings.
A 73-story multi-use high-rise project was investigated by Alfred Swenson
and Pao-Chi Chang of the Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago in this
regard. Substantial amounts of biomass are ubiquitous in tall office buildings in
the form of paper, most of which is used only briefly and trashed.
Biomass fuel can be used with gas turbines. Biomass energy generation does
not contribute to global warming. (Ali and Armstrong1995) Benefits of Using Biomass
The use of biomass energy has the potential to greatly reduce greenhouse gas
emissions. Burning biomass releases about the same amount of carbon dioxide
as burning fossil fuels. Biomass, releases carbon dioxide that is largely balanced
The Renewable Energy is the Future of
High-Rise Buildings
King saud university - College of Architecture and Planning
by the carbon dioxide captured in its own growth (depending how much energy
was used to grow, harvest, and process the fuel).
2.2.4. Geothermal Energy (heat from the earth)
Geothermal energy is one of our most plentiful resources. They exist miles
beneath the earth’s surface in the hot rock and magma. The “geothermal
gradient” i.e., the rate of increase of temperature according to depth in the
ground, averages 2.5 to 3 Co per 100m of depth. Modern drilling techniques can
penetrate up to about 9.5 km.
The geothermal heat has to be brought to the surface. Water is pumped through
boreholes and returned to surface to provide space heating-a process known as
borehole heat exchange (BHE) system a significant area of innovation is the
pairing of geothermal energy with heat pump technology. Development and
refinement of this technology and its application to tall building design could
prove to be more relevant than any other building type. (Smith, 2007) Sources of Geothermal
This heat can be drawn from several sources: hot water or steam reservoirs
deep in the earth that are accessed by drilling; geothermal reservoirs located
near the earth’s surface, and the shallow ground near the Earth’s surface that
maintains a relatively constant temperature of 10°-15.6°C. Benefits of Geothermal
The use of the hot water and steam from reservoirs to drive generators and
produce electricity
Applying the heat produced from geothermal directly to various uses in buildings.
Using the heat directly from the ground to provide heating and cooling in
homes and other buildings.
2.2.5. Harvesting Wind Energy
Wind energy or wind power describes the process by which the wind is used
to generate mechanical power or electricity. Wind turbines convert the kinetic
energy in the wind into mechanical power.
Wind is a renewable energy source which can be advantageously tapped at
Conference On Technology & Sustainability in the Built Environment
DrHazem El sayed Hassan ArchMohamed Salah Gharib
higher altitudes of tall buildings where wind speed is considerably large. Tall
buildings can be shaped to funnel wind into a zone containing wind turbines
without having negative effects on the structure, its surroundings and the
occupants. By such profiling of the structure, wind speed can be amplified that
can produce more energy. In successfully exploiting wind energy in the built
environment three major issues can be identified: Wind resource assessment and
wind characterization around buildings, structural integration of wind turbines
with buildings and special urban wind turbine design requirements.
Safe and reliable deployment of wind turbines in the highly turbulent built
environment is specialized and technically challenging.
Figure-11: Steam of hot springs is geothermal energy Source:
Figure-12: Geothermal system Source:
The design of such urban wind turbines is driven by the following requirements:
Good performance in complex winds
Safe operation in the urban environment
Low noise level
Simple, rugged design
The Renewable Energy is the Future of
High-Rise Buildings
King saud university - College of Architecture and Planning
Minimized maintenance
Aesthetic appearance
(G. Bussel1and S. Mertens 2005) How do wind turbines make electricity?
The wind turns the blades, which spin a shaft, which connects to a generator
and makes electricity
Figure-13: Wind turbines
Figure-14: Components of wind turbine
Source: Wind turbine energy
The built environment offers a new and challenging opportunity for generating
Conference On Technology & Sustainability in the Built Environment
DrHazem El sayed Hassan ArchMohamed Salah Gharib
green electricity from the wind. In contrast to sites where large scale production
units using (multi) megawatt horizontal axis wind turbines are operating in
wind farm clusters, the built environment requires a totally different design.
Table-1: Types of wind turbine energy
Source: (G.J.W. van Bussel1, S.M. Mertens 2005)
Horizontal axis wind turbine HAWTVertical axis wind turbine VAWT
e main rotor sha arranged horizontallyey
make use of yawing system to track variation in
wind direction
Figure15Horizontal axis wind turbine
e main rotor sha arranged verticallyere is a
wider range of operating principles
ere are two major operating principles
1 e drag driven devices
2 e application of aerodynamic li for torque
Figure16High solidity and predominantly drag
driven VAWT’s of various make
Figure17Li driven VAWT’s of various make
Using in tall buildings
Figure18Bahrain World Trade Center
Figure19e Pearl River Tower
The Renewable Energy is the Future of
High-Rise Buildings
King saud university - College of Architecture and Planning
Table-2: Advantage and Disadvantage of wind turbine energy
Source: (G.J.W. van Bussel1, S.M. Mertens 2005)
Horizontal axis wind turbine (HAWT) Vertical axis wind turbine (VAWT)
•Variable blade pitch, allowing the angle of
attack to be remotely adjusted gives greater
control, so the turbine collects the maximum
amount of wind energy for the time of day and
•The tall tower base allows access to stronger
wind in sites with wind shear. In some wind
shear sites, every ten meters up, the wind
speed can increase by 20% and the power
output by 34%.
•High efficiency, since the blades always moves
perpendicularly to the wind, receiving power
through the whole rotation.
•A massive tower structure is less frequently
used, as VAWTs are more frequently mounted
with the lower bearing mounted near the
•Designs without yaw mechanisms are possible
with fixed pitch rotor designs.
•VAWTs have lower wind startup speeds
than HAWTs. Typically, they start creating
electricity at 6 m.p.h. (10 km/h).
•VAWTs may have a lower noise signature.
•The tall towers and blades up to 90 meters long
are difficult to transport. Transportation can
now cost 20% of equipment costs.
•Tall HAWTs are difficult to install, needing
very tall and expensive cranes and skilled
•Massive tower construction is required to
support the heavy blades, gearbox, and
•Their height makes them obtrusively visible
across large areas, disrupting the appearance
of the landscape and sometimes creating local
•HAWTs require an additional yaw control
mechanism to turn the blades toward the wind.
•When placed on top of buildings this cause
inherent loss in efficiency since the yaw
system, is not able to follow these fast and
extensive variations in wind direction.
•Most VAWTs produce energy at only 50% of
the efficiency of HAWTs in large part because
of the additional drag that they have as their
blades rotate into the wind. Versions that
reduce drag produce more energy, especially
those that funnel wind into the collector area.
•While VAWTs’ parts are located on the ground,
they are also located under the weight of
the structure above it, which can make
changing out parts nearly impossible without
dismantling the structure if not designed
•All vertical axis wind turbines, involve various
types of reciprocating actions, requiring airfoil
surfaces to backtrack against the wind for part
of the cycle. Backtracking against the wind
leads to inherently lower efficiency.
3. Case Study
3.1. Bahrain World Trade Center
3.1.1. Fact Sheet
Conference On Technology & Sustainability in the Built Environment
DrHazem El sayed Hassan ArchMohamed Salah Gharib
Location Manama, Bahrain
Status Complete
Groundbreaking 2004
Opening 2008
Use Commercial
Antenna/Spire 240 m (787 ft)
Technical details
Floor count 50
Architect Shaun Killa
The building is the first skyscraper in the world to integrate wind turbines
into its design.
They were inspired by Arabian wind towers, or Al Barajeel, which rest atop
the main rooms of traditional mosques and houses to provide natural ventilation.
The 50-floor structure is constructed next to the King Faisal Highway. The
project of the building has received several awards for sustainability.
BWTC designer Shaun Killa said that:
Solar panels available at the time of construction lost their efciency at
high temperatures, making wind power more viable in Bahrain, an island state
in the Gulf next to Saudi Arabia.
Bahrain always has a tremendous amount of wind every morning when the
sun comes up it heats the desert in Saudi Arabia, which draws in air from the
Gulf. The wind in Bahrain is extremely consistent,”
Figure-20: The towers are inspired by the Arabian wind towers (Al Barajeel)
The Renewable Energy is the Future of
High-Rise Buildings
King saud university - College of Architecture and Planning
Figure-21: The two towers funnels the wind between them accelerating its velocity.
3.1.2. Structural details
Three bridges connect the towers; each holding one large wind turbine with
a nameplate capacity of (225kW) each, totaling to (675kW) of wind energy
production. These turbines, each measuring (29 m) in diameter, face north,
which is the direction from which air from the Persian Gulf, blows in.
The three wind turbines, mounted at 60m, 98m and 136m high between the two
The sail-shaped buildings on either side are designed to funnel wind through
the gap to provide the maximum amount of wind passing through the turbines.
They act as aerofoil, funneling and accelerating the wind velocity between them.
The vertical sculpting of the towers also progressively reduces the pressure so
that when combined with the rising velocity of the onshore breeze at increasing
heights, a near equal regime of wind velocity on each turbine is achieved.
This was confirmed by wind tunnel tests, which showed that the buildings
create an ‘S’-shaped flow, ensuring that any wind coming within a 45°
angle to either side of the central axis will create a wind stream that remains
perpendicular to the turbines. This significantly increases their potential to
generate electricity. The wind turbines are expected to provide 11% to 15% of
the towers’ total power consumption, but excess power is generated when the
buildings power requirement falls, such as overnight and at weekends. A project
to link the electricity grids of the six GCC nations to create a more functional
and efficient” super grid” is due for completion in 2010
Conference On Technology & Sustainability in the Built Environment
DrHazem El sayed Hassan ArchMohamed Salah Gharib
The turbines’ will operate for 50% of the time with full power being generated
at a wind speed of 15 to 20m/s.
Figure-22: Three turbines supported by bridges situated at heights
60, 96 and 132m Source: (BWTC, 2008)
Figure-23: Three wind turbines at the center of the two skyscrapers
The generators are of a four-pole 400V asynchronous induction type, which
require little maintenance and can be controlled by centers established in the towers.
3.1.3. Other sustainable features
The building also incorporates a large number of other sustainable features
that make it environmentally responsive in reducing carbon emissions. The deep
gravel roofs in some locations provide kinetic insulation, while balconies to the
sloping elevations with overhangs provide shading. Dense concrete core and
floor slabs will level loads and reduce peak demand with associated reductions
in air and chilled water transport systems.
There will also be water recycling, connection to the district cooling system,
thermal insulation, reflection pools for evaporative cooling, low-leakage
The Renewable Energy is the Future of
High-Rise Buildings
King saud university - College of Architecture and Planning
windows and thermal glass with a low solar gain.
Including a heat recovery system, windows that can be opened to allow for
natural ventilation, grey-water recycling, solar photovoltaic (PV)-powered
outdoor lighting, and shading on the external glass faç
Figure-24: Wind turbine
Source: (BWTC, 2008)
3.2. The Pearl River Tower
3.2.1. Fact Sheet
Location Guangzhou GD China
Status Under construction
Groundbreaking 2006
Opening 2010
Use Mixed use
AntennaSpire 309.7m
Technical details
Floorcount 71
Architect SkidmoreOwings & Merrill
The Pearl River Tower is tall “net-zero energy” building.
It has a curved glass façade that directs air flow through narrow openings
in the facade that will drive large, stainless steel wind turbines to generate
electrical energy. The building’s aerodynamic shape, which resembles airplane
wings turned
Conference On Technology & Sustainability in the Built Environment
DrHazem El sayed Hassan ArchMohamed Salah Gharib
Figure-25: The Pearl River Tower
SOM says:It will be one of the greenest buildings in the world”.
Gorden Gill says Talking about the sustainability strategy behind Pearl River
Tower is like pulling on a thread - everything is connected in some way .It
utilizes proven technologies assembling them symbiotically and gaining from
the interrelationships. Pearl River Tower will draw on its riverside location in
humid sun-rich Guangzhou. The tower will harvest wind, humidity, and solar
power from the environment and use it to maximum efciency through myriad
interwoven systems. The three big ideas are really the combination of the external
wall, the under oor radiant system, and the ventilation these three interconnected
systems will reduce typical energy consumption by about 40 percent. (Stewart, 2006)
Figure-26: Lay out of the Pearl River Tower
The Renewable Energy is the Future of
High-Rise Buildings
King saud university - College of Architecture and Planning
Figure-27: Section of the Pearl River Tower
Figure-28: Net zero energy strategy
3.2.2. Structure Detail
The project green elements include a water-retention area, basement fuel
cells which produce electricity by extracting hydrogen from natural gas, façade-
integrated photovoltaic Armstrong 2008)
A condensate reclamation system that collects water and reuses it and stack
ventilation, which captures and uses heat caught between the buildings double
layer façade .The buildings curved shapes form two apertures where air is
Conference On Technology & Sustainability in the Built Environment
DrHazem El sayed Hassan ArchMohamed Salah Gharib
directed into wind turbines.
“There is no silver bullet,” Frechette says. “What we have is a series of small
steps that get you to something that makes a difference.” These divide into four
categories: reduction, reclamation, absorption, and generation. Reduction
The designers began by reducing the buildings energy consumption through
a combination of;
a) The buildings site orientation by rotating to the east so the tower takes
the advantage of midday sun while the effects of late-day sun on the larger
southern horizontal exposure are minimized.
b) A high performance building envelope. The tower contains several
different exterior envelopes. The south façade s low –e-glass, double layer
curtain wall system and integrated shades shield the interior from unwanted heat
and glare which leads to less demand on HVAC. The double wall construction
offers insulation and a critical way station between indoors and outdoors.
c) Day lighting. The façade is angled to take full advantage of natural day
light. The top floor business club has an operable sky light for ventilation.
d) The façade s shape has a purpose, its curves bend with natural wind
pressure to reinforce the overall structure s stability.
Figure-29: Sun path diagram
The Renewable Energy is the Future of
High-Rise Buildings
King saud university - College of Architecture and Planning
Figure-30: Solar radiation
Source: Reclamation and absorption
The tower reclaims its energy by routing each floor’s exhaust air into the
south side’s double-layer curtain-wall cavity. (i.e. exhaust air harvest excess
heat from each floor).
This thermal barrier of hot dry air can then be reused on the mechanical floor
for passive dehumidification (i.e. energy is in turn used to pre-cool incoming air
which produces condensation that supplement the building s water needs.
The incoming air which is dehumidified and pre-cooled makes it enough for
the interior climate to introduce directly via under floor displacement ventilation
without mixing Many other systems perform double duty, including the chilled
slab concrete vaulted ceilings in the typical offices that enhance day lighting, as
well as cool the air drifting up from the under floor ventilation system.
The main absorption strategy takes advantage of a geothermal heat sink, so 100
degrees Fahrenheit water in the mechanical system’s return loop can be cooled
to 75 degrees Fahrenheit prior to feeding the cooling towers. Cool water runs
underneath each floor slab .As heat from the occupants and equipment build, it
is propelled upward by the displacement system, hits the chilled slab and cycles
downward creating a convection tumble that circulates air through the space.
Conference On Technology & Sustainability in the Built Environment
DrHazem El sayed Hassan ArchMohamed Salah Gharib
Figure-31: High performance
Source: (Stewart, 2006)
Figure-32: Operable skylight at
the top floor business club
Figure-33: Under floor ventilation
with radiant cooling
Source: (Stewart, 2006) Generation
According to Rob Bolin, SOM’s associate director of sustainable design,
the first three strategies reduce the building’s energy use by nearly 65 percent
over a baseline of Chinese building codes. To reach the final goal of net zero
energy, the design team incorporated three power-generating technologies:
wind, integrated photovoltaic, and fuel cells.
Fuel cells generate electricity from natural gas, avoiding losses of as much as
two thirds that occur when transporting electricity from faraway grids .Rather
than combusting the gas, which would emit harmful sulfur dioxide and nitrogen.
Wind Power
Structural curves funnel natural wind currents at their maximum velocity into
turbines located on two mechanical floors. That energy can be used directly or
stored in batteries for later. Isolating the wind turbines on these mechanical
floors minimizes noise and vibration and simplifies maintenance.
(above middle and right) indicate how daylight is maximized on the building’s
south side, while byby far the most innovative of these elements, the wind
turbines exploit the prevailing winds from the south, which generate a negative
pressure at the rear, or north side, of the building.
The tower’s curvilinear structure helps to force air through four turbine inlets
in the facade, which SOM’s wind studies have predicted will speed up the wind’s
velocity two-and-a-half times. Frechette estimates the turbines will produce
nearly 15 times more electricity than a typical stand-alone wind generator. http://
The Renewable Energy is the Future of
High-Rise Buildings
King saud university - College of Architecture and Planning
Figure-34: Exhaust air passes through the double-wall façade Source: (Stewart, 2006)
Figure-35: Velocity vector colored by velocity magnitude Source:
Figure-36: Wind turbine Source:
4. Conclusions
§“We must begin fundamental changes in our energy use now in order to
avoid human-made climate disasters.”
Conference On Technology & Sustainability in the Built Environment
DrHazem El sayed Hassan ArchMohamed Salah Gharib
§These technologies concentrating solar power, photovoltaic, wind power,
biomass, biofuels, and geothermal power can displace approximately 1.2 billion
tons of carbon emissions annually by the year 2030 the magnitude of reduction
that scientists believe is necessary to prevent the most dangerous consequences
of climate change.
§The use of passive solar heating and day lighting design strategies can help
both homes and commercial buildings operate more efficiently and make them
more pleasant and comfortable places in which to live and work.
§Concentrating solar power systems have the potential to help meet growing
energy needs and provide diversity and reliability in energy supplies.
§Using biomass energy reduces the level of dependence on imported petroleum
and making the 21st century one of an increasingly sustainable, domestic, and
environmentally responsible biomass economy.
§Wind energy is fueled by the wind, so it's a clean renewable source of energy. It
is one of the lowest-priced renewable energy technologies available today; its use
will reduce Greenhouse gas emission by reducing the use of other energy resources.
§Wind energy provides about 35% of the renewable energy contribution,
while the rest is divided about evenly among the other technologies.
§Tall buildings consume massive energy; designers of the next generation of
tall buildings will incrementally aim for “zero energy” design. In this approach
climate is used to advantage and the building becomes a source of power. It
is possible that tall buildings will some day even produce excess energy and
transfer the excess to the city’s power grid for use in other ways.
5. Recommendations
§Researches need to be incorporated into the planning and design of tall
buildings that will provide a comprehensive approach to understanding and
predicting the life cycle costs, energy use, and performance of tall buildings and
their impact on their urban habitats as applied to sustainability-both from the
viewpoint of energy and resource consumption as well as Socio-cultural factors.
§The next generation of buildings, whether residential, commercial, or
institutional, should aim for “zero energy” buildings in which there will be no
need to draw energy from a region’s power grid. In this approach, climate and
environment are used to advantage rather than being treated as adversaries and
buildings become sources of energy, like batteries.
The Renewable Energy is the Future of
High-Rise Buildings
King saud university - College of Architecture and Planning
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Conference On Technology & Sustainability in the Built Environment
DrHazem El sayed Hassan ArchMohamed Salah Gharib
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Roger Bezdek (2007) “Renewable Energy and Energy Efciency: Economic Drivers for
the 21st Century” American Solar Energy Society USA
Smith, P. P. (2007). Sustainability at the Cutting Edge: Emerging Techniques for Low
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King saud university - College of Architecture and Planning
... 7), two at each mechanical level(CTBUH's Database, 2018). Isolating the vertical axis wind turbines on these mechanical floors minimizes noise and vibration and simplifies maintenance(El-Hassan and Gharib, 2008). ...
... Image showing airflow patterns near Pearl River Tower (Adapted fromEl-Hassan and Gharib, 2008) ...
Full-text available
Skyscrapers became the defining features of the cityscape with the advent of the 20th century. They become an inevitable and important product that can meet the needs of living for the present and the future. Besides the positive aspects of skyscrapers; the huge consumption of energy is the major problem of these types of tall buildings. This kind of buildings consumes huge amounts of energy in order to generate mechanical and electrical power to artificially light, heat and cool the building. Skyscrapers that can take the benefit from the surrounding natural environment and emphasize the ecological design criteria are the most appropriate solutions for our future and our environment. For that renewable resources can be used for generating sustainable energy in skyscrapers. The wind energy is considered as one of the more affordable and more available types of renewable resources. The wind turbines are mechanical productive mode systems that can supply a clean and non-pollutive energy from the wind. This article investigates the integration of wind turbines for generating the energy in skyscrapers. This article examines the two types of wind turbines that can be integrated into skyscrapers; the Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine (HAWT), and the Vertical Axis Wind Turbine (VAWT). As case studies; this article examines two examples of skyscrapers that incorporate wind turbines to take the advantage of the wind to generate sustainable energy. The first case study is the Bahrain World Trade Center with its three HAWTs. The second case study is the Pearl River Tower with its four VAWTs.
... This significantly increases their potential to generate electricity. The wind turbines are expected to provide 11% to 15% of the towers' total power consumption (Gharib 2010;Alnaser 2008;Smith 2007). ...
This paper examines the critical design factors and strategies that warrant consideration to accomplish sustainable or high-performance tall buildings applying innovative technologies. It shows how "technology transfers" in the aerospace industry have been applied to tall building systems to achieve high-performance. Because the design of tall buildings warrants a multi-disciplinary approach and requires the integration of architectural components, structure, HVAC, and communication systems, an analogy exists between tall building and aircraft, which also comprises complex integrated systems. A few case study building examples are presented which represent the new generation of sustainable tall buildings that are setting trends for future projects incorporating innovations in materials and building systems. It is concluded that since tall buildings consume massive energy, designers of the next generation of tall buildings will incrementally aim for "zero energy" design. In this approach climate is used to advantage and the building becomes a source of power. It is possible that tall buildings will some day even produce excess energy and transfer the excess to the city's power grid for use in other ways.
  • M M Ali
  • P J Armstrong
Ali, M. M. and Armstrong, P. J. (1995). "Architecture of Tall Buildings". McGraw-Hill.
Double Facades for High Buildings
  • New York
  • U Behr
New York USA Behr, U. (2001). "Double Facades for High Buildings". Tall Buildings Beyond 2000 vol.
Urban Habitat and High-rise. TBMa. 1994-1999. A. Awang et al. Editors. Institute Sultan Iskandar
  • U Behr
Behr, U. (2001). "Double Facades for High Buildings". Tall Buildings Beyond 2000 vol. a. Urban Habitat and High-rise. TBMa. 1994-1999. A. Awang et al. Editors. Institute Sultan Iskandar, Malaysia. BWTC scores world first(2008)"Gulf Construction" magazine May 2008
Energy Conservation of Moderately Tall Office Buildings
  • N Deshmukh
Deshmukh, N. (1992). "Energy Conservation of Moderately Tall Office Buildings".
Light-Pipe Research" The School of Architecture, University of Hawai'i at Manoa Spring 2004 Arch 504: Practicum Studio A Tetsuaki Yoshida Kuala Lumpur
  • B Donaldson
Donaldson, B. and LIPPE, P. (2000). "Process and Integration". Lessons Learned: High Performance Buildings. The Durst Organization. New York, NY. Dr. Ken Yeang and T.R. Hamzah (2004) "Light-Pipe Research" The School of Architecture, University of Hawai'i at Manoa Spring 2004 Arch 504: Practicum Studio A Tetsuaki Yoshida Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Environmental Services, City of Let bridge (2006) "Enviro Scope" Environment week
Renewable for Power Generation". International Energy Agency. Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
IEA (2003). "Renewable for Power Generation". International Energy Agency. Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. France.
Sustainability at the Cutting Edge: Emerging Techniques for Low Energy Buildings
  • Roger Bezdek
Roger Bezdek (2007) "Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency: Economic Drivers for the 21st Century" American Solar Energy Society USA Smith, P. P. (2007). "Sustainability at the Cutting Edge: Emerging Techniques for Low Energy Buildings". Elsevier. London, New York USA
Architecture of Tall Buildings
  • M M Ali
  • P J Armstrong
Ali, M. M. and Armstrong, P. J. (1995). "Architecture of Tall Buildings". McGraw-Hill. New York USA
Lessons Learned: High Performance Buildings. The Durst Organization
  • B Donaldson
  • P Lippe
Donaldson, B. and LIPPE, P. (2000). "Process and Integration". Lessons Learned: High Performance Buildings. The Durst Organization. New York, NY.