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Facial Expression Recognition using Convolutional
Neural Network with Data Augmentation
Tawsin Uddin Ahmed
Department of Computer Science
and Engineering
University of Chittagong
Chittagong, Bangladesh
Sazzad Hossain
Department of Computer Science
and Engineering
University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Mohammad Shahadat Hossain
Department of Computer Science
and Engineering
University of Chittagong
Chittagong, Bangladesh
Raihan Ul Islam
Department of Computer Science,
Electrical and Space Engineering
a University of Technology
a, Sweden
Karl Andersson
Department of Computer Science,
Electrical and Space Engineering
a University of Technology
a, Sweden
Abstract—Detecting emotion from facial expression has become
an urgent need because of its immense applications in artificial
intelligence such as human-computer collaboration, data-driven
animation, human-robot communication etc. Since it is a demand-
ing and interesting problem in computer vision, several works
had been conducted regarding this topic. The objective of this
research is to develop a facial expression recognition system based
on convolutional neural network with data augmentation. This
approach enables to classify seven basic emotions consist of angry,
disgust, fear, happy, neutral, sad and surprise from image data.
Convolutional neural network with data augmentation leads to
higher validation accuracy than the other existing models (which
is 96.24%) as well as helps to overcome their limitations.
Keywords—Convolutional neural network, data augmentation,
validation accuracy, emotion detection.
Facial expression refers to the movement of facial muscles that
carry emotions expressed by a person. It provides information
about the mental status of that person. Emotion is a mental
condition that the person goes through. It is what he feels
inside as the reaction of the events that take place around him.
Information about a person’s mental condition lies in his facial
condition in many cases. Analysis of facial expression has
many applications such as in lie detectors, robotics and in art
[1]. Improvement in the skill of facial expression recognition
is required for an intelligent agent to communicate with human
as a part of machine-human collaboration as well as with
robots as a part of robot-robot interaction [2].
As research on facial expression recognition has been conduct-
ing for years, research progress on this topic is commendable
[3] [4]. Fluctuation in recognition rate among the classes is
one of the issues for most of the research as they have lower
recognition rate to detect emotions like disgust and fear [5]
The purpose of this research is to develop a facial expression
recognition system which can classify an image into seven
different classes of emotion. In addition, the improvement of
the validation accuracy compared to the other existing systems
as well as to maintain commendable and equal or nearly equal
recognition rate for each class will also be addressed.
Convolutional neural network in facial expression recognition
has been applied in a few research but inconsistency in
recognition rate among classes is one of the issues for most
of the research as they have lower recognition rate in disgust
and fear [5] [6] [7]. We come up with the idea of CNN
with data augmentation and combined dataset collected from
several datasets which leads this research to higher validation
accuracy as well as higher and nearly equal recognition rates
compared to the existing models.
The remaining sections of this article consist of: related work
on facial expression recognition, an overview of the method-
ology of this research, data collection and preprocessing,
experiment with data augmentation, how the proposed system
has been implemented, result and discussion, conclusion and
future work.
Research on facial expression has been conducting for years.
But there was always a room for improvement for every
research. That is why there are many opportunities regarding
this topic.
In [5] the main goal of their research is to improve accuracy
of a particular dataset FER2013. They applied convolutional
neural network as the methodology of their proposed model
to classify seven basic emotions. This research demonstrated
the success of convolutional neural network to improve the
accuracy of biometric applications. However, there exists
fluctuation in recognition rate of each class as they could not
maintain the equal or nearly equal recognition rate for each
class. Although overall accuracy has been achieved at 91.12%,
recognition rate in classifying disgust and fear only stands at
45% and 41% respectively.
In [6] earlier before this, researchers had developed facial
expression recognition system based on posed images in
static environment. However, [6] introduced a facial expression
dataset named RAF-DB that consists of images of different
ages and poses in dynamic environment. They applied deep
locality preserving CNN method to classify 7 basic emotions.
Their proposed model was trained based on RAF-DB and CK+
datasets. Although 95.78% of accuracy had been achieved,
recognition rate in disgust and fear only stands at 62.16% and
51.25% respectively.
In [7] they have mentioned this as the extension of their
previous work. To classify the six basic emotions they have
applied deep convolutional neural network which is a combi-
nation of convolutional neural network coupled with the deep
residual blocks. They have trained their model on two datasets
named Extended Cohn Kanade (CK+) and Japanese Female
Facial Expression (JAFFE). Better performance than state-
of-the-art approach and higher accuracy than other models
have been considered as their research success. Accuracy has
been achieved at 95.24%. As their system is based on two
datasets, it is biased to those datasets. In addition, they could
not classify emotions from the image that carry geometrically
displaced faces.
In [8] they have compared two types of facial feature extrac-
tion methods. One is geometric positions of fiducial points
and the other is Gabor-wavelet coefficient fetch method. As
a result of this comparison, they have shown that the gabor-
wavelet coefficient fetch method performs better than the other
one. They have succeeded to find out the number of hidden
layers required which is five to seven in order to achieve
higher recognition rate. Accuracy has been achieved at 90.1%.
Although they have not shown individual class recognition
rate, admitted having less recognition rate in fear class.
Convolutional Neural Network is considered as the method-
ology that is used with data augmentation in this research.
Dataset that is used in this research has variation as data was
collected from different datasets. As a result, the proposed
model is not biased to any particular dataset. The event flow
chart of this system is illustrated in fig. 1.
In figure 1, at first, the model takes an image from the dataset
and detects face from the image by Cascade Classifier. If face
is found, then it is sent for preprocessing. Data have been
augmented by ImageDataGenerator function offered by the
Keras API. At last, the augmented dataset is fed into CNN
in order to predict the class.
Fig. 1. System Flow Chart
The model that is used to classify the facial expression
contains 3 convolution layers with 32, 64 and 128 filters
respectively and the kernel size is 3x3.
Convolution over an image f(x, y) using a filter w(x, y) is
defined in equation (1):
w(x, y)∗f(x, y) =
w(s, t)f(x−s, y −t)(1)
The activation function that has been used in convolution layer
is Relu activation function. Relu is applied to introduce the
non-linearity of a model [9] and it is shown in equation (2):
f(x) = max(0, x)(2)
Model has been provided with 48X48 sized images as model
input. The input shape of the model is (48,48,1), where 1
refers to the number of channels exists in input images. Images
have been converted into grayscale that is why the number of
channels is 1. After convolution layer, the model has 2*2 pool
size pooling layer and max pooling has been chosen. Next,
there are four fully connected layers which consist of 750,
850, 850 and 750 nodes respectively. Like convolution layer,
Model Content Details
First Convolution Layer 32 filters of size 3x3,ReLU,
input size 48x48
First Max Pooling Layer Pooling Size 2x2
Second Convolution Layer 64 filters of size 3x3, ReLU
Second Max Pooling Layer Pooling size 2x2
Third Convolution Layer 128 filters of size 3x3, ReLU
Third Max Pooling Layer Pooling size 2x2
First Fully Connected Layer 750 nodes, ReLU
Dropout Layer Excludes 50% neurons randomly
Second Fully Connected Layer 850 nodes, ReLU
Dropout Layer Excludes 50% neurons randomly
Third Fully Connected Layer 850 nodes, ReLU
Dropout Layer Excludes 50% neurons randomly
Forth Fully Connected Layer 750 nodes, ReLU
Dropout Layer Excludes 50% neurons randomly
Output Layer 7 nodes for 7 classes, SoftMax
Optimization Function Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD)
Learning Rate 0.01
Callback EarlyStopping,ReduceLROnPlateau,
Relu activation function has been applied in hidden layers.
Right after each hidden layer, a dropout layer has been inserted
and the value of dropout has been set to 0.5. It randomly
deactivates 50% nodes from the hidden layer to avoid over-
fitting [10]. At last, the output layer of the model consists of 7
nodes as it has 7 classes. Softmax has been used as activation
function in the output layer.
Sof tmax(x) = ej
As model optimizer Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) [11]
has been used with learning rate 0.01. As loss function
Categorical Crossentropy has been used. Callbacks which have
been included in the model are EarlyStopping, ReduceLROn-
Plateau, ModelCheckPoint and TensorBoard.
The overview of the convolutional neural network architecture
that has been designed for this research is given in Table I.
Datasets have been collected from different sources so that
the output is not biased towards a particular dataset. Various
standard facial datasets are available online:
•CK and CK+ [12]
•FER2013 [13]
•The MUG Facial Expression Database [14]
•KDEF & AKDEF [15]
•KinFaceW-I and II [16]
It is worth mentioning that FER2013 dataset has been
modified as it contains many wrongly classified images which
causes lower accuracy gain by the previous research that is
based on this dataset [5]. Dataset samples of the model are
shown in fig 2.
For data preprocessing following steps are considered:
Fig. 2. Dataset Samples
a. Face detection and crop
b. Grayscale conversion
c. Image normalization
d. Image augmentation
A. Face detection and crop
The process of face detection which is called Face Registration
is a process of detecting face location from an image. OpenCV
Cascade classifier [17] has been used to detect face from the
images. After detecting the face, the face portion has been
cropped out to avoid background complexity so that the model
training becomes more efficient.
B. Grayscale conversion
Images have been resized into 48*48 pixels having 3 channels
red, green and blue. To reduce the complexity in pixel values,
dataset images have been converted into grayscale having only
one channel [18]. So it has become pretty much easy for the
model to learn.
C. Image normalization
Normalization has been applied to model dataset which is a
process that modifies the range of pixel intensity values to a
certain limit. It is a process by which contrast or histogram of
the images can be stretched so that it enables deep network to
analyze the images in a better way [19].
Fig. 3. Data Preprocessing
D. Image augmentation
Convolutional neural network requires a large number of
datasets in order to get better performance. If the dataset
is large, it can extract more features from them and match
with the unlabeled data. If it is not possible to collect enough
data, data augmentation could be an option to improve the
performance of the model. Image augmentation generates
additional images by applying some operations on existing
image dataset, such as random rotation, shifts, shear, flips etc.
Keras API facilitates data augmentation process by introducing
ImageDataGenerator function which through several opera-
tions can be applied on the existing dataset to generate more
new data. As the parameters for ImageDataGenerator function,
five operations have been included which are rotation at a
certain angle, shearing, zooming, horizontal flip, rescale. The
parameters with respective values are shown in Table II.
Operation Type Value
Horizontal Flip True
Rotation 0.30
Rescale 1./255
Shear 0.20
Zoom 0.20
Before data augmentation, the dataset had a total of 12,040
images. Each class contains around 1720 images. As CNN
is a data-driven approach, in order to achieve more improved
model performance it had been decided to enrich the existing
dataset with more images. So, some operations like zoom,
rotation, shear, flip and position shift in certain position have
been applied to the existing dataset so that more new data can
be generated. After applying data augmentation to the dataset,
Fig. 4. Data Augmentation
it has got a total of 36,120 images having around 5160 images
per class. Image or data augmentation is being used to improve
deep learning in image classification problem [20]. Therefore,
including data augmentation techniques in facial expression
recognition has been chosen for this research. During learning
process, 80% of the images have been selected for model
training and the remaining 20% is for system validation.
For more experiment, splitting ratio was changed in a more
challenging way to test the performance of the proposed
model. 65% of the dataset was selected for training purpose
and the remaining 35% was chosen for testing so that it could
be verified if the model performs well with larger dataset.
The program has been written in python programming lan-
guage, using the Spyder IDE. The libraries required in
this experiment are Keras, Tensorflow [21], numpy, PIL,
OpenCV and matplotlib. Tensorflow was used as system
backend whereas keras helped the system by providing built-
in functions like activation functions, optimizers, layers etc.
OpenCV was mainly used for image preprocessing such as
face detection (Cascade Classifier), grayscale conversion, im-
age normalization. Data augmentation was performed by keras
API. Matplotlib has been used to generate confusion matrix.
A Graphical User Interface (GUI) to display outputs of the
proposed model has been built using HTML, CSS, JavaScript.
The saved Neural Network model has been hosted on a Python
Flask server and it allows a user to choose an image from the
local device as input. When the user clicks on the “Predict”
button the class of the image is shown after execution. Some
sample screenshots of the graphical user interface are given in
fig 5: Real-time images have been provided as system input
so that it can be shown that the model has the ability to
predict unseen images accurately. It should be mentioned that
whenever a user provides an image as input in the system, it
preprocesses the image in the same way when the model has
been trained. That means at the beginning whenever an image
Fig. 5. Real Time Validation
of an arbitrary size is given by the user, the system converts it
to 48*48 sized image. Then with the help of Cascade Classifier
[17], the model detects the face from the image. It is mainly
the region of interest which is been cropped afterward. As
the model has been trained on grayscale images, the system
converts the rgb image that contains 3 channels red, green and
blue to gray image which consists of only 1 channel. Then
to ease the classification task the system has applied image
normalization on the image. Then it is sent to the customized
Convolutional Neural Network for classification.
Even though the proposed model has been trained on com-
bined dataset, it has been successful to achieve validation
accuracy of 96.24%. This model has succeeded to maintain
higher and nearly equal recognition rate for each class as well
as it can classify geometrically displaced face images. The
Fig. 6. Confusion Matrix
proposed system delivers a firm classification output. Though
there exists a little fluctuation in recognition rate among the
seven classes, it is still better compared to the other existing
models. [7] could not predict geometrically displaced face
images and [8] had low recognition rate in fear class. This
research has overcome these limitations. The proposed model,
convolutional neural network with data augmentation, has been
successful to achieve validation accuracy of 96.24% which is
the highest accuracy so far in facial expression recognition.
This model has succeeded to maintain higher and nearly equal
recognition rate for each class as well as it can classify
geometrically displaced face images. Tensorboard has been
used to visualize model validation accuracy progress over time.
In fig 7, x-axis refers to the number of epochs and y-axis
Fig. 7. Real Time Evaluation of our Model Training
refers to the recognition rate. It can be observed that our
desired accuracy is achieved after only 120 epochs. Data or
image augmentation boosted the model in terms of accuracy.
It is proved that data augmentation performs a major role in
efficient model development if the dataset is not very large.
Fig. 8. Training curve before and after data augmentation
Fig 8 shows the situation before and after data augmenta-
tion. It can be noticed that CNN with data augmentation
has got accuracy of 96.24% after only 120 epochs whereas
CNN without data augmentation has required 260 epoch to
get 92.95% validation accuracy. It should be mentioned that
the new images generated from the existing image dataset
by data augmentation are uniquely identified which means
image variation exists in the dataset. Along with this, dropout
and EarlyStopping callbacks have been used so that model
overfitting can be avoided. Moreover, model performance has
been evaluated with 65% and 35% splitting ratio for training
and testing. It has performed well even with larger test data as
the accuracy has been achieved at 95.87%. Though accuracy is
slightly lower then the previous accuracy (with 80:20 splitting
ratio), it is fair because the model was being tested with larger
test data.
In this research work, the main agenda was to find out the
improvement opportunities for the existing facial expression
recognition system. Finding out their limitations and applying
probable solutions to overcome the limitations were the ob-
jectives of this research. The Convolutional Neural Network
method with data augmentation has been proved to be more
efficient compared to other machine learning approaches in
case of image processing [20]. The proposed model has
achieved higher validation accuracy than any other existing
model. The Graphical User Interface allows users to do real-
time validation of the system. We have considered seven dis-
crete and unique emotion classes (angry, disgust, fear, happy,
neutral, sad and surprise) for emotion classification. So, there
is no overlapping among classes. However, we are planning to
work with compound emotion classes such as surprised with
happiness, surprised with anger, sadness with anger, surprised
with sadness and so on. In addition, an aggregated view of
the facial expression by combining different emotions as well
as compound emotions will be determined under uncertainty
by using sophisticated methodology like Belief Rule Based
Expert Systems (BRBES) in an integrated framework [22]
[23] [24] [25] [26]. As different problems would require
different network architectures it is required to figure out
which architecture is the best for a particular problem. Though
the proposed model has achieved a commendable result, it
needs some improvements in some areas like:
•Adding more data in each class in order to get more
accurate result as it is known that deep learning is a data-
driven approach.
•Getting higher recognition rate in happy.
In the future, researchers can try to develop the model more
efficiently so that a more standard facial expression recognition
system can be delivered.
This study was funded by the Swedish Research Council
under grant 2014-4251.
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