ArticlePDF AvailableLiterature Review

The effectiveness of aerobic exercise for hypertensive population: A systematic review and meta‐analysis

The Journal of Clinical Hypertension


The study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of different durations of aerobic exercise on hypertensive patients. Four electronic databases (PubMed, Embase, Cochrane Library, and Web of Science) were searched from their inception until July 2018. English publications and randomized controlled trials involving aerobic exercise treatment for hypertensive population were included. Two reviewers independently extracted the data. The Cochrane's Risk of Bias tool was used to assess the quality of included studies. In this systematic review, a total of 14 articles were included, involving 860 participants. The quality of the included studies ranged from moderate to high. The results of the meta‐analysis showed that compared with the control group, significant effects of aerobic exercise were observed on reducing systolic blood pressure (SBP) (mean difference [MD] = −12.26 mm Hg, 95% confidence interval [CI] = −15.17 to −9.34, P < 0.05), diastolic blood pressure (DBP; MD = −6.12 mm Hg, 95% CI = −7.76 to −4.48, P < 0.05), and heart rate (MD = −4.96 bpm, 95% CI = −6.46 to −3.43, P < 0.05). In addition, significant reductions were observed in ambulatory DBP (MD = −4.90 mm Hg, 95% CI = −8.55 to −1.25, P < 0.05) and ambulatory SBP (MD = −8.77mm Hg, 95% CI = −13.97 to −3.57, P < 0.05). Therefore, aerobic exercise might be an effective treatment for blood pressure improvement in hypertensive patients. However, the effectiveness between the duration of different treatment needs to be well‐designed and rigorous studies will be required to verify the dataset.
J Clin Hypertens. 2019;00:1–9.  
©2019 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Received:21Februa ry2019 
Revised:27A pril2019 
DOI : 10.1111/j ch.1358 3
The effectiveness of aerobic exercise for hypertensive
population: A systematic review and meta‐analysis
Liujiao Cao MM1,2,3| Xiuxia Li PhD1,2,3| Peijing Yan MM4| Xiaoqin Wang PhD2,3|
Meixuan Li MM1,2,3| Rui Li MM1,2,3| Xiue Shi MB5| Xingrong Liu PhD1|
Kehu Yang PhD1,2,3,4,5
SocialScienceRe searchCenter,Lanzhou
University,Lan zhou,China
2KeyLaborator yofEvidenceBased
GansuProvince,L anzhou,China
3EvidenceB asedMedicineCenter,Scho olof
BasicMedicalSciences,LanzhouUniversit y,
4Instit uteofClinicalResearchandEviden ce
BasedMe dicine ,TheGan suProvin cial
Hospit al,Lanzhou,C hina
5Instit uteforEvid enceBasedRehabilitation
MedicineofGansuP rovince ,Lanzh ou,China
KehuYangandXi ngrongL iu,Evide nce-
BasedMe dicineC enter,Lan zhouUni versit y,
199Dongga ngWestRoa d,Lanzhou
Emails:kehuyangebm20 m;
Funding information
Suppor tedbytheFundam entalResearch
FundsfortheCentr alUnive rsities
(16LZUJBWTD013,18L ZUJBWZX006,
lzujbk y-2018-14):Evidence-bas edSocial
Science sResearch.Chi naMedicalBoard
OpenPro jectFun ding(CMB#17-279):
TrackingandEvaluati ngQuality(T EQ)of
RuralHe althServicesinNWChina:Tool
capacitybuilding.S pecialFundforSof t
Sciencei nGansuProvince(18CX1ZA0 43):
StudyontheMeasu restoImp rovethe
Qualit yofRuralHealthServicesinGa nsu
The study aimsto evaluate the effectiveness ofdifferent durations of aerobic ex-
ercise on hypertensive patients. Four electronic databases (PubMed, Embase,
ing860 participants. Thequality of the included studies ranged from moderate to
significant effects of aerobic exercise were observed on reducing systolic blood
pressure (SB P)(me an difference [MD] = −12.26 mm Hg, 95% confidence inte rval
to−3.43,P<0.05).Inaddition,significantreductionswereobserved inambulator y
DBP(MD= −4.90mmHg,95%CI =−8.55to−1.25,P<0.05)andambulatorySBP
might be an ef fective treatment for blo od pressure improveme nt in hypertensive
patients.However,theeffectiveness between the durationof differenttreatment
Hypertension isamajor worldwide public health concern because
of its high p revalence and co ncomitant risk of c ardiovascula r and
kidney dis ease. In addition , hypertensio n is frequently ass ociated
ativeoutcomes,such as stroke,myocardialinfarction, renalfailure,
dividualswereaffectedbyhypertensionworldwide,3andi thasbeen
estimatedthatin2025,~1.56 billionindividualswillbeaf fectedby
Liujia oCaoan dXiuxiaL iareco-f irstau thor s.
   CAO et Al.
logical trialsthatitisa challenge forsingle-drug therapytocontrol
and maintain the blood pressure of hypertensive patient s within
the normalrange, and in only 25%-62%ofpatientspropercontrol
isachieved.5Inordertocontr olthebl oo dp ressure,m anyin dividuals
require treatment with more than one antihypertensivedrug, how-
sideeffects.6 Therefore, inexpensive, safe, and strategies that can
beeasilyimplementedareofutmostimpor tancefortheprevention
Aerobic exercise(AE)hasproventobe an effective nonphar-
macological method to treat and prevent coronar y artery dis-
ease,7 cardiovascular disease,8type2diabetesmellitus,
9,10 a nd
hypertension. Moreover, it has been widely recommended by
both European and American hypertension guidelines that AE
can be use d as an adjunct to th e treatment of hype rtension.11
Inpreviousstudies, it hasbeen demonstrated thatAE produces
bloodpressure (DBP).12-16 Furthermore, increasing evidence has
indicated that AE has favorable effec ts on cardiovascular risk
factors,cardiacautonomic function, andendothelialpathophys-
iology inindividualswithhypertension.17,1 8Jointguidelinesfrom
the American Heart Association(AHA)and American College of
ous-intensit y AE for a minimum of 20 minutes per day, 3 days a
week.19 However,the duration of different exercises has differ-
Therefore,itisofimport ancetofurtherdiscusswhichtypeofex-
erciseandwhichdurationcanproduceoptimaltreatmentef fect s
Considering the potential benefits of AE on health out-
comes, su ch as blood pres sure and hear t rate, we per formed a
comprehensivesystematic review to evaluatethe effectiveness
ofAE in hypertensivepatients andanalyzed the relationshipbe-
tween ch anges in blood pr essure and the dur ation of exercise,
so as to provid e reliable clinic al evidence for the t reatment of
2.1 | Search strategy
PubMed,Embase,CochraneLibrar y,andWebofSciencedatabases
were searched from inception until July 2018.Our searchwasnot
restri cted based on t he basis of public ation typ e, or year of pub-
(hyper tension OR “high bloo d pressure” OR “hype rtensive”) AND
(“aerobicexercise”OR“aerobicsport”OR“aerobicspor ts”OR“aero-
bic exercis es” OR “enduran ce exercise” OR “end urance exerci ses”)
AND random*.In addition, to ensure a comprehensivedata collec-
tion,re fe re nc esofr el ev an treviewsw er esea rc he dmanuallytoid en -
2.2 | Study selection
Twore viewers (CL J and LR) indep endently re viewed the tit le and
abstracts of initially selected studies. The full text s of articles
wereretrieved ifthere wasanydoubtabout inclusionof the study.
Disagreements were resolved through discussion or by consulting
a third revi ewer (LXX ). Studies wer e included if th e following cri-
teria were m et: (a) randomi zed controlle d trials (RCT ); (b) enrolle d
participantsbetweentheagesof30and85years, who werediag-
nosed wit h hypertensio n based on clinic al and laborato ry studies
ing,able to voluntary join exercise;(c)theexercise grouponlyper-
formed regular AEand thecontrol group did notreceive anytype
exercise,andparticipant sinneithergroupreceivedanytypeofspe-
the study included at least onetype ofquantitative outcome data
(blood p ressure, hea rt rate, ambu latory pres sure blood, o r quality
toolit tleinformationordatacouldnotbe obtained,suchasreview
articles,editorials,comments,andprotocols;(b)duplicaterepor tsof
2.3 | Data extraction and quality assessment
After se lecting stu dies based on the in clusion and exclusi on cri-
teria,two reviewers(LMX and CLJ) independentlyconductedthe
data extractionbyusingaself-developeddata extractionform. In
caseof anydisagreementbetweenthetworeviewers,afinaldeci-
sionwas obtained by consensusafter discussionandconsultation
with a thir d reviewer (YPJ). Gen eral informat ion about the s tudy
includedthe following:(a)basiccharacterof theincludedresearch
obje ct(a uth or, pu blica tionyea r,s tu dycou nt r y,t hepar ticip antn um-
(b) generaldemographic characteristics (gender ratio, heart rate,
body mas s index [BMI], an d SBP and DBP at b aseline and at t he
endofstudy); (c)inter ventiongroupandcontrolgroupoftimeand
intensit y of exercise. If t he informatio n present was u nclear or if
info rma tio nw asm is sin g,t hecor res pon din ga uth o ro ft hes tud ywa s
of include d studies . Risk of bias was as sessed for e ach study, and
include d using the Coc hrane Risk of B ias Tool for RCT,21,22 which
concealment, blinding of participants and personnel, blinding of
comereporting,andotherpotentialbias.Eachstudy wasexamined
lowrisk, high risk,or unclear risk.Studies that were scoredashigh
riskofbiasformorethan one keydomain were considered as high
riskof bias.In addition,studiesthatwerescoredaslow risk ofbias
forallkeydomains were considered as lowrisk ofbias. In all other
CAO et Al .
2.4 | Statistical analyses
Blood pr essure (SBP, DBP) and hear t rate were cons idered prima ry
outcomes of t he study, and ambu latory blood p ressure and qua lity
oflife were considered secondar youtcomes. Statisticalanalysis was
performed by Cochrane Review Manager (RevMan 5.3) software
95%confidenceintervals (CIs)werecalculated.P<0.05wasconsid-
eredstatistically significant. Heterogeneity between studieswas as-
sessedusingtheHigginsI2testandPvalues.IfP < 0.05 and I2>50%,
the rand om effect s model was se lected to cal culate the pool ed ef-
fecti ve size. In other case s, the fixed-ef fects mo del was employed .
Pot en tialmoder at ingf act or so fS BP/DB Pwer eevalu at ed bysubgro up
3.1 | Literature selection
excluded because of duplication, therefore 11 192 studies were
selec ted for furt her analysis. B y screening of ti tles and abst racts,
10751studieswereexcluded. Afterreading the full textofthere-
maining 4 46 studies , another 433 we re excluded, wh ich included
other intervention studies (n = 136), studies with no mention of
subjectswith hypertension(n = 131),otheroutcomes(n = 79),and
Finally, a total of 14 studies were included in the meta-analysis.
The detailed flowchart showing screening process is presented in
3.2 | Study characteristics
Table1showsthemaincharacteristicsofallincludeds tudies.The
14includedstudies involved atotalof860 hypertensivepatients
cases in t he control group. T he included fo urteen stu dies were
were enrolled. The mean age of the subjects ranged between
wasrepor ted, whichrangedfrom 22.48to29.6kg /m2,12study
groups reportedSBP and DBP at baseline, andthe SBP atbase-
ranged fr om 67.5 to 95.2 mm Hg. Th e duration of inter vention
ranged fr om 40 minute s to 6 months. Re garding nat ionality, pa-
ti e n t sin c l uded i nbot h theA E gro u p andc o ntro l gro u p wer e m ain l y
ticipant sinthecontrolgroupswereinstructednottocha ngetheir
trainin g in the 13 studie s was <8, 8-12, and >12we eks. Amon g
FIGURE 1 Flowdiagramregarding
thearticleselectionforthemet a-analysis
Records idenfied through
database searching
n =16553
Addional records idenfied
through other sources
n =0
Recordsaer duplicates removed
(n =11192 )
RecordsscreenedExcluded based on
screening of tles or abstracts
Full-text arcles assessed for
(n = 446)
Full-text arcles excluded, with
reasons(n =446)
Non-randomised trials :( n=31)
No subjects in
hypertension :( n=131)
Review; Guidelines :( n=45)
No intervenon of sole aerobic
exercise in exercise group (n=112)
No match’s outcomes: (n=79)
Data incompleteness: (n=5)
Included other intervenon in
control group: (n=24)
Arcles included in the
(n =14)
   CAO et Al.
theexercise durationwasbetween 8-12weeks,andintwostud-
3.3 | Risk of bias
Figure2presents thesummar yoftheriskof biasforeachincluded
study. For the i tem of “random s equence gen eration ,”fi ve studies
ficationoftheprocedures performed.Concealmentofallocationto
groupwasunclear in12studies.For outcomeblinding, five studies
adopted a si ngle-blind m ethod to eval uate the inter vention mea s-
ures. Because of objective outcome measures, outcome data were
3.4 | Meta‐analysis
3.4.1 | Blood pressure analysis
Inatotal of 13 studies (757samples)blood pressure of partici-
pa ntsw asr e por t e d.T h er e sul t s of t hem eta- ana l ysi ssh owe dtha t ,
comp ar edwitht he co nt rolgrou p, SB PandDBP we re si gnifi cantl y
(95%C I: −15.17 to −9.34, P<0.05)and−6.12mmHg(95%CI:
–7.76 to −4.48, P < 0.05), respectively. Subgroup analysis of
the SBP sh owed that accord ing to the exercis e duration of t he
AE group using the random effects model (Figure 3), signifi-
cant dif ferences were obse rved between groups at ≤8 wee ks,
8-12 weeks, and more than 12 weeks, the pooled MD was
−16.66mmHg(95%CI:−18.55to−14.76,P<0.05) ,−11.74mmHg
(95%CI: −15.94to −7.54, P<0.05),and−8.84mmHg(95%CI:
TABLE 1 Characteristicsofstudiesincludedinthemeta-analysis
Study name Year Country Group Age
Number of sub
jects (AE/C) BMI, kg/m2Follow‐up
Farahani,A.V.40 2010 Iran AE 48.33±10.74 (12/28) 27.44±4. 27 10wk
Control 46.96±11.58 28 .06±3.51
Molmen-Hansen,H.E.26 2012 Norway AE 52.50±7.40 (25/25) 26.8±4.10 12wk
Control 51.30 ± 9.20 28.80±3.7
Maruf.F.A.a28 2013 NA AE 50.80 ± 8.31 (53/50) 27.40±4.96 12wk
Control 54.75±8. 56 25.39±4.61
Maruf,.F.A.b15 2014 Nigeria AE 50. 80 ± 8.31 (45/4 3) 27.45±4.99 12wk
Control 54.75±8. 56 25.41±4.70
Tsai,J.C.12 2004 China AE 4 8.80±6.3 (52/50) 23.6±1.8 10wk
Control 49.30±7.2 23.8 ± 2.2
He,L.25 2018 China AE 58.0 ± 2.0 (20/22) 27.41±2.11 12wk
Control 57.0±2.0 27.65±2.61
Masroor,S.16 2018 India AE 39.67±4.10 (15/13) 29.6±4.4 4wk
Control 41.54 ± 4. 25
Dimeo,F.13 2012 Germany AE 62.80±8 .1 (22/25) 28.9 ± 4.4 8-12wk
Control 67.90±6.2 29.9±4.7
Westhoff,T.H.14 2008 Germany AE 66.10±4.4 (12/12) 28.6±4.4 12wk
Control 68.40±9.1 26.5±3.0
Lima,L .G.41 20 17 Brazil AE 67.80±4.3 (15/14) 28.9 ± 3.5 10wk
control 69.90±5.5 27.6±3.4
Sikiru,L.42 2014 Nigeria AE 58.63±7.22 (112/105) 22.4 8 ± 2.89 8wk
Control 58. 27±6.24 24.16±4.91
Oliveira,J.27 2016 Portugal AE 83.40 ± 3.2 (9/9 ) 28.5 ± 2 .0 40 min
Control 82.70±2. 5 28.0 ± 2. 5
Tsuda,K.43 2003 Japan AE 46.2±1.4 (8/8) 25.2 ± 0.8 6mo
Control 49.0 ± 5.1 24.9 ± 1.1
Duncan,J.24 1985 American AE 21-37(mean:
56 NA 16wk
CAO et Al .
DBP was performed according to the duration of the AE group
using the random effectsmodel (Figure 4). The pooled MD was
−6.43 mm Hg(95%CI: −7.83 to −5.03,P<0.05),−5.44mmHg
(95% CI: −8.22 to −2.66, P<0.05),and−7.52mmHg(95%CI:
3.4.2 | Heart rate
Insevenstudies12,14,16 ,24-27(316samples),dataforheartrateasso-
ciated wit h each inter vention was sp ecific ally repor ted. The h eart
rate of the AEgroup wassignificantlyreduced compared with the
3.4.3 | Ambulatory blood pressure
In two st udies,13,26 t he ambulator y blood pre ssure was addr essed
as a specif ic outcome. The met a-analysis of 97 participants indi-
cated tha t AE reduced am bulator y SBP and amb ulatory DB P with
comparedwithindividualswhodidnotreceiveexerciseinter vention
3.4.4 | Quality of life
Inonlyonestudy,28specificdataforthequalit yoflifewasrepor ted,
which showed thatsignificantimprovements were observed in the
+14 .51, P< 0 .05; environm ent: +11.51,P < 0. 05). However, in the
(9.70 ; P<0.05),andsocialrelationshipsdomains(9.55;P<0.05).
3.5 | Publication bias
In a total of 13 studies, AE interve ntion with baselin e treatment
alone was performed and the effect of AE on bloodpressure was
evaluated . In this syste matic review, a funne l plot was created t o
check for p ublicati on bias. Neit her changes i n SBP nor chan ges in
Inthissystematic review andmeta-analysis, thedatafrom14stud-
ieswerepooledandanalyzed,therebyevaluatingthe effects ofAE
traininginterventionsonbloodpressure,hear trate,andambulator y
blood pressurein atotalof860hypertensivesubjects.Overall,the
result s of the meta-analysi s showed that the bloo d pressure and
heart r ate were improved b y AE training. S ubsequent ly,su bgroup
tionontheefficacyofAE.Subgroupanalysisindicatedthatthe de-
greeofblood pressurereductiondidnotsignificantlydif fer among
Theef fect ofAE onbloodpressurehasbeenshowninprevious
meta-analyses,2 0, 29, 3 0whichsuggestedthattheAEinterventionde-
creased theriskofincidenthypertension orhadan effectonblood
pressurereduction.Thesefindings wereinaccordance withourre-
showed tha t the degree of bloo d pressure reduc tion signific antly
8-12weeks,and more than12weeks), and AE thatlasts for about
8 weeks may hav e a better ant ihyperte nsive effec t. However, the
small num ber of included s tudies and the h igh risk of bias of the
FIGURE 2 Riskofbiassummary
   CAO et Al.
FIGURE 3 Aerobicexerciseonsystolicbloodpressureinhypertensivepatient s
FIGURE 4 Aerobicexerciseondiastolicbloodpressureinhypertensivepatients
CAO et Al .
original s tudies may have impa cted this conclusi on. Furthermo re,
insomestudies,31,3 2itwaspointedoutthatseveralimportantvari-
hypertensive status, might have someinevitable influenceson the
benefits ofAE in individuals withhypertension.Therefore, consid-
ering the abovefactors,additional studies with largersamplesizes
tocomparethose factors shouldbeconsidered tohelp understand
It is wort h noting that th e pooled SBP af ter AE showe d a sig-
nificantheterogeneity.The sensitivity analysisshoweda relatively
stable result for SBP after excluding two individual studies,24, 25
whic hindicatedarelativel yhigherhea rtrate,longerdur ationofaer-
obic tra ining or a younge r age. The stu dy present ed by He et al25
demonstrated thatarelativelyhighheartrate with a long-termAE
study wa s removed from t he dataset , which dram atically ch anged
theresults.Hypertensionis achronicage-relateddisease,33 and in
astudybyDuncanetal,24theoverallageofstudyparticipant swas
Wealsoobservedthat AE inter ventionplayed an activerole in
reducin g heart rate . These eff ects have be en discussed i n several
reviews34 and clinical reports, and similar results were obtained.
Kingsley et al35 concluded that postexercise hear t rate recovery
was influenced by parasympathetic reactivation and sympathetic
recover y to resting le vels, there by reducing th e resting he art rate
by increasing parasympathetic tone improvement in autonomic
leagues,32 it was s tated that the e ffect s on heart rat e were more
studies(316participants) havebeen included,which is a relatively
small. Toconfirm these effects, additional trials will berequiredin
risk of bias ex isted in ran dom sequen ce generation and allo cation
the designandrepor ting of included RCTs,allocationconcealment
was ar gu ab lythewe akes tlinkan dm ayp ot entiallya ffectthere li abil-
ityofthestudyresults.36, 37Inaddition,ourjudgmentonthequality
ofinclusionstudies wasprimarilybasedontheirrepor ts, therefore,
study researchandavoidtheoccurrenceofvariousbiases,thereby
suggestingthatisstrictlyreferredtotheCONSORTstatement .38,39
FIGURE 5 Effectsofaerobictrainingonhear trateinhypertension
FIGURE 6 Effectsofaerobictrainingonambulatorybloodpressureinhypertension
   CAO et Al.
Comparedwith previous meta-analysespresentedby Montero
clusion criteriawere employed, includinga comprehensive search
strateg y,whichtakesintoaccountawiderrangeofoutcomeindica-
tors(bloodpressure,heartrate,ambulatoryblood pressure,quality
andsubgroup analysiswasperformed, in which dif ferent durations
ofAE were used to assess the blood pressure of hypertensive pa-
tients.Thus,ourresultsmightbeofgreatvalueforproviding refer-
This stu dy has several limi tations. Fir stly, although a com pre-
hensive searchstrategy was conducted, thecurrent studyonly in-
cludedstudiesthatwerewritteni nth eEnglishorChineselang uage.
weremissed, however the representativeness of included studies
wasnotaffected.Secondly,because not all included trialswereof
high quali ty, the estimates of t herapeuti c effects m ay have been
ies,theexistingresult smay changes.Whensuchnovel andrelated
newstudiesappear af ter July 2018,thissystematic reviewwillbe
The results of this meta-analysisshowed thatAEhas favorable ef-
fectsonblood pressure,heart rate, and ambulatory bloodpressure
duratio n of different t reatments is s till not clear. Our f inding was
based on a small number of studies with evidence of consider-
able st atistical a nd clinical he terogeneit y,and t here is insuf ficient
evidenceofhigh-qualitystudies.Furthermore, high-qualityoriginal
studiesare alsowarranted to confirm themagnitude of the effect
The authors would like to thank Jinhui Tian and all members of
interpretation, manuscript writing, article revised. PJ Yan:projec t
development, analysis and interpretation, manuscriptwriting, arti-
cle revise d. XQ Wang: data co llection , analysis an d interpret ation,
manuscriptwriting. MX Li: datacollection, analysis and interpreta-
tion. R Li:data analysis and interpretation. XE Shi: data collection,
articlerevised.KHYangandXRLiu:academic oversightandedited
alldraf ts.Allautho rsc rit icallyrev ise dthear ticleforimport antinte l-
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How to cite this article:CaoL,LiX,YanP,etal.The
population:Asystematicreviewandmet a-analysis.J Clin
Hypertens. 2019;00:1–9. htt ps://doi .o rg /10.1111/j ch .135 83
... According to the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) [19] guidelines, AE should be performed for at least 5 days a week, with each session consisting of at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise, or alternatively, at least 3 days a week with at least 20 minutes of high-intensity exercise. However, it is essential to tailor the exercise prescription to the individual needs of hypertension patients to achieve optimal effects [20]. Additionally, dynamic resistance exercise is another modality that can be utilized for the treatment of hypertension. ...
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Hypertension, commonly known as high blood pressure, is a condition in which the force of blood pushing against the walls of the arteries is consistently higher than normal. This condition can lead to serious health problems such as heart disease, stroke, and kidney disease. There are several strategies that individuals with hypertension can adopt to manage their condition and engaging in exercise is among the most effective non-pharmacological approaches. This study examines the critical role that exercise plays in controlling hypertension, a condition that is heavily impacted by stress and modern sedentary lifestyles, underscoring the need for efficient intervention measures. The paper explains biological mechanisms supporting blood pressure regulation while highlighting the advantages of consistent physical activity, including reduced blood pressure and improved cardiovascular health, through a variety of exercise modalities, including aerobic activities, resistance training, high-intensity interval training (HIIT), and circuit training (CT). These include a decrease in inflammatory markers, an improvement in autonomic balance, and vasodilation. The review also covers the significance of tailoring exercise regimens to each patient's unique health profile to maximise benefits and minimise dangers. Exercise planning is important for people with hypertension since it affects their blood pressure. Factors to consider include the intensity, duration, and any interactions with medications. Innovative exercise approaches, particularly HIIT and CT, are examined for their effectiveness in cardiovascular improvement and hypertension management. Conclusively, the document advocates for integrating exercise into hypertension management and prevention, underscoring its pivotal role in enhancing patient health outcomes and quality of life in a comprehensive care strategy.
... Continuous elevation of systolic and diastolic blood pressure in patients with hypertension leads to chronic strain on the heart and blood vessels, causing the blood vessels gradual loss of elasticity and becoming stiffness, and increasing susceptibility to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, such as coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, and stroke (28,29). Research has shown that aerobic exercise may be highly effective in lowering blood pressure in hypertensive patients (30). Dance involves prolonged activity, engages large muscle groups, and fosters strong motivation and social cohesion. ...
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Objective Hypertension is a risk factor of cardiovascular disease. Dance, a type of aerobic exercise, is beneficial as a therapy in reducing blood pressure. This study aimed to systematically review the therapeutic effectiveness of dance therapy (DT) on blood pressure and blood lipid of patients with hypertension. Methods Searching CNKI, VIP, Wan Fang Databases, CBM, PubMed, EBSCO (MEDLINE), Cochrane Library, and Web of Science to collect randomized controlled trials (RCTs) about dance therapy in the treatment of patients with hypertension according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria, with the search time ranged from the date of database construction to January 2024. The Cochrane risk-of-bias tool and PEDro were used to evaluate the risk of included trials. The meta-analysis was implemented by using RevMan 5.4 and Stata 12.0 software. Results A total of 983 patients were included in 11 randomized controlled trials. According to the meta-analysis, compared with the control group, Dance Therapy effectively reduced systolic blood pressure (SBP) [MD = −7.45, 95% CI (−8.50, −6.39), p < 0.0001] and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) [MD = −2.95, 95% CI (−3.78, −2.13), p < 0.0001], and it increased high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) [MD = 0.20, 95% CI (−0.02, 0.42), p < 0.0001]. The subgroup analysis results showed that the treatment efficacy was more excellent with the frequency more than 3 times per week, the cycle less than 12 weeks, and the duration less than 60 min every time. Conclusion The results indicates that SBP, DBP, and HDL-C in hypertensive patients have been effectively improved after dance therapy intervention. In addition, it is recommended to implement dance therapy for hypertensive patients with a treatment cycle of 12 weeks, and treat at least 3 times a week, with each treatment duration controlled within 60 min. Systematic Review Registration [], identifier [CRD42024500807].
... [5]. аэробная активность, деятельность по укреплению мышц и их комбинации способствуют замедлению прогрессирования сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний [6]. с другой стороны, малоподвижный образ жизни, особенно в течение длительного времени, связан с более высокой смертностью от всех причин, смертностью от сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний и заболеваемостью сердечно-сосудистыми заболеваниями [7]. ...
The global prevalence of hypertension and obesity continues to rise, affecting increasingly young people. Obesity causes hypertension through a variety of mechanisms, including sympathetic nervous system activation, renin angiotensin aldosterone system, fluid and electrolyte dysregulation, inflammation, and adipokine imbalance. In turn, arterial hypertension can exacerbate obesity by altering metabolic pathways and increasing appetite. The pathophysiological features of hypertension are different between young overweight women and men. We performed a non-systematic literature review to thoroughly investigate mechanisms of pathogenetic interaction and mutual aggravation of high blood pressure and body mass index. The literature was reviewed from 2004 to the present in Russian and English using the PubMed Central, ScienceDirect, Google Scholar platforms, as well as a search in the archives of the journals Circulation and Cardiovascular Therapy and Prevention using the keywords listed below.
... Furthermore, beneficial reductions in night time have been also reported for SBP (−1.0 to −8.4 mmHg) and DBP (−0.9 to −5.3 mmHg) following aerobic interval training (39). The beneficial changes have been reported for acute and chronic (≥ 8 weeks) aerobic exercise programs (8). For instance, acute aerobic, resistance and concurrent exercise reduced SBP (−6.22 mmHg, −3.36 mmHg, and −7.33 mmHg, respectively) and DBP (−3.80 mmHg, −2.73 mmHg, and −2.93 mmHg, respectively) regardless of gender, initial blood pressure, and physical activity level (10). ...
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The blood pressure dipping response to acute resistance training exercise (RTE) is scarce in the literature. We determined the inter-individual blood pressure (BP) dipping variability of normotensive (NT) and hypertensive (HT) men completing two modalities of a single session of RTE. Volunteers (NT n = 21, HT n = 20) underwent a non-exercise control (CTRL), RTE high-sets low-repetitions (HSLR), and RTE high-repetitions low-sets (HRLS) conditions. Twenty-four-hour ambulatory BP monitoring recorded diurnal and nocturnal systolic (SBP) and diastolic (DBP) BP. Non-significant interactions were found between the category of individuals and the experimental conditions on the SBP (p = 0.511, η²ₚ = 0.02) and DBP (p = 0.807, η²ₚ = 0.01) differences. Diurnal SBP (p = 0.0001) and DBP (p ≤ 0.0001) were lower in the NT than in the HT groups. Nocturnal SBP (p ≤ 0.0001) and DBP (p = 0.014) were lower in the NT than in the HT groups. The percentage of dipping responders for SBP in the CTRL condition were 71.4% for NT and 70.0% for HT, in the HRLS condition were 66.7% for NT and 60.0% for HT, and in the HSLR condition were 57.1% for NT and 60.0% for HT. The dipping responders for DBP in the CTRL condition were 57.1% for NT and 60.0% for HT, in the HRLS condition were 61.9% for NT and 70.0% for HT, and in the HSLR condition were 71.4% for NT and 65.0% for HT (p > 0.05 for all). In conclusion, the dipping response was similar between NT and HT individuals. The proportion of responders was similar between NT and HT individuals completing acute RTE.
... Dikatakan hipertensi sistolik >140 mmHg dan diastolik >90 mmHg. Hipertensi disebut juga "the silent killer" karena hipertensi terjadi tanpa tanda dan gejala yang jelas (Andari et al., 2020;Andri et al., 2018;Cao et al., 2019). Hipertensi merupakan salah satu faktor risiko utama kematian akibat gangguan kardiovaskular, yang menyebabkan 20-50% dari semua kematian. ...
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Prevalensi hipertensi terutama pada kelompok lansia di Indonesia semakin meningkat mencapai 63,2%. Hipertensi yang tidak terkontrol bisa mengakibatkan komplikasi seperti gagal jantung, stroke, ginjal, dan sindrom metabolik hingga kematian. Penatalaksanaan hipertensi dapat dilakukan dengan memberikan terapi non farmakologi berupa penerapan rebusan daun sirsak. Studi ini bertujuan untuk menerapkan rebusan daun sirsak agar menurunkan tekanan darah pada lansia. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah case report dengan multicase study melalui pendekatan asuhan keperawatan yang melibatkan 2 lansia yang mengalami hipertensi primer, berusia >45 tahun dan tidak sedang mengkonsumsi obat hipertensi. Daun sirsak direbus dengan 300ml air dan 10 gram daun sirsak selama 15 menit menggunakan api kecil hingga tersisa 150 ml. Kemudian air disaring dan disajikan selagi hangat. Intervensi diberikan dua kali sehari pagi dan sore selama tujuh hari. Pengukuran tekanan darah dilakukan menggunakan tensimeter digital dengan jeda waktu 5 menit sebelum dan 30 menit setelah intervensi. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa terdapat penurunan tekanan darah pada kedua subjek dengan nilai rata-rata penurunan tekanan darah sistolik sebesar 9,92 mmHg sedangkan diastolik sebesar 3,55 mmHg. Berdasarkan kesimpulan tersebut saran yang dapat diberikan yaitu meningkatkan partisipasi keluarga dalam penerapan rebusan daun sirsak untuk menurunkan tekanan darah lansia yang mengalami hipertensi.
... Aerobic exercise, particularly of moderate intensity, has shown substantial promise in decreasing BP levels for individuals with hypertension, another compelling feature of this issue. Studies led by Cao et al. [39], Punia et al. [40], and Cornelissen et al. [41] highlight the evident benefit of aerobic exercise in lowering SBP and DBP measurements. ...
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Hypertension is a major preventable risk factor for cardiovascular disease. This review evaluates the effects of pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) therapy and aerobic exercise on blood pressure (BP) levels in hypertensive patients. This study incorporated research conducted between 2012 and 2020 that was found through a systematic literature search. The measures used to estimate the improvement in BP include the BP measurements, quality-of-life (QOL) scale, and plasma nitric oxide (NO) level. The examination of the review comprised eight studies. These encompassed studies involving individuals with a systolic BP (SBP) above 140 mmHg and a diastolic BP (DBP) above 90 mmHg; those falling within the age range of 40 to 60 years, including both genders; and patients on antihypertensive medications. The review of selected articles concluded that PEMF therapy and aerobic exercise positively impact BP among individuals with hypertension. Aerobic exercises of moderate intensity including brisk walking, jogging, and cycling type of aerobic exercises help reduce BP and maintain patients' physical fitness. PEMF therapy is a complementary approach that affects the biological system and potential health, positively impacting BP. Results indicate that PEMF therapy can be a nonpharmacological method to manage BP in clinical populations. More thorough research is necessary to understand the best dosage, long-term effects, and comparison between PEMF therapy and aerobic exercise.
Primary open angle glaucoma (POAG) is a chronic disease characterized by progressive optic nerve damage and irreversible loss of vision, often diagnosed at late stages. Elevated intraocular pressure (IOP) is the major risk factor for its onset and progression while older age, myopia, genetic factors, blood pressure (BP), and reduced ocular blood flow (OBF) have also been linked to the disease. Different forms of exercise are known to have significant, but variable, effects on IOP, BP, ocular perfusion pressure (OPP), OBF and oxygen metabolism, and ultimately the risk for development and progression of POAG. While population-based studies lack agreement regarding the relationship between exercise and POAG status, data suggests that resistance training causes a short-term increase in IOP, BP, and OPP. Conversely, aerobic exercise has been shown to cause a short-term decrease in IOP and increase in BP and OPP. Research also suggests that following an exercise program over an extended period may lead to a long-term decrease in IOP, however its cessation results in a prompt return to baseline levels. Data suggests normal vascular autoregulation ensures minimal change in OBF following extended exercise unless OPP rises ∼70% above baseline. Although exercise may alter IOP, BP, and OBF, both acutely and chronically, it is currently uncertain if physical activity significantly alters risk for the onset and progression of POAG.
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Introduction: Current international guidelines recommend aerobic, resistance, and combined exercises for the management of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). In our study, we conducted a network meta-analysis to assess the comparative impact of different exercise training modalities on glycemic control, cardiovascular risk factors, and weight loss in patients with T2DM. Methods: We searched five electronic databases to identify randomized controlled trials (RCTs) that compared the differences between different exercise training modalities for patients with T2DM. The risk of bias in the included RCTs was evaluated according to the Cochrane tool. Network meta-analysis was performed to calculate mean difference the ratio of the mean and absolute risk differences. Data were analyzed using R-3.4.0. Results: A total of 37 studies with 2208 patients with T2DM were included in our study. Both supervised aerobic and supervised resistance exercises showed a significant reduction in HbA1c compared to no exercise (0.30% lower, 0.30% lower, respectively), however, there was a less reduction when compared to combined exercise (0.17% higher, 0.23% higher). Supervised aerobic also presented more significant improvement than no exercise in fasting plasma glucose (9.38 mg/dl lower), total cholesterol (20.24 mg/dl lower), triacylglycerol (19.34 mg/dl lower), and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (11.88 mg/dl lower). Supervised resistance showed more benefit than no exercise in improving systolic blood pressure (3.90 mmHg lower]) and total cholesterol (22.08 mg/dl lower]. In addition, supervised aerobic exercise was more powerful in improving HbA1c and weight loss than unsupervised aerobic (HbA1c: 0.60% lower; weight loss: 5.02 kg lower) and unsupervised resistance (HbA1c: 0.53% lower) exercises. Conclusion: Compared with either supervised aerobic or supervised resistance exercise alone, combined exercise showed more pronounced improvement in HbA1c levels; however, there was a less marked improvement in some cardiovascular risk factors. In terms of weight loss, there were no significant differences among the combined, supervised aerobic, and supervised resistance exercises. Trial registration: Our study protocol was registered with the International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews (PROSPERO); registration number: CRD42017067518 .
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Objective: To investigate the effect of combined aerobic and resistance training (CART) on heart rate variability in sedentary, hypertensive women. Participants: A total of twenty-eight hypertensive (Stage 1 and 2) sedentary women (Age 40.54 ± 4.2 yrs; Height 155.14 ± 5.4 cm; Weight 70.96 ± 10.2 kg; BMI 29.6 ± 4.4; Duration of HTN: 6.43 ± 2.5 yrs) were recruited for the study. Methods: Participants were randomly assigned to either the CART group that performed combined aerobic and resistance exercise of moderate intensity [aerobic exercise 50-80% of HRmax (maximum heart rate) and resistance exercises at 50-80% of 1 Repetition Maximum (RM)], 5 times/week for 4 weeks, or to the control group that followed conventional treatment without any supervised exercise intervention. Main outcome measures: Resting blood pressure was measured and standard heart rate variability (HRV) indices were calculated using time domain (SDNN, pNN50, RMSSD) and frequency domain (LFnu, HFnu, LF/HF and TP) analysis. Results: CART group demonstrated an increase in HFnu, TP, SDNN, and RMSSD, (p < 0.05) along with a significant decrease in LFnu, LF/HF ratio, systolic blood pressure, and diastolic blood pressure (p < 0.05). Conclusion: CART showed significant improvement in HRV parameters indicating vagal dominance in middle-aged hypertensive women. Therefore, exercise training in combined form (aerobic and resistance) may be incorporated in the management programs of the patients suffering from hypertension in order to augment improvement in their cardiac autonomic control.
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Objective: To review the literature systematically and perform meta-analyses to address these questions: 1) Is there evidence that self-measured blood pressure (BP) without other augmentation is superior to office-based measurement of BP for achieving better BP control or for preventing adverse clinical outcomes that are related to elevated BP? 2) What is the optimal target for BP lowering during antihypertensive therapy in adults? 3) In adults with hypertension, how do various antihypertensive drug classes differ in their benefits and harms compared with each other as first-line therapy? Methods: Electronic literature searches were performed by Doctor Evidence, a global medical evidence software and services company, across PubMed and EMBASE from 1966 to 2015 using key words and relevant subject headings for randomized controlled trials that met eligibility criteria defined for each question. We performed analyses using traditional frequentist statistical and Bayesian approaches, including random-effects Bayesian network meta-analyses. Results: Our results suggest that: 1) There is a modest but significant improvement in systolic BP in randomized controlled trials of self-measured BP versus usual care at 6 but not 12 months, and for selected patients and their providers self-measured BP may be a helpful adjunct to routine office care. 2) systolic BP lowering to a target of <130 mm Hg may reduce the risk of several important outcomes including risk of myocardial infarction, stroke, heart failure, and major cardiovascular events. No class of medications (i.e., angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, angiotensin-receptor blockers, calcium channel blockers, or beta blockers) was significantly better than thiazides and thiazide-like diuretics as a first-line therapy for any outcome.
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OBJECTIVES The objective of this study was to compare the effects of a combination of aerobic and resistance training to those of isolated aerobic training on blood pressure, body composition, and insulin sensitivity in hypertensive older adults. METHOD Forty-four patients were randomly assigned to the aerobic group, resistance and aerobic group, and control group. Before and after 10 weeks, the following data were obtained: 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure data, abdominal circumference, waist circumference, body mass index, lean mass, fat mass, and insulin sensitivity. The study was conducted with 3 training sessions per week. RESULTS Comparison revealed significant reductions in the body mass index, abdominal and waist circumferences, and ambulatory blood pressure (24-hour, wakefulness and sleep systolic/diastolic blood pressures) in both the aerobic group and the resistance and aerobic (combined) group. The fat mass only changed in the combined group. There was no difference in the insulin sensitivity in any group. CONCLUSIONS The combined treatment and aerobic treatment alone were equally effective in reducing the blood pressure, body mass index, and abdominal and waist circumferences, although the addition of the resistance component also helped reduce the fat mass.
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Background: Raised blood pressure is an important risk factor for cardiovascular diseases and chronic kidney disease. We estimated worldwide trends in mean systolic and mean diastolic blood pressure, and the prevalence of, and number of people with, raised blood pressure, defined as systolic blood pressure of 140 mm Hg or higher or diastolic blood pressure of 90 mm Hg or higher. Methods: For this analysis, we pooled national, subnational, or community population-based studies that had measured blood pressure in adults aged 18 years and older. We used a Bayesian hierarchical model to estimate trends from 1975 to 2015 in mean systolic and mean diastolic blood pressure, and the prevalence of raised blood pressure for 200 countries. We calculated the contributions of changes in prevalence versus population growth and ageing to the increase in the number of adults with raised blood pressure. Findings: We pooled 1479 studies that had measured the blood pressures of 19·1 million adults. Global age-standardised mean systolic blood pressure in 2015 was 127·0 mm Hg (95% credible interval 125·7-128·3) in men and 122·3 mm Hg (121·0-123·6) in women; age-standardised mean diastolic blood pressure was 78·7 mm Hg (77·9-79·5) for men and 76·7 mm Hg (75·9-77·6) for women. Global age-standardised prevalence of raised blood pressure was 24·1% (21·4-27·1) in men and 20·1% (17·8-22·5) in women in 2015. Mean systolic and mean diastolic blood pressure decreased substantially from 1975 to 2015 in high-income western and Asia Pacific countries, moving these countries from having some of the highest worldwide blood pressure in 1975 to the lowest in 2015. Mean blood pressure also decreased in women in central and eastern Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, and, more recently, central Asia, Middle East, and north Africa, but the estimated trends in these super-regions had larger uncertainty than in high-income super-regions. By contrast, mean blood pressure might have increased in east and southeast Asia, south Asia, Oceania, and sub-Saharan Africa. In 2015, central and eastern Europe, sub-Saharan Africa, and south Asia had the highest blood pressure levels. Prevalence of raised blood pressure decreased in high-income and some middle-income countries; it remained unchanged elsewhere. The number of adults with raised blood pressure increased from 594 million in 1975 to 1·13 billion in 2015, with the increase largely in low-income and middle-income countries. The global increase in the number of adults with raised blood pressure is a net effect of increase due to population growth and ageing, and decrease due to declining age-specific prevalence. Interpretation: During the past four decades, the highest worldwide blood pressure levels have shifted from high-income countries to low-income countries in south Asia and sub-Saharan Africa due to opposite trends, while blood pressure has been persistently high in central and eastern Europe. Funding: Wellcome Trust.
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Background The comprehensive meta-analysis aimed to explore the reductive effect of aerobic exercise on blood pressure of hypertensive patients. Methods The related researches were selected from PubMed and Embase databases up to June 2016. Based on specific inclusive criteria, the eligible studies were selected, and the heterogeneities in their results were estimated by ??-based Q-test and I? statistics. Quantitative meta-analysis was assessed by R 3.12 software, and results were presented by standardized mean difference (SMD) and their 95% confidence intervals (CIs). Outcome indicators were systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP). The publication biases were estimated by Egger test. Besides, the ?leave one out? method was used for sensitivity evaluations. Results As a result, a total of 13 papers with 802 samples were included. Based on the meta-analysis results, there were no significant differences in SBP and DBP between aerobic and control groups before exercise (SMD?=?0.15, 95%CI: ?0.16?0.46; SMD?=?0.16, 95% CI: ?0.23?0.55). However, significant reductions were obviously in aerobic group after aerobics, compared with control (SMD?=??0.79, 95% CI: ?1.29 to ?0.28; SMD?=??0.63, 95% CI: ?1.14 to ?0.12). A significant publication bias was detected in SBP (t?=??2.2314, P?=?0.04549) but not in DBP (t?=??1.4962, P?=?0.1604). Additionally, the DBP result would be altered after the exclusion of 2 individual papers. Conclusion Aerobic exercise may be a potential nonpharmacological treatment for blood pressure improvement in essential hypertensive patients.
Objectives: The aims of the article were to assess the methodological quality of robotic surgical meta-analyses (MAs) using A MeaSurement Tool to Assess systematic Reviews (AMSTAR-2) and to explore the factors of methodological quality. Study design and setting: Robotic surgical MAs published between 2015 and 2018 were identified through a systematical search in PubMed, EMBASE, Cochrane library, and Web of Science databases. The methodological quality of eligible MAs was evaluated by AMSTAR-2. Data extraction and the methodological quality of MAs assessment were double checked by four trained reviewers. The intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) was used to assess the consistency of quantitative measurements, and the ICC for overall score and score of critical domains were 0.952 and 0.912, respectively. Multivariate regression analysis was used to identify potential factors affecting methodological quality. Results: A total of 123 MAs focused on 18 surgical locations were included. The findings showed that, regarding quality, only two (1.6%) of 123 MAs were high, two (1.6%) were moderate, two (1.6%) were low, and the remainder 117 (95.1%) were critical low. Multiple linear regression analysis revealed that publishing year and journal rank independently associated with methodological quality of MAs; origin region (P > 0.05), Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (P = 0.421), randomized controlled trial enrollment (P = 0.304), and funding support (P = 0.958) did not influence the quality of the MAs. Registration (item 2) and funding reported for individual studies (item 10) showed the poorest adherence in the MAs. Conclusion: Our study showed that the previously published robotic surgical MAs lack good scientific quality, especially in those published in Q2- to Q4-rated journals. Potential solutions to improve the quality of future robotic surgical MAs include preregistration and funding reported for individual studies.
Background: Essential hypertension (EP) is characterized by blood pressure (BP) elevations, which often lead to target organ damage and cardiovascular illness. The following study investigates whether aerobic exercise programs with different intensities could reduce the magnitude of BP rise. Methods: Patients with essential hypertension were recruited from the Baoshan Community Health Service Center. A total of 46 patients were finally selected and randomly assigned into two groups: control group (CON) included patients who did not participate in exercise intervention training; treatment group (TRG) included patients who participated in 12-week brisk walking training (60-min of brisk walking, three times a week for a total of 12 weeks). 3-minute step tests of low and high intensity were conducted pre- and post-intervention. To compare the effects of exercise intervention, 23 subjects with normal blood pressure (NBP) who did not participate in 12-week brisk walking training, were recruited. Results: After 12 weeks of brisk walking, SBP of TRG during resting, low and high-intensity exercise was significantly reduced by 8.3mmHg, 15.6mmHg, and 22.6mmHg, respectively; while HR of TRG's during resting, low and high intensity was significantly reduced by 3.6beats/minute, 8.7beats/minute and 11.3beats/minute, respectively. Meanwhile, after 12 weeks of brisk walking, TRG's steps per day, [Formula: see text]o2max, moderate physical activity time and physical activity energy expenditure significantly increased by 6000 steps, 2.4 ml/kg/m, 40 minutes and 113 kcal, respectively. At the same time, TRG's body fat rate and sedentary time significantly reduced by 2% and 60 minutes per day. Conclusion: Brisk walking can reduce the magnitude of BP rise during exercise of different intensities and may be reduced the risk of acute cardiovascular incidents in elderly patients with essential hypertension. Abbreviations: EP: Essential hypertension; BP: blood pressure; CON: control group; TRG: treatment group; NBP: normal blood pressure; PA: physical activity.
Objective: To investigate the differences in main characteristics, reporting and methodological quality between prospectively registered and non-registered systematic reviews. Methods: PubMed was searched to identify systematic reviews of randomized controlled trials published in 2015 in English. After title and abstract screening, potentially relevant reviews were divided into three groups: registered non-Cochrane reviews, Cochrane reviews, and non-registered reviews. For each group, random number tables were generated in Microsoft Excel, and the first 50 eligible studies from each group were randomly selected. Data of interest from systematic reviews were extracted. Regression analyses were conducted to explore the association between total R-AMSTAR or PRISMA scores and the selected characteristics of systematic reviews. Results: The conducting and reporting of literature search in registered reviews were superior to non-registered reviews. Differences in nine of the 11 R-AMSTAR items were statistically significant between registered and non-registered reviews. The total R-AMSTAR score of registered reviews was higher than non-registered reviews (MD=4.82, 95%CI: 3.70, 5.94). Sensitivity analysis by excluding the registration related item presented similar result (MD=4.34, 95%CI: 3.28, 5.40). Total PRISMA scores of registered reviews were significantly higher than non-registered reviews (all reviews: MD=1.47, 95%CI: 0.64-2.30; non-Cochrane reviews: MD=1.49, 95%CI: 0.56-2.42). However, the difference in the total PRISMA score was no longer statistically significant after excluding the item related to registration (item 5). Regression analyses showed similar results. Conclusions: Prospective registration may at least indirectly improve the overall methodological quality of systematic reviews, although its impact on the overall reporting quality was not significant.
Incomplete and inadequate reporting is an avoidable waste that reduces the usefulness of research. The CONSORT (Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials) Statement is an evidence-based reporting guideline that aims to improve research transparency and reduce waste. In 2008, the CONSORT Group developed an extension to the original statement that addressed methodological issues specific to trials of nonpharmacologic treatments (NPTs), such as surgery, rehabilitation, or psychotherapy. This article describes an update of that extension and presents an extension for reporting abstracts of NPT trials. To develop these materials, the authors reviewed pertinent literature published up to July 2016; surveyed authors of NPT trials; and conducted a consensus meeting with editors, trialists, and methodologists. Changes to the CONSORT Statement extension for NPT trials include wording modifications to improve readers' understanding and the addition of 3 new items. These items address whether and how adherence of participants to interventions is assessed or enhanced, description of attempts to limit bias if blinding is not possible, and specification of the delay between randomization and initiation of the intervention. The CONSORT extension for abstracts of NPT trials includes 2 new items that were not specified in the original CONSORT Statement for abstracts. The first addresses reporting of eligibility criteria for centers where the intervention is performed and for care providers. The second addresses reporting of important changes to the intervention versus what was planned. Both the updated CONSORT extension for NPT trials and the CONSORT extension for NPT trial abstracts should help authors, editors, and peer reviewers improve the transparency of NPT trial reports.