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The aim of this paper is to investigate split semi quaternion matrices. To verify this, we first examine matrices with real split semi quaternion entries as a pair of hyperbolic matrices. Then, we present hyperbolic split semi quaternions and their matrices. Finally, for a hyperbolic split semi quaternion, we search some properties of its 2×22×22\times 2 matrix representation and we express 4×44×44\times 4 hyperbolic matrix and 8×88×88\times 8 real matrix representations.
Adv. Appl. Clifford Algebras (2019) 29:53
2019 Springer Nature Switzerland AG
published online May 29, 2019
Advances in
Applied Clifford Algebras
Real and Hyperbolic Matrices of Split Semi
Yasemin Alag¨oz and G¨ozde ¨
Communicated by Wolfgang Spr¨ossig
Abstract. The aim of this paper is to investigate split semi quaternion
matrices. To verify this, we first examine matrices with real split semi
quaternion entries as a pair of hyperbolic matrices. Then, we present
hyperbolic split semi quaternions and their matrices. Finally, for a hy-
perbolic split semi quaternion, we search some properties of its 2 ×2
matrix representation and we express 4×4 hyperbolic matrix and 8 ×8
real matrix representations.
Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 15B33, Secondary 11R52.
Keywords. Split semi quaternion, Hyperbolic split semi quaternion, Split
semi quaternion matrix, Hyperbolic split semi quaternion matrix.
1. Introduction
Real quaternions or simply quaternions were described by Sir William Rowan
Hamilton in 1843. The set of quaternions is often denoted by H. Any element
of His generally written in the form q=q0e0+q1e1+q2e2+q3e3where
3are real numbers and {e0,e
3}is a basis of both Hand R4.
As a set, quaternions Hare a four dimensional vector space over the real
numbers with addition, scalar multiplication and quaternion multiplication.
The basis element e0acts an identity and e1,e
3satisfy the following rules
It is obvious that His noncommutative. A well known fact about quater-
nions is any quaternion can be represented as 2 ×2 complex matrix through
the bijective transformation [1,2]. In [3], a quaternion matrix which en-
tries are quaternions have studied to a pair of complex matrices. Split semi
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... The crucial part of this paper is that one can reduce the calculations to mentioned types of quaternions by considering hyperbolic, elliptic and parabolic number components for ∆ = q 2 + 4p (see Table 1). As a natural consequence of this situation, taking into account special conditions, the definition of special quaternions mentioned in the papers [38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45][46][47] are generalized via Definition 1, the papers [48][49][50][51][52][53] are generalized from the viewpoint of definition, algebraic properties, relations and matrix representations of quaternions and finally, different matrix forms in the papers [35][36][37] are generalized in Section 3. All of these situations can be examined in Table 2. ...
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This paper aims to bring together quaternions and generalized complex numbers. Generalized quaternions with generalized complex number components are expressed and their algebraic structures are examined. Several matrix representations and computational results are introduced. An alternative approach for a generalized quaternion matrix with elliptic number entries has been developed as a crucial part.
... For more information, please see previous studies. [41][42][43][44] We denote the algebra of split semi-quaternions by  ss which is defined as a four-dimensional vector space over R with the natural basis {1, i, j, k} such that ...
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This paper deals with generalized tube surfaces (GTs) and their geometric properties in pseudo‐Galilean 3‐space. We classify these surfaces into two types. We firstly compute the first and second fundamental forms to investigate geometric properties of a GT. Then, we obtain the condition for such a surface to be minimal and present some results which express the conditions for which parameter curves on a GT are geodesics, asymptotics, or lines of curvature. Furthermore, we show how to form GTs by using split semi‐quaternions or their matrix representations. Finally, as an application, we introduce generalized magnetic flux tubes in pseudo‐Galilean 3‐space and obtain the local magnetic field components of such surfaces. The theory studied in the paper is supported by illustrated examples.
... Properties and some applications of split quaternion matrices are examined in detail in the articles [2], [10], [5], [29], [12], [15], [21], [19], [30], [17], and [20]. Moreover, the analysis was made in case the inputs were complex, hyperbolic and dual numbers ( [11], [3], [13], [18], [25], [14] and [4]. The set of hybrid numbers is non-commutative quaternary numbers that combined and generalized the dual, complex, and hyperbolic numbers. ...
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The aim of this study is to investigate some properties of hybrid number matrices. Firstly, we give hybrid numbers with some of their properties. Then we prove that any hybrid number has a 2x2 complex matrix representation, and we investigate hybrid number matrices using the properties of complex matrices. Also we give answers to the following basic question "If AB =I, is it true that BA =I for hybrid number matrices?" Then we de…ne the complex adjoint matrix and q determinant of hybrid number matrices and give some important properties. Finally, we give an explicit formula for the inverse of a hybrid number matrix by using complex matrices.
... The crucial part of this paper is that one can reduce the calculations to mentioned types of quaternions with hyperbolic, elliptic and parabolic number components considering ∆ = q 2 + 4p (see in Table 1). As a natural consequence of this situation, taking into account special conditions, definition of special quaternions which mentioned in the papers [4, 6-9, 22, 29, 33, 34, 38] are generalized via Definition 1, the papers [3,21,32,41] are generalized from the viewpoint of definition, algebraic properties, relations and matrix representations of quaternions and finally different matrix forms in the papers [2,40,48] are generalized in Section 3. All of these situations can be examined in Table 2. ...
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The aim of this paper is to bring together quaternions and generalized complex numbers. Generalized quaternions with generalized complex number components are expressed and their algebraic structures are examined. Several matrix representations and computational results are introduced. As a crucial part, alternative approach for generalized quaternion matrix with elliptic number entries are developed.
In this work firstly real semi-quaternion matrices and their properties are examined. Then, 2n×2n2n\times 2n complex adjoint matrix and 4n×4n4n\times 4n real matrix representation of a real semi-quaternion matrix are expressed. Further systems of linear real semi-quaternionic equations are investigated and in some of them the 2n×2n2n\times 2n complex adjoint matrix and the 4n×4n4n\times 4n real matrix representation are used. Moreover, matrices which entries are complex semi-quaternions and their 2n×2n2n\times 2n real semi-quaternion matrix representation are presented. Additionally system of linear complex semi-quaternionic equations is described with this 2n×2n2n\times 2n matrix representation. Finally, for a complex semi-quaternion matrix 4n×4n4n\times 4n complex adjoint matrix is introduced. Also, linear complex semi-quaternionic equations systems are examined.
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The purpose of this study is to investigate some properties of 2×22×22 \times 2 hyperbolic split quaternion matrices. To verify this, we use matrices corresponding to the basis of hyperbolic split quaternions. Moreover, we give 4×44×44 \times 4 hyperbolic matrix representation and 8×88×88 \times 8 real matrix representation of a hyperbolic split quaternion.
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In this paper, we establish the concept of similarity and semi-similarity for elements of set of degenerate quaternions, pseudodegenerate quaternions and doubly degenerate quaternions by solving ax=xbax=xb{ax=xb} and xay=b,ybx=axay=b,ybx=a{xay=b, ybx=a}, respectively.
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The aim of this paper is to study the generalized quaternions, H��; and their basic properties. H�� has a generalized inner product that allows us to identify it with four-dimensional space E4: Also, it is shown that the set of all unit generalized quaternions with the group operation of quaternion multiplication is a Lie group of 3-dimension and its Lie algebra is found.
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The aim of this paper is to study the split semi-quaternions, Hss, and to give some of their algebraic properties. We show that the set of unit split semi-quaternions is a subgroup of H • ss. Furthermore, with the aid of De Moivre's formula, any powers of these quaternions can be obtained.
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In this paper, we consider split quaternions and split quaternion matrices. Firstly, we give some properties of split quaternions. After that we investigate split quaternion matrices using properties of complex matrices. Then we define the complex adjoint matrix of split quaternion matrices and we describe some of their properties. Furthermore, we give the definition of q-determinant of split quaternion matrices.
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In this paper, we present some important properties of complex split quaternions and their matrices. We also prove that any complex split quaternion has a 4 × 4 complex matrix representation. On the other hand, we give answers to the following two basic questions “If AB = I, is it true that BA = I for complex split quaternion matrices?” and “How can the inverse of a complex split quaternion matrix be found?”. Finally, we give an explicit formula for the inverse of a complex split quaternion matrix by using complex matrices.