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The successful early diagnosis of brain tumors plays a major role in improving the treatment outcomes and thus improving patient survival. Manually evaluating the numerous magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) images produced routinely in the clinic is a difficult process. Thus, there is a crucial need for computer-aided methods with better accuracy for early tumor diagnosis. Computer-aided brain tumor diagnosis from MRI images consists of tumor detection, segmentation, and classification processes. Over the past few years, many studies have focused on traditional or classical machine learning techniques for brain tumor diagnosis. Recently, interest has developed in using deep learning techniques for diagnosing brain tumors with better accuracy and robustness. This study presents a comprehensive review of traditional machine learning techniques and evolving deep learning techniques for brain tumor diagnosis. This review paper identifies the key achievements reflected in the performance measurement metrics of the applied algorithms in the three diagnosis processes. In addition, this study discusses the key findings and draws attention to the lessons learned as a roadmap for future research.
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Review Article
A review on brain tumor diagnosis from MRI images: Practical implications,
key achievements, and lessons learned
Mahmoud Khaled Abd-Ellah
, Ali Ismail Awad
, Ashraf A.M. Khalaf
, Hesham F.A. Hamed
Electronics and Communications Department, Al-Madina Higher Institute for Engineering and Technology, Giza, Egypt
Department of Computer Science, Electrical and Space Engineering, Luleå University of Technology, Luleå 97187, Sweden
Faculty of Engineering, Al-Azhar University, P.O. Box 83513, Qena, Egypt
Electronics and Communications Department, Faculty of Engineering, Minia University, Minia, Egypt
Brain tumor diagnosis
Computer-aided methods
MRI images
Tumor detection
Tumor segmentation
Tumor classication
Traditional machine learning techniques
Deep learning techniques
The successful early diagnosis of brain tumors plays a major role in improving the treatment outcomes and thus
improving patient survival. Manually evaluating the numerous magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) images
produced routinely in the clinic is a dicult process. Thus, there is a crucial need for computer-aided methods
with better accuracy for early tumor diagnosis. Computer-aided brain tumor diagnosis from MRI images consists
of tumor detection, segmentation, and classication processes. Over the past few years, many studies have
focused on traditional or classical machine learning techniques for brain tumor diagnosis. Recently, interest has
developed in using deep learning techniques for diagnosing brain tumors with better accuracy and robustness.
This study presents a comprehensive review of traditional machine learning techniques and evolving deep
learning techniques for brain tumor diagnosis. This review paper identies the key achievements reected in the
performance measurement metrics of the applied algorithms in the three diagnosis processes. In addition, this
study discusses the key ndings and draws attention to the lessons learned as a roadmap for future research.
1. Introduction
Brain tumors consist of abnormally growing tissue resulting from
the uncontrolled multiplication of cells, and this tissue has no physio-
logical function inside the brain. Tumors not only increase the size of
and pressure in the brain but also cause swelling, all of which cause
abnormal neurological symptoms. According to the National Brain
Tumor Foundation (NBTF), the number of people in developed coun-
tries who die as a result of brain tumors has increased by 300% [1,2].
Brain tumors are classied as either metastatic or primary brain tumors.
In primary tumors, the cells are originally brain cells, but in metastatic
tumors, the cancer cells have spread into the brain from another in-
fected area of the body. Gliomas are the main type of tumor currently
attracting the interest of brain tumor researchers. The term glioma
describes dierent types of gliomas, ranging from high-grade (HG) tu-
mors, called glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), to low-grade (LG) tumors,
such as oligodendrogliomas or astrocytomas. Chemotherapy, radio-
therapy, and surgery may be applied to treat gliomas [3].
The main goal of computerized brain tumor diagnosis is to obtain
important clinical information regarding the tumor presence, location,
and type. The information obtained through clinical imaging can guide
and control any future interventions and thus leads to the correct di-
agnosis and treatment of the tumor. These automatic brain tumor di-
agnosis methods include dierent techniques that can be organized in a
pyramid. At each stage of the pyramid, distinct techniques are needed
to prepare, select, label, and describe the data, as indicated in [4].
Early tumor diagnosis plays a signicant role in enhancing treat-
ment possibilities. Brain imaging techniques, such as positron emission
tomography (PET), single-photon emission computed tomography
(SPECT), computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging
(MRI), and magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS), are used to pro-
vide information about the location, size, shape, and type of brain
tumor to assist in the diagnosis. MRI provides rich information about
the anatomy of human tissues, and due to its widespread availability
and soft tissue contrast, it is considered to be a standard technique. MRI
uses radio frequency signals with a powerful magnetic eld to produce
images of human tissues [5,6].
Brain tumor diagnosis consists of tumor detection, segmentation,
and classication processes. Brain tumor detection techniques are
mainly used to identify MRI images of tumors from a database, which is
Received 31 August 2018; Received in revised form 20 May 2019; Accepted 20 May 2019
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (M.K. Abd-Ellah), (A.I. Awad), (A.A.M. Khalaf), (H.F.A. Hamed).
Magnetic Resonance Imaging 61 (2019) 300–318
0730-725X/ © 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
considered a basic and obvious process. However, brain tumor seg-
mentation techniques are used for localizing and isolating dierent
tumor tissues inside MRI images. Furthermore, brain tumor classica-
tion techniques are used to classify abnormal images as malignant or
benign tumors. These three hybrid methods and techniques present
useful information to radiologists and aid in the understanding of MRI
information required for diagnosis.
Signicant work in the eld of brain tumor diagnosis has been
conducted by many researchers over the past several decades. Both
tumor segmentation and classication methods have been proposed.
The clinical acceptance of diagnosis methods has depended on the de-
gree of user supervision and the simplicity of computation [4]. How-
ever, the clinical applications are still limited, and although an ex-
tensive amount of work has been performed, clinicians still depend on
the manual projection of the tumor, probably because of the lack of a
connection between clinicians and researchers.
This study presents a review of the most important existing brain
tumor diagnosis methods. The survey focuses on MRI brain tumor di-
agnosis with traditional machine learning and deep learning techni-
ques. Although several reviews are available in the literature, a specic
focus is typically placed on one particular process, such as segmentation
in [4-9], classication in [10], or diagnosis in [3,11-13]. This article
oers a comprehensive overview of the whole brain tumor diagnosis
system in terms of tumor detection, segmentation, and classication. In
addition, the study covers the applications of traditional machine
learning and deep learning approaches in each phase or process of the
The contributions of this study span multiple dimensions. First, the
study takes the entire brain tumor diagnosis system using MRI images
into account and considers the current conventional machine learning
and deep learning approaches for brain tumor diagnosis. Second, a
complete picture of the dierences between and similarities of several
techniques is provided in terms of their performance in three brain
tumor diagnosis processes. Furthermore, the study introduces the
available MRI image databases that are used in evaluating the perfor-
mance of the reported techniques. Third, an extended discussion of the
current research ndings and possible future improvements and trends
is provided. Fourth, a potential trial of integrating the three diagnosis
processes is outlined for future research using a single automated
system or model.
The remainder of this review is structured as follows. Section 2
presents necessary information on the brain tumor diagnosis frame-
work, the benets of machine learning and deep learning techniques for
radiologists and clinicians, brain MRI images and available databases,
and the deep learning paradigm. Section 3 is dedicated to an in-depth
discussion of brain tumor diagnosis, which consists of tumor detection,
segmentation, and classication. This section introduces the key
achievements that have emerged from using classical machine learning
and trending deep learning techniques and related comparisons.
Section 4 is dedicated to discussing the research ndings, the limita-
tions, and the lessons learned. Finally, conclusions are provided in
Section 5. A concise representation of the ow of this survey is shown in
Fig. 1.
2. Preliminaries
The general framework of a computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) system
for brain tumor diagnosis using MRI images, as summarized in Fig. 2,
consists of data collection, preprocessing, segmentation, feature ex-
traction, feature selection, feature reduction, classication, perfor-
mance evaluation and diagnosis. Data collection is the process of ob-
taining the brain images required for diagnosis that will be fed through
the diagnosis techniques. Brief explanations of the image types and the
databases are provided in Sections 2.2 and 2.3, respectively. The pre-
processing stage is a simple but necessary stage of brain image analysis.
Preprocessing is commonly used to improve the resolution and contrast
and to reduce the noise in the images. Several preprocessing approaches
can be used, such as unsharp masking, median lters and Wiener lters.
Median lters are most commonly used in the preprocessing stage to
preserve image edges [3].
Several segmentation methods are used to perform the segmenta-
tion task. One of these methodologies is the multilayer articial neural
network (MANN). Many researchers have used the MANN and maintain
a similar structure and learning algorithm but mention it in dierent
ways, such as the feedforward backpropagation neural network
(FFBPNN), the backpropagation neural network (BPNN), and the mul-
tilayer perceptron (MLP). Other segmentation methodologies and
techniques include edge-based algorithms, region-based techniques,
and clustering algorithms (e.g., k-means, mean shift, fuzzy c-means
(FCM), and expectation maximization), and high performance can be
achieved by deep learning algorithms. There are dierent methods for
feature extraction, e.g., wavelet transform, texture features, Gabor
features, principal component analysis (PCA), decision boundary fea-
ture extraction, and spectral mixture analysis. Many dierent ap-
proaches have been developed for medical image segmentation and
analysis, as described in [14].
An increase in the feature vector dimension considerably decreases
the accuracy of the system. Hence, feature selection techniques are
applied to select the most important features. The popular feature se-
lection algorithms used in the literature are sequential backward se-
lection (SBS), genetic algorithm (GA), particle swarm optimization
(PSO), and sequential forward selection (SFS), while independent
component analysis (ICA), PCA, and kernel PCA are used for feature
dimensionality reduction [10].
Several classiers are used in the detection and classication stages,
and they are reported here as they are mentioned in the published
papers, such as support vector machine (SVM), kernel SVM (KSVM),
feedforward backpropagation neural network (FFBPNN), self-orga-
nizing mapping neural network (SOMNN), backpropagation neural
network (BPNN), probabilistic neural network (PNN), articial neural
network (ANN), probabilistic neural network-radial basis function
(PNN-RBF), normalized cross-correlation (NCC), PSO, sequential
minimal optimization (SMO), learning vector quantization (LVQ),
multilayer perceptron (MLP), k-nearest neighbor (KNN), hybrid of ge-
netic algorithm and support vector machine (GA-SVM), spectral clus-
tering independent component analysis (SC-ICA), least-squares feature
transformation (LSFT), fuzzy Hopeld neural network algorithm
(FHNN), sparse representation classication (SRC), unsupervised linear
discriminant analysis (ULDA), FCM and convolutional neural network
(CNN). Most of these tools are used eciently; however, the highest
performances are achieved by deep learning algorithms.
2.1. Machine learning: a clinical perspective
From a clinical perspective, the goal of brain tumor diagnosis is to
accurately detect and localize tumor tissues from MRI images using
well-established clinical information and diagnostic features. The cor-
rect clinical diagnosis should lead to timely and appropriate disease
treatment. To achieve this goal, it is important to obtain clinical
knowledge and a database representing the information at a high level
from which a decision and diagnosis can be made [4]. Manual brain
tumor diagnosis is time consuming and less accurate due to the variety
of tumor shapes and types, as there are more than 120 known types of
brain tumors.
Machine learning has received considerable interest in modern
computing, and the medical eld is one of the areas of interest. The
brain tumor diagnosis eld has adopted dierent modern machine
learning techniques. For instance, advanced algorithms such as image
denoising [15,16], image reconstruction [17-19], skull stripping, and
registration [20] have been applied to simplify the use of brain images
and to enhance the obtained information. Therefore, machine learning
has created opportunities for collaboration among clinicians, engineers
M.K. Abd-Ellah, et al. Magnetic Resonance Imaging 61 (2019) 300–318
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... Methods based on ML have been proposed by researchers to analyze and categorize images of the brain [25]. The researchers [26] carried out a thorough examination into techniques for diagnosing brain MRI scans. They provided a comparative comparison of DL and classical ML techniques, highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of each. ...
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Federated learning (FL) is a promising technique for training machine learning models on distributed, privacy-aware datasets. Nevertheless, FL faces difficulties with agent/client participation, model performance, and the heterogeneous nature of networked data sources when it comes to distributed healthcare systems. When these agents work together in the system, it is imperative to tackle the complexities of distributed deep learning. We suggest a novel approach that uses a voting mechanism and dynamic SelectOut inside the FL framework to address these problems. Local medical imaging datasets frequently show diversity in distribution and data imbalances. In certain situations, traditional FL techniques like FedProx and federated averaging, which depend on data size to weight contributions, might not be the optimal choice. In order to improve parameter aggregation and client selection unpredictability and increase the model’s adaptability to imbalanced and heterogeneous datasets, our proposed FedVoteNet model introduces SelectOut techniques based on voting methodology. Based on how much their local performance has improved from the last communication cycle, we arbitrarily remove clients. Additionally eliminated are clients whose model weights when combined with the global model adversely affect its performance. Our method is further enhanced by the inclusion of a voting mechanism. At the conclusion of each communication cycle, clients that improve both their local performance and their contribution to the global model are awarded higher voting values. This encourages more significant and effective contributions from clients by providing incentives for them to actively increase the diversity of their training data. We assess our approach on a dataset of medical images, including magnetic resonance imaging scans, and find that the FL model performs noticeably better (F1 Score = 0.968, Sensitivity = 0.977, Specificity = 0.945, and AUC = 0.950). The voting system and the dynamic SelectOut algorithms improve the convergence of the FL model and successfully handle the difficulties presented by uneven and heterogeneous datasets. To sum up, our proposed approach uses voting and dynamic SelectOut techniques to improve FL performance on a variety of uneven, distributed, and varied datasets. This strategy has a lot of potential to improve FL across a range of applications, especially those that prioritize data privacy, diversity, and performance.
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Introduction: The abnormal brain cells consist of brain tumor which leads to severe organ dysfunction and potentially death. These tumors exhibit a wide range of sizes, textures, and locations. Diagnosing brain tumors process is a time-consuming process requiring the expertise of radiologists. Brain tumors are classified as glioma, meningioma, pituitary, and no tumor. As patient numbers and data volumes rise, traditional methods have become costly and inefficient. Methods: Researchers have developed algorithms for detecting and classifying brain tumors and prioritizing accuracy and efficiency. Deep learning (DL) techniques are increasingly used to create automated systems capable of precisely diagnosing or segmenting brain tumors, particularly for brain cancer classification. This approach supports the use of transfer learning models in medical imaging. This proposed model is a modification to components of Xception model by adding a lot of parameters for increasing the Xception model efficiency. Results: This proposed Xception model was applied to Masoud Nickparvar braintumor- mri-dataset, achieving an accuracy of 99.6%, sensitivity of 99.7%, and specificity of 99.7% with an F1 score of 99.9%. Discussion: The efficiency parameters of the proposed model assured that it is an effective model for diagnosing brain tumor. Comparative analysis with other models shows that the proposed framework is highly reliable for the timely detection of various brain tumors. Conclusion: The results confirm the effectiveness of our proposed model, which attains higher overall accuracy in tumor detection compared to previous models. As a result, the proposed model is considered a valuable decision-making tool for experts in diagnosing brain tumor.
One of the most complex and life-threatening pathologies of the central nervous system is brain tumors. Correct diagnosis of these tumors plays an important role in determining the treatment plans of patients. Traditional classification methods often rely on manual assessments, which can be prone to error. Therefore, multiple classification of brain tumors has gained significant interest in recent years in both the medical and computer science fields. The use of artificial intelligence and machine learning, especially in the automatic classification of brain tumors, is increasing significantly. Deep learning models can achieve high accuracy when trained on datasets in diagnosis and classification. This study examined deep learning-based approaches for automatic multi-class classification of brain tumors, and a new approach combining deep learning and quantum genetic algorithms (QGA) was proposed. The powerful feature extraction ability of the pre-trained EfficientNetB0 was utilized and combined with this quantum genetic algorithms, a new approach was proposed. It is aimed to develop the feature selection method. With this hybrid method, high reliability and accuracy in brain tumor classification was achieved. The proposed model achieved high accuracy of 98.36% and 98.25%, respectively, with different data sets and significantly outperformed traditional methods. As a result, the proposed method offers a robust and scalable solution that will help classify brain tumors in early and accurate diagnosis and contribute to the field of medical imaging with patient outcomes.
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The brain, which controls important vital functions such as vision, hearing and movement, negatively affects our lives when it is sick. Of these diseases, the deadliest is undoubtedly the brain tumor, which can occur in all age groups and can be benign or malignant. Therefore, early diagnosis and prognosis are very important. Magnetic Resonance (MR) images are used for the detection and treatment of brain tumor types. Successful results in the detection of diseases from medical images with Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) depend on the optimum creation of the number of layers and other hyper-parameters. In this study, we propose a CNN model that will achieve the highest accuracy with the least number of layers. A public data set consisting of 4 different classes (Meningioma, Glioma, Pituitary and Normal) obtained for use in the training of CNN models was trained and tested with 50 different deep learning models designed, and a better result was obtained when compared with the existing studies in the literature with 99.47% accuracy and 99.44% F1 score values.
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Accurate brain tumor detection and classification are vital for effective diagnosis and treatment planning in medical imaging. Despite advancements in deep learning, challenges such as multimodal complexity, small lesion segmentation, limited training data, and variability in tumor characteristics hinder precise tumor analysis in MRI scans. To address these issues, we propose the Three Way Multi‐Hierarchical Model (3W‐MultiHier) for tumor classification in MRI. 3W‐MultiHier employs a hybrid Capsule‐Transformer UNet (Capsule‐TransUNet) architecture, integrating capsule and transformer networks within the U‐Net framework. This enables the model to capture spatial hierarchies, long‐range dependencies, and global context, ensuring accurate tumor boundary segmentation. The model also incorporates Residual Network Version 2 ‐ Squeeze‐and‐Excitation Network (ResNetV2‐SENet), which excels at extracting complex features through deep hierarchical structures and feature recalibration. Additionally, the Vision Transformer ‐ Transfer Learning (ViT‐TL) pipeline enhances classification accuracy by leveraging fine‐grained hierarchical representations. Extensive evaluations on BraTS (2019, 2020, 2021) datasets demonstrate the superior performance of 3W‐MultiHier, achieving 99.8% accuracy with rapid training and low loss. These results highlight the model's efficiency in handling diverse datasets and its potential to improve clinical diagnostics by enabling precise, reliable brain tumor classification.
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Medical imaging is a non-invasive technique that has caused significant development in diagnosing and identifying human diseases. Among all medical imaging techniques, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is more popular. This method is not harmful to human health and can perform imaging of human brain details with high quality. Correct segmentation of brain tumours in MR images is very important. Traditional methods for segmenting medical images are time-consuming and require high expertise. Deep learning methods for brain tumour segmentation from MR images usually use normal convolution layers, in which they will not have the capability of distinguishing micro-scale and large-scale structures. In this research, a new method based on deep learning for brain tumour segmentation on MR images is presented. The proposed method is a generalization of the famous U-Net architecture, with the difference that the Inception module is used instead of normal convolution layers. Due to convolution kernels with different sizes in parallel, the Inception module can extract small-scale and large-scale features from the image. In the architecture of the proposed model, up-skin connections were used to improve the information flow in the forward propagation stage. In addition, a new pre-processing method based on the image mode was presented in this research, which normalizes the image intensity using the image mode. The proposed method was evaluated on the BraTS 2022 dataset and the accuracy results obtained for the Dice similarity coefficient with a value of 0.91 indicate the improvement of the detection accuracy. The evaluation results show that both hypotheses presented on the effect of high jump connections in improving the flow of information and learning are correct, and the use of the Inception module significantly improved the evaluation criteria of the model. Farnaz Hoseini and et al. MRI Segmentation Using Inception-based… 64 EXTENDED ABSTRACT Introduction MRI is used in different fields of studying and diagnosing brain structures and tissues. However, the analysis of medical images is a complex task, because they contain a large amount of information, and in some cases, destructive effects such as noise make it difficult to extract the desired information from these images. In this study, an automatic method for brain MR image segmentation based on U-Net architecture was proposed, which can segment brain MR images with high accuracy compared to other similar methods. Since the use of kernels with the same size in conventional convolutional neural networks (CNN) cannot consider the desired areas with different sizes. In this research, a new deep learning architecture based on U-Net architecture was presented, in which Inception blocks are used instead of simple convolutional layers with kernels of the same size. Since each Inception module includes parallel convolutional layers with different kernel sizes, different structures with different scales can be recognized. In short, the proposed model for brain MR image segmentation uses a U-net architecture based on Inception. Implementation and evaluation of the proposed method were carried out on BraTS 2020 database images. The innovation of the proposed method compared to the usual U-net architecture is the use of the Inception module and the addition of Up skip connections to improve the training process and increase the accuracy of the model. Furthermore, in this research, a new preprocessing method based on the stable intensity normalization method based on the image mode was proposed. The proposed preprocessing method normalizes the image intensity by subtracting the image mode (for example, the grey value of the highest column in the intensity histogram).
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Early diagnosis of brain tumors significantly enhances treatment success. However, accurate detection and segmentation of tumors, essential for diagnosis, rely heavily on costly manual annotation by experts. To mitigate these costs, weakly supervised methods have gained traction. This paper introduces a novel weakly supervised brain tumor segmentation approach utilizing point and scribble supervision. Experts annotate only the slice with the largest tumor area by marking a single point near the tumor center or drawing a scribble within the tumor region. The method operates in two phases. First, labels are propagated to unlabelled pixels, generating a pseudo‐ground‐truth with three labels: tumor, non‐tumor, and marginal pixels (unlabelled pixels surrounding the initial segmentation). Second, a segmentation model is trained using the pseudo‐ground‐truth and a loss function combining level‐set and binary cross‐entropy losses. Marginal pixels contribute to level‐set loss computation, refining the segmentation process. The approach is validated on 3D magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) volumes from BraTS2020, BraTS2021, and BraTS2023 benchmark datasets. Experimental results show Dice scores comparable to fully supervised methods for whole tumor segmentation, demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed weakly supervised strategy. This method reduces annotation effort while maintaining competitive segmentation performance, making it valuable for clinical applications.
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This paper tries to give a gentle introduction to deep learning in medical image processing, proceeding from theoretical foundations to applications. We first discuss general reasons for the popularity of deep learning, including several major breakthroughs in computer science. Next, we start reviewing the fundamental basics of the perceptron and neural networks, along with some fundamental theory that is often omitted. Doing so allows us to understand the reasons for the rise of deep learning in many application domains. Obviously medical image processing is one of these areas which has been largely affected by this rapid progress, in particular in image detection and recognition, image segmentation, image registration, and computer-aided diagnosis. There are also recent trends in physical simulation, modeling, and reconstruction that have led to astonishing results. Yet, some of these approaches neglect prior knowledge and hence bear the risk of producing implausible results. These apparent weaknesses highlight current limitations of deep learning. However, we also briefly discuss promising approaches that might be able to resolve these problems in the future.
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Brain tumour is a serious disease, and the number of people who are dying due to brain tumours is increasing. Manual tumour diagnosis from magnetic resonance images (MRIs) is a time consuming process and is insufficient for accurately detecting, localizing, and classifying the tumour type. This research proposes a novel two-phase multi-model automatic diagnosis system for brain tumour detection and localization. In the first phase, the system structure consists of preprocessing, feature extraction using a convolutional neural network (CNN), and feature classification using the error-correcting output codes support vector machine (ECOC-SVM) approach. The purpose of the first system phase is to detect brain tumour by classifying the MRIs into normal and abnormal images. The aim of the second system phase is to localize the tumour within the abnormal MRIs using a fully designed five-layer region-based convolutional neural network (R-CNN). The performance of the first phase was assessed using three CNN models, namely, AlexNet, Visual Geometry Group (VGG)-16, and VGG-19, and a maximum detection accuracy of 99.55% was achieved with AlexNet using 349 images extracted from the standard Reference Image Database to Evaluate Response (RIDER) Neuro MRI database. The brain tumour localization phase was evaluated using 804 3D MRIs from the Brain Tumor Segmentation (BraTS) 2013 database, and a DICE score of 0.87 was achieved. The empirical work proved the outstanding performance of the proposed deep learning-based system in tumour detection compared to other non-deep-learning approaches in the literature. The obtained results also demonstrate the superiority of the proposed system concerning both tumour detection and localization.
Compressive sensing can be used to reduce noise. However, some details also are sparsified. This paper presents a new denoising model based on compressive sensing with L1 and Hessian regularizations for magnetic resonance images denoising. Firstly, the proposed model can make an image more sparse through L1 regularization and reduce noise. Secondly, Hessian regularization is introduced to protect some details from being over-smoothed. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method is efficient, and has better denoising capability.
The health care sector is totally different from any other industry. It is a high priority sector and consumers expect the highest level of care and services regardless of cost. The health care sector has not achieved society’s expectations, even though the sector consumes a huge percentage of national budgets. Mostly, the interpretations of medical data are analyzed by medical experts. In terms of a medical expert interpreting images, this is quite limited due to its subjectivity and the complexity of the images; extensive variations exist between experts and fatigue sets in due to their heavy workload. Following the success of deep learning in other real-world applications, it is seen as also providing exciting and accurate solutions for medical imaging, and is seen as a key method for future applications in the health care sector. In this chapter, we discuss state-of-the-art deep learning architecture and its optimization when used for medical image segmentation and classification. The chapter closes with a discussion of the challenges of deep learning methods with regard to medical imaging and open research issue.
A review on the recent segmentation and tumor grade classification techniques of brain Magnetic Resonance (MR) Images is the objective of this paper. The requisite for early detection of a brain tumor and its grade is the motivation for this study. In Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), the tumor might appear clear but physicians need quantification of the tumor area for further treatment. This is where the digital image processing methodologies along with machine learning aid further diagnosis, treatment, prior and post-surgical procedures, synergizing between the radiologist and computer. These hybrid techniques provide a second opinion and assistance to radiologists in understanding medical images hence improving diagnostic accuracy. This article aims to retrospect the current trends in segmentation and classification relevant to tumor infected human brain MR images with a target on gliomas which include astrocytoma. The methodologies used for extraction and grading of tumors which can be integrated into the standard clinical imaging protocols are elucidated. Lastly, a crucial assessment of the state of the art, future developments and trends are dissertated.
Conference Paper
Tracking the progression of brain tumors is a challenging task, due to the slow growth rate and the combination of different tumor components, such as cysts, enhancing patterns, edema and necrosis. In this paper, we propose a Deep Neural Network based architecture that does automatic segmentation of brain tumor, and focuses on improving accuracy at the edges of these different classes. We show that enhancing the loss function to give more weight to the edge pixels significantly improves the neural network’s accuracy at classifying the boundaries. In the BRATS 2016 challenge, our submission placed third on the task of predicting progression for the complete tumor region.
Conference Paper
Magnetic Resonance Imaging is the preferred imaging modality for assessing brain tumors, and segmentation is necessary for diagnosis and treatment planning. Thus, robust automatic segmentation methods are required. Machine learning proposals where the model is learned from data are quite successful. Hierarchical segmentation approaches firstly segment the whole tumor, followed by intra-tumor tissue identification. However, results comparing it with single stages approaches are needed, as state of the art results are also achieved by all-at-once strategies. Currently, fully convolutional networks approaches for segmentation are very efficient. In this paper, a hierarchical approach for brain tumor segmentation using a fully convolutional network is studied. The evaluation is performed on the Brain Tumor Segmentation Challenge 2013 dataset, and we report the metrics Dice Score Coefficient, Positive Predictive Value, and Sensitivity. Results show benefits from segmenting the complete tumor first, over all tissues in one stage. Moreover, the tumor core also benefits from such approach. This behavior may be justified by the high data imbalance observed between tumor and normal tissues, which is mitigated by considering the tumor as a whole.