
Penggunaan Clickbait Headline pada Situs Berita dan Gaya Hidup Muslim

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The rapid flows of information in the digital age makes online site producers create news that attracted the attention of netizen not only on their main sites but also for social media platforms. The goal is to get a Key Performance Indicator (KPI) which will be useful for the purpose of advertising. The existence of this KPI can be seen from the number of interactions made by readers who clicked, commented, or shared content on their social media accounts. This phenomenon then raises the use of Clickbait Headline, an attractive headline but sometimes trap the curiosity of the readers. To that end, the author wants to see how far the use of Clickbait Headline in, a news and lifestyle of Muslim sites. In addition, the author also wants to see the use of journalistic ethics code standards on Clickbait Headline. Using content analysis techniques, the author selected samples using purposive sampling from the most viewed article samples in the period 1-21 June 2017. As a result, most articles in using Clickbait Headline with catafora techniques and have met The Journalistic Ethics Code standards.

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... Indonesian people are too lazy to read, the high interest of Indonesian people in sensational news, the curiosity gap (a gap that makes curious readers click on links to answer their curiosity), and the information gap (readers want to get clarity and reduce uncertainty) cause Indonesian people to easy to fall for clickbait. Apart from that, the existence of business competition between online news producers has caused many online media to use this technique to increase their site traffic [6]. ...
This research is motivated by the massive coverage of the corona virus in online media, almost all online mass media make health issues related to the corona virus the prima donna of news. However, in practice many mass media are the principles of truth in journalism and prioritize speed in delivering news. is one of the online media that intensively spreads information related to the corona virus. From some of the news that he published, it was necessary to question his responsibility and the principles of truth he applied. According to Bill Kovach truth in journalism is absolute truth, but functional truth. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to find out about the principle of truth in the corona virus news text in the online media Also to find out the principle of truth in the practice of discourse in reporting the corona virus in the online media Finally, to find out socio-cultural practices in reporting the corona virus on online media. The methodology used is qualitative with Norman Fairclough's Critical Discourse Analysis approach. The results of this study show; (1) Kompas Online presents the truth that is not deep enough and positions itself as a transmitter and receiver of information. (2) The discourse of truth that is displayed does not represent the vision of Kompas Online with the lack of balance in the news and the tendency for speed. (3) The factors of the pandemic situation and the information needs that pushed Kompas Online to become one of the factors in the news about the current corona virus, on the other hand the culture of conformity of the Indonesian people also influenced Kompas Online in its reporting so that the discourse presented to the public seemed short and lacked depth. Abstrak. Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh masifnya pemberitaan virus corona di media online, hampir seluruh media massa online menjadikan isu kesehatan terkait virus corona menjadi primadona pemberitaannya. Namun dalam pelaksanaannya banyak media massa yang kerap mengabaikan prinsip kebenaran dalam jurnalisme dan mengutamakan kecepatan dalam menyampaikan berita. merupakan salah satu media online yang secara intens mengbarkan informasi terkait virus corona. Dari beberapa pemberitaan yang dimuatnya, perlu dipertanyakan kredibilitas serta prinsip kebenaran yang diterapkannya. Menurut Bill Kovach kebenaran dalam jurnalisme bukanlah kebenaran yang mutlak, melainkan kebenaran yang fungsional. Maka dari itu, tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tentang prinsip kebenaran pada teks pemberitaan virus corona di media online Juga untuk mengetahui prinsip kebenaran pada praktik wacana dalam pemberitaan virus corona di media online Terakhir untuk mengetahui praktik sosial budaya dalam pemberitaan virus corona di media online Metodologi yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan pendekatan Analisis Wacana Kritis Norman Fairclough. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan; (1) Kompas Online menampilkan wacana kebenaran yang kurang mendalam serta memposisikan dirinya sebatas penyampai dan penerima informasi. (2) Wacana kebenaran yang ditampilkan tidak merepresentasikan visi dari Kompas Online dengan kurang berimbangnye berita dan kecenderungan pada kecepatan. (3) Faktor situasi pandemi dan kebutuhan informasi mendorong Kompas Online menjadi salah satu faktor dari pemberitaan mengenai virus corona saat ini, di sisi lain budaya komformitas masyarakat Indonesia turut memengaruhi Kompas Online dalam pemberitaannya sehingga wacana yang ditampilkan kepada masyarakat terkesan singkat dan kurang mendalam.
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This is why you should read this article. Although such an opening statement does not make much sense read in isolation, journalists often write headlines like this on news websites. They use the forward-referring technique as a stylistic and narrative luring device trying to induce anticipation and curiosity so the readers click (or tap on) the headline and read on. In this article, we map the use of forward-referring headlines in online news journalism by conducting an analysis of 100,000 headlines from 10 different Danish news websites. The results show that commercialization and tabloidization seem to lead to a recurrent use of forward-reference in Danish online news headlines. In addition, the article contributes to reference theory by expanding previous models on phoricity to include multimodal references on the web.
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