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Effects of Flipping the Classroom on Learning Outcomes and Satisfaction: a Meta-Analysis


Abstract and Figures

In a flipped classroom, students study instructional material before class and apply this material during class. To provide a statistical synthesis of current research on effects of flipped classrooms, we conducted meta-analyses that included 114 studies which compared flipped and non-flipped classrooms in secondary and postsecondary education. We found a small positive effect on learning outcomes, but no effect was found on student satisfaction regarding the learning environment. In addition, we found considerable heterogeneity between studies. Moderator analyses showed that students in flipped classrooms achieve higher learning outcomes when the face-to-face class time was not reduced compared to non-flipped classrooms, or when quizzes were added in the flipped classrooms. We conclude that a flipping the classroom (FTC) approach is a promising pedagogical approach when appropriately designed. Our results provide insights into effective instructional FTC design characteristics that support an evidence-informed application of FTC.
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Educational Research Review
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Thematic Review
Eects of ipping the classroom on learning outcomes and
satisfaction: A meta-analysis
David C.D. van Alten
, Chris Phielix, Jeroen Janssen, Liesbeth Kester
Utrecht University, the Netherlands
Flipping the classroom
Inverted classroom
Learning outcomes
In a ipped classroom, students study instructional material before class and apply this material
during class. To provide a statistical synthesis of current research on eects of ipped classrooms,
we conducted meta-analyses that included 114 studies which compared ipped and non-ipped
classrooms in secondary and postsecondary education. We found a small positive eect on
learning outcomes, but no eect was found on student satisfaction regarding the learning en-
vironment. In addition, we found considerable heterogeneity between studies. Moderator ana-
lyses showed that students in ipped classrooms achieve higher learning outcomes when the
face-to-face class time was not reduced compared to non-ipped classrooms, or when quizzes
were added in the ipped classrooms. We conclude that a ipping the classroom (FTC) approach
is a promising pedagogical approach when appropriately designed. Our results provide insights
into eective instructional FTC design characteristics that support an evidence-informed appli-
cation of FTC.
1. Introduction
In a ipping the classroom (FTC) approach, students study instructional material before class (e.g., by watching online lectures) and
apply the learning material during class. The popularity of this pedagogical approach, also known as ipped learning or the inverted
classroom, has been growing rapidly during the last decade and has been applied and investigated in a wide variety of educational
contexts (Bergmann & Sams, 2012). However, an overarching quantitative synthesis of existing empirical research into the eects of
FTC, which would make it possible to draw general conclusions about FTC, is lacking. Therefore, we present a meta-analysis in-
vestigating the eects of FTC in secondary and postsecondary education on learning outcomes and student satisfaction, in comparison
with a traditional (i.e., non-ipped) classroom in which students spend most classroom time on acquiring knowledge through lecture
activities. We also provide valuable insights into possible dierential eects of FTC by including several instructional design char-
acteristics of FTC (such as group assignments, quizzes, and lecture activities) in a moderator analysis. The outcomes of this study is
relevant to a wide variety of stakeholders such as teachers, educational policy makers and scholars who are interested in an evidence-
informed application of FTC.
1.1. Previous research
In the current literature on FTC, a large variety of denitions of FTC can be found (Abeysekera & Dawson, 2015). We dene a
ipped classroom as students preparing instructional material before class (e.g., by watching a lecture video), and applying the
Received 9 November 2018; Received in revised form 15 March 2019; Accepted 29 May 2019
Corresponding author. Department of Education, Utrecht University, P.O. Box 80140, 3508 TC, Utrecht, the Netherlands.
E-mail address: (D.C.D. van Alten).
Educational Research Review 28 (2019) 100281
Available online 01 June 2019
1747-938X/ © 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
instructional material during class (e.g., by working on problem solving assignments). An issue related to the denition of FTC seems
to be whether the use of videos and/or computer technology before class denes FTC (see also Bernard, 2015). Some researchers
dene FTC as students watching online instructional videos before class (Cheng, Ritzhaupt, & Antonenko, 2018;Hew & Lo, 2018;Lo,
Hew, & Chen, 2017;Scott, Green, & Etheridge, 2016;Strayer, 2012), or receiving computer-based individual instruction outside the
classroom (Bishop & Verleger, 2013;Lo & Hew, 2017). Other researchers, however, adopt a more generic denition of FTC, in which
neither videos nor technology necessarily dene FTC (Abeysekera & Dawson, 2015;Akçayır & Akçayır, 2018;Kim, Kim, Khera, &
Getman, 2014;Lage, Platt, & Treglia, 2000;Mullen & Sullivan Jr., 2015;O'Flaherty & Phillips, 2015;Peterson, 2015). In this broader
denition, activities before class such as reading material are also considered to be a part of FTC. We chose to adhere to the last
denition of FTC, because in our view the medium students use before class in itself does not aect learning in general (Clark, 1994;
DeLozier & Rhodes, 2017). Moreover, our aim is to conduct a comprehensive review study of the eects of FTC without excluding
certain design characteristics of FTC in advance.
Important benets and challenges of FTC are provided by recent review studies (e.g., Akçayır & Akçayır, 2018;Lo et al., 2017). In
addition, the application of FTC can also be evaluated by the following suppositions from an educational psychological perspective.
First, conveying information and instruction through conventional lectures in the traditional classroom has its shortcomings, because
the teacher delivers the instructional message in a one-size-ts-all manner and the possibilities for the students to interact with the
teacher during the lecture (e.g., to ask or answer questions) are limited. This might lead to a lack of student engagement and it might
hamper students to actively construct knowledge (Schmidt, Wagener, Smeets, Keemink, & Van Der Molen, 2015). However, this
should not imply that teachers should stop ginving direct instruction. In an FTC approach, therefore, students receive information and
instruction before class, for example, through video lectures. This has the advantage that students are able to control the viewing
frequency and viewing pace of the instruction material before class (Abeysekera & Dawson, 2015). In this way, cognitive load could
be reduced as learner-controlled video segments are better able to support students processing the learning material (i.e., segmen-
tation eect, see Clark, Nguyen, & Sweller, 2005).
It is important to consider that a ipped classroom could induce an additional demand on students as it increases the appeal on
the self-regulated learning capabilities of students. While some researchers presume that this may lead to positive eects in terms of
learning outcomes and self-regulated learning capabilities of students (e.g., Lape et al., 2014), others hypothesize that student's
lacking self-regulated learning capabilities could experience disadvantages in a ipped classroom (e.g., Lai & Hwang, 2016).
Second, students in traditional classrooms independently work on homework assignments to apply the information and in-
struction that was presented to them in lectures. From a cognitivist perspective, however, a lack of direct instructional guidance
during application might result in cognitive overload and hinders students to store knowledge in their long-term memory (Kirschner,
Sweller, & Clark, 2006). In a ipped classroom, however, students can devote classroom time to learning activities focused on
applying the instructional material (such as working through problems and engaging in collaborative learning) with the guidance of
the teacher (Roehl, Reddy, & Shannon, 2013). From an educational psychological perspective, this is benecial for learning because
learning happens when the learner is actively generating meaning, instead of passively receiving information (Wittrock, 1992). Our
mind actively and dynamically constructs meaning by building relations with prior-knowledge (Wittrock, 1992). In the ipped
classroom, this learning process is guided by the teachers. Students in a traditional classroom lack this guidance when they engage in
similar activities during homework assignments after class.
Third, according to Chi and Wylie (2014), students can achieve deeper understanding of the learning material as they become
more engaged. Chi and Wylie (2014) distinguish the following modes of engagement: passive (e.g., receiving knowledge, listening to a
lecture and being able to recall information), active (e.g., manipulating knowledge, taking notes and being able to apply knowledge to
similar contexts), constructive (e.g., generating knowledge, comparing and contrasting information and being able to transfer
knowledge or procedures), and interactive (e.g., dialoguing, discussing with peers, being able to co-create knowledge) as modes of
engagement. In an FTC approach, students are better able to achieve higher learning outcomes, as there is more classroom time
available for learning activities that foster active, constructive, and interactive engagement modes. In contrast, in a traditional
classroom most classroom time is devoted to activities such as lectures, with mostly a passive mode of engagement.
Fourth, as compared to traditional classrooms, FTC allows more classroom time for students to interact with their teacher(s) and
peers, and to engage in learning activities which are dierentiated based on their capabilities and needs (Bergmann & Sams, 2012).
Classroom interaction enhances student relatedness (Abeysekera & Dawson, 2015), stimulates collaborative learning (DeLozier &
Rhodes, 2017), and oers students the opportunity to receive support from their teacher or peers when applying knowledge during
class. For instance, Van den Bergh, Ros, and Beijaard (2014) demonstrated that an essential component of a teacher's role in an active
learning classroom (i.e., a classroom in which students engage in learning activities instead of passively listening) is to provide
feedback to students to guide and facilitate students' learning processes. Thus, in a ipped classroom, there may be more room for
students to receive eective feedback and dierentiated instruction from their teacher.
Finally, FTC is often assumed to be a promising pedagogical approach that increases student satisfaction about the learning
environment (O'Flaherty & Phillips, 2015;Seery, 2015). Lo and Hew (2017) and Betihavas, Bridgman, Kornhaber, and Cross (2016)
however found mixed results about students' attitudes towards FTC; in general, students were positive about the learning environ-
ment, but a few studies showed opposite results. From a theoretical perspective, Abeysekera and Dawson (2015) hypothesize that a
ipped classroom approach is able to satisfy students' needs for competence, autonomy and relatedness and, thus, entice greater
levels of motivation (according to self-determination theory, see: Ryan & Deci, 2000).
Recent narrative reviews of FTC provided general hypotheses and views on the eects of FTC (e.g., Abeysekera & Dawson, 2015;
Akçayır & Akçayır, 2018;Betihavas et al., 2016;Bishop & Verleger, 2013;DeLozier & Rhodes, 2017;Lo & Hew, 2017;Lundin,
Bergviken Rensfeldt, Hillman, Lantz-Andersson, & Peterson, 2018;O'Flaherty & Phillips, 2015;Seery, 2015). However, these reviews
D.C.D. van Alten, et al. Educational Research Review 28 (2019) 100281
need to be interpreted with caution. Generalization of their conclusions is dicult because the number of studies considered in these
reviews was small, and the included studies often lack the use of a control group (Lundin et al., 2018;O'Flaherty & Phillips, 2015). For
these reasons, we conducted a meta-analysis, as a comprehensive synthesis of empirical studies that is able to draw more general
conclusions about the eects of FTC on student learning outcomes and satisfaction.
Recently published meta-analyses already showed the potential of FTC in comparison with a more traditional approach in terms
of student achievement. Lo et al. (2017) analyzed 21 studies in mathematics education and found a small eect (g= 0.30), and Hew
and Lo (2018) analyzed 28 studies in health professions education and found a similar small eect (g= 0.33). Chen et al. (2018)
compared 32 studies from health science and 14 non-health science studies and found an eect size of 0.47, while Cheng et al. (2018)
included 55 studies from every domain and found an average eect of 0.19.
The current meta-analysis is able to add something to the scientic and practical relevance of these studies for the following
reasons. First, we made no distinction in study domain or publication type, and were therefore able to include more studies (k= 114)
to present a comprehensive meta-analysis on the eects of FTC. Second, our meta-analysis includes more outcome variables than
student achievement, as we analyzed the eects of FTC on three types of outcome: assessed learning outcomes (determined by
assessments such as exams), perceived learning outcomes (determined by students themselves in questionnaires), and student sa-
tisfaction. Third, we conducted extensive moderator analyses to examine if deeper lying instructional design characteristics, edu-
cational context characteristics, or study quality characteristics aect the eectiveness and attractiveness of FTC. We used meta-
regression models to better explain the variation between studies that occurs if the heterogeneity between eect sizes is larger than
can be expected by sampling error only (Borenstein, Hedges, Higgins, & Rothstein, 2009).
1.2. Rationale moderator variables
There is still little empirical evidence that provides insights into the instructional design characteristics of an eective ipped
classroom approach, and therefore we examine if dierent implementations of a ipped classroom have dierent eects. We selected
moderator variables based on previous research. First, we consulted FTC review studies determine which theoretical grounding is
used to explain variance of eects. Second, we conducted a preliminary literature search to determine which variables are frequently
reported in FTC intervention studies. We present our rationale for each included moderator variable in three categories: design
characteristics, educational context, and study quality.
1.2.1. Design characteristics
The following moderator variables have been selected as FTC instructional design characteristics: adding quizzes,adding small
group assignments,face-to-face classroom time, and lecture activities.Quizzes and clicker questions are frequently implemented in ipped
classrooms, for example, to determine to what extent students understand the instructional material provided before class (DeLozier
& Rhodes, 2017). Previous research has shown that quizzes have a positive eect on learning outcomes because of the testing eect
(Bangert-Drowns, Kulik, & Kulik, 1991;Dirkx, Kester, & Kirschner, 2014;Roediger & Karpicke, 2006). In addition, Spanjers et al.
(2015) found in their meta-analysis on blended learning that the inclusion of quizzes positively moderated the eects of blended
learning on learning outcomes and satisfaction. As FTC can be regarded as a particular example of blended learning, dened as the
combination between online and face-to-face education (Graham, 2006), we expected to nd similar results. Hew and Lo (2018) and
Lo et al. (2017) also found that instructors in a ipped classroom who employed quizzes at the start of their classes yielded higher
learning outcomes as opposed to instructors who did not.
Another instructional design feature that is often applied in ipped classrooms is the addition of small group assignments.DeLozier
and Rhodes (2017) showed that learning in small groups with learning activities such as pair-and-share, paired problem-solving
assignments and group discussions in the FTC context enhances learning outcomes. Research has shown positive eects of co-
operative learning on achievement and attitudes (Kyndt et al., 2013;Slavin, 1991). Lo et al. (2017) also suggest that small-group
learning activities could enhance the eectivity of a ipped (mathematics) classroom.
Furthermore, we examined if the amount of face-to-face classroom time might explain variance of the eects between the studies. It
is sometimes argued that face-to-face classroom time can be reduced in a ipped classroom because students spend more time on
learning activities before class. For example, a study on reducing classroom time in higher education by two-thirds through im-
plementing FTC showed that students in the ipped classroom achieved learning outcomes that were at least as good, and in one
comparison even signicantly better than the learning outcomes of students in the traditional classroom (Baepler, Walker, & Driessen,
2014). So, the authors concluded that active learning classrooms (blended or ipped) with less face-to-face time are at least as
eective as traditional classrooms, and are thus more cost-ecient. In contrast, in a study that reduced face-to-face classroom time by
making use of FTC in order to help solve the shortage of teachers in secondary education (Heyma et al., 2015), it appeared that
students in the ipped classroom performed signicantly worse in terms of learning outcomes. The authors suggested this could be
due the students inability to deal with more responsibility to regulate their own learning (Heyma et al., 2015).
Finally, we analyzed the use of lecture activities during the ipped classroom as a potential moderator variable. Although it is the
aim of a ipped classroom to reduce in class lectures and present instructional material before class, Walker, Cotner, Baepler, and
Decker (2008) concluded that students still highly value the integration of in class microlectures in a ipped classroom. Moreover,
McLaughlin et al. (2013) suggested that in class microlectures in a ipped classroom can be used to address misunderstandings or
gaps in student knowledge. Still, large-group lectures have their shortcomings in terms of eectiveness and engagement (Schmidt
et al., 2015).
D.C.D. van Alten, et al. Educational Research Review 28 (2019) 100281
1.2.2. Educational context
The following moderator variables with regard to the educational context were seen as valuable: academic domain,educational
level, and intervention duration. We examined the possible inuence of the academic domain in which FTC is applied (with humanities,
social sciences, natural sciences and formal sciences as categories). In this way, we wanted to investigate whether FTC might be more
eective in dierent academic domains. Only a small number of studies investigated possible dierential eects of FTC in particular
academic domains (Bernard, 2015;Hew & Lo, 2018;Lo et al., 2017). O'Flaherty and Phillips (2015) suggested that some academic
domains may be better suited to apply FTC, as studies in dierent domains reported positive and negative student perceptions of FTC.
In other research, academic domain sometimes appeared to signicantly moderate the ndings as well. For example, in a meta-
analysis on the eects of technology use in postsecondary education (Schmid et al., 2014) and in a meta-analysis on the eects of
cooperative learning (Kyndt et al., 2013).
Moreover, we included educational level (e.g., secondary and post-secondary education) in the moderator analyses to see whether
FTC is as eective in higher education as in lower levels of education (Lo & Hew, 2017). FTC, as a more student-centered approach
(Calimeris & Sauer, 2015), might work dierently for students of dierent age groups because of dierences in self-regulated learning
abilities which tend to increase at higher ages (Wigeld, Klauda, & Cambria, 2011;Zimmerman & Martinez-Pons, 1990). We ac-
knowledge that a ipped classroom could have dierent meanings in secondary and higher education and that the two settings can
sometimes be very dierent in the way they are structured. It seems safe to assume, however, that the main working mechanism of
FTC is similar in both secondary and higher education, as it has similar design characteristics. As we do not want to underestimate the
dierence in both educational contexts, we added educational type as a possible moderator variable to research if studies conducted
in both contexts yielded dierential eects.
Lastly, we considered intervention duration as moderator variable. Eects of FTC may be aected by a novelty eect, which means
that just because FTC is a new approach, it aects the learning outcomes or satisfaction of students positively or negatively (Chandra
& Lloyd, 2008). Furthermore, intervention duration might moderate the results if students need to get used for a longer period of time
in order for a ipped classroom to work eectively.
1.2.3. Study quality
It is also possible that studies with a more rigorous experimental study design yielded signicantly dierent results than studies
with less quality (Cheung & Slavin, 2016). For example, in a meta-analysis by Lazonder and Harmsen (2016), it appeared that
randomized experiments yielded signicantly higher eects of guidance in inquiry-based learning on performance success than quasi-
experiments. In previous narrative reviews on FTC it seemed that in the initial phase of research the methodological quality of
research could be improved as, for instance, only a small proportion of the studies used a randomized design with a control group
(Bishop & Verleger, 2013;DeLozier & Rhodes, 2017). Consequently, we included the following moderator variables concerning the
study quality, to investigate if these moderator variables have an impact on the eects of FTC to estimate the magnitude of this
problem. Allocation type was coded to distinguish studies that randomly allocated students to the ipped or control condition, ran-
domly allocated pre-existing groups (e.g., there are eight classes in one school and four of them were randomly allocated to the
ipped condition), and studies that were not able to apply randomization. Control group type constitutes the dierence between
studies that used a previous cohort as control group and studies that simultaneously studied a ipped and control condition (Cheung
& Slavin, 2016). Group equivalence test means the manner in which studies assessed the comparability of students in the ipped and
control conditions before the intervention in terms of prior knowledge (e.g., statistically tested prior knowledge in the form of a SAT
math score or GPA, providing a descriptive statement, or not mentioned). Lastly, we examined study type as a possible moderator to
investigate whether there is a dierence in eect sizes reported in journals, dissertations, and conference papers. In this way, we
could evaluate the presence of publication bias in our data, which means that published studies contain a signicant higher eect size
than non-published studies (Torgerson, 2006).
1.3. Research objectives
Our rst aim was to conduct three meta-analyses to examine the average eect of a ipped classroom on assessed learning
outcomes, perceived learning outcomes, and student satisfaction in comparison with a traditional classroom. We separately analyzed
assessed and perceived learning outcomes as dependent variables, to make a distinction between learning outcomes determined by
assessments (e.g., exams) and students themselves (e.g., questionnaire). As DeLozier and Rhodes (2017) have showed, initial
(qualitative) research attempts on FTC were mainly focused on how students perceived their own learning in a ipped classroom, and
they convincingly argued that students are often unable to correctly assess their own learning gains (see: Kruger & Dunning, 1999).
Thus, there seems to be a fundamental dierence between assessed learning outcomes determined by someone else than the student
and perceived learning outcomes determined by the student and usually measured with questionnaires on how students perceive
their own learning gains. Studentssatisfaction of the learning environment, as third dependent variable in our study, was chosen to
examine the question if participants of a ipped classroom give higher satisfaction scores than students in a non-ipped classroom. As
Eichler and Peeples (2016) showed, student evaluations are often taken into account by policy makers in their evaluation of ipped
classrooms. Student satisfaction is determined by the students and usually measured by self-reports on how satised they were with
the learning environment.
Our second aim was to conduct moderator analyses to investigate if variety of eects between studies can be explained by
instructional design characteristics, educational context, or study quality characteristics. We expected a signicant amount of het-
erogeneity of the eects that cannot only be explained by sampling error, because FTC implementations vary from classroom to
D.C.D. van Alten, et al. Educational Research Review 28 (2019) 100281
classroom and educational context to context. In short, the current study answers the following research questions: (a) what is the
eectiveness of FTC on assessed and perceived learning outcomes and student satisfaction about the learning environment in
comparison with a traditional classroom?; and (b) does the eect of FTC on assessed and perceived learning outcomes and student
satisfaction depend on instructional design characteristics, educational context characteristics, or study quality characteristics?
2. Method
2.1. Literature search
The results of the literature search and the selection of articles can be consulted in Fig. 1, based on the PRISMA ow diagram
(Moher, Liberati, Tetzla, Altman, & The PRISMA group, 2009). We decided to include unpublished studies (e.g., conference papers,
and dissertations) and also take into account the possibility of publication bias, as recommended by Polanin, Tanner-Smith, and
Hennessy (2016).
Our search process consisted of three parts. At the end of May 2016, we rst consulted the databases OVID (MEDLINE
PsycINFO), Web of Science, ERIC, and Scopus. As our goal was to retrieve all the available research on the phenomenon of ipping
the classroom (including synonyms such as inverted classroom and ipped learning), the following search parameters were used in
titles and abstracts: (Flip* OR invert*) AND (class* OR course* OR learning). A time period restriction was set to nding records after
1990, an ample margin since the concept of FTC appeared in the scientic literature at the end of that decade (i.e., Lage et al., 2000).
Second, we manually screened Google Scholar with the same combination of search terms. Third, we manually checked the refer-
ences of all the known (narrative) reviews of FTC. This yielded 22 additional records, of which three eventually were included. Two
of these studies did not mention FTC, and one was an unpublished study that was not included in the consulted databases. We decided
to include these three studies because their FTC interventions met our denition of FTC.
2.2. Inclusion of studies
Of the 2.904 retrieved records in total, the rst author removed 982 duplicates (see Fig. 1). Then, during the rst screening of
titles and abstracts, 678 studies were excluded if a study's topic was clearly not about FTC (such as physics studies which mentioned
classes of macromolecules in combination with inverted micellar behavior). To establish reliability of the screening process, every
record was independently screened by at least two people (the rst author screened every record, and the second and third author
each screened half of the records). Disagreements between coders were resolved by discussion.
Next, the rst three authors assessed the full texts of the remaining 1.242 records for eligibility by applying seven inclusion and
Fig. 1. Flow diagram of literature search and processing of records.
D.C.D. van Alten, et al. Educational Research Review 28 (2019) 100281
exclusion criteria presented in Table 1. We excluded articles if the language was not English, if no quantitative eects of FTC were
measured, and if studies did not make use of a between subjects design with a traditional classroom as control group (i.e., two-group
RCT or quasi-experiments). In addition, studies which measured other dependent variables than learning outcomes or student sa-
tisfaction were excluded (e.g., they examined the opinions of involved teachers or directors, interaction in the classroom, self-
regulated learning, collaborative learning, or critical thinking). In case the full-text of a record was not available via our own or other
library systems, we consulted the websites of the scholars involved and sought contact with the rst author to try to obtain the
manuscript before we excluded a record.
We developed Table S1 (online only) with additional information of the 54 records we excluded, because they presented in-
sucient statistical information to calculate an eect size analysis (a complete list of references of these excluded studies is presented
in appendix A, online only). In this table we provide an explanation of the insucient data for each excluded study, together with
parameters such as: the authors' conclusion with regard to assessed and perceived learning outcome and satisfaction, the publication
type, and the total sample size.
Lastly, we checked our search database for cases in which a journal article was also retrieved as dissertation or conference paper
(where the article was based on). This was also done for records that were excluded because insucient statistical information was
provided. This yielded one dissertation that was used to retrieve additional information in the coding process for that particular
study. In total, 114 studies were included in our meta-analysis (a complete list of references of these included studies is presented in
appendix B, online only).
2.3. Coding of study characteristics and moderator variables
The included studies were systematically analyzed by making use of two coding schemes: one scheme on the study level and one
scheme on the eect size level (Lipsey & Wilson, 2001). In the rst coding scheme, general study information (e.g., study type and
publication year), sample characteristics (e.g., gender and age), educational context features (e.g., duration of the intervention,
academic domain, and region), and methodological characteristics (e.g., type of comparison group, allocation, ratios face-to-face
learning time between the two groups, and assessment of group equivalence) were coded for each study. In order to be able to
compare possible eects of the various types of classroom activities, the following categories were used: lecture activities, individual
assignments, group assignments, and quizzes (for similar categorizations of in class activities see DeLozier & Rhodes, 2017;Lo & Hew,
2017). For both the ipped and the control condition, it was coded whether each of these type of learning activities occurred during
class, or outside class. We assumed that a particular classroom activity was not applied if it was not mentioned in the study (e.g.,
when a study mentions that group assignments were given to students in the ipped condition, but information about group work in
the traditional condition was absent). Similarly, if studies did not explicitly state that face-to-face classroom time was reduced,
sustained, or increased in the ipped condition, we assumed it was kept constant with the traditional condition. In the second coding
scheme on eect size level, we gathered information about the type of dependent variable (e.g., assessed learning outcome) and the
raw data that was used to calculate the particular eect size.
After three rounds of testing and improving the coding schemes, the rst three authors and two trained research assistants
independently double-coded a set of 22 randomly chosen articles (about 18% of the included studies). This resulted in 87% total
agreement, and a substantial interrater-reliability with an average Cohen's κof 0.77 (range 0.451, p< .001). In some cases an
unrepresentatively low Cohen's κcould be explained because some categories were overrepresented while there was high agreement
between the coders (e.g., the variable region in which the category North America was coded in 80% of the cases; see Feinstein &
Cicchetti, 1990). Nevertheless, the rst three authors independently double-coded all variables that had a Cohen's κ< 0.80 (i.e.,
educational level, gender, allocation, group equivalence test, face-to-face learning time, student experience, group assignments, and
quizzes). Remaining disagreements were resolved by discussion amongst the rst three authors.
2.4. Computation of eect sizes
We used the standardized mean dierence as an eect size metric, calculated as the mean dierences between the mean scores of
Table 1
Inclusion and exclusion criteria and numbers of studies excluded.
Criterion Inclusion Exclusion Excluded studies
Language English Non-English language 14
Impact study Studies investigating eects of FTC All other non-impact studies 709
Control group Studies making use of a traditional control group Studies not making use of a traditional
control group
Dependent variable Studies investigating assessed learning outcomes, perceived
learning outcomes or student satisfaction
All other studies investigating other
dependent variables
Availability The full-text of the study must be available to consult via University
library systems or the internet
Studies of which the full-text was not
available to consult
Statistical information Studies reporting sucient statistical information to calculate an
eect size
Studies not reporting sucient statistical
Note. Articles can be excluded based on multiple criteria, but in this table for each study only the rst encountered exclusion criterion is given.
D.C.D. van Alten, et al. Educational Research Review 28 (2019) 100281
the ipped and control groups divided by the pooled standard deviation (Borenstein et al., 2009). A positive eect size in this study
indicates that students in the ipped classroom (i.e., the experimental group) outperformed the students in the traditional classroom
(i.e., the control group), students in the ipped classroom perceived they learned more than the students in the traditional classroom,
or students in the ipped classroom were more satised with the learning environment. Hedges' gwas used as eect size unit, which
is a common adjustment of Cohen's dfor studies with a small sample size (Hedges, 1981).
A total of 148 eect sizes were calculated on the basis of the following order of preference, because this hierarchical order
maximizes the precision of the meta-analyses. The rst preferred option was to calculate an eect size from adjusted posttest means
that took potential pretreatment dierences into account, either by regression analysis or covariance (k= 8). The second preferred
method was to calculate eect sizes based on a pretest-posttest-control group design (k= 18). Morris (2008) demonstrated that an
eect size based on the mean pre-post change in the intervention group minus the mean pre-post change in the control group divided
by the pooled pretest standard deviation leads to the least biased estimate of treatment eects in pretestposttest-control group
designs. Formulas 8, 9 and 10 from Morris (2008) were used to calculate eect sizes, and formula 25 was used to calculate variances
(formulas are provided in appendix C, online only). As only one study reported a correlation between the pretest and posttest
(r= 0.85; Reza & Ijaz Baig, 2015) a sensitivity analysis was not possible (Borenstein et al., 2009). Therefore, we used a conservative
estimation of r= 0.70, as recommended by Rosenthal (1991), for studies that did not report the correlation between pre- and
posttest. In the case these above two options to calculate eect sizes were not possible, eect sizes were calculated on the basis of the
raw means and standard deviations from the post-test (k= 93). When these were not reported, the least preferred method was the use
of inferential statistics (such as the t-test, k= 20 and the F-test, k= 9). The online meta-analysis eect size calculator by Lipsey and
Wilson (2001) was used in the case of adjusted post-test means and when studies reported raw means and standard errors. The
metafor package (Viechtbauer, 2010) for the software program R (R Development Core Team, 2008) was used to calculate eect sizes
from a pretest-posttest-control group design. In other cases, the software program Comprehensive Meta-Analysis (CMA, Version
3.3.070) was used.
2.5. Non-independence
Eight studies reported the data of multiple ipped or traditional classroom conditions. In these cases, the means and standard
deviations were pooled for that particular condition (following the formulas provided in Spanjers et al., 2015). When multiple eect
sizes of one dependent variable in one study could be calculated (e.g., from two midterm exams and one nal exam), we chose to only
include the measuring point at the end of the intervention to be able to make a fair comparison between all included studies. Ten
studies presented multiple post-test results that matched one of our dependent variables (e.g., objective learning outcomes). An
example would be a study that presented results for three dierent post-tests of objective learning outcomes: a recall, an application,
and a comprehension test. In those cases individual xed eect meta-analyses were carried out and the results were included as a
composite eect size in the main meta-analysis (Borenstein et al., 2009). In addition, one study reported two dierent interventions
(with dierent samples) and we treated this study as if it were two independent studies.
2.6. Data analysis
Three univariate meta-analyses were conducted for each dependent variable using the metafor package for R (Viechtbauer, 2010).
We used the random-eects model, because we do not assume that there is one general eect size of FTC that is true for all studies
(Borenstein et al., 2009). The study's variance consisted of a within study variance and between studies variance component, and
studies were weighted according to the extent of variation (Borenstein et al., 2009). The eect of possible outliers in the data was
checked by using forest and funnel plots and one-study-removed analysis in metafor for R.
We used the restricted maximum likelihood estimation method to t all models. Besides standard error and 95% condence
intervals, we reported results of the Cochran Q-test for statistical heterogeneity. The I
statistic indicates that the proportion of the
variation in eect sizes is due to true between-study heterogeneity rather than sampling error, and > 75% represents considerable
heterogeneity. The τ
statistic indicates the extent of between-study variance. Using the Knapp and Hartung (2003) adjustment to the
standard errors of the estimated coecients, we accounted for the uncertainty in the estimate of residual heterogeneity. With this
adjustment, individual coecients and condence intervals use the t-distribution with k-p(pbeing the number of model coe-
cients) degrees of freedom.
We conducted moderator analyses with a mixed-eects meta-regression, allowing for between-study variation, using restricted
maximum likelihood to estimate the amount of residual heterogeneity (τ
). Moderator variables are added as (study level) cov-
ariates in the linear meta-regression model to examine systematic dierences in the strength of the eect (Borenstein et al., 2009). For
categorical moderator variables dummy variables were created and continuous variables were centered around the mean.
With the Knapp and Hartung (2003) adjustment, the omnibus test of the moderator analysis uses an F-distribution with mand k-p
degrees of freedom. I
is given as a percentage of unaccounted variation between studies that is due to heterogeneity rather than
sampling error and R
as the proportion of amount of heterogeneity accounted for by the moderator variable, often called the model
predictive power (López-López, Marín-Martínez, Sánchez-Meca, Noortgate, & Viechtbauer, 2014).
Moderator analyses in a meta-analysis have certain statistical limitations (Hempel et al., 2013). Polanin and Pigott (2015) made
clear that current practice in educational and psychological meta-analyses with regard to signicance testing could be much im-
proved. Moderator analyses are prone to Type I errors (incorrect rejection of a true null hypothesis leading to falsely identied
moderator eects) if multiple (i.e. univariate) tests are conducted. Therefore, we used meta-regression models to account for multiple
D.C.D. van Alten, et al. Educational Research Review 28 (2019) 100281
testing (Polanin & Pigott, 2015). Type II errors are also common in moderator analyses, because of low power (Hempel et al., 2013).
To aid the reader in understanding the magnitude of this problem, we provided retrospective power analysis where appropriate
(Hedges & Pigott, 2004;Hempel et al., 2013). While it might be true that retrospective power analysis for non-signicant results are
uninformative if they only provide observed power (Valentine, Pigott, & Rothstein, 2010), we will use these (two-sided) power
calculations to estimate the power to detect what we assume to be the smallest important eect size (i.e., g= 0.20) given the number
of studies we found, and the average within study sample size in those studies (Hempel et al., 2013;Valentine et al., 2010).
2.7. Publication bias
Based on the recommendations by Banks, Kepes, and Banks (2012) for analyzing and reporting publication bias, we included
unpublished studies to reduce the eect of publication bias on our data and added publication type as a moderator variable to explore
the possibility that published journals yielded signicantly higher eect sizes than unpublished papers. In addition, we performed a
cumulative meta-analysis sorted on precision (i.e., increasing standard error, see Borenstein et al., 2009). Funnel plots were produced
using the metafor package to inspect asymmetry and heterogeneity. We also computed a Pearson's correlation test between eect size
and sample size, as a negative correlation could indicate publication bias (Levine, Asada, & Carpenter, 2009).
3. Results
3.1. Descriptive ndings
The included studies fell into the time span from the rst included article published in 2006, until the end of May 2016, which was
the nal date of the literature search. In Table S2 (online only), we present an overview of the variables publication type, educational
level, academic domain, study design, outcome that was measured, the eect sizes, and sample sizes for each included study. In this
Table S2 (online only), the design of each study is summarized in terms of the type of control group (simultaneous vs. previous
cohort) and the type of allocation (completely randomized each individual student, randomized pre-existing classes, or no rando-
mization to groups). Next, in Table 2 we provide the frequencies of a selection of variables we coded, for categories that contained at
least one study. This can be a helpful way of getting an impression of the characteristics of our sample. In addition to the information
in Table 2, we found that the years of experience of the teacher(s) with FTC was not reported in 50% of the studies, and in 41% of the
studies it was their rst experience with FTC. Age was reported in 20% of the studies (M= 20.40, SD = 3.09). It should also be noted
that from the 12 studies that appeared not to have equal student populations in both research conditions after a group equivalence
test (e.g., a t-test on GPA), as shown in Table 2, ten of these studies took this dierence into account by means of, for example, an
adjusted post-test means regression analysis.
In Fig. 2, a frequency distribution (in percentages) of the learning activities used in both the ipped and traditional classrooms is
shown. About half of the ipped classrooms (53%) still contained some lecture activities inside the classroom, usually in the form of
microlectures or just-in-time lectures (e.g., Eichler & Peeples, 2016). These microlectures are often tailored to the results of quizzes or
other forms of formative assessment made by students. Furthermore, a clear distinction can be seen in the types and frequency of the
dierent learning activity categories, where ipped classes clearly contained more active learning components than the traditional
classes, such as quizzes (both before and during class) and group activities.
Regarding the possibility of publication bias aecting our data, funnel plots for each dependent variable were examined for
asymmetry, as presented in Figs. S1, S2, S3 (online only). In addition, we conducted three cumulative meta-analyses by precision,
presented in Figs. S4, S5, S6 (online only). They showed no positive drift towards the end as would be the case in the presence of a
strong publication bias (Borenstein et al., 2009). Lastly, we found no strong evidence for a negative correlation between sample size
and eect size in the data from assessed learning outcome, r=0.15, p= .494, perceived learning outcome, r=0.03, p= .945,
and satisfaction, r=0.10, p= .674, as it would be the case when there is a bias against nonsignicant ndings (Levine et al.,
3.2. Eects of ipping the classroom on assessed and perceived learning outcomes and student satisfaction
In Table 3, the results of the average weighted Hedgesgfor assessed learning outcomes, perceived learning outcomes, and
satisfaction are presented, including the 95% prediction intervals, the Q-test for heterogeneity, the between-study variance, and the
percentage of variation between studies that is due to heterogeneity rather than sampling error. The average eect size for assessed
learning outcomes (g=0.36) was found to be signicant. Given the number of studies and the average within study sample size in
those studies, power to detect what we assume to be the smallest important eect (g= 0.20) was very high (0.99). The average eect
on perceived learning outcomes was nearly identical (g= 0.36), but not signicant (p= .13). However, the observed power was low
(0.44), as was the power (0.17) to detect the smallest important eect (g= 0.20). For student satisfaction, a trivial and non-signicant
eect size (g= 0.05) was found. However, the power to detect an eect of g= 0.20 was low (0.40). The Q-test was signicant for all
three dependent variables, the distribution of eect sizes is considered heterogeneous with I
> 75% indicating that a large pro-
portion of the variability appears to be true variance. Forest plots of the dependent variables assessed and perceived learning out-
comes and student satisfaction sorted on highest eect size can be consulted in Figs. S7, S8, and S9 (online only).
The average eect size does not seem to be heavily aected by outliers, as was visible in the one-study-removed analyses in R. The
average eect of assessed learning outcomes without the most inuential study was g= 0.35, p< .001, 95% CI [0.27, 0.43]
D.C.D. van Alten, et al. Educational Research Review 28 (2019) 100281
= 86% (Viechtbauer & Cheung, 2010).
3.3. Moderator analyses
In Tables 4 and 5, the results of the meta-regression moderator analyses are presented for the eect on assessed learning outcomes
and satisfaction. For perceived learning outcomes, moderator analyses were not regarded as meaningful, as the total number of studies
was eight and thus most moderator categories could not be meaningfully compared. We conducted meta-regression analyses for each
group of moderator variables separately (i.e., design characteristics, educational context characteristics, and study quality char-
acteristics). First, this was necessary to account for multicollinearity, as we saw that some moderator variables correlated with each
other. Thus, running a moderator analysis with all moderators in one model would have distorted the results. Second, we consider
this approach as the best possible balance between the risk of type I errors (univariate moderator analysis) and type II errors (all
variables in one model).
For assessed learning outcome, design characteristics moderated the ndings as the omnibus test of all regression coecients was
signicant (p= .016) and accounted for 10% of the amount of heterogeneity. It appeared that studies that shortened the classroom
time of the ipped condition had a signicantly lower (p= .027) average eect than studies in which the classroom time in both
conditions was equal (with a dierence of g=0.26, while accounting for all the other variables in the model). In addition, adding
quizzes in the ipped condition also showed a signicant (p= .044) dierence with studies where quizzes were not added or already
applied in the traditional condition (with a dierence of g= 0.19, while accounting for all the other variables in the model). The
omnibus tests of all the regression coecients in the educational context characteristics model (p= .058) and the study quality
characteristics (p= .161) were not signicant. We decided to drop type of control group as study quality moderator from the model,
as it highly correlated with allocation type and therefore distorted the ndings (r=.72). The interpretation of both moderators is
fairly similar, as, for instance, a study with a previous cohort design is not able to randomly allocate students to conditions. According
to the meta-regression power analysis simulation study by Hempel et al. (2013), the power of our assessed learning outcomes
Table 2
Frequencies of a selection of the coded variables and categories.
Variable Category Total studies (k)
Academic domain Humanities 9
Social sciences 15
Natural sciences 51
Formal sciences 40
Allocation Randomized on individual level 11
Randomized pre-existing groups 28
No randomization 76
Educational level Secondary education 11
Higher education 104
Face-to-face time Equal in both conditions 97
Reduced in the ipped classroom 14
Increased in the ipped classroom 4
Intervention and control group equivalence assessment Statistically demonstrated 54
Descriptive statement 18
Only assumed to be equal 31
Groups were not equal 12
Intervention duration 110 weeks 25
> 10 weeks 90
Outcome measurement Standardized test
Non-standardized test (e.g., teacher made)
Region Asia 13
North America 91
Europe 6
Middle East 1
Oceania 1
The Caribbean 3
Study type Journal publication 86
Conference paper 23
Doctoral dissertation 5
Master thesis 1
Teacher Same for both conditions 60
Dierent for both conditions 21
Type of control group Simultaneous group 57
Previous cohort 58
Video-based instructional activities before class Yes 110
No 5
Note: In total 114 studies were included, but one study reported two independent interventions. If the categories for one variable do not add up to
the total of 115 included interventions, it means that for this number of studies no information about this variable was reported.
D.C.D. van Alten, et al. Educational Research Review 28 (2019) 100281
moderator models to detect a moderator eect of 0.2 was close to 80% (with 114 included studies, an average sample size of 180
students per study, and residual heterogeneity of 0.1).
For satisfaction, none of the moderator meta-regression models was signicant. However, the power of these moderator models to
detect a moderator eect of 0.2 was below 20% (with 22 included studies, an average sample size of 160 students per study, and
residual heterogeneity of 0.3). Face-to-face ratio between conditions was dropped from the design characteristics model due to the
unequal distribution of studies in the moderator categories. For the study quality model we also had to choose between the highly
correlated variables allocation and type of control group. Here, we dropped allocation from the model, as it improved the R
, and the
distribution of studies in the categories was more evenly in the type of control group variable.
4. Discussion
4.1. Is FTC eective to enhance learning outcomes and student satisfaction?
The rst research question we addressed in the present study was about the eects of FTC on assessed and perceived learning
outcomes and student satisfaction. First, we found a signicant small eect (g> 0.2; Cohen, 1988) of FTC on assessed learning
outcomes. According to Hattie (2012), this eect is close to the hinge point (> 0.4) of average eects of educational interventions
where teachers and researchers should strive for. However, while these two interpretative rules of thumb are often used to interpret
eect sizes, what do they mean in terms of the underlying dependent variable assessed learning outcome? For instance, on a Math
exam score with M= 550 and SD = 100, an eect size of 0.36 means that the average score of a student in the ipped classroom is
0.36 standard deviations above the average student in the traditional classroom (e.g., a score of 586 vs. 550). In other words, 64% of
the students in the ipped classroom will be above the mean of the students in the traditional classroom. Thus, although the eect on
assessed learning outcome may be regard as small, in the context of education it seems meaningful.
This is also true when we compare similar types of educational interventions in secondary education and other benchmarks.
According to Hill, Bloom, Black, and Lipsey (2008) an eect of 0.36 is large if compared to the average annual gain in eect size
Fig. 2. Percentage frequency distribution of learning activities in both conditions.
Table 3
Results of the univariate random-eects meta-analyses.
Dependent variable k(#students) g(p)SE 95% CI Q(p)df
Assessed learning outcomes 114 (20318) 0.36 (< .001) 0.04 [0.28, 0.44] 1221.86 (< .001) 113 0.14 (0.02) 88%
Perceived learning outcomes 8 (953) 0.36 (.13) 0.21 [-0.13, 0.85] 39.45 (<.001) 7 0.28 (0.18) 87%
Student satisfaction 22 (3501) 0.05 (.73) 0.13 [-0.23, 0.32] 181.99 (< .001) 21 0.33 (0.12) 92%
Note.k= number of studies; # students = total number of participants; g=mean weighted eect size in Hedges' g;SE = standard error;
CI = condence interval; Q= Cochran's heterogeneity test; df = degrees of freedom Q-test; τ
between-study variance; I
= percentage of var-
iation between studies that is due to heterogeneity rather than sampling error.
D.C.D. van Alten, et al. Educational Research Review 28 (2019) 100281
(g< 0.24) from nationally normed tests on reading and math in the higher grades of secondary school (i.e., grade > 9 where FTC is
mostly applied), or if compared to the mean eect size from meta-analyses with comparable interventions in high school (k= 28,
d= 0.24). For higher education, the meta-analyses by Schneider and Preckel (2017) provide an insight into comparable meta-
analyses to gauge the relative size of eects. For example, on the basis of their ranking of 105 variables ordered by strength of their
association with achievement, a 0.36 eect of ipping the classroom would be comparable to other interventions on the instruction
variable technology such as Intelligent tutoring systems (0.35, rank 47) and blended learning (0.33, rank 52).
Our main results are comparable with previous (smaller scale) meta-analyses of FTC who found small average eect sizes ranged
from 0.19 to 0.47 (Chen et al., 2018;Cheng et al., 2018;Hew & Lo, 2018;Lo et al., 2017). Together, these meta-analyses form a
generalizable synthesis of the rst generation of FTC research: the combined remarks and recommendations could positively aect
future research. In a broader context, the results are also in line with a meta-analysis on blended learning by Spanjers et al. (2015),
which found a comparable signicant and small eect (g=0.34) of blended learning on assessed learning outcomes. Even though
FTC is a particular example of blended learning, our meta-analyses did not contain the same studies in their sample.
Second, we found a non-signicant average eect of FTC on perceived learning outcomes. We chose to analyze assessed and
perceived learning outcomes separately, as research has shown that learning outcomes determined by the subject itself are usually
inaccurate (Kruger & Dunning, 1999). DeLozier and Rhodes (2017) showed that during initial FTC research mostly students
Table 4
Results of the moderator analyses of assessed learning outcomes.
Moderator Variable kEstimate (SE) p95% CI F (df1, df2)
Design characteristics F(5, 108) = 2.93 .016 0.10 (0.02) 86% .10
Intercept 114 0.302 (0.07) < .001 [0.17, 0.44]
Face-to-face time
FC = TC (ref) 97
FC < TC 14 0.260 (0.12) .027 [-0.49, 0.03]
FC > TC 4 0.237 (0.21) .271 [-0.66, 0.18]
Group assignments
No addition in FC (ref) 72
Addition in FC 42 0.088 (0.07) .310 [-0.08, 0.26]
Lectures during class
No lectures in FC (ref) 53 0.028 (0.08) .731 [-0.13, 0.19]
Lectures in FC 61
No addition in FC (ref) 78 0.189 (0.09) .044 [0.01, 0,37]
Addition in FC 36
Educational context characteristics F(5, 108) = 2.22 .058 0.13 (0.02) 86% .07
Intercept 114 0.309 (0.06) < .001 [0.19, 0.42]
Academic domain
Natural sciences (ref) 51
Humanities 9 0.162 (0.16) .316 [-0.16, 0.48]
Social sciences 15 0.283 (0.12) .022 [0.04, 0.52]
Formal sciences 39 0.035 (0.09) .698 [-0.22, 0.15]
Educational level
Higher education (ref) 103
Secondary education 11 0.179 (0.14) .215 [-0.11, 0.46]
Intervention duration 114 0.012 (0.01) .142 [-0.03, 0.01]
Study quality characteristics F(8, 105) = 1.51 .161 0.13 (0.02) 86% .05
Intercept 114 0.370 (0.07) < .001 [0.23, 0.51]
Allocation type
Not random (ref) 75
Pre-existing groups 28 0.198 (0.10) .056 [-0.01, 0.40]
Individual allocation 11 0.161 (0.14) .258 [-0.12, 0.44]
Group equivalence test
Tested, equal (ref) 54
Tested, not equal 12 0.020 (0.13) .884 [-0.29, 0.25]
Not tested, descriptive statement 18 0.225 (0.12) .067 [-0.47, 0.02]
Not tested, no descriptive statement 30 0.008 (0.13) .938 [-0.20, 0.21]
Study type
Journal publication (ref) 86
Conference 22 0.179 (0.10) .092 [-0.39, 0.03]
Dissertation 5 0.041 (0.21) .849 [-0.46, 0.38]
Thesis 1 0.388 (0.45) .394 [-0.51, 1.29]
Note.Ref = reference category; k= total number of studies, as well as eect sizes; SE = standard error; CI = condence interval; τ
= estimated
amount of residual heterogeneity; I
= percentage of unaccounted variation between studies that is due to heterogeneity rather than sampling error;
= proportion of amount of heterogeneity accounted for; FC = ipped classroom, TC = traditional classroom.
Omnibus test of all regression coecients of the moderators in the model.
p-Value of the omnibus test.
D.C.D. van Alten, et al. Educational Research Review 28 (2019) 100281
perceptions of their own learning were measured, but we had to exclude many of these studies because they did not make use of a
comparison group. It is possible that the eect is not signicant due to the small sample size and therefore low power. However, it is
notable that the average eect size is comparable to the eect on assessed learning outcome. More research should be conducted to be
able to draw a more condent conclusion, although we regard assessed learning outcome as a better and more reliable measurement
of learning outcome.
Third, we found a non-signicant eect of FTC on student satisfaction, with an eect close to zero. We can conclude that on
average, students are equally satised with ipped classrooms as traditional classrooms. These ndings are in line with the meta-
analysis of Spanjers et al. (2015) on blended learning, in which they found a non-signicant trivial eect size (g=0.11) for student
satisfaction. They speculate that this might relate to the suggestion made by Sitzmann, Kraiger, Stewart, and Wisher (2006) that
students perceive web-based instruction as more demanding than classroom instruction in terms of time commitment. Tune, Sturek,
and Basile (2013) also report that an increase in workload was the most cited comment by students in their ipped classroom. Thus,
in contrast with preliminary conclusions made in qualitative reviews on FTC, we conclude that there is no evidence that a ipped
classroom leads to higher student satisfaction about the learning environment. As the variety between the studies was large and in
some studies students in a ipped classroom were very positive and in other studies very negative in comparison with a traditional
classroom, the design and educational context of a ipped classroom should be carefully planned.
4.2. Do instructional design, educational context, or study quality characteristics explain dierential eects of FTC?
The second research question we addressed was about the possible moderator eects of instructional design, sample, and study
quality characteristics on the eectiveness of FTC. For all meta-analyses, we found signicant heterogeneity in eect sizes between
studies, which is caused by more than random sampling alone. It means that in some studies, students in the ipped classroom
Table 5
Results of the moderator analyses of satisfaction.
Moderator Variable kEstimate (SE)p95% CI F (df1, df2)
Design characteristics F(3, 18) = 1.76 .191 0.30 (0.12) 90% .09
Intercept 22 0.520 (0.30) .099 [-1.15, 0.11]
Group assignments
No addition in FC (ref) 10
Addition in FC 12 0.395 (0.31) .221 [-0.26, 1.05]
Lectures during class
No lectures in FC (ref) 10
Lectures in FC 12 0.554 (0.31) .090 [-0.10, 1.20]
No addition in FC (ref) 15
Addition in FC 7 0.156 (0.30) .612 [-0.48, 0.79]
Educational context characteristics F(5, 16) = 0.36 .867 0.40 (0.15) 92% .00
Intercept 22 0.105 (0.25) .681 [-0.64, 0.43]
Academic domain
Natural sciences (ref) 8
Humanities 3 0.287 (0.47) .548 [-0.70, 1.28]
Social sciences 2 0.376 (0.56) .515 [-0.82, 1.57]
Formal sciences 9 0.086 (0.51) .804 [-0.62, 0.78]
Educational level
Higher education (ref) 20
Secondary education 2 0.086 (0.51) .869 [-1.00, 1.17]
Intervention duration 22 0.039 (0.03) .258 [-0.11, 0.03]
Study quality characteristics F(6, 15) = 1.45 .259 0.30 (0.13) 88% .09
Intercept 22 0.552 (0.24) .037 [0.04, 1.07]
Control group type
Previous cohort (ref) 12
Simultaneous 10 0.211 (0.28) .458 [-0.80, 0.38]
Group equivalence test
Tested, equal (ref) 11
Tested, not equal 2 0.862 (0.45) .075 [-1.82, 0.10]
Not tested, descriptive statement 4 0.539 (0.37) .162 [-1.32, 0.24]
Not tested, no descriptive statement 5 0.770 (0.37) .056 [-1.56, 0.02]
Study type
Journal publication (ref) 16
Conference 4 0.095 (0.40) .816 [-0.95, 0.76]
Dissertation 2 0.475 (0.48) .341 [-1.51, 0.56]
Note.Ref = reference category; k= total number of studies, as well as eect sizes; SE = standard error; CI = condence interval; τ
= estimated
amount of residual heterogeneity; I
= percentage of unaccounted variation between studies that is due to heterogeneity rather than sampling error;
= proportion of amount of heterogeneity accounted for; FC = ipped classroom, TC = traditional classroom.
Omnibus test of all regression coecients of the moderators in the model.
p-Value of the omnibus test.
D.C.D. van Alten, et al. Educational Research Review 28 (2019) 100281
performed signicantly worse than students in the traditional classroom (or did not perceive they learned better and vice versa). For
student satisfaction, this means that in some studies students in the ipped classroom were more satised than students in the
traditional classroom, and vice versa as the average is close to zero.
It should rst be noted that we should be careful with the interpretation of the moderator analyses and not draw too major
conclusions. The proportion of amount of heterogeneity accounted for in all the meta-regression models was not higher than 10%. In
addition, while the meta-regression models on assessed learning outcomes were around 80%, the meta-regression models on student
satisfaction had a very low power of 20%. Nevertheless, it is valuable to investigate patterns in the moderator analyses data which
could contain indications of possible explanations for the large heterogeneity and provide helpful directions for further research.
We found that students in ipped classrooms in which the face-to-face time was not reduced performed signicantly better
compared to ipped classrooms that reduced classroom time. In most of the studies in which face-to-face classroom time in the
ipped classroom was reduced, it was a deliberate decision (e.g., Baepler et al., 2014;Bossaer, Panus, Stewart, & Hagemeier, 2016;
Gross, Pietri, Anderson, Moyano-Camihort, & Graham, 2015;Hibbard, Sung, & Wells, 2016;Koo et al., 2016). Our nding contradicts
the conclusion of Baepler et al. (2014) that ipped classrooms with less face-to-face time are at least as eective as traditional
classrooms. Our results show that sustaining face-to-face time is a critical feature for a successful implementation of a ipped
classroom. This is especially important for policymakers and curriculum designers, as it is sometimes argued that a ipped classroom
approach is implemented in order to reduce costs (i.e., reducing face-to-face time, see: Asef-Vaziri, 2015).
The addition of quizzes in a ipped classroom also seems to positively aect assessed learning outcomes. This is in line with
research on the eectiveness of the testing eect (e.g., McDaniel, Anderson, Derbish, & Morrisette, 2007). It is also consistent with the
study by Spanjers et al. (2015), which also found that quizzes were a signicant moderator that aected the attractiveness and
eectiveness of blended learning.
Other moderator eects were not found. Taking into account the low power for the moderator analysis (especially for student
satisfaction), this should not be interpreted as strong evidence for the absence of moderator eects. For example, given the results of
the omnibus tests in the educational context characteristics model (p= .058) model for assessed learning outcome, it might be
justied to further explore patterns in the moderator analysis data such as the dierence between studies from social sciences who
had a higher average eect of 0.28 than studies from natural sciences (p= .022). This is in line with the FTC meta-analysis by Cheng
et al. (2018), who found that subject area signicantly moderated their results.
Still, some additional context can be helpful to interpret the non-signicant results. Adding small group assignments was not a
signicant moderator, although we hypothesized that this could be the case. Research has shown that, for example, cooperative
learning (i.e., an instructional technique in which students work together in small groups on a structured learning task, in which
positive interdependence and individual accountability are important factors) has positive eects on achievement and attitudes
(Kyndt et al., 2013;Slavin, 1991). An explanation for our nding might be that we were not able to verify if the group assignments
included in our sample met the requirements of, for example, cooperative learning, due to the broad coding categories (e.g., quizzes,
group assignments, lecture activities). Therefore, we recommend future research to describe their design of in classroom (group)
activities in greater detail. However, group assignments did not negatively moderate the eect sizes, which means that including
group assignments in an FTC implementation will not hamper learning outcomes either.
The same is true for lecture activities, as 53% of the ipped interventions still implemented some form of lecture activities in the
classroom and our moderator analysis shows no negative result. In practice, adding microlectures can be used to address mis-
understandings, for example on the basis of the outcomes of formative quizzes before class or at the beginning of a class (McLaughlin
et al., 2013). Qualitative data from the study by Hagen and Fratta (2014) also showed that some students criticize the ipped
classroom for a lack of lecture activities from their professor. This is in line with the conclusion by Walker et al. (2008) that students
still value the integration of microlectures in a ipped classroom. The result of our moderator-analysis on student satisfaction seems
to t into this context. Although adding microlectures to the ipped classroom was not a signicant moderator, we noticed a trend
that student satisfaction was higher in ipped classrooms that included lecture activities, in comparison to ipped classrooms without
lecture activities (with a dierence of g= 0.55, p= .090). If we take in to account the low power of this particular meta-regression
model, it is at least an interesting pattern which is worth to investigate in future research.
Lastly, the moderator variable educational level was unequally distributed in our data (k= 11 in secondary education and
k= 103 higher education). It seems that, while FTC is also very widespread in secondary education (Bergmann & Sams, 2012), it is
nececarry to conduct more research in this context with more rubust research designs (as may studies in secondary education were
excluded because they did not make use of a control group). This is especially needed if one hypothesizes that FTC can work
dierently for students of dierent age groups (for example, because of dierences in self-regulated learning abilities, see Wigeld
et al., 2011;Zimmerman & Martinez-Pons, 1990). To evaluate if the applications of ipped classrooms in both contexts contained
dierent design characteristics, we checked the distribution of the features we coded in both contexts. It appeared that quizzes, group
assignments, and lecture activities in the ipped classroom evenly occurred.
4.3. Other potential sources of variation in eects of FTC
Although the moderator analyses are a valuable start to explore possible patterns in the heterogeneity of the included studies,
there are other important potential sources of variation in eects of FTC to consider. Previous research has addressed the issue of a
digital divide. This means that there are dierences amongst subgroups such as gender, ethnicity, and socioeconomic background and
how they have access to technology and how these dierences might have an impact on a student's ability to benet in terms of
learning with technology (Jackson et al., 2008). In the context of ipped classrooms, where students are usually required to watch
D.C.D. van Alten, et al. Educational Research Review 28 (2019) 100281
online videos in their own time, it is necessary to evaluate the possible consequences of a digital divide in all its manifestations.
It seems that there is no direct evidence for strong dierential eects due to the digital divide in our data, as most studies report
that there are no dierences in the eect of FTC on learning outcomes for gender (Adams, Garcia, & Traustadóttir, 2016;Scott et al.,
2016;Wasserman, Quint, Norris, & Carr, 2015), no dierences for gender and race (Lancellotti, Thomas, & Kohli, 2016;Olitsky &
Cosgrove, 2016), and no dierences for gender, race, and socioeconomic status (Calimeris & Sauer, 2015). There was one study in
which more women reporting they watched instruction videos before class than men (Ossman & Warren, 2014).
Another potential source of variation in eects of FTC is a student's self-regulated learning (SRL) capability. We noticed that only
a few of the included studies refer to SRL as an important variable in understanding the working principle of FTC and even fewer
studies measure SRL as a variable. Lape et al. (2014) conclude that there were no signicant metacognitive gains visible after the
intervention for students both in the ipped and control condition. This question presumes that students working in a ipped
classroom will improve their SRL capabilities more than students in a traditional classroom (mediation eect). Evidence for this is
found in a meta-analytical FTC study within nursing education which included 29 Chinese studies, which found that self-learning
abilities improved signicantly better by students in ipped classrooms compared with traditional classrooms (Tan, Yue, & Fu, 2017).
However, it can also be hypothesized that SRL is an important moderator for the success of a ipped classroom, as students with
better SRL capabilities can benet more from a ipped classroom, which would presumably lead to higher learning outcomes (Lim &
Morris, 2009). Then, teachers and researchers should consider to what extent their ipped classroom should include SRL support for
students, as there is evidence that ipped classrooms with SRL support achieve higher learning outcomes in comparison with ipped
classrooms without SRL support (Moos & Bonde, 2016;Shyr & Chen, 2018).
The same is true for motivation, as the eect of FTC can be dependent on how well students are motivated to study in advance. For
instance, students' motivation in a ipped classroom could be positively or negatively aected by their preference for this method
(e.g., Asiksoy & Özdamli, 2016;Hibbard et al., 2016). If a student is not motivated to complete preparatory activities before class, this
could lead to negative eects, as that student will probably experience diculty applying learning materials during class. Therefore,
it seems important to take students' motivation into account when designing a ipped classroom. For example, instructing students
about the benets of ipping the classroom could increase motivation to study before class, while a too precise in-class repetition of
content from the instructional video could hamper the need for students to study before class. Unfortunately, we could not investigate
motivation as moderator variable as few studies measured studentsmotivation.
4.4. Limitations
The following limitations in our review should be kept in mind when interpreting our results. We compared ipped classrooms
with traditional classrooms. The frequency distribution of learning activities in Fig. 2 shows that ipped classrooms are comparable
with each other, as well as traditional classrooms. While we were only able to compare these two main categories, we still ac-
knowledge that ipped and traditional classrooms can dier in practice. We recommend future research to explicitly describe both
research condition in more detail. In addition, there are a few variables which contain important information about variation in
eects but are not systematically reported in current studies on FTC, such as age, gender, class size, and experience with a ipped
classroom of both teachers and students. Some variables that we coded could not be used in the moderator analyses, because one
category was heavily underrepresented in the data (e.g., 109 included studies did make use of online videos and only ve studies did
not). For example, the eect of the medium of instruction before class in the ipped condition could not be meaningfully compared,
as 109 included studies did make use of online videos and only ve studies did not. Lastly, most studies were conducted in the region
North America (mainly the United States) and in the context of post-secondary education educational. This means that these two
contexts are overrepresented in current research on FTC and in our data.
The information about costs of a ipped classroom implementation was also underrepresented in our data. Although we argue
that a ipped classroom is not inherently dependent on the use of technology, we see that in most implementations several high- and
low-cost technologies are used. For instance to record instruction video's, to design online learning environments where video's and
additional learning assignments are distributed, and sometimes technologies to apply the learning material in class. Besides tech-
nology costs, implementing a ipped classroom also means an initial huge time investment (e.g., Talbert, 2015), even if one decide to
nd free to use online videos. One might wonder if the costs of implementing FTC is justied given the results we presented in this
meta-analysis. We are, however, unable to answer this question, as this is heavily context dependent and the included studies often
did not report details about costs. Nevertheless, we would like to point out some interesting studies that might be helpful for teachers
and policy-makers. Touchton (2015) showed that initial implementation costs can be high, but that this investment can pay oon the
long term. Peterson (2015),Hudson et al. (2015), and O'Flaherty and Phillips (2015) note that IT support can be critical for a
successful implementation of FTC. Asef-Vaziri (2015) shows that some institutions are interested in FTC in order to reduce costs,
when a signicant portion of face-to-face classroom time is replaced by online learning. This last idea should be explored with
caution, since our moderator analysis shows that sustaining face-to-face time leads to signicant higher eects on assessed learning
outcome. Still, some included studies report a successful cost reduction by implementing a ipped classroom while at the same time
student learning outcomes were at least equal to the previous traditional classroom (Hudson et al., 2015;Olitsky & Cosgrove, 2016).
Besides, there are a few biases related to the average duration of the interventions. First, it usually was the rst experience with
FTC for teachers. Although our results show that these rst implementations of FTC were on average enhancing assessed learning
outcomes, we think that such big changes in a curriculum become even more eective after (minor) adjustments based on evaluation
of the rst implementation. For instance, the study by Hudson et al. (2015) showed that student satisfaction in their ipped classroom
only increased after several semesters of redesigning the ipped course. In addition, the behavior of teachers during class changes
D.C.D. van Alten, et al. Educational Research Review 28 (2019) 100281
with a ipped approach, but research has shown that, in general, training and time is needed to achieve eective change in teachers
behavior (Niemi, 2002;Van den Bergh et al., 2014). Second, it seems that students in the ipped classroom seem to need an adaption
time to get used to it that can take several weeks to a full semester (Hotle & Garrow, 2015). This illustrates a possible bias in our
dataset, because we were mainly able to examine the eects of rst-time ipped classroom interventions, which could become more
eective in the long-term after renements and redesign.
Another potential bias is a combination of eects that are almost inherent to educational research. Some students may have been
aware they are participating in a research condition which may aect their expectations and behavior (Hawthorne-eect), and some
students in the ipped classroom could have shown better performance than students in a traditional classroom from the expectation
of teachers that this innovation would lead to better learning outcomes alone (Pygmalion-eect). It turned out that 60 studies in our
sample had the same teacher for both conditions (in which a teacher's preference and experience could be a bias) and 21 studies had
dierent teachers for both condition (which is a bias on itself). Therefore, we cannot exclude the inuence of these eects nor control
for them in our meta-analysis. However, there are reasons to assume that the impact of these underlying eects is not high. First, it is
clear that not all students in the ipped classrooms were satised with their learning environment in comparison to students in a
traditional classroom: the eect size for satisfaction was g= 0.05, and heterogeneity was large and signicant. In addition, Fig. S9
(online only) shows that 12 out of 22 studies reported a negative or neutral eect size. Second, we separately analyzed assessed and
perceived learning outcomes to establish a possible dierence between what students think they have learned, and what was
measured in achievement tests. Still, we recommend future research into the eect of FTC in comparison with non-ipped classrooms
to better account for the possibility of a Hawthorne-eect, by, for example, use a between and within subjects research design that
switches both methods (preferably also several times) between independent groups of students.
In addition, we had to exclude 54 studies because they did not report enough statistical information to calculate eect sizes. If we
compare the results from the meta-analyses with the results of studies that were excluded because they lacked sucient statistical
information as qualitatively analyzed and shown in Table S1 (online only), it seems that the reason they contain non-signicant
results does not occur more often than that the authors report a positive nding. Because of the largely equal distribution of positive
and neutral reported outcomes, we consider that excluding these studies did not have a great impact on our general ndings.
However, the statistical power of the meta-analyses as well as the moderator analyses could therefore have been reduced.
The inuence of publication bias should be never neglected in any meta-analysis. However, results of the tests we performed to
estimate the eect of publication bias seem to indicate that it did not have a major impact on our results (e.g., funnel plots, cu-
mulative analyses, correlation test between eect size and sample size). In addition, we also included non-published articles, and we
did not nd a moderator eect for publication type.
4.5. Conclusion
The present study quantitatively synthesized the results of 114 studies about the eects of FTC on learning outcomes and student
satisfaction. With respect to the issue of dening FTC, we found that 95% of the included ipped interventions used video based
instruction activities. Therefore, we continue to follow Abeysekera and Dawson (2015) in their recommendation to adopt a high-level
uniform and broad denition of FTC, provided that researchers are very specic about the operationalization of the denition.
In general, we can conclude that students in ipped classrooms achieve signicantly higher assessed learning outcomes than
students in traditional classrooms, and are equally satised with the learning environment. The main implication following our
results is that ipped classrooms are worth implementing. Careful attention should be paid, however, to the design of the ipped
classroom as simply ipping before and during classroom activities might be not enough. The signicant heterogeneity in the eect
sizes of the studies means that it matters how ipped classrooms are implemented. Our study provides a few general directions to
eective design of a ipped classroom, as sustaining face-to-face time and adding quizzes are critical features for a successful
implementation of a ipped classroom.
This work was supported by funding from the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, (grant number OCW/PromoDoc/
1065001). The authors would like to thank E. Papangeli, and J. Teunissen for their help with coding. Declarations of interest: none.
Appendix A. Supplementary data
Supplementary data to this article can be found online at
References marked with an asterisk indicate studies included in the meta-analyses. A complete reference list of studies included in the meta-analyses is available as
appendix B (online only).
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